
Peripeteia Thread

rat abuse

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

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Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    If you stare into the abyss long enough, the abyss stares into you.

  2. 8 months ago

    I just wanted to burn a trash bag but it led to my own demise by fire. SAD.

    • 8 months ago

      the frick is that shitty drawing on the bottom left
      not buying this tripe

      • 8 months ago

        It's called SOVL, it takes having one to recognize.

        • 8 months ago

          It's not soul when it's intentionally shitty

          • 8 months ago

            >zoomzoom doesn't understand sovl
            Many such cases. Back to fortnite, little timmy

    • 8 months ago

      If you stare into the abyss long enough, the abyss stares into you.

      Peripeteia Thread

      rat abuse

      game's out?

      • 8 months ago

        No, but the demo has been updated recently, so maybe there's new content. Although it's probably bug fixes and improvements instead.

        • 8 months ago

          >bug fixes
          More like new bugs.
          It's funny because one of the reasons for the delays was "fixing quests and saves". Guess what? Neither quests nor saves work. npcs remember being shot after reloading, the inventory randomly disappears after reloading, the funny water slide they showed in some shill vid kills you, the FOV gets stuck at 160º if you accidentally survive (pic related), dialogue options suddenly refuse to show softlocking you, some "hostile" enemies just ignore you, stealth mechanics are 100% broken, items suddenly disappear from the world or create duplicates when interacting with them, lights leak through walls, you can double jump but only sometimes (I think it's based on proximity to ledges, but it's very inconsistent).
          I'd say it needs more time in the oven but frankly a time machine would be better at this point.
          Anyway the new demo apart from being in a quite broken state in terms of showstopping bugs, replaces the levels in the original demo with a kind-of tutorial one (albeit if you don't know what to expect you'll have a bad time), so basically removes a bunch of content and replaces it with some other.
          tbh I'm as mildly excited as when I first played the demo back in July 2021, except it's now 2.25 years later so at this rate I'd say fixing all the bugs will take 10 years.

      • 8 months ago

        Nope, it doesn't matter though no one was going to get this adventure time looking shit.

  3. 8 months ago

    protagonist in this game sounds like a troony so im not playing it

  4. 8 months ago

    When's the full release though?

    • 8 months ago

      dunno but considering devs can only participate in 1 next fest nowadays, I assume the plan is within a few months.

    • 8 months ago

      I doubt even they know. They have a real Cyberpunk 2077 approach to their planned release date. First it was 2022, then it was "late 2022", then it was "Very late 2022", then "Early 2023", then just "2023" and since about mid 2023, it's just "Coming Soon".

      • 8 months ago

        S-soon then, r-right?

        • 8 months ago

          Maybe? I think in their trailer they released right before Nextfest they still said it's coming in 2023.

      • 8 months ago

        That is like 70% of my wishlist from last year Next Fests

    • 8 months ago

      Looking at the state of the demo, not for at least a year.

  5. 8 months ago

    Why is there a tranime girl in the bottom left?

    • 8 months ago

      This is an anime website. Frick off back to your discord.

      • 8 months ago

        You'ven't answered my question.

        • 8 months ago

          Holy Based ESL

          • 8 months ago

            you'd've been my friend! you'h to be hecking kidding me!

  6. 8 months ago

    >main character is a cringe, not even hot anime girl
    >every other character is normal
    >completely breaks the tone of what is supposed to be a serious 'imsim'
    >devs sperg out when you bring this up
    wtf is wrong with indieshits?

    • 8 months ago

      It's meant to filter normalgays. You b***hing about it means it's working.

      • 8 months ago

        t. dev

      • 8 months ago

        I'm going to put trannies and Black folk in my game and say this every time anyone mentions it.

        • 8 months ago

          That would attract normalgays, not filter them.

        • 8 months ago

          Well, it works
          I never buy those games and just forget they existed

    • 8 months ago

      The tone has nothing to do with the imsim aspect. And anyway I like the contrast between the decaying destroyed world and the mc being an uguu anime girl visually even though she's a bitter alcoholic otherwise. She has a body that clashes with the world and even her own personality.

      • 8 months ago

        Sounds like a typical troony game.

        • 8 months ago

          You sound like a typical troony false flagging.

          • 8 months ago

            >I like the contrast between the decaying destroyed world and the mc being an uguu anime girl visually even though she's a bitter alcoholic otherwise. She has a body that clashes with the world and even her own personality.
            This reads like a trans manifesto.

            Schedule an appointment with a doctor and get your hormone pills, it's clearly what you want given your obsession with them.

            Don't need to, sorry you don't like my post.

            • 8 months ago

              You legitimately need to get off the internet for a while anon, your brain is rotten.

              • 8 months ago

                Nah he's right the game is a trans allegory intentionally. Nothing wrong with that mind you, people just don't want to engage with it at all.

            • 8 months ago

              The game functions as troony grooming exclusively. I refunded it after realizing immediately.

        • 8 months ago

          Schedule an appointment with a doctor and get your hormone pills, it's clearly what you want given your obsession with them.

      • 8 months ago

        >I like the contrast between the decaying destroyed world and the mc being an uguu anime girl visually even though she's a bitter alcoholic otherwise. She has a body that clashes with the world and even her own personality.
        yup, it's a troony game. thanks for the heads up.

      • 8 months ago

        >And anyway I like the contrast between the decaying destroyed world and the mc being an uguu anime girl visually even though she's a bitter alcoholic otherwise. She has a body that clashes with the world and even her own personality.
        I know for a FACT you're a porn addict.

    • 8 months ago

      >Protagonist looks nothing like the concept art (which is basically Seras Victoria) and instead looks like some Bratz Doll
      >UI/HUD anime girl got changed from a fairly stylized and somewhat logical aesthetic to something that looks *too* stylized and anime
      >Art-style and world design actually looks worse
      Jesus Christ.

