People couldn't even be bothered making fun of this game, is AC dead?

People couldn't even be bothered making fun of this game, is AC dead?

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  1. 5 months ago

    its been dead since the egyptian one

    • 5 months ago

      nah odyssey is the best one

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          im 35 i probably played the first ac before you were born

          • 5 months ago

            apologies, it seems you just have shit taste

            • 5 months ago

              >t. black flag is my favourite

              • 5 months ago

                2>1>brotherhood>black gay>revelations>3
                stopped playing them when unity came out

              • 5 months ago

                if you stopped playing there how do you know what the new ones are like

              • 5 months ago

                >what is youtube
                also the advertising for origins was really in your face about how they drastically changed the gameplay, and i did not like what i saw

              • 5 months ago

                Can you frick off? No one is interested in your ill-informed takes. Go watch gameplay videos on youtune and let people who actually play video games discuss them.

              • 5 months ago

                actually seething

              • 5 months ago

                You only know how they are like after you paid for it?

                >Choice-supportive bias or post-purchase rationalization is the tendency to retroactively ascribe positive attributes to an option one has selected and/or to demote the forgone options.[1] It is part of cognitive science, and is a distinct cognitive bias that occurs once a decision is made. For example, if a person chooses option A instead of option B, they are likely to ignore or downplay the faults of option A while amplifying or ascribing new negative faults to option B. Conversely, they are also likely to notice and amplify the advantages of option A and not notice or de-emphasize those of option B.


                >ummm actually I don't need to play to have opinons
                Lmao this is the gay calling you a zoomer for liking something his youtube clique shits on. Odyssey is a fun game. It's dumb but it's fun. Valhalla, that's shit.

              • 5 months ago

                You only know how they are like after you paid for it?

                >Choice-supportive bias or post-purchase rationalization is the tendency to retroactively ascribe positive attributes to an option one has selected and/or to demote the forgone options.[1] It is part of cognitive science, and is a distinct cognitive bias that occurs once a decision is made. For example, if a person chooses option A instead of option B, they are likely to ignore or downplay the faults of option A while amplifying or ascribing new negative faults to option B. Conversely, they are also likely to notice and amplify the advantages of option A and not notice or de-emphasize those of option B.


              • 5 months ago

                i didnt pay for them

              • 5 months ago

                I didn't pay for Unity either, got it for free due that arsoning, but I regret wasting my time with it. It's just a husk of a good game.
                Just got Syndicate for free too (also legally). Won't be wasting my time playing it.

              • 5 months ago

                >got it for free due that arsoning

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                they gave it away for free when notre dame burned down

              • 5 months ago

                So it really was a Templar op after all

              • 5 months ago

                nostalgia goggles
                moron goggles

              • 5 months ago

                didn't ask

              • 5 months ago

                don't care

      • 5 months ago

        Odyssey is straight up kino.

      • 5 months ago

        >RPG homosexualry

  2. 5 months ago

    Dunno. Is it any good? Not going to buy it though, I like openworld-slop. Guilty pleasure of mine. They should have just pandered to me with another massive historical open world.

    • 5 months ago

      same, AC is my only guilty pleasure because I used to be an extremist fanboy of it

    • 5 months ago

      its more of the same, i played it like i played odyssey, map and HUD mostly turned off, and pathfinding my way around the map using landmarks.

      i have to say it was kino, probably my top 3 games played in 2023 but thats mostly due to how much i enjoy these games

      • 5 months ago

        I too play these games with as little clutter as possible. No minimap, compass etc so I can enjoy the scenery without distraction. Say what you want about the gameplay in these games but they take their time with nature, architecture, lighting etc. It can be quite beautiful and relaxing if you let yourself ve immersed.

        • 5 months ago

          I didn't use fast travel and just used either the camel or better yet, the waterways that zigzag the city and the exterior.

          It's actually surprising how painless it's to play the game with no hud. You don't need 500 glowing arrows everywhere on your UI, there's enough sound cues, the instinct mode also has you covered when you need to find some random key somewhere. I miss the pathfinder mode in Odyssey where you needed to read directions to find your way, hope it makes a return sometime.

          • 5 months ago

            I dont use fast travel either. Glad to see I am not alone in the way I enjoy these types of games.

