>Paying for?

>Paying for /tg/ kickstarters and commissioned art

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    I don't.

  2. 4 months ago

    nah, I'll think about buying it if it's released

    >commissioned art
    Why the hell not? Artists got to make a buck.

    • 4 months ago

      Heh not anymore moron, feels so good that artists are finally getting what they deserve.

      • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          I think I got good at seeing what's AI generated and what isn't. No, I'm finding an artist worth a damn and paying them for their services when it's all said and done.

          Who hurt you anon?

          >the same people who commissioned internet artists for stupid shit feel that AI slop in it's current form is a suitable replacement
          kek "artists"

          Reddit moment.

      • 4 months ago

        I think I got good at seeing what's AI generated and what isn't. No, I'm finding an artist worth a damn and paying them for their services when it's all said and done.

        • 4 months ago

          >I'm finding an artist worth a dam
          good luck

          • 4 months ago

            I found some in the past via this site. How hard can it be now?

        • 4 months ago

          This. Most internet "artists" should kill themselves but AI made me appreciate carefully drawn images way way more. For a main character there's nothing else like it, although ai will have to do if you're broke.

          • 4 months ago

            AI did raise the skill threshold an artist needs to reach before they can make money on their skills.

            At least that's what I want to say, but looking at modern "art" and the money spent on it, I'm unsure if what I said above is true.

            • 4 months ago

              I mean, first thing, most of the modern art scene is money laundering and non-market regulated investments.

              There's also some element of art as expression vs art as a statement. The two often get conflated a lot, mostly by big wigs involved in all the shit above, but they're not really the same thing.

              • 4 months ago

                That's a point. Still, if it wasn't made, some other anon would have rushed in like it was the start of a troll feeding-frenzy.

              • 4 months ago

                >I mean, first thing, most of the modern art scene is money laundering and non-market regulated investments.
                of course the thing that makes art great for money laundering is the culture of non-disclosure with galleries and auction houses and the willingness to take cash no questions, so it doesn't matter if the work is abstract and modern or contemporary, or a romantic painting in the grand manner
                but autists don't let the truth get in the way of a good cope

            • 4 months ago

              I suppose so, but I'd never have paid anything for one of the endless 0 talent anime girl hacks regardless of AI. I'd have gone without or just used an image from the internet.

            • 4 months ago

              > AI did raise the skill threshold an artist needs to reach before they can make money on their skills.
              Not if you just lower the threshold of degeneracy you're willing to draw. There's lots of things AI can't or won't draw.
              Source: Me, an artist who takes commissions.

              • 4 months ago

                Name some stuff, I want to make sure I don’t get scammed.

              • 3 months ago

                Oh no, OP disapproves of the ways I use my money! Anyways, how's your sex life?

                Name some stuff, I want to make sure I don’t get scammed.

                Not him, but skeletons. Try asking it to drawn skeletons. The results are only worth it if you want the necromantic equivalent of Salvador Dali.

      • 4 months ago

        Who hurt you anon?

        • 4 months ago

          Nta but unironically artists. Being into hobbies like RPGs meant that I ended up having to rub shoulders with more than my fair share of them and the sheer contempt a lot of them have for blue collar works like myself definitely left a chip on my shoulder.

          Also I was trucker for stint so watching the "they will be obsolete" get turned around on artists is funny in a monkey's paw kind of way.

          • 4 months ago

            You know what, fair. So many of them are utterly politics brained in that worst way.
            I remember joining an artist's server and nearly immediately seeing "Rittenhouse is a murderer." and "they're letting a murderer free." Said by the artist.
            I left. I could enjoy the art, but I didn't want to get to know the artist any more.

            There are actually artists out there who aren't libs, they lack that usual lib contempt for the working class: But they don't talk about it, because most creative spaces have been taken over by those people, so if you talk about it you get ostracised.
            How do I know? I'm one of them.

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah, the smug pricks who claim AI will never replace them when people were worried about losing blue collar work to AI are actually getting what they deserve. But most artists I know are just weirdos that either never leave the house or are into pagan shit, so I guess I'm in a different community.

          • 3 months ago

            >the sheer contempt a lot of them have for blue collar work
            Do you mean "never mentioned blue collar workers but I suspect they have different politics than me"

            • 3 months ago

              Why are you assuming things about that anon's life to get mad about moron

      • 4 months ago

        >the same people who commissioned internet artists for stupid shit feel that AI slop in it's current form is a suitable replacement
        kek "artists"

      • 4 months ago

        I will never get the hate. Art is an important factor in media and LIFE in genrral.
        AI is a fun toy to play with but nothing beats commissions.

        • 4 months ago

          Art is important.
          Artists aren't.

        • 4 months ago

          AI is a tool no different then a paintbrush or pencil. I've created more art since the launch bing AI than most artists will create in their lifetimes 🙂

          • 4 months ago

            And none of them have good looking hands.