      I wouldn't even mind the protag being anime if she looked like the original concept art (pic related). It'd work better since it'd be like Ghost in the Shell or Hellsing and the art-style would fit. But unfortunately it clashes too much because the protag looks fricking wonky instead.

      • 8 months ago

        is this Eltonel's art?

        • 8 months ago

          If it's not then it's a good imitation

        • 8 months ago

          I don't actually know. I know this was concept art from when the game's demo first game out and was featured pretty prominently in advertisements. In fact that's what got me mildly interested in the game since it reminded me of Gonzo studio's version of Hellsing, and hell even cues of the game's soundtrack reminded me of it.
          I am just disappointed the game is going for more of an uncanny valley look instead of it's original art-style. I know people here are jumping and calling it a troony game, but I think it's more likely that this game will just end up being a feature-creep failure made by an inexperienced developer who is going over-ambitious up the ass whilst changing his mind each time on what he wants to do.
          I don't put much stock on people calling this game for trannies. This is the same board that thinks Armored Core is for trannies and that RTS are trannies (one look at /m/ and /vst/ disproves that in fact). I am more concerned about the game going through the same game dev trap of being directionless and trying everything at once.

          • 8 months ago

            >I don't put much stock on people calling this game for trannies.
            Absolute moron.

            • 8 months ago

              Anon, unless I see that the developers are actually trannies and that they put the troony flag somewhere WITHIN the game or outright say "yes, this interpretation is le valid" on their twatter, then I'll believe it.
              But currently as it stands it's all conjecture.
              Same as people saying that AC is for trannies simply because it has mecha (never mind the fact that every troony I've seen is obsessed with Evangellion which is a deconstruction of the mecha genre, and I've yet to see a troony that likes UC Gundam, VOTOMs or hell even Super Robot shit like Getter Robo), or people saying that RTS games are for trannies (even though trannies are more likely to get into Grand Strategy because WWIIshit inherently appeals to trannies. unlike the RTS genre which is devoid of trannies because there's nothing that appeals to them. I dare you to find a single participant of the Red Bull Wololo AoE2 tournament that's a troony).
              With these facts in mind. Prove to me that it's not conjecture. Actual concrete proof instead of conjecture.

              • 8 months ago

                >Actual concrete proof instead of conjecture.
                The devs are here explaining how her body clashes with the world and even her own personality.
                It is peak trans content. You can't make it any more trans outside of raping minors being a central gameplay gimmick.

              • 8 months ago

                >The devs are here explaining how her body clashes with the world and even her own personality.
                That Nierhomosexual is most likely not the dev. Give concrete proof that it is and not just conjecture.

                >I don't put much stock on people calling this game for trannies.
                troony is just thing i dont like now. like homosexual or moron, it has no meaning anymore. its just another empty word for edgy teens to throw around like it has weight.

                Oh yes, and that's why I put no stock in it.

                they worked with sewerslvt and have breakcore osts in this game. it's troony

                Now that's far more potential proof than anything in this thread. But even still, using the work of a troony creator does not necessarily mean it is thematically troony yet. Damn shame they are using breakcore now instead of the original OST that was far more melancholy and fit the original tone. More proof of my theory that this game is a feature-creep mess made by an ADHD dev who can't keep a consistent vision for what his game should be.

                >defending the game before it has even came out
                Why tf do you bother just accept that other people will have their opinions and stop acting like state of your pride is in jeopardy. It's either that or you're just a shill, which means you can frick off of this board you asiatic moron

                Anon, how the frick can you read my posts where I am shitting on the game and interpret it as me defending the game?
                In fact, my post is me pointing out that the game is shit for different reasons rather than this superficial bullshit of believing it's a troony game. The game will crash and burn for blatantly different reasons but everyone would rather believe it's going to be shit for some schizophrenic reason that for the time being is pure conjecture.
                The game will be shit. Mark my words.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't have to do anything shill. Sorry.

              • 8 months ago

                Oh I am a shill alright, but not for this dogshit game.
                Robocop Rogue City is a far better game, I will advertise it and shill it for free because that game is certified 80s Cyberpunk kino. Faithful to the original movie. Pro-Police. No troonyshit. Nothing. Kino gameplay. Kino visuals and made by a based and redpilled dev team.
                This game? It'll be dogshit. Clashing art-style, feature creep up the ass. Buggy gameplay, shitty scope and shitty writing. But it won't be troony. It'll just be another shitty amature dev game made by a bunch of inbred Slavs. Perhaps it'll be cringe kino like Hunt Down the Freeman, but it will never be a good game and it won't be a troony shit game either.

                I've got no problem with anime aesthetics but these models just look like complete shit. On top of being outright shitty quality they don't really seem like they've got a cohesive theme going on with their design. It's like if someone ripped an anime style model from one game and then just mishmashed it with models from other games with completely different styles.

                This. On top of that, it doesn't even look like a good anime model. It looks like Bratz Doll shit.

              • 8 months ago

                >Damn shame they are using breakcore now
                there's a difference, if it's the nu-soundcloud and sewerslvt liquid breakcore or distorted(harsh noise) suicide shit type of breakcore then it's completely troony. if it's Venentian Snares or or hardcore without the suicide implication breakcore then it's not the nu-type-troony-breakcore. so it might probably still be troony. also in the old demo they had lain graffiti as an easter egg in the third level and 😀 gud mascot as an easter egg in the second level. so they're Ganker trannies, high possibility

              • 8 months ago

                What's with your obsession with trannies?

              • 8 months ago

                dunno, guy asked if it's troony then i provided the most plausible evidence. also trannies are le mutilated freaks. mad?

              • 8 months ago

                >plausable evidence
                You provided incoherent fricking rambling. I work security in a fricking psych unit and this shit sounds like something I'd hear from one of the patients.

