Pitch your RPG idea

>Ancient Chinese setting
>You don't pick your class but instead you can join one of many sects and learn difference martial arts
>travel around the world to collect legendary weapons or hidden martial art manuals from doing side quest or just find them hidden in dungeons.
>Some martial art have strong effect that come with terrible cost (you take damage when you use them, cut of your dick to be able to learn it, need to drink human blood) and you might have chance to fail when training them. The more powerful one have higher chance of failing.
> Only have 2 love interest that you have to choose. The one you didn't choose will become a major antagonist in the end.
>You can become a lawful hero, a chaotic neutral feature, an eccentric weirdo or an evildoer.

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 years ago

    >fantasy reinassance
    >it is caused by a goddess of knowledge blessing humans
    >does not work on fantasy races
    >main villian is giga blessed by said goddess and tries to stop everything from going to shit with drastic measures
    >human suprematist, of course
    >classes work like origin stories in dragon age origins and mythic paths from pathfinder wotr, you pick fighter per say and you get unique interactions for the fighter background(military or police, dunno yet), if you're a mage you studied at a university etc
    >fights are rare but deadly, beating without the combat is possible but charisma is a non combat stat and you have to actually to do some work for it
    >your height determines your charisma and stats
    >women have a bonus to charisma, men - to strength and dexterity. would make an int penalty to women but it would trigger the crowd immensely
    >dwarves also have a reproductive cycle: males find females unattractive outside of a short span in which they grow beards

    • 2 years ago

      >fantasy reinassance
      >something something goddess
      I stopped reading there lol
      That just sound generic

  2. 2 years ago

    >Saturday Morning godscape setting
    >a huge galaxy spanning contest in which low tier deities compete in order to reach true multiversal godhood while utilizing giant mobile fortreseses
    >plays similiar to kingdomheart or trails of mana
    >protagonist is some dopey local shrine god

  3. 2 years ago

    >Story oriented rpgmaker JRPG
    >adventure through a vast world composed of floating island chains in a sea of fog
    >Dark fantasy setting inspired by east asian culture/martial arts. Has some sci-fi elements (is secretly post apocalyptic but its not thrown in the face of the player)
    >following a story of 3 characters with blood on their hands searching for a fabled lost city at the top of the world that they believe holds the keys to their redemption. They will face personal challenges and uncover many dark secrets along the way
    >themes about personal redemption, the meaning of maturity, intergenerational interaction, and passing the torch
    >turn-based battle system based around control of a colored resource bar (think MTG, seraphic blue) shared between yourself and your enemies. Control of the resource bar allows the player and enemies to set up, punish, or deny eachothers actions.
    >No leveling or random encounters. Gear system is additive instead of equip based: create a large library of unique mementos and learn new martial arts/spells on your grand journey through questing and exploration.
    >4th party member comes in the form of recruitable people or pets that you can swap out in battle- each with a unique playstyle and short storyline

  4. 2 years ago

    >first person dungeon crawler
    >scifi setting that starts on a remote machine planet but involves other planets as the game goes on.
    >solo cute gynoid adventurer that has to gather equipment to use skills.
    >Levels aren't gained from battles but from how much of a certain element is found while exploring, encouraging exploration.
    >Starts out pretty weak and only fights a single random encounter at most but becomes pretty powerful by the end, even using multiple skills a turn against enemy parties composed of a dozen or so members
    >bosses are generally hard with the final boss being so brutal that you have to abuse the system to the fullest to beat him

  5. 2 years ago

    >it's an indeterminate amount of time after almost every apocalypse that could be conceived stikes the world at once.
    >Robots, mutants, and uplifted animals exist in a garbage world built out of the detritus of civilization and war, primordial magic abounds in the rust and grime
    >you and your hapless crew of degenerated biological and mechanical frick-ups go from simply helping with rounding up the village's sunflower herd to eventually fighting against Mother Nature who finally awoke to see the world in absolute disarray because she's going to clean the slate and start again.

