People say they hatr promaris because they are bland, or because their lore sucks, or because they appeal to call of duty zoomers, or because their ex...

People say they hatr promaris because they are bland, or because their lore sucks, or because they appeal to call of duty zoomers, or because their existence makes old marines dedundant and unimportant.
But for me, its the fricking kneepad rims.
This singular piece of garbage permanently ruins every primaris model for me.
There, i said it.

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  1. 6 months ago

    Stay in your general

    • 6 months ago

      I can't unsee it now

      this is a 40k board, Black person

      • 6 months ago

        >my garbage is literal plague and you have to accept meee!

        • 6 months ago

          Yes Black person

    • 6 months ago

      /tg/ is literally 40k containment board.

      • 6 months ago

        frick you and your fricking sense of hegemony. 90% or 40k gays are secondaries, even on this board. you all suck wieners and bring down the entire hobby with your fricking religious obsession.


        whatever. call me whatever. i hate all of you.

  2. 6 months ago

    Well, you're not wrong

  3. 6 months ago

    If it weren't for those kneepad flanges and the moronic new helmet I would be on board with primaris.

    • 6 months ago

      helmets never were a problem, every grog had shitton of OG helmets lying around. Same with chest plates
      But getting rid of the flanged knees on every single primarine gay would be massive pain in the ass.
      It makes me think that GW did this on purpose to keep people from using the hits as easy way to make truescale real marines

      • 6 months ago

        If it weren't for those kneepad flanges and the moronic new helmet I would be on board with primaris.

        To be honest im suprised how few people i see converting their primaris using older armor bits.
        Knee collars notwithstanding, there are shitton of cool old helmets floating around , and with minimal effort some classic chest bits could also be easily used.

        But now among primaris players i rarely even see the simplest headswap.

        Its like the whole idea of yourdudes kind of died off.

        • 6 months ago

          one thing I like about space marines is that you can mix and match a lot of their bits easily without much trouble.

          • 6 months ago

            Its almost like the troops are unified miliary force, rather than every unit being its own very special and unique snowflake.
            Its ironic considering that primaris armor was supposed to be the most modular and universal type.
            And yet only thing tying down various preprocessors and coprophages and whatever other copyrightableators are helmets (which kind of suck), flanged kneepads (which sucks) .
            With old marinnes other than terminators, and few special characters with artificer handcrafted relic shit, there was a feeling that bulk of your army - is way more coherent force (despite mixing five armour generations) .

        • 6 months ago

          >Its like the whole idea of yourdudes kind of died off.
          Blame HH. morons treat space marines like a historical thanks to that shitshow

          • 6 months ago

            Blatantly wrong because HH is all about building narrative based lists even if its off meta and doing derivative color schemes of a legion to go with the story of /yourdudes/ in the context of the wider heresy. Only the most unimaginative losers who’d play unmodified primaris in 40k anyways will do bone stock heresy armies with no kitbashing, personal takes on a legion’s colors, or effort put into them

            • 6 months ago

              The horus heresy books not the shitty game created to sell shitty resin-only space marines

          • 6 months ago


        • 6 months ago

          Whil I don't mind the new helmets there is something about the regular MK7 that just works better. I suspect it's one of those subliminal things that you don't consciously notice. Still annoyed that they didn't just make truescale marines.
          Someone with a background in proper art might be able to explain it.

          • 6 months ago

            The single weapon loadouts ruin them for me, and how all their weapons are unique weapons to the squad.

            What made original Marines cool was that their weapons (Heavy Bolters, Meltaguns, bolters) were the same ones used by other armies and how the squads were structured in a realistic/modern way. Now we have squads all outfitted with Hellblaster Plasma guns, squads all with Heavy Melta Guns, ect. It's horrible to me. It would be like if US Marines started fielding squads entirely with Riot Shields, one with FN MAGs and another with dual wield Kriss Vectors.

            The MK7 helmets are meaner, they're designed to look like a scowl. It makes them look brutal but it's not overboard. Primaris with MK7 helmets look beautiful though, gives them that edge back.

            TL/DR primaris are less grounded in their squad makeup and lost the gritty helmet

        • 6 months ago

          >Its like the whole idea of yourdudes kind of died off.
          this is what james wanted the marine reboot to do. you have to pick one of his frickhueg primarch sons if you want to play marines, sorry.

          • 6 months ago

            I just put Primaris helmets on Firstborn Marines because it has a flat face plate that allows me to paint stuff on it how I like.
            >picrel not the best example, but I like this boy nonetheless

            I will play whichever faction that lets me win the most, so I choose every Primarch. Therefore, I choose Alpharius.

            >They will have tactics, strategies and machines such that no foe can best them in battle.
            - GEOM.

            • 6 months ago

              How many grenades does one man need

              • 6 months ago

                I don't know but I'm stealing that idea for an intercessor.

              • 6 months ago

                There's nothing a liberal use of explosives won't fix.

              • 6 months ago

                I don't know but I'm stealing that idea for an intercessor.