              • 8 months ago

                >I work security in a fricking psych unit and this shit sounds like something I'd hear from one of the patients.
                Imagine making this up in your anger instead of saying literally anything else instead.

              • 8 months ago

                Go to /misc/ and you'll find european trannies larping about being traditional christians or "will I be accepted in the ethnostate?" type threads.
                It's 99% a trans person that is anon. The image in my mind is almost a parody of what a trans person on Ganker would be.
                >troony via animu
                >dystopian world
                >suicidal ideation music
                >religious iconography

              • 8 months ago

                >Go to /misc/
                nice argument there buddy also nice strawman and resorting into a screeching like a loser. Just kidding.
                you're right but it's fine they're in denial about everything that is happening, maybe they will realize, after they hit 40, the mistake they made, if they haven't suicide yet. but hey it's their choice for now lol

                >plausable evidence
                You provided incoherent fricking rambling. I work security in a fricking psych unit and this shit sounds like something I'd hear from one of the patients.

                nice one, i see you haven't caught on with the latest suicide notes, breakcore mixtapes trend yet like what sewers did lmao. also are you projecting?

              • 8 months ago

                It is a nice argument. The game appears to be devved by an eastern european troony that would frequent Ganker just from the scant screenshots posted.
                It isn't really an issue like you think it is.

              • 8 months ago

                >It isn't really an issue like you think it is.
                it isn't but for them being troony and people not realizing it it's kinda amusing. this game has everything for it that implies troony shit but in my honest opinion it's in a kind of good way. at least it's not the obnoxious "put on the troony flag" obvious type shit, they might probably put it in the game at the end. I felt that from the moment i touched the game by the crotch, it didn't have any genitals

              • 8 months ago

                >but for them being troony and people not realizing it it's kinda amusing.
                Everyone could notice though, that is what has the shills in such a tizzy. Every anon is citing the same reasons, or a variety of reasons in conjunction, on why the game is obviously for troons by troons. It's all valid too.

                I am replying to the moron who thinks Christianity and Orthodoxy is troony shit. Follow the replies.

                On Ganker specifically there is a known overlap. I'm following the replies.

                A similar thing happened recently with that Pizza Tower game. Anons found out the dev was a trust fund kid primarily based on his counter bants involving how much money the game made and how cool he was now. This is an image board but we conduct discourse primarily in text and have become hyper aware of text exchanges having meaning.
                It isn't a big deal, the take away is you shouldn't be acting in a manner to set you apart from "anonymous" but you are, and the dev is likewise doing the same for their game. Anons shouldn't be able to tell your game is trooncore just from a few screenshots and exchanges with the marketers. But they can, so it is part of the discourse.

              • 8 months ago

                >Focuses on the "marketers" in saying the game is troony
                Yep, this is it. The projection catch.
                You're literally a troony psyop that in their intense mental illness decided to target this game.

                It's obvious from the overtly "feminine" way you argue and attempt to "just talk about the game" while non-stop bringing up your identity.
                Frick off troony, holy shit.

              • 8 months ago

                You're right about context clues, hell the other anon gave good examples of potential context clues that may point to the game actually being trooncore which I conceded with, even if I think the Orthodox Cross/Christianity thing is a fricking stretch considering I've barely seen any trannies use that imagery. But at the same time:
                >Anons shouldn't be able to tell your game is trooncore just from a few screenshots and exchanges with the marketers.
                This bothers me because I have seen anons call literally everything troony. I've seen people call KCD troony, I've seen people call AC6 troony, etc. Games.that not only lean right or are alternatively just apolitical in the idpol sense are attributed as being troony core either out of spite or moronation and I don't think that's a good measure of what is or isn't troony when this board is filled with moronic redditors and twittertrannies trying to out-compete each other with their anally-compliant homosexualry. By that point, what isn't trooncore then? I mean answer me that and I'd be able to dig through the archives of Ganker and prove you wrong.

              • 8 months ago

                You need to understand how words work on Ganker. troony and discord can mean specifically those things or be a stand in proxy for "thing I don't like."
                You should be able to pick up on which meaning is being used if you aren't looking at the situation in bad faith. If a bunch of people can see the game is troony and give valid reasons then them calling the game troony isn't them calling everything under the sun troony, they are calling something specifically troony troony.
                The way you lot will argue in bad faith is another patented behavioral trait associated with trans types. It generally manifests as abhorrent gaslighting.
                Best of luck on the game. I mean it, there is an audience out there for imsims and reference spam games. I wouldn't even tell you to tone down the trans stuff, lean into it the audience is there.
                A guy like Grim Beard would eat this up.

              • 8 months ago

                why you're acting like you're replying to a dev or something?

              • 8 months ago

                I'm not. Just not precluding that a person associated with the game itself being here.
                I'm just talking to them as an anon. They are trying to go down a rabbit hole of whataboutisms in a strange justification of the labeling, or to not justify it. I was just saying people can tell what it is and that is fine.
                We talk about this type of topic in /weg/ threads. There is a whole class of western erotic novel based on genderbending and soft grooming. It is just a thing that exists so anons talk about it because they talk about everything and exhaust all topics.

              • 8 months ago

                Oh god it's the fricking /weg/ futa spammer.
                I knew it.

              • 8 months ago

                Big no lol. I'm the guy that has a redhead fetish.

              • 8 months ago

                um sauce? vid sauce? plosz?

              • 8 months ago

                You do understand that intense coomerism is also a troony trait, right?
                You're becoming more and more like your "opponent".

                Also - redheads are fricking gay. It should be blonde like god intended.

