
Everyone talks about the build autism of this game but how is the worldbuilding, story and immersion side of things? I might as well go play Path of Exile if I want build autism so what kind of a roleplaying experience does this actually provide?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Theres an orc paladin that trades away her family's holy sword for a gender-swap potion for her partner. All this happens in the danguerous lands of the Worldwound where having a good weapon is sort of important.
    How's that for word-building?

    • 9 months ago

      We don't talk about the world or plot for a reason.

  2. 9 months ago

    It's a power fantasy game for horny incels. It also has decent roleplaying depth due to different mythic paths. It's good at what it wants to do, but don't expect some kind of existence-defining wisdom shit.

    • 9 months ago

      How do you manage to have 2000 hours in a game but were only able to unlock 70 achievements

      • 9 months ago

        Because I don't give a shit. Steam cheevios mean nothing since SAM exists. I define my own achievements.

        • 9 months ago

          I love Weird

  3. 9 months ago

    i tried playing it and got overwhelmed by all the gay systems and just uninstalled and refunded it. i cant be fricking bothered to sit down and learn about the game for 5 hours reading tutorials to enjoy it. life's too short for that shit.

  4. 9 months ago

    >what kind of a roleplaying experience does this actually provide?

    A very poor one.
    Compared to Kingmaker this game's roleplaying is trash, PURE PURE TRASH. In Kingmaker you had basically one dialogue option for every single alignment, it was awesome. Here you have, at best, 3 dialogue options, with the ocassional "this choice is... LE CHOTIC!!" tag in front of it.

    It tried to run on a "your mythic path changes the game and your protagonist!" but it does no such thing, the times in which you have a new special dialogue option based on your path are VERY FEW.

    You also rarely have several ways to handle situations Usually it's succeed vs fail. Hell, the very beginning of the game has a troony caught under a rock, and instead of giving you the option to walk away or shit like that, your dialogue options re
    1. Help! i love trans people
    2. Help with my smarts, yay trans!
    3. (Evil) i love helping trans people but i'll ask for money for my gender surgery 🙂

    • 9 months ago

      >It tried to run on a "your mythic path changes the game and your protagonist!" but it does no such thing
      Yes, it does. You haven't played the game and your wrong opinions don't matter.

      • 9 months ago

        No idea why you shills keep trying to gaslight people. I already played the game because you tricked me into thinking whole chapters were different based on your path, i was promised in /vrpg/ that if you went angel Act 4 was about going ot heaven and you only visited the abyss if you went demon and such.

        Meanwhile the actual game is the exact same boring linear shit with one side quest for each mythic path, some are literally picking 20 daggers.

        I get you have no life.
        I get you have no friends, no love life, no sex, you're just a suicide waiting to happen. But not because you lack a community it means you need to latch onto a videogame and lie to people on internet forums to get them to play them.

        It literally takes no effort not to lie. You should try being honest, like Applejack!

        • 9 months ago

          All of the main mythic paths have swathes of unique content: Demon, Snoygel, Azata, Aeon. You're a lying fricking moron and your shit opinions are to be ignored.

          • 9 months ago

            No idea why you shills keep trying to gaslight people. I already played the game because you tricked me into thinking whole chapters were different based on your path, i was promised in /vrpg/ that if you went angel Act 4 was about going ot heaven and you only visited the abyss if you went demon and such.

            Meanwhile the actual game is the exact same boring linear shit with one side quest for each mythic path, some are literally picking 20 daggers.

            I get you have no life.
            I get you have no friends, no love life, no sex, you're just a suicide waiting to happen. But not because you lack a community it means you need to latch onto a videogame and lie to people on internet forums to get them to play them.

            It literally takes no effort not to lie. You should try being honest, like Applejack!

            >Froggy vs Farquaad
            Oh boy

          • 9 months ago

            Prove it. By all means, prove. it.
            You get to the tower, pick a mythic path: All that follows is the dyke (straight) orc either praising you or complaining and you being shoved as Knight Commander. Nobody else ever brings up your mythic path again, nothing you do matters. If you're angel you're told to pick 20 daggers as a side quest you can completly ski, if you're trickster you can go into your closet for reddit humor, if you're demon you get kidnapped and it reuses Act 4 content because of how lazy they were.