                Never enough.

              • 6 months ago

                And thus grenade anon was born

              • 6 months ago

                Get rob liefeld to sign it for you.

    • 6 months ago

      I don't like the new helmets all that much but it's bearable. Kind of like a little bit too much mayonaise or mustard on your sandwich but still enjoying it regardless. The half-helm face mask thing looks awful though, I never use those heads. Mk7 helmets look too much like Zurg from toy story, just can't unsee it. Mk3/4 helmets and armor are where it's at *chef's kiss*

      I don't mind the kneepads either, but they do look awesome without them. If you care enough, it's not impossible to cut them off and sand the shit out of the the knee. Pic rel is a primaris body with phobos thighs and firstborn helmet

      • 6 months ago

        This looks so much better but I still don’t like their torsos, they have more detail for the sake of detail with no thought behind it and they’re so wide they have ridiculous buzz lightyear proportions, hence why primaris models have armor plates on the waist/hips to cover it up.

  4. 6 months ago

    It helps a little when you remember that "flange" is (almost always negative)slang for a c**t in many parts of the UK. I have one gaming acquaintance(definitely not buddy) who's *really* committed to nuhammer and has an irrational need to impose it on everyone - as an example, he took a month-long sulk at my usual group and the club officers because we arranged a Badab War campaign and wouldn't let him bring Primaris Blood Angels, and still brings it up over a year later whenever he's in a mood - and after someone brought up that little linguistic tidbit after one of his occasional rants about the superiority of Primaris design, it's now possible to send him into a frothing rage almost instantly by simply referring to "Pussyknees Marines".

    Just something to think about if you're stuck with a similar moron in your circle.

    • 6 months ago

      You find it surprising that someone would be bitter about being excluded with playing with everyone? I imagine that you would be buttburt from being gatekept away from future games when all the firstborn are squatted into irrelevant Legends status and you're not permitted to proxy them in games as a result.

      • 6 months ago

        >Pussyknees Marines

        • 6 months ago

          I'll play against any marine player. I'd even high five them if they used the firstborn angryface head on their primaris.

    • 6 months ago

      You actually sound like a c**t. Excluding people for liking shit you don't like is something 5 year olds do.

      • 6 months ago

        entitled 5 year olds demand to be included in shit they don't like then want it changed to cater to them

        • 6 months ago

          Careful, pointing out that some people are narcissistic dicks is sometimes not allowed around here.

  5. 6 months ago

    It's all of them.

  6. 6 months ago

    For me I just hate the design of the frickhuge bolt rifle, the classic godwyn pattern bolter looks a hundred times better.

    • 6 months ago

      the bolters are ok. They did not mess with the desgin all that much, simply lenghtened them a bit. I actually converted few of classic bolters in similar manner back in the days of 4/5 ed.
      I still prefer the classic stubby ones, but new ones dont really offend me all that much

      • 6 months ago

        What irks me about the new bolters is that they were short originally because they were meant to be for close quarters combat, ship boarding actions and cityfighting, which is cool. Them being longer makes them inherently less practical for that. The rocket ammo also doesn't need a longer barrel to shoot more accurately, the extra barrel length serves zero function.
        Also hate that they took up so much extra space on the sprue for longer bolters and the fiddly ammo attatchments to give them 3 slightly different statlines (now rolled into a single statline anyway) that could have been used to give them special and heavy weapons on the same sprue. Just look how much space is taken up by the alternate magazine and optic combos that are pointless now, disgusting. Bits boxes at LGS's are absolutely littered with these bloody things.

        • 6 months ago

          I think it was more to do with the fact that they fire self-propelled rounds so barrel length is kind of irrelevant.

      • 6 months ago

        >4/5 ed
        Holy newbie

        • 6 months ago

          >Haha I've consoomed a product for a greater amount of time then you!

          • 6 months ago

            Holy seethe newbie

      • 6 months ago

        What's the fidget spinner? It's on all Cawl produced hand held weapons, whether lascannons or plasmaguns or bolters or whatever.
        It bothers me so much, because it's clearly an addition to the basic form of the weapons, they all have it, but there is no conceivable function it could have that would enhance slug throwers AND lazors AND flame throwers AND magnetic plasma impellers. We see house styles of weapon in Necromunda but that usually amounts to a casing or furniture.
        The fidget spinner is clearly supposed to do something (beyond telling us IRL that this is a Cawl brand +1 weapon)

        Is it a wifi/Bluetooth connection to replace hard data feeds to the marines optics?
        Self destruct device to blow up the gun if captured?

        • 6 months ago

          That's what I hate; Belisarius Cawl. The Marvelisation of 40k.

        • 6 months ago

          I might just be moronic but what "fidget spinner" are you talking about?

