>People that can't do hardcore content in ffxiv constantly whine about easymode stuff like the msq being too easy

>People that can't do hardcore content in ffxiv constantly whine about easymode stuff like the msq being too easy
Are 'midcore' players the most pathetic group of people in this game?
Savage is midcore. If you can't even handle that you're just a casual.
If you wanted actual stress you'd stop being so scared of the actually hard parts of the game.

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  1. 3 months ago

    Good job anon, you completely missed his point

  2. 3 months ago

    >Are 'midcore' players the most pathetic group of people in this game?
    Yes, they want to have the experience of being an ultimate raider without having the actual skill of being one.
    They're the kind of people that the 2 minute meta exists for.

  3. 3 months ago

    I quit FFXIV after I recleared TOP a bunch of times. Man this game turned into a shitty snoozefest

    • 3 months ago

      Criterion Savage was also fun, you're missing out

  4. 3 months ago

    It's the insecurity.
    They know they're not good enough to do savages and ultimates but they still want to believe they're above the casuals who just play for the story or roleplay when they're actually below them.

    • 3 months ago

      I just find the design boring without wanting to poopsock the game. If I'm expected to run roulettes I'd like a bit of engagement instead of turning my brain off completely, though this might just be a not-for-me thing. I've had this issue with both dungeon design and the gradual homogenization of job design for ages, though. I started with Shadowbringers and discovered pretty quickly that a frickton of this game's dungeon and raiding content has shit re-playability. Thankfully, I really like Astrologian right off the bat as the only engaging and interesting beat-to-beat job to frick with, and otherwise chose Paladin and Red Mage as my alt jobs since the weird rotation and opening frickery were at least interesting in a different sense. Endwalker comes out, takes the interesting parts of Astro away and turns it into just a button-mash job, removes the spreadsheet problem-solving of Paladin optimization making it low-APM with no changes to rotation, and neuters Red Mage's dynamism and mechanical precision needed to optimize.

      Played the game for a year then quit and probably won't return because of this design philosophy, and I hope this is more what YoshiP is talking about rather than just tuning numbers up to "make it harder."

      • 3 months ago

        I would recommend playing the first month of a new expansion if only for that one month and you never play it after because that is the time when the new classes are out, and no one knows how the new skills work, the game isn't solved and those are the most exciting times for me personally to discover for myself rather than have others do it and tell me about it.

        • 3 months ago

          Oh yeah I did get that, I pre-ordered EW so playing those early three days with a bunch of other people new to fights and under-geared was super fun. Same goes for Shadowbringers: I got VERY lucky in that I started playing right at the peak of the popularity surge, so I even got to play a lot of earlier content with full fresh-player parties. Keeper of the Lake is one of my most memorable gaming moments because it felt like the game was saying, "welcome to the big leagues, kids," and shit got real both in-universe and because no other dungeon made me fancy-feet like that yet, and none of us expected it.

          I've had some good times with this game, but it just doesn't have the lifer staying-power for me like a couple of MMOs in the past. The writing was on the wall even while I was still leveling (looking at the design history from expansion to expansion,) and I had it confirmed for EW so just dropped the game completely after Endsinger.

    • 3 months ago

      Sometimes it's a matter of time, for Savages and Ultimates I had to dedicate a specific time schedule for prog and I can't really do that anymore with a family. Which is why I loved Eureka and Bojza and I'm super happy that Exploration content is coming back as I can drop in and drop out when I've got an hour or two free whenever rather than having strict scheduling.
      That's me and I know a lot of people out there are in similar situations.

    • 3 months ago

      >Are 'midcore' players the most pathetic group of people in this game?
      Yes. I'm a midcore player and I do this

      Right here and he's absolutely right
      I'll get mad at someone playing like a stupid moron in a dungeon but I won't step foot in harder content
      It's all ego and I can admit it

      • 3 months ago

        That's a you thing. Some people just want more dynamic and engaging repeated content.

    • 3 months ago

      >insecure trannies
      You dont say?

    • 3 months ago

      I could probably do savage but too lazy to do the whole needing a party on a schedule to do it.

      • 3 months ago

        that's why pf exists

      • 3 months ago

        the only thing midcore players are good at is making excuses, there is literally fricking party finder you can go and prog at your leisure, you can even skip ahead in mechanics and lie about your prog point for your own benefit and they can't do anything about it.

  5. 3 months ago

    I've done a lot of savage and some ultimate too but I'd still like the dungeons trials and alliance raids to be harder. Storygays can play with trusts and the rest of us can have actual gameplay in our roulettes instead of just falling asleep during content.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah, the re-playability is my issue, which I clarified in

      Criterion Savage was also fun, you're missing out

    • 3 months ago

      Whoops, meant to say clarified in

      I just find the design boring without wanting to poopsock the game. If I'm expected to run roulettes I'd like a bit of engagement instead of turning my brain off completely, though this might just be a not-for-me thing. I've had this issue with both dungeon design and the gradual homogenization of job design for ages, though. I started with Shadowbringers and discovered pretty quickly that a frickton of this game's dungeon and raiding content has shit re-playability. Thankfully, I really like Astrologian right off the bat as the only engaging and interesting beat-to-beat job to frick with, and otherwise chose Paladin and Red Mage as my alt jobs since the weird rotation and opening frickery were at least interesting in a different sense. Endwalker comes out, takes the interesting parts of Astro away and turns it into just a button-mash job, removes the spreadsheet problem-solving of Paladin optimization making it low-APM with no changes to rotation, and neuters Red Mage's dynamism and mechanical precision needed to optimize.

      Played the game for a year then quit and probably won't return because of this design philosophy, and I hope this is more what YoshiP is talking about rather than just tuning numbers up to "make it harder."

  6. 3 months ago

    I just want an equivalent to Heroic dungeons you can’t wtw in

  7. 3 months ago

    I don't like when only the final .001 percent of content in a game presents challenge. It makes the rest a snooze.

  8. 3 months ago

    Midcore is a meme, the issue is casual content being boring as hell, I like to believe you can play the game casually and still know how to play it, I used to actually enjoy doing 24man now I rather not them do at all

    • 3 months ago

      It's a good thing we have optional content that is more difficult that we can enjoy then isn't it?

      • 3 months ago

        No we don't, savage is just learning a dance, the seemingly randomness is what make / used to male normal content interesting

  9. 3 months ago

    How much community backlash will there be if dungeons start having mechanics again?
    Remember that casuals got filtered by solo duties like In from the Cold. Some even think the reworked Cape Westwind solo duty is too hard.

    • 3 months ago

      Considering how I almost wiped on cape westwind before the revamp, I expect less than nothibg from the average player's skill level.

      • 3 months ago

        It wasn't always like that, current players were trained to be trash

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah the early Cata days were funny because people were begging for CC to be relevant and then blizz did that and they freaked out because nobody actually knew how to interrupt/poly.

  10. 3 months ago

    >EW has no exploration zone
    >game craters
    Purely a coincidence.

  11. 3 months ago

    Is this just another case of people wanting people to be filtered by the game or something?
    Even though every mmo that has increased its difficulty just ends up losing players?

    • 3 months ago

      XI is still alive and thriving despite never compromising it's original vision.

      • 3 months ago

        sure thing pal

      • 3 months ago

        More like undead

      • 3 months ago

        >XI is still alive and thriving
        no, it isn't XI was literally never alive

      • 3 months ago

        >never compromising its original vision
        >can summon a full party out of thin air instead of building a party from the community
        yeah totally bro, the vision is the same as it always was

    • 3 months ago

      No, a lot of the non-extreme+ content is completely braindead so he wants that stuff to at least require a pulse.

      • 3 months ago

        If you have even once died in normal mode content you can't call it braindead.

        • 3 months ago

          It takes a braindead man to know braindead content

    • 3 months ago

      Yes. If a game is not trying to filter me every few hours of playtime I'm not going to keep playing it.

  12. 3 months ago

    Midcore players are the majority of players.
    You should aim to please the midcore, not the extremes of each end.
    I'm an ultimate raider but god damn I want some more midcore content, so I have something to do that isn't absolutely mindless between patches.

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        >oly one piece of content for the majority
        >it's a 10 minute fight released once every 6 months
        >all you can do is grind it 99 times with 0 change for a mount
        >this is literally the only reward
        Really helping me prove my point

      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Midcore players are the majority of players.
        You should aim to please the midcore, not the extremes of each end.
        I'm an ultimate raider but god damn I want some more midcore content, so I have something to do that isn't absolutely mindless between patches.

        >ITT: Ganker shows how little it knows about statistics
        You don't put Extreme Trials at the median, you put Dungeons/Trials/Alliance Raids at the median. Most players do the easier roulettes as opposed to extreme trials.

        • 3 months ago

          anon those homosexuals think midcore means median and the vast majority of players are midcore, theres no point in replying to them

        • 3 months ago

          99%+ of the playerbase can do dungeons and normal trials. (the 0-1% being kids, old ladies, disabled, etc)

          50%~ can do extremes. Not week 1 blind golbez, but synced extremes nonetheless. I farmed the Hydaelyn mount recently and the PFs were half-full with poorly geared players who don't know what an opener is, don't understand buff timing, get hit by simple mechanics that don't have orange circles and barely learn anything from pull to pull. These are average or even below average players who can still enjoy the content and get carried through by better players and higher ilvl.

          15-20% is the engagement rate for savage. That might seem high but there have been stats on this a few times which show that around 10% of players clear any given tier, and 15-20% attempt the tier (but don't necessarily clear). Generally savage players understand their job well enough, show up with gear and can watch and learn from a guide.

          Ultimate engagement is obviously lower at something like 1-5%, it's niche by design.

          • 3 months ago

            That's a great, wonderful breakdown, anon. Let's assume you've run the numbers, sourced them properly, whatever.

            Now look here:

            And now look at how an actual normal distribution is structured in pic related.

            Based on a normal distribution curve, a majority of players will be within 1 standard deviation away from the median, which accounts to roughly 68% of the sample size. Depending on how you want to use this distribution, you can interpret and plug in the data differently. For example, your data is already a jumbled mess, where you're conflating the actual playerbase (aka population size) with "engagement" (which is a different type of data altogether). The long and short of it is this: MOST PEOPLE WHO PLAY THE GAME DO THE EASY STUFF, which includes but is not limited to DAILY ROULETTES that do not require planning/strategizing/learning beforehand/coordination outside of the game/etc.

            There's much, much more to it than that, but I'm not being paid to school Ganker on statistics. It's just annoying to see goobers posting a picture of a bell-curve without knowing what it means or how it works.

            • 3 months ago

              I made it clearer for you, I hope this helps. This is assuming skill is normally distributed but that's a fair assumption

    • 3 months ago

      >Do savage prog for the first time
      >Everything else turns from easy, but enjoyable, to mindlessly boring unless you get literal mouthbreathers and that just makes it a headache
      I miss ARR time content.

    • 3 months ago

      >only cater to the extreme ends
      >raiders aren't even having fun anymore because fights are too samey, too hard and not rewarding enough
      >overcoming the challenge doesn't feel worth it anymore because people dont recognize the achievement due to cheating anyway

      • 3 months ago

        Lots of raiders had fun this expansion, especially with DSR, p5s, p8s, p10s, barbariccia, golbez. There are constantly dozens (sometimes 100+) of ultimate PFs up even for old ultimates. Unreal is an excellent form of content.
        There are always people b***hing and complaining, and the complaints about 2min meta and bodychecks have some validity. But raiding is in a pretty good state and has high engagement.

        • 3 months ago

          i don't know anyone who says its fun, same for TOP
          >p5s, barbariccia
          the only standout fights the entire expac
          to each their own but i felt unreasonably annoyed by it
          >old ultimates
          not EW content
          refurbished old content kneecapped by its reward system giving no incentive to help others if you already finished it on day 1 of the week, no rotation system for some reason so you're not doing the same fight for 4 months at a time

          • 3 months ago

            top is fun outside of p1
            dsr is fun all the time, p2 checkpoint starting with 2 trio mechanics is great
            p8s is very fun, i like both p1 and p2
            p10s is annoying
            golbez was fun definitely one of the hardest trials on content release
            old ultimates are still relevant
            unreal is a bit underwhelming, you really have way more tools to help with everything than you did before

          • 3 months ago

            unless your an eceleb worshipper (and even then it was only xenos) p8s is still one of the most highy praised savage fights in the game to date.

            • 3 months ago

              a lot of new raiders just love to repeat xeno's opinions on stuff
              it makes them "smart" to repeat these shitty opinions

              • 3 months ago

                to be completely fairt idk what happened but nowadays he has been a lot more chill about the aspects of the game that aren't perfect in his eyes.

              • 3 months ago

                probably got tired of the amount of b***hing maybe also realized he's the fact that tanks are "homogenized" if they listened to him during shb

              • 3 months ago

                He probably exaggerates his opinions to entertain all the kids watching but GNB is a clunky piece of shit and I thought so even in Shb.

              • 3 months ago

                what's clunky about it? if you say ogcds and weaving mits while in no mercy then the job isn't for you

              • 3 months ago

                GNB has no leeway and worse recovery with the introduction of the third shell

              • 3 months ago

                If you even played it for 5 minutes on a trial with downtime you would already know why.

            • 3 months ago

              im gonna be honest the only reason i hate p8s is because i had the biggest dumbfrick healer in my raid group who can't carry more than one thought at a time and we'd been hardstuck on that fight for so long because of him that i just decided to quit raiding until the next tier. he may well be the reason that i've become homophobic now too, i learned a lot about gay men thanks to him

              • 3 months ago

                ok you know what i get you, that was also the tier that all the healers decided to quit en masse because of dots.