  6. 2 years ago

    A full on elf rpg would be neat. Perhaps it can be about the time humans start appearing and being to overwhelm the elves? Also maybe make it so it's seen through the eyes of long lived elves. Starts off fighting human warriors in fur rags and rough copper spears to fighting full on steel armored soldiers. Would be kinda neat to watch the slow decay and destruction of their culture. Maybe you could play as a young elf who sees the danger posed by humanity and are able to avert complete destruction for your people.
    I always thought that'd be neat to play.

    • 2 years ago

      Also a dwarf rpg would be neat. Something like being trapped inside your peopls last hold, fighting off an innumerable number of some kind of eldritch beasts or orcs or something.

  7. 2 years ago

    A large black former drug dealer, a short guy with a snake, a korean schoolgirl, and a single 36 year old female real estate agent are drawn into a conspiracy by the govenrment - local, state, federal, and unfederated - covering up some sort of extradimensional sci-fi frickery involving alien hookers, the Shallow State, a 2004 Honda Civic, and the brutal truth that humans are being harvested to sell as drugs. Fight mall cops, light fires, break into post offices and out of paramilitary bases, and whatever you do keep a cool head.

    • 2 years ago

      I'd play it

  8. 2 years ago


    >simple but has a nice
    has a nice what?

    • 2 years ago

      >can’t give feedback to my idea
      you’ll never know

      • 2 years ago

        Sorry anon, I don't really find it that interesting

  9. 2 years ago

    Ok, here goes...
    >The beautiful bishounen protagonist lives in a desolate post apocalyptic world of a hentai anime however he is a gay, and i mean that in the literal sense. So he is unamused because his universe is filled with hot women and ugly straight bastards who frick and dunk on those women
    >Beautiful anime women getting raped is the norm. You literally cannot step outside without getting cucked or fricked by orcs, animals, demons, and bastards.
    >"Why do I exist in such a bleak world where only ugly men exist to frick beautiful women? There's no quality bussy to be found..."
    >He goes insane and opens up a ancient demonic summoning book
    >"Satan-sama grant me the power to turn these bastards into my handsome slaves
    '>Yes your wish is granted
    >Now our protag has the ability to frick orcs, ugly bastards, tentacles, etc, and his sperm turns them into equally gay and beautiful bishounen men
    >No our protag confrots the forces of evil, and fricks them into submission to make them his slaves
    >but all is not well...
    >As our hero fricks and buck breaks he leaves no men for the hentai women
    >an all out war between the homos and the bloated balloon titted anime girls in skin tight bikini armor begins

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      this legitimately sounds like it would be popular enough to have constant /vrpg/ threads about it

    • 2 years ago

      >But this time it's done correctly

      It's pretty impressive that you just came up with this concept on the fly, spontaneously

  10. 2 years ago

    my only concept is a horror or post-apocalyptic turn based RPG in which the battles are FMVs with live actors in a grainy vhs style

  11. 2 years ago

    >Super hero RPG, but in a dark fantasy equivalent setting rather than "classic" superhero setting.
    >"Superheroes" are not superheroes but more like knights or samurai, and not the romantic type.
    >"Supervillains" are mostly thugs with too much powers or organised crime members who happened to obtain superpowers. Monsters, both sci fi and magic, are in.
    >They wear over the top outfits none the less.
    >Lawful-Neutral-Chaotic alignement in
    >No kill rule is not in, but your entourage react to the killing.
    >The "Superheroes" can use weapons, including firearms or weapons like swords, however having a electricity/fire based use a gun is bad idea. Fisticuff is an option of course
    >Fighting does not increase stats, and each characters have a static powerset.
    >However, the characters can learn extra power set skills, like magic, martial arts or medical knowledge
    >Environnement interactivity and ability to talk to enemies, including negociation or taunting.
    >Possibility of winning battles via wits or simply overpowering opponents.
    >Wizards and aliens are in the game but you only play superhumans because they are the focus.

    • 2 years ago

      Would've been better if it was just a straight up Watchmen game set before the Keene Act was passed.

