Why did PoE not get popular? You can see all the effort into the world building. Such intricate lore that strives to be realistic & believable while also appealing to the preferences of the current era. They even did RTwP because the audience couldn't handle big mainstream AAA turn based RPGs.

If you like Icewind Dale or Baldur's Gate, you should like Pillars of Eternity. But many did not!

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  1. 4 months ago

    And why are the fan ratings of the companions so all over the place?

    >Eder (2) good
    >Eder also wasted potential
    >Durance and GM either in top or very bottom

    • 4 months ago

      The "Good" Eder is from the second game, the "Wasted Potential" is from the first.

      • 4 months ago

        So what makes him wasted in the first game? He was my favorite. So dreamy.

        • 4 months ago

          In he first game you could not see his penis. In the second game you can install a mod that removes underwear and reveals his canon penis.

          • 4 months ago

            I thought that the no underwear was just a bug for the ugly green goblina. Are there any sexy female companions whom you can also undress with the mod?

        • 4 months ago

          gay nuggir homosexual youre the prime audience for sóyer slop

    • 4 months ago

      Durance & GM were written by a serial rapist. Some folks don't look kindly on that.

    • 4 months ago

      What human being is rating fricking Xoti that high? Pillars 2's cast is pretty weak on the whole but she is by far and away the worst of the group.

    • 4 months ago

      This tier list HAS to be bait

      • 4 months ago

        this entire bread is bait sonny jim

      • 4 months ago

        Every post on Ganker since the early 2010s has been "bait", newfriend.

    • 4 months ago

      Post your companion list bros, I only played the good game (the first one)

      • 4 months ago

        Here's mine, bro. Didn't use any of the followers or whatever they were called much so I can't really judge them.

        • 4 months ago

          Avellone is a terrible writer.

          • 4 months ago

            Okay, anon.

        • 4 months ago

          What makes Endurance and Grand Mother good characters? I bet you just like them because you want to spite talented writer anons like

          Avellone is a terrible writer.

          • 4 months ago

            I find it funny that the people that complain about the game being full of exposition dumps also tend to think Durance is the best companion.

            • 4 months ago

              What makes Endurance and Grand Mother good characters? I bet you just like them because you want to spite talented writer anons like [...]

              The really funny part is that who people do not understand why he is one of the most interesting characters in game is an indicator that you are quite literally to low-IQ to get it.

              Its like with NGE when the memery about 2deep4u became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

      • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago

        I played PoE last year and can't even remember half the cast, I liked the black birb paladin and the farmboy though.
        What a waste of 80 hours.

    • 4 months ago

      There are 7 characters on here I have never seen before and I played both games

      • 4 months ago

        Same lol. No clue who the black chick is in okay tier, white haired chick in bad tier, pirate chick in awful tier and red haired guy/green skin girl in wasted potential.

        • 4 months ago

          There are 7 characters on here I have never seen before and I played both games

          They're sidekicks from Pillars 2, which basically translates to watered down companions. IIRC they don't really do or say much outside of when they initially join up with you. Some of them have some specific areas of the game, mostly DLCs, where they get a little bit more content. I know the pale elf gets some lines in Beast of Winter, and the black woman that's not Pallegina has the Forgotten Sanctum.

          • 4 months ago

            Damn, imagine including side characters in a tier list.

    • 4 months ago

      Haven't gotten around to Dead Fire yet. What's the deal with the qt Snow Elf and the Pirate Not!Goblin?

      >tfw enjoyed Grieving Mother and Pallegina
      Eder, Sagani and Aloth were my bro's tho.

    • 4 months ago

      This tier list HAS to be bait

      this entire bread is bait sonny jim

      Every post on Ganker since the early 2010s has been "bait", newfriend.

      Its not bait, it was just made by someone who eats cum.

    • 3 months ago

      Isn't the Elf wizard just a carbon copy of Sand from Neverwinter Nights 2?

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah Aloth Corfiser reminds me of Sand

  2. 4 months ago

    >Why did PoE not get popular?

    Because, when people posted on forum they wanted a "serious" RPG without the quips, the humour, the 4th wall breaking etc., and one that doesn't involve a "save the world" scenario, and one that doesn't simply copy D&D mechanics - they took those people seriously.

    • 4 months ago

      >2x woke + 1x reddit + shallow unfinished 2D mechanics and shallow interactions. Tepid, asexual, antiseptic environments that don't take much advantage of modern capabilities.

      >2x woke + 2x reddit + deep 2D mechanics and deeper interactions. More entertaining environments that are more compelling.

      >1x woke + 3x reddit + deeply polished 3D mechanics and deeply polished interactions. The most compelling environments and character interactions, including yes fricking waifus and bears.

      The final reckoning has been in for some time now.
      DD2 arrives soon to put them all in your memberberries category anyway.

      • 4 months ago

        nope, try again.

      • 4 months ago

        >More entertaining environments than pillars
        What are you up on dude? Wrath environments feel artificially generated most of the times, a cave with same texture, an open area with same texture
        A house/interior with not much discerning changes from the last house/interior you where in

    • 4 months ago

      >they took those people seriously.
      Then they added their self-inserts that completely broke any attempt of consistency within the game world.

      • 4 months ago

        For example...?

        >You can see all the effort into the world building.

        All the effort to make the setting as dreary and miserable as possible. All the dramatic events happened in the backstory rather than the story, which is just a depressing exploration of consequences of things we didn't see and don't care about.

        It's like some teenager read LotR, loved the amount of detail and "world building", turned the edgy sadboy angst dial up to 11 (stillborn kids, mild bad language) and forgot to write a story. Pure autism like that will only appeal to a small audience.

        >All the dramatic events happened in the backstory rather than the story
        You've just described all the "Soulslike" games, as well as Baldur's Gate II, Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption, as well as The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.

        • 4 months ago

          >You've just described all the "Soulslike" games, as well as Baldur's Gate II, Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption, as well as The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
          And also to a large extent Lord of the Rings, ironically.

          • 4 months ago

            >And also to a large extent Lord of the Rings, ironically.

            Have you never read those books? Or seen the films? There's this whole adventure and they save the world in the end (spoilers).

            • 4 months ago

              They vaguely remember the movies and then furiously search wikis for support for some nonsensical take that is easily dismantled when called out.
              We've gone through this song and dance countless times.

            • 4 months ago

              >There's this whole adventure
              LotR is mostly walking around and describing food.

              • 4 months ago

                What else is adventure, really?

        • 4 months ago

          >You've just described all the "Soulslike" games, as well as Baldur's Gate II, Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption, as well as The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
          And also to a large extent Lord of the Rings, ironically.

          there is nothing bad about not being in the epicenter of the grand events and instead explore the ripples said events created
          although such subtle involvement doesn't sit well with cape-shit mentality

          • 4 months ago

            Even better is that Planescape: Torment, lauded for its storyline, does exactly that.

            99% of the work required to undo the curse has been done by a previous version of you - the Practical Incarnation. You're just retracing his steps, for the most part.

          • 4 months ago

            I think having a long running TRRPG campaign focused on characters that are le WEAK side characters living in the shadows of le REAL heroes is fricking boring, and that remains the case when it’s turned into a video game.

            If you want to be a low level schmuck, then run a westmarch game, or in the case of video games, make it a roguelike.

        • 4 months ago

          >You've just described all the "Soulslike" games, as well as Baldur's Gate II, Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption, as well as The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
          Baldur's Gate II? No chance, it's too whimsical and wacky and colorful. And the gameplay is way more interesting because much better spells than the sub-MMORPG-like soulless spells (everything in PoE is a spell by the way, code-wise) from PoE.

          Morrowind setting is even more soulless than PoE but at least you can make fun abilities sometimes.

          • 4 months ago

            >triggered by some keyword
            >misses what the post was addressing entirely
            in pre-chatgpt era I would think that's a bot
            now I'm pretty sure you are just a stupid ass homie

            • 4 months ago

              >chat-GPT bot response projecting onto me
              What "keyword" "triggered me"? Reply while identifying as Jeff.

  3. 4 months ago

    >lore dumps everywhere
    >linear scaling aka balancing
    >poe1 nosedives starting act 2
    >poe2 story makes no sense
    >poe2 suddenly duke's a pirate now
    >mc is literally the watcher and watches everything
    >cali cucky club writing
    >poe2 companions are cancer
    >actionized sequel
    >identity politics
    >sawyer's a hack
    Why did it fail? Gee, I wonder...!

    • 4 months ago

      >watcher is literally the name for a cuck
      There's a certain pathetic symmetry to californian "art".

      • 4 months ago

        Are you actual?

    • 4 months ago

      >>poe1 nosedives starting act 2
      The story actually gets good starting with Act 2. I honestly have no idea how anyone can praise Act 1 in any capacity.

  4. 4 months ago

    >Why did PoE not get popular?
    Because it's frickin' boring yawnfest

  5. 4 months ago

    It's a game that pretends to be deeper than it actually is. It's faux-deep, and because of that it might just be the most reddit of all nu-rpgs (that aren't actually rpgs, go figure). Mechanics are shallow, story is pretentious, lacks that special quality of old rpgs, just all around bad, no surprise it never got popular. Say whatever you want about Skyrim, but that game at least understood what makes roleplay alluring, even if it didn't fully succeed at it.

  6. 4 months ago

    I am actually slogging my way through it right now, only because both parts were dirt-cheap during my shopping spree on GOG a while ago.
    And I already know at least part one is going to suffer from Tyranny syndrome for me: It is absolutely forgettable.
    The only thing more yawn-inducing than the story and companions are the sleepy comments of the devs, half of them seem to hate their involvement in hindsight.

    I do not CARE about "muh writing skills and lore" if the shit that gets written about is boring af, and makes me feel uninvolved.
    Someone plz tell me the second one isn't as much of a snoozefest.

    >current era
    Neither of those are a good thing.

    • 4 months ago

      >Tyranny syndrome for me: It is absolutely forgettable.
      Tyranny was anything but forgettable

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah Tyranny is still my favourite CRPG.

    • 4 months ago

      Second is not such a snoozefest. I enjoyed it much more than the first game.

      You'll see why, quickly. Promise.

  7. 4 months ago

    Because real time with pause never be good or popular.

    • 4 months ago

      >Tyranny syndrome for me: It is absolutely forgettable
      Tyranny is a fantastic game with just a sadly rushed last act.
      >Neither of those are a good thing.
      ah, you're that moronic autist, that spams every single thread with that garbage.


