Perfect Dark Source Port

So, I've just finished 101%ing the source port of Perfect Dark. Here are some things I noticed
>enemy reaction times in single and multiplayer modes is considerably faster
This is ok, since it somehow compensates for the fact that you can now play with mouse and keyboard.
>continuous enemy spawning after certain events in single player mode now happen much faster
This is specially noticeable in the Area 51: Escape mission, where the game will literally start spawning dozens of guards by the time Jonathan starts planting the bomb to get to the hangar.
I definitely dont remember so many enemies spawning in the N64 version. Does this happen because of the higher framerate?
>simulants in Combat Simulator will sometimes stop moving at all
This is happens mostly with expert simulants in later Challenges. In some occasions I would camp in a certain place in the map and looking at the radar I could see the simulant just stopped moving. I was able to cheese some of the challenges by doing that, but I dont remember it ever happening in the N64 version.
Overall it is a 10/10 port, very refreshing experience of the game.

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  1. 6 months ago

    How are the modding support updates

  2. 6 months ago

    The faster enemy reaction speed is a known bug and while attempting to fix it they discovered additional enemy AI bugs, some of which are clearly reproducible on the N64
    Development is active so check for updates on existing issues and file bug reports if they're missing something

    • 6 months ago

      It's due to Perfect Dark using extremely precise timings and specific framerate drops that happen on real hardware, and right now the source port can't actually replicate that. Rareware had some god damn wizards in their employment during the N64 era, all of their games for the console had crazy shit going on in the code.

      • 6 months ago

        It's true that they used clever hacks where they knew they could get away with something that was computationally cheap but breaks at higher framerates
        They also did some things that are definitely, obviously mistakes
        Somewhere in the middle are lots of cases that could be one or the other, but there's no way to tell for sure because it's impossible to recover comments from a compiled binary

      • 6 months ago

        >It's due to Perfect Dark using extremely precise timings and specific framerate drops that happen on real hardware
        Not surprised this game has a lot of things that break at higher or more stable framerates. This sort of thing has already been well documented with DK64. The Kongs actually speed up as the framerate lowers to keep movement speed consistent is one well known example. DK64 when played on Nintendo VC releases or other emulators where the framerate is actually consistent hitting the games cap certain things are much harder. I recently played through it on emulation and enemies seem to move and attack faster, the rabbit race is almost impossible without getting him stuck on something to slow him down, certain mini games are ridiculously hard as well. Majority of companies were programming game logic around whatever the FPS cap was, Rare took this a step further and programmed things around the actual framerate you would be getting in any given scene.

      • 6 months ago

        It may be just how the code worked, as in the timing of kept in pace with the framerate on the hardware.

      • 6 months ago

        The game would've been impossible to port to another console then. Not that it matters since it was developed as an N64 exclusive anyway, but still.

  3. 6 months ago

    I definitely remember cheesing challenges by getting lucky with glitchy subroutines as a kid.
    Also post what builds you played on.

  4. 6 months ago

    I've been loving playing it on my Steam Deck with trackpads + gyro. It'll be pretty close to perfect a year from now but I'm not inclined to call it a great port until there's a bit more polish... I don't think it's reasonable to expect the game logic to be reworked to accomodate unlimited framerate, so long as it doesn't entirely shit itself at 144hz
    The co-op isn't entirely usable yet either because in some levels Player 2 spawns in a spot where they're unable to move. I hope LAN is added someday.

    • 6 months ago

      >playing it on my Steam Deck with trackpads + gyro
      was this a pain to set up?

      • 6 months ago

        NTA, but no. It's done by adding the game's exe to your steam library, then utilizing steam input to allow for gyro input.

  5. 6 months ago

    >I could see the simulant just stopped moving. I was able to cheese some of the challenges by doing that, but I dont remember it ever happening in the N64 version
    I'm absolutely sure this happened on real hardware too. Maybe it was extremely unusual or something, but I know I completed some of the hardest challenges thanks to this bug. I do remember that when it happened, you had to stay in place, if you moved too much the simulant would start moving again.

  6. 6 months ago

    I'll play it after completing it on Perfect Agent on the N64. I'm already at the second ship mission (where the Skedar start appearing), and the hardest mission by far were Chicago: Stealth and Area 51: Infiltration. It's not just the lack of auto-aim that makes it harder, but also the fact you must have an escape route once you get 2 guards in front of you, and in some missions they buffed guards' health to a ridiculous amount. It makes sense that Trent's goons in the air base are stronger, but it makes zero sense that those hick on overalls (in the two ship levels) take upwards of 15 bullets to die. Something that helped me a lot is the secondary of the CMP50 (auto-aim once you pass target over an enemy).

    I dread playing Assault Ship.

