Persona Seires & SMT

As the title say's why is there SO much in fighting between these two groups aren't there games pseudo sequel's towards each other taking place in the same world but different evens happening?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Because Persona demographic are completely different than SMT's.
    The appeal of SMT is fighting/befriending demons and choosing the alignment you like, while the appeal of Persona (starting from 3), is more about forming relationships with characters and being a high school student than fighting demons (or shadows).
    It's kind of like asking why shounen fans don't get along with moe fans.

  2. 8 months ago

    because persoynoids are homosexual weebs. next.

  3. 8 months ago

    Because Persona is more popular.

  4. 8 months ago

    >why is there SO much in fighting between these two groups
    Because SMT fans are insufferable.

  5. 8 months ago

    Because at least half of the Persona fanbase hates RPGs and only plays for dating sim aspects.

    • 8 months ago

      Then why not just play an actual VN like Umineko?

      • 8 months ago

        Not as easily available nor as well known.

  6. 8 months ago

    There's infighting between every single fandom on this site
    SMT and Persona
    Bioshock 1 and 2 instead of just liking both
    Silent Hill 1v2v3
    Resident Evil classics vs 5/6 vs 7/8 vs 2R/3R/4R
    Every Yakuza game
    Every TES game
    Every Fallout game
    Battlefield 2 vs 3/4 vs 1 vs V

    Literally name a game series with more than good game and people will be at each others throats calling one of them shit instead of just admitting that it's okay to like multiple

    • 8 months ago

      Pitiful. I guess Sonic fans really are the only unified group on this site.

      • 8 months ago

        Nope, not all all.
        Classic fans and Modern fans don't like each other, Modern fans are even more divided because some people like and hate certain games like Heroes or Unleashed

    • 8 months ago

      I can think of a fanbase that isn't constantly at one another's throats.

  7. 8 months ago

    People Us vs Them even if they're on the same side.

  8. 8 months ago

    >aren't there games pseudo sequel's towards each other taking place in the same world but different evens happening?

    • 8 months ago

      They are kind of though, SMT if... spins off from the world of SMT1 and Persona starts after if...

      • 8 months ago

        ShinyMegamanTesticles gays are insufferable with their "look how this braindead gameplay is actually clever and sooooo hard" while Pissowner gays are insufferable with their "look at my virtual friends and waifus yooooo". Most of MegaTen franchise games are also separate from eachother with very tiny ties between one another like SMT1 protag laying dead for years in a cave in SMT2.
        Also Persona despite being a spinoff series ending up WAAAAYYYY more popular than SMT itself is also annoying to SMT hardcore gays because anyone who starts with Persona is a "newbie".

        SMT if... is actually an alternate timeline where nukes weren't dropped thus most of SMT 1 stuff didn't happen (thus the entire SMT and its closely related series like Raidou game never happening at all). Persona 2 also had the entire world and humanity destroyed in its own original timeline which resulted in another timeline appearing which is where Persona 2 Eternal Sin, 3, 4, and 5 take place.

        • 8 months ago

          I know all that about if... and P2, but that still does make Persona a pseudo-sequel to SMT seeing as it is a sequel to a SMT spinoff. P2EP-P5 are also still sequels to P1 and 2 even with the universe having been recreated at the end of IS.

        • 8 months ago

          There is nothing to suggest P1-P2 and P3 onwards take place in the same universe. The lore and worldbuilding is completely different. Them saying "Nanjo Group" once doesn't really change that

          • 8 months ago

            P1 and IS obviously take place in a different universe, but EP onwards is all the same universe. There aren't strong ties between them, but it's an anthological series. P5 doesn't have much connection to P3 and 4 beyond references like the poster for Rise or Adachi on the TV, but it has that for P2 as well with Katsuya on the TV.

            • 8 months ago

              P1 still happened in EP's universe

              • 8 months ago

                It very explicitly does not, the universe gets reset at the end of IS and EP takes place in the new one.

              • 8 months ago

                the events of IS got reset, not P1
                EP has multiple party members from P1 that explicitly talk about the events of P1, did you even play the game?

              • 8 months ago

                Yes, I did, but that the events of P1 still took place doesn't change that it's in a new universe. Everything prior to the IS party meeting as children still happened the same way, but it was still a new universe, and the original universe, which P1 and IS took place in, continued to exist and Tatsuya went back to it in the end. EP takes place in the new one, that P1's characters still exist and the events of P1 played out the same way in the new one doesn't change that.

              • 8 months ago

                That explanation is correct, but that's not what you said. You said P1 takes place in an alternate universe, but it takes place regardless of what universe it is.