          • 6 months ago

            Nta but the weird spinny bit here. It looks sort of like a revolver chamber but all these guns are fed from a magazine well so that wouldn't make sense. Space Marine 2 has it spin up faster and faster as you full auto your bolter, but that still doesn't really explain what it actually does

            • 6 months ago

              It's supposed to be a gyroscopic stabilizer. It's still fricking moronic

              • 6 months ago

                Damn, my dumb idea was actually better. I thought maybe it WAS a revolver chamber, but for some component that somehow primes the gyrojet ammunition.

              • 6 months ago

                Wait, whut? Did GW forget that marines wear *power armour* that easily compensates for recoil from their bolt weapons?

            • 6 months ago

              Oh I just thought that was a dust cover or something.

            • 6 months ago
              • 6 months ago

                More evidence that Cawl is just a particularly well disguised Big Mek

    • 6 months ago

      Agreed. The bolters should be small, industrial, no bullshit rectangles that shoot explosions. I hate the tacticool element

      • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      I know GW doesn't know how to design guns but the pistol grip and trigger guard look comically flimsy in comparison to the rest of the rifle lol.

  7. 6 months ago

    I can dislike primaris for more than one reason
    but yes, the very stupid kneepads are on the list , and higher up than some might think

  8. 6 months ago

    I dont hate the Knees but I like flanged armor it's the main reason I buy Iron armor cause they have the flanged shoulders. What I do hate is the raised part under the Aquila that makes me seethe.

  9. 6 months ago

    You know you can cut that off, right?

  10. 6 months ago

    I hate buymaris funko simps .

  11. 6 months ago

    i miss the old style teardrop kneepads, they were fun to paint

  12. 6 months ago

    Almost everything I hate about Primaris design can be fixed with a little kitbashing. What really pisses me off is the absolutely moronic Aspect Warrior unit composition
    >Legiones Astartes have Bolter guys and special weapon guys
    >Heresy happens. Bobby G breaks the 10-250k strong Legions down into 1k strong chapters
    >Tactical and Devastator Squads are invented to compensate for these kneecapped ranks with more flexibility
    >Cawl reveals his asspull Marines. Suddenly every weapon has a dedicated squad.
    >This is somehow a good idea despite typical Chapters consisting of as I said, 1k troops. Sometimes even less
    Ironic how Primaris were designed to make Space Marines more "tactical" yet lose the "tactical" aspect in gameplay.

    • 6 months ago

      Which would be so much easier if they didn't give each version slightly different pats. Why do some units have tassets and others don't? Why do close combat models have the different vambrace and gauntlet design? Why do some MkX models (bladeguard, some vets) have gravis pads? Not to forget the absolute blast of putting all the close combat weapon options on the left hand, but then giving, say, Intercessors a single bolt rifle option on the right hand. Unless I want every sergeant to have their bolt rifle hanging by their side with a pistol in the air, I need to start cutting up several different pieces.

      • 6 months ago

        These are most likely deliberate sabotage.

        • 6 months ago

          Yes, to limit third party sales. Too late, printing is the future.

      • 6 months ago

        Use Mark VI marines and special weapons packs to build your primaris squads.

        Use Mark III Marines as Heavy Intercessors

        • 6 months ago

          >Special weapon packs
          Lmao GW just rinses you homosexuals and you keep going back. SAD!

          • 6 months ago

            Yeah, it's better to have to buy multiple tactical or devastatot kits to get more special/heavy weapons, right?
            Fricking moron, the HH weapons sprues must have been one of the most surprisingly consumer friendly moves GW has done in recent years, even if only to make HH more beginner friendly

    • 6 months ago

      >absolutely moronic Aspect Warrior unit composition
      >doesn't recognize Legionnes Astartes combat units first detailed in fricking Legions Astartes
      The only people who are upset about primaris are 7e secondaries.

      • 6 months ago

        't recognize Legionnes Astartes combat units first detailed in fricking Legions Astartes
        Legion Support Squads are a single profile with every special weapon available. Every Primaris weapon is it's own profile.
        >The only people who are upset about primaris are 7e secondaries.
        Oh yes it's only the newbies that prefer what Marines were since 2e.

      • 6 months ago

        More like 1st to 7th edition Primaries. You Primaris c**ts are the fricking secondaries here and always will be.

    • 6 months ago

      It's better for gameplay, mixed weapon squads bog down attacking massively. And it's way easier to read the board and assess threats if you aren't having to account for hidden meltas and plasma guns.

      Also bold of you to suggest GW give the slightest shit about lore consistently.

      Aesthetics wise I do prefer mixed weapon squads but everything's a compromise.

      • 6 months ago

        >mixed weapon squads bog down attacking massively
        What's so hard about
        >Fire Bolters
        >Fire special weapon #1
        >Fire special weapon #2

        • 6 months ago

          It takes three times as long as a squad with all bolters. Spread this across two armies and you have a hugely bogged down game.

          Best thing GW have done in a long time was flattening down a lot of weapon profiles in 10e to make gameplay flow better. Deathguard melee squads were a good example, in previous eds they were a fricking nightmare.