      • 4 months ago

        Tyranny was fantastic, somehow punched through the woke by just making the lore make sense for that culture before letting you loose on it in a satisfying way.

        First CRPG I actually finished, last act rushed was a travesty but at least it got
        Me into the Black Company Books, which scratched the itch.

      • 4 months ago

        >Tyranny is a fantastic game with just a sadly rushed last act.
        Tyranny is literally a game for people who hate rpgs.

      • 4 months ago

        I really liked tyranny and bounced off POE.

        • 4 months ago

          >i really needed mmo cooldowns and saturday morning cartoon villains to enjoy a game
          maybe you're just a moron

  8. 4 months ago

    I couldn't get into fighting mechanics.
    They should have shipped the game with just a story/puzzle mode where all actual combat was removed. Just go around talk to people, solve puzzles, and make fighting into cutscenes.

  9. 4 months ago

    The actual non-moron reason is that both games were released in a terribly unfinished state. If you like BG but don't like PoE then you like BG2 because it's a moronic bombastic movie game like a western final fantasy, not for its rpg qualities, which is true of most BG2 fans, but I cannot imagine someone who likes iwd can wholly dislike poe. Hope that helps.

    • 4 months ago

      >The actual non-moron reason is that both games were released in a terribly unfinished state
      Tired of hearing this bullshit. Pillars of Eternity was the least buggy and most finished RPG I ever played since 2005.

      • 4 months ago

        >Pillars of Eternity was the least buggy and most finished RPG I ever played since 2005.
        PoE1 without DLC is barely a game, bugs have nothing to do with it. The base game has like 2 hours of genuine content and the rest is rushed filler.

        • 4 months ago

          Black person are you delusional or something?

          • 4 months ago

            What are the highlights of PoE1? Defiance Bay and act 3 in it's entirety are terrible, without white march to pad them out it feels like a rip off.

            • 4 months ago

              >it's entirety are terrible
              well frick you in the ass buddy
              I agree act 3 is somewhat week
              but if you didn't enjoy heritage hill, ondra's gift quests, the mental institution, the riving factions in the city, the search for ancient weapons in the flooded caves, the grand fricking battlefield, or the best mutherfricking dungeon with pretty much nothing even coming close since Durlag's tower... then you can just frick yourself in your "trooolz lol" ass and eat your own dick

              • 4 months ago

                >the mental institution
                Perfect example, how many people are there to talk to in the mental institution? 2? And then you fight a pack of 1 singular enemy type briefly. It sucks lol

              • 4 months ago

                different highlights have different ways they are highlights, I liked the mental institution for the story and overall mood
                nevertheless you cherry picking just one of those is indicative of your initial claim being full of shit

              • 4 months ago

                Granted I never finished Caed Nua, but I failed to see the appeal. Besides the Xaurip and the drake floor every floor seemed pretty disconnected thematically. The simple concept of some ancient evil lurking far beneath that'll inevitably bring doom upon the fortress isn't bad, but I didn't feel it was conveyed compellingly.

  10. 4 months ago

    >Why did PoE not get popular?
    because from the start it wasn't designed to be "popular" it was designed for a niche audience
    and thank god we had that
    Telling it as it is although OP is a massive baiting homosexual

  11. 4 months ago

    1-They took too long, by 2015, kickstarter hype died down, and 5th edition was still far away from its popularity.
    2-Instead of using an established known setting known by many (like Forgotten Realms) they created their own setting. Which was meh tier. I don't recall anyone liking the setting and be so passionate about it, as people were for example with Dragon Age's setting. Thus the lore dumps, and large exposition didn't work. Most companions were not memorable either
    3-They invented a system from ground up instead of adopting d&d, they were afraid to adopt 4th edition probably due to licensing (and maybe also because players didn't like it that much) so created their own brand system which was also meh.

    It's no wonder Pathfinder Kingmaker absolutely decimated Pillars 2 Deadfire in sales. They had an established setting, established system and imho that worked to their advantage massively.

    • 4 months ago

      >3-They invented a system from ground up instead of adopting d&d
      That's absolutely a plus for me, frick dump stats, frick awkwardly and half-assedly porting over shitty D&D rules (a mediocre system in the first place).

    • 4 months ago

      Point 1 is completely irrelevant, and points 2 and 3 are positives.

      • 4 months ago

        >3-They invented a system from ground up instead of adopting d&d
        That's absolutely a plus for me, frick dump stats, frick awkwardly and half-assedly porting over shitty D&D rules (a mediocre system in the first place).

        I dunno, I think those were negatives for general market, explain pathfinder kingmakers success then, imho objectively a worse game than pillars 2 but sold much more. Known brand known system and a known established module

        • 4 months ago

          >explain pathfinder kingmakers success then
          Waifugays and other Biodrones looking for a fix.
          You try to explain Divinity Original Sin (one and two) success instead.

          • 4 months ago

            Interesting story and good implementation of turn based system. But more importantly especially for 2nd game, the experimentation the options, be it in dialogue or combat.

    • 4 months ago

      >It's no wonder Pathfinder Kingmaker absolutely decimated Pillars 2 Deadfire in sales
      did it though?

      • 4 months ago

        Sawyer himself admitted it.
        >Pathfinder: Kingmaker, which generally had lower review scores than Deadfire, sold better than Deadfire and had RTwP combat.

        • 4 months ago

          This is old.

          • 4 months ago

            maybe pillars surpassed now, but pathfinder outselling them back then caused the cancellation of pillars3

            • 4 months ago

              Okay? But the point is that it did outsell Pathfinder, and Owlcar shouldn't be praised for quantity over quality bethesda style snake oil marketing. At least Obsidian unfricked their shit game.

              • 4 months ago

                I think it had more to do with recognized brand and recognized system thats it. If pillars was set in FR and had deeanddee they would probably have more sales and we might have a pillars3

        • 4 months ago

          >it's that anon that has obsidian/sawyer-related links and twitter screenshots saved on his drive
          you know, I had a feeling beforehand
          >November 9th, 2019, 3:30 AM
          it's been 4.5 years, see

          >It's no wonder Pathfinder Kingmaker absolutely decimated Pillars 2 Deadfire in sales
          did it though?

          • 4 months ago

            yeah sure they might outsell now but back then it did not, hence it was considered a failure, also owlcat was a way smaller inexperienced dev, the fact that it could surpass pillars even for briefly should indicate there were serious problems

            • 4 months ago

              >the fact that it could surpass pillars even for briefly should indicate there were serious problems
              yes, marketing problems
              Owlcat chose a good business strategy by addressing the second most popular PnP/TT rpg system which somehow still didn't have a single videogame rpg
              the fact that a new IP game that was outsold initially by Owlcat's PKM managed to climb in sales to surpass it over the years is a testament to Deadfire being a good game

              • 4 months ago

                ofc its a good game, never said it wasn't but it got cancelled due to fricking owlcat surpassing them in sales in short run.
                They should've played safer and just licensed forgotten realms.

              • 4 months ago

                >They should've played safer and just licensed forgotten realms.
                no thank you
                I'd rather play the only two Pillars games but as is

              • 4 months ago

                >it got cancelled

              • 4 months ago

                again per sawyer, pillars 3 was cancelled due to bad sales and owlcat being able outsell it (for that time) was pointed out by him

                >They should've played safer and just licensed forgotten realms.
                no thank you
                I'd rather play the only two Pillars games but as is

                sure, I'm more sad about Tyranny's cancellation due to bad sales.

              • 4 months ago

                Tyranny should receive a "Definitive Edition" treatment one of those days, and be rebuilt from the ground up.
                Although seeing the terrible condition Paradox is in, I doubt it'll happen.

              • 4 months ago

                >per sawyer, pillars 3 was cancelled
                can you provide a direct quote?

              • 4 months ago

                no he couldn't, cause he made it up

              • 4 months ago

                You know Phil Spencer has like 150+ hours in pillars. If there is a chance it can happen its going to.

              • 4 months ago

                >Phil Spencer
                Literally who?
                >hours in pillars
                He probably got stuck in the tutorial area.

              • 4 months ago

                >He probably got stuck in the tutorial area.

                That's what actually happened to Chris Avellone when he tried streaming Arcanum. Turns out the man doesn't actually play games.

    • 4 months ago

      >5th edition
      >Is somehow a good thing
      It pains me to say this, but the homebrewed moronation of Joshua Sawyer is actually superior.
      BG3 is the worst thing that's ever happened to RPGs.

  12. 4 months ago

    No cute waifus. It sounds like a joke but this unironically sums up 90% of /vrpg/'s complaints.

  13. 4 months ago

    PoE is just boring, that's it

  14. 4 months ago

    Only reason I bother with WRPGs is for build autism until I get bored. PoE's character-building gets boring by level 3 tbh

  15. 4 months ago

    The pillars games are okay. One might say that the balance man made their positive and negative qualities too balanced.

  16. 4 months ago

    Here's my main problem with PoE

    >start act 1 for the 500th time (played through it start to finish at least a dozen times)
    >tell myself I will be a good person this time
    >end up killing everyone because:
    a) hate the piggie (backer) NPCs with special names and tags, and sometimes you can kill then without consequences anyway
    b) there is no real negative consequence for being a serial killer
    c) there is no cute girl who goes 🙁 when I kill innocents

    I can't be the only one, right?

    I had a similar issue with FNV, but that was mainly because of the combo of "same 3 voice actors everywhere" + "ugly skins". Once I fixed that with mods (and nude mods to add girls I could fap to), I played through FNV successfully 4 times.

    • 4 months ago

      >BG3 enjoyer tries Pillars of Intellectuality

  17. 4 months ago

    The game commited suicide with the second game. The setting is over, anything built up with the first game is gone.

    • 4 months ago

      Hard disagree with this, the ending of the second game is a fantastic jumping off point for developing the world.

    • 4 months ago

      >The game commited suicide with the second game.
      Well duh. They shouldn't have drank the kool-aid.
      >what if we moved the setting to black people and black people (fish) and muh strong independent pirate girls rawr

  18. 4 months ago

    >You can see all the effort into the world building.

    All the effort to make the setting as dreary and miserable as possible. All the dramatic events happened in the backstory rather than the story, which is just a depressing exploration of consequences of things we didn't see and don't care about.

    It's like some teenager read LotR, loved the amount of detail and "world building", turned the edgy sadboy angst dial up to 11 (stillborn kids, mild bad language) and forgot to write a story. Pure autism like that will only appeal to a small audience.