            Act 1, Act 2 and Act 4 have ZERO special content for Mythic Paths and Act 5 was so buggy almost all Mythic Paths were bugged and only Aeon had a special impact in the ending.

            So please don't say stupid dumb shit again like "it has swathes of content!!!". It doesn't. Do you know what happesn in Witcher 2 if you chose Roche instead of Iorveth? YOU GET A COMPLETLY DIFFERENT GAME.
            Do you know what happesn in DA:I if you choose mages over templars? The very sidekick of the villain is completly different and you get different side quests with your advisors.

            Do you know what happens if you pick Demon instead of Angel in Pathfinder? Oh well i guess your character has... LE HORNS now! Kys.

            • 9 months ago

              >Nobody else ever brings up your mythic path again
              They do plenty of times once you hit chapter 3 which is the biggest chapter in the game. There are shitloads of quests and encounters unique to mythic paths, there are endings unique to mythic paths.

              Act 4 (the Abyss) has unique content for the main mythic paths: Demon, Snoygel, Azata, Aeon. Even Trickster gets some.

              Basically, everything you shat out is a lie. The game absolutely does solid Choices&Consequences when it comes to mythic paths.

              • 9 months ago

                Don't interact with him, he's a moron that played the game once on release and broke everything by fricking with flags in toybox so he could trigger events for the various paths.

              • 9 months ago

                >They do plenty of times once you hit chapter 3

                They don't.

                >There are shitloads of quests and encounters unique to mythic paths

                There aren't.

                >there are endings unique to mythic paths.

                Just for Aeon and Demon who killed Nocticula. Also "unique endings" lmao, a slide that was written at last minute is not a "unique ending". Do you know what happens in Cyberpunk 2077 if you do side quests for the nico Avocados? You unlock a whole path with a new final quest, a new epilogue and different cutscenes.

                Saying each path has a "unique ending" because of a written slide is so pathetic and dishonest anon, do better. People literally have meltdowns over ME3 endings being different colored cutscenes and you try to pass a wall of text as "a new ending"?

                >Act 4 (the Abyss) has unique content for the main mythic paths

                No it doens't.

                >The game absolutely does solid Choices&Consequences when it comes to mythic paths.

                I know you transexuals are very creepy and fetishistic, but not becaues Trickster path gives you the choice to turn a man into a woman and have him raped by demons it means each path has "le amazing new content yaay". That is literally the one time in the whole game Trickster has an interaction and it's troony shit.

              • 9 months ago

                >They don't.
                They do. You have shat out an outright lie.

                >There aren't.
                There are. You have shat out another outright lie.

                >Just for Aeon and Demon who killed Nocticula
                Lolmoron. You haven't played the game. Azata gets a unique ending. Trickster gets a unique ending. Lich gets a unique ending.

                Don't give a shit about your troonypunk nonsense. Mythic paths lock and unlock shitloads of unique content already.

                Basically, everything you've posted is an outright fricking lie. Anyone who has actually played the game will shit down your throat for being a lying fricking subhuman. Which I'm doing right now by the way: open wide.

              • 9 months ago

                Why aren't you proving anything? Who do you think you're convincing by just lying? Why can't you just post a screenshot of how Act 3 and Act 4 are completly different if you go Demon instead of Azata?

                Oh right... you can't. Because it's the exact same game 🙁

              • 9 months ago

                >Act 3 and Act 4 are completly different
                They're not completely different, they have unique quests and encounters based on your mythic path. You're a lying shit-eating subhuman claiming that this is not the case and after being exposed as one you are now trying to move goalposts into the territory of entire acts being different which was never stated or advertised by anyone.

                You do not argue in good faith, you're a lying sack of shit trying to misguide newbies, therefore the only thing I can do is shit on your subhuman fricking head.

            • 9 months ago

              It was hilarious walking around as a lich (full skelly mode and all that) and NOT A SINGLE NPC giving you a reaction to that. npcs that knew your characters don't react. The new NPCs don't react. The fricking queen doesn't react, damn, how do they even recognize you every time? I'm almost intrigued enough to check if it stays the same for the swarm. Almost.

              • 9 months ago

                You can literally end up killing everyone on Drezen, including Galfrey, as a result of becoming a lichtroony because they don't like it
                Do you homosexuals even read?