            • 5 months ago

              did you play KCD? these games probably overlap target audiences

              • 5 months ago

                Yep, I keep my eye open for these experiences. RDR2 was also great for this. Elder Scrolls games, of course. Honestly, even Euro Truck Simulator 2 kind of.

              • 5 months ago

                funny that you mention it, since I noticed the similarities to KCD, i was even playing in first person and all from the janky movement and the sense of atmosphere all lined up... but i just couldn't get into it. i guess it's the time period, i'm a Gankergay but the frontier just bores me, which is unfortunate, the game seemed like a gem if you're into that stuff.

              • 5 months ago

                RDR2 was really great for this indeed. The weather system, the atmosphere, the sound design. Just turn off the annoying western fiddle music and it truly is great. Hunting, camping, fishing, murdering, litterally what more could a man ask. PC version had amazing graphics.

              • 5 months ago

                >Just turn off the annoying western fiddle music and it truly is great
                truly plebeian

              • 5 months ago

                Sorry. The music during the story missions is good but the exploration music is just awful for the kind of experience I am looking for.

              • 5 months ago

                [jew's harp intensifies]
                I liked it, its pretty ambient, doesn't overpower the natural sounds, and is appropriate for the setting and tone of the game.

              • 5 months ago

                Its fine and suits the game, but I was more interested in the sound of wind, rain, people, like actually being there and not in a western movie if you get me.

              • 5 months ago

                Fair enough, check the options I wonder if you can turn it down/off.
                I do like the sound design of the game though, you're really selling yourself short if you're not playing it on surround sound, or with decent headphones. There's a lot of information it conveys through the sound.
                A lot of people complained about following map markers, but that's honestly on the player. If you turn the map off to the simple compass, when you get near the start of a quest location you'll often hear audio cues when you start getting close, like someone hollering for you, or someone shooting off their gun for target practice.
                Its also another reason why the night people are so fricking creepy because they're just black holes of sound and every time you hear literally nothing in the swamp area you just start twirling in circles because you don't want them sneaking up on you again.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah I turned it off when I played. I agree the sound design is amazing in RDR2 and something a lot of people dont notice.

    • 5 months ago

      its more of the same, i played it like i played odyssey, map and HUD mostly turned off, and pathfinding my way around the map using landmarks.

      i have to say it was kino, probably my top 3 games played in 2023 but thats mostly due to how much i enjoy these games

      I too play these games with as little clutter as possible. No minimap, compass etc so I can enjoy the scenery without distraction. Say what you want about the gameplay in these games but they take their time with nature, architecture, lighting etc. It can be quite beautiful and relaxing if you let yourself ve immersed.

      I didn't use fast travel and just used either the camel or better yet, the waterways that zigzag the city and the exterior.

      It's actually surprising how painless it's to play the game with no hud. You don't need 500 glowing arrows everywhere on your UI, there's enough sound cues, the instinct mode also has you covered when you need to find some random key somewhere. I miss the pathfinder mode in Odyssey where you needed to read directions to find your way, hope it makes a return sometime.

      I dont use fast travel either. Glad to see I am not alone in the way I enjoy these types of games.

      Thread so dead only bots talking

      • 5 months ago

        >why isn't he sticking to the Ganker narrative where new bad old good!!! he must be a bot!!!!!

  3. 5 months ago

    it's been dead since the left rome.

  4. 5 months ago

    >tfw mogged by the VR game
    lmao the AC series is fricking dead

  5. 5 months ago

    I mean there's nothing to talk about, Ubisoft was openly calling it a filler game to the point it was on Ubisoft+ day one.

  6. 5 months ago

    I'm sure people will love the Japan game with the black protagonist

  7. 5 months ago

    Just started playing this this weekend, not to enthused now.
    Last AC I played was Origins and the background chatter sounds almost exactly the same, which is a bit boring. (And odd, I presumed they wouldn't be speaking Arabic in pre-Arab conquest ancient Egypt.)

  8. 5 months ago

    i dont know anyone who bothered to play ac creed: paki

  9. 5 months ago

    It only got interesting towards the end and even then if you played Valhalla you knew what happened next

    • 5 months ago

      yeah the story is probably the worst of its aspects which is a shame, i tend to be at least somewhat interested in what is happening in these games but not here. basim is probably the weakest protagonist ive played as in these games, which is just baffling because he was interesting in valhalla.