    • 6 months ago

      >the lack of auto-aim that makes it harder

      • 6 months ago

        Just like in Goldeneye, the harder the difficulty, the less auto-aim helps you. On Perfect Agent, there is almost no horizontal auto-aim (vertical auto-aim mostly works). I know people hate those console aids, but it was necessary in the N64 because:
        - the analog stick wasn't that precise
        - enemy profiles change, they're not constant like in Doom. When you see an enemy, there's a very good chance he'll either crouch down or turn sideways. Auto-aim helps a lot
        - low fps makes aiming even harder

        The good thing in Perfect Dark is that they've finally put the aiming reticle on-screen. The bad thing is that they've removed ALL shields in that difficulty. Even Goldeneye had body armor in a few 007 Agent stages.

        • 6 months ago

          Forgot to add, it's good that they went back on the "infinitely respawning enemies" that plagued a lot of Goldeneye stages, although there's still a few of those in Perfect Dark.

          I remember spending upwards of 15 minutes in Bunker II slapping people do death because you don't start with the Silenced PP7 and a few shots from any other gun will trigger infinite enemies.

          • 6 months ago

            perfect dark has infinite guard spawns, too, ya dingus.

            • 6 months ago

              Goldeneye had a lot more. Just off the top of my head:
              - Facility (once you destroy the chemical tanks)
              - Runway
              - Surface 1 (worse yet, they home onto you)
              - Bunker 1 (if they sound the alarm)
              - Silo
              - Surface 2 (of fricking course)
              - Bunker 2 (if enemies hear your shots)
              - Statue (once Janus reveals himself)
              - Archives (if enemies hear your shots)
              - Deṕot (fricking why)
              - Jungle (final room)
              - Control (when Natalya starts hacking and after completion)
              - Cradle
              - Aztec (once Jaws is killed)
              - Egyptian

              I'm pretty sure that's more than half the stages in the game. Infinite enemies. Except for Archives and Bunker, you don't even need to trigger anything. They're just infinite.

              Now Perfect Dark has respawning enemies:
              - Chicago (if an FBI agent sounds the alarm)
              - Carrington Institute (after you rescue the hostages)
              - WAR!

              And even then, it was proven that they eventually stop coming in Perfect Dark (after 40 or 60 kills). One place where it doesn't make sense at first to NOT have respawning enemies is in the first ship level - when the enemies sound the alarm, it'll stop on its own once you kill 5 or 6 enemies. But then you realize the ship is closed off, so it doesn't make sense to have respawning enemies.

              • 6 months ago

                When you open the safe in the G5 Building you also have respawning enemies, although that's right at the end of the stage.

              • 6 months ago

                they stop at 80 or something

              • 6 months ago

                archives doesn't have respawning enemies

              • 6 months ago

                As long as you shoot enemies with unsilenced weapons, more will respawn infinitely. Just try to kill the first two guys with the PP7. Soon the room will be flooded with guards.

              • 6 months ago

                oh, you are right, but they stop respawning if you manage to get out of the room

              • 6 months ago

                >oh, you are right, but they stop respawning if you manage to get out of the room
                No. You're just fricked.

              • 6 months ago

                if you manage to get to the upper level they stop respawning

              • 6 months ago

                When you open the safe in the G5 Building you also have respawning enemies, although that's right at the end of the stage.

                You can also destroy spawn points in Perfect Dark, if you have explosives. They're an invisible object placed somewhere in the level. For example, in the Carrington Institute, the spawn point is when the stairs join with the corridor to the hangar. If you grabbed the Devastator from one of the hostages (or just cheated), you can explode that spawn point, and only a single (dead) enemy will spawn from there.

              • 6 months ago

                That is the most ridiculous game dev hack I've heard of in at least three hours

              • 6 months ago

                Was this in vanilla 64 game?
                Could destroy enemy spawn points?

              • 6 months ago

                Yes. Start the Carrington Institute level with any kind of explosive weapon (cheats), and fire on the corner to the right of where Joanna starts. A lone guard will fall out of thin air, dead. Now when you come back to the main building to free the hostages, there won't be anyone pouring in until you actually free all the hostages. There's a spawn point in the hangar that "holds" those Mr.Blondes and Datadyne goons that spawn after freeing the hostages, but I forgot exactly where it is. You can probably find all the locations online.

              • 6 months ago

                pretty sure there is a spawn point right in front of the door inside the server room, the farthest one

              • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                When you open the safe in the G5 Building you also have respawning enemies, although that's right at the end of the stage.

                You can also destroy spawn points in Perfect Dark, if you have explosives. They're an invisible object placed somewhere in the level. For example, in the Carrington Institute, the spawn point is when the stairs join with the corridor to the hangar. If you grabbed the Devastator from one of the hostages (or just cheated), you can explode that spawn point, and only a single (dead) enemy will spawn from there.

                Was this in vanilla 64 game?
                Could destroy enemy spawn points?

                That is the most ridiculous game dev hack I've heard of in at least three hours

                Also concerning enemy spawn points I think they also check for where you are standing before spawning the enemies. If youre in the vicinity of the spawn point the enemies wont spawn.
                This is easier to see in Area 51: Escape. When Jonathan is planting the bomb I usually stand in the doorway that you come from with Jonathan so I can watch the guards coming all the way from the end of the corridor. When you do that you will never have guards coming from the other door in the room where Jonathan is. However, if you step outside the doorway and move completely into the corridor youre watching, the guards will immediately start coming from the other door in the room where Jonathan is.