            • 4 months ago

              Most artists themselves can't properly do hands or feet.

              • 4 months ago

                There's a marked difference between bad hands from an artist and bad hands from an AI.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah, the AI costs zero dollars to commission as many art pieces as I want from it.

          • 4 months ago

            >AI is a tool no different then a paintbrush or pencil.
            Really good bait. I’ll think i’ll use this later.

        • 4 months ago

          I don't know either. It's not like artist ever had any fame, remarkable wealth or even power. The entire art history is us seeing either the work of someone shunned by society long after their death or their comissioned work for someone (the church, the gov or a rich guy). Even if they also believed in the message, they did not have the means to spread it.

          Dunno, it's a really stupid and nonsensical mindset. Like wishing AI will kill all musicians because current pop songs suck ass, as if every other musician in every other genre, soundtrack composers, opera singers and everything else also deserves to die.

          In what mindset do you live that enjoy the death of an art over some shitty CalArts stuff someone made on twitter for a board game.

          • 4 months ago

            >In what mindset do you live that enjoy the death of an art over some shitty CalArts stuff someone made on twitter for a board game.
            Terminally online misanthropes who barely get any joy out of normal life and have equated their dopamine to 'owning' people online. These people barely have hobbies, very few friends, and congeal at the bottom of the barrel of society. They wish for everyone to be as miserable or joyless as them, because they're too mentally stunted to cultivate their own Talents.
            Have you ever seen a bunch of crabs in a bucket? One crab will almost always try to leave, only to be pulled back in by the others and dragged back in. That's what communities of these people are like. They see some shit to get mad about online, conclude that it's a symptom of the downfall of society, and so everyone arguing for enjoying life or improving yourself is part of the problem.
            Don't be like the SlopPurists. AI is fun, but using it as a way to 'own' artists is moronic.

            • 4 months ago

              This. These are the same nogames homosexuals who make ragebait threads on /tg/ and never specify the system they're talking about. They have no games because they're so unlikable, so misanthropic, such vile subhuman scum that they get kicked immediately because they have failed to be human beings. They are antisocial homosexuals trying to participate in a hobby built upon being a social activity with your friends.

              The same kind of homosexuals who get mad about artists and art, because they themselves lack both the talent to create and the dedication to improve so that they can make up for this deficit. They are failures as human beings; no creativity, no soul, no respect for their fellow man.

              • 4 months ago

                Frankly, I find the people that constantly shill AI to be many more times obnoxious than the artists they hate. I get hating the elitists that act unprofessional as hell, but either they've got the talent to warrant it or they just languish in obscurity because their attitude is customer repellent. But so many AI 'artists' demand to be taken with the same exact seriousness as people that do this shit by hand, and it's like, dude, your whole selling point for why AI was "superior" was that you're manipulating a computer program to spit out the image desired, why would I praise you for that or give you money instead of just doing it myself to that end? I honestly just don't get it myself. I get the appeal of using AI if you're not looking for something hyper-specific, I'm a total cheapass myself so I appreciate there's an option, but all the buttholes puffing up how traditional artists are "finished" every second just seem as delusional and insecure as the absolute losers that were convinced NFTs were going to take over the economy. AI art'll still exist, but it's going to take a lot to overtake any other format at this rate.

              • 4 months ago

                I think you're pretty damn close with the demand by ai "artists" to be taken seriously and put on the same level as people actually creating that gives their whole game away. They're just homosexuals that sucked at drawing and want a short cut to "creating" by regurgitation of someone else's work. They remind me of the homosexuals that commision shit to then repost as if they made it themselves for praise. ita why they get defensive and shrill whenever someone expresses a preference against AI slop.

              • 4 months ago

                The only AI I want shilled for are the kinds that replace the brainless, dead end jobs that no one wants to work, but fricks sake someone needs to unclog the toilets and stock grocery store shelves.

              • 4 months ago

                Sad fact is that even if we get to that point, it'll be likely that humans will still be forced to do those jobs either in place of or right besides robots since a) Robots are going to eventually need maintenance work, meaning they're going to need to hire technicians (or people forced to learn robotics on the job) to keep them running, and b) Robots don't have feelings or egos, meaning they can't be coerced into performing tasks they weren't built for or made to properly grovel before extremely demanding buttholes. So by the time we've invented robot janitors, we'll likely have as nearly as many people working in the field of robotic janitorial repair technicians.

              • 4 months ago

                >we'll likely have as nearly as many people working in the field of robotic janitorial repair technicians.
                I think this is extremely optimistic.
                About 10% of the American population is sub 80IQ. Argue what you will about the demographics of that 10%, it doesn't matter really. Those people cannot learn technical skills. Those people cannot be upgraded to doing anything but relatively mindless labor or factory work. That 10% will be entirely replaced by automation and they cannot be retrained to be technicians or programmers or anything else that is beyond their ability to manage. The world will have moved beyond their capabilities to contribute.

