>pay almost 50 euros for the book + DLC's. >cruchy af system compared to the old games

>pay almost 50 euros for the book + DLC's
>cruchy af system compared to the old games
>unbalanced mudcore shit
>also most the races that exist in the whf world arent playable unless the gm says so
>tho you will have to homebrew anything outside of "the old realms"
>the lore is full of redcons and the world will just die in the end lol

why do people even play this? let alone buy the books

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    >why do people like stuff i dont like
    Because i dont care about your issues, i can afford it and i prefer physical books over pdf

    • 2 months ago

      People like the setting and the crunchy rules

      but is it fun? or you're just wasting your life?

      • 2 months ago

        I liked the new combat, with damage and criticals being based on degree of sucess but I didn't like the new level based career system.

        For me it is.

        • 2 months ago

          It's mostly just a reformatting of how they used to work. Personally I think it's a big improvement because none of the interest of changing careers is lost but there is no more straight line progression for when it doesn't make sense to bounce between careers.

      • 2 months ago

        >is it fun
        Yes. I wouldn't play a game I didn't enjoy.

      • 2 months ago

        It's very fun!

      • 2 months ago

        >or you're just wasting your life?
        All RPGs are wasting your life, dumb Black person.

  2. 2 months ago

    People like the setting and the crunchy rules

  3. 2 months ago

    >why do people even play this?
    because they saw some desperate marketing for zweihander and looked into it, saw that it was shit and you should just play this instead, and now here we are

  4. 2 months ago

    WFRP 4e is great IMO. Sucks you bought into a game you're not into but that does sorta seem like what you were expecting.

  5. 2 months ago

    >cruchy af system compared to the old games
    Also a lot more engaging. Love the whole damage depends on degrees of SL.
    >unbalanced mudcore shit
    WHFB have always been unbalanced (fx an Elf will almost always be better in almost all aspects than a human) and it's less mudcore than previous editions. Also if you don't like the mudcore aesthetics, then why are you playing WFRPG in the first place?
    >also most the races that exist in the whf world arent playable unless the gm says so
    Definitely a plus in my book. Plenty of other systems if you wanna play freakshit.
    >tho you will have to homebrew anything outside of "the old realms.
    Also a plus. Reikland alone feels much more like a real place in WHFB than Faerun in its entirity.
    I would rather have depth than width when it comes to setting.
    >>the lore is full of redcons and the world will just die in the end lol
    Eh, doesn't really change that much, but i agree that WHFB having different timelines is kinda annoying for chronology.

    All in all, you bought a system not designed nor advertised for what you were looking for and got mad.
    Kinda fail to se how that's the systems fault.

  6. 2 months ago

    I like WFRP 4E even though I don't like the art

  7. 2 months ago

    >also most the races that exist in the whf world arent playable unless the gm says so

    That's the case in all WFRP editions.

    • 2 months ago

      In 2ed you have rules for most humanoid races

      • 2 months ago

        And in 4E. They just aren't playable without GM permission. Want a skink? There's rules for PC but still GM permission.

    • 2 months ago

      Poke some of the writters, they like to make homebrew, seeing as there is free homebrew for playing ogres by one of the writters in 2nd ed

  8. 2 months ago

    >also most the races that exist in the whf world arent playable unless the gm says so
    For me it's an advantage, I want to roleplay a human in a fantastic world
    D&D and other systems with more and more bizarre races were never appealing to me - people in the end played weirdly colored and looking humans anyway simply for their stats, and not roleplaying

  9. 2 months ago

    >let alone buy the books
    Nobody who actually plays RPGs buys books, paypiggies are hoarders who just collect shit so they can feel dopamine looking at their pile of useless consumer garbage.

    I have played WHFRP4e extensively along with 2e (and I have even played the weird and shitty FFG specialty dice 3rd edition) but I have never spent a penny buying books. This is the 21st century, if you are even slightly tech literate you can find these books and essentially all others for free in minutes, which is what almost every single person I have ever played with in the 15+ years I've been playing and GMing RPGs has done.