    • 4 months ago

      Why does Josh Sawyer love spreading misery so much? The only reason Icewind Dale wasn't completely like that is because of the nice map 2D art. Gameplay/story wise it was dreary and miserable too.

    • 4 months ago

      >as dreary and miserable as possible
      I wouldn't mind that mood at all, if it was at least written in a way actually capable of gripping you and drawing you in.
      The problem is that absolutely nothing about it is relevant to the MC or makes the payer care.
      Just boring background muzak, "We killed a god our world is suffering nao, whine whine"

  19. 4 months ago

    Consider that most people cannot read and have low attention span.

  20. 4 months ago

    Since these games don't work like JRPGS outside combat I get really confused what I should be doing, especially since you can move the camera around. Of the newer RTWP games, I like PoE2 and Tyranny the most, but I think games like Tower of Time/Dark Envoy do it better at this point.

  21. 4 months ago

    >design a mob called Fampyr
    Just how much of a pretentious snowflake can you act as an adult at the workplace, ffs?

  22. 4 months ago

    >I tried 1
    >I tried 2
    >I tried 3
    >I'll try 4
    frick of salty cuckdexer, don't you have a 4 yo thread dedicated to dissecting sawyers twitter posts or something to contribute to?

  23. 4 months ago

    Who is the Asuka to Rei in Pillars of Eternity? Birdvegana mes Rei

  24. 4 months ago

    They wanted to make something not forgotten realms but ended up making forgotten realms in boring which is quite the achievement.
    The combat is just as awful as the setting itself. I'm already getting sleepy just thinking about that shit and finally it didnt help that the whole thing is designed around some shitty tank, healer, dps mmo setup which I never got the appeal of. It just makes things even more of a slog with uninteresting teams and one dimensional character builds.

    • 4 months ago

      >the whole thing is designed around some shitty tank, healer, dps mmo setup
      It's specifically designed to be the opposite of that. You don't need tanks in poe at all

  25. 4 months ago

    as someone that recently bought and refunded the first game, the first hour made all the classes seem extremely bland and I really only play crpg's for number autism nestled in an adventure

    • 4 months ago

      I also enjoy this, what do you recommend for good number's autism gaming in the genre? I am playing wotr and enjoying it given I didn't know shit really about the PF system and core difficulty is giving decent pressure so far, although the writing in the game is honestly pretty trash (the setting is somewhat fun though).

      • 4 months ago

        The list is pretty short and even that short list is often REEEE'd on by seething contrarians. Start with the IE games unless you already have and work your way up (release date -wise) from there.

      • 4 months ago

        >I also enjoy this, what do you recommend for good number's autism gaming in the genre
        Do you mean grognard battle chess or just diablo numbers go up moron fuel? Praising pathfinder makes me think it's the latter.

        • 4 months ago

          hmm I don't know, I don't know if I'd consider myself the former since playing through BG 1&2 recently was horrible in part because 2e is such a boring fricking system AND RTwP honestly doesn't feel like it works well for RPGs; most of the time the way it plays out is I just pause to micromanage every little action and it just plays out like a turn based game anyway but I now have to manually pause each turn which is fricking moronic and fails to add any meaningful depth to combat encounters other than just fiddling, or at worse, kiting/abusing broken AI due to garbage encounter designs. Also holy shit BG 1&2 writing did not really age well aside from the characters themselves being based e.g. xzar.
          With the latter, I honestly hate the grindy nature of Diablo games (more so diablo 2 and its spiritual successors like path of exiles which is incredibly fricking boring no thought build character X way and numbers go up gameplay where the game might as well play itself). I brought up wotr because although I see a lot of people denounce the game as being just stack 30 buffs and enter a fight and win, in my experience so far (only around the beginning of act 2 mind you) it does at least feel like there is a good balance between game throwing hard bullshit at you but giving you tools to solve the encounters in ways that utilize the vast build diversity they offer you and not just approach every fight the same way. There are moments where I do see I have to use shit like burning entanglement and that other aoe Ice spell that trips people on reflex save which feel cheap but I've yet to find any rpg that doesn't fail in that way of encounter design occasionally. Unfortunately wotr has incredibly mediocre writing, and a lot of it, but the system keeps me interested so I'll keep entertaining it for now. I like combat maneuvers and grapples and other cool weird mechanics you rarely see in games that let you do more than just whack shit with sword or cast big spell.

          • 4 months ago

            >only around the beginning of act 2 mind you
            keep playing, you'll be steamrolling the game 20 hours in with 80 hours to go. by the way, most CC doesn't reliably work on higher difficulties and "core" is moron baby mode. hope you're not using turn based, because that downgrades it even further to journalist mode because the game wasnt designed for it at all and absolutely breaks once this mode is activated.

    • 4 months ago

      >number autism nestled in an adventure
      This is the itch that poe never scrathed. Neither 1 or 2 feel like adventures and are filtered through *CURRENT YEAR* politics, not by much but just enough that it seeps into the gameworld to poison any immersion.
      PoE is the eternal reddit pseud's franchise.

      • 4 months ago

        PoE is just IWD, I have no idea what you mean by this. You sound like a poser.

        • 4 months ago

          IWD is a super comfy fantasy rpg dungeon romp that barely has a story. And the story it has works because it does just enough to connect the areas and doesn't go up its own ass. It's comfy adventure and just-enough numbers autism.

          PoE instantly dives deep inside its own anal cavity story-wise and wriggles there the whole way until le epic "what if gods not real?"-"twist".
          Numbers autism wise it delivers little satisfaction thanks to the balance man. Classes and builds not generally being on the same flat progression line is actually better for satisfying numbers autism.

    • 4 months ago

      >the first hour made all the classes seem extremely bland
      How lol? 1 hour is barely long enough to get through the prologue where you're given temporary very basic characters to learn the game with who immediately die once the chapter is over.

      • 4 months ago

        I think you're just slow, that first part takes 5 minutes.

      • 4 months ago

        >commenting on something that obviously never happened
        this entire thread is a moron with sawyer/obsidian obsession making shit up

      • 4 months ago

        > who immediately die once the chapter is over.
        I still haven't forgiven them that.

        • 4 months ago

          >he waifu'd a generic bland boring "strong independent woman" like Calisca

        • 4 months ago

          I won't ever forget what you did to English language, c**t

  26. 4 months ago

    So why did they give all the monsters """original""" names? Do you get sued if you make a Forgotten Realms -esque universe with vampires, kobolds and ghouls?

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Partially because, yes, if you tread too far into copyright territory these fricking companies will sue the unholy frick out of you. The other half of it is the same problem many "unique" settings suffer from in that their efforts to deliberately separate themselves from common convention shackles them to it almost to a greater degree than just "borrowing" the stuff that just werks.

  27. 4 months ago

    Why did PoE not get popular?
    >appealing to old boomer nostalgia rather than truly innovating
    >walls of text
    >painfully boring '''''''realistic''''''' companions
    You can see all the effort into the world building.
    >effort is not a replacement for inspiration
    Such intricate lore
    >complexity does not equal good. good lore does have complexity but it often arises from a very simple but original idea. none of the ideas in this lore are original in any way.

    tl;dr a painfully drab world full of painfully drab characters

    • 4 months ago

      >appealing to old boomer nostalgia rather than truly innovating
      They somehow managed to frick this up too. I think the engagement system ended up a bit too clunky while simultaneously encouraging even harder kiting than IE games (hello cypher beam + ranger's pet). The hit/graze/miss system is also kinda meh.
      t. old boomer

      • 4 months ago

        >encouraging even harder kiting than IE games
        What in the frick are you talking about? You aren't supposed to kite at all except for those exploding enemies that one white march dungeon. All the important abilities in the game are AOE, all of your damage, healing, buffs, and debuffs. You lose 95% of your functionality if you're moving. You don't need things like tanks and healers if you create proper synergies. PoE combat is sort of like dragging a stat slider around that affects various modifiers, you generate a situation favorable for your party and win.
        >The hit/graze/miss system is also kinda meh.
        This just rewards buffing by making accuracy a stat that effects crit chance.

        • 4 months ago

          You're right, I probably exaggerated the kiting part. It was just that in my playthrough of some early patch the cypher beam + a fast creature (the ranger's pet was ideal) worked ridiculously well so it probably skewed my perception.

          I also think you described the actual issue with PoE's combat pretty well:
          >PoE combat is sort of like dragging a stat slider around that affects various modifiers, you generate a situation favorable for your party and win.
          For me this is a bad thing and somewhat boring.

          • 4 months ago

            >It was just that in my playthrough of some early patch the cypher beam + a fast creature (the ranger's pet was ideal)
            You are supposed to just flank with the pet, its far more efficient to do this and that ability stops being good very early.
            >For me this is a bad thing and somewhat boring.
            It's literally a more complicated version of what IE combat is and you are bad at those games if you don't understand this. Since it is rtwp we can have combat that doesn't focus on immediate feedback and results. If you want rocket tag play KotC2 and BG3.

            • 4 months ago

              >you are supposed to
              The kiting was extremely effective (and thus in this instance encouraged), what do you want me to say?
              >more complicated version
              Complicated? Maybe. Complex? Absolutely not.
              >you are bad
              I play with SCS but whatever.

              • 4 months ago

                >The kiting was extremely effective
                It wasn't though. The fact that you had to kite made it not effective. You could be killing much faster. You had a bad time because you played the game in a very stupid and tedious way instead of actually learning the systems. If anything PoE's biggest flaw is that it was too lenient on making many approaches work, because the approaches morons will come up with if left to their own devices aren't fun. They will actively choose to suffer rather than learn anything unless forced to do otherwise.
                >I play with SCS but whatever.
                pre-fight buff, secret word, breach, done. wow what a complex system.

              • 4 months ago

                >Solve the combat gameplay
                "Nooo you're not allowed to do that!"
                >Another game has a solution
                "Heh, nothing personnel"

                Sawyergays were a mistake

              • 4 months ago

                >Solve the combat gameplay
                But you didn't solve it. You chose to play in the most boring inefficient way possible and like a true RPG it let you do it. How is it PoE's fault that you're boring and stupid?

              • 4 months ago

                Your most favourite game is the best ever and your favourite dev-celeb is even more bester ever-er. You're a good boy.

              • 4 months ago

                You're a dumb c**t.

              • 4 months ago

                Why do you keep saying its efficient when its clearly not? Its not the fastest, cleanest way to do it and you didn't have fun doing it, so how is that efficient? Next post better be a real one or you're not getting any more replies.