  10. 5 months ago

    The whole setting feels wasted

    All the historical domain characters are there for at most one or two scenes and even then unless your Arab you probably won't even know who half of them are

    Baghad feels empty and the desert is worse

  11. 5 months ago

    UbiSoft literally lost the plot with the franchise so it's safe to say it's going literally nowhere but into the trash inevitably. Nothing lasts forever.
    t. played AC1-AC Valhalla. Valhalla was the final nail in the coffin. Not even a full-blown AC1 remake in the new engine could revive this dying franchise. And good. I'd rather see it die soon with some dignity left than see it continue to become something I despise.

    • 5 months ago

      isn't one of the next ones a "hub" (where anything can happen) or something?

      • 5 months ago

        Couldn't care less. The original story was outright abandoned and they have no intentions of writing something worthwhile to take its place. It's endless feetdragging until the franchise enters the grave

        • 5 months ago

          Abandoned? How?

          • 5 months ago

            I think that anon is confused. The guy who mostly created the game envisioned it as a trilogy, after the ezio games came out he left ubisoft, and you get the third game with one of the most anticlimactic events to ever spend three games building towards.
            I mean Black folk, you knew the vault was going to be ignored until the 2012 solar flare, why not just have the gate programmed to come down 10 minutes till.

            • 5 months ago

              Desmond was originally supposed to live because his death would free Juno. This single change to the story lead to the modern narrative being concluded in some random comic book. Now UbiSoft just throws anything at the wall and hope it's esoteric enough to stick for a game or two
              >even minimised Desmond's sacrifice by making Layla into Desmond 2.0

              • 5 months ago

                Just to play doubles advocate, I never, ever, not once, a single time, ever, in any timeline or reality, have ever given a single dusty frick about desmond and the current day story line.
                In my head I imagined it was eventually going to be a modern day ass creed where desmond becomes batman, and travels through different cities with the animus effect having him able to switch between his ancestors memory and his without the machine and having a modern/historic version of maps with different skills and traversal methods between them.
                Shit would have been cash, someone needs to give me money to make bad decisions at video game companies. The boss's wife's cousin's neighbor can still have his moronic ass job twiddling his thumbs, but holy shit stop letting him make decisions.

              • 5 months ago

                Was never intended. The world was going to be cleansed, rightfully, as it was the will of the universe that not even the Isu could stop. Instead we got Layla Hassan doing whatever the frick she wants

            • 5 months ago

              The series was supposed to go in an entirely different direction after AC3. UbiSoft forced the creator to change the ending because they didn't want their cash cow to go to sleep, which resulted in the creator leaving the series. Now the teams are entirely comprised of people who fundamentally don't understand the original vision. This is why the modern story has been treated like an ugly step-cousin, because nobody at UbiSoft knows what the frick it is or even cares. On top of that, the original concept is now a societal taboo so UbiSoft wouldn't have the courage to continue that narrative even if they did understand it.

              tl;dr story went absolutely bonkers after AC3 just to keep the money coming in indefinitely

              What was the different direction the series was supposed to go towards post AC3?

              > On top of that, the original concept is now a societal taboo
              Explain? What's taboo about genetic memories?

              • 5 months ago

                Genetic memories aren't taboo. Solar CMEs are. Just check out the hate and mass media attacks coordinated against those studying plasma cosmology & the sun's effect on climate change. That was the whole recurring doomsday plot of AC, shelved so UbiSoft can continue to profit off of a deformed shadow

              • 5 months ago

                I have no idea if you're putting me on or if there's this entire field of study and hatred of said field that's going on well away from my (and mainstrem media's) attention.
                Why would there be a coordinated hate against it? It certainly doesn't seem to be part of the culture wars.

              • 5 months ago

                Wish I was being facetious. It's as absurd as it sounds. Some of the findings discovered when studying the sun's effect on climate change comes into direct conflict with the dominant narrative that human activity is the primary driver of climate change. This is a discussion for a different board entirely, so I'll leave it there. But that is the original plot. The sun slowly starts fricking with everything around it because of electromagnetic forces found to be significant in plasma cosmology, then shotgun blasts tons of solar materials out into the solar system, knocking us back into the stone age for various reasons. That was the whole ending of AC3 that Desmond was intended to NOT stop.