    • 2 months ago

      >Nobody who actually plays RPGs buys books
      >How to say I prefer to spend money on drinking and other shit instead of my supposed "hobby"

      • 2 months ago

        >you MUST consoom!!!
        >if not RPG books, you MUST spend money on alcohol!!!
        >ALL people are consumption-addicted animals like me!!!

        • 2 months ago

          Well yes, beside obvious needs to provide for my biological well-being and some savings, I earn money to spend on things that give me joy i.e. hobbies

          • 2 months ago

            >Why yes I am happy to be a consumer drone, one of my few joys in life is spending money to acquire things that are actually freely available, just to enjoy the thrill of consooooming
            You're hopeless. You don't even see how embarrassing your position is.

            What's the deal with Burgers hating broccoli
            Broccoli is great

            Zoomers have adopted the so-called "broccoli head" look, there is no singular American cultural opinion about broccoli as a food, you are silly.

            • 2 months ago

              >consumer drone
              You are incredibly silly in your contrarianism
              I buy things I like, not the ones that are offered to me or are the current fad

              >there is no singular American cultural opinion about broccoli as a food, you are silly.
              I base my opinions on selected consumption of cultural stereotypes like pic related
              You provide only weak silly anecdotal evidence
              Therefore I don't believe you

            • 2 months ago

              So what do you spend your extra money on instead of things that you enjoy, Anon? I mean money that you have left after you take care of essentialsassuming you're not a fricking poorgay that doesn't have any expendable income. Serious question.

              because unless you're investing it or using it to support a family(which you don't have since you're on Ganker) you're in no position to critize anyone

              • 2 months ago

                My hobbies don't require money to enjoy. Your choice to spend money subsidizing the predatory and contempt-filled "industry" is not only indicative of your personal lack of discipline and quality, it's also a moral failing. You pay to keep the lights on at WotC (no doubt you're dndogshitter given your predilection to waste money), or least at Cube7 and at GW. That's not a neutral act, that is both profoundly stupid and undeniably evil. All of these companies only promote the degeneration of this hobby and the civilization it springs from, and you are fine with that because you get your stupid baubles.

              • 2 months ago

                Answer the question

              • 2 months ago

                >My hobbies don't require money to enjoy

              • 2 months ago

                holy frick I can almost smell the salty neckbeard through the screen

              • 2 months ago

                >Your choice to spend money subsidizing the predatory and contempt-filled "industry" is not only indicative of your personal lack of discipline and quality, it's also a moral failing.
                Anon, you literally sound like a teenager who got his first paycheck and learned about the taxes

              • 2 months ago

                >waah, waaah, waaah
                >dont spend money on things you enjoy
                >the west has fallen, society is evil, corpo bad
                Jesus, coming straight out of your first marx reading session? Touch some grass, lad. You´re not going to save the world. Reminder that you are posting on a bulgarian wax candle making website. Be an activist elswere.

              • 2 months ago

                for such a fricking smartass you sure have trouble answering a simple question

              • 2 months ago

                Based. So many consoomer npcs seethed at this post without actually being able to provide a rebuttal

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                don't jump to conclusions, maybe he's just a wanker

              • 2 months ago

                >My hobbies don't require money to enjoy

                Well he did say his hobbies don't cost money.

              • 2 months ago

                well I play Zweihander and have never paid a penny for any of the books

              • 2 months ago

                The implication (which I forgot to highlight via greentext) was that Anon's biggest hobby which he doesn't spend money on, was in fact jacking off.

              • 2 months ago

                holy based post
                Giving money to WotC or GW is literally evil. Every paypiggy itt has the option of pirating pdf's and donating their money to a (non-corrupt) charity instead, or better yet, spend that money for the betterment of their families.

                Allocating resources is never morally neutral.
                A man spending all his money boozing while his children are starving is evil. Giving money to corrupt corporations that will spend it on subsidizing leeches on society, when that money could have gone to bettering the life of someone deserving, is evil.