              • 4 months ago

                I literally gave you your win in my first reply in

                You're right, I probably exaggerated the kiting part. It was just that in my playthrough of some early patch the cypher beam + a fast creature (the ranger's pet was ideal) worked ridiculously well so it probably skewed my perception.

                I also think you described the actual issue with PoE's combat pretty well:
                >PoE combat is sort of like dragging a stat slider around that affects various modifiers, you generate a situation favorable for your party and win.
                For me this is a bad thing and somewhat boring.

                Instead of taking the W you doubled down on being an obnoxious homosexual and tried to tell me how I experienced the game contrary to reality. In the early patch I played the setup+combo I used was extremely effective and it became somewhat silly showering all encounters with the fox-attracted beam. It didn't scale endgame but made the early-midgame a breeze.
                But for some reason your brain couldn't handle this and you proceeded to sperg out.
                Sawyergays, I swear to god.

              • 4 months ago

                >play genre known for autistic communities
                >discuss games with said community
                >surprised at autist sperging
                just accept he is filling his diaper over a game with average combat and walk away, don't fall into treating every discussion as a debate with an autist because you'll never win (nobody does)

              • 4 months ago

                This might surprise you, but even on this godforsaken disaster of a board I've sometimes had fun discussions and banters.
                It's the BRANDLOYALTY and contrarian c**ts that ruin it the most usually. Among pure trolls naturally, but they are less persistent and more obvious. I guess a troll getting too deep turns into a contrarian. Deepest lore.

              • 4 months ago

                >I just post for "bants" and if you disagree with what I post you're a contrarian
                have a nice day now

              • 4 months ago

                >discussions and banters
                Read. Banter doesn't mean le epic trolling

                the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.

              • 4 months ago

                Have you tried being funny?

              • 4 months ago

                My mom says I'm funny and smart.

              • 4 months ago

                >My mom says I'm funny and smart.
                Wow, are we brothers?

              • 4 months ago

                live in your head rent free
                people enjoying 2 particular obsidian games =/= sawyergays
                you are the one that came into the discussion with BRANDLOYALTY in mind

              • 4 months ago

                Who else even tries to talk about that tripe in 2024?

              • 4 months ago

                what would it even take to be one according to you?
                being obsessed with Sawyer as a person?
                liking PoE?
                liking any one game Sawyer worked on?
                if the later two than you are kinda fricked in the head bro peace and get well soon
                if it would be the first one than where the frick do you see sawyer praise in this thread from people liking poe?

                if anything the regulars of sawyer twitter discussion group on codex are the only ones obsessed with Sawyer
                and I have a strong feeling you are one this thread was started by one of those

              • 4 months ago

                >in PoE
                you didn't solve it
                you tried an IE game approach that works like shit in PoE games, but instead of acknowledging it and coming up with new approaches you kept banging your head on the wall and not having fun and now you think the game is not fun
                the reality is you literally got filtered

              • 4 months ago

                >you are bad
                >I play with SCS but whatever

        • 4 months ago

          >You aren't supposed to kite at all
          Correct, you simply stay in your doorway

  28. 4 months ago

    >there are several PoE threads already
    >I have to make a new thread to complain about it so I can hopefully get a few posts of unhinged schizophrenic bile in before someone who actually played the game calls me a moron
    What causes subhumans like this to exist? So much of this board feels like its sole purpose is to disrupt discussion. I want an actual real answer. What in the FRICK is going on in OP's head?

    • 4 months ago

      Don't read the thread, don't post in the thread and hide the thread.
      Literal nullposting to come here screeching.

      • 4 months ago

        No frick you and answer the question you disengenous israelite moron. People like you are an actual disease.

        • 4 months ago

          It's a perfectly good thread with some actual discussion. What exactly is your problem here my man?

          • 4 months ago

            >actual discussion
            nta but saying something moronic and being corrected is not actual discussion. That's just shitposting. You are wasting everyones time. What do I get in return for making a post like this

            >encouraging even harder kiting than IE games
            What in the frick are you talking about? You aren't supposed to kite at all except for those exploding enemies that one white march dungeon. All the important abilities in the game are AOE, all of your damage, healing, buffs, and debuffs. You lose 95% of your functionality if you're moving. You don't need things like tanks and healers if you create proper synergies. PoE combat is sort of like dragging a stat slider around that affects various modifiers, you generate a situation favorable for your party and win.
            >The hit/graze/miss system is also kinda meh.
            This just rewards buffing by making accuracy a stat that effects crit chance.

            ? You people are just moronic and need to keep your stupid opinions to yourself. If you actually wanted discussion you'd use the pre-existing threads. You people are not enjoyable to talk to at all.

    • 4 months ago

      are several PoE threads already
      Ctrl+F PoE = 1 result (this thread)
      Ctrl+F Pillars = 2 result (this thread and one non Pillars of Eternity thread)
      Are you the schizo?

  29. 4 months ago

    It have boring gameplay where everything is perfectly balanced by making everything equally unfun.
    It have boring setting that is to much on fake realism, so there is no enough mystery to look fore and wonder to see.
    It have fricked story pacing (as many RPG), it starts slowly which is ok, we learn we are watcher and w will die if we do not resolve our issue (however us being watcher never amounts to anything bad at all), then we conduct investigation, reach culmination point in animancy trial and, and, despite story wanting to go into higher gear towards natural conclusion we got act 3. Oh boy act 3 in nature town where nothing we do matters and entire city is a fricking filler in terms of story and gameplay progression.
    It didn't have any romance so it lost audience of waifugays for eternity. Having female companion that can potentially cuck CHARNAME should be gamdev 101 for idiots by now, as it will generate infinite amount of seethe and rent free marketing, yet somehow Obsidian failed to capitalize on that.

  30. 4 months ago

    >You can see all the effort into the world building
    did you sniff cocaine? half the world building is locked behind the insane ramblings of some old church fart

    • 4 months ago

      there's another stupid shitpost

  31. 4 months ago

    I was thinking about playing Tyranny recently, is it worth it at all? I mostly interested in not shit writing/story, although everyone says the ending act is very disappointing. Would it still be worth it to play through it despite it? The setting sounds based and I am tired of quirky MCU style quip writing present in every fantasy game right now.

    • 4 months ago

      It's Pillars of Eternity with a cartoonish edginess and far worse gameplay.

    • 4 months ago

      It's a better PoE. And short. Give it a shot.

      • 4 months ago

        I find it funny that people describe Tyranny as "short", when Fallout 1 takes about 12 hours to fully complete.

    • 4 months ago

      Sawyer didn't work on it so it wound up being a toddler game mechanically and the writing is outer worlds tier.

      • 4 months ago

        >Sawyer didn't work on it
        Strong recommendation there

        • 4 months ago

          Is it? What is obsidian without the black isle leftovers? I don't think you really thought about what you just posted.

    • 4 months ago

      The prologue choices are a pretty cool feature. And the story is surprisingly good but sadly unfinished.

    • 4 months ago

      Tyranny is actual real goyslop.

    • 4 months ago

      >magic system HOT DAMN IS IT GOOD
      >combat (insomuch as you always have shit to do)
      >75% of the story

      >25% of the story

      • 4 months ago

        >magic system HOT DAMN IS IT GOOD
        Best magic system in my memory, Morrowind included.

        • 4 months ago

          >Literally same story, same twist, minor detail differences.


          Who did it better and why?

          What exactly makes the magic system special? There are literally 0 fun/utility spells. Only MMORPG style combat trash. Everything either does damage or inflicts status effects, and none of said status effects are particularly interesting.

        • 4 months ago

          Liking morrowind is the fastest way to get me to not play your game.

    • 4 months ago

      it's great. Only downsides are the rushed last act and the enemy variety. Other than that, from the beginning to the end, a fun game with well done combat. Easily the best implementation of RTwP combat in the last decade.

  32. 4 months ago

    >If you like Icewind Dale or Baldur's Gate, you should like Pillars of Eternity
    BG1 was fun but POE is boring. I really wanted to like it but I just couldn't get into it. My experience with CRPG is Fallout/2 back in 2011, Kingmaker 3-4 years ago, Baldurs Gate right after, BG2 after beating 1 but I hated it mainly due to interface and gameplay felt worse, tried POE, Divinity and couldn't get into them at all.

  33. 4 months ago

    >Such intricate lore that strives to be realistic & believable
    Poe lore is just a mash of race swapped irl cultures, which inherently make it less realistic and believable because you notice the clashing influences too much.
    >while also appealing to the preferences of the current era
    Always a mistake. One day the average creative will realize that you succeed by trendsetting, not trendchasing.
    Leave that shit for physical products with actual price brackets, so you can undercut the real product with your derivative trash.

  34. 4 months ago

    PoE series is thoroughly soulless, that's it. If you like it, there's a good chance you're a severely autistic golem in human skin, who is unable to grasp the very concept of soul because it cannot be explained with numbers.

  35. 4 months ago

    RTwP nostalga trash for "people" that were not alive back when RTwP became a thing to try and get more normalgay money.

    • 4 months ago

      you forgot to reset your IP

  36. 4 months ago

    they did RTwP because sawyer and his game designers are morons that don't understand pen & papper games

  37. 4 months ago

    There are 2 different reasons imo.

    The most important one is RTwP. It was a system that was meant to speed things up, but in practice it only introduced chaos into the gameplay, meanwhile TB is much cleaner. I have played the IE RPGs and I do like Pillars but I can see perfectly well why it's a problem. BG was kind of a Trojan horse because it looked good and was first competent adaptation of d&d since SSI dropped RPGs and so it sold well, got people used to the combat system and swayed the opinions on it.
    Secondly the game looked sort of bland and difficult to sell. If I want to sell Divinity OS to someone, I can show him a video of elemental interaction, there's nothing similar in PoE, the "awesome" stuff just feels underwhelming.

  38. 4 months ago

    Name a better written & built world from a post 2015 RPG. You won't.

    • 4 months ago

      >Name a better written & built world from a post 2015 RPG. You won't.

      No challengers. PoE wins.

      • 4 months ago



  39. 4 months ago

    It's the name.
    Pillars? Of eternity? I'd post a Chad Warden gif if I had any saved.

  40. 4 months ago

    POE1 was an amazing game.
    I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    POE2, on the other hand, had greater and expanded mechanics. An awesome world.
    However, it's plot was garbage. I hate it with passion.

