pcgaming bread

can we have a /vr/ thread for PC gayming? All I see on this board is jap shit and console shit.
Let's discuss games made for PC, Windows or Apple, I don't care.

I just finished Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick Obscura with a gunsmith dwarf and will probably boot up Ultima Underworld (the Stygian Abyss) or something next.

What have YOU been playing lately? Gimmie a review of that game if it's obscure.

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  1. 1 month ago

    TW Rome Remastered, I know the UI is shit you don’t have to tell me. Still love the game. Doom WADs as always, what’s left to say on that, it’s the definition of ol reliable, comfort food, etc. The new for me is Diablo 1 via devilutionX. I had never played D1 before just didn’t get around to it, I finally see what people say about the atmosphere, it absolutely has it by the truckload. Genuinely been enjoying my time with it, it’s the polar opposite of a go fast ARPG and feels extremely tense as a result. I know none of these are ancient tier games, I just set up an old thinkpad with ExoDOS lite, c64 dreams, and amigavision. That’s going to dedicated for playing some old games as I’ve got plenty of other thinkpads I use for actual web browsing. The c64 and amiga were actually before my time so I’m looking forward to genuinely exploring their libraries.

    Also RCT 1&2 together is like $3 on steam right now if you somehow don’t have those.

    • 1 month ago

      I buy my shit from gog. Paying for most of my games because I like them and replay them regularly.
      I play Diablo 1 once a year, usually after new year's eve, it's always a blast and brings back memories. All this time has passed and nothing came close to it when it comes to its dark, spooky setting, the soundtrack is also amazing. I think this time I finished it with a warrior, got lucky with the Valor quest and grabbed that beast of an armor that lasted me until the end of the game.

      I have RCT1 but didn't really enjoy it, I think I played 2-3 scenarios and dropped it but that's my fault for not being too creative. DOOM on the other hand...man I never played WADs and am not interested in them but it's surprising how the gameplay still holds up to this day.

      >I just set up an old thinkpad with ExoDOS lite
      You're in for a long ass journey, but start with something on the recommended wiki on miraheze to get a taste of the best MS-DOS games at first, then you can go on and discover more obscure titles.

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah I’m not planning on trying to play everything that’s way too much I just enjoy the out of the box configured setups like those have, I know the exodos lite download speeds are slow but it’s not like I’m playing 15 games on 15 screens simultaneously I don’t really see that as a problem. Any recommendations for older RTS games outside of the usual suspects?

        • 1 month ago

          Well, then it's not a problem. Enjoy your gaming sessions anon.

          A good RTS I enjoyed a while ago was Rage of Mages.

  2. 1 month ago

    Just beat RA2 Soviet and Allies campaigns. It was good, as I remembered, but way too many Tanya missions. Next up is Yuri's Revenge. I don't think I beat the Allied YR campaign in the past.

    • 1 month ago

      Never had a passion for RTS, I'm just incredibly bad at it, the only RTSs I've played were WC, WC2 and WC3, haven't finished even one of them. I don't know how you can just memorize the hotkeys to all the stuff, it's discouraging.

      • 1 month ago

        you dont need any hot keys for campaign missions. just play with the mouse and chill.

  3. 1 month ago

    I've been trying to get Half Life 2 working on Win98SE, don't ask why

    • 1 month ago

      I got it working on my Pentium III GeForce 4 MX 4000 system. Runs like dogshit but there's a novelty in seeing it run on such an old system.

      • 1 month ago

        I was going to try it on a 1.2 Duron and GF2MX
        How did you got it working?
        I tried the Vengenance crack release and it won't decrypt the files

        • 1 month ago

          I found an archive.org version of it preinstalled that launches with a batch file.

        • 1 month ago

          this one?

          • 1 month ago

            Might be. I'd provide a direct link if I still had it but can't remember exactly which one I used.

      • 1 month ago

        Beautiful setup bro.

        • 1 month ago

          Thanks anon. Today I found some instagram account posted a clip of a PC with the same case design I have with a Compaq Deskpro badge. Not sure if that's legitimate but I've always wondered where my case design originated from.

    • 1 month ago

      A friend of mine got this working. Look for one of the 'beta' builds.

    • 1 month ago

      I got it working on my Pentium III GeForce 4 MX 4000 system. Runs like dogshit but there's a novelty in seeing it run on such an old system.

      A friend of mine got this working. Look for one of the 'beta' builds.

      here's your Half-Life, bro

      • 1 month ago

        if anyone is curious, I used that link

        this one?

        and installed KernelEX and it works without Steam
        the corrupted graphics are probably caused by old video drivers (ver. 4.12 from 2000), I'll update them later

  4. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      What's the name?

      • 1 month ago

        Avernum, there are 6 games AFAIK but they're well worth it.

  5. 1 month ago

    Nothing, but I just got done playing a batch of japshit.

    The batch did include some ports of western adventure games (The Quest and Ring Quest), so I decided to shove those aside and play the originals when I was done. The graphics aren't the problem, the company porting them tended to stick pretty close to the original works. It's just that translation issues aren't an English only problem, so I prefer to go with original works first.

