Peak Spider-Man game

Peak Spider-Man game

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    Ultimate Spiderman is better

    • 7 months ago


      No, but it's still fun.

    • 7 months ago

      Both are good.

  2. 7 months ago

    truthpill is, there is no real great spider-man game unless you count his inclusion in one of the Capcom VS games.

    • 7 months ago

      There is no good Spiderman games because he is fundamentally shit like most "super" heroes.

      Realest homie who ever lived right here

  3. 7 months ago

    PSX Spiderman is not only the best spiderman game ever made, it's also the first actually good superhero game ever made.

    • 7 months ago

      Lol superman on the 2600 is better than spider shit.

      • 7 months ago

        So good nobody gives a shit about it lmao
        Take your meds grandpa

    • 7 months ago

      >PSX Spiderman is not only the best spiderman game ever made, it's also the first actually good superhero game ever made.
      Disagree, I only find that game to be merely "ok" anyway. Like most things Playstation early 3D, it's massively overrated.

      It also had an oddly kiddy appeal that turned me off as a kid who actually grew up reading comics, and even compared to Spider-Man TAS which was pretty goofy, but Spider-Man on PS1 almost feels like a parody game with its humor.

      • 7 months ago

        >Generic fighting game
        Get real.
        I wanna save a city, not 1v1 a random capeshit character picked from a bucket and then go back to the menu.

        • 7 months ago

          >generic fighting game
          So you just don't play fighting games. And PS1 Spider-Man is what, generic shovelware from an awful developer only truly liked because of the IP attached to it?

          • 7 months ago

            >PS1 Spider-Man is what
            Greatly acclaimed as one of the best superhero games of all time and ALWAYS remembered in any list. There's no spiderman game today that doesn't pay respects to it. There's no retro Batman game, no Superman game, no Fantastic Four game, no X-Men game as lauded as it is and you know this.
            >IP attached to it?
            Just like your shitty fighting game, but it didn't have to compromise at all, so the game is entirely about Spiderman rather than all Marvel characters.
            Frick outta here lmao

            • 7 months ago

              >There's no retro Batman game, no Superman game, no Fantastic Four game, no X-Men game as lauded as it is and you know this.
              NES Batman gets more fanfare, and I'm not even saying that is a great game. All the Capcom Marvel games get more fanfare.

              PSX nostalgia is a very niche thing in all honesty in the broader spectrum of gaming nostalgia and fanfare, probably because a lot of it wasn't that great but those who are obsessed with it will hype up any of that crap to high heaven. And besides, even if it did matter, the argument that "normies like it" is always a stupid and shit one. Normies like the MCU and Ice Spice, which are objectively shit to anyone who knows movies or music. Same can apply to gaming.

              >>IP attached to it?
              >Just like your shitty fighting game,
              No, not like that at all Capcom made the most of the widely loved fighting games of the era, it can't be considered "shovelware" by any definition and I'm not even a Capcom dicksucker, but their 90s fighting games are, ironically enough, the most widely loved thing when it comes to fighting game nostalgia. So your own dumbass popularity argument works against you.

              >but it didn't have to compromise at all
              It did, because the entire concept of early 3D was a compromise in gameplay. It also compromised in being a goofy silly ass version of Spider-Man for little babies rather than hardcore comic fans.
              >so the game is entirely about Spiderman rather than all Marvel characters.
              Uh, Spider-Man PS1 has multiple cameos from other Marvel characters while X-Men COTA is entirely X-Men characters. You're talking out of your ass now.
              >Frick outta here lmao
              Lol now it speaks in twitter ebonics, shows over folks.

              • 7 months ago

                >Batman NES
                Basic platformer with a Batman skin where you don't even get to use all of his abilities to do things like disabling bombs, putting out fires, stopping planes or other things that involve, you know, saving a city in conjunction with fighting criminals.
                >all Capcom made the most of the widely loved fighting games of the era
                COTA isn't even Capcom's top 5 of the era. They didn't even bring it (or any other capeshit game) back on their fighting bundle despite still having the license from that shitty MvCI game. It's even more ironic when you pretend they haven't been churning out fighting games by the dozen in the late 90s for a genre that stayed dead until SF4.
                >goofy silly ass version of Spider-Man
                Entirely in line with the actual comic books you were too young to be able to read at the time.
                Yes, cameos. and not characters that you play as in the game at all, you fricking moron. It's Spiderman's game where you play as Spiderman.
                Got any more pathetic arguments?