    IMO, you can't have a great CRPG without both plot and mechanics. POE1 has a good (not great) plot and mechanics. POE2 only has great mechanics.

    That's why POE1 > POE2.

    • 4 months ago

      >POE1 was an amazing game.
      >I thoroughly enjoyed it.
      Did you enjoy the combat? Why? What was your favorite and least favorite class? Your favorite and least favorite companion?

      • 4 months ago

        Yes, I enjoyed the combat. The mechanics were far better in POE2, but POE1's were still good enough.
        I enjoyed it because I like real time with pause combat (though I prefer turn based). As I played on hard or very hard, I had to think before spamming any button.
        Favorite classes were spellcasters, specially wizards and ciphers. Actually, cipher was the one I most enjoyed, either as a disabler/gunslinger or a melee DPS.
        Least favorite class was Ranger.
        Favorite companion from a mechanics POV was Aloth and Durance. Considering the plot, Durance and Eder.
        Least favorite companion was Devil of Caroc, overall. Base game, Grieving Mother.

  41. 4 months ago

    - moronic/ugly setting.
    - No cute girls because Obsidian is made up of cucks who only like gay romance.
    - Dumb unmemorable MMO items.
    - Unfun gameplay that has been balanced to oblivion.

  42. 4 months ago

    >Literally same story, same twist, minor detail differences.


    Who did it better and why?

    • 4 months ago

      tryhard pretension cucks vs le quirky reddit humor gays
      No matter who wins, gaming loses.

      • 4 months ago

        I liked both games 🙂

      • 4 months ago

        Even with barrels and surfaces, DOS2 combat was actually fun

        Ok but who did the story better?

        • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          PoE bores me to sleep with it, DOS2 annoyed the shit out of me.
          At least being annoyed is a reaction, so I'd say Larian wins that special olympic
          But neither were really satisfying

    • 4 months ago

      Even with barrels and surfaces, DOS2 combat was actually fun

    • 4 months ago

      I can stomach finishing PoE, on the other hand both DOS become literal torture 40 hours in, and I say this as someone who loves bg3.

    • 4 months ago

      Why didn't Obsidian sue Belgium for literally ripping off their story, actually?

  43. 4 months ago

    it was the first crpg with a proper budged after a long time.
    AAA devs just didn't care about niche audiences and obsidian filled that void

  44. 4 months ago

    >Why did PoE not get popular?
    it's boring the world is sterile and nothing about it stands out,outside of guns that is,the game has no atmosphere
    >realistic & believable
    that's just it IRL is boring...it's why people watch movies or read books and the last thing i want in a game is to be borning
    > RTwP
    Is bad even joshy admitted that people started to understand the mechanics after TB and said if he made another poe it's going to be TB
    >preferences of the current era
    you mean the lesbian fish? or that stronk black paladin bird women who needs no men? sure... nitpicking aside nothing in POE stands out.
    WOTR,BG3,Roge Trader,Encased,Atom RPG,DOS2,Dragon Age,Tyranny,Diablo2 etc all of them have something interesting about them but what does POE have?
    oh wow.... some spooky ghosts..and Gods are le fake...come one POE please at least pretend to be interesting...it's legit painful to play it

    • 4 months ago

      >WOTR,BG3,Roge Trader,Encased,Atom RPG,DOS2,Dragon Age,Tyranny,Diablo2 etc all of them have something interesting about them
      You like goyslop. And I mean this in the most genuine and insulting way possible.

      • 4 months ago

        So stunning!
        So brave!
        Try to be more interesting than your boring as frick game

        You realize owlcat general copies their overworld mechanics (badly) from PoE right? Everything unique kingmaker/wotr does is a worse version of PoE1, everything unique Rogue Trader does is a worse version of deadfire.

        It may be anon but poe legit feels like a chore to play,hell reading this thread is more fun than playing it

        • 4 months ago

          >It may be anon but poe legit feels like a chore to play,hell reading this thread is more fun than playing it
          That doesn't sound healthy, get your head checked.

          • 4 months ago

            Josh you know what the slop and your poe don't have in common?

            • 4 months ago

              >it sold more and therefore is better!
              Aside from money grubbing small hat wearing investors, who would even make such a moronic argument?
              May as well consider WoW the best RPG ever in that case.

              • 4 months ago

                Sure pal whatever makes you feel better

    • 4 months ago

      You realize owlcat general copies their overworld mechanics (badly) from PoE right? Everything unique kingmaker/wotr does is a worse version of PoE1, everything unique Rogue Trader does is a worse version of deadfire.

    • 4 months ago

      >the game has no atmosphere
      lol ok
      >something interesting about them but what does POE have
      game mechanics
      level design
      encounters and combat
      art style
      music is absolutely phenomenal
      >Encased,Atom RPG,DOS2,Dragon Age
      "Interesting" is subjective by nature, judging by the slop you mentioned I'm not surprised we find different things interesting

    • 4 months ago

      >WOTR,BG3,Roge Trader,Encased,Atom RPG,DOS2,Dragon Age,Tyranny,Diablo2 etc all of them have something interesting about them but what does POE have?
      How the hell does Dragon Age stand out? It's literally A Song of Ice and Fire, right down to the core concepts of the world, like Grey Wardens are basically the Night's Watch, Darkspawn being White Walkers, and all the opening prologue of the Human Noble is basically just the Red Wedding, but with without the wedding. Same thing with Tyranny. It's just The Black Company with some mild feminism added to it. Meanwhile, Divinity Original Sin 2's plot and lore are what we already had with Pillars of Eternity, where some ancient super wizards became Gods and started eating people's souls. Even the main premise of your character is being able to see dead souls and speak to them. That's just PoE copy and pasted. Seriously, whenever you people say that PoE is boring, forced, or derivative, and then give these pathetic examples, I have to wonder what do you consider original? Because none of the games you mentioned are original in any way. I'm not even some die hard fan of PoE, but I wish you people would stop with these same generic and overly repeated "criticisms". Seriously, come up with something new, instead of regurgitating the same tripe like parrots. Say something meaningful as to why PoE doesn't work.

      • 4 months ago

        > It's literally A Song of Ice and Fire,
        It was made before any GoT video game
        >It's just The Black Company
        Nobody reads shitty books.
        >Divinity Original Sin 2's plot and lore are what we already had with Pillars of Eternity
        It's almost as if the problem with Piece of Excrement is not the plot or lore but the fact that it's boring and made by untalented people that can't even take a good plot and make anything good out of it.
        > instead of regurgitating the same tripe like parrots
        If everyone has the same issue with something, it might be because that something is shit and it has a blatant flaw.
        >Say something meaningful as to why PoE doesn't work.
        I can't think of a more meaningful criticism of a piece of entertainment than it being boring and un engaging. Calling a videogame boring is like calling medicine poison.

        • 4 months ago

          >It was made before any GoT video game
          That's not the point. It's literally just GoT. And even it we ignore that, it's still derivative of Baldur's Gate.
          >Nobody reads shitty books.
          That explains a lot, actually.
          >It's almost as if the problem with Piece of Excrement is not the plot or lore but the fact that it's boring and made by untalented people that can't even take a good plot and make anything good out of it.
          And you think the plot of DOS2 was engaging or good? Including the Naruto-tier plot twist in the end?
          >If everyone has the same issue with something, it might be because that something is shit and it has a blatant flaw.
          You mean this place? Because the same criticism gets regurgitated primarily here. It's been like that for years, since most people here are incapable of critiquing something.
          >I can't think of a more meaningful criticism of a piece of entertainment than it being boring and un engaging.
          Again, that explains a lot of about you and how you can't go any deeper as to why a piece of media does or doesn't work. Anyone can call anything boring, but it's harder to actually articulate why it's boring.

          • 4 months ago

            >And you think the plot of DOS2 was engaging or good? Including the Naruto-tier plot twist in the end?
            It doesn't matter if the plot is engaging or good. In reference to PoE. The game is set up in such a way you want to start following the plot. Almost all RPGs, even those with cold openings have a hook and a visible fishing line to drag the player along and have them interact with the game. PoE has the worst opening of any game I can think of. There is no event to push the plot, no reason for the player or PC to advance the plot. Uninteresting shit happens and if you want more uninteresting shit to happen go follow the quest mark. The first hub is also boring and poorly set up from an RPG perspective. The first town is supposed both to act as a tutorial, a simple playground and a way to slowly immerse the player in the setting. In here it's just a generic shithole with one very loosely tied quest line to the main plot. It takes like 16 hours for anything engaging to happen. By which point anyone sane would have dropped the game and played something better.
            >Anyone can call anything boring, it's harder to articulate
            In how many ways can you say the opening is bad, the characters are bad, the story is both bland and exposed in the most uninteresting way possible.
            Also why should anyone have to write a thesis on why this game sucks?

            >Calling a videogame boring is like calling medicine poison.
            no, it's nothing like that, but thanks for the line
            that metaphor outs you as a moron
            poison is [generally] universally poison to humans
            people find different things boring on the other hand

            >all lower caps gremlin thinks he's people

            • 4 months ago

              >It doesn't matter if the plot is engaging or good.
              It very much matters, because otherwise, you wouldn't be complaining about PoE.
              >The game is set up in such a way you want to start following the plot.
              Have you actually played DOS2? Because the game has no hook. You're not even aware of what you're doing until you reach Reaper's Coast, and even then, you're mostly kept in the dark as to what is going on until the last hour of the game, where you get a massive exposition dump about how Lucien turned evil out of necessity and committed genocide against the Elves to weaken the Gods, only for that twist to be followed up by Braccus Rex manipulating everyone because we had to add one more villain to the ever-growing roster (Dallis, Alexander, Lucien, God King). Prior to that, your only objective was to escape Fort Joy, with you just aimlessly wandering around trying to figure out what to do with yourself. The only thing that might keep you going is the gameplay and some of the characters—if you enjoy their quips, that is. PoE has a fairly weak hook, but there is something there. Your first encounter with Thaos is what sets you off on the path to finding him and figuring out what's happening to you. And by Act 2, you're investigating the cult that is responsible for your Watcher powers awakening. The mystery itself is far more compelling than trying to figure out who the true villain of DOS2 is, especially when said villain seems to change on a whim.
              >In how many ways can you say the opening is bad, the characters are bad, the story is both bland and exposed in the most uninteresting way possible.
              By actually analyzing what's bad about them.
              >Also why should anyone have to write a thesis on why this game sucks?
              Because otherwise their opinion isn't worth much. I can also say that DOS2 has garbage writing, but what worth would that be if I don't explain why?