                >This is specially noticeable in the Area 51: Escape mission, where the game will literally start spawning dozens of guards by the time Jonathan starts planting the bomb to get to the hangar.
                Super Dragon supremacy

                I agree, its not too dangerous for you, the player, but it can easily fail the mission because allied AI is still moronic. So you will have Jonathan stopping to shoot while there are 5 guards with perfect accuracy filling his ass with bullets.

              • 6 months ago

                During Attack Ship, at that part where Skedar spawn from the 4 rooms in front of the elevators, you can go into any of the rooms and no Skedar will spawn from that room, AS LONG as you keep looking at the spawn point (the grey thing on the ground with the marks). However, if you turn your back to the spawn point (even if you're right in front of it), then Skedar will spawn.

                I guess it's a combination of distance and if the spawn point is in your view. I recall in Goldeneye you could actually see guards materialize out of thin air if you went by too fast or used sequence breaks. They don't just pop in, they "fade in" and only become active after a second. I think it's easier to see in Depot right at the beginning.

              • 6 months ago

                NPCs don't fade-in in GoldenEye, they fade-out.
                >follow ourumov
                >follow facility scientists to the toilet
                >follow boris in control
                >follow trevelyan in caverns
                They definitely pop-in.
                Just play Control with all of the glass broken on the top floor, and the flanks that guards break themselves to shoot Natalya.

              • 6 months ago

                > - Facility
                Once the wailing alarm sounds on cue like the movie.
                Fun fact: on 00 Agent, 2 extra guards can spawn in that pool (hatless, iirc).
                > - Silo
                It might seem that way, but the starting guards respond to gunshots within distance, and head towards the disturbance.
                > - Statue
                Infantry infinite, then rendezvous w/ Janus, Special Forces infinite until flight recorder collected.
                > - Bunker 2
                Noise audible to cloners, until they're killed. Also, camera -> alarm.
                > - Archives
                Same as Bunker 2 (minus camera).

                >Perfect Dark
                You forgot A51 Rescue and Escape.
                1.) Blues have a lone guard that spawns in from the storeroom to follow in through the hole in the wall.
                2.) Reds respawn when you re-enter the cryo storerooms.
                Guards start respawning in the last part of the level.

          • 6 months ago

            >infinitely respawning enemies" that plagued a lot of Goldeneye stages
            you're that one anon who misremembers GE, still at it even though people explained to you this isn't a thing in Goldeneye. You case any level in GE and there'll be no guards coming ever again, it's yours. Sit in one spot and make noise, that's a different story (still only in like 2 levels). Or are you some kind of moon-man who doesn't understand that the alarm going off is something you should avoid?

            • 6 months ago

              "Archives" definitely has infinitely respawning enemies.
              I get that triggering the alarms should be avoided, but it shouldn't make the level unplayably hard in Bunker. Control is just a shitshow and a test of my patience anyway.

            • 6 months ago

              I've seen that developer diary or something. I know the developer said how stealth and respawning enemies work.

              Specifically in Bunker, if you go to the "warehouse" and see all the enemies, then no one else will respawn. The way "stealth" works in Goldeneye is that no one will hear a KF7 going off as long as you one-shot a guard with a headshot.

              The issue I have with Goldeneye's and Perfect Dark's gameplay is that their flaws become way more pronounced when you're playing on the hardest level. Depot wouldn't be so bad with infinite enemies if you weren't pressed for time in that server room with the sentry gun way up there, or the radio room in Caverns (enemy blowing everyone up with their own grenade), or the whole thing with Train being unwinnable unless you do something very specific (line up Xenia and Ourumov so you "kill" them together).
              So in Bunker and Archives, you have to either slap everyone until you complete the first three objectives or risk getting flooded by guards.

              Perfect Dark's main problems (again, on the hardest difficulty) are weapon balance and the damn framerate. I've just finished Attack Ship after almost 20 tries because the game crawls to 1fps once the Skedar flood the final room, and the Mauler isn't enough to kill them all before they kick Elvis to death. I've tried the same stage in Special Agent and finished it on the first try, consistently.

              Goldeneye's respawning guards aren't so bad on lower difficulties, but are absolutely bonkers on 00 Agent.

    • 6 months ago

      Attack Ship is hard as frick on the PC port, specially the first part of the level. The Skedar react nearly instantly to you and the Mauler shots do a lot of damage. Ironically the Mauler has a terrible accuracy when youre using it and the fact that the Skedar move around so fast will have you missing many charged up shots. This is very frustrating in the first room where you have only a Combat Knife and very limited Mauler ammo.

      • 6 months ago

        It reminds me a lot of Aztec (Goldeneye level) on 00 Agent. You start on a room with 3 guards with assault rifles, in a small niche. They have near-instantaneous reflexes and shoot with terrifying accuracy.