              • 7 months ago

                >avoids all points
                You lose.

                You don't play fighting games, shut up, you have no idea which ones are liked or not by people who do. As for the comic books, I've read them all. The Spider-Man game being "just like the comics" is as much of a meme as saying the MCU Spider-Man is "just like the comics". Does this look like PS1 Venom? No. The game takes an extra goofy kid friendly approach.

              • 7 months ago

                >You don't play fighting games
                The point is about cool superhero games, not this repleacable shit you're peddling that has a comicbook coat of paint. Swap these sprites for anything else and it's the same game. Swap Spiderman's model in SM2000 for anything else and people will notice. Gambit doesn't climb buildings and swing villains around with a web string.
                And Venom has always been a goofy killing machine with brief moments of clarity. And this was before these games even came out.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah you only play casual child games where you fight by mashing a single button, we get it, Smash must be up your alley. And no, Venom could be goofy but he was always a threat. When you take away the threat of Venom, you're left with a purely comedic character, and that's the tone of the whole PS1 game, it feels flanderized as frick and even as a kid I was like "this is kinda gay and obviously for people younger than me". Venom is a character who's going to try and kill you, and maybe say some silly shit while trying to do it. He's not gonna broadcast a talkshow promo to New York and then bumble around as the comic relief.

                And still, Playstation games are all horrible. Your nostalgia is shit and non objective, Spider-Man on PS1 is not a fun action game, you just like it because it tickles your dick to swing around and be like "woah im swingin im rly spder man!". Any 90s Capcom fighter holds up better today in terms of actual gameplay which is why people still play them for reasons beyond warm fuzzy nostalgia boners.

              • 7 months ago

                Isn't Smash the game that killed your precious shovelware lol
                Venom is also not the main antagonist of the game, moron. CCA stripped any considerable adult themes from the comics that you so desperately keep cherrypicking, and the ones that the game was based on are listed even in the game itself. That's more research than Capcom ever did.
                >Playstation games are all horrible
                Showed your hand way too easily ,moron.

              • 7 months ago

                Smash doesn't effect anything lol, it's a baby game and not even part of the fighting game genre. That's like saying Zelda "killed rpgs"

                Playstation games are shit. Look like shit, play like shit. Mega Man X4 might be the only good Playstation game, and it is inferior to all of the 16 bit ones.

            • 7 months ago

              Holy shit what a giant fricking scrub.

        • 7 months ago

          >the game is entirely about Spiderman rather than all Marvel characters.
          u a dumbass?

      • 7 months ago

        >It also had an oddly kiddy appeal that turned me off as a kid who actually grew up reading kiddy stuff
        Seems to me you just got mad that they understood the source material better than you.

        • 7 months ago

          You can just totally ignore everything else ITT showing how the comics were a lot less kiddy, makes you look like an idiot though

          • 7 months ago

            >the comics were a lot less kiddy
            It's all the same juvenile fantasy stuff. You just wanted to perceive the comics as something else to appear more mature and it's perfectly understandable when you're still growing up.

    • 7 months ago

      Did you forget about batman on the nes?

  4. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      i would never say no to getting a little girl's balloon for her

    • 7 months ago

      I played SM2 for the first time last year and i was expecting the Balloon kid to be the worst since i heard alot of bad things about it on the internet, but honestly it was not too bad, in fact getting the Balloon back has been pretty easy in all of my playthroughs

      • 7 months ago

        It's obviously more to do with the annoying screaming than the difficulty of actually getting it back. And often you were in the middle of something important when it popped up.

  5. 7 months ago

    Thread theme

  6. 7 months ago

    I know Spider-Man 2 is the better game but I’m a lot more nostalgic for the original Spider-Man movie game. I had it on chadbox which had the exclusive kraven level for some reason which is weird because Sony owned the Spider-Man film rights.

    • 7 months ago

      Too bad that level was not even in the PC version

    • 7 months ago

      >You lost kid?

      • 7 months ago

        Circus in town?

    • 7 months ago

      You beat those guys up? How embarrassing.

    • 7 months ago

      To me it felt a lot like a rehash of Neversoft's game, even the thugs look the same

      >You lost kid?

      • 7 months ago

        All the movement patterns and attacks are mostly just the same ones as in the ps1 version so it's not a stretch. Same developers + some foresights not to include green goblin in the ps1 games except as an easter egg because the movie was in productions likely during the same times.