              • 9 months ago

                > There are lots of reactions anon because you can kill everyone :3

                Dead bodies don't react, literally, you can turn Galfrey into an undead companion and she has no dialogues.

              • 9 months ago

                >Just ignore Galfrey getting pissed of and making retaining the commander title impossible, or her outright trying to kill you
                Consider suicide you fricking spic

              • 9 months ago

                >>Just ignore Galfrey getting pissed of and making retaining the commander title impossible, or her outright trying to kill you


                WHY ARE YOU LYING


                Gaslighting is for REAL LIFE RELATIONSHIPS not for people on internet forums, you sad pathetic miserable freak.

              • 9 months ago

                No shit. The traders, the inn keeper, your old quartermaster, advisors - nobody cares. You can even ask what people think of you LMAO.

                >The fricking queen doesn't react
                That's an outright lie. The queen and even the troony react to you choosing the lich path in act 3. Another lie by the huezillian homosexual.

                Wasn't talking about act 3. Fricking shill.

              • 9 months ago

                It can't say anything for Swarm because Swarm automatically kills all companions. They made sure to literally ERASE all NPCs in Swarm path so they didn't have to write any new lines or make any new quests or anything.

                A shame because only Swarm and evil Demon get to kill the troony.

              • 9 months ago

                >The fricking queen doesn't react
                That's an outright lie. The queen and even the troony react to you choosing the lich path in act 3. Another lie by the huezillian homosexual.

              • 9 months ago

                don't bother. he's a moronic shitposter
                he probably doesn't even know you can turn the queen undead

              • 9 months ago

                You do realize the troony and the queen hate you and criticize you even if you're a super good lawful good angel? Even Seelah seethes if you're angel.

              • 9 months ago

                Seelah literally SUPPORTS YOU if you play angel, she goes against HER OWN GODDESS' wishes you dumb moron

                >>Just ignore Galfrey getting pissed of and making retaining the commander title impossible, or her outright trying to kill you


                WHY ARE YOU LYING


                Gaslighting is for REAL LIFE RELATIONSHIPS not for people on internet forums, you sad pathetic miserable freak.

                Except that when you play Angel you get a dialogue check to automatically bypasses everything and you can keep your title, Angel is the only path that gets that. Normally, retaining it involves passing skill checks and Galfrey juding your performance up until that point, BUT there are certain mythic paths (demon, lich, trickster and an azata that attacked the midnight fane early) that make it impossible, no matter what you can't persuade her
                Fricking have a nice day Farquaad I mean it, or go back to shitpost on BG3 threads

              • 9 months ago

                >Seelah literally SUPPORTS YOU if you play angel, she goes against HER OWN GODDESS

                No she doens't lmao she literally says
                > if this power comes from a demon then you should give it up!!!

                >and you can keep your title

                oh well praise the lorda! Da quen sent me to die in hell because she was jealous but thank god i get to retain my title after she trash talked me, critciized me, vilified me and would have beheaded me right there if she could and all because "it just kinda bothered me that in my 100 years of female incompetence i didn't manage to accomplish anything but you saved the day in 2 weeks :(".

              • 9 months ago

                >> if this power comes from a demon then you should give it up!!!
                That's what she says with every path other than Angel and Azata you moron
                >oh well praise the lorda! Da quen sent me to die in hell because she was jealous but thank god i get to retain my title after she trash talked me, critciized me, vilified me and would have beheaded me right there if she could and all because "it just kinda bothered me that in my 100 years of female incompetence i didn't manage to accomplish anything but you saved the day in 2 weeks :(".
                Yes you dumb fricking gay Hispanic Galfrey is a moron, what do I care? The point is that she still seethes to you being a Lich, she has dialogue for it, and you said she didn't. Don't try to move this into a discussion about how bad women are like you always do, moronic spic
                You're genuinely so fricking moronic it hurts my eyes to read

              • 9 months ago

                moronic shill, lol. I talked about the lich, not him, and it was literally
                >It was hilarious walking around as a lich (full skelly mode and all that) and NOT A SINGLE NPC giving you a reaction to that
                What act do you think I was referring to? Dishonest trash.

              • 9 months ago

                I was "stripped from my rank" but when I came back in Act 5 everyone, every single NPC still called me Commander and acted like I'm still officially in charge. Funny stuff.