              • 4 months ago

                >It very much matters, because otherwise, you wouldn't be complaining about PoE.
                The next sentence puts context on the first. I'm not even critiquing the plot because the game does such a shit job of getting you to care about the plot.
                If PoE is soo good why are you writing a full unprompted paragrah as to why DOS2 is bad. Even if you are correct, it doesn't make PoE good. It just makes DOS2 seem bad.
                >Because otherwise their opinion isn't worth much
                This is an anonymous senegalese tire burning forum. Everyone's opinion is worthless.

              • 4 months ago

                >If PoE is soo good why are you writing a full unprompted paragrah as to why DOS2 is bad.
                The only reason why DOS2 is even in this conversation is because someone (you or otherwise) brought it up as a comparison. I simply stated that it doesn't do a good job of hooking you and that the plot isn't engaging. I wouldn't have even discussed this, but the entire thread is just people bringing up other RPGs as a point of comparison, most of which are wrong too. And my entire paragraph wasn't even about DOS2 either. The second half of it was about PoE and its own hook, unless you missed that part.
                >This is an anonymous senegalese tire burning forum. Everyone's opinion is worthless.
                I'm glad we got that out of the way.

              • 4 months ago

                see how they all ran out as soon as someone calls them out for being filthy trolls they are?
                they probably never even played the game
                don't argue with them
                don't reason with them

              • 4 months ago

                nobody wants to talk to you. this thread was made because there was another poe thread with actual gameplay discussion. the trend here is to make a shitty off topic shitpost bait thread to divert all constructive discussion and it happens repeatedly. its really awful and its ruining the board.

              • 4 months ago

                >this thread was made because there was another poe thread with actual gameplay discussion.
                There literally was no PoE thread on /vrpg/ when this thread was made, take your meds.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah there was.

              • 4 months ago

                Prove it.

              • 4 months ago

                It's literally still in the catalog.

              • 4 months ago

                A cursory search for “pillar” finds nothing so why don’t you link it or describe the thread title so that we can see this amazing thread
                >inb4 I don’t spoonfeed newbies

              • 4 months ago

                This is his thread:


              • 4 months ago

                That’s not even a thread about pillars, it’s a shitty bait thread about RTWP, and it’s almost a week younger than this thread.

              • 4 months ago

                That's not even the thread I was talking about, there are like 3 pillars threads.

              • 4 months ago

                >hurr jokes on you guiez I was only pretending to be moronic

              • 4 months ago

                brah you are feeding da traaalz (Black folk)
                they don't even know what "writing" means see

                He wrote the setting and was overseering development

                >he doesn’t know that the dose makes the poison

                than again it's not exactly redeeming to the original quote is it?

              • 4 months ago

                >than again it's not exactly redeeming to the original quote is it?
                Nah, just jumping in with that. Not the anon you've been arguing with. For the record, I think the Pillars games are aggressively okay. I like the idea of them more than I like playing them.

            • 4 months ago

              that's lower CASE you subhuman ESL Black person

        • 4 months ago

          >Calling a videogame boring is like calling medicine poison.
          no, it's nothing like that, but thanks for the line
          that metaphor outs you as a moron
          poison is [generally] universally poison to humans
          people find different things boring on the other hand

          • 4 months ago

            >he doesn’t know that the dose makes the poison

      • 4 months ago

        >whenever you people say that PoE is
        for some reason there are people who are obsidian/sawyer obsessed and they will go out of their way to create an image of poe not being liked, phoneposting etc.
        I can see how the DAO crowd is probably sincere thou
        a marvel-movie-goer is never going to appreciate true kino, boring is exactly the term they use for any movie for just a little more sophisticated audience

  45. 4 months ago

    Rtwp bad

  46. 4 months ago

    I didn't use Pallegina at all in 2 but I assume she was similar enough that I wouldn't like her.

    Aloth was far more memorable in 1 than in 2. I used him throughout both but don't actually remember his story in the 2nd at all.

    • 4 months ago

      I explained Aloth because I don't recall which portrait is from which game.

    • 4 months ago

      >Aloth was far more memorable in 1 than in 2. I used him throughout both
      Sounds like you used him a loth.

  47. 4 months ago

    I think PoE2 suffered mostly because it was too diverse, if you know what I mean (fish people and...).

    • 4 months ago

      "diversety is our strength!
      no whites allowed!
      fricking white people"
      everytime this happenes it puts a smile on my face

  48. 4 months ago

    OP you have to do all that and ALSO be good. PoE had everything checked on the checklist except for not being BORING!! SNOOOORE MIMIMIMI ZZZZzzzzZZZ! IT'S A SNOOZE FEST! HOW DO YOU MAKE AN ELABORATE LORE RICH WORLD SO MONOTONOUS AND DULL?!
    Except Eder, he was kind of fun.

  49. 4 months ago

    Explain why you like Durance, Avellone fanboys.

  50. 4 months ago

    One thing I don't see mentioned too often is what a bad job Ashley Johnson does as the game's narrator. Or maybe it was just that her voice wasn't suited for it, but every time the narration started up it was like nails on a chalkboard to me.

    • 4 months ago

      *the second game's narrator

    • 4 months ago

      if they wanted a female voice, would of been great if they could get the same actress that did IWD2

  51. 4 months ago

    >can't even multiclass in the first
    What was that cuck thinking?

    • 4 months ago

      "Only munchkin grognards want to multiclass."

      • 4 months ago

        And who is the target audience for isometric nostalgia again?

  52. 4 months ago

    The world building was the worst part of it.Renaming common tropes does not make your setting unique and the world felt shallow since almost all of what the player learns is surface level with no depth to it.

    • 4 months ago

      >Renaming common tropes does not make your setting unique and the world felt shallow since almost all of what the player learns is surface level with no depth to it.
      You should actually play it.

      • 4 months ago

        When was the Goldpact founded and who leads it?Who is the current emperor of Aedyr?

  53. 4 months ago

    It was boring, simple as that.

  54. 4 months ago

    the biggest problem i had with pillars is the lore and worldbuilding
    >oh cool im the Chosen One and my ability is that i can talk to souls and my name is The Watcher
    tell me you didnt fall asleep just reading that one greentext line?

    maybe i lost some details but god damn do i hate Chosen One stories about Fluff, and yes most RPGs you are special of some kind but Obsidian really turned that specially boring

    • 4 months ago

      Don't forget the kickstarter OCs everywhere.

      • 4 months ago

        to be honest they don't get enough shit for this. shoudl've been a day1 patch to delete all that extremely cringe trash.

        • 4 months ago

          I wouldn't mind that shit as much if they were at least trying to be actual NPCs which you can drag the mindcuck fanfic story out of as an extra.
          You know, some giving quests, some traders, some are in a bulk of street bandits accosting or such. Maybe even gain some skill or items if you mind scanned them all.
          But instead they are just superficial signposts with a char sprite

    • 4 months ago

      >maybe i lost some details but god damn do i hate Chosen One stories
      The Watcher actually isn't the chosen one in PoE1, you're not even the only watcher in your party, let alone the world. You do, however, literally become the grim reaper in the sequel however, although not necessarily because you are the chose one, but because of the crazy shit you pulled off in the first game attracted the attention of the gods who kind of repurpose you into their golem to go kill jesus. (this is the actual real plot of deadfire)

      • 4 months ago

        moron.There is no other watcher in the party.She even tells you that she was a fake.

    • 4 months ago

      You literally aren't the chosen one. There is no chosen one. Watchers are common enough that you meet several in game.

  55. 4 months ago

    It's not DnD and therefore a large portion of the people who play CRPGs hated it by default.

  56. 4 months ago

    PoE still gets talked about in RPG circles. The real question is why Tyranny is completely forgotten.

    • 4 months ago

      because Paradox rushed the development and did a shit job at promoting it. Also, no capabilities for modding. It's a shame, because the game is great. Paradox became such a goddamn cancer, since going public.

      • 4 months ago

        Paradox and CDPR are funny examples of "le moral" gaming companies going to shit insrantly after making it big.

        • 4 months ago

          >Paradox and CDPR are funny examples of "le moral" gaming companies going to shit insrantly after making it big.
          Yup. At this point 100% of the devs I used to like either went defunct or sold out and went to shit. Literally the only good came I can think of coming up is Dragon's Dogma 2. Please save us, grorious Nippon.

          >BG3 raises all the boats in the sea for CRPGs
          >New influx and interest makes people realize PoE was a hidden gem
          >PoE3 will happen next
          Sawyer will win in the long term

          BG3 was shit, PoE1/2 were... okay. Sawyer is a hack.

          • 4 months ago

            >Please save us, grorious Nippon.
            You aren't a weeb if you only play crapcom and squareshit.

            • 4 months ago

              I am not a weeb, but I did enjoy dragons dogma and final fantasy 1-10 (plus tactics). Soul calibur 2 was pretty sweet too.
              >verification not required

              • 4 months ago

                This just makes you the Japanese equivalent of a bethestard.

          • 4 months ago

            >Literally the only good came I can think of coming up is Dragon's Dogma 2. Please save us, grorious Nippon.
            This is like a meme. You can't actually believe that the DRM-loaded DE-Engine vaseline-smeared turd and pseudo-reboot that is Dragon's Dogshit 2 from Crapcom is going to be a good game. You have some serious issues if you think Japan the #1 copyright hellhole and anti-computer gaming nation is this glorious savior of gaming, ket alone in this fricking dedace of non-stop goyslop delivery from everywhere.

    • 4 months ago

      >The real question is why Tyranny is completely forgotten.
      Because it's bad and it's biggest fans don't play it.

    • 4 months ago

      The concept is good but the execution is questionable. A good example of it are the team/group actions and spellcasting that can support much better game, but is instead coupled with encounter design consisting of 3 different types of enemies.
      The setting itself also ends up looking too high tech for what it was advertising.

      Also the guy blaming paradox is full of shit, we know from Avellone that Feargus cannibalised Tyranny's budget for PoE2, which surely is a good game but the realisation obsidian will cheat on them if not given tight enough leash is what made paradox drop them.

      • 4 months ago

        >The concept is good but the execution is questionable
        Same with PoE. Really makes u think

        • 4 months ago

          PoE, the first one specifically has some locations where it shines like Raedrics hold and the DLCs. The 2nd one has shit plot but if you just treat it as icewind dale 3 but with pirates then there's a lot of fun to be had.