  12. 2 years ago

    >An SRPG
    >Characters have classes like normal
    >But the game also have mount
    >Each Mount provide difference benefit to the rider and act as a 2nd health bar.
    >Special weapons that deal bonus damage against mounted units
    >Horse mount give bonus movements but vulnerable to spears
    >Flying Mount give flying but is vulnerable to arrows and range weapons.
    >Rhino and Boars mounts have charge that can deal damage on a line
    >Tiger and wolf mount can attack independence from the riders.
    >Elephant mount can trample over units
    >Chariot give bonus attack and armor but can only move on flat terrace.
    >MC is a beastmaster who got roped into a political plot of the Empire because he save the princess of the kingdom from an assassination.
    >MC can't mount but can summon an animal in battle, each animal he summon do something difference. (Wolf, Eagle, Bear, Snake)

  13. 2 years ago

    >fantasy medieval setting.
    >A great evil has been defeated in the kingdom the land is euphoric in celebration even knowing doom is near.
    >All the inhabitants are slowly turning too stone but the knights and wizards make joyful poses knowing the "enemy" is defeated.
    >The child protaganist is sent away in horse carriage as the sole survivor by parents who wish their child have a future.
    >Years pass you return to now to this ruined stony kingdom yearning for purpose.
    >Isometric murderhobo rpg like underrail.

  14. 2 years ago

    >Futuristic Sci Fi setting. Laser guns, vibro knives and laser swords, physics raping guns that shoot fire and ice, modest mecha, the works.
    >Game primarily takes place on a single ship, full of human colonists, hurtling through space to find a new home. Ship has been in transit for at least a century.
    >Your dudes consist of a gaggle of relatively competent people, under the direct command of, say, the Navigator.
    >Your job is to investigate planets, asteroids, anomalies, and perform security on the ship.
    >There is a fixed amount of resources, currency, most items, etcetera in the game, representing the closed system of resources the ship represents. Wasting resources, loosing equipment or characters, and so on represents a permanent loss to you. Opportunities to acquire more resources are a big deal
    >Your Dudes consist of a couple of named characters, and a gang of largely faceless, customizable characters that you can train, specialize, and otherwise build up as you see fit.
    >There will often be multiple things to do at any given time, and dividing your dudes into efficient, but effective teams for those jobs is essential. You're definitely not going to use the same half dozen for everything for the entire game, especially since your dudes need rest, too.
    >You also have to manage factions to an extent; after so long at space, the crew have started getting weird. For Reasons, whoever you're under is a bit more sane, but that makes others suspicious of them. Piss off the engineering crew, and you might start not getting your Mechs repaired quickly. Get close to maintenance, and they might let your dudes use their carts to drive around the ship, decreasing travel times, and so on.
    >Ultimately, it falls to you and your dudes to get shit done, keep the ship intact, and push this damn thing over the finish line to a happy ending.

    • 2 years ago

      >Combat follows an SRPG archetype, with added light tactical elements like line of sight, vertical mobility, and so on.
      >Movement is not tracked in spaces or squares, but is more or less free. Mechs can also be deployed, mechs are significantly more powerful than base humanoids, but consume much more ammunition, and have a finite fuel supply as well.
      >Besides combat, squads will encounter skill checks, and exploration elements that they may need certain training to be able to complete. You might need a pair of engineers and at least two physically strong squad members to lay a bridge, for example, or else need a demolitions expert or a mech to go through a wall.
      >Also, aliens. Mostly just vicious critters. Mostly.

  15. 2 years ago

    alright homosexuals. check this shit out
    >space opera neo-rome
    >galactic coliseum
    >hex-based srpg
    >zone of control mechanics from brigandine
    >localized damage from front misson
    >overwatch from xcom
    >collateral like in valkyria chronicles
    >shielding and flux mechanics from starsector
    >hyper-autismo mech customization
    >weight and power generation mechanics from armored core
    >built-in weapons on various parts like front mission
    >primary, secondary, and tertiary specializations for cqc, long range fire, speed, power, mobility, camo, amphibious operations, EMP, ECM, ECCM, nav support, radar support, etc.