                I'm not advocating for UBI here, I don't know what the solution is for them, but something will need to be done. 10% represents tens of millions of people.

              • 4 months ago

                I'd argue for some kind of UBI at this point, contingent on some token work maybe, and up until very recently I've voted straight republican all my life lol. But it's at best a stopgap. The debt accrued by the shortcuts and short thinking of the last 50+ years are about to come due.

                We're beyond fricked.

              • 3 months ago

                I find UBI's not a viable option for society because capitalism just doesn't like that. It would be admitting growth isn't necessary anymore and we reached a comfortable place to stay at, and good luck convincing companies, bussiness men or just anyone who owns something and worked for it to let it go or stop growing it.
                Also I ain't an economist but I'm sure an UBI would have a huge impact on the value of money and market as a whole, making things more expensive since now everyone has money.

                Also I see 2 outcomes from it:
                -The UBI isn't enough to sustain oneself and therefore almost useless, fricking up monetary value of stuff mroe than anything else.
                -The UBI does allow to sustain oneself, in which case most people would give up on working or iimproving society and a small chunk of the population would sustain the other, which is already what's happening but at least needing to put something on the table means a lot of morons have to work.

              • 3 months ago

                >The UBI does allow to sustain oneself, in which case most people would give up on working or iimproving society
                There's technically a model that avoids this: if you have a smooth curve of luxuries and QOL improvements and enough people will be driven to pursue them. The reason you don't see more of that kind of thing now is that the curve is (or appears to be) too steep. However, ensuring that smooth and viable curve would be complex, to put it mildly, and the incentives aren't currently present.

              • 4 months ago

                >So by the time we've invented robot janitors, we'll likely have as nearly as many people working in the field of robotic janitorial repair technicians.
                Absolutely not, if we can automate a construction or agricultural worker it will be trivial to automate 99% of technician work. You are extremely naive and taking propaganda at face value.

                t. Software engineer

              • 4 months ago

                Build a machine to repair the machine that builds the machines that builds the machines that repair the machine.

              • 4 months ago

                Or, just build a machine that can maintain another instance of that same machine, then the maintained machine maintains the original maintainer.

                If we can create machines general enough to automate construction or generic low skill labor then we have enough capability to just have another unit maintain the other. Currently the two big hurdles to total automation are spatial reasoning and plain old engineering challenges in robotics. It's why white collar is being automated faster than blue collar. Probably the future (assuming general robots don't become a thing, if they do we'll all starve or the billionaires will actively cull us) is a return to 14 hour work days in miserable conditions unless things drastically change very soon.

              • 3 months ago

                >So by the time we've invented robot janitors, we'll likely have as nearly as many people working in the field of robotic janitorial repair technicians.
                Absolutely not, if we can automate a construction or agricultural worker it will be trivial to automate 99% of technician work. You are extremely naive and taking propaganda at face value.

                t. Software engineer

                Build a machine to repair the machine that builds the machines that builds the machines that repair the machine.

                Expecting software engineers to get anything right and not come crying to us when it "just wont work"
                t. Computer engineer.

              • 3 months ago

                t. Indian

      • 4 months ago

        Facts. Everyone of my GM friends and me been abusing the shit out of Bing AI. Frick artists lmao.

      • 4 months ago

        Why are AI people always seething so bad that artists continue to exist and make money?

        • 4 months ago

          Because art commissions can be completed with a single button for free just like CGI.

      • 4 months ago

        philistines are the worst.

      • 4 months ago

        just let us writers gloat in the small amount of time we have before AI does our gig well too

      • 3 months ago

        Did an oil painter touch you as a child or something? I don't understand why modern people are so nihilistic and cruel, especially after 2020 or so. Everyone says shit like "if the world was destroyed it would be le good thing xd" like that's edgy and not the most boring mentally adolescent take ever.

        • 3 months ago

          >I don't understand why modern people are so nihilistic and cruel
          It makes them feel smart.

        • 3 months ago

          >I don't understand why modern people are so nihilistic and cruel
          I think it's a cascade effect over the last generations. Have a couple friends who work as teacher in middle school and they say kids have no spark or joy nowdays. You threaten them with no recess, taking away their phones, no trips, movie days or anything and they just go "kk" and don't care at all. They also make a lot of "life sucks, have a nice day, I wish I wwas dead" at a very young age when they have no reason to think so.
          My theory is that it's that, a stairway effect over the last decades that went:
          >90's: Everything is great! (it sucks, we pretend it doesn't)
          >00's: Everything sucks and we no longer have the will to pretend otherwise
          >10's: Everything sucks, here's why (point at several issues, try to solve none)
          >20's: Everything sucks and if we believe you make it suck more, we'll go after you

          We at least had the lie that we would have a future before realising boomers ruined it. They grew up in an era where hope is day from the day they're born. Economic crisis, world pandemics, social infighting, Digital ignorance, AI and predatory consumerism.