              • 9 months ago

                Here is the evidence by the way you moron

              • 9 months ago

                >Seelah literally SUPPORTS YOU if you play angel, she goes against HER OWN GODDESS

                No she doens't lmao she literally says
                > if this power comes from a demon then you should give it up!!!

                >and you can keep your title

                oh well praise the lorda! Da quen sent me to die in hell because she was jealous but thank god i get to retain my title after she trash talked me, critciized me, vilified me and would have beheaded me right there if she could and all because "it just kinda bothered me that in my 100 years of female incompetence i didn't manage to accomplish anything but you saved the day in 2 weeks :(".

                Does she still send you to the Abyss if you romance her?

              • 9 months ago

                You can't really romance her until Act 5. And i'm pretty sure if you're even slightly mean to her while she's sending you to hell the romance is immediatly over. So yes she does send you to hell and you have to be a very weird simp to come back from hell after she tried to get you killed, forgive her and marry her.

              • 9 months ago

                You get a scene where she feels guilty about it but yes she still does it, because she's a c**t

                Wow, it's like La'Croix' betrayal all over again. Only in the middle of the game instead of close to the end.

              • 9 months ago

                You get a scene where she feels guilty about it but yes she still does it, because she's a c**t

              • 9 months ago

                >the queen hate you and criticize you even if you're a super good lawful good angel
                ...? is Galfrey the arbiter and judge of what is right or good? Frick no. She doesn't exist to pat you on the back. She sees you as a threat to her ego
                She's an incredibly flawed and insecure person that envies your accomplishments and your ascension.
                Speedreader pls don't disparage characters you didn't bother to understand

              • 9 months ago

                >is Galfrey the arbiter and judge of what is right or good? Frick no.

                She's literally your superior and the one who makes Act 4 happen. You literally have NO WAY to refuse her, or fight her, or anything.

                She sends you into a suicide mission to hell AND YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.
                At least Baldur's Gate 3 gives me a GAME OVER screen when i refuse strong feminist women. I'd take that over my character being forced to say "Yes ma'am" and go die in the abyss.

              • 9 months ago

                yeah because she IS the crusade. of course you have to do it; what's the alternative to going to the abyss in your mind? you said it yourself: the story just abruptly ends with a game over screen?
                kek this isn't an open world exploration sandbox. the devs have a literal adventure path laid out for you to enjoy and you're mad that you can't just ignore the story and the adventure itself?

              • 9 months ago

                >what's the alternative to going to the abyss in your mind?

                It's an RPG. It's supposed to be about choices. I don't give TWO FLYING FRICKS if in your troony tabletop campaign the protag goes into the abyss. This is MY rpg and you HAVE to give ME choices. Somehow i doubt your shitty tabletop campaign has a Succubus romance about how she "never refused anyone :)". If they can take their freedoms with that, why can't they give me a different act based on my choices?

                And even FRICKING THEN. Two things
                1. You can have the protag going to hell without it being "because the queen said so"
                2. You don't get to tell me the game is completly different based on your mythic path and now you come saying "w-well of course it has to be linear it's based on a pre existing campaign". Which one is it? Is it a completly different game if i go lich? or is it the same pre existing campaign?

                Again, why would you lie to me and tell me the queen reacts if i go demon ,or lich, or azata, if the outcome is the same?

                INBF: More gaslighting about how the game is totally different because Angel gets to keep his title without rolling the dice

                I want to beat you up until you can't breathe anymore.

              • 9 months ago

                For example, in BG2 - a game that's probably older than the Russian frickups that worked on WotR - you can skip the whole "Act" underwater by not taking the ship to get back to Athkatla.
                Considering how little the main plot advances in Act 4, nothing stopped the devs from doing the same. Well, nothing but the fact that the rest of the game is unfinished mess lol.