      • 6 months ago

        >Ironically the Mauler has a terrible accuracy when youre using it
        What's ironic about it? All Skedar weapons have lower accuracy when humans use them because human hands/arms can't absorb the ridiculous amounts of recoil

  7. 6 months ago

    I tried getting goldeneye X to work with the sourceport but it's probably a lot tougher than changing filenames. A real shame, because these improvements would be amazing on goldeneye.
    Here's my short review of PD
    >world hub was a very cool concept instead of 2d menus
    >the guns were OK, the actual shooting of enemies is what's great about PD/GE
    >Music was 10/10
    >way too many doors
    >the doors that require multiple opens in the last level were irritating
    Overall a very cool game. Just a shame it released years after goldeneye. It would have gotten the popularity it deserved if it launched not too long after GE. I remember seeing it in the bargain bin at a circuit city when I was a child.

  8. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago
      Perfect Anonymous

      The use of "perfect" everywhere they can fit it in, still makes me laugh.

      • 6 months ago

        Is there an option make and load save states? I'm a bit timepoor so I wouldn't mind save stating through it to save a wee bit of time.

        • 6 months ago

          I don't think so. Levels are roughly 5 minutes each and the port adds an option to unlock everything in the cheats menu.

      • 6 months ago

        Why can't more of these source ports be distributed in this simple binaries + insert rom format instead of whatever autistic shit the nerds in charge of the Mario 64 and OoT ports are doing?

        • 6 months ago

          the OoT port is binary + provide ROM too

          • 6 months ago

            I see you can just download it from github now
            Thank god, back then you had to jump through hoops by indulging in discord cancer in order to get the damn thing.

            • 6 months ago

              >back then you had to jump through hoops by indulging in discord cancer in order to get the damn thing
              I specifically remember it being as easy as cloning the repo, running the rom extractor, and building the executable. No discord required at all. Which is how the rest of these have worked as well.

        • 6 months ago

          It's due to the way the engine is built - GE/PD is data agnostic where these ports use hooks when loading data externally to read from a ROM file. Something which SM64 and OoT can't do without refactoring.

          • 6 months ago

            There's something frustrating about a portable piece of software only being released to a single platform. Like wasted talent/effort or something.

            • 6 months ago

              Be the change you wish to see anon

  9. 6 months ago

    >simulants in Combat Simulator will sometimes stop moving at all
    This was in the original too, not a source port issue. Happened to me a couple of times in the original game, that was how you were able to cheese some of the later missions, where you had a moronic AI teammate. You ordered the guy to stay still and the enemies sometimes stopped moving and win by timeout.

  10. 6 months ago

    any news on the source port updates and modding support?

    • 6 months ago

      There are multiple fixes almost every day
      HD assets are on the roadmap, but still lower priority than the hundreds of little annoying (or even game-breaking) bugs, most of which are due to resolution or framerate sensitivity
      For example, they just fixed a bug in an AI routine where higher FPS makes it jump to the wrong part of a loop, which ends up breaking sound playback
      If you want to keep an eye on updates just read the commits and pull requests on Github

      • 6 months ago

        hope by january everything is stable so they can improve on it

  11. 6 months ago

    I should I play this with an N64 controller or mouse? Should I play at native resolution and aspect ratio? Or is the game still excellent with modern features?

    • 6 months ago

      MKB works as N64 controllers
      But MKB is quite faster

  12. 6 months ago

    >This is specially noticeable in the Area 51: Escape mission, where the game will literally start spawning dozens of guards by the time Jonathan starts planting the bomb to get to the hangar.
    Super Dragon supremacy

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        WHO THE-

        • 6 months ago

          I DONT WANNA DIE

          • 6 months ago

            MY GUN

      • 6 months ago

        WHO THE-


        MY GUN

        Allow me to assist you.
        Accidents happen...

  13. 6 months ago

    I had no idea this was a thing, thank you OP. I don't even care about the graphics, I'll still play in 800x600, but having mouse and keyboard support and everything running natively is insanely cool.

  14. 6 months ago

    I want multiplayer
    can I plug in controllers and play splitscreen?

    • 6 months ago

      I think you can. At least I've seen people reporting bugs on the co-op modes in the past so probably.
      There's options to assign gamepads up to 4 players in the menu too.

      I watched this video

      and went to this page
      and downloaded it.

      scan pd.exe on virustotal
      >Bkav Pro
      What is this?

      Probably a false positive.
      Considering Virustotal runs against several different detection engines it's not uncommon for it to falsely flag something that has some pattern coincidentally similar to some malware.
      I wouldn't be surprised if it's upset about something related to stealing mouse focus or detecting key presses.

      If you have the knowledge, the game is open source and you can build it yourself pretty easily. Run it inside some kind of sandbox to see if it's doing anything its not supposed to or even audit the codebase to be 100% certain it's safe.
      I've been running builds from source for a while now with no obvious problems or stolen accounts. The dev has worked on some other popular ports IIRC too.