              • 3 months ago

                same problem i'm having with top p1 right now
                over 20 hours stuck in panto cleanup barely getting to p2 which is our prog point
                it's all so tiresome

                GNB has no leeway and worse recovery with the introduction of the third shell

                that's fine in my opinion you only lose damage but it pushes the skill ceiling of the job higher which, to me, is always a good thing to have harder jobs than others

                If you even played it for 5 minutes on a trial with downtime you would already know why.

                i have i played it for all of this tier and uwu + ucob, you can mitigate downtime with knowledge

              • 3 months ago

                >pushes the skill ceiling of the job higher
                no it doesnt
                the only reason its harder than the other tanks right now is because the other tanks are getting easier and easier while GNB is still forcibly required to stay in melee range the entire fight like how every melee besides NIN was in ShB but even that's getting easier because of the moronic hitboxes

              • 3 months ago

                Ive got to p2 a couple of time in pf but im probably gonna start looking for a static in 2 weeks once my dar static is done with reclear. Hopefully my blu static clear too so that im completely free

              • 3 months ago

                >i learned a lot about gay men thanks to him
                Same thing happen in of my old groups. homosexuals can't go 5 minutes without letting everyone know how much of a homosexual they are and how much dick they suck.

              • 3 months ago

                ok you know what i get you, that was also the tier that all the healers decided to quit en masse because of dots.

                Healing that shit was miserable in PF. DPS that can't press their mitigations or overlap them and don't discuss them at all, being forced to minimize your gcd heals in p1 to make the enrage timer, and then p2 has tighter healing checks (mostly because of the mit issue) and the PF strat for Natural Alignments was unnecessarily complicated for healers as well, the only role that had to be paying attention to extra shit.

              • 3 months ago

                >Healing that shit was miserable in PF
                i would have more sympathy for you but homosexual healers in this thread when the tier came out would tell me tanks had enough mit to cover the dots and all the tankbusters when that was literally not true (i wish is still had the screenshot of dots doing like a quarter-third each tick even with mits rolling) homosexuals just REFUSED to fricking press an gcd heal it was fricking infuriating, and made me realize why that role is so fricking boring, it's made for people like that.

              • 3 months ago

                I wish healing pushed to actually heal more, but they're entirely designed to push you into ogcd skills.
                I'm doing a late prog on sage and it feels like my optimization has been entirely using by big cooldowns better over just straight precision healing so i can spend more time hammering my one real dps skill.
                It's a weird mix of stressful due to the threat of a frick up making more healing required (except most true frick ups just wipe the raid lmao) and utterly boring.
                It makes me miss ARR days when dps on healer was very much your optimization because you had to learn when you could pop clerics to push out dps, refresh your multiple dots, etc, while being ready to drop it to output real healing.

              • 3 months ago

                >i learned a lot about gay men thanks to him
                Same thing happen in of my old groups. homosexuals can't go 5 minutes without letting everyone know how much of a homosexual they are and how much dick they suck.

                weird, the gay healer in my static is really quiet

          • 3 months ago

            >Only standout fight

            Complete shit tastes, the savage were generally pretty good, criterions fights were mostly excellent and most of the extremes were funs

        • 3 months ago

          Everything except for p10s. That fight was way too buggy and stressful for no reason.

        • 3 months ago

          Frick no. p10s was a messy nightmare with a lot of easy to hit fail states and Golblez was body check: the fight.

          • 3 months ago

            Golbez only has two or three body checks. iirc its pretty easy to skip one of them if you're okay at the game

  13. 3 months ago

    MMO raidgays are actually the most insufferable group of morons that any genre has ever spawned, worse than gachagays even

    • 3 months ago

      It's not about the raiding, it's about not just mandatory dailies being boring as everliving shit, but midcore stuff also being boring after the first time. The design philosophy of an MMO expects you to spend a bunch of time re-doing stuff in order to get the harder stuff, but if that ultimate-difficulty stuff is preceded by a bunch of shit you have to do over and over that isn't actually /fun/ to do over and over, yeah, people are going to complain.

      Don't get me wrong, there are also just a lot of pretentious, gate-keepy frickheads in raiding because their identity is how much time they spend on these games, but the two things can exist at the same time.

  14. 3 months ago

    The problem with difficulty in FFXIV is that the combat is mechanically completely braindead so the only way to make the game harder is to strap you to 7 other people and make it so that anybody making one mistake tanks the whole group's performance. Most people who enjoy challenging games do not enjoy tardwrangling 7 other people so they ask for challenging singleplayer content without realizing that it's not possible to even make that inside of this particular game.

    • 3 months ago

      Post Necromancer

      • 3 months ago

        >MMOgay confuses grind with challenge

        • 3 months ago

          Necromancer isn't a grind, in fact it's time-capped at 20 hours.

          • 3 months ago

            >isn't a grind, in fact it's time-capped at 20 hours

            • 3 months ago

              That's the absolute maximum, people did Necromancer on the Cloud servers in two days starting from a completely fresh account and empty economy. Once you reach 99/99 no amount of grind is going to save you from a skill issue.

              • 3 months ago

                >after you grind out the requirements you cant grind anymore, look some people grinded it out in only 48 hours
                jesus christ man

              • 3 months ago

                So skill issue it is.
                Let's make it easier for you casual: post Gunnhildr's Blade.

              • 3 months ago

                >heh skill issue
                >now post the title you get randomly while grinding

              • 3 months ago

                >The only way the game is difficult is in group content
                >"Ok have you completed any of the solo challenges?"
                Like pottery, another internet debate won.

              • 3 months ago

                >"Ok have you completed any of the solo challenges?"
                >these "solo challenges" are only rare because they are gated between enormous amounts of mindless time investment and randomness btw
                you are an actual rat trapped yoship's maze

          • 3 months ago

            Ah yes, I totally believe you did it without sustaining potions.

      • 3 months ago

        Deep dungeon would unironically be the most accessible piece of side content if it didn't have a time limit or was just doubled, they don't have a single difficult or complicated mechanic, it,s all about the cards you are giving to finish as fast as possible, it's just gambling and gambling is for gays

        • 3 months ago

          >I could totally do it... Except the timer!
          lol, lmao & filtered

          • 3 months ago

            I got to 198 and ran out of time because of the constant witch rooms, so yeah, it's the literal only issue, if you could take your time the entire thing would be extremely trivial

            • 3 months ago

              >if you made it trivial it would be trivial
              that's the point, keep trying

              • 3 months ago

                It's just rng, not challenging, that's my point, literally the only content you have to give a shit about the time limit beside learning raids because its designed for 4 people

              • 3 months ago

                anon MMO players are literally unable to distinguish challenge from randomness

              • 3 months ago

                So university exams can't be challenging because they're random, if they were the exact same tests and answers every time they would be challenging
                Are you fricking moronic, or have you never done anything actually difficult in life?

              • 3 months ago

                >Are you fricking moronic
                >makes the most moronic post on the entire website

              • 3 months ago

                skill issue

            • 3 months ago

              The thing is you reached that 198 after probably mismanaging your time and resources. You have to look back and reflect on how you finished floor 190 with 10 minutes left, maybe you could've saved a couple pomanders, end 190 with 1 minute to spare and then use those extra pomanders in 198 to give you the push you needed to finish in time.
              I agree it's not as satisfying as learning something with a binary reward like a boss mechanic and going from "I died to this mechanic" to "now I'm clearing it correctly", but time management and pacing is easily at least 50% of the learning curve, and you don't see the results of developing this skill as clearly as you do with boss mechanics.

              • 3 months ago

                >ARR dungeons had more complex design
                That's a bit misleading. But then having two paths that converge or having to back track a bit to open doors is more complex than "straight line"

              • 3 months ago

                Haukke Manor was 10x more complex than any dungeon in the later expansions

        • 3 months ago

          I mean yeah, the time component especially in PotD and HoH are big factors and time management is an important skill to develop when you're learning. EO has a much more lenient time component but in exchange it has very strict mechanical checks for every mob and boss.
          However, nowadays if you play a meta job and are very good at the content you can achieve close to 100% clear rates on WAR even if you get fricked up pomander and debuff RNG. It's just that the game doesn't offer many situations like you find yourself in DD, where you have to make important choices when you explore and manage your pomander inventory. The playerbase is used to following strict timelines instead.

  15. 3 months ago

    If you don’t see the issue with how easy Endwalker normal mode content got then you’re probably moronic. New players can’t even see the whole Endsinger fight because it ends less than halfway through the scion’s dialogue. Can you imagine fighting the climactic boss of a 200+ hour story and it being so easy that it actually undermines the story? Not to mention the 24 man content where you’ll more than likely skip the big cinematic attacks during the final bosses because of how easy and fast the fights are. The combat has actually become so trivial that it’s having adverse effects on things outside of combat.

    • 3 months ago

      They added sync for the endsinger fight months ago.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah so the fight was only completely broken for 1.5 years! That’s good! Tell me when they fix the sync on every other fight. Even harder content is being affected. People cleared UCOB through the enrage buff recently.

        • 3 months ago

          >People cleared UCOB through the enrage buff recently.
          Is that the not getting baha under 60% thing?

          • 3 months ago

            yeah he gets a dmg up buff

    • 3 months ago

      >implying that's a problem with Endwalker
      In 2.1 people were speedrunning fricking Gaius

      • 3 months ago

        They really weren’t

  16. 3 months ago

    Even normal dungeons used to be fun, stone vigil has been nerfed like 5 times now since i started playing in arr

  17. 3 months ago

    the games content is either brain dead moronic or go watch a 20 minute guide. the only real inbetweens are extremes and they're once a patch at most

  18. 3 months ago

    Casuals kill everygame that caters to them, look at ESO. They don't want a game, they want validation.

  19. 3 months ago

    >The game full of cheats says the game is too easy

  20. 3 months ago

    You can't save XIV. It has the most casual fanbase in the history of MMOs. People literally demanded nerfs for MSQ.

  21. 3 months ago

    Anyone saying "players used to be better" is either lying or ignorant. Its always been this way

    t. 2.0 beta - current player

    • 3 months ago

      Players used to be worse ~15 years ago when all the millenial kids were starting to take games seriously for the first time in their sheltered lives.
      Players used to be all be genius gigachads ~25 years ago that could handle old MMO mechanics as a hobby.

      • 3 months ago

        this just isn't true, in very old MMOs it's just that no one really knew anything and didn't really care, I would argue probably really up until wotlk most people didn't really understand anything
        players have abstractions and familiarity to explain MMO mechanics now, things are easier to convey and understand, much to the genre's determent, much to the medium's determent, really

      • 3 months ago

        The genius gigachads from 25 years ago are equivalent to a slightly above average, competent rostered raider today. Most people were dog shit back then.

  22. 3 months ago

    I'll believe YoshiP and the team's commitment to reversing the trend when I see it applied to every facet of the game's combat. It's not terribly reassuring having single offhand comments like this when even after 6.0's launch there's been changes to the game that tell the opposite story. Like the A Realm Reborn story finale, I'm not gonna claim Cape Westwind and the two following dungeons used to be masterpieces but it's just sad seeing everything about them gutted to fit the mold of the game's current style. It's the same story with the job design, too. It's been discussed ad nauseum but Hissatsu Kaiten is just the perfect example. It's a fun button to press, your character does a cool animation and your next attack is stronger, but because you realistically use it the same way every single time, it's deemed unnecessary... and instead of rethinking things to add some nuance to it, it's simply removed and other skills' potencies just get switched around a little instead to appease those who cry foul for balance reasons.

    • 3 months ago

      >Like the A Realm Reborn story finale, I'm not gonna claim Cape Westwind and the two following dungeons used to be masterpieces but it's just sad seeing everything about them gutted to fit the mold of the game's current style.
      In their defense the old Westwind and MSQ finale dungeons were objectively terribly designed. Rhitatyn put up less of a fight than overworld mobs and having dungeons with an hour of cutscenes in a fricking MMO was pure moronation. I don't know how that got finalized without anyone pointing out the glaring issue with that.

  23. 3 months ago

    lol, remember how much whining there was over the garlean soldier solo instance in the ew msq? The playerbase will fold over and die if they encounter anything that isn’t stress-free.

    • 3 months ago

      you mean the best part of the entire expansion?

    • 3 months ago

      I think its the time limit. Much like how people complained about Majora's Mask because of the time limit because it stressed them out. But...thats kind of the point. The time limit gives a sense of urgency and dread of doom looming.

    • 3 months ago

      I forgot if there was an easy mode at launch
      The solo duty was really memorable with how easy it was for you to die
      >getting the magitek key and operating it
      >you get to feel how weak the average garlean schmuck is
      >the fakeout death
      >crawling to your friends at 1 hp
      It was kino

  24. 3 months ago

    The hard parts of this game are no longer fun. It would be more interesting if they raised the skill floor a bit at the expense of lowering the ceiling. It's annoying that the only two real difficulties in this game are "puts you to sleep easy" and "frustratingly difficult for the wrong reasons"

    • 3 months ago

      You basically just admitted to being a casual.

      • 3 months ago

        How is making the parts you have to play more a bit more engaging make me a casual? And I'm suffering through TOP again after quitting months ago. I don't think it's a bad fight but it not FUN. Then again you can clear all the ults and still have morons on here say "well you didn't clear week 1 top 10 so your opinion doesn't matter!1!"

  25. 3 months ago

    Just finished 6.0.
    Is there any point in continuing to do the main story?
    That ending seemed like it wrapped pretty much everything up.

    • 3 months ago

      so far it's pretty shit, mostly revolving around new female characters who feel like borderline tumblr OCs

    • 3 months ago

      The post-patch story is skippable trash but there are a couple of good extremes in there.

    • 3 months ago

      Game is over, story ended, the ancients destroyed the entire setting, uninstall and forget about how ishikawa ruined the game

  26. 3 months ago

    Just revert back to 1.23 and the game is fixed.

    • 3 months ago

      I really with SE would make a XIV classic 1.23 server so it can fail so hard that anons will never bring it up again.

  27. 3 months ago

    You're forgetting a super fundamental part of FFXIV. MSQ gameplay is different from dungeon gameplay, which is also different from trial gameplay. Of course this also means that end-game group content is also different.
    There's a huge disconnect between these things, if a new player comes in and has to do 5 hours of questing before reaching sastasha, then they realize "wait a minute, this is a different thing now".