          Tyranny meanwhile was meant to be this unusual game where you are evil and it's also meant to be more ancient than medieval but then you get past the 1st act and 99% of that premise is gone already. You're not evil just pragmatic, the setting ends up looking too new and futuristic and the gameplay consist of fighting exactly 3 types of enemies over and over again. The setting and premise was completely above the capabilities of the writing team(they self admittedly based the evil "bronze age" empire on...1984) and the other aspects of the game were obviously rushed. Easily a game that could've done much, much more than it did.

      • 4 months ago

        >Also the guy blaming paradox is full of shit
        I'm not and you are defending a homosexual Swedish corpo, which sold his soul by going public. Look at the games they released since then and tell me, they aren't a problem

        PoE, the first one specifically has some locations where it shines like Raedrics hold and the DLCs. The 2nd one has shit plot but if you just treat it as icewind dale 3 but with pirates then there's a lot of fun to be had.

        Tyranny meanwhile was meant to be this unusual game where you are evil and it's also meant to be more ancient than medieval but then you get past the 1st act and 99% of that premise is gone already. You're not evil just pragmatic, the setting ends up looking too new and futuristic and the gameplay consist of fighting exactly 3 types of enemies over and over again. The setting and premise was completely above the capabilities of the writing team(they self admittedly based the evil "bronze age" empire on...1984) and the other aspects of the game were obviously rushed. Easily a game that could've done much, much more than it did.

        >the gameplay consist of fighting exactly 3 types of enemies over and over again
        this is the only valid criticism of the entire game (together with the rushed last act). Everything else you're spouting is bullshit. In what way is the setting "futuristic"? LMAO.

  57. 4 months ago

    Is there ANY REASON to be "good" in Pillars of Eternity? Everything feels so pointless. No reaction at all from my companions for being a crazed serial killer.

  58. 4 months ago

    The tryhard lore is what made it mediocre. Instead of embracing western high fantasy, Sawyer tried to make it gritty and realistic.

    • 4 months ago

      if someone made a gritty and "realistic" game in the Forgotten Realms universe, it would be great. Imagine a soulslike in Calimshan after the spellplague, where Djinn and Efreets fight each other and both enslave and genocide the humans at the same time. Would be a kino game.

  59. 4 months ago

    Every single NPC in Pillars of Eternity is so damn soulless.

    • 4 months ago

      Eder is totally fine and Durance may be an autistic old c**t, but surely not soulless.

      • 4 months ago

        >Eder is totally fine
        Serviceable at best.
        The only thing besides "muh brooother" I can remember him for is the banter between him and the dorf ranger.
        >"If I am not supposed to pet your fox why is he so soft damn you?"!

        • 4 months ago

          He's also openly racist. Generally the games handle a lot of topics that wouldn't fly in today's political climate:
          >colonialism having both pros and cons
          >religious persecution
          >sexism towards both sexes
          >how non-European political systems were completely dysfunctional, to put it lightly

          • 4 months ago

            >>how non-European political systems were completely dysfunctional, to put it lightly
            Blacks are the most revered society in Pillars of Eternity world though?
            >Venice is black

            • 4 months ago

              No, the most successful region, at least out of those described, is the Aedyr Empire, and that's whitey country.

              Also, "ocean folk" a.k.a. the blackies of the setting, are only 50% of the population of the Valian Republics.

          • 4 months ago

            That says more about the laughable state of writing game NPCs now than about him being interesting tbh

          • 4 months ago

            If PoE had body type A and body type B with interchangeable "sex organs", it would be more current era than BG3.

            • 4 months ago

              >Body Types are such a big deal that they alone determine if a game is le pozzed or not
              The sooner you accept that 1) you lost and 2) loosing isn't a big deal here, the better

              • 4 months ago

                Bigots got btfo

              • 4 months ago

                Not going to happen troony

  60. 4 months ago

    >BG3 raises all the boats in the sea for CRPGs
    >New influx and interest makes people realize PoE was a hidden gem
    >PoE3 will happen next
    Sawyer will win in the long term

    • 4 months ago

      >two more weeks, cuck version

      • 4 months ago

        >Avelonite projections

    • 4 months ago

      >sloppy seconds from Sven's masterpiece are Sawyer only hope

      • 4 months ago

        Sven honestly deserves it. Man made souless dogshit for lowest common denominator for more than a decade purely to harness funds to create a real magnum opus. The sins of making all those god awful divinity games are forgiven and he earns the title of 3D chess master.

  61. 4 months ago

    I liked the world, did not like camping mechanic or skills. There were so many skills in that game that I had no clue how they worked. I took skills with a chanter or whatever it's called that made my party invincible for almost all fights. No clue why.

  62. 4 months ago

    Because it's boring and the world is boring.

  63. 4 months ago

    Penis of Eternity is just boring at best.

    • 4 months ago

      >Penis of Eternity is just boring at best.
      You’re supposed to go to the doctor after a couple hours, anon. Hardly what I’d call “boring”

  64. 4 months ago

    I'd read PoE books if Deadfire didn't exist, and they did anything interesting cool with the lore and dropped some more neat reveals.

  65. 4 months ago


  66. 4 months ago

    2 sucked ass.

    Thaos was an infinitely better villain than Eothas. The former was a mortal granted immortality by gods his people created to maintain a worldwide conspiracy in order to stop religious wars from spiraling out of control ever again. You're able to put him down, at least temporarily, as well as argue your own point.

    The latter is a toddler throwing a tantrum and breaking things for no reason, after which he fricks off and leaves. You cant do shit to stop him and have to listen to his moronic spiel before he does.

  67. 4 months ago

    Picked up Pillars of Eternity because of the huge positive reception for PoE ITT (compared to what I expected).
    Got to act 2. Now i'm bored. Dropping.

    • 4 months ago

      I don't believe you.

  68. 4 months ago

    PoE is the exact thing of "service but don't listen to the fans."

    Normal people who played through BG, IwD, NVN etc. played them, and once finished moved on. CRPGs are really only impactful the first couple of playthroughs story wise.

    Those that didn't move on though, do what everyone does when you die hard a game and create stupid self imposed challenges like solo runs or naked fighter builds etc etc. In this process the story is entirely background noise but I'd a niggling issue because you're the chosen one afterall. So most people wanted the whole hero's journey thing to not be a thing.

    The forums and feedback reflected this back in the KS and it rubbed off onto the Devs. Seriously, play through PoE and notice how basically every encounter or set piece your character comes across is built around the idea of letting the MC do random shit. Or how the entire basis of the story is "you walked into the wrong ruins" It's why you feel you are pushed from place to place to deal with something that you could literally have walked away from at any time because you had zero shit to do with what was going on to begin with.

  69. 4 months ago

    Everything in PoE feels too forced and too dry. It's just not fun. Especially for a "we want to capture the Baldurs Gate vibe".

    Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 were always lighthearted outside of the mainstory. In BG1 you had things like the dude who wants to jump from a cliff or the energy drink sculptor.
    In BG2 you also experienced funny stuff. (beholder and the chest, etc.)

    Also the dialogues where good written and straight to the point.

    PoE was, like most modern RPGs (Shadowbringers, etc.), a exposition game. Endless blah blah to create some fake complexity and profundity but in the end completly shallow and hollow.

    • 4 months ago

      How is the ai generated image related to PoE

      • 4 months ago

        because like AI it's soulless. It made by flesh AI.

  70. 4 months ago

    Every time I tried to get in PoE I finish the Intro, get Bored and uninstall. It's surprising how the same company that gave us Tyranny has made a game with such a boring start.

  71. 4 months ago

    What's with all this "PoE bad, Tyranny good" fellatio in this thread?

    How can a game that's made on the same engine with the same director (Sawyer, I presume) be any better? Combat should be same unfun soulless shit, and writing has to be worse because they fired Avellone before Tyranny got released. And isn't this the game that literally goes
    >men are inferior, they are not allowed to own land, how you like them apples bigots?

    • 4 months ago

      Sawyer didn't work on Sawyer AFAIK, it was a B-team job.

      That said, it's way worse than Pillars in every aspects, so I just assume the people that fellate it are contrarian memelords.

      • 4 months ago

        >Sawyer didn't work on Sawyer AFAIK
        Huge if true

      • 4 months ago

        >Sawyer didn't work on Sawyer AFAIK
        But this would be good.

    • 4 months ago

      >Combat should be
      >writing has to be
      So you haven't played both and are ass pulling?

      • 4 months ago

        Why should I play something from the same company that burned me with the previous game on the same engine?
        God you "you can't judge a game if you don't play it" types are actually subhuman.

        • 4 months ago

          >PoE is better than Tyranny
          >No I never played Tyranny
          >I hate Obsidian btw
          Okay Black person

          • 4 months ago

            PoE is better than Tyranny thoughbeit, he is right about that.

  72. 4 months ago


  73. 4 months ago

    I would play this game more if the loading screens were shorter. Zoning in tiny cell with one npc and one container and still 20 seconds in and another out. screw this

  74. 4 months ago

    Didn't like the gameplay

  75. 4 months ago

    So is there any particular reason why they decided to give the 3D models penises and pubic hair in PoE2? Did people really want to see Eder's penis that much?

    • 4 months ago

      is that true?
      I played the entire PoE2 w/ DLCs and I didn't know you could do that

      • 4 months ago

        You need a mod to remove the underwear but the naked models are there. The green goblin creature was naked at release time because her underwear was bugged.

    • 4 months ago

      >So is there any particular reason why they decided to give the 3D models penises and pubic hair in PoE2?
      To be distorted by the water in the bath house, I'd imagine.

  76. 4 months ago

    So does Tyranny have any cute girls?

    • 4 months ago

      >butch lesbian fursona
      >crazy murderhobo chick with a soft side
      >sassy child
      >sexist racist hag who flirts with every female (even the child)

      • 4 months ago

        >sassy child


  77. 4 months ago

    Depressing thread, made me realize that less than half the RPG games made by Obsidian were actually good.
    >KotOR II
    Best Star Wars game ever made, shits all over KotOR.
    >Mask of the Betrayer
    Only an expansion pack for a terrible base game though.
    >Alpha Protocol
    The best secret agent action RPG since Deus Ex, better than Deus Ex: Human Resources or Medical Doctor.
    >Fallout: New Vegas
    But it took years before it was properly playable for me, because of the disgusting base engine.

    And that's basically it. Only duds and disappointments after that. Pentiment was okay, but that's just a visual novel/walking sim with light RPG elements, like Disco Elysium.