      • 3 months ago

        > furgay angry at the premium charged for his degenerate tastes discovers AI

  3. 4 months ago

    Depends a lot on the product and previous offerings. But only very rarely.

    >commissioned art
    Commissioning artists has been an irreplaceable boon in developing the setting my friends and I play in. A good artist can help you synthesize your ideas, provide directions you’d never anticipated, and breathe life into your games. I’ve tried replicating some of the designs we’ve gotten over the years with AI prompting, just as an experiment, and it has been a painful, uphill slog to get anything even close to what we got out of our commissions.

    • 4 months ago

      >Commissioning artists has been an irreplaceable boon in developing the setting my friends and I play in. A good artist can help you synthesize your ideas, provide directions you’d never anticipated, and breathe life into your games. I’ve tried replicating some of the designs we’ve gotten over the years with AI prompting, just as an experiment, and it has been a painful, uphill slog to get anything even close to what we got out of our commissions.

      This has been my experience as well. We never got a ton of art drawn due to the expenses involved, but it made for a nice gift for the group after several years.

    • 4 months ago

      Just use Theater of the Mind instead moron

      • 4 months ago

        I largely do. But I can’t stress enough how much bringing an artist into the mix changes things up by adding visual cues and themes that we otherwise wouldn’t have come up with. It’s not just a matter of translating what I say into an image, but the artists bringing their own backgrounds and ideas. Whenever I get art of something new, I start with a round of concepting in which I ask the artist if they’re willing to do multiple sketches of different interpretations of the pitch, at least one of which is off the wall in a way they find interesting—with the understanding that they’re getting paid for all of the sketch work in addition to the final piece. For reference, we’d typically pay something like $1,500 for a reference sheet for a single playable race. We’ve frequently found ideas that we want to incorporate, either in the actual subject of the piece or elsewhere in the setting.

        • 4 months ago

          >willing to do multiple sketches of different interpretations of the pitch
          How much extra?

          • 4 months ago

            Depends on how much detail goes into it, but typically like $50-$100 per additional concept sketch.

            I did forget to mention that there’s one thing we did find a use for AI for: cultural outfit reference images for artists to work off of. Before, we’d been supplying references from like six different real-world cultures per in-game culture and tried to describe how the in-game culture would show a synthesis of the styles and elements, with specific details that we wanted carried through. Slapping those things together with AI was able to result in general tone and style references that are still far too sloppy and incomplete for actual final use in anything.

  4. 4 months ago

    depends on the kickstarter, if it's a reliable small firm that needs the capital or to gauge interest for a niche project I'm interested in I see no problem, that's what it's for

  5. 4 months ago

    Only if the game comes with cool models i want, And I usually draw my own art

  6. 4 months ago

    What's his name with the minotaur logo did a great job on the brushes and they were delivered early. Frick you.

  7. 4 months ago

    >back Kickstarter
    >get thing after 3 years
    >no longer excited or interested in thing

    Never again.

    • 4 months ago

      That big disappointment happened to me recently with GODS, the books are great but holy shit it took way too long to get the books, and I'll probably never play it now. Didn't have the same issues with other ttrpgs I backed, but now I'm extra careful with the projects

      Regarding commissions, I never had regrets, though I recently made a rough accounting of how much I spent on art since 2021, which amounts to like 3000 dollars. So I'll probably dial down on that, or compensate by buying less books

    • 4 months ago

      >Mothership kickstarter was promised to be delivered a whole 3 years ago
      >Just got an email that delivery has been delayed from February to fricking April in NA
      >Book I backed with supplements/zine style mini campaigns for Mothership 0e a whole year after I backed Mothership 1e was delivered 6 months ago
      They keep using Covid as an excuse and I cannot with it anymore. At least the pdfs have been in my hands for over a year now.

    • 3 months ago

      >last year
      >have a friend who likes Mork borg
      >see a kickstarter for a zine that has an eta of the month after his birthday
      >yeah sure, he’ll like this
      >gets delayed by like 6 months
      >explanation ends up being the guy realized that shipping 1000+ zines would be hard

  8. 4 months ago

    >/tg/ kickstarters
    some anons did kickstarters?

  9. 4 months ago

    I have a friend who backs every single 5E fan made content. The last one he bought into was some stupid Kaiju supplement.

  10. 4 months ago

    What about kickstarters to commission more art?

  11. 4 months ago

    I don't see the appeal of getting commissions. Why not just draw it yourself? What if you hate how the end drawing looks? What can you do with a drawing besides look at it?

    • 4 months ago

      >What can you do with a drawing besides look at it?
      Show it to other people who can then also look at it

      • 4 months ago

        A waste of money.

    • 4 months ago

      >I don't see the appeal of getting commissions. Why not just draw it yourself?
      16 Chapel was done on commission, could Pope have done it himself?

      • 4 months ago

        Yes. He's a Pope. What the frick else is he going to do besides give speeches once a week?