    Sure it's easy for us but think about that for a moment. All of a sudden the game is multiplayer and works under the trinity.
    Imagine reaching the end-game on zero challenge and then being met with a fundamentally different game, because it is.
    These issues come from the leveling process being garbage.

  28. 3 months ago

    The only content I ever liked in the game were diadem emergency missions/bozja big raids. What does that make me?

  29. 3 months ago

    1.0gays truly are the most delusional gaslighting morons on this entire website

    • 3 months ago

      Played 1.0, it was super shit and failed for a reason. The only people who talk about wanting to play it are people who never actually played it and are pretending they do.

    • 3 months ago

      Anon, actual 1.0gays think it was shit. It's morons who never touched it that think otherwise.

      • 3 months ago

        Can confirm it was a literal dumpster fire and almost everything about it was fricked even if they kinda fixed a few major huge issues down the line. Also make me think I have never bought a psychical PC game in years now

      • 3 months ago

        No, WoWgays who bought "other MMO" which just happened to be 14 hated that it was in fact, not WoW. 1.X had issues, key among them was a lack of content. It was like half an expansion of shit. It's just that it was unoptimized so the toasters most MMO players have couldn't run it, they got given their opinion and ran with it. Current year 14 could learn from 1.X

  30. 3 months ago

    I heard that the dificulty/challenge gap between dungeons and savage raids is bigger than between savage raids and ultimates... is that correct?

    • 3 months ago

      Dungeons are literally just walk through it asleep and you win tier. Savage is like mastering your rotation in memory, never skipping a beat, and recognizing correct placement in a dance. Yes, the gap is huge.

      • 3 months ago

        I mean yeah, in dungeons and regular duties you don't pre-assign anything, you can just yolo everything without much pushback. The difference between savage and ultimate is that ultimate has stricter damage and especially healing checks, and the pacing feels faster.
        If you've done savage you can picture yourself doing ultimates, but if you've only done dungeons you'll be exploring an entire new game if you set foot in a savage encounter.

        i only did up to extreme trials with fc mates since i never have more than an hour to spare playing so I never really attempted savage or ultimates. I don't want to drag down everyone elseor waste their time so I was curious of how hard it really is. The only savage I ever did was back in HW I did Gordias 1 for relic light farming but it wasn't endgame content back then so it fel a bit harder than extreme, not too much tho.

        • 3 months ago

          If you've done on-content extremes you can definitely go try savage practice and not be a burden. Especially later into the tier, PFs that are progging the first savage fight fresh are full of people doing savage for the first time too.

    • 3 months ago

      I mean yeah, in dungeons and regular duties you don't pre-assign anything, you can just yolo everything without much pushback. The difference between savage and ultimate is that ultimate has stricter damage and especially healing checks, and the pacing feels faster.
      If you've done savage you can picture yourself doing ultimates, but if you've only done dungeons you'll be exploring an entire new game if you set foot in a savage encounter.

    • 3 months ago

      Savage is the test to see if you can handle Ultimates. In a way savage prepares you for them but normal content does nothing to prepare you for savage. Going from normal to savage is like driving a bicycle in your neighborhood and then going to MotoGP on a 1000cc bike.

  31. 3 months ago

    Wish I could raid again in FFXIV, my work hours don't let me and not being able to play Tuesay knocks me out of the majority of groups.

  32. 3 months ago

    I wouldn't mind dungeons or trials being a little harder. I think we can totally get away with making them slightly harder. Like the new manderville trial was harder then and average one somewhat and I didn't see any b***hing about it I think

    • 3 months ago

      The second you have to do anything other than dodge aoe marker in normal difficulty raids all they start screeching though.

  33. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Lmao, the only thing these "midcore" players end up dropping is the game, just like ERP gays would drop it the moment mods breaks for more than a few days and savagegays drops the game between every ultimate. You dun' play yourself

      • 3 months ago

        >savagegays drops the game between every ultimate
        how are savagegays dropping the game during a savage tier

        • 3 months ago

          They wait for the mod tools to update.

  34. 3 months ago

    Why should I want to do high end content? To get a mount and some gear I think look ostentatious? I don't find the game fun anymore.

    • 3 months ago

      obviously you do it so you can b***h on Ganker about people who don't do it

    • 3 months ago

      It's the only challenging thing in the game, and you can call people noobs based on logs after.

  35. 3 months ago

    >ARR dungeons had more complex design
    >make Duty Roulette to fill parties
    >Seasoned players make beeline through the dungeons, even if sprouts want to explore
    >CBU3 decide to just make the dungeons linear since players just rush through them anyway
    How would you fix this? I tried helping a friend through Tam Tara Hard and while my friend was trying to read the notes, the other players were just rushing through, telling us to keep moving

    • 3 months ago

      add dungeon gimmicks
      "this lever will weaken the boss"
      "this [interaction] will change the mechanics of the boss"
      basically some of what variant has already

    • 3 months ago

      People don't want to waste their limited playing time on dungeons so they just want to it be over with asap for some rewards. It's just old people with no time who should not be playing this shit anyways.

    • 3 months ago

      You don't. Linear dungeon design is fine, they should break up the pace of the encounter a bit more tho.

      Why should I want to do high end content? To get a mount and some gear I think look ostentatious? I don't find the game fun anymore.

      Its fun

    • 3 months ago

      I think Normal Raids could be more challenging.
      As is, going purely based on the current tier, you have normal which is piss easy and then savage which are like 80% different fights with very little cross over.
      Look at fricking p11, where normal has that whole two color circle bit that doesn't exist in p11s
      Then p10s is fricking miserable to play, but at the literal end of the fight just has this fricking normal mode ass mechanic that is literally free after dealing with harrowing hell and shit.
      Normal should be a teaching tool for a lot of Savage, just with less punishing mechanics and maybe more "lite" versions of them

      Tell them to frick off. Bonus points if you and your friend are playing healer and tank or at least one of them.
      The other two aren't doing shit if one or both protection roles aren't rushing.
      They should also fix alliance raids to not allow for pulls while someone is in a cutscene.

    • 3 months ago

      Easy: Just make it so you can queue as a group into trusts.
      Hard: make them non instanced spaces that you could in theory solo given enough time.
      Very hard: make them tiny eureka-likes where players have to work to defeat the boss

    • 3 months ago

      Linear is good because dungeons are mostly played as roulette fodder. I'd like to see dungeons which have multiple possible routes and one is chosen for you, though.
      The way to include more non-linear content is as optional stuff that rewards exploration. Think foray, deep dungeon, variant. Imagine if the foray zones actually had platforming and puzzles and hidden doors and stuff. Eureka had a little bit of that but Bozja was all just big open battlefields.

    • 3 months ago

      They fix it by throwing the old dungeon concept in the trash, remove the reason for running dungeons over and over again (just add more EXP/tome rewards to overworld content ffs) and then just do Variant dungeons with more circular level design going forwards.

      I really hope that we stop at lvl 100, the moment you could start ignoring EXP and instead just spam the MSQ was the moment the MSQ took over as the "carrot on a stick" or "powergain" mechanic in the game so there is absolutely no reason for them to keep increasing the level caps or continue to design filler content (side-quests, dungeons, beast tribes, FATEs, etc)

  36. 3 months ago

    the real difficulty of this game is finding a fwen

    • 3 months ago

      For extroverts/socials it's MSQ-tier, for introverts/antisocials it's Ultimate tier without video guide on youtube by mr.brappy

  37. 3 months ago

    State mandated Lalafell wives

    • 3 months ago

      No, you have to pay up like a good customer.

  38. 3 months ago

    People say this, but lately from randoms I have been seeing people struggling to beat normal dungeons and trials

    • 3 months ago

      People have saying this since ARR....time is a flat circle

      • 3 months ago

        The difference was that dungeons and trials in ARR were handled a lot differently because not every job was good at dealing with things like big pack pulls.
        Giant pulls that are done with no thoughts now sometimes could not be done because you might have sch/drg/mnk as your comp so aoe damage was abysmal.
        Conversely, having a whm/smn/blm made big pulls a breeze

        • 3 months ago

          I mean I don't disagree, I remember having to plan out big pulls on healer/tank before ShB but everything is so braindead since then that I barely even think when running dungeons

          My point is more so that no matter what system you implement, people are going to suck at it because they're dumb
          I want some sophistication back

          i think that MSQ trials should be a bit harder. in most cases this just means capping ilevel. current good examples of difficulty and pacing: Susanoo (though his second phase could probably sprinkle something else in it), Titania, Zodiark, Hydaelyn, Endsinger*, Golbez**, Zeromus**

          *they actually fixed her. good job yoship!
          **means it will likely get ruined with number tweaking at DT
          >why not barby
          her phase 1 telegraphs are really long and she spends a lot of time casting Curling Iron. phase 2 is fantastic
          >why not hades
          number issue
          >why not shinryu
          number issue
          >why not innocence
          his phase 2 add phase is too easy. you used to have to use both tank and healer cooldowns to save the squishies from 1 stack. now 1 stack just plinks off. props to him though for having a tankbuster that will kill the tank if its unmitigated though
          >why not WoL
          number issue. given that there's 3 hard party wipe mechanics and each individual limit break during phase 2 can kill with improper positioning i'm not sure how fervently i go for this. Bitter End used to one shot tanks unmitigated, now its only ~60%

          Every time I get Nidd in roulette I'm disappointed
          The fight dies before the music even crescendos on the final phase

          Another issue is that the new fight design doctrine is to have a boss telegraph a simple attack 4-5 different times with a small little sprinkle added on top(Barb dashes, Oschon arrow clones) and it's repetitive and boring
          Stop making bosses recenter automatically holy shit please

          • 3 months ago

            I hate that as a tank my job is now limited to "Press mitigation button every now and then"
            It feels as if I can be replaced by a target dummy in half the fights

            • 3 months ago

              tanks are just bad dps that don't die but with a more fun rotation

            • 3 months ago

              its an issue for sure. mobs teleporting around so that their attack is appropriately flashy and solvable. but you still have instances like say, P12N in which athena carves out the battlefield to a small fraction and if you face her the wrong way you can guarantee your raid will get hit by 1 or 2 of her wing attacks

          • 3 months ago

            You already lost when you responded to the thread clown.

            • 3 months ago

              But I'm also a thread clown
              Can I be Kefka if we're being clowns?

  39. 3 months ago

    Thread is now ruined

    • 3 months ago

      Aww poor widdle baby, which post hurt your fee-fees?

      • 3 months ago

        the lalaposter

  40. 3 months ago

    Why is there no variant dungeon roulette

    • 3 months ago

      how would that help with RP/ERP?

  41. 3 months ago

    XIV shat the bed regarding the difficulty of content as soon as they allowed unsynced savage coil (t6-t9) waay back in heavensward. For something that's purely there for the challenge/e-peen, allowing it unsynced was a travesty.

  42. 3 months ago

    now that everyone is here
    i'm "trying to make" a top static
    we have 2/8 so far 1 drk ot 1 omnijob person
    does anyone want in? expected to clear within 1 month possible 3 days a week for 3-4 hours or 4 days for 3 hours?

    • 3 months ago

      Count meow in! I'm almost done with EW MSQ, currently in Elpis ^-^

      • 3 months ago

        oh you're an alt?

      • 3 months ago

        Wearing the robes there is cringe

  43. 3 months ago

    Base expansion msq ranking
    ARR 5/10
    HW 5.5/10
    SB 5/10
    SHB 6/10
    EW 7/10

  44. 3 months ago

    It's less about stress and more about complexity of the classes I think. People complain the classes and their execution are too simple/streamlined, more so than anything else.
    At least, to me that's my main gripe with how they're approached things. Even BLM which is still fairly fun to play got simplied by making certain shit a passive instead of an activated ability.

  45. 3 months ago


  46. 3 months ago

    >are 'midcore' players the most pathetic group of people in this game?
    it took you this long to realize that the people that aren't casual enough to enjoy being casual and aren't good enough to do ultimates are pathetic crybabies and the entire wrong with the game. don't get me wrong this is good that yoshiP is stating this but midcoregays will just go onto complaining about another random thing.

  47. 3 months ago

    why does gnb get to press continuation but I don't get to press DA anymore

    I like it because I can at least do it on gbr but I miss the sound for DA

  48. 3 months ago

    How would you, as a game designer, socially engineer the mentally moronic average FFXIV casual to play better?

    • 3 months ago

      Just make trusts for ex/savage fights. Most people just have anxiety when it comes to playing with others since they don't want to be "the one that fricks up".

      • 3 months ago

        Congratulation, anon, you said the most moronic reply anyone could have possibly given to that question.

      • 3 months ago

        no, i'm sorry but it's an mmo, there should be content that forces you to interact with people whether you like it or not and savage/ultimates/extremes do just that. if people have le anxiety playing the game i would not want to cater to people like that.

        • 3 months ago

          Frick off, there should be content for both solo and parties, but neither should be forced

          • 3 months ago

            >Frick off, there should be content for both solo and parties
            no, play a different fricking game in a different fricking genre

            • 3 months ago

              You are the moron who doesn't fricking understand mmos as a genre in the first place. At its core it is just a virtual world where people can do shit in, not a fricking daycare for unlikeable autists, with systems to force everyone else to interact with them.

          • 3 months ago

            For solo content, have you considered any of the other Final Fantasy games other than 11? They're known for being single player Final Fantasy, and that might be what you're looking for

            • 3 months ago

              No, i am looking for a persistent world that is there for me to escape into, with other people playing it simultaneously. Doesn't mean i always want to party up with others for every minutia activity. Godfrickingdamnit you larping everquest morons i swear.

              • 3 months ago

                >No, i am looking for a persistent world that is there for me to escape into, with other people playing it simultaneously

              • 3 months ago

                >No, i am looking for a persistent world that is there for me to escape into, with other people playing it simultaneously

                The solution to this is action combat.