              • 8 months ago

                I understand it it just hasn't been a part of the discussion and I don't want to be piling on the trans stuff needlessly. That's why I'm telling the not-dev anon it isn't a big deal and I hope them the best of luck.
                Anons can notice, but that's it. It isn't a big deal; listen to the anons giving you actual feedback don't bother with anons just shitting on the game for being a trans game.
                Signalis is a trans game, it still does well in it's own niche. Don't frick with the "vision" just focus on making the gameplay good listen to feedback.

                >You need to understand how words work on Ganker. troony and discord can mean specifically those things or be a stand in proxy for "thing I don't like."
                Oh I know that, which goes with my point about how this discourse is moronic.
                >if you aren't looking at the situation in bad faith
                Anon, I've been engaging in good faith ever since I saw morons shit on KCD back when it first came out and frankly I am tired of doing so at this point when everyone else acts in bad faith.
                >If a bunch of people can see the game is troony and give valid reasons then them calling the game troony
                Here's the interesting part though, I did concede to it when someone gave me a genuine reason to it. Follow the thread, I most certainly did when someone pointed out Sewerslvt's music was in the game. I didn't concede when people were just throwing accusations around like morons with no evidence.
                >The way you lot will argue in bad faith is another patented behavioral trait associated with trans types.
                ...I am sorry, but at this point I am starting to wonder if [...] is correct about you projecting or trying to convert others to troonyism. Because I can certainly tell you I am more confident in myself being a man than any other person on this board frankly.
                >Best of luck on the game
                I love your hypocrisy about arguing in bad faith when you've been doing the same here. I am not the dev and you'd know this since I've been shitting on the dev and his feature creep for the last few thread. But you haven't because you've already made an assumption about my character rather than actually engage in my points. I've done more to defend KCD or other games than this slop. I even shat on the Nierhomosexual that tried to defend the game.
                Plus, I am not even Eastern Euro. Far from it, I am Mediterranean.
                >I wouldn't even tell you to tone down the trans stuff, lean into it the audience is there.
                Garbage advice for any developer. Do not listen to this homosexual.

                I'm not gonna read all that buddy.

              • 8 months ago

                Signalis is a trans game now?
                It's a gay game, sure, a yuri game, absolutely. The main romance is two girls.

                But a trans game..?

                This is such an awakening, man, all these games I played where I didn't even once think
                >Wow this is so trans
                And suddenly here it's all clear that, in fact, I was playing troony propaganda all along!
                Gosh, golly! I should have KNOWN! How foolish of me.

              • 8 months ago

                >But a trans game
                i think he mistook it for troony devs and troony games

              • 8 months ago

                Yes anon, please stop replying to me in poor faith or with leading pilpul to gaslight.
                You know there are trans songs or gay songs? Or movies? Or books? Or comics?
                It happens in games too.
                It isn't a big deal.

              • 8 months ago

                There are gay posts too and yours definitely fit the bill.
                As if you aren't shitposting in extremely bad faith.
                >Bro I'm just saying it's a troony game it's okay to be a troony game haha don't worry about it just be a troony game

                Extremely troony/gay post anon.

              • 8 months ago

                >There are gay posts too and yours definitely fit the bill.
                Agreed. And it would be easy to label one gay if you disagreed with it needlessly.
                Why are you so upset about this?

                >I'm not gonna read all that buddy.
                Well all that does is prove the hypocrisy I was suspecting regarding your stance about bad faith. Given you're acting in bad faith yourself.
                But regardless, I think I am most definitely going to ignore your garbage post after you outed yourself as a /weg/ coomer with a grooming fetish. You have no place to accuse someone of being a troony or of being the dev of this rushed buggy shitty game.

                That's fine. You are taking this much more personally than I am. I don't care either way it isn't a thing to me. I can look at a game and see what it is, it doesn't bother me seeing it. Different strokes for different folks.

              • 8 months ago

                I accept your concession.

              • 8 months ago

                >I'm not gonna read all that buddy.
                Well all that does is prove the hypocrisy I was suspecting regarding your stance about bad faith. Given you're acting in bad faith yourself.
                But regardless, I think I am most definitely going to ignore your garbage post after you outed yourself as a /weg/ coomer with a grooming fetish. You have no place to accuse someone of being a troony or of being the dev of this rushed buggy shitty game.

              • 8 months ago

                >You need to understand how words work on Ganker. troony and discord can mean specifically those things or be a stand in proxy for "thing I don't like."
                Oh I know that, which goes with my point about how this discourse is moronic.
                >if you aren't looking at the situation in bad faith
                Anon, I've been engaging in good faith ever since I saw morons shit on KCD back when it first came out and frankly I am tired of doing so at this point when everyone else acts in bad faith.
                >If a bunch of people can see the game is troony and give valid reasons then them calling the game troony
                Here's the interesting part though, I did concede to it when someone gave me a genuine reason to it. Follow the thread, I most certainly did when someone pointed out Sewerslvt's music was in the game. I didn't concede when people were just throwing accusations around like morons with no evidence.
                >The way you lot will argue in bad faith is another patented behavioral trait associated with trans types.
                ...I am sorry, but at this point I am starting to wonder if

                >Focuses on the "marketers" in saying the game is troony
                Yep, this is it. The projection catch.
                You're literally a troony psyop that in their intense mental illness decided to target this game.

                It's obvious from the overtly "feminine" way you argue and attempt to "just talk about the game" while non-stop bringing up your identity.
                Frick off troony, holy shit.

                is correct about you projecting or trying to convert others to troonyism. Because I can certainly tell you I am more confident in myself being a man than any other person on this board frankly.
                >Best of luck on the game
                I love your hypocrisy about arguing in bad faith when you've been doing the same here. I am not the dev and you'd know this since I've been shitting on the dev and his feature creep for the last few thread. But you haven't because you've already made an assumption about my character rather than actually engage in my points. I've done more to defend KCD or other games than this slop. I even shat on the Nierhomosexual that tried to defend the game.
                Plus, I am not even Eastern Euro. Far from it, I am Mediterranean.
                >I wouldn't even tell you to tone down the trans stuff, lean into it the audience is there.
                Garbage advice for any developer. Do not listen to this homosexual.