    • 7 months ago

      spiderman 2 has the swinging, the pizza minigame, and the mysterio punch and that's it, it's a pretty shoddy cheap game otherwise.

      • 7 months ago

        It also has the cool climbing bicycle kick you can do on enemies, and being able to grab an idiot, web swing up to the highest point and do a super spinning piledriver into the street with him is sick.
        Also I love fighting those weird Spiderman clones during the house of mirrors level, if only for the weird shit they say.

        • 7 months ago

          >being able to grab an idiot, web swing up to the highest point and do a super spinning piledriver into the street with him is sick.
          The robber just went unconscious, he will be ok.

  7. 7 months ago

    still mad the PC "game" is completely different and total dogshit

    • 7 months ago

      yeah but it was still fun as shit to play as a kid

    • 7 months ago

      I'm that autist kid who liked PC version.
      I liked to search for tiny colored spiders in open world which was a new concept to me and more entertaining than actual gameplay.

      Every Spider-man game that has useless collectables scattered across the city gets a bonus point from me.

      • 7 months ago

        >I'm that autist kid who liked PC version.
        >I liked to search for tiny colored spiders in open world which was a new concept to me and more entertaining than actual gameplay.

        >Every Spider-man game that has useless collectables scattered across the city gets a bonus point from me.
        But the console versions of Spider-Man 2 are full of pointless collectibles too. Landmark tokens, secret tokens, hideout tokens, hint markers, etc. You can still have your collecting autism and play a better game.

    • 7 months ago

      It's still not worse than PSP version. I doubt there are many video games in general which are worse than that. Game Boy Spider-man games are better and more fun.

      > run the straight line from A to B missions
      > "missions" are 20 seconds long
      > helicopter bullshit

    • 7 months ago

      kek i had it and for a long time wondered why are people so assmad about it. little did i know about the console version...

  8. 7 months ago

    Obligatory post

  9. 7 months ago

    >no unlockable costumes or bonus characters like Green Goblin in the first game
    >zero (0) seconds of footage from the movie despite being an officially licensed game
    >no bts features
    >only postgame content is a fricking warehouse and a fight with...Calypso? Fricking Calypso? How does Kraven's afterthought of a girlfriend have anything to do with the Raimi-Verse? Of all the characters in Spidey's rouge's gallery they chose one of the most obscure and least popular ones as the ONLY bonus content you can possibly unlock

    10/10 game otherwise but this really pissed me off. Especially because the PS1 Spider-Man games had shitloads of bonus costumes and unlockable comic comers and shit like that

  10. 7 months ago

    xbox or you didnt play the game

  11. 7 months ago

    oh, too much mustard

  12. 7 months ago

    I should replay it one of these days but looking back what really stood out was the web slinging. I'd do that shit for hours on end while just listening to some cd's to wind down. Peak nostalgia right there.

  13. 7 months ago

    I feel what aged badly on SM2 is the fact that you have to press a button to let go of the webbing, Ultimate Spider-Man onwards made web swinging more fluid in that regard

    • 7 months ago

      Nah, I prefer being able to control my height when leaving a web with the charge jump. Ultimate Spiderman swinging feels too flimsy, but it’s still an option in 2 in the control settings.

  14. 7 months ago

    I think something that should be acknowledged is just how much of a jump spiderman 1 to spiderman 2 was. You were no longer confined to rooftops (which was something my friends always joked about as kids, why is Spider-Man so afraid of walking on the sidewalk?). Now you could freely roam around the city which looked and felt great (now it is obvious the draw distance was iffy and the city just looks like boxes with smaller boxes on them for windows.) None of these new Spider-Man games will shine as bright as spider man 2 because unless they create some full vr spidey suit to emulate the feeling of swinging through the sky, they will never do anything as new as spiderman 2 did. With that being said, I think Spiderman 1 felt more focused and I enjoyed it much more.

    • 7 months ago

      Spiderman 2 map was more impressive than the gta maps at the time because they chose to make it so that you can see the whole city when you climb on the highest building and not just some fog. Obviously they had to do it by lod tricks and the far buildings just turn into boxes but it worked. Granted, showing the whole map isn't the best choice by default by any means because in games like GTA:SA (came same year as SM2) the whole thing would just look silly if the fog was removed or they didn't artificially alter the plane and car speeds to make trips last a bit longer.