                With action combat you can tune encounters for the average 5 man party or an 8-10 man raid team. And if you're good at the game you can solo it instead of just being statchecked.

                And then everyone is happy.

              • 3 months ago

                >The solution to this is action combat.
                there has never been a good action combat mmo, no don't say tera cause tera didnt have good content for said combat.

              • 3 months ago

                >there has never been a good action combat mmo
                That's not the fault of the combat systems though. That is more on the shoulders of MMO players who would rather keep playing WoW, XIV and RuneScape because it's what they're familiar with and they all have decades of polish, content and quality of life.

                There's been multiple really good action combat systems through the years. If you want me to jog your memory I can jot some of the bigger ones off for you. Like you mentioned TERA was one of them. But also games like Guild Wars 2, Blade & Soul, Black Desert Online, Elder Scrolls Online, Skyforge and New World. Most of these are dead of course, Guild Wars 2 and New World both hanging on by a thread. You can't feasibly claim any of these failed due to being action combat. Ask any of the players of these games and you're liable to get the same answer in some form or another from a scorned ex-fan. The combat was good and something else caused them to fail. Usually from monetization, lack of content or the game feeling shallow to previously aforementioned MMO titans with decades of development.

              • 3 months ago

                >Guild Wars 2
                guild wars 2's best content is fractals and arena net would rather spend time making gay living stories than actual make engaging content to interact with the combat system which i agree is fun
                >Blade & Soul
                only good for pvp genuinely there was little to no pve aspect to that game
                >Black Desert Online
                great mobbing and again is more of a pvp game, it also requires you to treat the game like a job if you want to play catchup or spend youre entire life savings penta'ing stuff
                >Elder Scrolls Online, Skyforge and New World
                haven't played this
                look i don't disagree that action combat can be fun but the problem is that DEVELOPERS have yet to make an mmo as engaging as even WoW with action combat

        • 3 months ago

          >forces you to interact
          What is it about socially moronic people that makes them think that being forced to interact with others is a good thing?
          Is it because you can't actually from bonds with others without them being forced to tolerate you?
          Just make friends to play with like everyone else.

          • 3 months ago

            there is so much projection seeping from this post

            • 3 months ago

              I have friends i play with.
              You're desperate to force others to try and play with you.

              • 3 months ago

                uh yeah no, i go and look for a static, make friends with them and clear content with them cause i'm not a sperg that is incapable of interacting with strangers.

          • 3 months ago

            It's a multiplayer game. Every time you queue up in duty finder you're being forced to interact with other players. Deal with it.

    • 3 months ago

      Rework guildhests and teach relevant mechanics and etiquette.

    • 3 months ago

      Revamp guildhests entirely, have them introduce a lot of common mechanics in a 4 man environment as tutorials with npcs telling you how to resolve it.
      Things like tethers, stacks, spreads, partners, all should be learned through these things instead of the outdated shit they are now that do nothing.

      Golbez only has two or three body checks. iirc its pretty easy to skip one of them if you're okay at the game

      That body check is still incredibly easy to get fricked up. One person slightly off wipes the entire fight instantly and requires a precision beyond a lot of mechanics in Savage fights.

      • 3 months ago

        >Require a precision

        • 3 months ago

          Right, all the wipes I've seen in Golbez totally weren't someone standing a bit wrong, getting blown off the map, and everything going off wrong as a result causing a wipe.

    • 3 months ago

      easier/shorter rotations but add some mostly optional skills with niche usage that's damage positive in specific fight situations only, introduction of more annoying mechanics in regular content that can still be circumvented somehow on an independent basis even if you fail them as opposed to forcing other people to carry you

      >inb4 argument against "damage positive in specific fight situations only"
      if you argue against this then you're the reason the game is going down the shitter by following YoshiP's reductionist gameplay design. the intent is not to be super-optimized and extremely balanced but to make people feel good for reaching the correct conditions to use said skills in the proper context without wasting them

    • 3 months ago

      Make downscaling a lot more aggressive. Many of the older fights in the game actually have some teeth when you don't outgear them by a factor of 2.

    • 3 months ago

      >Make the MSQ harder by a factor of 2 at the very least
      >Force players to deal with dungeon/raid/extreme mechanics in MSQ content, even outside of coop content, shit like "Don't stand in orange" and "Use *QUEST ITEM* to remove debuffs on yourself and your MSQ allies before they die!" comes to mind as a good way to force players into recognising patterns
      >Rebuild guildhests to be a forced tutorial at the start of the game that players needs to complete before they can access any content past Satasha, allow guildhests to be done solo with bots and then remove the absolute joke of a "tutorial" that is the sprout quests from the game
      >Up the difficulty curve of EVERYTHING in the game so that players going from Dungeons into extremes or even ultimates don't feel like they are running headfirst into a difficulty wall
      >Tell anyone who thinks this is "too hard" to suck it up or GTFO

      As a bonus I would allow players to play the entirety of the MSQ as limited jobs and in coop, there is absolutely nothing stopping this from functioning and MSQ characters can just ignore the other players like it already does in dungeons

      • 3 months ago

        players to deal with dungeon/raid/extreme mechanics in MSQ content, even outside of coop content, shit like "Don't stand in orange" and "Use *QUEST ITEM* to remove debuffs on yourself and your MSQ allies before they die!" comes to mind as a good way to force players into recognising patterns
        guildhests to be a forced tutorial at the start of the game that players needs to complete before they can access any content past Satasha, allow guildhests to be done solo with bots and then remove the absolute joke of a "tutorial" that is the sprout quests from the game
        Good ideas, the rest is stupid

        • 3 months ago

          Give me ONE (1) valid reason why you shouldn't be able to do the MSQ as BLU

          • 3 months ago

            People would play blue mage for 200 hours and then not have a leveled job to use at max / not know how to play a real job

            >the people who have only been given slop their entire lives continue to consoom the slop, that must mean slop is the only acceptable form of product
            Sales analysts and shareholders need to face the wall


            • 3 months ago

              >People would play blue mage for 200 hours and then not have a leveled job to use at max / not know how to play a real job

            • 3 months ago

              People already don't know how to play their jobs at max level because you don't need to know in order to clear the MSQ.
              Also BLU should be able to do end game contentwith other jobs, maybe restrict high end duties if the ultra extreme raiders get uppity

              • 3 months ago

                They might as well just fully allow it. They already homogenized blu into the 2 minute unijob and the only thing it’s broken against are trash mobs(also on a 2 minute cooldown) and the 3 bosses that aren’t immune to missile, neither of which are relevant to raiding.

            • 3 months ago

              blue is the only real job in ff14

            • 3 months ago

              homie, the game forces you to clear the ARR MSQ before you can play BLU and straight up warns you when you unlock it that you can't reach max level with it/play roulettes with it. No new player in their right mind would go out of their way, see the above and then think "I'll do it anyway!"

  49. 3 months ago

    New ff7 mmo incoming, 14 is dead

  50. 3 months ago

    There is only 1 real person in this entire thread and it's not OP.

  51. 3 months ago

    i think that MSQ trials should be a bit harder. in most cases this just means capping ilevel. current good examples of difficulty and pacing: Susanoo (though his second phase could probably sprinkle something else in it), Titania, Zodiark, Hydaelyn, Endsinger*, Golbez**, Zeromus**

    *they actually fixed her. good job yoship!
    **means it will likely get ruined with number tweaking at DT
    >why not barby
    her phase 1 telegraphs are really long and she spends a lot of time casting Curling Iron. phase 2 is fantastic
    >why not hades
    number issue
    >why not shinryu
    number issue
    >why not innocence
    his phase 2 add phase is too easy. you used to have to use both tank and healer cooldowns to save the squishies from 1 stack. now 1 stack just plinks off. props to him though for having a tankbuster that will kill the tank if its unmitigated though
    >why not WoL
    number issue. given that there's 3 hard party wipe mechanics and each individual limit break during phase 2 can kill with improper positioning i'm not sure how fervently i go for this. Bitter End used to one shot tanks unmitigated, now its only ~60%

  52. 3 months ago

    What's the best wiki for FFXIV-related stuff?

    • 3 months ago

      Discord, unironically. This game's community has mental AIDS and refuses to document stuff on static websites.

  53. 3 months ago

    Notice that what YoshiP is talking about is not just combat content or dungeons or trials or shit like that. He's talking broadly, about the fact that the game doesn't really incentivizes or 'stresses' you enough - the biggest example in Endwalker being the absolutely horrendously boring relic grind - if it even can be called taht.

    • 3 months ago

      Frick every Black person who pretended the EW relic was good frick youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu even Yoshi-P admitted I was right in the end. Bozja #1

  54. 3 months ago

    >people in this thread unironically asking for MORE soloable content in ffxiv
    and then people wonder why yoshi comes out and makes this statement holy frick have some self awareness. you are literally the problem.

    • 3 months ago

      Being an MMORPG is holding this game back honestly

      • 3 months ago

        this is a better opinion that a lot of the shit posted in this thread even if i don't agree with it

        if anything its probably a sign that the team content in the game is not very satisfying somehow

        either that or the game doesn't incentivize you enough to do them, i think the party content is the absolute most fun part of the game, i like savages and ultimates and for the most part i like the community and people around them.

        • 3 months ago

          I only play this game because it has a character creator in it. I like rpgs where you can role play as a character. The multiplayer part brings very little to me.

    • 3 months ago

      if anything its probably a sign that the team content in the game is not very satisfying somehow

  55. 3 months ago

    How to fix the game:
    1) Add loot back to normal Trials again, make normal Trials worth grinding for like EX trials are. Right now there's literally 0 reason to redo normal trials.
    2) Adapt Criterion Dungeon mechanics to normal dungeons, watered down in terms of difficulty.
    3) Make Criterion a viable endgame activity that rewards you with power progression.

    That's it. Everything else could be kept as-is and it would still be a massively improved game.

    • 3 months ago

      >Make Criterion a viable endgame activity that rewards you with power progression
      criterion savage would have to reward post savage pre ultimate gear it's in an incredibly awkward middle ground since it's harder than savage.

      • 3 months ago

        Criterion Savage shouldn't reward player power. It should have always been bragging rights. Normal Criterion should have been the one to drop gear - weekly locked loot for each boss, with a unique gearset for each role.

        • 3 months ago

          >Criterion Savage shouldn't reward player power. It should have always been bragging rights.
          i don't disagree with this i just don't know what it would give besides a mount or an ultimate esque glowy weapon.

          • 3 months ago

            Step 1) Make Criterion normal drop weapons (preferrably at the final boss)
            Step 2) Add an upgrade material in Criterion Savage that gives the Criterion weapon a glowy effect and like 2 extra materia slots or something.

            Boom, done.

          • 3 months ago

            >ultimate esque glowy weapon
            Exactly that, a title and glowstick just like aloalo does. It takes similar skills to clear as does an ultimate

            • 3 months ago

              the problem with the aloalo glowstick is that there isl iterally no functional utility for it.

              To get the shiny Aloalo weapon you have to:
              Buy a tomestone weapon (which takes a decent amount of resources and grinding, especially with 450 weekly caps)
              Augment it, which requires you to beat P11S and get a specific loot drop
              And then finally beat Aloalo Savage.

              By that point, any utility the weapon would have had just became pointless.

              • 3 months ago

                to be completely fair ultimates don't really have any utility to them cause the amount of people that actually use it for the bis weapon next tier is very very small

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah but you don't have to grind out an entirely separate mode to get the specific weapon you want, you just beat it, exchange the token and that's it. Why they didn't do that for Aloalo is beyond me.

              • 3 months ago

                My UWU weapon has no utility but I'm still happy to have it, and some of the alo alo ones look a lot better. It doesn't need utility but it absolutely shouldn't require p11s. Either aloalo should drop a coffer that contains the weapon, or you should be able to upgrade the 650 to aloalo, or they should have allowed brine purchase with alliance coins.

        • 3 months ago

          have criterion normal drop the gear equivalent to savage with different stats but also allow players to get it throguh variant runs (12 coins for 1 piece for example, 1 coin per run)

  56. 3 months ago

    I hate being midcore. I would progress past P9S if I could find a static.

    • 3 months ago

      this is funny

      classes are too homogeneous, they fricked up as soon as they tried to bring them all to functional parity
      now the 2 minute window meta is here and it probably never will be reverted either
      I've basically stopped playing as a result, the way the story played out in endwalker didn't help

      but have you tried anything past an extreme?

      • 3 months ago

        I'm willing to admit I haven't done anything really past extreme, the last time I actually really tired was in stormblood. I'm not sure if I just lost interest or if it's the way the classes and combat have changed over time that makes me not really enjoy it anymore. I just do the story and log out at this point, will probably stop doing that soon at this rate.

        I unironically liked the game best in 2.0.

        • 3 months ago

          so the classes are homogeneous, they fricked it up, 2 min meta is bad and you stopped playing but... you haven't tried anything beyond extreme?

          • 3 months ago

            when I last actually played there wasn't anything but extremes, yes, that's correct

            • 3 months ago

              oh so i'm sure you tackled every savage and ultimate on content until the 2 min meta, right?

              • 3 months ago

                No, I'm not interested in the game any longer, or whatever this conversation is.
                I'm sorry I'm attacking your favorite game from a point of ignorance since I've been playing and doing other things, but you're also insufferable, have a good life.

  57. 3 months ago

    classes are too homogeneous, they fricked up as soon as they tried to bring them all to functional parity
    now the 2 minute window meta is here and it probably never will be reverted either
    I've basically stopped playing as a result, the way the story played out in endwalker didn't help

  58. 3 months ago

    i want them to go so absolutely fricked with gearing that people can't figure out bis until two weeks later

  59. 3 months ago

    I think people forget that the dev team also has a say in how they want to balance jobs, and that the more complex they make things, the longer dev cycles take. There are so many jobs now that balancing has most likely become a nightmare and internal management needed to be done.