      Also concerning enemy spawn points I think they also check for where you are standing before spawning the enemies. If youre in the vicinity of the spawn point the enemies wont spawn.
      This is easier to see in Area 51: Escape. When Jonathan is planting the bomb I usually stand in the doorway that you come from with Jonathan so I can watch the guards coming all the way from the end of the corridor. When you do that you will never have guards coming from the other door in the room where Jonathan is. However, if you step outside the doorway and move completely into the corridor youre watching, the guards will immediately start coming from the other door in the room where Jonathan is.
      I agree, its not too dangerous for you, the player, but it can easily fail the mission because allied AI is still moronic. So you will have Jonathan stopping to shoot while there are 5 guards with perfect accuracy filling his ass with bullets.

      >So you will have Jonathan stopping to shoot while there are 5 guards with perfect accuracy filling his ass with bullets.
      When he does that one animation where he slow walks towards them like a badass holding out his one arm blasting. It's always so funny.

      You can also destroy spawn points in Perfect Dark, if you have explosives. They're an invisible object placed somewhere in the level. For example, in the Carrington Institute, the spawn point is when the stairs join with the corridor to the hangar. If you grabbed the Devastator from one of the hostages (or just cheated), you can explode that spawn point, and only a single (dead) enemy will spawn from there.

      they stop at 80 or something

      Neat facts.

  15. 6 months ago

    I'd like some spots to have infinite enemy respawn like in goldeneye
    let me make my fricking genocide

  16. 6 months ago

    I watched this video

    and went to this page
    and downloaded it.

    scan pd.exe on virustotal
    >Bkav Pro
    What is this?

  17. 6 months ago

    mouse moves to slow.

    • 6 months ago

      You can change that in the extra options

  18. 6 months ago

    Reckno somebody will port this to 3DS/PSP or too low demand these days?

    • 6 months ago

      I'm edging for the PS2 port since it uses MIPS like the N64.
      SM64 got ported to it, Perfect Dark is definitely possible.

      • 6 months ago

        Reckno somebody will port this to 3DS/PSP or too low demand these days?

        AFAIK the SM64 port for PS2 had many issues and was abandoned. Same thing with 3DS. I don't think it was ever ported to the PSP.
        OoT was only ported to WiiU and still has many issues.
        Basically, I wouldn't get my hopes up for anything decent coming for consoles (from this decomp or any other)

        • 6 months ago

          SM64 port worked fine on 3DS.

          The PS2 SM64 port had some audio and graphical issues but it was still worth it for the absolute shear novelty of playing SM64 on a fricking PS2, lol.

        • 6 months ago

          >AFAIK the SM64 port for PS2 had many issues
          From what it looks like Ps2 sdk currently aren't ready for non hombrew games, devolution devs updated it just to make Diablo sound works correctly

        • 6 months ago

          The dude that made this entire decomp has ported like 7 source ports to the switch.

          Quake 1/2/3
          Doom 64/Doom 3
          Serious sam 1+2
          Duke Nukem 3D as well as tidying up Half Life, Morrowind and few others. So I can see him porting it to switch maybe.

          • 6 months ago

            You serious?

            • 6 months ago

              It's not hard to port Morrowind now that OpenMW is practically finished. Even some of those little chink handhelds have ports of it.

              • 6 months ago

                I misunderstood and thought there was an official port in progress
                Actually, I don't know why I'd ever think that

              • 6 months ago

                I wish Morrowind would make it onto a PS Vita. They have it on android phones, so it should go over really well.

  19. 6 months ago

    Ive found other spawn points in Carrington Institute. This one didnt prevent the 5 Mr. Blonde guards from spawning though.

    • 6 months ago

      Forgot the image.

      • 6 months ago

        One of the other dataDyne guard spawn points.

        • 6 months ago

          And another one.

      • 6 months ago

        One of the other dataDyne guard spawn points.

        And another one.

        are you blasting the entire level?
        just get the goldeneye level editor and open the level

        • 6 months ago

          Oh I didnt know that. But manually looking for them with your Alien buddies is also fun. I think its a little known fact that finishing Co-Op mode in different difficulty levels allow you to bring more SIM buddies in the missions.

          • 6 months ago

            >little known fact that finishing Co-Op mode in different difficulty levels allow you to bring more SIM buddies in the missions.
            Several decades later and still learning about this game.
            Gives me a reason to actually play co-op "solo". Only ever did that and counter-op with real people back when it was new.

            • 6 months ago

              Wait, you can actually bring more than one? That's new to me.

              If you finish all Co-Op missions on Perfect Agent youll be able to take 4 buddies on Agent difficulty, 3 on Special Agent and 2 on Perfect Agent.

          • 6 months ago

            Wait, you can actually bring more than one? That's new to me.