                You seem confused anon. The whole point of communism is to give money and power to evil, undeserving people.

              • 2 months ago

                >I don't have minis, don't have rpg books, and just come to cry about politics du jour
                Secondaries everywhere

              • 2 months ago

                I have 2 weekly games right now.
                I 3d print my minis or source them from 3rd party suppliers.
                >ad hominem

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah I'm sure you print slop without paying a printer or resin. But I'm sure those companies are good somehow?
                >>ad hominem
                That's the most plebbit thing I've seen. Frick off.

              • 2 months ago

                >keeping evil tech companies alive by buying a 3d printer
                Anon, i....

                >also most the races that exist in the whf world arent playable unless the gm says so
                Good. I dont need a Lizardman, a Chaos Warrior, a Skaven, a Black Ork and a High Elf in the same party.

                >3d printer companies are evil somehow?!?
                So you're just argueing for the sake of it or what?

              • 2 months ago

                Yes, it's better to pay for rare metals and Chinese child labour than pay for a Spaniard to cast me some pewter mini. Definitely.

              • 2 months ago

                Try to keep up with the discussion. The argument is about giving money to companies when you could have easily pirated anon. You can't exactly pirate a 3d printer.

              • 2 months ago

                I want physical books and economies of scale mean that even if I had a high quality colour printer that's super expensive it'd still cost as much as buying the book itself.
                Not everyone likes using pdfs, I despise them and prefer real books, especially for rpgs which I need to reference all the time.

              • 2 months ago

                People pirating everything they can does not make for a sustainable system in the modern world where so much is digital. RPG books are either worth spending money on or they're not worth spending your time on, either.

              • 2 months ago

                Where the frick do you think 3d printers and everything they use are made you absolute and utter moron? You're doing the same fricking thing by paying that spaniard to print you minis. Only difference is you're not the one directly exploiting chinese child labour, you moved it to another guy. Do you have a self sufficient home and grow your food in the backyard? Or are only selective parts of chinese child labor acceptable while others are not? What is with the influx of savior complex morons lately. If you want to make a difference go do community work or something instead of shitposting on Ganker you inbred homosexual

              • 2 months ago

                They don't 3d print metal minis moron.
                And holy hell did you shift those goalposts, from "you can't support miniature companies they're evil" to "actually there is no ethical consumption."
                Either you're a troll or you're the stupidest person on this planet.

              • 2 months ago

                I think you misunderstood my post Anon. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of virtue signalling on fricking Ganker. At this point it's pretty much impossible to avoid things that are produced using cheap asian/african/south american labour unless you're close to 100% self sufficient. So trying to make people feel guilty about buying hobby shit cause it's produced by poor chinamen for a bowl of rice is utterly stupid because every single piece of electronics is made there. So that homosexual is abusing that child labor by posting here since he does it from a pc or a phone, hence he's being a hypocrite.

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah, I thought you were that idiot shaming people for buying from GW or whatever.
                I personally would get a 3d printer if not for health concerns living in an apartment, but there are so many things to think of first before cutting down on hobby shit. Meat consumption being the most obvious one. People might not like vegans but the worst people are the ones who shame you for enjoying hobby shit or travel for environmental or ethical issues and then go eat a burger. Hypocrites.

              • 2 months ago

                This. I use a German guy who casts a load of old warhammer metal models himself. Pretty sure he does it out of his shed.

                Why the hell would I spend twice as much and give my money to gw when I can support a small business and get the models that I actually want in metal. I know a lot of people prefer plastic, and paint chipping is a bit annoying if you don’t varnish your models, but they are way more durable and I value that.

              • 2 months ago

                >keeping evil tech companies alive by buying a 3d printer
                Anon, i....

                >also most the races that exist in the whf world arent playable unless the gm says so
                Good. I dont need a Lizardman, a Chaos Warrior, a Skaven, a Black Ork and a High Elf in the same party.

              • 2 months ago

                You're literally spending time on a mongolian basket weaving forum, I find it utterly hilarious that you want to moralize people here of all fricking places.