    • 4 months ago

      > Why not just draw it yourself?
      I try to doodle my own characters once in a while but it doesn't look good at all; and I know plenty of good artists who would fit so and so characters (if I commission i usually try to play up to the artists tastes & strenght)
      > What if you hate how the end drawing looks?
      I don't expect a 100% rendition of the mental image I had, but if you pick your artist right and use good references & explanations, there is no reason that it would turn out bad; especially if you contact artists who sends you the WIP
      > What can you do with a drawing besides look at it?
      put it like that yeah, you can't do "more" than look at it, especially if it's a digital file, but i'd say it's not just about looking, the fact that someone worked on something nice for you, that it looks good, and that you supported an artist is part of the fun of it

    • 4 months ago

      >Why not just draw it yourself?
      Not everyone has the skills.
      >What if you hate how the end drawing looks?
      It's a comission. You're suppossed to look for an artist who's style you enjoy for a price you find fair. Then provide some reference pics and details about the comission and tweak it as it gets made whenever the artist updates you.
      >What can you do with a drawing besides look at it?
      Think of them as photographies and memories of past times. A comission is made with characters and context in mind. It's your character the way you envisioned them for the campaign you played at. Every time you look at it from now on you'll remember those times, jokes and fun moments.

      Of course, as with almost everything related to hobbies or entertainment, when you look at it through the lens of a soulless husk, where things are judged based on their utility and/or economical value, comissions feels pointless. But so do TTRPGs in general too then.

    • 4 months ago

      >Why not just draw it yourself?
      Not everyone has the inherent skill nor the time to learn. Art in the modern day is mainly a hobby unless you're naturally talented at it, and in the world we live in where people are working 40+ hour weeks and barely scraping by not a lot of people have the time to get good.

      And then there's just natural ability; I've spent at least 2 and half decades of my life drawing, I've done blind contour, still life, you name it I've probably done it, I've done traditional art and digital art, and my ability has barely improved over the course of the last decade despite me almost always doing character art for the TTRPGs I run or play in.

      >What if you hate how the end drawing looks?
      Anon I draw myself and I ALWAYS have some gripes with the final product, as described above everyone has a limit to what they're capable of without serious long-term dedication, and I have decided to put my effort into other things, like running TTRPGs for my friends.

      >What can you do with a drawing besides look at it?
      What is rule 34? But in seriousness, a good piece of art (or at least a weird one) can be a discussion piece if your a rich butthole with a million dollar penthouse full of "abstract art". You can also use it for a TTRPG character's token in a virtual tabletop or just to share in a physical game, you can use it as an example in a player's handbook (I'm doing my own art for my own system for example, it sucks and I do not want to have to draw centaurs because I suck at drawing animals so horse half is going to be a pain), you could also do what

      >What can you do with a drawing besides look at it?
      Show it to other people who can then also look at it


  12. 4 months ago

    >ITT: Poorgays complain about not having enough money to afford art
    Those grapes must surely be sour.

    • 4 months ago

      >weeping moronic simp completely destroyed by the fact that his commissions are now entirely worthless (always were)
      Sorry sweaty we seized the means of production just like you morons said lmao

      • 4 months ago

        >He thinks commissions are meant to be sold
        Keep on being angry that you can't afford a hundred dollars to turn that image in your head into something you can frame and hang.

        • 4 months ago

          I have never framed and hanged a commission before.

          • 4 months ago

            Why not? Why pay for art that you aren't going to put up on display? There is nothing more boring than a barren wall. Even if you are the only person who really enjoys it, who gives a frick? Decorate your living space, it'll make it seem more like a home.

            • 4 months ago

              Are you woman(female)?

              • 4 months ago

                >Wanting your walls to be pretty makes you a woman
                This is why you will never know what a woman's touch feels like.

              • 4 months ago

                >putting things on a wall is for woman
                All those gay men in history with their weapon, guns, hunting and fishing trophies, degrees and medals. What a bunch of gays.

              • 4 months ago

                That man's a homosexual for putting his fingers in front of the blade

            • 4 months ago

              Didn’t have a place to print it online.

              • 4 months ago

                Unless you live in the booniest of the boonies, there is a print shop near by that has a printer large enough to do an entire wall display if you want. You don't need to do everything online.

              • 4 months ago

                Print shops don’t allow fanart commissions to be printed because of copyright laws.

              • 4 months ago

                I assumed we were talking about commissions of characters from your games, not existing IPs.

              • 4 months ago

                >commissions of characters from your games
                still considered fanart

              • 4 months ago

                Never once had a print shop so much as titter at me for this stuff.

          • 4 months ago

            I unironically have four commissions up on the wall right now.

    • 4 months ago

      I don't commission art because I have an issue explaining how I want things done, and I don't buy TTRPGs because I'll just be told to fix what I don't like.
      Not "sour grapes cuz poor".