              • 8 months ago

                I am the anon you're replying to (ignore the other gays). You seem far more reasonable than the other people fearmongering about trannies. So I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Yes, this does seem to be more reasonable evidence to the fact. The Lain graffiti could just be dismissed by the fact that SEL is very much quintessentially part of the aesthetic they are going for. But the other stuff definitely could point to that fact.

                Go to /misc/ and you'll find european trannies larping about being traditional christians or "will I be accepted in the ethnostate?" type threads.
                It's 99% a trans person that is anon. The image in my mind is almost a parody of what a trans person on Ganker would be.
                >troony via animu
                >dystopian world
                >suicidal ideation music
                >religious iconography

                It is a nice argument. The game appears to be devved by an eastern european troony that would frequent Ganker just from the scant screenshots posted.
                It isn't really an issue like you think it is.

                We've reached such a level in troony discourse that everything is troony and I find that fricking absurd. There's gatekeeping and then there's fricking pic related.

              • 8 months ago

                >We've reached such a level in troony discourse that everything is troony and I find that fricking absurd.
                Nah we're specifically talking about Peripeteia. Read OP's post.

              • 8 months ago

                I am replying to the moron who thinks Christianity and Orthodoxy is troony shit. Follow the replies.

              • 8 months ago

                If it wasn't absurd to you from the start, then you caused this

              • 8 months ago

                Caused it how? By shitting on this game for reasons other than it being a troony game? Really?

              • 8 months ago

                they worked with sewerslvt and have breakcore osts in this game. it's troony

              • 8 months ago

                >defending the game before it has even came out
                Why tf do you bother just accept that other people will have their opinions and stop acting like state of your pride is in jeopardy. It's either that or you're just a shill, which means you can frick off of this board you asiatic moron

          • 8 months ago

            This game is blatantly for trannies though.
            >And anyway I like the contrast between the decaying destroyed world and the mc being an uguu anime girl visually even though she's a bitter alcoholic otherwise. She has a body that clashes with the world and even her own personality.
            Trans core, intentionally so.

            • 8 months ago

              That moronic sentence was not mine and I don't share the same taste as a homosexual that unironically thinks Nier is good.

          • 8 months ago

            >I don't put much stock on people calling this game for trannies.
            troony is just thing i dont like now. like homosexual or moron, it has no meaning anymore. its just another empty word for edgy teens to throw around like it has weight.

            • 8 months ago

              No this specific game is pro-trans intentionally. It doesn't apply to the vast majority of games but does for this one specifically.

              • 8 months ago

                what did the troons mean by this

              • 8 months ago

                Probably something mentally ill. It is a mental illness so the things they mean generally center around the illness manifesting.

              • 8 months ago

                >Orthodox Cross
                >mental illness/troonyism

              • 8 months ago

                The rubber banding between being a degenerate coombrain pedophile and trying to be a "tradwife" is already documented. Orthodox cross just points to the trooner being of eastern european descent rather than not. Still looks like a garden variety trooner replete with known and identifiable trooner traits.

              • 8 months ago

                It's the orthodox cross. What about it?

              • 8 months ago

                It thinks there being a christian cross in game means it can't possibly be trans core.

    • 8 months ago

      Not even the dev could tell you what the game is supposed to be, it's just a clusterfrick of "inspirations".

  7. 8 months ago

    You made think it was out
    you Black person

  8. 8 months ago

    Frick this gay shit play SCROOMAGE

    • 8 months ago

      >please play eye strain: the game
      no thanks

      • 8 months ago

        There is a burgeoning subgenre called mental illness core.

        • 8 months ago

          cruelty squad wannabe games?

          • 8 months ago

            Sort of. Just mental illness core. Cruelty Squad wasn't the first in that mold just the loudest. These games go past having a bad art style into being aggressively ugly. They might be a big brain scheme to trigger seizures in people.

        • 8 months ago

          what other games are in that list

          • 8 months ago

            post void

          • 8 months ago

            golden light

    • 8 months ago

      is this by the post void devs? looks kinda similar.

  9. 8 months ago

    This is made by/for trannies, isn't it?

    • 8 months ago

      41% sure it is 100% for trans folx

  10. 8 months ago

    >look at steam page
    >see this
    nah thanks, I'm good.

    • 8 months ago

      capitalism deserves death, israelite

      • 8 months ago

        be the change you want to see in the world - give away your capital. own nothing, and be happy.

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Whoah, is that a neo-commie NPC acting like a neo-commie and therefore hating capitalism even though that doesn't imply the game maker himself espouses any of the beliefs of the characters within the game? Holy cringe Reddit!

      Grow up homosexual. That's the exact narrowminded attitude lefties have regarding the portrayal of any right-leaning character in media, you're an embarassment just as much as them

      • 8 months ago

        >That's the exact narrowminded attitude lefties have regarding the portrayal of any right-leaning character in media, you're an embarassment just as much as them

        No, anon, this is a distinctly rightist attitude.

  11. 8 months ago

    Paid shill.

  12. 8 months ago

    its pretty funny witnessing the turn on this game in near real time. Ganker was pretty into this game during one of the first nextfests, or whenever this game was first featured, and the dev would pop into threads to answer questions.

    proof you should never market to Ganker. no matter what you do, theyll always turn on you in the end.

    • 8 months ago

      >turn on the game
      It's a trooncore game, there was a 0% chance it was going to be accepted on Ganker. But yeah actually trying to shill it here is damaging to the dev's prospects it would have been smarter not trying this here.