    • 3 months ago

      how hard can it be to run sims and then tweak the 2 minute self buff damage that every tank gets

      • 3 months ago

        That's the point I'm making. The reason why you have simpler mechanics like 2 minute windows is because it now takes less time, and is easier to manage with development. I remember during one of the LLs when they made the first ultimate, the guy in charge showed the ridiculously long algorithms involved in the fight, and that is probably a reason why more simplification was made.

    • 3 months ago

      The devs at CBU3 are genuine brainlets who dont play their own game nor even communicate with each other.

      Something was up with Endwalker's developer cycle. Maybe it was FFXVI, maybe it was the fact they had the graphical update development in the background, who the frick knows - but clearly it's not a problem of development time.

      In Dawntrail we're getting:
      >Lifestyle content
      >Field Operations (Bozja/Eureka)
      >A new Deep Dungeon or similiar mode
      >Variant/Criterion Dungeons
      >as well as all the normal content (raids/alliance raids/dungeons etc)
      >New Limited Job
      This is literally the most amount of content any singular expansion's ever had. Why Endwalker didn't get this I have no idea.

      Does he know?

      • 3 months ago

        During the Endwalker fanfests they said Ultimate and not UltimateS. We ended up getting two anyway. They just don't want to make promises in case they can't mantain it.

      • 3 months ago

        >Does he know?
        it's crazy how shadowbringers where they literally apologized for not having 2 ultimates convinced people that we are gonna have 1 ultimate now for every expansion, when the content was literally made with 2 to begin with.

  60. 3 months ago

    Its not just about MIDcore content.
    Fact is the game is literally only 2 difficulties for 99% of the content.

    AFK Brain-dead easy and Have to do a dance rehearsal for hours or days hard.
    Only like 1% f the content has any semblance difficulty that's not just learn pasterns by heart and its ironically Bozya and Eureka.

    • 3 months ago

      true, i still think DRS is one of the most fun pieces of content in the entire game
      its insane that they didn't do BA/DRS style content in EW

      • 3 months ago

        Something was up with Endwalker's developer cycle. Maybe it was FFXVI, maybe it was the fact they had the graphical update development in the background, who the frick knows - but clearly it's not a problem of development time.

        In Dawntrail we're getting:
        >Lifestyle content
        >Field Operations (Bozja/Eureka)
        >A new Deep Dungeon or similiar mode
        >Variant/Criterion Dungeons
        >as well as all the normal content (raids/alliance raids/dungeons etc)
        >New Limited Job
        This is literally the most amount of content any singular expansion's ever had. Why Endwalker didn't get this I have no idea.

        • 3 months ago

          >Why Endwalker didn't get this I have no idea
          anon every video game company on the planet had to deal with an epidemic remember.

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah for like the initial release and first few patches, I don't think we can explain away all the issues Endwalker had with just covid.

  61. 3 months ago

    To all the Savage raiders:
    Would you dislike it if you had to do Criterion as well as Savage to get BiS gear for that patch cycle, or would it make the game more interesting?

    • 3 months ago

      it would make it more interesting
      it depends on how they do rewards i don't want to need to do criterion savage, which is harder than tea to get a gear piece
      the tier can be done in 1 week but you're not guaranteed rewards for at least 8 if you're unlucky so having criterion as an option for gearing during the downtime of savage would be great
      you SHOULD be able to gear 3 roles for ultimate before an ultimate drops
      unrelated but this picture was moments before the mnk quit the static and i started looking for a new one

      • 3 months ago

        criterion savage is way harder than savage normally so it might be too annoying, i think actual raiders, as in the people who will clear every tier don't mind how the raiding is right now cause if we're being realistic, we genuinely do get a lot. it's just midcore gays that can't clear the tier that complain about it being boring.

        Oh no I meant that you would have to do Criterion (normal) and RAID Savage, not Criterion Savage.

        • 3 months ago

          i think they should also start doing 24 man savage versions that drop an upgrade to the normal alliance pieces

        • 3 months ago

          oh if it's normal then yeah i wouldn't mind, it'd be a nice breather/change of scenery.

        • 3 months ago

          frick yeah. criterion normal is always fun. you could even have it drop accessories that are equal to upgrade tome/savage pieces so some roles like tanks/healers dont get fricked with a piety/tenacity ring. and then make the 24man drop gear equal to upgraded tome/savage pieces so now there's 3 ways to get endgame gear.

    • 3 months ago

      criterion savage is way harder than savage normally so it might be too annoying, i think actual raiders, as in the people who will clear every tier don't mind how the raiding is right now cause if we're being realistic, we genuinely do get a lot. it's just midcore gays that can't clear the tier that complain about it being boring.

  62. 3 months ago

    >Finish my barista shift irl
    >Ahh time to open my Catmaid café in FFXIV for the next 6 hours!

    • 3 months ago

      How autistic i have to be to RP on a videogame when i'm a grown adult?

      • 3 months ago

        just a normal amount of autism

      • 3 months ago

        just a normal amount of autism

        >Finish my barista shift irl
        >Ahh time to open my Catmaid café in FFXIV for the next 6 hours!

        Roleplaying casual/slice-of-life scenes (which often include ERP at some point) is a very common activity for FF14's playerbase. The real question you need to ask is how autistic you have to be to RP in a videogame with subject matter that is more substantial than "kawaii uguu" nekomimi cafe, for example.

  63. 3 months ago

    I wish newer anons could experience Coils the way we did on release. Nothing has matched it for me.

    • 3 months ago

      Same. that era of the game was great because it was more of a toy than problem and yeah, fire resist materia was never the right choice but it was there. The job fantasy of PLD was to just live through any obstacle and that was possible because the hard enrage DPS checks weren't as much of a thing. Realistically, 12 bossfights per expansion is better than a handful of bossfights and some filler, but I really liked the feeling of Raids during Coils and Alex, and having it be this marriage and evolution of dungeons and trials. I liked that fights during that era played out a little bit different every time because they advanced based on your damage, not the time so your party comp, skill, and even strategy decided how long you spent in given stages.

  64. 3 months ago

    how to make the game less shit
    >bring back forays and make them worth doing/fun
    luckily they're planning on bringing them back out so maybe kino will be on the menu, but they usually come out midway through the xpac. Other things to add:
    >completely change the trajectory of deep dungeons: make them wildly different takes on "randomly generated tower with various powerups" instead of being the exact same thing over and over
    >more casual group content like map dungeons, everyone loves maps for a couple months but then loses interest when 99% of what you get is worthless and the valuables are 0.005% drop chance
    >make optional dungeons more challenging and varied, give actual options in what trash you pull/how you handle the dungeon. Msq dungeons can stay braindead hallways so morons don't piss their pants
    >make alliance raids more challenging like ivalice/nier (but less spongey than nier), the EW alli raids are complete garbage and honestly a quicker 30 min exit penalty than CT raids (I will never do alli roulette again, I can't handle more thaleia/euphro)
    >stop dumbing down jobs just so coomers can do them without complaint
    the game CAN function with half the playerbase being somewhat competent and the other half being braindead secondlife refugees, you just have to give them the wacky dances and loose outfits they want and they'll shut up and ignore everything else.

  65. 3 months ago

    Tbqh i'm just bored of doing the exact same fight for 8 weeks straight. Literally the same. I do the same abilities and GCD at the exact same time. No change. Nothing. I'm a human not a fricking robot and in top of that the boss doesn't even behave like a boss but an AI programmed to do the same exact shit every single time. It doesn't feel like a a game or adventure. It feels like a simulator where me and the boss are robots.

    • 3 months ago

      Try a different job gay

  66. 3 months ago

    Man, my friends convinced me to finally use the Mare thing and it feels like I’m playing Second Life now. So many people have absolutely no taste and look like deformed glow sticks. If it wasn’t so funny to look at their characters I would already disable it.
    But the erp is hot as frick

  67. 3 months ago

    Hey remember when Abyssos savage added bleed to every single AoE and tankbuster?

    We should bring that back. That was unironically the best thing about the raid tier.

    • 3 months ago

      p8s was truly something special

      • 3 months ago

        MMOs will never recover from parsegayging, Kihra killed the genre.

        • 3 months ago

          i just don't understand why healers would care the most about this shit, FRICKING HEAL YOU homosexualS

  68. 3 months ago

    Who cares, game's dead anyway

  69. 3 months ago

    no Ganker midcore does not mean the median of players, you are still in the minority if you are midcore as the vast majority of xiv players are casual that only do roulettes, the msq and alliance raids. savage and extreme is midcore content.

  70. 3 months ago

    The most minor gameplay changes in FFXIV have to wait months and months of executive decisions like it's a fricking law bill going through congress, leading to very slow change overall.

    Meanwhile, WoW devs just change important shit on a whim.

    Not saying one is better than the other, but I do find it very funny.

    • 3 months ago

      WoW isn't FFXIV and FFXIV isn't WoW.

    • 3 months ago

      just japanese business beurocracy at work

  71. 3 months ago

    if he does this. I will unsub.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      If he does what, bringing back some grind? it's going to happen because of how bad the Relic weapon in EW was received, it was too easy to obtain.

      • 3 months ago

        Dopamine addicts that have nothing going on in their lifes loved it.

        • 3 months ago

          In Japan there were huge complaints over how there was nothing to do in EW, and the relic quest was one of those which traditionally would give you a reason to come in and play the post expansion and it just wasn't there in EW. Yoshida has already specifically talked about changing Relic weapon in DT to make it feel more of an achievement a reward than handing over Tomes.

  72. 3 months ago

    We had a good thread going. Don't rile them up.

    • 3 months ago
  73. 3 months ago

    which DC has the least dead bozja right now?

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      its a workday, all NA centers are going to be slow until 6-7 PM eastern

  74. 3 months ago

    so the endwalker relic was designed so that the player had a lot more freedom in how they gathered it. there was a lot of backlash on this. is this an indication that people don't want freedom?

    • 3 months ago

      Maybe that was the design philosophy, but it was too broad for a Relic weapon it was too free for what should be really one of the only Prestigious weapon gearing in ff14. There needs to be direction in a game, handing over Tomes is not fun, it's what we were already doing there is nothing new to be solved, to be worked on, to have shared memories with the community over grinding out the weapon like previous expansions, there is feeling of accomplishment if things are handed to you.

      • 3 months ago

        but relic weapons were never prestigious anon

        • 3 months ago

          I would argue you're half right, for example ARR weapon relic to me is still prestigious because I know how long of a grind it is even now that you can do it solo, but it's not even comparable to EW relic weapon.

    • 3 months ago

      players will take the path of least resistance and that path is usually the most boring.

    • 3 months ago

      I think the main problems are that it was too easy and too repetitive. You log in on patch day and get the next step of the relic within 10 minutes. I like the freedom of grinding tomes through any content but for every step to be the same meagre tome grind means you don't actively engage with the relic at all, you just play normally and buy relic mats when capped.

      • 3 months ago

        relics have been designed around 'doing roulettes' since the ARR days anon. you got myth tomes from doing AK which you needed for +1 (this was before roulettes were a thing of course, but doing the highest level dungeon is prettymuch what expert is). then you had the alexandrite step giving you an extra map for doing expert

        • 3 months ago

          Yes but every step was different and you did it after the patch not before. That's not a huge difference in gameplay but psychologically it is.

        • 3 months ago

          Having specific dungeons where you had to do to clear a relic step is not the same as doing anything in the game you can gain Tomes from, because you're not sharing that experience with other players of grinding the relic. Everyone is doing their own thing and it means people are playing less with each other and off on their own.
          Previous relic steps focused players into dungeons and trials so they were required to do it together for a step, to encourage people to interact with other people in group content.
          That's the thinking behind how it was and how it changed in EW.
          The good thing for people who preferred it how it was in Shadowbringers and Stormblood is that is coming back in DT and EW relic was an experiment that failed and isn't returning. Yoshida has already said this.

  75. 3 months ago

    Final week of the season, q the frick up for ranked, literally free extra crystals and portrait stuff!

  76. 3 months ago

    Who gives a shit what any of the content is like when every job is completely mindless

  77. 3 months ago

    They attracted middle aged ladies from second life, they are yours now. They are your audience.

    • 3 months ago

      The good thing about FFXIV, it attracts a large swathe of people from all walks of life, not just hardcore raiders and second life types, casuals, midcore, Final fantasy fans, mmo fans, all sorts and they blend into one another in the game.

  78. 3 months ago

    The MSQ doesn't need to be overly challenging. It should be fairly easy to do.
    It's all the other fricking content that needs a bump in difficulty and complexity.

  79. 3 months ago

    What exactly is a "midcore player"?
    Is it like the types of people who would do orbonne monastery when it was current content, spend 60% of the time on the floor dead, and then link the piece of loot they got carried to as if they'd genuinely earned something?
    Or if not, what is a midcore player?

    • 3 months ago

      a midcore player SHOULD be someone that does savages and extremes because ultimates is the hardcore content in the game. what Ganker thinks is midcore is alliance raids cause they equate midcore to median.

      • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          yes ultimates are the hardcore content for ffxiv whether you like it or not, the average person is not doing an ultimate, not even the average savage player is doing ultimates, they are a niche of a niche in terms of content in this game by design obviously catered to a more hardcore playerbase.

          • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Midcore are not Savages that's hardcore, there is an argument that current patch Extremes are bridging the gap between hardcore and midcore but Midcore is not full casual glam, housing, lifestyle stuff and not dedicated raiding like Savage and Ultimates but something in-between that became the Exploration zones. That is the definition in FFXIV of what midcore is.

        • 3 months ago

          You can say that all you want but midcore=savage

          • 3 months ago

            Nope, midcore is Exploration Zones.

            • 3 months ago

              That's casual content

              • 3 months ago

                No, casual is glam, housing, msq enjoyers.

              • 3 months ago

                Casual is every single piece of battle content that is not savage and ultimate level
                Ultimates are the only hardcore content in this game.