    Just finished The Quest. A 1983 Penguin Software adventure game.

    It kind of makes a big deal of you just being an advisor to the actual champion, but you are basically an amalgamated blob of both the intelligent advisor and strong champion so your commands are still typical.

    The story starts out simply, a noblewoman comes to to the king to beg for help as a dragon is terrorizing the local villages. You and the champion are to deal with the dragon. The main plot twist is that the dragon isn't actually killable, you'll need to figure out a way to understand its language and then you'll get sent to find its whelp that was taken away which is obviously on the other side of the map.

    You've got a basic thirst mechanic to deal with and various ways to die, but aside from that it's a pretty standard Apple II ADV game. Can be played in text mode with a press of the enter button if your parser is empty too. What I did like is that it has various solutions for some of the puzzles in the game. For example to learn the dragon's language, you can either inquire about the books in the background which just so happens to have a dragon dictionary (in latin, so you need to learn latin too), find some wise old hermit and give him enough gold or find a ring in a swamp and then a sorceress who can understand it. During the hardcore "negotiations" you get dumped outside. This little ring subplot seems to be the basis for the sequel.

    I'd make a collage, but Apple II graphics are jarring enough as is, so here's the ending.

    • 1 month ago

      didn't play The Quest. It seems interesting and you made it appealing. How much time does it take to beat the game?

      • 1 month ago

        A successful run doesn't take very long as with most early adventure games. The game should allow you to save (though if you emulate you have save states anyway).

        Of course the actual time sink is in figuring things out. I already mentioned that you don't actually kill the dragon (making the armour or the dragon slaying sword useless) and need to figure out how to understand it somehow. You still need to figure out where the whelp is, how to get there and how to safely get it back. I'd say that with a bit of experience in adventure games, you should be able to figure it out in a few hours from scratch. It has a few cave systems, the larger one with the adult dragon having a few passages that will lead to guaranteed game over areas, so you might want to map a bit, but nothing excessive.

    • 1 month ago

      And that's that one done.

      Largely the same engine as , but released 2 years later. Big additions are animated objects/characters in scenes, there's quite a few of them but the animations themselves are limited.
      It also has some very basic arcade game segments mixed in which require you to save. I couldn't actually get them to work, but the game has a command to turn these arcade sections off (ARCADE OFF). The arcade games aren't worth it anyway.

      As said in the previous post, the ring plays a major role. Technically speaking you are some otherworlder brought forth by the Ring of Order to help deal with the Ring of Chaos who is now possessing the sorceress from the previous game. Your champion friend is still the same though.

      Solutions seem more limited than the previous game. The game itself is set-up to start from an 8-way intersection and technically you get to go anywhere, but you're still limited by certain roadblocks. Another addition is the sorceress harassing you and this really is just to annoy you. Every so often she'll pop-up and cast confusion/deplete water/teleport to frick with you. Water tends not to be too far away for that reason and the depletion should still count as a drink though.

      The end is a bit boring, you get to the evil castle, get dropped in a void maze which you'll have to navigate by eye (keeping in mind your direction) and then you just walk up to the sorcereress.

      I don't really have much else to say about it. It's a decent sequel that goes in a bit of a different direction, but I can understand a larger game having more static solutions as the world might get too filled with crap otherwise. I guess Gorn appears in Ultima 5-7.

  6. 1 month ago

    Between Daggerfall and Morrowind, which one should I pick to play first?

    • 1 month ago

      Morrowind. Daggerfall is cool with the Unity mods, but I think Morrowind has such a good vibe to it.

      Daggerfall is like Minecraft, you really have to watch some people on YouTube to figure out how other people actually play the game to get a sense of what you 'can' do.

  7. 1 month ago

    Oh no! What a horrible fate!

    • 1 month ago

      >The ogress lives in a shipwreck on the west coast. When she hugs Gorn, the "ogress smell" is an item that remains invisible in the inventory.

  8. 1 month ago
    Chud Anon

    Model of speakers?

  9. 1 month ago

    Been playing C&C Tiberium Sun. I played it back in the day, got stuck about halfway through both campaigns, and never really got back to it. After beating C&C, Red Alert, and RA2, I decided to get back to it. I never realized how much Tiberium Sun sucks.
    I know a lot of people praise it for graphics or atmosphere or other shit that actually has nothing to do with the quality of a videogame, which leads me to suspect most of the people praising it are just watching videos of it on youtube. Because holy SHIT Tiberium Sun sucks ass. The campaigns are fricking horrible slogs full of gimmick bullshit missions, and even skirmish mode is no fun since the balance is broken in favor of GDI.
    First off, who's idea was it to convert back from RA's system for how engineers worked back to C&C style? Engies were already OP as hell, there's no need to make them take over undamaged structures instantly. The underground and hover transports would be cool, if you didn't need to spend thousands and thousands of credits just to pave and wall off your base to deal with them.
    And these campaign missions, what the frick were they thinking? "Here, chase down this train with 7 units, you don't get to build more. The enemy has over 100 units all over the map, have fun!" "Use artillery that can hit half a screen away to take down these radar sites. If you get within a screen and a half of them, the alert will sound and it's mission failed. Oh, and we don't tell you the radar radius, so you'll have to spend a good deal of time figuring it out and failing. HAVE FUN!" Almost every mission is like this.
    Tiberium Sun is a shit game only praised by people who don't actually play it.

