> Perfect Opportunity to connect the regions.

> Perfect Opportunity to connect the regions.
> Literally has an inaccessible part of the map that would be perfect for Southern Kalos
> Really, it's it sounds too perfect. You have to be stupid not to do it.
>Kalos starters are even in the base game.
>DLC expansion is some weab shit based on Japan. In a spanish region.

Is gamefreak inbred or just naturally dumb? Are they genuinely moronaded?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Gen 10

  2. 9 months ago

    All of these regions are hot garbage, why would I care.

  3. 9 months ago

    >gamefreak is dumb because they don't want to needlessly revisit the least-loved region
    is this a discord thread or something

    • 9 months ago

      He's speaking of the southern France gap in the map

    • 9 months ago

      We weren't talking about Unova whatsoever though.

      • 9 months ago

        discord post

    • 9 months ago

      discord post

      This is such a garbage way to try and discard an opposing post. It was pathetic enough when everything became troony this troony that. But this isn't even trying.

      • 9 months ago

        Perhaps if the Discord posters tried something other than "Unova bad Kalos good" it wouldn't be so easy to identify them.

        • 9 months ago

          >Kalos out of nowhere
          Seek meds.

          • 9 months ago

            OP's post is literally "gamefreak is moronic for not putting Southern Kalos in SV"

        • 9 months ago

          Unova has been bad since 2010, we knew it then and we know it now. We're only getting people coming around on it because the kids who started with it aged enough to infect the board.

          • 9 months ago

            You know how I know this is a Discord post?
            Because I was here in 2010 and it was the last time /vp/ was hyped about a pokemon game.

            • 9 months ago

              This is true. People were hyped for Gen 5, but then BW came out and failed to live up to the earlier gens, people stopped trusting Game Freak. Just another reason why it's the worst

              • 9 months ago

                This. BW2 did redeem it on some aspects, but the potential of the original being snuffed helped kneecap that gen

                BW2 was worse than BW. They gave up on the soft-reboot angle that made the games unique and the reused region hindered the campaign, not to mention the mediocre story. Even the heavily lauded postgame was more of a sidegrade, trading new routes for better facilities.
                Gen 5 was certainly got as good as 4, but it was astronomically better than 6 and things have only been getting worse with every subsequent game.

              • 9 months ago

                >things have only been getting worse with every subsequent game
                The only way you could think this is if you haven't played anything since 6. USUM was better than ORAS and SV was better than SWSH even without DLC.
                SWSH was massively worse than USUM, though.

              • 9 months ago

                Each subsequent game became less and less like Pokemon. You can argue that you like certain games over others, but they keep getting worse as Pokemon games.

                Gen 7
                >Removed HMs
                >Removed Gyms
                >Removed Victory Road
                >Cemented jobmon starters and regional gimmicks as a mainstay
                >Forced EXP Share, Dex Cut, removed moves, removed hold items and abilities (LGPE)
                Gen 8
                >Forced EXP Share, Dex Cut, removed moves (mainline)
                >Removed the Elite Four
                >Removed Dungeons
                >Art Style starts to drift
                >Routes more linear than ever, focus on wild area
                >Introduced Paid DLC and yet another subscription service, which this time holds your Pokemon hostage
                Gen 9
                >Art style completely abandoned
                >Music outsourced to a western indie dev, entire game uses a single track over and over
                >Level design completely abandoned in favor of Open World
                >Killed the 3DS subscription service forever severing the ability to transfer Pokemon forward
                >All previous issues remain (regional gimmicks, EXP share, HMs, jobmons, ect.)

                I could make this list even longer but I don't care to. You get the just, these games aren't even close to what they once were.

              • 9 months ago

                >Removed Gyms
                replace. Totems are basically Gyms with a twist.
                >Removed Victory Road
                This is like crying about not having a Power Plant in Gen 4.
                No Fuego isn't a power plant.
                >Cemented jobmon starters and regional gimmicks as a mainstay
                the frick you talking about.

              • 9 months ago

                >Totems are basically Gyms with a twist.
                They aren't. It's a clear break from the tried and true formula that had been adhered to for decades.
                >Power plant
                Not comparable. Victory Road was a grueling gauntlet that preceded the Elite Four since the very first games. It was the last stretch before the finale and every game put their own unique spin on it.
                I.e. the fursuits.
                >Gen 6
                Paladin, Mage, Ninja
                >Gen 7
                Archer, Mexican Wrestler
                >Gen 8
                James Bond, Soccer player
                >Gen 9
                Magician, Dancer

                >game series that has for 20 years been getting criticized for not changing enough between installments is now bad because it's finally started making changes
                oh, so you're one of those guys who literally just wants to play red and blue over and over forever

                >you're one of those guys who literally just wants to play red and blue over and over forever
                That's how it was for 20 years. That's what a series is supposed to be. Final Fantasy fans weren't happy when their games abandoned turn-based combat, and Dragon Quest fans won't be happy when it happens to them in 12.