      • 8 months ago

        It is good that the developer knows there was a 0 percent chance of being accepted for who they are.
        They need to be told that daily until they get their shit together.

      • 8 months ago

        >there was a 0% chance it was going to be accepted on Ganker.
        it was though. i clearly remember the vast majority of opinions being positive for it. mostly because it didnt click with me at all and i was trying to understand the appeal.

        • 8 months ago

          No lol. Every post in this thread is rejecting the game because it is for trannies.
          There was never a chance it was going to be accepted here, or anywhere.

          • 8 months ago

            didnt realize i was replying to a bot. my bad. disregard.

  13. 8 months ago

    Your game is dogshit.

  14. 8 months ago

    I've got no problem with anime aesthetics but these models just look like complete shit. On top of being outright shitty quality they don't really seem like they've got a cohesive theme going on with their design. It's like if someone ripped an anime style model from one game and then just mishmashed it with models from other games with completely different styles.

    • 8 months ago

      The schizoid nature of these games is intentional. It is supposed to mind break you into being a trans folx. Tonal whiplash and schismatic elements aid that.

      >Orthodox Cross
      >mental illness/troonyism

      Yep. The mental illness generally involves deep and meticulous copes about their personal world views. I'm sure the content surrounding that stuff is peak insanity just like

      >look at steam page
      >see this
      nah thanks, I'm good.

      • 8 months ago

        >The mental illness generally involves deep and meticulous copes about their personal world views.

        >he says while coping with mental gymnastics to make a cross be a troony dogwhistle

  15. 8 months ago

    reading this thread i'm surprised not a single woj-ack has been posted yet, sharties don't want to play their hand yet i guess

  16. 8 months ago

    NuGanker is absolutely mindbroken by transpeople

    • 8 months ago

      god, you're the newhomosexual piss-stain loser over here.
      stop lumping latest and oldest trends together and making them about your snowflake special moment like getting out of the closest together along with your groupies. it identifies you as an actual homosexual freak, twinky

  17. 8 months ago

    Oh god I enjoyed the demo, come here to see if people liked it and here of course there's some fricking moron going on and on about trannies fricking clockwork.

    • 8 months ago

      Not an issue the game is clearly trooncore. People are just talking about the game.

      • 8 months ago

        Just out of interest, do you frequent Disco Elysium threads too?

        • 8 months ago

          No I'm not a visual novel guy.

          • 8 months ago

            Evidently you're not Peripeteia type of a guy either yet here you are.

            • 8 months ago

              Curious isn't it?
              Why are you such a bigot about the trans stuff?

              • 8 months ago

                Nice, you managed to make one post without trannies, good job moron.

              • 8 months ago

                But why are you so bigoted in regards to the trans topic?
                We have to assume the marketer that made the thread wanted us to talk about the game. Why are you so opposed to us talking about the game?

              • 8 months ago

                Where did the troony mindrot touch you?
                Show it on a doll.

  18. 8 months ago

    so is the game any good

    • 8 months ago

      Negative. As scatterbrained as you'd expect from a game of this type.

    • 8 months ago

      I'll tell you once it's out.

  19. 8 months ago

    Shut up about trannies already, fricking hell.

  20. 8 months ago

    Well I'll fricking talk about the game then.

    I enjoyed the tutorial level, movement felt generally pretty smooth aside from the jumping and grabbing being a bit difficult when carrying something (like an android). The setting is pretty interesting, as everything seems fricked up but it's not a situation where the city is the center of the earth. The lights going through the level was funky, not sure if that's intended.

    Had a few great moments, like going up endless apartment floors with the android and pulling the plug of a catatonic guy watching static, or the priest with the bodies being cryogenically frozen because they couldn't do anything else to "lay them to rest".

    Still buggy though, for sure.

    • 8 months ago

      It might probably be troony at the very end but im going to try the newestdemo patch lmao. thank you, video game discussioner

      • 8 months ago

        Incidentally, I didn't even think of trannies before going to Ganker.
        Didn't spot any troony characters, didn't see any flags, no talk about identity or anything of the sort. No diversity, no gender chitchat.

        Apparently I just missed all those OTHER dogwhistles like
        >Trannies like these kinds of colors
        >Trannies enjoy this sort of music

        God some of these fricking morons are so mentally ill.

        • 8 months ago

          >God some of these fricking morons are so mentally ill
          but it's really like this. grow few screws and you will understand or just lurk moar.
          anyway, giv mii dah immersive sim, NOW

  21. 8 months ago

    this game is made by a schizo and is a gigantic mess. you are NOT ready to make a game of this scale much less sell it.
    Your art assets are terrible. I'd tell you to get an actual 3d and 2d artist to help you but your game design is also horrible.
    you can't just copy games you like and mish-mash them together and expect it to be good.

  22. 8 months ago

    you'd think people would know about something as basic as "don't reply to trolls, attention prostitutes and morons", but alas

    • 8 months ago

      Ganker is one of the worst boards when it comes to falling for bait

  23. 8 months ago

    God what an eyesore of thread. I have literally never seen a troon IRL, they might as well be a Ganker folktale as far as I'm concerned

    • 8 months ago

      i've seen them over here, sadly. it depends on where you live. it's more about which country has the most troony video game devs who make games with or without troony visuals or ideologies

  24. 8 months ago

    I'm not expecting this game to be even close to the masterpiece that is Deus Ex but if it can scratch that same itch that I felt playing it, then it's alright in my book.

  25. 8 months ago

    i fricking had 20 hours for the previous demo so will i enjoy the new demo?

    • 8 months ago

      It's actually way smaller, you only get a medium-sized tutorial level and the apartment, but the tutorial level is mostly new content.

      >There are gay posts too and yours definitely fit the bill.
      Agreed. And it would be easy to label one gay if you disagreed with it needlessly.
      Why are you so upset about this?
      That's fine. You are taking this much more personally than I am. I don't care either way it isn't a thing to me. I can look at a game and see what it is, it doesn't bother me seeing it. Different strokes for different folks.