    • 2 years ago

      >fantasy medieval setting

      holy frick you're some unimaginative fricks

      • 2 years ago

        moron-kun, what part of neo-rome in space with mechs fighting otherworldly fauna to entertain aliens is fantasy medieval?

    • 2 years ago

      I'd play it, sounds fun

    • 2 years ago

      I want to make a tactical mecha RPG, it's one of my dreams. It will take years before I have a prototype though.

      • 2 years ago

        get the basic stat stuff down on paper or an excel sheet first. mess around with it a bit. even 15 minutes a day will get you far fren.

  16. 2 years ago

    I think the mech/mecha genre is an untapped shekel waterfall.
    >Mount and Blade but with mechs
    >mixed with EvE Online but singleplayer
    >main fantasy is being a CEO of a private military contractor company and getting as much shekels from countries engaging a proxy war in space
    >customizable secretary waifu/s to rope in the coomer and otacucks
    >plays as a first-person/third-person vehicular shooter. some units like unarmored or special infantry can operate without a mech
    >mech design porn - you got burger bipedal tank style of mechs, kraut aggressive israelitekillers, classic weebshit from Japan,
    >sleek and speedy Italian motherfrickers inspired by their cars, Soviet zergs with cope cages,
    >britbong sword mechs inspired by Arthurian legends,
    >chingchong turbozergs, Australian brawler/boxer mechs, the fricking Vatican etc.
    >a few alien frickers that appear in late game with the most freaky designs (im thinking of biomech body horror style)
    >player can develop their own mechs mixing and matching parts from other countries/factions
    >generals are present in the battlefield and have their own unique mechs, they have personalities and can banter via MGS style codec calls
    >almost 4x autism levels of economics, upgrade trees, simulation, faction interaction etc.
    >VR compatible
    >wienerpit design will be detailed and done with utmost importance - motorsport autism levels of mech feel, control, sounds, and operating systems
    >art direction is semi-stylized with anime inspired effects from code geass and old boomer shit like patlabor
    Any israelite that is into mechs should fund this.

  17. 2 years ago

    >Majority of the game is set in a steampunk setting
    >Secondary setting is the decayed-hippie world of the overrun Elves
    >Tertiary setting is the futuristic cyberpunk metropolis
    >MC is a human smuggler who works to steal from the futuristic metropolis and sell the goods on the black market
    >There's no Mana/Magicka; everything is blood magic. Only Elves can cast magic and everything costs HP to do so. Reviving means your mage sacrifices themselves; ultimate spells require the sacrifice of other party members
    >there's no party limit, so every new character is a direct upgrade
    also some other random shit
    >Cults of crazy humans who drink potions of Elf blood to gain access to magic at the cost of corrupting themselves
    >Main antagonist is an energy tycoon who just wants to manifest destiny
    >Aliens get involved

  18. 2 years ago

    ragnarok online, but it's single player and the combat is similar to hyper light drifter

  19. 2 years ago

    Most of these are literally "lolrandom" and extremely incoherent in both pacing, combination or narrative. At least the gaygay kept it all together in one coherent line, that says a lot about the state of this board and website.

  20. 2 years ago

    >Modern world
    >Inspired by shows like Lost or From
    >No classes, only regular humans with a background (former police/soldier, mechanic, etc.)
    >They get lost and appear in a town that they can't leave
    >Monsters appear at night and outside the bounds of the town
    >Discover the secrets of the town and its inhabitants through dialogue, intimidation and exploration.
    >Combat could be top down and real time but ammo and weapons are limited and many monsters are resistant to conventional fire.
    >[Insert rest of the pitch or some twists here, I don't know]

  21. 2 years ago

    I have a document in my PC which details a totally custom fantasy setting I made, it's a project I love. There's no nations and a long history like in most settings, I don't even have a map, I just detail interesting cultures and magic monsters I come up with because i'm an ideas guy.
    Someday i'm gonna program it, someday, so I won't share details here.
    Anyways, I once thought of making a fallout mod project simmilar to Fallout: london or Fallout: miami, but placing it in peronist argentina (Argentina in the 40's).