          • 6 months ago

            >The company that added hundreds of powercreeped weapons has to keep trimming the game down each edition just to make it playable for a short while, before adding even more powercreeped weapons again.

      • 6 months ago

        >"Hey, bro, what's in that unit."
        >"3 bolters, power fist and a plasma gun."

        • 6 months ago

          I know you're just going to call me a brainlet or something in response to this, but it's all about cognitive load.

          I look at a board of Primaris unit, and it's very easy to assess and understand the threats on the board. The squad of melta guys over there, the plasma gunners in that vehicle, the bolter boys on that objective. It's a fairly straight forward process to scan your eyes across the board and get an overall sense of what your opponent can do, and how you can respond.

          For every bit of complexity and variability you add to an individual unit, you reduce this readability. Obviously there's a balance to be had here; you don't want to strip out all fun and individuality from army list creation, but you also don't want to bog down the game with excessive minutiae (something earlier editions have struggled with hugely at various points).

          I personally think it's a nice balance to have your troops in fairly standard mono-loadout squads, and save the really big variability for elites. But it's a taste thing, there's no definite right or wrong.

          Personally I'm just in favour of making the game go faster because fricking hell can 40k drag like hell sometimes, especially in the peak of 7e and 9e rules bloat.

          • 6 months ago

            >it's hard to tell if tactical squad has a special weapon or not
            >it's super easy to tell which style of magazine a marine has inderted into their rifle
            >lets ignore the fact that even primaris units can have one or two models with special equipment in the unit, meaning their effectiveness towards different targets has variables
            7e and 9e bloat has nothing to do whether a unit could take 1-2 special/heavy weapons and more to do with constant stream of more stratagems, formations, special detachments, etc.

            • 6 months ago

              >it's super easy to tell which style of magazine a marine has inderted into their rifle
              This no longer matters. I agree it was a fricking stupid design decision when Intercessors came out, but it's long since been squashed.

              >lets ignore the fact that even primaris units can have one or two models with special equipment in the unit, meaning their effectiveness towards different targets has variables
              Outside of squad leaders, it's usually just a better version of the weapon they already have. Heavy intercessors get heavier bolt weapons, Eradicators get heavier melta weapons, etc. I don't think this really takes away from readability in the same way as, say, having plasma weapons in a tactical squad does.

              I do really miss the modelling opportunities and visual variety of old Marine units but I think the current status quo is better from a gameplay perspective. It's all a balancing act.

              I mean if it was up to me we'd burn all the tourneygays on a pyre and go back to 3e but if GW want to go down the path of trying to make a balanced, competitive wargame instead of a fun narrative system, sacrifices are inevitable.

              • 6 months ago

                >single plasma gun in a bolter squad is a travesty
                >single plasma pistol in a bolter squad is fine
                How is a krak grenade launcher just a better version of bolt rifles?

                Tell me which is simpler, having a Kasrkin squad with 2 plasma guns or having a kasrkin squad with 2 plasma guns, 2 melta guns, a sniper rifle and a demolition charge, plus whatever the sarge wants to take? Which is simpler, 5 chaos terminators with power axes and combi-plasmas, or 5 chaos terminators with a combi-plasma, combi-melta, combi-flamer, 2 power weapons, 2 power fists and a lightning claw?

              • 6 months ago

                I didn't say anything is a travesty anon. You're really exagerrating the stakes here, I'm just casually talking about game design theory. You seem weirdly invested in this.

                I don't think the Kill Team units should have all their options in the actual tabletop. Your Chaos Terminator example has no relevance to 10e with combi-weapon profiles being flattened so I'm unsure what you're saying there.

          • 6 months ago

            Brainlet, got it.

    • 6 months ago

      and Devastator Squads are invented to compensate for these kneecapped ranks with more flexibility
      Well it's a good thing Cawl gave them their kneecaps back then

    • 6 months ago

      Didn't they also do away with assault squads at first? Like, the old style assault squads where it was dudes with pistols and chainswords and jump packs.

    • 6 months ago

      Biggest brain in the entire thread.

      Heresy book popularity directly caused primaris. Primaris have the exact same design philosophy as heresy legions. If you hate primaris, but like heresy you're a hypocrite.

      • 6 months ago

        Directly how?

      • 6 months ago

        >If you like chocolate AND vanilla, you're not allowed to be upset when your favourite ice cream company replaces all the chocolate tubs with vanilla ones
        I liked Heresy *in 30K*. The whole appeal of it was that it *wasn't* 40K, and 40K wasn't it. The blame entirely and completely lies with nuGW being a soulless husk run by lizard people in suits and idpol sidecut gaygoids - the people who liked Heresy and 40K almost exclusively now just play Heresy, the changes to 40K weren't for our benefit and we're not the ones withholding Jes' dementia meds(which I'm convinced is the only way they were able to convince him to redesign Marines; by making his delusional old ass believe it's the 80's).