              • 9 months ago

                >They aren't.
                They are.
                >It's a clear break from the tried and true formula that had been adhered to for decades.
                Barely. It's just replacing Gym leaders and Badges with Totems and Z-Crystals.
                >Not comparable.
                Yes it is
                >Victory Road was a grueling gauntlet that preceded the Elite Four since the very first games.
                They stopped being that by Gen 5. Hell, even in gen 2, it wasn't anything of the sort.
                You can replace it with anything else.
                >I.e. the fursuits.
                Mental illness
                Gen 4 had Sun Wukong, Napoleon.
                Gen 5 Had an Aristocrat, Zhu Bajie and a Samurai shogun

              • 9 months ago

                >game series that has for 20 years been getting criticized for not changing enough between installments is now bad because it's finally started making changes
                oh, so you're one of those guys who literally just wants to play red and blue over and over forever

              • 9 months ago

                Gen 6 gave us Megas, Fairy Types, PSS/Wonder Trade, Amie, Super Training THREE DEE and Wonder Trading on top of Bank transerfing and greatly enhanced multiplayer QoL adjustments and features.
                They unironically did more for the series than gen 5 despite following BW and BW2s blueprints.

              • 9 months ago

                BW2 being worse than BW is a take I very rarely see. Mainly because the few anons who take that stance hate GF thankfully coming to their senses on their failed experiment

              • 9 months ago

                This, although people were divided on BW from the get. Anyone telling you otherwise wasn't actually there.

            • 9 months ago

              This is true. People were hyped for Gen 5, but then BW came out and failed to live up to the earlier gens, people stopped trusting Game Freak. Just another reason why it's the worst

              This. BW2 did redeem it on some aspects, but the potential of the original being snuffed helped kneecap that gen

          • 9 months ago

            It's funny how people called this would happen and it felt like there was a collective accepting inevitable sigh. Same with thinking on Galar years down the road.

            discord post

            What do you even think Discord is? At least Twitter and Tumblr have distinctive leans

    • 9 months ago

      discord post

      Perhaps if the Discord posters tried something other than "Unova bad Kalos good" it wouldn't be so easy to identify them.

      You know how I know this is a Discord post?
      Because I was here in 2010 and it was the last time /vp/ was hyped about a pokemon game.

  4. 9 months ago

    Why would they? People (you) will buy it regardless.
    That's the answer to every "Why didn't Gamefreak do X?" question.

  5. 9 months ago

    >Is gamefreak inbred or just naturally dumb? Are they genuinely moronaded?
    Japanessen peolpe olny care about japanessen pokemon

  6. 9 months ago

    Even gamefreak knows no one gives a shit about kalos why would they?

  7. 9 months ago

    With the time constraints the development teams have, it will never happen.

  8. 9 months ago

    They want to avoid West Kanto Syndoke . They connected Johto to KANTO, and it resulted in Johto being treated as nothing more than KANTOOOO’s doorstep, Gen 2 pokemon being the black sheep of their own region, and the Gen 2 starters to forever gimped and skipped over for buffs to prevent them for overshadowing GENWUN.

    • 9 months ago

      It's weird how many zoomers don't realize Gen 2 was designed this way deliberately, because it was Pokemon 2 and not intended to be a soft reboot.
      Even weirder is the zoomers who think it's "bad" that they made Pokemon 2 instead of a soft reboot. The only reason they think this is that all subsequent generations were soft reboots, but of course there's nothing about soft reboots that's inherently "better" than sequels.

  9. 9 months ago

    they can barely complete 1 region and you want them to jam in 3?

  10. 9 months ago

    I doubt anyone at gamefreak ever actually plays their games. As soon as XY shipped they deleted Kalos from their little robot brains

  11. 9 months ago

    >DLC expansion is some weab shit based on Japan. In a spanish region.
    Anon. It's not weeb shit based on Japan.
    It IS in Japan. Kitakami is a real place in Tohoku, it's famous for its apple fields.

    • 9 months ago

      But why the frick the Spanish region has a part of japan in it

      • 9 months ago

        Airplanes. Do you not know what the glove is????

  12. 9 months ago

    Grrr I'm so mad that gamefreak didn't put the regions from the three worst fricking games in the franchise into a singular mound of dogshit

    • 9 months ago

      >the three worst fricking games in the franchise
      but the OP pic has paldea instead of sinnoh

      • 9 months ago

        Yes, sinnoh is good and paldea is shit, what are the news?

  13. 9 months ago

    Kitakami isn't in Paldea you moron

  14. 9 months ago

    You tards have been begging for more Kalos for a decade now.
    >Pokemon Z in 2014!
    >That train in Hawaii will surely connect to France!
    Nobody fricking cares. Kalos is by far the worst region we've ever had and Game Freak knows whatever it's in will underperform massively. Besides, they don't give a shit about the series anymore to begin with. Do you honestly think that the gays who refused to add the Sevii Islands to LGPE will really make a whole second region for you to explore? Move the frick on.

  15. 9 months ago

    >Just mentioning Kalos in the OP is enough for the watchdogs to derail a harmless question into a genwar thread
    At what point do you realize you're doing the exact same things you're accusing others of?

  16. 9 months ago

    >Muh no kalos no megas
    have a nice day kalosperm

  17. 9 months ago

    I remember laughing from kalosgays that even if they choose spain for the region there won't be any kalos in sight kek

  18. 9 months ago

    >The DLC is the Japan region again even though Kanto is Japan and they could have just added this to an eventual Kanto remake
    >They could have added a Portugal region dlc and finally given us a crumb of representation

    Portugalbros it's not fair...

  19. 9 months ago

    >Are they genuinely moronaded
    Nah that's you. Also, a GOOD MORNING SIR to all the jeets i.t.t. KUCKlos and PISSdea sucks donkey chode.

  20. 9 months ago

    South Kalos is the dumbest meme this community ever come up with.

  21. 9 months ago

    DLC Part 2

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