              • 9 months ago

                >Treating the Sahuagin city as an "act"
                The equivalent of the abyss is the underdark moron

        • 9 months ago

          >It literally takes no effort not to lie
          not for russians and owlkeks

    • 9 months ago

      >3. (Evil) i love helping trans people but i'll ask for money for my gender surgery 🙂
      holy kek

    • 9 months ago

      Shut the frick up Farquaad

    • 9 months ago

      >Compared to Kingmaker this game's roleplaying is trash, PURE PURE TRASH
      This is the exact opposite of my experience by the way
      OP, you should just try it and find out for yourself. I hated Kingmaker and loved the epic scale of WotR. It feels like the stakes and scopes of the story are much grander

      • 9 months ago

        It's not up to experience you stupid frick.
        Pathfinder Kingmaker had at times 9 dialogue option, one for each alignment. How you accept a quest, even if in essence you're saying yes, matters a lot because a Paladin wouldn't just say "Sure yeah why not" and a Neutral Evil character would be loud about how much he's getting paid.

        The fact that most of the time in kingmaker you had 9 dialogue options to choose while in wotr you have 3 AT MOST says a lot.

      • 9 months ago

        >Scale events taking place
        >Player ability to affect the events
        They're not intrinsically tied. Just because there's more of one doesn't mean there's more other as well. All you're saying is you prefer a story about universe destroying events where you can't affect anything over a story about a single kingdom where everything is up to you

    • 9 months ago

      No idea why you shills keep trying to gaslight people. I already played the game because you tricked me into thinking whole chapters were different based on your path, i was promised in /vrpg/ that if you went angel Act 4 was about going ot heaven and you only visited the abyss if you went demon and such.

      Meanwhile the actual game is the exact same boring linear shit with one side quest for each mythic path, some are literally picking 20 daggers.

      I get you have no life.
      I get you have no friends, no love life, no sex, you're just a suicide waiting to happen. But not because you lack a community it means you need to latch onto a videogame and lie to people on internet forums to get them to play them.

      It literally takes no effort not to lie. You should try being honest, like Applejack!

      It's not up to experience you stupid frick.
      Pathfinder Kingmaker had at times 9 dialogue option, one for each alignment. How you accept a quest, even if in essence you're saying yes, matters a lot because a Paladin wouldn't just say "Sure yeah why not" and a Neutral Evil character would be loud about how much he's getting paid.

      The fact that most of the time in kingmaker you had 9 dialogue options to choose while in wotr you have 3 AT MOST says a lot.

      Oh it's THIS homosexual again. Kek, no thanks. I've already explained why you were wrong a couple days ago with plenty of evidence and you just kept shitposting
      I'm not wasting anymore time on (you)

      • 9 months ago

        >with plenty of evidence

        You have never in your life provided evidence for anything.

        I find it funny this is an imageboard, you're literally using the internet right now. You could prove me wrong with screenshots, webms, youtube links, etc.
        Yet instead you choose to say "NOOO SHUT UP YOU DIDN'T PLAY THE GAME!!" and run away?

      • 9 months ago

        I just started the game the other night and he’s right. The girl (or guy if it’s a troony?) stuck under the rock and the negress trying to free her are beyond cringe and there’s no option to kill them or pass by without rescuing her. I’m still probably going to play the game because I want to play a lich but that was a major turn off.

    • 9 months ago

      No idea why you shills keep trying to gaslight people. I already played the game because you tricked me into thinking whole chapters were different based on your path, i was promised in /vrpg/ that if you went angel Act 4 was about going ot heaven and you only visited the abyss if you went demon and such.

      Meanwhile the actual game is the exact same boring linear shit with one side quest for each mythic path, some are literally picking 20 daggers.

      I get you have no life.
      I get you have no friends, no love life, no sex, you're just a suicide waiting to happen. But not because you lack a community it means you need to latch onto a videogame and lie to people on internet forums to get them to play them.

      It literally takes no effort not to lie. You should try being honest, like Applejack!

      Prove it. By all means, prove. it.
      You get to the tower, pick a mythic path: All that follows is the dyke (straight) orc either praising you or complaining and you being shoved as Knight Commander. Nobody else ever brings up your mythic path again, nothing you do matters. If you're angel you're told to pick 20 daggers as a side quest you can completly ski, if you're trickster you can go into your closet for reddit humor, if you're demon you get kidnapped and it reuses Act 4 content because of how lazy they were.

      Act 1, Act 2 and Act 4 have ZERO special content for Mythic Paths and Act 5 was so buggy almost all Mythic Paths were bugged and only Aeon had a special impact in the ending.