  20. 6 months ago

    All right, I've finished the N64 version on Perfect Agent. It was a little harder than Goldeneye, specially in longer stages. The worst offender is Area 51 Infiltration. I probably spent 3 hours in there between all my attempts. I didn't find Attack Ship as hard as other people, probably because I was already used to the controls. But the wonky framerate really does a disservice to this game.

    Perfect Agent really ups the difficulty a lot, it's probably double or triple the difficulty of Special Agent. I've been replaying the stages on lower difficulties, and I can complete most of them in a single try while going sanic fast through the levels.

  21. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      I fapped to that joanna render when I was 15.

      • 6 months ago


        It's Jonathan on the bottom, right? Who's on top?

        I never liked that they retconned Jonathan from being her dorky brother to being her husband.

        Reminder: Joanna Dark is not "based on" or an "allusion to" Jeanne d'Arc. It is a coincidence.

        Another developer BTS fact: Joanna is meant to look exactly like Winona Ryder. Personally, I see it more in her in-game model than in renders. Sorry to >10508557 , but I never really found her especially fappable. Ironically, I just posted an almost identical message to yours in a /tg/ thread about fantasy art I used to fap to.

        I still have this game for N64 and have beaten every level on Perfect Agent except the last two (a player can't play the finale until they beat Attack Ship and at this point I probably never will.)

    • 6 months ago

      It's Jonathan on the bottom, right? Who's on top?

      I never liked that they retconned Jonathan from being her dorky brother to being her husband.

      Reminder: Joanna Dark is not "based on" or an "allusion to" Jeanne d'Arc. It is a coincidence.

      Another developer BTS fact: Joanna is meant to look exactly like Winona Ryder. Personally, I see it more in her in-game model than in renders. Sorry to >10508557 , but I never really found her especially fappable. Ironically, I just posted an almost identical message to yours in a /tg/ thread about fantasy art I used to fap to.

      I still have this game for N64 and have beaten every level on Perfect Agent except the last two (a player can't play the finale until they beat Attack Ship and at this point I probably never will.)

      • 6 months ago

        That's just the random guard Jo thought was talking to her before Jonathan shot him. Nobody special.
        Personally I never liked the brother thing either, but I prefer it to her being her husband. To me they're just two people in their early twenties who are some of the best people in the world at what they do, so of course they're snarky and overconfident with one another. Not everything needs to be a romance.

      • 6 months ago

        That's just the random guard Jo thought was talking to her before Jonathan shot him. Nobody special.
        Personally I never liked the brother thing either, but I prefer it to her being her husband. To me they're just two people in their early twenties who are some of the best people in the world at what they do, so of course they're snarky and overconfident with one another. Not everything needs to be a romance.

        I thought they were completely unrelated, and that the 'Dark' surname was just how Carrington designates his agents as, like Bond's 00.

  22. 6 months ago

    Can’t wait until nightdive games uses this open source project for their closed source for profit port in a few years.

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        Their ports require reverse engineering of game engines to port to their kex engine which works as a go between and allows for portability and new features. Many older games have lost source code on top of that making the process harder.

        When nightdive did their Dark Forces port they coordinated with the fan-made decomp and code re-write project. Which means fans did a lot of the legwork and nightdive comes in to profit from it.

        • 6 months ago

          There was some drama with ND regarding the blade runner 'remaster' and ScummVM devs. It's likely (imo) they used the open source code as a reference, while not directly copying.
          But people keep buying their remasters over community driven source ports so I don't see the practice slowing down anytime soon.

          • 6 months ago

            There’s plusses and minuses to all this. There are so many remaster disasters because cheap clueless devs are hired who shit out something fast.

          • 6 months ago

            FOV slider now works on PD

            About the blade runner remaster
            That was ScummVM devs being gigantic troony homosexuals as always and claiming to be victims when they openly sabotaged the project, people forgets how much of a homosexuals they are.
            That alone burned any bridge with they and any other project, even community ones.

            Dark Forces project, Lucius himself is at ND discord talking about it, same as Q1 and Q2(even with Sponge trying to kill both games) and ROTT with the community.
            Disney was even eager to let him finish to work from there with the source code and let ND then use KEX for console support and controller, sincee DF Remaster will be 90% TFE and 10% Kex as a Wrapper for Console support, Multiplayer and Controllers.

  23. 6 months ago

    Anon who finished playing the N64 game first.
    Man, having Mouse+KB and 60fps really changes the experience for the better, and it also shows the game wasn't balanced around precise aiming at all. I've just finished the first three levels on Perfect Agent on my first try. While I played the N64 version very cautiously, I feel like I can just dance around enemies. Now I can finish an stage with just the Falcon 2,and I'm not afraid of seeing 2 enemies in front of me at once.

    Like others said, there are a few script breaks and oddities, like the targets in the shooting gallery being way too fast (when they're going on a round trip), or enemies getting stuck on weird animations.

    I never really paid attention to those decomps, but now I'll try to play all of them. 60fps is really awesome.

    • 6 months ago

      What a bizarre comment. You said that MKB makes the experience better but then described it as completely ruined.