              • 5 months ago

                So you're saying these sun flares are inevitably gonna frick up civilization so they're covering up knowledge of it? Or is that the game's conceit only?
                >This is a discussion for a different board entirely, so I'll leave it there.
                That's never stopped anyone before when it was outright unwanted, and in this thread you have at least one curious person who'd like to know more.

              • 5 months ago

                That was the intention for them in the game's story. Whether or not the real science behind it is true is outside of my realm of expertise. All I know is that it gets a lot of mainstream hate. The reason they won't touch it mostly has to do with what it implies about climate change if I had to guess. If people thought climate change had a cause that wasn't human activity, nobody would willingly pay carbon taxes or fund the IPCC.

              • 5 months ago

                >If people thought climate change had a cause that wasn't human activity, nobody would willingly pay carbon taxes or fund the IPCC.
                Buring fossil fuels is really shitty on the lungs when you have to breathe it; pollution has many negatives aside from climate change. I can't imagine taking that away would make people blind to all the other negatives.

                >post AC3?
                There was no "post" originally. That's part of the reason Johnny McFrenchname left. Ubisoft wanted annual releases and to milk it forever because it was a cash cow, while he wanted to stick to the original plan.
                Honestly don't know why you wouldn't be able to accommodate both.
                The real world story line was always just a framing device for a social stealth/historical tourism simulator. Just throw a dart at list of old cities with good architecture you can research and reference, and the historical periods it intersects, and use whatever excuse to want to send someone "back in time."
                I actually kind of liked 4's real world because you were just some techbro playtesting a new game on their not-VR game system. You still had some steaks, but its just a bit of mystery and intrigue and unintended comedy of the internal e-mails of a game company having to deal with the marketing and oversight of their evil overlord.

                So was it originally only supposed to be 3 games, or were the AC2 sequels always planned? And the plan at the end of 3 was that humanity would get knocked back into the stone ages?

              • 5 months ago

                I'm speaking solely of climate change, not pollution. Those are two separate discussions, and neither carbon taxes or the IPCC deal with pollution. There's absolutely a valid argument to be made about human activity & pollution, but pollution is not climate change. For that matter, the IPCC doesn't do anything about carbon besides collect bribes to distribute to the already-wealthy.

                Now ask yourself, why are so many billionaires building doomsday bunkers underground?

              • 5 months ago

                >Now ask yourself, why are so many billionaires building doomsday bunkers underground?
                Too many psychos leading countries with nukes?

              • 5 months ago

                Not a bad explanation, but that would not account for a lot of their locations. Bezos' is one that demands questioning. I strongly recommend you look into this yourself as no amount on Ganker posting will convince anyone of anything, true or false. That said, I do not wish to convince you. I'm just telling you what I understand

              • 5 months ago

                Because if you have that kind of money why wouldn't you build a frickoff compound in the middle of nowhere.
                Bill gate's house in washington had a secret high speed escape train in the basement.
                The more money you have, and the less other people have in comparison is a dangerous ratio because eventually the proles want a redistribution of wealth. Or you become more paranoid about it as a result.
                But honestly, owning land with water and mineral rights has always been the most solid investment you can ever make, unless a nuclear accident happens there it will always increase in value.
                Hell, how many times have you fantasized about your mega bunker complex you would design if you had frick off money.
                I'd honestly like to get one of those infinity ships that are basically self sufficient mega yachts that use wind blades instead of sails, with solar panels and wind turbines you can deploy to run electric engines.

              • 5 months ago

                Where is Bezos' compound?

              • 5 months ago

                Under your house. But don't tell anyone or el

              • 5 months ago

                Well that explains all those weird 'scraping chains against stone' noises I've been hearing beneath my bed.

              • 5 months ago

                Oh crap does Bezos have Candlejack on his payroll no

              • 5 months ago

                >were the AC2 sequels always planned?
                No, that's where the taint started creeping in.
                I think he dipped out after that, and when things make that much money for a company, its not surprising to see them forcing creative decisions.
                I don't even hate 3, its watered down, squanders the character and setting, and is just kind of bleh, but the desmond story line is so fricking stupid, its confoundingly moronic on so many levels.
                The kind of ending that just retroactively ruins the other games because the moral to the story was wasting your time for 30+ hours across multiple games and hundreds of years of human history... for that.