  22. 2 years ago

    Ok i'm gonna improvise:
    >post apocalyptic world
    >world before society fell is literally normal current world with nothing special or magical, say 2020 so we can mention twitter, trump, trannies, pepe, and the stuff
    >maybe some biological weapon wiped out 99% of the human population, effectively regressing humanity to the stone age in a matter of generations
    >not even a faction that tries to establish a new government, it's all gone
    >all cities are absolutely abandoned and in ruins, vegetation has taken over
    >people have forgotten how does technology work, the few remaining people being tribialistic scavangers that consider electronics basically magic (cellphones are magical charms, they pray to vending machines for food, etc.)
    >there are three combat stats, STR, DXT, and INT, intelligence is used to allow use of technology, if you don't have INT, you can't use basic tech and are forced to fight with sticks and whatever
    >open world, no overarching narrative, only the different tribes fighting for land/resources and you

  23. 2 years ago

    >the nobody RPG (look it up on /x/)
    >the objective is to kill the demiurge
    >you kill glowing Black folk, ayy lmaos, shlomos, moloch cultists, masons, bigfoots, skinwalkers, etc.
    >obama is a boss, he drops adrenochrome
    >Qanon, pepe, wojack are party members
    >you can summon e-girl tulpas and goth succubus GFs but you get the status effect "schizophrenia"

  24. 2 years ago

    >Its about a bunch of action figures and toys
    >It sets place in a huge bedroom but every area of the bedroom is like a new town in a dq game or FF game
    >You play as a mutant 80s superhero type of action figure who finds out a man in a weird top hat and cloak is messing with the minds of other toys in the bedroom or country technically.
    >This man just so happens to attack your part of the bedroom and kills your fellow 80s mutant heroes
    >You set part on a quest to find out what his motives are and whats going on to the toys he manipulates
    >5-8 party members but you can only have 5 in battle
    >They range from a Duke Nukem gi joe type of hero, a 60s barbie doll type and a kaiju mini figure
    >Combo attacks like Chrono trigger
    >A skill point system like FF10 or DQ8

  25. 2 years ago

    >Superhero CRPG
    >You create your class by picking origin and powersets
    >You start off as a newly powered (or unpowered) character and can choose to commit crimes or stop criminals. Morality is a different factor so you can have a morally good villain or a monster pretending to be a hero.
    >You can join a faction, but joining some have you targeted by others. Some factions use psychic screening, some factions use your fame/infamy factor, some are powerset or origin specific.
    >Media has an effect on your own reputation stats, so you could be the best hero possible but get shat on like Spider-Man.
    >Once you get past a threshold, an alien invasion quest hits. Once you beat that you can gain access to other planets and unlock for future runs an alien invader origin and a Green Lantern knockoff origin+powerset.
    >If you have a science origin with tech powers you have a slow buildup that takes a LOT of money, but at higher tier you get to stomp around the place in a mecha.
    >Magic origin makes you a lot more likely to run into demons and fae.
    >Past a certain point in the game you randomly trigger time-travel events where someone from the future or the past appears in the present. After defeating them, you can get an item and choose/accidentally toss yourself into the future/past.

  26. 2 years ago

    >cultivator world where everyone wants to get strong and ascend to the heavens like the legendary sect champions that pull it off every couple decades, beat all odds and rivals and ascend with your friends
    >sequel campaign where you find out you lived in a time-accelerated pocket world created to churn out soldiers fast, when you ascend to the "real world" only 10% of your power works in reality but its how "your side" makes grunt soldiers faster.
    >get sent to the front lines, here we go again