    • 4 months ago

      Actually over a decade since Obsidian made a good and memorable RPG. It hurts.

    • 4 months ago

      in what way is AP better than DE MD?

    • 4 months ago

      >Best Star Wars game ever made, shits all over KotOR.
      You're being ironic right now, are you? Kotor isn't worth defending but something like Jedi Academy is. Different genre but the issue is even within the genre Kotor, 1 or 2 have one of the worst combat system to see the light of day.

      • 4 months ago

        >You're being ironic right now, are you?
        Nope, one of the best RPGs ever made, top 10 material minimum. Kreia is the best female RPG companion ever made. Unironically a fun (although not challenging) combat/power/crafting system - yes, the BioWare game invented it, but the second game perfected it. Darth Nihilus and Darth Sionism are top 3 Darths in the Star Wars universe along with Darth Vader, make all the other games' villains look like Saturday morning cartoon villains in comparison. It took the bland and boring Old Republic setting and gave it life and depth. Influence system was a great idea too, if not somewhat difficult (the only "good" character that can easily be turned to the dark side is Handmaiden, Atton is neutral so he's the easiest, Bao-Dur and Mira are basically impossible; Visas on the other hand immediately turns to the light side "because he was nice to me"). Even the "prologue mission" that everyone probably complains about? Best intro to any RPG ever made. The only thing I would cut out is the walking section outside the station (which ties into the general slow movement that you're forced to deal with when you don't have a Jedi who can speed you up).

        • 4 months ago

          You are delusional.

          • 4 months ago

            >starwars fanboi got no counter

            • 4 months ago

              If you believe kotor combat is anything but shit you're delusionus maximus and that's a fact

  78. 4 months ago

    just came here to say that after playing replaying through some 2010s crpgs
    I can confidently say that PoE is the best crpg series of 2010s for me and it's not even close
    another thing I learned is there are two categories of people that fail to find PoE games good
    1 - delusional cuckdexers with a personal vendetta against obsidian and/or sawyer
    2 - people who think ME/skyrim/other-mass-market-oriented-shiet is the best rpg evar

    • 4 months ago

      I fall into neither of those categories and I think both PoE games are pretty meh. They’re not terrible, just not great.

  79. 4 months ago

    Rtwp and Sawyer's writting,

    • 4 months ago

      He barely wrote any of it m8

      • 4 months ago

        He wrote the setting and was overseering development

  80. 4 months ago

    the beginning of the game is boring and has no good hook so a lot of people never even really get started

    basically the game is structured badly, the gameplay and systems are neither familiar nor interesting and the characters are mostly just there. POE is a game that is hard to like unless you really want to like it

  81. 4 months ago

    They are good crpgs
    But it doesn't cater to the right audience to be "popular" by today's standards

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        you might want to look up what that word means
        PoE games have better user rating than any other crpg since 2010 apart from DOS1-3 and DE

        POE is incredibly forgettable bro...
        everything about it is bland and impotent, from the writing and narrative to the gameplay and systems.

        yeah sure that's probably why the game still has active threads almost 9 years since release

        it's time for you lads to accept that core crpg audience is actually fond of PoE games and move on

        • 4 months ago

          >PoE games have better user rating than any other crpg since 2010 apart from DOS1-3 and DE
          Ah so, so that's why you like it more than every other rpg except DE, since that has a higher rating.

          • 4 months ago

            It's more because DE is a singular achievement and is so far the only piece to transcend the genre as a whole.

            • 4 months ago

              I see, so you are that one contrarian tourist who seethes at /vrpg/'s superior taste all the time, good to know.
              I'm filtering your posts ITT now.

          • 4 months ago

            >literally clinically moronic the post
            I refuse to believe you are serious

        • 4 months ago

          they have had zero impact on the genre, if they were actually well-liked games you know that wouldn't be the case

          poe is the definition of slop, it exists and people consume it

          • 4 months ago

            >let me tell you why i ignore a tangible measurable metric and instead use a vague criteria to substitute for reality
            lol this is exactly the type of person hating on poe

    • 4 months ago

      POE is incredibly forgettable bro...
      everything about it is bland and impotent, from the writing and narrative to the gameplay and systems.

  82. 4 months ago

    The world is more interesting than the quests let on. Only a few of them are interesting, I liked exploring Defiance Bay but couldn't care less about the factions bickering, this repeats throughout the areas. The only real cool mystery is the Leaden Key which we don't get a lot of insight on despite a wasted opportunity with the Lady Webb and her spy network, and the origin of the Hollowborn.

  83. 4 months ago

    This thread lasted longer on my drive than Pillars of Eternity, start to finish playthrough.

  84. 4 months ago

    Why are there no mods to overhaul the game? Obsidian should unironically take inspiration from Bethesda to get their boring shit gameplay fixed. If there's a nude mode for PoE2 surely you can fix other things too.

    • 4 months ago

      >Why are there no mods to overhaul the game?
      Best I can do is adding infinity engine style selection circles, and making reputations correctly apply to priest and paladin party members.

    • 4 months ago

      >inspiration from Bethesda to get their boring shit gameplay fixed
      unlike betheslop PoE2 gameplay is already fun for people who enjoy this subgenre

    • 4 months ago

      There are lots of mods out there for both games. What changes are you suggesting?

  85. 4 months ago

    >”honey I have come to save our people and free you all”
    >”no dear the men are already enslaved and the women are all pregnant with their conquerors children, you should give up and let us be ethnically cleansed”
    What a shit companion quest, all that for a vision of his wife telling him to give up.

    • 4 months ago

      what companion was this?

      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      i dont remember this. what an absolutely forgettable slopfest.

    • 4 months ago

      Wew, based Sawyer knows that women would rather bear the children of rapists than of weak men.

  86. 4 months ago

    >They even did RTwP because the audience couldn't handle big mainstream AAA turn based RPGs.
    What could have possibly happened?

    • 4 months ago

      >What could have possibly happened?
      If you're asking why BG3 got away with it, the answer is simple.
      >for the casuals who bought it, the combat system makes no difference
      >Critical Role happened in between, if you play TBS now you can be just like heckin CR guys

      • 4 months ago

        Yaaaaaaas, CR frickin slaps hard

  87. 4 months ago

    I've attempted to play this game about 5 times with five different characters, never got past gilded vale. I'm try again now and I'm at least going to finish act 1 this time

    • 4 months ago

      I have finished PoE1 I think twice over the years since it came out but I have started and abandoned probably dozens of playthroughs just from getting bored and dropping it. Something about it.

      • 4 months ago

        The world just doesn't have the sauce

  88. 4 months ago

    >you should like Pillars of Eternity. But many did not!

    Pillars was more generic than either of those games, let alone Planescape, and its' biggest contributions were
    >black venetians
    >lesbian fan fiction backer characters
    >censoring a funny backer's poem and refusing him a refund like a bunch of thieves
    >bad design choices like mighty spells

    At the start of the game, it was already obvious the machines the tribals guarded had been used by the ancient culture to ascend to godhood and the villain was amassing baby-souls to do the same.
    I looked ahead at the endings to see if there was anything interesting and there's not even the boilerplate option of taking the villains place and becoming a god yourself.

    Sawyer, in his fart-sniffing egotism, is so self-impressed with the addition of athiesm as the grand truth of a fantasy setting, that he finds it sufficient to make his not-Faerun interesting. It isn't.
    He and Black Library ADB should collaborate. They could blow and rim Dawkins together.

    • 4 months ago

      fan fiction backer characters
      Such as?

  89. 4 months ago

    I had fun with PoE.

  90. 4 months ago

    It's not even worth shitting on. It's just overall very bland. If you have nothing else to play PoEs work decently as filler crpgs, but expect to become bored with them by the halfway mark.
    It's a shame really. On paper they had the resources and know-how to make a good game, but there's really very little in the games to really hook you in. Everything is mostly competently done, but I found it very difficult to get invested into the setting or the story. And the gameplay alone does not carry the weight either.
    A mediocre dissapointment is what these games were. A shame really.

    • 4 months ago

      I bet you liked Dragon Age games.

      • 4 months ago

        Origins is worth a playthrough. But it has a bitter note if you know how shitty the sequels and their "lore progression" were.

        • 4 months ago

          >Origins is worth a playthrough
          No it isn't lmao

        • 4 months ago

          >I bet you liked Dragon Age games.
          lmao he does

    • 4 months ago

      Blessed digits. This post was so inspiring that I uninstalled PoE.

  91. 4 months ago

    More people have uninstalled Eternity in this thread alone than they installed all year.

    • 4 months ago

      >More people have uninstalled Eternity in this thread alone than they installed all year.
      I keep it installed because I have some stupid mod that was annoying to set up. I haven't touched it in years. The idea of playing Pillars is always more fun than the reality of playing Pillars. I have finished it once or twice over the years but I have came up with some new idea for a party, played half the game, and dropped it literally dozens of times.

  92. 4 months ago

    Most story-heavy single player games aren't meant to be infinitely replayable.

    • 4 months ago

      >game title clearly says "eternity" in it
      >not eternal
      What did they mean by this

      • 4 months ago

        I just realized they called it “eternity” because it’s infinity engine: kickstarter edition. What a bunch of hacks

  93. 4 months ago

    I played it when it came out hoping it would be like the games I was nostalgic for and I was bored and disappointed. I came back to it and stopped comparing it and enjoyed it more and finished it, but the writing was still pretty average, I don't know how they made the concept of past lives/reincarnation so boring

  94. 4 months ago

    I like some things about PoE1, it's ultimately not quite for me, but not the worst game and not as bad as people say it is, at least that's my impression of it.

  95. 4 months ago

    Prose is bad.

  96. 4 months ago

    >If you like Icewind Dale or Baldur's Gate
    I'm among those people, and I've never been hooked by Pillars. I found the setting boring, sterile and depressing, and the combat system was not interesting. The fact you don't even get XP after a fight doesn't make the system, that is already boring, appealing either. I really tried to get into it, I wanted to like it because in theory it's exactly what I'd like

    Tyranny was the opposite, to me. It had identity and the magic system was so good that it was fun to play (perhaps a bit *too* good).
    Now, the real deal to me was Pathfinder Kingmaker and then WotR. Loved those two games.

    • 3 months ago

      I agree with basically everything you said, except Pillars 2 was pretty good. What did you think of the second one, or did you not play it? Also anarchy path is the best path in Tyranny.

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