  13. 6 months ago

    >Less flavor... LE GOOD
    Jesus fricking Christ Marinepigs never fail to amaze me

    • 6 months ago

      >mandatory Eldar-gay who tries to hide his cope in the marines thread

  14. 6 months ago

    Guys what's that big tube the middle guy's using? Is it a Bolter?

    • 6 months ago

      It's the Big Bolter.

      • 6 months ago

        Biiiiiiig Bolteeeer Biiiiiiig bolteeeeeeer

  15. 6 months ago

    The thing I hate with Primaris since the start was the lack of variation between marines within the same box. It's honestly my biggest problem overall that in lore they're completely incompatible with previous armour marks.

    In the Tactical kit, both Codex and Blood Angels, you could mix and match your kit so many different ways that no two sets you bought look the same. A marine might have a MKVI helmet, a MKV chest plate, MK7 Legs, and an MK3 backpack. But with primaris, each helmet is the same, each backpack is the same, each pair of legs and chests are the same, and each set of gauntlets are the same. it's infuriating.

    • 6 months ago

      Combined with the monopose kits I have zero interest in collected any primaries minis. People can make fun of the proportions all they want, but the poseability and interchangeable parts between all the marine kits was what gave them SOVL. I've been building up a stockpile of them before they all inevitably go OOP

    • 6 months ago

      >It's honestly my biggest problem overall that in lore they're completely incompatible with previous armour marks.
      Have you actually looked at the sprues for the full multipart kits? Like the Primaris Intercessors? HAVE YOU FRICKING LOOKED AT THEM?

      Also in lore it's directly shouted out constantly that Mark X is compatible with all other armor marks.

      They have everything you wanted there on the Primaris Intercessor sprue. The kit has two separate sprues to combined make 5 marines, doubled to make 10 in a box. Shoulders, helmets and backpacks are separate pieces and easily interchanged with other kits and armor marks. A Mark V shoulder is there. Sculpted shoulders with scrollwork and bits hanging off. Every backpack is separate. Every front chest piece is separate so yoou can change it, scrape it, sculpt it. Every kneepad is separate so you can scrape off the kneerims if you want. 26 different heads, including enough to make every marine without a helmet.

      No, the 2017 Intercessor kit is not an objectively better kit than the 2012 Tactical Squad, but it is a very, very good Marine kit with a lot of options. It has more heads than the Tactical one and a total of 4 sprues compared to the Tactical's 3 sprues.

      If you're complaining about monopose marines from the starter boxes, well yeah. They're push-fit to get new people in the hobby and fit 5 marines to a single sprue. They're not designed to have a lot of options but you can just kitbash and convert them with some more effort.

      • 6 months ago

        >No, the 2017 Intercessor kit is not an objectively better kit than the 2012 Tactical Squad, but it is a very, very good Marine kit with a lot of options. It has more heads than the Tactical one and a total of 4 sprues compared to the Tactical's 3 sprues.

      • 6 months ago

        I have. Many times in fact. I have Intercessors, Hellbasters, and other primaris kits. They just don't measure up. I have to patch them up constantly with parts from older kits which are slowly drying up. All ten power packs in a Hellblaster and Intercessor kit is the same, each helmet is the same MKX, every chest plate is the same skull with wings. No Aqullia, no power cords, beakie helmets are only found in the Raven Guard upgrade kit, and the upgrade kits themselves are all just one pauldron with no extra designs or flares to make them exclusive to the chapter. You're asking us to salvage their kits when they used to be perfectly serviceable.

        Also, this is my intercessor.

    • 6 months ago

      This, especially when mkIV and III dropped for peak armour mixing.

    • 6 months ago

      >A marine might have a MKVI helmet, a MKV chest plate, MK7 Legs, and an MK3 backpack.
      Anon, half this shit came from other kits. The Tactical Squad had the following;

      >Backpacks - All Mk7
      >Torsos - Mk8, Mk7, Mk6
      >Legs - Mk7, Mk6, Mk4
      >Heads - Mk8 (technically, barely different to Mk7), Mk7, Mk6, Mk4

      All the weapons were Mk7 weapons.

      The variety was good but don't let your nostalgia blind you here.

      • 6 months ago

        GOAT kit

      • 6 months ago

        You're also massively underselling it. There was variety WITHIN the same mark too. The mk7 helmets all had small variations that helped to create the 'ancient artefact' aspect.

        Ditto for chests and such

        • 6 months ago

          that's one of the things that made the BT range update kits refreshing; they have the variation amongst the bits that is utterly lacking with vanilla primaris troops. Thank you Maxime Corbeil, we are in your debt.

          Sternguard kit has some nice variation, though its really lame there are 2x vanilla mk X helms.

  16. 6 months ago

    >But for me, its the fricking kneepad rims.
    Agreed. That's why Grimaldus is the best Primaris made so far.

  17. 6 months ago

    How the frick are Space Marine companies are structured now? Where to all the hyper-specific Primaris units fit in?

    • 6 months ago

      I think it's really funny that we've had Primaris for half a decade and GW still haven't answered how this shit works - do modern SM players just not care about chapter org?