        • 3 months ago

          Nope, midcore is Exploration Zones.

          savage is midcore lmao, you genuinely have no idea what midcore means, IT IS NOT WHAT THE AVERAGE PLAYER DOES, THE AVERAGE PLAYER IS NOT A MIDCORE PLAYER. not only that but this is genuinely only a NA/EU problem, savage is midcore in the jp servers it always fricking has been.

          • 3 months ago

            >my definition of [useless made up term] is the objectively correct one

          • 3 months ago

            Because we're conversing in English you can assume this is an English/ Western conversation and not relevant for the JP data centres.
            Midcore in the West are not Savage raids as less than 5% of the western audience participate in Savage raiding during current content, that's not to say more population don't run older Savages but on current? No, that is a very small population of the Western player base.
            More people are running Eureka today than have cleared Savage on current patch in the west.

            • 3 months ago

              Not interested in you girls' midcore argument but we do have some stats on savage showing it's higher than 5%. Depending on the source and methodology you can get anywhere from 10-25% participation in savage.

              • 3 months ago

                >That Crystal drop off
                Lmao, even the frogs and krauts are not as bad.

              • 3 months ago

                i just want you to also understand that the vast majority of people that post on Ganker and /vg/ are also from crystal. and now you realize why so many people in this thread think savage isn't midcore.

              • 3 months ago

                the datacenter where everyone has 4 RP alts that never leave uldah is going to skew the completion rate a wee bit anon

          • 3 months ago

            >savage is midcore
            ok frick midcore then, delete all raidtroony garbage from the game

  80. 3 months ago

    Personally, I'm hoping for an Assault-themed Exploration Zone.

  81. 3 months ago

    You're given the role of chief designer of the new Bozja/Eureka/whatever zone in Dawntrail:
    What do you do?

    • 3 months ago

      get rid of consumables and passive stat gains

    • 3 months ago

      Make the already wasted air space of the open world into baby eureka-likes and you're good.

    • 3 months ago

      More ledges, more sleeping dragons, more lethal night skeletons, roaming star-rank mobs and mandatory jumping puzzles. You're going to explore and you'll like it

      • 3 months ago

        >roaming star-rank mobs
        Roaming mobs in general would be a good addition, make B/A/S ranks roam the zone and terrorize low level people, hunt trains be damned.

        • 3 months ago

          Hunt trains might unironically be the most boring uninteresting content in the game, I'd do anything to have it be replaced by shit like open world Critical Engagements.

  82. 3 months ago

    Why do people think he's talking about the main story stuff?
    Isn't this clearly referring to the relic grind?
    He's probably gonna make it back to how it was before.
    I kind of doubt they're gonna make the msq even a bit harder.

    • 3 months ago

      He's vague. It could mean relic, it could mean MSQ, it could mean alliance raids, it could mean fricking ultimates for all we know. It's vague PR talk which is Yoshi-p's job in the run up to an expansion.

  83. 3 months ago

    Unironically the worst part about Bozja was the relic grind. Not because it was hard, but because the non-Bozja path of getting upgrade materials was too efficient compared to getting them in Bozja, it should have been the other way around. I hope they've learned that, at least.

  84. 3 months ago

    I think they should just stop doing dungeons, nobody likes doing them

  85. 3 months ago

    Since at this point this thread has turned into Armchair Game Designer General: what should they do to fix the boring gear/substats problem?

    • 3 months ago

      Regular gear: merge sks/sps, turn direct hit into crit rate and critical hit into crit damage, delete piety/tenacity materia. It's still boring but at least makes more sense. Also buff sks/sps or make it affect more cooldowns so speed builds are more viable.

      And then in some optional content like Foray or DD, introduce wacky gear/materia that can affect your movement speed, debuff enemies, give you extra charges to your cooldowns, and any other fun ideas you have. This can be the successor to lost actions.

    • 3 months ago

      just get rid of substats. aside from GCD thresholds on certain classes we haven't had any change in optimization since HW with crit being the best stat by far

    • 3 months ago

      The core issue with XIV gearing is that you can't make different builds and that increasing your gear doesn't really affect how you play.
      SkS/SpS technically changes how you play, but they aren't good stats because jobs are on a strict 2-minute loop, so you don't actually want more speed, you just want to ensure that your rotation properly loops every 2min.
      More crits or DHits don't really affect how you play either. Sometimes you get bigger numbers, but there are no synergies with crits like for example in wow. Boss healthbars are also so huge that you never really notice a big crit and there's never any adds where you could instakill with a big crit.
      Det is just passive +dmg, it's objectively a horrible stat
      Tenacity is completely worthless
      Piety has the potential to be cool, but healers have so many mana regen tools that you don't really need to make different piety builds if a fight requires more healing and you run out of mana

      They could add a new job specific stat, like Mastery in wow, that would have the potential to be cool, but if some jobs want it and others don't, it could cause gearing alt jobs to be a pain in the ass. It could also potentially cause imbalances in older content.
      Realistically there are no easy solutions, since most of the real root causes of the problems are so ingrained with core job and encounter designs of the game.
      I wish they'd add fun job-specific effects to final stages of relic weapons and disable them in Ultimates or something to ease the crybabies. The game needs something fun

    • 3 months ago

      Nothing, I don't care for gear grinds
      Gear should either barely matter (current system) or be in single-player / co-op / pvp games

  86. 3 months ago

    you don't get it bros running crystal tower 200 times for nexus light is peak content

  87. 3 months ago

    should midcore be
    >amount of hours it takes to complete a content
    >difficulty of the content

    • 3 months ago

      it's both, otherwise relics would be considered midcore from time investment alone, but no one with a brain should have that opinion

      • 3 months ago

        but people consider relics to be midcore
        this is just so confusing, frick midcore

    • 3 months ago

      People want harder content for a "midcore" thing but complain when content punishes them
      I really don't understand what the devs could do and what people actually want

      Hard content runs on the basis of just outright nuking you if you mess up right now
      Maybe they could lean more into vuln and damage down as punishment for a midcore type approach?
      But then you have to ask yourself "How do we obfuscate mechanics in a way that they're challenging to figure out" without turning it into savage?

      but people consider relics to be midcore
      this is just so confusing, frick midcore

      I agree, I always think of this copypasta

      when people start talking midcore

      • 3 months ago

        >Maybe they could lean more into vuln and damage down as punishment for a midcore type approach?
        i like this approach i think letting people still prog through a fight is a huge thing, it would make savage "easier" so to say but it gives the non-hardcore or non-savage players a reason to keep trying it
        i don't know anyone that has given up on say p9s for not being able to understand limit cut but i'm guessing they also don't get to that point because they don't try it in the first place
        >But then you have to ask yourself "How do we obfuscate mechanics in a way that they're challenging to figure out" without turning it into savage?
        also a great point that i can't figure out, having puzzle mechanics would be great but i'm sure they save those for the last fight of the tier, can't have everyone doing timestop, hello world, high concept multiple times a tier but to me midcore is about the time so if you want to please midcore players you just have to give them any content that let's them take their time to clear so damage downs would be great for that

        but again frick midcore players, i'd rather they call themselves casual [ACTIVTY] enjoyer so like, you wanna do savage sure go ahead and take your time if you clear week 48 that's fine, if i spend 12 hours raiding a week that to me isn't hardcore, despite the content being hard i am still not pouring a lot of hours into this game weekly

        I remember the mass exodus of players during Gordias
        >raid tier is insane
        >no content for 6 or 8 months(I forget which) since devs are taking a long holiday
        My friends list died that patch

        People talk pretty highly of Midas but a lot of people were burned by Gordias and didn't come back until Creator
        I liked Creator quite a lot
        I love this mount, I'll be using it on and off for a very long time
        n e c k

        yes creator was great and midas i hit a wall in a6s and never cleared it but it was so hard to find people to raid with

  88. 3 months ago

    I can't imagine designing an mmo because you have to make content that total autists can only do while also making content that total dummies can also complete.
    Not to mention the game has been going for over 10 years at this point so it's even harder to balance shit like that.

  89. 3 months ago

    How the frick are Savages on release not hardcore? This is what raid Black person brain does to a person.

    • 3 months ago

      week 1 clearing savage is hardcore and world firsting is hardcore, no one is telling you to clear week 1.

    • 3 months ago

      they are, you're talking to a bunch of anons that can't prove they do week 1 savage or that think they are certified to talk about ultimates difficulty when they've never done one

  90. 3 months ago

    do you homies really believe savage is "hardcore" content? then what the frick does that make ultimates? giga-hardcore? the difference between savage and ultimates is night and fricking day.

  91. 3 months ago

    >Savage is midcore. If you can't even handle that you're just a casual
    Savage takes week to prog blindly.
    >read a guide
    have a nice day

  92. 3 months ago

    Casual content is content I have no difficulty doing and only noobs and morons enjoy
    Midcore content is content I struggle a bit to do but I manage to complete (doesn't exist)
    Hardcore content is content only sweaty no-life nerds do

    • 3 months ago

      The demonization of the word casual has caused a ton of harm in the gaming world.
      They've created an entire category so they can escape that label.

  93. 3 months ago

    Short Frosty video about YoshiP's latest interview about the reaction to EW Relic weapon.

  94. 3 months ago

    >You WILL autistically memorize the convoluted DDR dance routines while doing your Fisher Price 3-button rotation chud!

    • 3 months ago

      "hardcore" content in 14 really is "hardcore" in the same way speedrunning is huh
      no wonder troons love it

    • 3 months ago

      yes anon thats what makes it midcore, it doesn't require as much effort as ultimates do but it also isn't braindead as casual content AND can be normally progged in PF without the reliance of a static

  95. 3 months ago

    if he does this im literally unsubbing. I dare that fricking bug person to do this. ff14 is for social gameplay and not this shit. I will hurt his entire fricking career.

    • 3 months ago

      You will never get the axolotl, it's only for midcore content enjoyers.

      • 3 months ago

        what is wrong with your neeeeeeck

  96. 3 months ago

    >savage is midcore
    Explain what it was before Ultimate came out then?

    • 3 months ago

      hardcore but the difficulty of heavenswards savages when it was current is genuinely ultimate tier.

      • 3 months ago

        almost killed the games entire raiding scene btw*

        • 3 months ago

          it also didnt help the devs took a vacation after launch, and savage was tuned with upgraded pieces in mind and playtested in godmode.
          and the netcode was/is still shit. passing any kind of rot in this game is the gayest shit the moment you have 2 people running around

          • 3 months ago

            yeah there was a lot of things, but that anon bringing up 1.0 and 2.0 raids like it's some sort of own and helps his case that savage is somehow not midcore like they weren't fricking static killing on a level we will never see again is funny.

      • 3 months ago

        almost killed the games entire raiding scene btw*

        I remember the mass exodus of players during Gordias
        >raid tier is insane
        >no content for 6 or 8 months(I forget which) since devs are taking a long holiday
        My friends list died that patch

        People talk pretty highly of Midas but a lot of people were burned by Gordias and didn't come back until Creator
        I liked Creator quite a lot

        You will never get the axolotl, it's only for midcore content enjoyers.

        I love this mount, I'll be using it on and off for a very long time
        n e c k

  97. 3 months ago

    >XIV is not a retirement ho-

    • 3 months ago

      You can get Parkinsons at a young age, Michael J Fox is the most prominent example of a guy who was diagnosed with Parkinsons at a young age.

      • 3 months ago

        Except that the au ra in that screenshot is actually a granny.
        Old people shouldn't be playing videogames like this, they should stick to single player experiences.

        • 3 months ago

          What? Frick that, if you're a Granny or Grandafather I don't give a shit. One of the best Dark Knights in the World was from Japan and last time I looked up he was almost 60.
          Sakaguchi is over 60 and plays FFXIV and cleared UWU and his interactions in the game are always fun.
          My point is, I'd much rather play with older people than a young guy trying too hard to fit in and, being edgy because that's what he thinks people want to hear.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm not a sociopath so I do empathize with these people, but there's just no way to make everyone happy all the time.

      • 3 months ago

        so we should aim to make the most people happy? what if that means not changing difficulty at all?

      • 3 months ago

        so we should aim to make the most people happy? what if that means not changing difficulty at all?

        Something made for everyone appeals to no one

        • 3 months ago

          but the current difficulty levels appeal to the whales who pay for outfits and generate far more income than the people here who are discussing substats and kill times

          • 3 months ago

            And that's a good thing, games are meant to be fun, not second jobs
            Being a second job is optional

    • 3 months ago

      >healing a normal raid roulette
      >this dumb moonie gets hit by every single tell, reacts extremely slowly and keeps dying
      >consider not ressing/healing them anymore or call them out in chat
      >decide to check their plate mid fight to see what kind of clown I'm dealing with
      >Status message: "Just a heads up, I have very bad eyesight, so I'm sorry in advance for any mistakes ^^'"
      >...finish the fight and give them a comm

  98. 3 months ago

    It's become hard to even enjoy playing this game casually simply because the non-raiding content has become too easy, and it's not so much that older content was more mechanically complex (because it largely wasn't) but the relatively higher job complexity at least made it more engaging at a baseline.

    Now you get dropped into some old dungeon while doing your roulettes and it's hard to not fall asleep.

    • 3 months ago

      Do you guys even know what casual is?
      The average casual plays through the msq and maybe side content and does every duty only once.
      People who do roulettes constantly can't be considered casual since they probably play every day.
      The casual-hardcore definitions should have remained at time spent playing.

      • 3 months ago

        anon a casual can play the game everyday and still be casual, it's a fricking mmo it's designed to have you login everyday. you are still a casual even if you do roulettes constantly

  99. 3 months ago

    I dont give a shit if the fights are hard or not, I want some fun fricking jobs again not ten minutes of cutscenes Dance Dance Revolution.