  15. 7 months ago

    I know this is /vr/ and everyone has to unconditionally tell themselves OLD GOOD NEW BAD but the modern PS4/5 Spiderman games are the absolute best and it's not even close. Nothing compares when it comes to actually feeling like Spiderman. Of course you can be nostalgic for the old ones but pretending they're superior is just /vr/ LARPing.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm sure the mechanics in the new games are good especially since from what I saw they seemed to basically combine the old Spider-Man games with cues from the Batman Arkham games, but anything with Miles Morales is notmuh and I won't be paying attention to it.

      • 7 months ago

        Not even meming or trolling here, I really liked the game overall but the Miles shit is fricking infuriating. They shove Peter out of the way to force multiple sections of Miles stealth section gameplay on you. You can just see them laying the groundwork to swap Peter out completely and it's so forced and unwelcome.

        They couldn't even give Peter one full game to himself without greasing the skids for his replacement? Frick that shit/ Never buying the 2nd one or any other game with Miles in it. If Spider-Man isn't Peter fricking Parker than you can kiss my ass

        • 7 months ago

          Being a Spidey fan is suffering. Worst part? The younger fans eat this shit up, because Spider-Man's shift to a generic "wimpy nice guy" has attracted that kind of self inserting fanbase, and they'll like any of the modern Spidey shittery which just ensures that it is the new status quo for him. Parker is just the universes doormat (but for really real now) and the Spider-Man brand is about some Power Rangers "everyone is Spider" team hero shit

          • 7 months ago

            >because Spider-Man's shift to a generic "wimpy nice guy" has attracted that kind of self inserting fanbase
            i think you're reaching.

            • 7 months ago

              Lol every younger fan I see who makes Spider-Man content and every Ganker thread full of frickin weirdos talking about "comfy" this and "comfy" that has convinced me of that. And they'll all jerk off Tom Hollandman and Spider-Verse, and they always have a massive hateboner for any villain who ever actually did some damage to Peter cause they don't like things getting too dark, it's all supposed to be about nice things!

              It's amazing to me the newer Disney Spider-Man show actually does catch shit, because it seems tailor made for the modern fanbase, I don't see how it's different than anything else

              • 7 months ago

                I think you could dump the scenery chewing comic guy from the ps1 game into the new spiderman games and virtually no popculture ripples would be registered. people on reddit would be playing the sony AAA made by insomniac

    • 7 months ago

      Not retro, dweebenheimer.

    • 7 months ago

      The newer spiderman games are just 2 with better graphics, more automated swinging, and bamham combat. I never bothered to finish the first one.

    • 7 months ago

      Shit story

    • 7 months ago

      Wokeshit is inherently bad, I'm not playing games made by people who hate me.

    • 7 months ago

      Eh, open world Spider-Man games are nice and all that, but the formula hasn't really changed much since the PS2 days. It's nice having a 3D game that's tight like the PSX games.

  16. 7 months ago

    If you need anyone to circlejerk you, there's something incredibly wrong.

  17. 7 months ago

    Oh, don't mind me, just the REAL peak Spider-Man video game coming through.

  18. 7 months ago

    Hard to believe Spider-Man games are so terrible now.

    • 7 months ago

      >Miles Morales is a main stay because he's a tokenization meant to replace Peter
      >MJ's a naggy journalist hag instead of a sexy and gentle supermodel wife
      >Black Cat has no more cleavage and has also turned into a dyke for some reason
      >Venom's no longer Eddie Brock and instead Harry while also having no personality

      I hate Bendis, Quesada, Slott and Insomniac so much... but most of all, I hate consoomers.

      • 7 months ago

        I could force myself to tune out all that for good gameplay. Alas, we got Sony and Insomniac salting the earth.

      • 7 months ago

        >guys literally only want one thing and it's disgusting

      • 7 months ago

        >Venom being harry
        this strikes me as the same rationale as making doc ock peter's science mentor and norman's rival where in the comics doc wasn't really that centrally linked. condense the universe for dramatic effect. doesn't work as well with venom.

        • 7 months ago

          Not to mention, Harry already has a villain persona, it's Goblin 2. At some point, things like this cross the line from being "adaptations" and just become fanfiction. A lot of modern shit is like that, so much modern media I feel just comes off as bad fanfiction, people inserting ideas they think would be better in their headcanon but actually aren't

  19. 7 months ago

    This new game was so shit. How is this one better, though?

    Only serious answers and not "le soul"

    • 7 months ago

      The gameplay is good, the swinging is fun, it's made by people who want to make a deliver a fun experience and not spiteful ogres. In fact it's so great you barely notice Tobey's bad voice acting (much better than Lowenthal's btw).

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