      • 6 months ago

        Another difference I noticed: when you throw the grenades at the mines in the heliport (Area 51 Infiltration), the grenades explode on impact, not on a fuse.

        It makes the game more enjoyable to the player, but sometimes too easy. Some of the situations in the missions were tailored to account for imprecise aiming. With M+KB, you can just strut in front of four guards and headshot all four with the starting pistol.

  24. 6 months ago

    What was the fps on the n64 version? I remember it being super choppy when I typically didn't notice stuff like that as a kid

    • 6 months ago

      I'd guess you can hit a stable 30 if you play combat simulator alone with a few simulants. But even firing a weapon against one npc drops it down to 20.

    • 6 months ago

      It was sub-20 fps most of the time. During some areas, it went below 5 fps, like when the Skedar invade the bridge during Attack Ship.

      The framerate was so choppy that the game downright skips a ton of frames. Do you know those newer games that have a "lag" when you first switch weapons? Perfect Dark had that for every weapon (it was less pervasive if you switched while paused). If you let an enemy see you, strafe to the side and switch weapons, the game will downright skip like almost a full second of frames. It's kinda like a very short teleport. It seems I'm exaggerating here, but a lot of N64 games had sub-20 fps as its norm. I replayed Mission Impossible just yesterday, and didn't remember the game being so choppy. But it was choppy. As frick.

      • 6 months ago

        Laughing at the memory of max player combat sim with N-bombs going off every frame. Lucky if it was 5fps.

        • 6 months ago

          I have such fond memories of having n-bomb fights in multi with my sister and my cousin. The single digit fps just made it all the more funny.

          • 6 months ago

            I think back then we didn't really care about framerate. It's still a very enjoyable game, just not on the hardest difficulty.

  25. 6 months ago

    >N64's marketing strategy
    = fast = no loading screens
    screen that lasts 3-5 seconds for GE, and several for PD

    • 6 months ago

      shadow man and the world is not enough had literal loading screens.

      • 6 months ago

        Slipped my mind, but you're right.

      • 6 months ago

        TWINE's loading screens are fake.
        Source: dabbled with reverse engineering in IDA and spoken to Zoinkity about it

        • 6 months ago

          Elaborate. They just sleep for some arbitrary amount of time?

        • 6 months ago

          >TWINE's loading screens are fake.
          so they just wanted me to stare at Denise Richards boobas for 10 seconds?

          • 6 months ago

            Yes and you came away having a better impression of the game because of it.

      • 6 months ago

        quake also has loading screens

  26. 6 months ago

    Played a little more. It's good that I've just finished the original; the differences are more easy to catch. In Area 51: Infiltration, the reinforcements that come out of the heliport after you use the Comms Rider don't stay where they spawn and wait for you to come closer, they actually run towards you, even as you're entering the tunnel (they usually only appear after you're in the middle of the tunnel). Another very noticeable difference are enemies that go prone: their animation is bugged, so they sorta "jump" right when they go prone. Their hitbox doesn't seem to change, it's just a graphical glitch.

  27. 6 months ago

    I've just reached the end on the decomp.
    Differences I've noticed:
    - the hitbox of the Skedar headbutt lingers on even after the animation ends. One lucky Skedar once killed my co-op buddy and me with a single headbutt, and we weren't even bunched together. I tried to reach him to revive him, and the same headbutt that killed him killed me.
    - there are quite a lot of pathing problems, usually your co-op buddy doesn't know how to exit elevators properly. But sometimes guards that are freshly spawned don't know what to do and walk in circles instead.
    - the Skedar that invade the bridge in Attack Ship all walked in circles.
    - the Reaper is way more deadly at 60fps. Only Skedar King 1 (during WAR!) ever killed me with a Reaper in the original, but in the decomp even the common Skedar killed me twice.
    - I don't know if it's supposed to be like that, but the black bridge over the canyon in Skedar Ruins never breaks. It was just a tiny piece in the N64 version, but in the decomp it's almost a full bridge.
    - some areas are properly dark, like the side of the plane in Confrontation (where the Mr.Blonde with the Sniper Rifle is).

    All in all, it's just a lot more playable. It took me some 30~35 hours to finish all levels on PA in the N64, but I've finished them all in two sittings in the decomp. Probably took me 2 hours and a half, combined.

    • 6 months ago

      One thing I forgot, but I don't remember if this was the same in the original: in Area 51: Escape, if you start with a co-op buddy, the buddy will be stuck in Elvis' stretcher and will won't be able to proceed. You have to go into the menu and select "Stealth" so they get out of the way.

      god what a nerd

      play combat simulator, it's fricking brutal.

      • 6 months ago

        CombatSimbros, we lost.

    • 6 months ago

      One thing I forgot, but I don't remember if this was the same in the original: in Area 51: Escape, if you start with a co-op buddy, the buddy will be stuck in Elvis' stretcher and will won't be able to proceed. You have to go into the menu and select "Stealth" so they get out of the way.