      >Bro I'm just saying it's a troony game it's okay to be a troony game haha don't worry about it just be a troony game

      • 8 months ago

        It doesn't bother me if the game is a straight up trans allegory. The game isn't mind controlling me lol it wouldn't be about me it would be about whoever the cyborg girl is.
        It's just a video game lol.

        • 8 months ago

          Great, guess you made your point, you can go now.

          • 8 months ago

            What a strange post

            I accept your concession.

            That's fine.

  26. 8 months ago

    i am still patiently waiting for a gothic-like immersive sim, since they're from Poland they probably deliver in the future

  27. 8 months ago

    >Enter thread
    >75% of the thread posts are hidden with bare minimum filters
    Ganker proving once again they are physically incapable of not being diet /misc/.

    Actually talking about vidya I thought the demo was fine. Had to quit out of the game three times because of AI/getting soft locked plus a bug where guns wouldn't work for anyone. Some of the spaces like really deep down felt like I shouldn't have been there because of how empty they were but overall I'm still hopeful that the full game will have a much clearer idea. And also have less bugs, for obvious reasons.

    • 8 months ago

      >game is a trans allegory
      >it isn't okay for anons to talk about even though only a demo exists so there isn't even a fricking game to talk about

  28. 8 months ago


  29. 8 months ago

    Test succesful, thank you.

  30. 8 months ago

    just kidding Peripeteia is not a troony game

  31. 8 months ago

    no quick save.. well that's worrisome

  32. 8 months ago

    lol xD this is such a quirky chungus zoomer game just for me xD

  33. 8 months ago

    all those drag and drop zoomertard effects
    >vhs fuzz because ???
    >chromatic aberration because ???
    >noise because ???
    There is no design philosophy to any of these indieshitter games

    • 8 months ago

      lol xD this is such a quirky chungus zoomer game just for me xD

      >zoom*r that zoom*r this
      enough with that overused buzzword, newbie

  34. 8 months ago

    >devs are openly christians
    >lead dev has a chi-ro avatar
    >game's website describes him as a married farmer with children
    >demo has an orthodox cross and chapel
    >lists an obscure Polish catholic mystic movement and anti-communist movements as inspirations for the game in a recent article
    So you're telling me the lead dev is pretending to be a married Christian farmer online for troony brownie points? That sounds like a very likely story, anon.

    • 8 months ago

      If he's really the opposite of a troony he should put a troony hanging himself in this game.

      • 8 months ago

        Close: there's a statue of a crossdresser (if one of Epstein's paintings is to be believed) hanging by the balls in the game. There's a guy on youtube who autistically archives everything the devs post, and I believe he has a screenshot of it saved in one of his videos.

    • 8 months ago

      >married farmer with children
      a married weeb farmer?

  35. 8 months ago

    why my character cant hide? the hiding mechanic is fricked up?

    • 8 months ago

      The dev designing entire cities in the background of the map forgot the stealth mechanic even existed.

  36. 8 months ago

    son of a fricking prostitute wtf was that? nice jumpscare with that train, dev-kunt

  37. 8 months ago

    The people who flock to the peri discord are everything wrong with north America. Holy shit

    • 8 months ago

      kys, gayby

      • 8 months ago

        don't make me get my rake

  38. 8 months ago

    LMAOOO you're so funny!!!!11 well at least it didn't work this time.

  39. 8 months ago

    lighting is still fricked where one step means the level is either light up or completely black
    also i hate how everytime Marie grabs a ledge she makes a crunching sound like her joints are exploding
    ngl i prefer the older demo, at least the first level wasnt gigantic and it was a good way to ease you into the gameplay

    • 8 months ago

      This. I know the devs are reading so please, for the love of god, don't make the tutorial level so fricking big. The old tutorial was fine

      • 8 months ago

        Sort of: I have some connection to them and might help out with the linux build someday, but I'm not a dev. Right now they're pretty busy trying to unfrick the save system (it's faster than the old one but a big fricking mess) before they get around to the lighting/stealth system, as that's a whole other can of worms.

        It's one level (and the apartment) as opposed to the three (and the apartment) we got in the previous demo, and it's a lot buggier.
        Marie has a new model that looks even more like a sex pervert in a kigurumi, and you can't shoot up or down stairs.

        >played the demo like 2 years ago
        >character model was jarring as frick initially and made me cringe hard
        >got used to it after an hour or so though
        >even somewhat ended up embracing the weird contrast between everything
        >they change it
        >can't get accustomed to this one for whatever reason

        Sure thing
        >Steam Banner
        >Old Model
        >New Model

        I have no idea why her eyes are blue on any of the models either.

        I will admit I'm still not a big fan of the current character model. A lot of the game's fans like it, but it's never sat entirely well with me, and I agree with you guys on the new Hallway Weirdo looking flat out bad. If there's one character model they tweak, I really, really hope it's the Hallway Weirdo.

        • 8 months ago

          Haven't seen the new hallway weirdo yet but I can already guess that it looks god awful.

  40. 8 months ago

    come on Ganker dev you can do better!

  41. 8 months ago

    say hello to my yugoslav

    • 8 months ago

      >played the demo like 2 years ago
      >character model was jarring as frick initially and made me cringe hard
      >got used to it after an hour or so though
      >even somewhat ended up embracing the weird contrast between everything
      >they change it
      >can't get accustomed to this one for whatever reason

  42. 8 months ago

    >Start game
    >Bar exit leads to a closed off area where the only way to progress is a telephone pole with a ladder on it that blocks an actual passage so you have to climb the ladder to get through
    >The levels themselves are massive unnecessarily large areas that have barely anything in them and make traversal tedious as frick
    >The aesthetic looks like shit and doesn't mesh with the anime look of the protag
    What exactly is the appeal of this game?