      • 4 months ago

        >I'll just be told to fix what I don't like
        maybe start with your life before worrying about games

        • 4 months ago

          Hold on, what's the issue?
          Instead of deflecting, why not explain what your problem is?
          All I was saying is if I found any faults with the product I'd buy, I'd be told to fix them myself. The fact that I'd potentially have to rewrite an entire system myself defeats the purpose of buying it, because I'd be doing it myself.
          To simplify further, in case you don't understand, in a choice between:
          >spend money and do it myself
          >do something myself for free
          it doesn't make a lot of sense to spend the money, does it? And again, this isn't sour grapes, because people who bring up their issues with TTRPGs are regularly told to rewrite what they don't like; there is active defense of poor game design through reasoning that the work you do after you've spent your money makes that product good and not dishonest marketing.
          So put up arguments or shut your fricking face.

          • 4 months ago

            >All I was saying is if I found any faults with the product I'd buy, I'd be told to fix them myself.
            First of all, when it comes to TTRPGs the term "Fault" is very much a subjective one. Second, you're told this because it is (generally) easier to houserule or homebrew something than it is to sit down and write your own system from scratch (speaking from experience, I'm doing that and it is a fresh kind of hell).
            >The fact that I'd potentially have to rewrite an entire system myself
            That's different than fixing a few "faults". And yes, everyone should design their own TTRPG if they run/play them regularly. It gives you new respect for the devs and perspective on just how hard it is to make a good, balanced, functional TTRPG that is also fun to play and to run.
            >it doesn't make a lot of sense to spend the money, does it?
            It does if you lack the time. I imagine you don't own a bunch of farm animals, milk your own cows, get your own eggs from your chickens, grow your own wheat, etc to feed yourself, you go to the grocery store and buy something someone else has either already made or already cultivated to use in making your food. it's the same principle, you're paying for the time and effort you would otherwise have to spend doing something.
            >there is active defense of poor game design through reasoning that the work you do after you've spent your money makes that product good and not dishonest marketing.
            That's not what that means at all. It's saying that if you don't like a TTRPG, you have the freedom to change what you don't like. "Poor game design" is 100% subjective, because not everyone wants the same thing from a game. I would argue that BESM and Mutants and Masterminds and HERO system and GURPS are all poorly designed games because the GM has to sit down and curate what will and won't be allowed in their game from a massive list, but I garuntee you wouldn't agree.

      • 4 months ago

        A good commissioned artist will get input from you for every step of the process, to make sure you get what you want. Sometimes you'll find ways to alter it you didn't consider when it was just an imagine in your mind once you see it drawn up.

  13. 4 months ago

    I got a deal from an unknown artist for a quick doodle of one of my characters and paid $5 for it. Well worth it. I also paid $50 for a commission from an established artist who has their name on comic books and it's been years and I've never seen that damn thing. So only ask hungry artists, apparently.

    • 4 months ago

      There's an old saying - misery makes great art.

  14. 4 months ago

    Commissioned art you say?

    • 4 months ago

      >Commissioned AI Slop
      The most pathetic.

      • 4 months ago

        Tis not that my friend

        • 4 months ago

          >Sketch passed through Midjourney.
          I know exactly what I'm looking at here because I do it, myself. Look at the change in posing, the completely different style of face, the incredibly bad hair, and absolute dogshit background.
          You paid for slop.

          • 4 months ago

            I asked them to make the face more like a reference I found. Also for some reason they assumed that meant changing the eyes from being purple, but had to update that detail for the final version again.

          • 4 months ago


            >you wont

      • 4 months ago

        >paying for art only to find out its AI
        I’m afraid of this

        • 4 months ago

          Before a single scent is handed over, demand that you see progress wips. Pay close attention to background details, shifts in coloring style, and the hands.

          • 4 months ago

            Or just ask for the .ps, which should be bare minimum nowadays

    • 4 months ago

      >Closed toe shoes
      So close and yet so far

    • 4 months ago

      Her pinky is splitting into two fingers.

      >you will never unsee this

    • 4 months ago

      Your next vampire commission should have cleavage like that

    • 4 months ago

      Tis not that my friend

      I asked them to make the face more like a reference I found. Also for some reason they assumed that meant changing the eyes from being purple, but had to update that detail for the final version again.

      Okay, but who is the artist? Their style is neat.

      • 4 months ago

        Saucenao comes standard with all Ganker browsing, Anon. You just have to remember to remove the "s" at the end of the filename in the URL so it doesn't search for the thumbnail.
        This one's free, Reddit says that this one is from KartStudio, which upon checking their DeviantArt page is less an artist and more of a company with several artists and a webpage.