  10. 1 month ago

    I was cleaning my father's office and I found an envelope with a sheet of Pentium 3 badges. I think I put that somewhere safe so I can find it again.

  11. 1 month ago

    So MoO was on sale on gog and decided to get a copy of the first and second games. I'm surprised how well it holds up to this day. Rage of Mages on the other hand, simply makes my screen flicker and it's unplayable.

  12. 1 month ago

    Real hardware or PCem?

    • 1 month ago

      whatever you like. I use DOSBox for most of my games or buy them straight from gog. I was never the guy to keep old electronics as long as I could play old games on a newer machine.

    • 1 month ago

      Real hardware is cool if you have easy access to it but otherwise it's too much of a moneysink and a pain in the ass.

      • 1 month ago

        Agreed. I'm in it for the games anyway but I'm a sucker for the old, bulky, white-gray aesthetic.

  13. 1 month ago

    Played Ravenloft 1 & 2. Finished 1 but get bored with 2, about 70-80%, just a few more dungeons. I was about to play Menzoberranzan next but I think I need other games.

    • 1 month ago

      God damn I forgot about it, I'm going to play it I think. Just finished a three castle run in Castle tho.

      • 1 month ago

        Ravenloft and Menzoberranzan use the same engine (with a bit of upgrade in each release). The order of release is Ravenloft, Menzoberranzan and Ravenloft 2. good luck with Menzoberranzan. I played it long time ago and I like it but playing 3 games with similar interface is too much for me. I guess I'm getting old.

  14. 1 month ago

    Borderline zoomer here. Just started playing picrel and it's a fricking blast.

    • 1 month ago

      Peak fricking kino. Shadow wizard money gang: the game.

      • 1 month ago

        Me on the left

      • 1 month ago

        Flying Invisible Warship

  15. 1 month ago

    >already have near-mint Dell CRT monitor
    >got old P4 emachine T4480 out of storage
    >all PCI slots except 1 4x AGP slot
    >512MB RAM
    >came with XP but was slow as hell
    >Radeon 9000 that came with it is missing, but has on-board video
    >splash screen came up on boot, but I heard bad sounds coming from the fan so I shut it down
    >see Geforce FX 5200 128MB 4x AGP video card for $20
    >see Audigy Vortex PCI card for $30
    >new CPU fan would be about $15
    I was about to pull the trigger and try to make a solid Win98SE machine, until I looked into getting drivers for this machine.

    • 1 month ago

      oh frick, do those come in CDs?

      Not sure if this is the place to ask but do you guys know where can I download a diablo 2 installer? I have the game and its CD key and don't want to buy it again digitally, especially from the blizzard that is today.

      Nvm, found it.

    • 1 month ago

      Drivers are trivial to find, I don't understand the issue here.

      • 1 month ago

        For the video card and sound card, sure. But have fun finding T4480 motherboard chipset drivers for Win98SE. eMachines only made XP drivers for that system, so you might find it tricky.

        • 1 month ago

          Try generic chipset drivers

        • 1 month ago

          So you're trying to find drivers that don't exist? If a board supports 98 there will be chipset drivers available somewhere.

  16. 1 month ago

    Not sure if this is the place to ask but do you guys know where can I download a diablo 2 installer? I have the game and its CD key and don't want to buy it again digitally, especially from the blizzard that is today.

  17. 1 month ago

    Recently played through the Space Quest series. My favourite was either 3 or 5. I loved the aesthetics of 3 and IMO its the best looking and sounding (with the MT32) of the series, and 5 was great for how it captures the feeling of being a captain of a starship. Makes me want to play a star trek game that captures that feeling too. 6 was terrible and the worst by far.

    I also played Fallout 1, I'm about halfway through 2. Played these ages ago, haven't really got much to say about them since everything worth saying about them has already been said a million times. Looking forward to playing Tactics since I skipped that one last time I went through the series, and I want to play Arcanum too. Never played it before, but I started watching Tim Cain's YouTube channel and that's how I learned about it. It seems like Fallout but a lot more with a really cool premise of industrial revolution fantasy.

    I'm also playing KOTOR and TES: Arena on the side. Had a real hankering for retro PC gaming lately since for the past couple of years I've been focusing on 3rd to 5th gen console and arcade gaming. I wish there was something like 86box that focused on XP era hardware. I've been messing around with VMs and stuff, no real luck and the first game I tried securom cucked me. I know that I can probably play 90% of the games I want to play on Windows 10. But fricking around with win9x on dosbox-x made me realise that patches and stuff kind of ruin the original experience a little bit. Especially resolution patches. Old games should look old in my opinion.

  18. 1 month ago

    Working 24h shift, no /vr/ for me today bros...can't wait to get home and boot up Diablo.

  19. 1 month ago

    mr. Freeman smelled the ashes a little too hard

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