  27. 2 years ago

    >Dark Fantasy
    >Isometric RPG with good crafting, skills, magic autism
    >The game take place in a Dying Empire
    >the whole tone of the game hopeless and sad
    >there are different races the Normal ones Human, Elf, Dwarf and the other's like Dhampirs, Dragonoids, Demon-Blooded and Angel-Blooded
    >You're the Head of the Tempest House (the weakest of the ruling houses of the Empire)
    >Everybody hates you for two reasons
    >first one, you slaughterer your whole family as a child (the reason depend on the race) but you escaped execution
    >the other reason your master the Empire Heroine asked for your forgiveness(that's why you escaped execution), took care of you, raised and loved you as her own child to the point that she died protecting you the problem is that everyone in the empire loved and adored her so everyone seeths about her protecting and dying for (you) a known parricide
    >She teach you to be honorable person
    >Your master life wish was always avoiding decay of the Empire, and bring a new era of happiness and peace both dies without fulfilling her goal
    >so your goal is to fulfill the wish of your master/foster mother even when she asked you to live a peaceful life
    >so you're set out in a adventure to accomplish this meanwhile you take care of a orphan child like you master did it for you
    >but you found quickly that balancing the teachings of your master and finding viable way of fulfilling her life wish are usually contradictory
    >as you remember how she never compromised her believings to fulfill her goal declaring that a there is not dream or goal is worth enough to rot your soul
    >The game main conflict would be what you value more your master dream of achieving a golden age even if this mean using any mean at your disposal? or your master believings about one can't let his heart and soul rot in the name of their goals? your would find a way of balancing both? or you would listen the dark call of revenge against the people who mistreated and hated you?

    • 2 years ago

      That setting sounds so generically awful, anon.
      Please don't make a videogame in your life.
      have a nice day.

      • 2 years ago

        What's bad about crafting?

  28. 2 years ago

    >third person action RPG
    >anime style cell shading
    >borrows combat from the souls series
    >your hub should be a town that builds up into a city overtime
    >game isn't explicitly a power fantasy but you can make it one through grinding
    I just want a nice and wholesome action RPG where you do quests, slay monsters and your town evolves

    • 2 years ago

      >t. meek normalgay
      Back to


      • 2 years ago

        It literally doesn't exist, that's not very normalgay

        • 2 years ago

          Ignore the seether, I'd play it. Doing a Kingmaker run right now for the town building + adventuring, it's a lot more fun when I play as a Monk+Magus so I can larp it as a Cultivator game.

  29. 2 years ago

    >Homebrew GBA game
    >hits the 64mb limit
    >GBC-like hraphics and sounds (to save space
    >Dieselpunk setting, with hints of fantasy
    >Setting is big city, where Mafia and other gangs run rampant
    >Magic exists, but is not heavily used, as only certain people have the capability of learning it
    >People who focus one or two magic types are called "manipulators"
    >There are many different types of manipulators, such as elemental, mind, spirit, time, cosmos, etc.
    >Combat is a weird mix of Tales-like and turn based. It takes place on a grid-like area. Your options are to Attack, Defend, Item, or Flee. If you go for Attack, then enter the Square in front of your opponent where you can do basic combos of basic attacks and skills. Magic (or in this game, manipulations) and skills are separate, and can be selected using L or R and a direction button. Manipulations, especially high-tier ones, take awhile to cast, and you end up stepping back a square instead of forward. Generic sprites usually represent said skills (again, to save space), however, character exclusive moves have their own sprites
    I have more ideas, but they need some more time to flesh out

  30. 2 years ago

    Idk Tactical- RPG with a war story with Mercenary MC that hits hard in the feels no actually villains, most of characters of both sides are likeable and decent people with well justified intentions so their deaths feels somehow wrong, of course no golden or happy ending in the end the MC would be forced to take a side and the other side would completely wipeout the other party

    • 2 years ago

      Don't make me relive WW2

    • 2 years ago

      Merc stories aren't like that. You mean pre-WW1 when the world still had a bit of nobility even in warfare. A merc will shoot a kid if it means they get to retire wealthy. They don't give a frick whose side they're on, it's all about shekels or whoever is in power. Take a look at Congo.

      • 2 years ago

        I could work in a fictional setting were Honor and Chivalry still existed, the MC being a Merc is just a excuse to fight for both side and see both points of view of the conflict, bonding with the characters of both sides and making their death more personal when you are forced to take side

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