  100. 3 months ago

    >Try xiv
    >MSQ barely even attempts to be a game and is really just a VN with lots of loading screens
    >Decide I could enjoy the VN while in queue for duties/dungeons so I could have breaks of gameplay in between the story, which even in ARR I thought was decent enough to pay attention to
    >Queue pops, I get into duty/dungeon thing
    >So easy I can't describe it
    >Duty Finder makes WoW LFR look like fricking Mythic/Ultimates
    >Literally LESS engaging gameplay than the visual novel MSQ
    >Look it up, it literally never gets more engaging until you play through the ENTIRE MSQ, hit endgame, and play Savages or higher and even Savages aren't that impressive
    I was actually interested in playing a VN while learning some fun MMO rotations/classes/jobs but it won't fricking let me because the content is indescribably easy. The worst part is this is what the dumb casual twitter user playerbase wants. I've seen people ask for real content and the response is usually kneejerk complaining over WoW's M+ system despite that single system having more fun gameplay than the entirety of XIV

    • 3 months ago

      There's an option to do fights minimum item level no echo, do that and it gives a relative close approximation what the fights were on release. They're not the same as people are still overgeared but if you want challenging fights and can't wait until you hit current Endgame, do ARR Extremes and Coils minimum item level, there's also Alexander in Heavenwards minimum item level is pretty fun.
      You're right the story is much like a VN and it's a slow burn in ARR but it's more foundational and giving a lot of lore and the premise of the setting whereas future expansions are more or less pure focused story (stormblood has it's issues but post 4.0 stormblood is amazing).
      It does get better, it's not thought of so highly so nothing but it's up to you if you're willing to put in the time to see it through.

      • 3 months ago

        >do that and it gives a relative close approximation what the fights were on release
        It's not even close

        • 3 months ago

          >They're not the same as people are still overgeared
          Why respond like this when in the same post I even said they're not the same. Do you have autism or just a pedant?

          • 3 months ago

            Because it's not just about being over geared. Accuracy got replaced with Direct Hit so the damage output is completely out of whack and every job's kit has been changed so much (and so much cut from the lower levels to begin with) that they're all fundamentally different. You are never getting a "close approximation" to how the fights were like on release no matter what.

  101. 3 months ago

    Why are raid shit bucket types the most annoying type of player in mmos?

    • 3 months ago

      >savage raiders are happy with 4 floors a tier
      >ultimate raiders are content with 2 ultimates an expansion
      >casuals (the overwhelming vast majority of the playbase) are content with being casual and erping
      >this mythical force known as midcore players that delude themselves into thinking they aren't a niche group constantly pissing and shitting themselves because of sour grapes from not being able to enjoy either groups

      • 3 months ago

        What planet of cope is this? The loudest people in the community who have been moaning in EW are the raid streamers saying they have nothing to do. How absolutely fricking delusional are you? They even went to the fanfests and said directly to Yoshida they were bored with EW and wanted more, more Ultimates in DT, more fights.

        • 3 months ago

          xenos literally asked for more beards in the game while arthas asked if we will ever see the ultimate we never got in shadowbringers, you are literally making things up to be mad about cause all you do is read Ganker threads and get your opinions on that, you know what the average raider will tell you if you ask them if they want a 5th tier? they will tell you fricking NO

          • 3 months ago

            Door bosses are basically a 4th and 5th floor in one fight anyway.

            • 3 months ago

              exactly, these fricking moronic anons that have never stepped foot in savage or even extremes literally have no idea what they are talking about, by the end of the expansion after 12 fricking floors and 2 ultimates most people are exhausted and are just waiting for the next expansion.

          • 3 months ago

            They went to Japan fanfest with the specific goal of asking about more Ultimates in DT, which to their credit they managed to ask Mr Ozma and he confirmed there would be at least two.
            The point being, don't try and change history that hardcore raiders are happy with EW, they were the loudest fricking homosexuals in the game about how unhappy they were, the main sticking point with Criterion Savages were two-fold from them saying lacking rewards and how hard it was. They got content specifically tailored to them and still it wasn't enough, meanwhile midcore got nothing.

            • 3 months ago

              >The point being, don't try and change history that hardcore raiders are happy with EW,
              yes i do thinks hardcore players were happy with 2 ultimates one of them being one of the best fights in the gamers history, and i think midcore players were happy with some of the best savage fights in savage history. no arthas asking yoshiP "how about that delayed ultimate though" in jest is him being pissy, there is literally videos of them talking.

              • 3 months ago

                You know all the videos of raiders complaining about EW are up? All the forum posts are still up, all the reaction to EW from raiders, they're still up.
                Do you think I'm saying raiders didn't get content? No, I'm saying they did get content and more, EW is very heavily favoured to a raider and STILL they complained it wasn't enough.
                This is one of the main reasons they're no longer the priority, because they were given an expansion and it wasn't enough.

              • 3 months ago

                >me and my sisters samegayged on the official forums so what i say is true

              • 3 months ago

                yeah outside of p8s being unclearable with certain comps which is still largely considered an amazing fight cause you show me people complaining about the fights themselves and not outside shenanigans?

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago


                >he equates mod drama, TOP literally being bugged, and p8s enrage disproportional favoring some comps over others to savage raiders being unhappy with EW, when all you hear talk about how is how amazing DSR is, how fun p4s, p8s, p12s are, even earlier floors like p6s, p10s, p2s get a lot of love from the community as well.

                SPECIAL CELLS

              • 3 months ago

                >he equates mod drama, TOP literally being bugged, and p8s enrage disproportional favoring some comps over others to savage raiders being unhappy with EW, when all you hear talk about how is how amazing DSR is, how fun p4s, p8s, p12s are, even earlier floors like p6s, p10s, p2s get a lot of love from the community as well.

              • 3 months ago

                >everything is good from a raider only love >conveniently doesn't mention the shit around Criterion/Criterion Savage that was specifically made for raiders

              • 3 months ago

                criterion savage may be the worst thing they ever plapped out
                nobody asked for permadeath 20 minute pulls they asked for harder mechanics

              • 3 months ago

                >they asked for harder mechanics
                criterion does have harder mechanic than savage though

              • 3 months ago

                >they asked for harder mechanics
                Only absolute morons want harder mechanics. All that does is make healers even more worthless since the only real punishment they can do thanks to infinite rezs is wipe the group with body checks. What they need to do is make jobs harder to play. They've been doing nothing but simplifying shit for years.

              • 3 months ago

                >What they need to do is make jobs harder to play.

              • 3 months ago

                he's not wrong
                raids were more enjoyable back then because they weren't punishing in the sense of making every mechanic need to be done by everyone but just squeezing the most out of your class and there not being enough tools to learn made the fights hard

              • 3 months ago

                criterion was criticized for the fights themselves, infact people find them fun to do, there is just no fricking reason to do them, IF WE'RE BEING HONEST, thats more hardcore raiders advocating for midcore players having an actual reward outside of just doing the fricking content. you homies need to pick a side.

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                criterion savage may be the worst thing they ever plapped out
                nobody asked for permadeath 20 minute pulls they asked for harder mechanics

                criterion was criticized for the fights themselves, infact people find them fun to do, there is just no fricking reason to do them, IF WE'RE BEING HONEST, thats more hardcore raiders advocating for midcore players having an actual reward outside of just doing the fricking content. you homies need to pick a side.

                >want minorly challenging dungeons instead of hallways from MSQ
                >get 3 mini savage fights with annoying super mobs inbetween
                If I wanted savage, I would play savage

              • 3 months ago

                that's literally what they are though, dungeons with hard trash pulls and harder bosses. idk what you would constitute as "hard" dungeons.

              • 3 months ago

                a dungeon thats hard for other people but not for me so i can be the hero

              • 3 months ago

                >wants harder dungeons
                >complains about harder dungeons

              • 3 months ago

                >some of the best savage fights in savage history
                Is this really something people think? I've done all Savage tiers but my static disbanded after the last tier because none of us are excited to do more of it anymore

            • 3 months ago

              Criterion was such a letdown. I welcome content that will kick my ass, I just don’t want to deal with parsetrannies and PF flakes. I got excited about being able to solo Variant, which instantly got deflated when Criterion required a 4 person holy trinity party.

        • 3 months ago

          This is your brain on believing everything you see on Ganker. You are not going to have a happy life.

  102. 3 months ago

    Might as well, I guess.

  103. 3 months ago

    Ah Barryboy woke up. Fun thread time is over.

  104. 3 months ago

    >Ignore the avatargays, use filters to block them out even
    >They just make more every day, or edit older ones, deliberately to make filtering them impossible
    >Meanwhile, there is always at least one anon who is ERPing with them, thereby validating them with attention as much as the people who seethe about them

    Realistically at this point we need an admin to come in and rangeban them for good. It's been going on for more than a year now, they've made it clear their only interest is to turn these threads into /xivg/ 2: Electric Boogaloo, they maliciously evade filters that were created specifically for them (the equivalent to blocking someone ingame, and then they just made alts to continue pestering you), and ignoring them doesn't work because they either reply to themselves, or some anon will ERP with them.

    No idea who they are, what has been compelling them to do this for over a year now (literally every single day since they appeared last February), they're here 16 hours straight and the only reprieve is when they go to bed, but it's clear they're never going to stop unless they eventually get bored. But looking at the degenerates in /xivg/ and how long they've been keeping it up, unless the game outright shuts down I don't expect them to ever go away. And even THEN.....

    Mods should just enforce rule 13 on them, I have no idea why they refuse to (when I have seen them ban other avatarags, like that one femroe a while back). No other game on this board has this problem of some attentionprostitute breaking rule 13 every thread with impunity and just contributing shitposts and pissing everyone there off. So I don't know why FFXIV has to be subject to this and FFXIV alone.

    • 3 months ago

      why can't the midcore Ganker user not just enjoy the threads with avatars? what should hirop do to appeal to the midcore users

      • 3 months ago

        Golbez armor, or some shit. I don't know.

      • 3 months ago

        >why can't the midcore Ganker user not just enjoy
        you couldve stopped the post here

      • 3 months ago

        >why can't the midcore Ganker user not just enjoy
        you couldve stopped the post here


    • 3 months ago

      Might as well, I guess.

      want to meet a real life lala? queue for P5 on crystal

  105. 3 months ago

    Okay, Anons:

    You can add a new ability or gimmick to your main Job, but to do it you have to get rid of sacrificing something else about your Job. The new ability can be an ability that was removed in a previous patch or something you just made up.

    What do you do?

    • 3 months ago

      the two jobs i play most, white and red mage, are perfect as is

      • 3 months ago

        Not for long they aren't!

        • 3 months ago

          white and red mage changed the least from 80 to 90 and i don't see that being different at 100

          job playstyle not changing much over the years is an indication of a well designed playstyle

    • 3 months ago

      Give me back Shadowfang on NIN, make it a combo chain DoT
      Remove Mesui

    • 3 months ago

      >add Eukrasian Phlegma
      >add Eukrasian Dyskrasia
      >add Eukrasian Toxicon
      >add Eukrasian Pneuma
      >add a damage oGCD
      >remove 3 healing buttons

    • 3 months ago

      6 bullets
      edge/flood of blood when you don't have enough mp to use edge/flood of shadow you can do this ability that will drain your hp instead
      edge/flood of shadow and bloodspiller now recover hp
      problem is then you will have a job that does this entirely through the fight the dps will be huge and it will create balancing issues but that's not my problem to deal with LOL

    • 3 months ago

      Overhaul the entire game back to 1.0’s “every skill is a cross class skill” system. Then compromise with Yoshi on giving SCH back everything they took away in Shadowbringers

    • 3 months ago

      Remove current summoner
      Add back previous summoner

      Because it's not just about being over geared. Accuracy got replaced with Direct Hit so the damage output is completely out of whack and every job's kit has been changed so much (and so much cut from the lower levels to begin with) that they're all fundamentally different. You are never getting a "close approximation" to how the fights were like on release no matter what.

      I hope you don't want that shit back because not even in WoW people wanted it back

    • 3 months ago

      black mage loses surecast, manaward, lucid dreaming, and manafont but gets a passive that makes leylines last until you drop your rotation

    • 3 months ago

      >add a load more summons
      >sacrifice how easy it is to play and how much mobility there is

      • 3 months ago

        make all the summons take 7 seconds to cast

    • 3 months ago

      Add revive but make it use 80% of your MP.
      Remove Goring blade

  106. 3 months ago

    >troon hugbox
    >get jailed for not using pronouns
    >sweating my ass off getting good parses for tranime profile pic nerds
    >story is increasing made for the fujo homosexual audience
    >same run-of-the-mill cookie cutter content
    >dumbed down rotations
    >free companies becoming useless
    >No judge tank class

    Nah, there's nothing left. FFXIV peaked w/ gordias. Everything after is stockholm syndrome

  107. 3 months ago

    RNG is BACK

  108. 3 months ago

    >brings back hard content
    >community complains

    • 3 months ago

      >wasting your time is hard

      They went to Japan fanfest with the specific goal of asking about more Ultimates in DT, which to their credit they managed to ask Mr Ozma and he confirmed there would be at least two.
      The point being, don't try and change history that hardcore raiders are happy with EW, they were the loudest fricking homosexuals in the game about how unhappy they were, the main sticking point with Criterion Savages were two-fold from them saying lacking rewards and how hard it was. They got content specifically tailored to them and still it wasn't enough, meanwhile midcore got nothing.




      • 3 months ago

        That's the exact reaction YoshiP gave Arthars and Xeno at the JP fanfest before walking off.

  109. 3 months ago

    I think MMOs class design should be intentionally unbalanced in multiple ways to facilitate various class fantasies. Fun dying at the altar of balance was the first real sin of MMOs that's poisoned the industry for a long time.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      i agree with this but there is a caveat. at what level of play should classes be allowed to start being benched? where is the 'play what job you want' line at as far as difficulty?

      • 3 months ago

        That's a tough question since unbalanced class design would obviously lead to certain classes excelling against certain bosses. I guess I would say whenever the class objectively becomes a net negative to prog despite player skill and the group picking up any slack, so the later half of any heroic/savage raid tier? I'd have to think on this more.