                I'm not sure you realize this but if you pirate shit someone still had to pay for it, it doesn't just magically appear online out of thin air. You're just leeching off someone elses's work/spending and trying to present it as morally superior, are you legit fricking moronic? I'm all for piracy but this logic really is something else

                >making this big of a deal of spending a couple bucks on your hobbies once in a while
                legit just how fricking poor you you lmao

                >non corrupt charity

                you really need to leave your mother's basement sometime, they don't exist at this point. Even "non corrupt" charity has to have an employee network to function so I'd assume at least half of what you donate will go towards their wages. I feel no need to provide for people without getting anything in return aside from a false sense of moral superiority, tyvm

              • 2 months ago

                I dropped 8k on an army of Orcs last month. Cry about it.

        • 2 months ago

          What's the deal with Burgers hating broccoli
          Broccoli is great

          • 2 months ago

            Same with Japanese people hating Eggplants and Tomatoes

            It looks yucky to them.

        • 2 months ago

          Now this is just delusional. Physical books are both handy and more pleasant to use than pdfs, and if you're going to spend a lot of time playing a game, getting the book is probably a good use of money. The idea that the only reason anyone would acquire anything is pure consoomerism is just bizarre. You're not one of those people who try to present pirating shit as some kind of a noble statement, are you?

          Not a burger, but there's just something about broccoli and cauliflower that puts me off. I like and eat veggies in general, but something about the combination of taste, texture and appearance of broccoli and cauliflower just doesn't work for me at all.

          So, do you pirate the products of these companies or do you do the sane and moral thing and not have anything to do with something you so strongly dislike? If it's the latter, what are you even doing in this thread, anon? If it's the former, why would you? Just spend your time on something you like instead.

          Am I the only one here who dabbles in bookbinding?
          >print on high quality paper
          >simple printed covers and simple stitch for zines
          >full cross stitch and hardcover for large books
          >paint and varnish or add leather wrapping with embossed title and filigranes

          • 2 months ago

            A good friend of mine is professional book binder. When we all got into whfb 6e he bound a beautiful rule book for us all to use. He’s a talented guy the book was a work of art.

            I have dabbled a little bit myself, and I’ve decided I’m going to create a little bound booklet for my mordheim gang for an upcoming campaign we are doing. Roster sheet, reference sheet, warband info, and room for hired swords. Love how the hobby gives you excuses to just make stuff like this.

      • 2 months ago

        Nice projecting, homosexual.

    • 2 months ago

      imagine being so fricking poor you can't afford to spend a small amount of money on your hobbies every once in a while without feeling guilty about it

      Also you do realise a lot of people have been into their hobbies for literal years. I spend like $100 tops on nerd garbage every month. Which is literally less than I sometimes used to waste on a single night out when I had some semblance of a social life. The stuff I have kinda piled up over 10 years

    • 2 months ago

      >you MUST consoom!!!
      >if not RPG books, you MUST spend money on alcohol!!!
      >ALL people are consumption-addicted animals like me!!!

      Now this is just delusional. Physical books are both handy and more pleasant to use than pdfs, and if you're going to spend a lot of time playing a game, getting the book is probably a good use of money. The idea that the only reason anyone would acquire anything is pure consoomerism is just bizarre. You're not one of those people who try to present pirating shit as some kind of a noble statement, are you?

      What's the deal with Burgers hating broccoli
      Broccoli is great

      Not a burger, but there's just something about broccoli and cauliflower that puts me off. I like and eat veggies in general, but something about the combination of taste, texture and appearance of broccoli and cauliflower just doesn't work for me at all.

      My hobbies don't require money to enjoy. Your choice to spend money subsidizing the predatory and contempt-filled "industry" is not only indicative of your personal lack of discipline and quality, it's also a moral failing. You pay to keep the lights on at WotC (no doubt you're dndogshitter given your predilection to waste money), or least at Cube7 and at GW. That's not a neutral act, that is both profoundly stupid and undeniably evil. All of these companies only promote the degeneration of this hobby and the civilization it springs from, and you are fine with that because you get your stupid baubles.