              • 5 months ago

                >post AC3?
                There was no "post" originally. That's part of the reason Johnny McFrenchname left. Ubisoft wanted annual releases and to milk it forever because it was a cash cow, while he wanted to stick to the original plan.
                Honestly don't know why you wouldn't be able to accommodate both.
                The real world story line was always just a framing device for a social stealth/historical tourism simulator. Just throw a dart at list of old cities with good architecture you can research and reference, and the historical periods it intersects, and use whatever excuse to want to send someone "back in time."
                I actually kind of liked 4's real world because you were just some techbro playtesting a new game on their not-VR game system. You still had some steaks, but its just a bit of mystery and intrigue and unintended comedy of the internal e-mails of a game company having to deal with the marketing and oversight of their evil overlord.

              • 5 months ago

                This is just about the only thing I enjoyed in the story of AC4. UbiSoft were violently self-aware to portray themselves that way, and it's really telling of their future intentions.

          • 5 months ago

            The series was supposed to go in an entirely different direction after AC3. UbiSoft forced the creator to change the ending because they didn't want their cash cow to go to sleep, which resulted in the creator leaving the series. Now the teams are entirely comprised of people who fundamentally don't understand the original vision. This is why the modern story has been treated like an ugly step-cousin, because nobody at UbiSoft knows what the frick it is or even cares. On top of that, the original concept is now a societal taboo so UbiSoft wouldn't have the courage to continue that narrative even if they did understand it.

            tl;dr story went absolutely bonkers after AC3 just to keep the money coming in indefinitely

            • 5 months ago

              >"was supposed to" is just meaningless pondering when it comes to creative intent. good writers know to leave endings open to not box in further writers working on the IP, because opposed to what you seem to believe, a writer does not own the IP he writes for, he is just a cog in the machine. if the writer envisioned something ending in speciically 3 games without leaving ends open to a sufficient degree as to not box further writiers in then that is their mistake, yet here we are.

              • 5 months ago

                >stories shouldn't have conclusions!!!1!
                >questions shouldn't be answered!!!1!!11
                >product should exist indefinitely to be consoomed indefinitely!!!1!!1!
                Just say you work at UbiSoft and frick off into irrelevancy. I'm not buying a single AC game again and I hope you get laid off along with the other 10K morons who ruined video games

              • 5 months ago

                who are you quoting?

            • 5 months ago

              He left after Brotherhood, you think Patrice was in charge of a shitshow like 3 lmao? Revelations was made according to his plan and 3 went off the rails completely with Ubi struggling to even make a coherent historic narrative out 3, 4 and Rogue and all the real world stuff they attempted to do in 4/R was just aborted when Unity and Syndicate were made standalone. And with RPG games they started a new story that apparently ended now but it was too boring for me to follow.

  12. 5 months ago

    Assassin's Creed died with Black Flag.

  13. 5 months ago

    I finished it, didnt bother collecting all the collectibles but it was a fun 20-30 hour romp that didnt try to do anything to extend the game beyond it's welcome. Overall it's just more AC to play so there's really nothing to talk about.

  14. 5 months ago

    Ok, finishing up the training part now, just how much time passes between when the first bit ends and Nur leaves and the time you were inducted as an assassin? It mentions it's a few months from the prologue to the tutorial, but for this they show a montage and Basim growing a beard but no time frame.

  15. 5 months ago

    AC is in the exact same position as Star Wars now. Even if a new entry comes out and ends up being actually good, it's way too late. Most people have given up on the franchise and they're not even interested in the possibility of liking a future entry. If a good new AC game does come out, you can expect the majority of people to just dismiss it.

  16. 5 months ago

    The Great Lakes and North Atlantic from AC Rogue felt pretty cozy despite being so small.

  17. 5 months ago

    How the frick do I dismount? It's not by holding the same button as mounting.

  18. 5 months ago

    If your character is from Baghdad and won't shut up about it, why do you start the game in some remote city on the other side of the map? Was there some dialogue or exposition I missed?

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