    • 6 months ago

      I think it's really funny that we've had Primaris for half a decade and GW still haven't answered how this shit works - do modern SM players just not care about chapter org?

      The answer is simple: the entire chapter clusters around their primarch in a giant mob now like the third rate orks with fourth rate shootas that they are. If your chapter doesn't have a primarch, then you're just cannon fodder to hype up chaos and thus don't matter

    • 6 months ago

      It works like this now.

      • 6 months ago

        >Robout Guilliman's book for marines who can't wage war good and and who wanna learn to do other logistics good too

  18. 6 months ago

    It's crazy how much they piss me off, I'm not being exaggerating I'm actually surprised.

    Space Marines had this great, streamlined, top heavy design space. The pauldrons, the imperialis, the helmet, the backpack.
    The small, compact bolter hugged to the chest. They just looked so good, so right.

    I can get around bolt rifles and the moronic fatass holsters tangled betwixt their legs, but the knee fins are a distraction on every fricking model. You know how painters use eye-tracking to study composition? The knee rims fricking glow.

  19. 6 months ago

    I find it honestly fricking fascinating how incredibly mad people on here get about a small detail on a Space Marine's knee. They should study you guys in a lab.

    • 6 months ago

      Passion is a good thing, live a little

    • 6 months ago

      >why do you even care about wanting to improve the things you enjoy?
      Post hand. I'm guessing you wouldn't understand the pursuit of excellence.

  20. 6 months ago

    I'm not a fan of that belt. It looks like there's a huge button in the middle that will make their pants fall down when pressed.

    • 6 months ago

      if you press it they play voice lines

      • 6 months ago

        Do you hear the voices too?

  21. 6 months ago

    Can't you just cut or file them? I mean, it's pretty easy.

  22. 6 months ago

    >or because their lore sucks
    I wonder, is there any way for GW to make pirmarines lore-friendly, or at least acceptable, and undo the damage they caused, but without retconning them outright?

    • 6 months ago

      >Guilliman brought back
      >having a living, whole Primarch allows Cawl to refresh the geneseed template using Big Es designs
      >the progonoid gland always had the potential to make those organs, it just takes a special injection to unlock them
      >adding the extra organs is not too risky on a Marine to avoid "woah this named character survived the process imagine that"
      >once installed the marine gets bigger over a few months
      That and just keep the unit organization as it was, homosexual intercessor squad with fart guns var 1 of 1000 in separate kits is awful from a lore and hobbyist perspective.

    • 6 months ago

      Just stop acknowledging the difference. Stop talking about Primaris vs Firstborn, just call them all Space Marines. Eventually it'll fade out of relevance.

      There's been plenty of periods of dumb lore in 40k that have never been retconned out. People just forget eventually.

      • 6 months ago

        More like Firstborn will just get phased out and then primaris will just be called Space Marines again. It'll be like how eldar corsairs were quietly dropped and eventually replaced with ynnari troops and will never ever be seen again.

        • 6 months ago

          Anon we got a Corsairs kit like a year ago.

          • 6 months ago

            That look and act nothing like old corsairs, it's exactly what I was referring to. Soon we'll get new tactical marines that scrub them clean of everything people love about the current kit.

            • 6 months ago

              The yunnari corsairs wouldn't even be a problemo if they also had stats for Corsair princes (so you don't need the OOP prince yriel to lead them) and other corsair units that were legends'd come back, but they have it stupidly set up so you can theoretically make an all-corsair army, but it would suck dicks and not be very good. The craftworlds aren't very interesting, but space pirate eldar who don't eat babies (or even align with them) are pretty okay.

              • 6 months ago

                Just proxy Craftworld units as Corsairs. Do some kitbashes. This is a creative hobby anon.

    • 6 months ago

      >geee, it turns out bulbasaurus crawl is not exactly as good as big E when it comes to genetic engineering
      >granted primaris are stronger and big
      >but while normal marines can live and fight for like four or five centuries, average primaris break down in mere two or three decades
      >basically it turns out cawl made bigger Thunder Warriors
      >it is acknowledged that they held the line in and saved the empire, but at cost of being expendable shock troops,
      >Even worse both cawl and girlyman knew this might happen
      >some primaris go Roy Batty over this
      >other desert or even turn to chaos in
      >most of them accept their new role as tip of the spear, acknowledging that spear serves its purpose even if it breaks in enemy's gut.
      There you go. Primaris are still strong and effective and do their jobs, but they can no longer be seen as better replacement for true marines.

    • 6 months ago

      >geee, it turns out bulbasaurus crawl is not exactly as good as big E when it comes to genetic engineering
      >granted primaris are stronger and big
      >but while normal marines can live and fight for like four or five centuries, average primaris break down in mere two or three decades
      >basically it turns out cawl made bigger Thunder Warriors
      >it is acknowledged that they held the line in and saved the empire, but at cost of being expendable shock troops,
      >Even worse both cawl and girlyman knew this might happen
      >some primaris go Roy Batty over this
      >other desert or even turn to chaos in
      >most of them accept their new role as tip of the spear, acknowledging that spear serves its purpose even if it breaks in enemy's gut.
      There you go. Primaris are still strong and effective and do their jobs, but they can no longer be seen as better replacement for true marines.