      So please don't say stupid dumb shit again like "it has swathes of content!!!". It doesn't. Do you know what happesn in Witcher 2 if you chose Roche instead of Iorveth? YOU GET A COMPLETLY DIFFERENT GAME.
      Do you know what happesn in DA:I if you choose mages over templars? The very sidekick of the villain is completly different and you get different side quests with your advisors.

      Do you know what happens if you pick Demon instead of Angel in Pathfinder? Oh well i guess your character has... LE HORNS now! Kys.

      how can one man be this based? thank you for putting these homosexuals in their place

      • 9 months ago

        you're welcome

  5. 9 months ago

    I like it, people hate it, but my opinion>their opinion. So it's good
    Though kingmaker>wotr purely because fricking untamed shithole >le epic crusade
    Roleplaying is great in both.
    You've got plenty of choices tied to your alignment and mythic paths.
    Minor spoilers but how about pretending to be the leader of the cultists and ordering morons to bomb their main base? Or look, ruler of a neighboring city and all its inhabitants have been kidnapped by evil necromancer... You can save him, but how about beating up necromancer and ordering him to serve you while selling the souls of villagers as antiques?

  6. 9 months ago

    >how is the worldbuilding, story and immersion side of things
    It's incredible and the actual reason I love the game-- not the builds. For me, builds just enable RP elements and were never the main focus of my time with the game
    I could not get into Kingmaker, because it's story did not grip me. WOTR sucked me in right away and as soon as I got my first mythic point is was over and I was hooked

  7. 9 months ago

    >nerds will fight over this
    just accept that people play these games for different reasons

    • 9 months ago

      Should I start with Kingmaker? Seems like the lowlife fantasy would be better to play before the epic story

      • 9 months ago

        option A: start with Kingmaker
        -you play without Owlcat's improvements to the game engine and QoL
        -you risk quitting before you finish and play WotR

        option B: start with WotR
        -you won't be able to enjoy Kingmaker now without it feeling like a step backwards

        I've tried playing Kingmaker many times and I always drop it right around the time the Kingdom mechanic kicks in. It's not that it's a bad, I just would rather play more Wrath instead if that makes sense

  8. 9 months ago

    LOTS of new VN content, pls believe me

  9. 9 months ago

    The worldbuilding is shit. Golarion is probably trumps Faerun in amount of asspulled anime tier bullshit it presents and hamfistedly justifies.
    Story is meh, standard fantasy slop.
    Immersion is frequently broken by terrible character writing.

  10. 9 months ago

    Do you need to play this turd for 1.5K hours to argue with the reddit defense force? I managed to get as far as act 2, it's a cheap parody of the fantasy genre.

    • 9 months ago

      You are not aware of how discussing games works anon?
      Well let me explain it to you

      1. If you didn't finish the game because it's trash, then you have no right to criticize it, because you didn't finish it
      2. If you did finish the game, then you also DON'T have the right to criticize it because "you're a moron for playing a game you didn't enjoy! HA!!".

      There's just no winning with them, they are very fragile and their wordlviews are easy to shatter so they have to resort to dismissing people in the most pathetic of ways. It's why the most common shut down they have is "Y-you didn't play the game". They are terrified of being proven wrong, which they always are.

    • 9 months ago

      I suspect it's just one anon baiting for replies. There can be no real shilling for a game that old, and WotR fans probably can do better than saying "nu-uh" 10 times in a row.

      • 9 months ago

        Oh no, they are real. I complained about WOTR in the BG3 subreddit and they all had a meltdown and started insisting like that anon that the game was "completly different based on your mythic path" too. CRPG fans are very mentally ill and fragile.

        • 9 months ago

          Of fricking course you did, let me guess, you don't complain about straights trannies and women there right? You'd get banned

          • 9 months ago

            Honey, i don't follow the rules anywhere.

        • 9 months ago

          I mean, don't get me wrong, I had my fun with the game. It's just that it's a linear, terribly written RPG. Just like countless others I've played in the past and had fun with.
          People used to be able to actually admit the game isn't perfect and it was no biggie. Now it's like everyone is a face of a marketing campaign.

  11. 9 months ago

    >frogBlack person vs homosexual

  12. 9 months ago

    >how is the worldbuilding, story and immersion side of things?
    Terrible. Russians dangerhairs can't write for shit.

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