      • 4 months ago

        They do commissions: https://www.deviantart.com/kartstudiodigi/art/Open-for-Commission-812525722

        • 4 months ago

          >ai commissions

  15. 4 months ago

    if you'd seen some of the presumably self drawn chris chan tier coomer bait that makes its way to /40kg/, you'd seriously wish they did pay some pro

  16. 4 months ago

    >Kickstarter just became a storefront for people to preorder shit that's already 50% complete
    >The other 50% somehow takes 2-3 years to complete even though all their concepting shows it's pretty much done

    How the frick did it get like this.

    • 4 months ago

      corporate businesses started using it

      • 4 months ago

        This shit should be illegal. You should not be allowed to make a kickstarter if you have a publisher or something already. Seen a couple kickstarters that outright said "this product is already backed and will release. The kickstarter is to gauge interest and expand it".
        Which is a lie, the kickstarter is jsut free money. I

    • 4 months ago

      Because people have unrealistic expectations. That can only be met by basically-preorders or borderline dishonesty.

    • 4 months ago

      Because people got really fricking leery of getting scammed by things that were all pitch, no substance, so the only way to have a successful campaign at this point is to be able to show your work.
      Which in turn incentivizes finishing the parts that LOOK good first, so you can advertise them on the Kickstarter and get funding. The second “half” takes so long because it isnt half at all—its the bulk of the work, they just frontload the parts that LOOK done.

  17. 4 months ago

    I had plenty of fun with my kickstartered Bloodborne boardgame.

  18. 4 months ago

    Indifferent, have a few projects I am interested in and may pick up the PDFs after they drop.
    So many people want to support artists but I have personally found some of the most insufferable, lazy, pretentious morons when trying to get a commission. I use AI for portraits of characters and occasionally monsters and honestly even if there are some rough edges it is way better to spend like 20 minutes to get 80 to 90 percent of what you want than to ask for a commission. You will get gays who cope that it can never replace real art, I agree it has no artistic value but in like 3 years AI art went from blurry vaguely comprehensible images to fairly well detailed art. The time and money can't be beat when comparing the two.

  19. 4 months ago

    Kickstarters are cringe because of the turnaround time, sure. But paying your art bros to make art, and getting paid to make art, both feel pretty good, man.
    I know you don't have friends, or any creative hobbies, or play any games, so you're excited about Bing or whatever, but it's cool to make and share and request art from bros and for bros.
    For instance, I'm a DM running a game for some friends I made online. One of them commissioned me to draw his character. I also doodled this out when another character died. Try having a soul and making some friends, I promise it'll help you be less of a jaded c**t all the time.

  20. 4 months ago

    I have never paid a dime for this hobby other than buying some dice a decade or so ago.
    I pirate everything.

  21. 4 months ago

    I rather sit around a fiddle with an image generator until it creates something that is kind of what I want then spend 50+$ on a picture. Hell I rather spend 20$ on chatgpt and use dalle 2 then pay someone.

  22. 4 months ago

    I like A.I. only because the hatred it sparks from the lowest common denominator of artists.

    • 4 months ago

      Hey, I’m a lowest common denominator artist, and I din’t hate AI

  23. 4 months ago

    Wait when you say /tg/ kickstarter do you mean a kickstarter from /tg/ or an actual traditional game kickstarter
    Because I'd throw a few bucks at battletech I like that game... As for like parasite youtubers making a shitty system god no. Neckberdia is fricking cursed as is everyone associated with them.

    • 4 months ago

      You should check out Pointy Hat, also known as Antonia Demico. He actually hands out free content unlike the less fabulous youtubers out there.

  24. 4 months ago

    Better /tg/ than the people behind the D&D 5e Anime book. The redditors behind that thought they were going to be the next Kobold Press, but they were not nearly as talented.

  25. 3 months ago

    Commissions are fun though.

    • 3 months ago

      she definitely gets fricked by that thing

      • 3 months ago

        Anon that's her dog!

        • 3 months ago

          >thats her dog
          Makes sense, tieflings are the white women of the dnd world.

          • 3 months ago

            That's very lewd, anon.

            • 3 months ago

              You are oddly prepared with all of these taki posts. How many more do you have?

              • 3 months ago

                An amount. Zaki has more though.

              • 3 months ago

                I'm afraid to ask

              • 3 months ago

                you should be. Terrified, even.

              • 3 months ago

                20 gold pieces says she can't actually play the violin. Poser

              • 3 months ago

                It's a FIDDLE are you blind?!

              • 3 months ago

                Fiddles are just poser violins, but I like this character. 8/10 would play

              • 3 months ago

                I don't think there's an actual difference in the instruments. She just plays like irish step/riverdance style music and is adamant that it is totally different than playing classical violin (which she can do as well but prefers not to)
                Appreciate the compliment

              • 3 months ago

                Post lewds of her, that doesn't involve her dog.

              • 3 months ago

                >that doesn't involve her dog.
                A coward and a man of poor taste.

              • 3 months ago

                >doesn't involve her dog.