      Another difference I noticed: when you throw the grenades at the mines in the heliport (Area 51 Infiltration), the grenades explode on impact, not on a fuse.

      It makes the game more enjoyable to the player, but sometimes too easy. Some of the situations in the missions were tailored to account for imprecise aiming. With M+KB, you can just strut in front of four guards and headshot all four with the starting pistol.

      I appreciate you taking the time to list out all the differences like that. It's interesting.
      Haven't played the N64 version in at least a decade so any subtle differences went right over my head. But I was wondering about it now that all the obvious physics and texture bugs have been worked out.
      Wonder if the dev is already aware of these or not. Maybe worth posting about it in the issue tracker.

    • 6 months ago

      > the black bridge over the canyon in Skedar Ruins never breaks
      That bridge only appears in the level if you play Co-op. I guess it's to make it easier for other players to cross (or dumb AI buddies), but it also makes it so you have to use one less Devastator shot (you don't need to blow up the rock).

  28. 6 months ago

    One thing I forgot, but I don't remember if this was the same in the original: in Area 51: Escape, if you start with a co-op buddy, the buddy will be stuck in Elvis' stretcher and will won't be able to proceed. You have to go into the menu and select "Stealth" so they get out of the way.

  29. 6 months ago

    If you didn't play at 170 FOV the whole time then you didn't beat the game.

    • 6 months ago

      Perfect Dark VR when?

  30. 6 months ago

    I didn't know this, but if you beat all levels on co-op (but not on Solo), you don't actually unlock any of the bonus assignments.

  31. 6 months ago

    I just got this running;
    Is there a way I can set it to boot in fullscreen from the start?
    I know I can alt+enter but I have my pc plugged into the TV using just a controller, so hopefully there's a nice solution

    • 6 months ago

      Go to Options>Extended>Video and turn fullscreen on. It should launch that way afterwards.

  32. 6 months ago

    Have they put out a source port of Banjo Kazooie yet?

    • 6 months ago

      Ah, you pesky game enthusiasts, heed my decree,
      In my lair of wickedness, I'll thwart thee!
      Banjo and Kazooie, your PC port desire,
      Shall meet my resistance, hotter than fire!

      I've hexed the programmers, their code now a mess,
      Keyboards clatter nonsense, mice flee in distress.
      Graphics cards tremble, their fate sealed in strife,
      For daring to render my beloved polygon life.

      Behold the Blue Screen of Doom, cerulean delight,
      Each compile attempt met with a perilous blight.
      Your pixels shall weep, your RAM shall despair,
      As Gruntilda cackles, ensnaring you in her snare.

      So dreamers, take heed, your quest is in vain,
      Banjo and Kazooie on PC? Oh, the disdain!
      For I, the magnificent Gruntilda, shall prevail,
      And rhyme my defiance, as your hopes set sail!

  33. 6 months ago

    >Rarekino will never get shut down thanks to MS not giving a fat shit unless it's competing with 343i gaylo garbage
    Sucks to be a tendie

  34. 6 months ago

    I am glad this exists but holy shit it hurts my soul to see Youtubers playing this with M+KB. Might actually be even more egregious than playing RE4 with M+KB.

  35. 6 months ago
  36. 6 months ago

    You shouldn't have come here, girl!

  37. 6 months ago

    >simulants in Combat Simulator will sometimes stop moving at all

    I've had this happen on real hardware by placing a proximity mine in the doorway to a room in the facility on like challenge 17. I could clearly see the sim just idle in the hallway since he knew it was impossible to enter without coming through an explosion plus a hail of gunfire. Or at least that was my thought.

    • 6 months ago

      I usually see them get hung up on corners, or on ladders, and run in place
      It's happened on wide open floors though, like in Pipes

    • 6 months ago

      OP here, yea Challenge 17 is one of the evident ones. I usually camp by the shield spot at the end of the hallway that has access to the side rooms with cylindrical structures. If you throw a proximity mine on the door at the other end of this hallway the simulant will never come to you.

      I usually see them get hung up on corners, or on ladders, and run in place
      It's happened on wide open floors though, like in Pipes

      On Ravine they will often fall to their deaths trying to catch the elevator or while walking on that pipe, specially if you start shooting at them.

      • 6 months ago

        I seem to remember the K7 is in there as well, I think because it's the highest priority weapon the sim will switch to it and turn on the threat detector. Sims walk in to mines unless they have that on.

  38. 6 months ago

    Would be cool if we could remove the infinite shield of the Skedar King.

    • 6 months ago

      Considering there's ones that can die in the extra mission, I'm assuming you could just remove the shield in the code.
      However, I know there's a bug where he can clip out of the map and presumably fall into a death barrier. But this softlocks you since the mission objective is actually tied to the tip of the statue, not the Skedar King's death.
      So I'm not sure what would happen if you were able to kill him. Guess you could rework the code to switch the mission triggers around.

    • 6 months ago

      this endboss should be entirely remade, it sucks
      it should be an arena like cradle

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