      There would be zero (0) problems with Primaris, Gulliman's return etc. if it was handled like Heresy 30k. Just call this 50k, or even at least 43k. Treat it as a possible future setting without overriding or fricking with the original 40k. Shit, you'd have more options to go wild with the other factions too.

      • 6 months ago

        The problem with 43k is that they would slowly squat 40k anyway and you would be told it's the 44th millennium now and the 41st millennium is dead and gone.

  23. 6 months ago

    Why Primaris have such ugly and non functional vents?

  24. 6 months ago

    I keep thinking I want to get some primaris Black Templars, or maybe Blood/Dark Angels, or that upgrade kit for Raven Guard but then I actually look at the primaris kits and go "eh". Deathwatch seems okay I guess, but most of those primaris kits are kind of cring and moronic looking, like they don't jam with the way I knew space marines to look when I was a kid playing dawn of war. They don't look like fearsome warriors, the brutalis shouldn't be called a dreadnaught and most of their vehicles are kind of shit and gay.

    It just doesn't activate my neurons.

    • 6 months ago

      I honestly don't know how someone could look at the Black Templars primaris range and not like them. Maybe they need some headswaps, sure, but they're pretty fricking good models.

      Also the Brutalis is basically just a bigger Furioso dread, why shouldn't it be called a dread?

      Tbh anon it sounds like you're just nostalgic for your teenage years. No modern kit would satisfy you because it's not what you had when you were a kid. Welcome to the old man club

      • 6 months ago

        >I honestly don't know how someone could look at the Black Templars primaris range and not like them. Maybe they need some headswaps, sure, but they're pretty fricking good models.

        I don't really like the scouts, but I've never liked scouts.

        And I don't care for some of the helmetless heads, but I wouldn't like them whether they were Black Templars or Ultramarines or Space Wolves. I don't like the standard Primaris helmet much, but I think I'm an outlier because I never liked the beakie.

        But overall? No problem. They are pretty fricking good models.

        One thing I fricking crave though is Marines with Eviscerators.

    • 6 months ago

      >primaris Black Templars

      • 6 months ago

        Making them more 'knightly' and less super advanced tacticool seems to be the way to fix them

        • 6 months ago

          Marines have always got a tacticool side since the start (from the scopes in marine kits since the the LE2 marine, to Scouts, to the Raptors chapter)
          The problem is stupid midhammer kids that convinced themselves that knightly chrismas trees are the only valid version of marines despite the overwhelming evidence from all eras against it.
          It's like they've only looked at the art of codexes intead of the actual SM miniatures, which have always been barebones (even if they had more minor variety in detail a and parts before 8th)

          • 6 months ago

            The worst part is that they want to delete personality from the marines. Like the White Scars sure as frick aren’t knights, or the Wolves, or the Raven Guard, or Salamanders, or Ultramarines etc etc

            • 6 months ago

              fricking moron, thats what GW wanted to do, make them all more generic and tacticool, just look at primaris upgrade kits for chapters compared to the old school, you fricking idiot

              • 6 months ago

                Yeah because modern GW wasn’t going to sell you chapter kits all at once dickhead, did you think they were going to “update” a unit and then release 16 upgrade kits for it? any marine collector has a shit ton of bits for their chapter culture around. It was everyone on this board crying for months that the knight aesthetic was gone when it wasn’t even a fricking universal look

              • 6 months ago

                Frick Off. No argument, not even an attempt and conversions? Really? PATHETIC

              • 6 months ago

                Are you moronic or just slow?

              • 6 months ago

                go back to posting fricking conversions like thats what we are talking about, numbnuts

              • 6 months ago

                So you unironically thought GW was going to release 20 chapter upgrade kits with the Intercessors you are a moron, damn 🙁

              • 6 months ago

                Yeah can you show me the old upgrade sprues for all the first founding chapters?

              • 6 months ago

                bear with me and COMPARE

              • 6 months ago
              • 6 months ago

                >They’re blood angels so they should just have a bunch of wings slapped on them and call it a day
                So fricking lazy Mephiston mogs this entire chapter

              • 6 months ago

                To be fair it’s very hard to do art deco marines

              • 6 months ago

                The vast majority of Upgrade kits and old chapter culture models were boring dif you look at them objectively

              • 6 months ago

                Sick here's mine.

                You got any Iron Hands? Or Salamanders? Or Imperial Fists?