    • 8 months ago

      the levels being massive means more ebin easter eggs and to explore every single inch of the map for ebin immersion

    • 8 months ago

      I think the devs are fans of EYE Divine Cybermancy

      • 8 months ago

        Me too, so I love it.

    • 8 months ago

      >>The aesthetic looks like shit and doesn't mesh with the anime look of the protag
      its intentional, if you looked at the discord for dev updates there are animes that look up like messed up anime dolls, something about cyberpunk being le dystopia? no idea
      one dude even got banned for complaining about the player character model

  43. 8 months ago

    >oh nice a peri thread
    >ctrl + f 'tran'
    >135 results
    i'm fricking done with this shit

    • 8 months ago

      Culture wars (and politics in general) are a fricking blight upon society, and so is every last person who actively partakes in them.

  44. 8 months ago

    The new demo is worse than the old one.
    The new light gem is worse than the old one
    It's less stable
    The new character model somehow looks worse
    First hacking password of the game is "fujo" so we can look forward to ironic meme trash in a dark imsim
    Character voice is still awful

    I am glad they fixed the scopes though.

    • 8 months ago

      They updated the demo?

      • 8 months ago

        It's one level (and the apartment) as opposed to the three (and the apartment) we got in the previous demo, and it's a lot buggier.
        Marie has a new model that looks even more like a sex pervert in a kigurumi, and you can't shoot up or down stairs.

        • 8 months ago

          >new model
          Any comparison?

          • 8 months ago

            Sure thing
            >Steam Banner
            >Old Model
            >New Model

            I have no idea why her eyes are blue on any of the models either.

            • 8 months ago

              Somehow that new model looks worse than the old one

              • 8 months ago

                The concept art shows her as a calm, cool soldier, like the Major from GitS. The old model looks more like an angry cat.
                The new model looks like a different cat that's been eating lead paint.

              • 8 months ago

                Maybe this game didn't need a third person mode...

              • 8 months ago

                actually third person helps with the parkour platforming

            • 8 months ago

              New marie looks fine, its just that the new demo has shit lighting because it was optimized for toasters. I do somewhat miss how her eyes used to be angularized. It gave her a bit of a distinctive look in my mind.

  45. 8 months ago

    oh my heck is this the new hecking ugly on purpose indieshit!

  46. 8 months ago

    an actual 2005 borner refuge in here

  47. 8 months ago

    oh my heck is that a fake retro aesthetic lost cursed horror game!!

  48. 8 months ago

    >this is the future with AI art
    >inb4 this post also gets put thru a AI filter

  49. 8 months ago

    >walk into metro tunnel because creepy and uncomfortable environments are this game's specialty
    >hug the wall
    >train spawns and instakills me even though i'm hugging the wall that leaves much more room than the platform
    >plays an insanely loud noise that seems to ignore your volume settings
    >now there's a constant buzzing noise
    epic. much better than the last demo.

    • 8 months ago

      Was that in the latest demo build? I could have sworn they'd fixed the buzz, but that might also be in a forthcoming patch. IIRC it's a problem with that oscilloscope in the game's aug wheel. Really gotta play that shit later today.

    • 8 months ago

      The stuff to drive you insane seems intentional. The dev is a psychopath.

  50. 8 months ago

    kek this dude looks terminally depressed. Suicidal even.

  51. 8 months ago

    Their lead dev invited me in their discord because he was interested in the game I was making.
    I got fricked over for a year but now I'm back working on ot, but I still feel like a fool over it. Frick.

    • 8 months ago

      what game?

  52. 8 months ago

    Don't forget to check out /t/ for the torrent of this game once it drops. Keep your hard earned money for things worth spending it on.

    • 8 months ago

      No one would actually play this insano shit it's all fake marketing.
      The game looks aggressively bad. I don't want to say the guy is wasting his life but he probably is.

    • 8 months ago

      /t/ still exist?

      • 8 months ago

        Yes? it should really be split into a blue board /t/ and normal /t/ though. I'm so tired of 90% of the threads being porn shit.

  53. 8 months ago

    just finished the new demo, it was ok

  54. 8 months ago

    I tried it, I really did, for about 40 minutes, and I still have no clue what the frick I'm supposed to be doing. The dude said something about climbing the rooftops, frick knows how. I managed to find a saber, came to a dead-end, then went through a shitload of tunnels, which lead to more dead-ends, and contained absolutely frick all of interest. Would it have killed the dev to put up a signpost somewhere?

    • 8 months ago

      it exactly what you need to do, go through roof tops to get to your next objective. no spoonfeeding from me

      • 8 months ago

        And you won't be getting any money from me either when I ignore your shitty game and forget its existence after I close this thread.

        • 8 months ago

          i'm not the dev though
          ugh go here, move the largest box to the broken side of the wall, go up and that's it your objective adventure starts there. that's all for now my brainlet friend

    • 8 months ago

      Anon the rooftops with the saber, you just need to climb on the sign.

  55. 8 months ago

    what was his problem?

  56. 8 months ago

    >no release
    I fell for lunacid im not falling for this you fricking israeli indie rats

  57. 8 months ago

    man i miss the old deomo.. it was superior.. BRING IT BACK

    • 8 months ago

      It's still on the page, thankfully.

      • 8 months ago

        You're a life saver anon. thank you graciously.

    • 8 months ago

      It's still on the page, thankfully.

      You're a life saver anon. thank you graciously.

      dont forget to back that up

  58. 8 months ago

    thread sucks

  59. 8 months ago

    1. this shit is not going to be finished
    2. new demo just shows that there's no clear direction + shit ton of technical issues
    3. i'm fricking disappointed
    4. 🙁

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