      So, do you pirate the products of these companies or do you do the sane and moral thing and not have anything to do with something you so strongly dislike? If it's the latter, what are you even doing in this thread, anon? If it's the former, why would you? Just spend your time on something you like instead.

    • 2 months ago

      LOL poorgay
      Go steal more scans, they’re all you can afford.

  10. 2 months ago

    If you want to play as DElves, Greenskins, any Chaos Faction guy, any of the undead or a Lizardman...then you either wait for a new book or homerule them into existence.

    • 2 months ago

      tbf for Lizardmen the Lustria book does give rules to make PC Skinks but also downplays it saying it terrible idea that doesn't work outside of Oneshot

  11. 2 months ago

    so since this has turned into a WFRP thread when should we expect Cubicle 7 to release Deft Steps, Light Fingers?
    feels like it was announced ages ago and it has still not been released

  12. 2 months ago

    >also most the races that exist in the whf world arent playable unless the gm says so

    Isn't every TTRPG like this

  13. 2 months ago

    >t. doesn't even know what the books contain, but probably actually bought them anyway
    morons gonna moron, but why do you have to shitpost?

  14. 2 months ago

    I allowed my players to play humans, halflings and dwarfs - and sole female player an elf. Everybody wanted to play elves because of stats, yet only the girl could somehow act like an elf. And for some reason nobody wanted to play a dwarf or halfling, so we hand a she-elf and human company. That was years ago. Nowadays I wouldn't allow my players to play anything else than humans (and probably halflings). It's just almost nobody can actually role-play as a non-human. Most players don't read fiction from BL (or Tolkien for example, if Warhammer fiction is unbearable for someone), they don't give a frick about a setting generally, so they don't research anything - so why the hell should I, as a GM, allow them to play non-humans, if they act like humans no matter what race they are playing?

  15. 2 months ago

    >also most the races that exist in the whf world aren't playable unless the gm says so
    Probably a good thing. Tried to play a Skaven in a party full of humans, inquisitors, and witch hunters. It went south so quickly the game died within two sessions. It was mostly the DMs fault among other things, but we were doing so many mental gymnastics to keep my character alive that I almost preferred for the party to straight up kill him and roll a new one.

    Oh, and the system sucks.

    • 2 months ago

      >also most the races that exist in the whf world arent playable unless the gm says so
      Great, stops someone from playing something that would make sense joining the party. This isnt dnd, no sane human willingly walk around with a dark elf, an orc, or god forbid a skaven

      I'm curious as to how that went? Why didnt they just kill you on the spot? Those arnt very good inquisitors and witch hunters...

      • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        The actual reason was always kind of vapid, and that's because everyone was proposing something different while the DM never really bothered to fixate on something specific.

        At first, it was about him knowing towns where the Skaven would strike in the future, which didn't last long as he was simply tortured out of it by the party. Then it was changed to a prisoner escort mission, bringing the Skaven from point A to B. Then it was changed to how one PC who was an Araby noble wanted an exotic slave. Then one PC wanted to keep it as an experiment, in the hopes he could "convert a ratmen into Sigmar".

        Ultimately, the party dynamic was always about how they could easily kill my character if they truly wanted to (and how much would they love to) but never did because [insert reason here]. At most, they just resorted to physically torture him, while keeping him as a tool for battle and defense.

      • 2 months ago

        You know, there are Greenskin merceneries right? They might not function in normal society, but I absolutely can see players having Gnoblar slave or something like that hanging around. If suddenly Orcs were living in Altdorf then sure, I see problem with such a game, but then you can play in your own world with WFRP system if you want that kind of thing.

        Regardless, I can see a game, where players roll merceneries in, said, Border Princes and party has a Orc, Ogre and Humans from across The Known World.

        I can also see some Dark Elf who decided to frick off from the shithole that is Naggaroth, hanging around with pirates in The Old World or join Chaos Cult.