              • 6 months ago

                copium, frick your post outrage pissmaris marines of only one faction, its clear what their intention was with primaris and it was fricking SOULLESS

              • 6 months ago

                they dont sell these things anymore, and if they did they would be too goddamn expensive

          • 6 months ago

            >The problem is stupid midhammer kids that convinced themselves that knightly chrismas trees are the only valid version of marines despite the overwhelming evidence from all eras against it.
            Dude, 40k is not military science fiction, everyone knows it is fantasy with a science fiction skin.

          • 6 months ago

            I like how easy it is to identify paki by the little catchphrases his mental illness compels him to use

          • 6 months ago

            >that knightly chrismas trees are the only valid version of marines
            knighty style is top space marine style.

            • 6 months ago

              I agree but I prefer different chapters having their own identity over everyone looking like different coloured Dark Angels and Black Templars.

  25. 6 months ago

    Space Marines were supposed to be elite strike teams for an oppressive regime worshiping what is essentially a chaos god in all but name, but hating the people who have the eight point star, with chainswords and bolters.

    A lot of primaris guys have swords and that's frankly gay. Swords and shields. Compare primaris to all older art and there's a steady move away from bolters, flamethrowers and other guns towards swords like a frickin medieval warrior. Swords worked for specific armies like the Grey Knights with their psy-weapons but for the general marines it looks dumb to have entire squads with swords, dedicated sword guys instead of specific leaders like the Emperor himself.

    The primaris themselves look less like violent stormtroopers coming to massacre the enemies of the regime with fear and awe and more like Superman coming to save the day- the Gankerization of /tg/ where the space marines are being memed more and more as noblebright heroes. I don't really care about grimndarken but the imperium being noblebright just kind of misses the point of the imperium sucking ass but is so at war all the time it can't reform to suck less ass, it has to churn out humans like skaven to send them to fight in wars because otherwise it gets bodied by the tyranids or orks or subverted by eldar and tau and just fricking dies.

    • 6 months ago

      So . . . which is? Are Primaris tacticlol cawadoody or are they swords and shield guys?

      I mean let's forget for a moment that old shit had dedicated sword guys - whether it was black templars and dark angels just being straight up knights, or ultramarines having elite sword guys who used a sword and a fricking knife. And then you had the space wolves and world eaters, who do the same thing, but with axes.

  26. 6 months ago

    It's not even that hard to turn them into proper, better-proportioned marines. Because it's literally:
    >Actual legwork - remove the rims, the ball, and (optional, depending on preference) the extra plates on the thighs.
    >Handswap for older marine weapons.

  27. 6 months ago

    They just don't look 'heavy' or like living relics anymore, they've become bland sci fi soldiers. If I'd never seen a muhreen and you showed me an intercessor I'd just register it as some generic Halo type deal and forget about it. They're not awful in themselves (apart from some of the derpy as frick specialist units) but they could fit into pretty much any sci fi IP, which is a bad sign for 40k which gets half its appeal from its unmistakable aesthetics.

  28. 6 months ago

    Grow up.

    • 6 months ago

      We are literally playing with plastic toy soldiers, homosexual. You are on wrong board.

  29. 6 months ago

    Primaris turned regular sm organisation model into some abomination with aspect warrior like units and chimaeric bullshit like that flying moron with totally not heavy bolters..not to mention tacticool stuff. Seriously, who the frick approved those things?

  30. 6 months ago

    For me its because they, honestly, have no reason to exist
    Want to make updated models? Big whoop just make them
    Want those silly cartoony vehicles anyways? Papa Cawl designed them as a welcome package for Guillyman, no need for marines 2.0
    Want those stupid units as well like the something-ators? Have Cawl just design them, to expand marine arsenal
    Long story short, there is no reason for marines but better to exist in any capacity, their helmets are worse too

  31. 6 months ago

    I could literally rant all day about everything I hate about primaris. But as long as we're talking about hyper specific model details I can't stand these fricking ankle bubbles. They look so fricking stupid and serve no purpose.

    • 6 months ago

      >ankle bubbles
      So you are another fake grog that never paid attention to space marines besides the default ones in starter boxes?

      • 6 months ago

        shut the FRICK up, nobody cares about fricking first edition, people are talking about primaris and how they look like SHIT

        • 6 months ago

          >fake grog outs himself as not knowing what MkVIII armour is
          You are all the same. Whining about shit that only exist in your heads.

          • 6 months ago

            actual shill, very embarrassing, post actual primaris not the backpedal characters or memewatch or some shit PATHETIC

      • 6 months ago

        Well done in proving yourself wrong, dipshit

    • 6 months ago

      Do you not own a pair of ski boots? Its a pivot.

      • 6 months ago

        Oh yeah, ski boots having a tiny, not to mention flat hinge totally justifies having a sphere the size of a fist on their ankles.

        • 6 months ago

          Well, I have no doubt that the ankle of an Astartes is the size of a fist.

          • 6 months ago

            They're the size of space marine fists and you know it.
            And they still shouldn't even be there. If they were at all necessary they would be better suited flat and covered, so they wouldn't be visible. But it's a moot point because the ankle and foot plates aren't connected. That's the whole point of overlapping armour plates.

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