              • 8 months ago

                I said P1 takes place in a different universe than EP, which I would still say it does, that the events of P1 still happened in P1's universe doesn't change that. P1 wasn't switching between two identical universes and EP's universe only came into existence at the end of IS, so it makes more sense that the events of P1 you play are in IS's universe, meaning P1 did not take place in EP's universe, even if identical events took place in EP's universe.

              • 8 months ago

                If the events of P1 are identical in either universe, it's impossible to say that the events of P1 you play happen in one universe or the other. P2 didn't exist when P1 was made, so you couldn't even argue that the game was written with the idea that it takes place on "the other side". You especially can't argue that it "explicitly" doesn't take place in EP's universe. It's more reasonable to just say that P1 takes place in both universes.

              • 8 months ago

                That P2 didn't exist when P1 was made is why it clearly takes place in IS's universe, it wouldn't take place in a then non-existent universe, and then IS takes place in a different universe that then explains the creation of the universe that P1 took place when it could just take place in the same universe as IS, and then everything going forward would only take place in the new universe, which only came into existence after IS, from that point because that's when that universe actually came into existence. It wasn't there when P1 took place unless you assume it's some weird non-linear storytelling for no reason. The events unfold the same way in both universes, but it still only takes place in one, there's nothing in P1 to suggest you're actually switching perspectives from one universe to another as the game goes on, and so it makes more sense for it to take place in IS's universe seeing as, when those events first took place in any universe, EP's universe didn't even exist.

              • 8 months ago

                So where does that leave Strange Journey...,....?

              • 8 months ago

                Strange Journey doesn't really have any ties to SMT, if... or Persona. It's most closely associated with IV.

          • 8 months ago

            p3 iwatodia tv has references to nearly all p1 and p2 characters.
            saying they're not in the same universe is pure copium

  9. 8 months ago

    SMTards are a bunch of tryhard homosexuals who think they're patricians for playing occult pokemon and seethe that occult pokemon highschool edition is more popular.

  10. 8 months ago

    SMT is the most tribalist game on Ganker its nuts, especially considering how all of them are great and stand at the top of RPGs. But in between each game everyone seethes about the other entries.

  11. 8 months ago

    I just know that SMT music > Persona music.

  12. 8 months ago

    SMT is like a Moorwiener novel and persona after 2 is like a visual novel dating sim. They cater to completely different audiences and the people who play SMT usually have zero interest in persona because it has few of the weird science fantasy elements the series is known for.

    • 8 months ago

      Megatengay here, I love both series.

      • 8 months ago


  13. 8 months ago

    It's all pretend bullshit
    All SMT chads eat all the persona ATLUS gives them and it's a pretty fricking good meal.
    It is pretty fun to make fun of persona nu gays though so we need to keep appearances.

    • 8 months ago

      I started with P4, but have ascended.
      You ain't a real one unless you know what to do with this
      9QT7Q K18WA
      RX6CA JFH87
      4DCSE 1U70U
      EG4U2 01XX

  14. 8 months ago

    Persona fans are fans of what Persona brings to the table (ie social sim elements and tropey highschooler characters). If they liked anything else (the use of mythology, the demon designs, the gameplay) they'd just be MegaTen fans who like Persona. And they exist. I started with P4 and played the other series afterwards.

    So it's really between "people who only play Persona" and "people who play more of the overarching franchise".

    • 8 months ago

      >If they liked anything else (the use of mythology, the demon designs, the gameplay) they'd just be MegaTen fans who like Persona.
      That's assuming there's a mechanism for them to make them jump. The release history of SMT since P4 has been more limited than you'd expect, many of which were in an extremely limited capacity due to poor performance. If you weren't big into Nintendo handhelds in that time I wouldn't be surprised if the series entire fricking existence slipped most fans by until they learned from the internet.

  15. 8 months ago

    Persona fans are kinda annoying. I used to watch Sega TGS streams and all people did was ask for Persona filling up the chat with spam.

    SMT fans are like Souls fans, very childish fanbase that gets upset over minor things, or elitism over a JRPG series that isn't particularly difficult. It's a very tribal and overly-defensive fanbase that can't even agree on what games they like. There's likely a lot of acrimony over how Persona more or less overshadows mainline, which is understandable (in part).

    • 8 months ago

      >elitism and tribalism
      Easily one of the most annoying things about the SMT fanbase. It's difficult to go a single thread without shitflinging about whether it's acceptable to like a particular numbered entry in the series.

      • 8 months ago

        SMT fans eat their own over the slightest disagreements.

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