        The actual reason was always kind of vapid, and that's because everyone was proposing something different while the DM never really bothered to fixate on something specific.

        At first, it was about him knowing towns where the Skaven would strike in the future, which didn't last long as he was simply tortured out of it by the party. Then it was changed to a prisoner escort mission, bringing the Skaven from point A to B. Then it was changed to how one PC who was an Araby noble wanted an exotic slave. Then one PC wanted to keep it as an experiment, in the hopes he could "convert a ratmen into Sigmar".

        Ultimately, the party dynamic was always about how they could easily kill my character if they truly wanted to (and how much would they love to) but never did because [insert reason here]. At most, they just resorted to physically torture him, while keeping him as a tool for battle and defense.

        Wouldn't have been easier to have Skaven be a spy, trying to subvert some local, political factions and strenghten some local, Human cults that worship The Horned Rat? There are corrupted officials paid one way or another by Skaven and people who know about Skaven and try curry a favor with them in hopes of lording over other slaves when the Rat Empire decides to conquer the surface world.

        If you wanted to play Skaven it would be infinitely easier for player characters not to know about him being a Skaven and instead play amateur spy trying his best to act like Human while refusing and coming up with excuses to not wear anything but his heavily concealing clothing.

        • 2 months ago

          The funny thing is that the "Spy in heavily concealing clothing" had become a thing eventually, out of necessity to interact with the world.

          As for why wasn't that the original plan, I don't quite remember since it was a bit ago. It may simply not occurred to me at the time, or that the concept of the character —being a captured prisoner held by the party— was the way either me or the DM wanted to introduce it.

          But knowing the table, I do think the party would catch on him being a Skaven extremely quickly, thus going back on square one.

  16. 2 months ago

    For a group that's completely new to RPGs but is somewhat familiar with the setting through Vermintide games, is 4e or 2e better?

    I'll be a GM and I only played 2e and remember it being super easy to get into.

    • 2 months ago

      4e is better, but if you are already really used to 2e, then you might as well continue to GM that.

    • 2 months ago

      4e is better, but if you are already really used to 2e, then you might as well continue to GM that.

      Yeah 4e is a definite improvement (art aside) but if you guys are into 2e you can life some of the systems from 4e pretty easily and just incorporate them into 2e if you don't wanna full-switch.

  17. 2 months ago

    >also most the races that exist in the whf world arent playable unless the gm says so
    This is your brain on DnD.

    Lol. Lmao even. Point buy is a core option, and you get to pick your starting career (the XP rewards for rolling randomly are a fricking joke). You can start the game with a horse, giving you free extra attacks and makes you cause fear in all enemies. 4e characters are gods compared to 2e.

  18. 2 months ago

    >buying Wanker Fantasy books
    Just get a better system and steal ideas from the source.

    • 2 months ago

      Frick off Daniel.

      • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          Guy who made Zweihander which is basically wfrp, the dude also may have fudged his numbers on drive thru to get his rpg to more eyes or some shit like that /tg/ hates him.

          • 2 months ago

            Also tried to shut down Tetsubo when it was being made off of ZH, because it didn't have a sensitivity consultant or something. Originally Tetsubo was created to be a Nippon(?) supplement for WFRP and was rejected for reasons.

            • 2 months ago

              Heh, nice name.

  19. 2 months ago

    >>tho you will have to homebrew anything outside of "the old realms"
    No-one calls it that, I don't even know what this means. You clearly don't know frick all about WHFB or WFRP and are just shitposting.

  20. 2 months ago

    4e is woefully incomplete (only 2 of the 4 iconic lesser demons in the core rules lmao) and for some reason really complicated even tho it doesn't really need to be.
    The entire hit location resolution mechanic could be removed for example, instead of requiring you to look up a chart based off of the reversed roll.
    Just play Warhammer fantasy in GURPS if you want to.

    Anyway you should buy the books (after pirating them), if you like their content, and you like the people who wrote it.
    If you don't like the content stop playing, if you don't like the publishers, don't buy anything from them.
    it's as shrimple as that.

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