    • 3 months ago

      >I think MMOs class design should be intentionally unbalanced in multiple ways to facilitate various class fantasie

      • 3 months ago

        thanks for posting a webm proving his point

        • 3 months ago

          You're welcome.

      • 3 months ago

        >job has the ability to mass suicide charge groups when fighting next to a ledge
        >the game how now taught you not to fight near ledges

        • 3 months ago

          >the game how now taught you not to fight near ledges
          lol no. It just taught people to complain enough until they removed the map.

    • 3 months ago

      This doesn't work for the current gaming market

      • 3 months ago

        >remove uniqueness from classes
        >people play what they want
        >give classes unique unbalanced characteristics
        >everyone funnels into a handful of classes for a given type of content
        It's just a lose-lose with modern audiences.

        • 3 months ago

          The game would have to be in the vein of ragnarok online where content sort of boils down to "farm mobs" so that you can do the unbalanced thing

        • 3 months ago

          You think the later option would actually work to XIV's benefit since you have every job on one character and even the most casual of casuals maintains gear sets for at least 2 or 3 of their favorite jobs. You think people would leap at the opportunity to mix things up with fights if they had to swap over to a different job to help with prog.

          • 3 months ago

            People don't like how every job plays and not everyone wants to invest time to level 10+ jobs to max
            People also don't like being forced to play something

            Then stop making your content pseudo e-sports garbage and just make it fun. You don't see anyone b***hing if you're using a sub-optimal weapon in monster hunter do you?

            >Then stop making your content pseudo e-sports garbage and just make it fun.
            It's not the 2010s anymore anon

        • 3 months ago

          >people play what they want
          Except people were STILL getting snuffed from joining groups because they were playing certain Jobs.
          If you make Jobs as boring as EW did and people still threw a fit that Yoshi, once again, made a public apology over it, then it's time to throw in the towel and go with the latter.
          People will still b***h about it, but at least Jobs will be fun.

      • 3 months ago

        >remove uniqueness from classes
        >people play what they want
        >give classes unique unbalanced characteristics
        >everyone funnels into a handful of classes for a given type of content
        It's just a lose-lose with modern audiences.

        Then stop making your content pseudo e-sports garbage and just make it fun. You don't see anyone b***hing if you're using a sub-optimal weapon in monster hunter do you?

        • 3 months ago

          I don't see any people b***hing about sub-optimal weapons in MH because I don't consider gunner mains people.

        • 3 months ago

          >You don't see anyone b***hing if you're using a sub-optimal weapon in monster hunter do you?
          Helldivers 2 players just had a melty about the best shotgun being nerfed. A game that’s so casual, you still get rewards/progression when you wipe.

          • 3 months ago

            You only seethe about that because you don't play it, the more difficult the mission the better the rewards, and the more difficult the mission the more armored unit spam they throw at you
            Most guns can't even damage armor, so when they nerf the ones that do it feels bad and tells you that the devs don't play the game
            >inb4 strategems etc
            Higher difficulties nerf those
            The dev seething on reddit told people to shoot chargers in the legs / butt, try doing that when there's a bunch of them

      • 3 months ago

        >remove uniqueness from classes
        >people play what they want
        >give classes unique unbalanced characteristics
        >everyone funnels into a handful of classes for a given type of content
        It's just a lose-lose with modern audiences.

        People don't like how every job plays and not everyone wants to invest time to level 10+ jobs to max
        People also don't like being forced to play something
        >Then stop making your content pseudo e-sports garbage and just make it fun.
        It's not the 2010s anymore anon

        >the people who have only been given slop their entire lives continue to consoom the slop, that must mean slop is the only acceptable form of product
        Sales analysts and shareholders need to face the wall

  110. 3 months ago

    >make 95% of the content for 5% of your players
    >wtf why is our game dying!?!?

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Final Fantasy XIV has not made 95% of the content for 5% of the players

    • 3 months ago

      The lions share of content in this game is for casuals moron.

      • 3 months ago

        the majority of the content is catered to casuals.... what kind of warped fricking perception do you have? Even savages have been nerfed constantly since heavensward to appease to casuals.

        In terms of effort it absolutely is. Everything outside of raids is lazy copypasted slop.

        • 3 months ago

          the raids are made by 1 person. This person even does the 24man series and dungeon bosses at the same time. It's not an issue of them catering to "raiders", its an issue of them not putting money back into XIV AT ALL. I'm pretty convinced at this point that there is one person per department working on XIV. Any money XIV generates is used to generate whatever failure SE slop game they make next.

    • 3 months ago

      the majority of the content is catered to casuals.... what kind of warped fricking perception do you have? Even savages have been nerfed constantly since heavensward to appease to casuals.

  111. 3 months ago

    >savage is somehow midcore, even tho it can take 2-7 weeks for 1-6 hours per day / 9+ per week to complete for the non 1st week clearers
    What?Just because ultimate chuds that have 600 days playtime and autopilot the game , doesn't mean that savage is midcore.
    If anything, the mid/soft/hardcore labels should be time based, that one would make more sense

    • 3 months ago

      Savage is still midcore because gamermoms and gamerdads can still clear it, I'd wager
      What would be midcore in your opinion then anon-chama?

      • 3 months ago

        I did savages in statics and 4/5 ultimates in pf (only did TEA in a static, PF-ed every other ult (yes we PF Top on Light), my fastest savage clear was last boss on week 4, usually on week 7.
        Midcore to me would be whoever clears savage at 5/6 weeks or after, hardcore being weeks 3/4 or under. Regarding ults, if you cleared at least 2 ults, no matter when, you're definitely hardcore (i mentioned 2 because uwu barely counts lmao)

      • 3 months ago

        >Savage is still midcore because gamermoms and gamerdads can still clear it
        We can, but it’s still overrun by sweatlords that ragequit when you don’t understand gibberish like “just use Humma Kavula strats Gx ZZ beta prime variation, followed by grok phaser and Mario kart clocks, why haven’t you watched this video?” I preferred Eureka/Bozja style for endgaming

    • 3 months ago

      at this point we need a name for you guys cause you spend less time on the game than actual casuals do afking in limsa. yes savage is midcore, it requires you to spend more time than the average content in the game but not nearly as much time as progging an ultimate would, infact you can prog all of savage pretty easily in party finder whereas it's an actual challenge to somewhat impossible if we compare it to ultimates

      • 3 months ago

        >we need a name for you guys
        Proxy-player semi-player

    • 3 months ago

      again that's why considering difficulty in the midcore argument is dumb
      but also considering time in the midcore argument is dumb
      the constant here is midcore, midcore players are just a bunch of b***hes, people should try to tackle whatever content they want at the pace that they want, you can take 12+ weeks to complete savage and that may not be because it's hard or you suck but because you don't have the time for it at which point does that make you a casual? maybe who knows but it's such a dumb argument that midcore needs to be taken out of the equation

      also people saying ultimates are easy or savage is easy have probably never cleared one but that's the type of people you get
      and a lot more of shitty arguments that make no sense therefore trying to appeal to midcore players is a waste of time
      they should appeal to crafters, gatherers, relic players, raiders, social players by just making more activities that they can be satisfied with, not to casuals/midcore/hardcore everyone should try everything that they want and focus on what they want

      and if you're a midcore b***h don't reply to this post i have no respect for you or your opinion

      • 3 months ago

        This is WoWgays who don't understand the reasons Mythic takes so much longer than Ultimate.

        • 3 months ago

          i don't give a frick about wow so idk what you're talking about
          don't explain it to me though, i don't care

          • 3 months ago

            Not him but I'll explain it to you, wow content is literally geargated and you mathematically don't do enough damage without gear grinding

      • 3 months ago

        isn't yellow rank like tekken god? i think to anyone that isn't a top 8 tournament goer that's pretty good, but i mean it's jdcr.

        • 3 months ago

          nah he means yellow below orange and red
          i see a lot of people saying savage isn't hard or that savage and ultimate aren't hard and they don't matter or that criterion isn't hard but you can tell the people that say it's not hard but they don't do it or clear it anyways no matter what they try
          it reminds me of that clip

          • 3 months ago

            He means the 4 low yellow ones that are basically the silver equivalent.

            ohhh yeah i don't really play tekken that much but if thats the case yeah he's completely right

        • 3 months ago

          He means the 4 low yellow ones that are basically the silver equivalent.

  112. 3 months ago

    When did FF die?

    • 3 months ago

      FFXV killed the franchise and forever tarnished its name. The franchise is still trying to recover from the spectacular flop that FFXV was.

    • 3 months ago

      12+ are all dogshit. The series died once they stopped being turn based.

  113. 3 months ago

    I think I just got too old for MMOs, I can’t play any of them when I used to play a ton of them. Being 15 and drinking Red Bull at 4am just hit different, I’m 31 now and the thought of leveling for a month makes me want to blow my brains out. I enjoy arcadey shit now more than anything, god bless the genesis and pc engine. Maybe if I was retired or a stay at home mom I could care about a guild enough to get engaged but idk how it doesn’t just feel like a second job now to a lot of people.

    • 3 months ago

      anon, mmos are designed nowadays for old boomers like us

      • 3 months ago

        It’s me then, I’m just broken

  114. 3 months ago

    This is peak competitive gameplay according to "hardcore" raidgays. If you think this is gay and boring you must just be a casual.

    • 3 months ago

      yeah but you still haven't cleared a tier

    • 3 months ago

      That's midcore bro.

    • 3 months ago

      if you think this is gay and boring then just stop playing xiv cause the entire game is this, doesn't seem that hard.

    • 3 months ago

      If you mean this as a "make jobs harder" thing then I agree
      Rotations are just memorization, I don't want to have to remember a longer combo, I want something engaging to play
      MCH is easy as balls but still feels good to do

    • 3 months ago

      no one is telling you to be competitive in this game lil bro, you are just projecting that cause of your insecurity, you work together AS A TEAM with your FRIENDS to clear TOGETHER.

    • 3 months ago

      >this is too hard for you

      • 3 months ago

        >xe couldn't make it past silver in pvp games so xe had to settle with being a "hardcore" raider

        • 3 months ago

          only raidtroons take pvp seriously thougbeit doe

          • 3 months ago

            lol no, pvpers are far far worse shitlords than raiders

  115. 3 months ago

    They'd have to go back and unfrick all the previous dungeons/trials too. And I don't think they'll do that.
    For example, are they going to go back and unfrick The Singularity Reactor trial? It's so easy that it completely deflates the story of Heavensward.

  116. 3 months ago

    If you're reading this, you're a casual.
    Yes, you.
    >b-b-b-but I-
    You. Are a casual.

    • 3 months ago

      I fricking kneel.

  117. 3 months ago

    The hardest content in the game.

    • 3 months ago

      >using skills to make me fall
      Also this jumping puzzle took me like 2-3 hours christ

    • 3 months ago

      >he didn't first week kugane tower savage

  118. 3 months ago

    I don't know why don't they just take bozja bosses and fates and put it into the normal non-instanced world. Literally perfect world boss system

    • 3 months ago

      have fates drop rare items that work in cities/safe areas/overworld etc so that you get a market going too like the cassie earrings

    • 3 months ago

      >take bozja bosses
      >put them in the overworld
      >have them drop mounts or unique fashion pieces
      bam ezpz

    • 3 months ago

      There are two reasons that I think might be right
      >It fricks with the "ultra-casual" experience by making these players actually have to pay attention in the overworld when they are running through for... Whatever the frick these players actually do when they are not AFK in limsa or doing the MSQ
      >There is some frickery with the code of the game that can only be solved by designating the zones into the instance system and then putting a timer on them

  119. 3 months ago

    last post for censored lalas

    also, CEs in the open world won't work because even yoshi-p's server magic can't prevent lag when there are 400+ people in the area

    • 3 months ago

      that already happens with hunts

      • 3 months ago

        and hunts are dungeon bosses at the very worst

        • 3 months ago

          >and hunts are dungeon bosses at the very worst
          ok that has nothing to do with the amount of people in one area you raging homosexual

          • 3 months ago

            see its normal to get angry when you realize that you don't understand the inference with the statement, so i'll talk slowly for you

            you can't have fights as complex as CEs in the overworld because of lag. hunts get away with it because they're 1 mechanic dungeon boss level stuff

            • 3 months ago

              and you can just... make.... CE's... CE's.... and have the usual player limit......

              • 3 months ago

                >player limits

                now thats not very MMO of you

              • 3 months ago

                stay with me anon.

                those 200 other players that aren't participating are still present

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      that's ok
      implement the ce system of only 40 per ce

      only raidtroons take pvp seriously thougbeit doe

      this is false i dare you to look at the pvp clique of xivg, they're mostly league players

      • 3 months ago

        >/xivg/ erpers
        raidtrannies do this too albeit

        • 3 months ago

          i'm starting to think raiders just do everything

          • 3 months ago

            to sum it up in this thread raiders are
            lowercase faux apathetic
            limsa afkers
            sweatlords that don't do anything else

            this is why midcore will never work
            if this is the last post every midcore player needs to kill themself

            • 3 months ago

              if this post is the last then midcore players die extra hard

    • 3 months ago

      Bewbs too small


      breasts too big

  120. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      cute dress

    • 3 months ago

      Cute pardner, howdy

  121. 3 months ago

    midcore players DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

  122. 3 months ago

    I see we're beating the dead horse by using this article over and over. And be we I mean homosexual baiter OP who needs a beating.

    • 3 months ago

      I need this, it needs to happen

      • 3 months ago

        Hey, that actually has lewd art on gelbooru though I hope you like 'double time' and even then I think it's only one image
        I guess bunnies get more 'wholesome' art with Lalas for... some reason?
        I dunno, we're both getting shortchanged here imo.

  123. 3 months ago
  124. 3 months ago

    you have 10 secs to prove you're a midcore player

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      i hate the game but it needs to appeal to me

  125. 3 months ago

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