              • 3 months ago

                >furry commissions
                Good luck finding one that isn't a generic anime girl against a white background

              • 3 months ago

                In what world is that "furry" anon?
                It's not hard to get lewd art with a background of some sort. I just generally don't pay the extra fee for it because it's not the point of the piece.

                For normal character commissions I generally ask for a transparent version of just the character/figure so they can be more easily made into tokens.

              • 3 months ago

                Just the right amount of lewd, thank ya.

              • 3 months ago

                Post more

              • 3 months ago

                If you insist

  26. 3 months ago

    Commissions are great. When you really like a character you have, why not spend the cash?

    • 3 months ago

      Where do you find artists? I've been considering commissioning a couple things; One for my pc and one of the party im in.

      • 3 months ago

        I happen to already know an artist so that rat worked out very easily.
        But for this piece (the final boss of the campaign with his minion for scale) I just went onto twitter and searched "commissions open" and went thru until I found a decent enough art style for the price.

      • 3 months ago

        twitter, if you've already been using it is great. hard to find people with no base. Search tags you like with commission and try that.
        Art station is pretty great for it to. You're going to be combing through a lot of art trying to find the style you like. Personally, found mine on tumblr, but i have a large section of art blogs sI follow

      • 3 months ago

        If you don't mind anime and have a Twitter account you can link, https://skeb.jp/ is pretty nice for connecting with Japanese artists. Some of them are pretty affordable all things considered, and with how weak the yen is you can get a lot more than you used to for a US dollar. And since Skeb is the payment middleman, if an artist doesn't finish your commissions by the completed deadline you aren't charged any money. The site is in English and uses DeepL to handle translations, which for the most part works though I'd recommend heavily using references and keeping your text pretty simple.

  27. 3 months ago

    I have never paid for a kickstarter that ended up satisfying me in the end. So I just drew a line in the sand and swore off ever paying for kickstarters, no matter how enticing they might look.

  28. 3 months ago

    I made some money off my /tg/ kickstarter but now I just use AI to make art, since it's much better than anything a human can produce at commission prices.

  29. 3 months ago

    >Commission art of my mecha pilot character
    >Damn, maybe I should make a game about this...
    >Hook up with a JP artist I like to draw mecha
    >Start programming vidya

    • 3 months ago

      >Keep programming...
      >Waifu is becoming real

      • 3 months ago

        I like
        What will it be called in Steam

        • 3 months ago

          Godgear Ragdrahod!

          • 3 months ago

            You mispelt dragon there buddy

      • 3 months ago

        based squire moment

    • 3 months ago

      >Keep programming...
      >Waifu is becoming real

      Godgear Ragdrahod!

      Good luck with your progress, Anon.

  30. 3 months ago

    Oh yeah, I was blessed enough to have my GM for a 4 year Nechronica game commissioned art from Megrim Haruyo (one of the original artists for the book) of my character (and same for the rest of the group).

    It's honestly one of my greatest treasures.

    • 3 months ago

      Very nice. I keep meaning to get something from him but I either miss when he opens up commissions or they open up right when I've spent my fun money for the month.

    • 3 months ago

      that's rather risque, but then so is the art in the rulebook

      • 3 months ago

        Always wanted to play the game since the setting looks cool, but I haven't met any player thatw asn't a pedo, into guro or fricked up cyborgs/aliens/bugs, whatever.

        • 3 months ago

          Well, those are the main themes of the game so it's not all that surprising. But it can do melancholic stories too, you could run Girls' Last Tour in Nechronica.

      • 3 months ago

        I actually had a design for her done prior with the artist I work with for gamedev, which (along with a frickton of notes) Megrim was able to work with. But I'm still absolutely in love with Megrim's interpretation. As I said just absolutely treasure it, both for how perfectly it captures her and how beautiful it is, but also as a reminder of the time my friends and I spent together over those long college years.

        Well, those are the main themes of the game so it's not all that surprising. But it can do melancholic stories too, you could run Girls' Last Tour in Nechronica.

        IIRC Ryo Kamiya has stated he's not actually a e-girlcon and in fact generally prefers cowbreasts over dfc, so you definitely don't have to be a e-girlcon to enjoy Nechronica.

        Best way to think of it unironically is a kind of coming of age heroes journey adventure in a very dark setting. My character was 17 (the upper limit of what the book suggests for character ages) and it really did feel like one of those oldschool adventures where the mc grows up and becomes a true hero by the end.

        • 3 months ago

          even in a world of countless horrors, there's still an edge of hope.

          • 3 months ago

            based squire moment

            You mispelt dragon there buddy

            Good luck with your progress, Anon.

            <3 thank you all so much!!

            • 3 months ago

              work fast. good luck.

  31. 3 months ago

    If no one shares it, I can’t download it.

    • 3 months ago

      >he doesn't purchase PDFs of obscure RPGs just to strip the watermarks and share them onto /tg/

  32. 3 months ago

    >paying for ANYTHING RPG related, ever
    imagine thinking you have to put money on a literal game of pretend.

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