Planescape is better than some of the slop that's being put out these days, but it really isn't much of a roleplaying game.

Planescape is better than some of the slop that's being put out these days, but it really isn't much of a roleplaying game.

You really can't play anyone but a lawful good character who is trying to atone for his past sins, and you essentially have two gameplay options, one of which is just right clicking things. TNO ends up being such a sanctimonious moralizing prick once you leave the mortuary it's like all joy has been drained from his body in favor of being the saddest sack of rotten meat.

Why is this so highly recommended by people? Is it just that people find the planescape setting so interesting, or do people not have the patience to get through War and Peace so they just say they liked it?

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  1. 5 months ago
  2. 5 months ago

    I think it's a token "good rpg for high iq individuals" that gets namedropped but never discussed outside of the first 10 minutes of gameplay

    • 5 months ago

      the "what can change nature of a man" gets brought up a lot, and that part is several hours into the game

    • 5 months ago

      The first ten minutes of gameplay is like, stealing bandages from zombies and getting stitched up for +5 max hp.

      • 5 months ago

        Iirc you don't need to fight at all

        • 5 months ago

          I think you only have to kill one zombie for the key, just as a combat tutorial. Everything else is optional and one may wish to avoid it if roleplaying lawful. If you have high INT can pop the giant skeletons in dialogue.

    • 5 months ago

      Well, the OP picture is also one of the more interesting things about the game. you talk with your earlier incarnations to make sense to your earlier life.

      when people get more mature, they prefer deeper topics for their entertainment instead of number go up. and ps:t is indeed an rpg, you have stats and based on them you talk and make decisions. you could fight if you wanted to. but solving quests with talking is more fun.

      • 5 months ago

        >when people get more mature, they prefer deeper topics for their entertainment instead of number go up.
        It's the complete opposite in reality. I've been in a war, ive made and lost a small fortune, found God and got married and have kids. Your "deep" videogames all just come off as childish to me. But if it has good mechanics and systems of progression I can still enjoy it for that sake.

        • 5 months ago

          All that and you've learned nothing from it.

          What a shame.

        • 5 months ago

          good for you, but such copes don't work for some people.

      • 5 months ago

        >when people get more mature, they prefer deeper topics for their entertainment instead of number go up
        Yes, and that's why they read books, serious books. Not play a video game written by a half-brained midwit who just finished intro course in philosophy and sadly skipped the game design one

        • 4 months ago

          >Not play a video game written by a half-brained midwit who just finished intro course in philosophy and sadly skipped the game design one

        • 4 months ago

          Name me a 'serious book'.

          • 4 months ago

            One weird trick gnomes hate.

        • 4 months ago

          >why they read books
          which books cover the existential topics of the game well to your opinion?

          • 4 months ago

            Read the Old Testament and then the New Testament cover to cover.

            • 4 months ago

              yeah okay, this is bait.

              • 4 months ago

                >t. never read it

  3. 5 months ago

    It's a game for people who enjoy a good story and roleplaying, not for numberkiddies and minmaxxing autists. Go and play Baldur's Gate or whatever other crap, since that's clearly more in your alley.

    • 5 months ago

      >It's a game for people who enjoy a good story and roleplaying, not for numberkiddies and minmaxxing autists.
      So it hides most of the story behind stat checks only minmaxed build will pass? Curious.

      • 5 months ago

        You don't need to minmaxx anything to enjoy the game or get the good endings and the story pieces. Just don't put all your points in STR and expect the character to decipher complex lore or be charismatic.

  4. 5 months ago

    PS:T is a point and click adventure game with excessive dialogue. It just goes to show that the adventure game and RPG are intrinsically linked and one of their main differences is combat. You could change few things about Zork and make it an RPG

    • 5 months ago

      Point and click adventures generally didn't have any stats or character advancement, little to zero roleplaying opportunities, and were generally totally linear with little player choice or ability to affect the story. They don't really have much in common with RPGs except for that sometimes RPGs have puzzles.
      >t. played a lot of 90s adventure games

  5. 5 months ago

    I think the fact there are zero attempts at shoring up PSTs lack of encounter design and difficulty shows that pst fans are exclusively storygays. Theres no SCS equivalent for pst, not even an attempt.

    • 5 months ago

      On the one hand, you’re partially correct (because why would there be, the point of PST isn’t the combat or the difficulty, hence your point is valid), but on the other hand, why do you insist in pigeonholing people so narrowly? I really can’t imagine that there’s a specific subset of “PST fans” that doesn’t overlap heavily with baldurs gate fans, certainly some of whom have played and enjoyed SCS. Why must they be mutually exclusive in your eyes? Can’t the same person like different games for different reasons?

      • 5 months ago

        because a post on 4chinz isn't comprehensively going to cover every single type of person who ever enjoyed PST, anon, so I generalized, sue me.

        • 5 months ago

          Maybe, I just see that a lot here. "Only people of type X like game Y", usually extrapolated to "people of type X only like game Y" which I always found curious and a bit reductive. Even among cRPGs (already a pretty niche and narrow genre) I see posters adopting tribes for specific developers, like "fans of X developer only play games by that developer" which always struck me as quite silly. Perhaps I'm just a boomer and we played a wider variety of games and genres when I was a kid.

  6. 5 months ago

    This was a bad bait thread but since it's a planescape thread.
    Did anyone play it on PS4 when it got released? I'm wondering how it plays on a controller, don't think the PC version supports that input method, right?

    • 5 months ago

      PC controls already sucked ass, playstation port can't possibly make it much worse.

    • 5 months ago

      The PS4 version has a lot of bugs.

  7. 5 months ago

    Contrarian opinion: The best part of this game is the Smoldering Corpse bar loredump

  8. 5 months ago

    I played it once. There is no real point to ever replaying it again. There are no real choices to be made, no reactivity, and the game is highly linear.

    I never made it back Curst because the game went from an 8/10 to a 3/10 there with the combat focus.

    • 5 months ago

      >I never made it back Curst because the game went from an 8/10 to a 3/10 there with the combat focus.
      Someone on this board claimed that one of the devs (Avellone?) said that they were running out of time and money and outsourced Curst to another studio. I haven't seen any evidence of this claim, but it would be funny if true, and explain it somewhat.

    • 5 months ago

      >I played it once. There is no real point to ever replaying it again. There are no real choices to be made, no reactivity, and the game is highly linear.
      There's lots of actual choices regarding which path you want TNO to take and there are different outcomes to quests and your companions' quests, also. Now, the main thing about replaying the game is seeing how a different version of you answers the same questions the previous version was asked when it initially/last played it, and that's something I like a lot about PS: Torment. Those questions stick with you and the game is worth revisiting solely so you could answer them again.

  9. 5 months ago

    Actually I also read War and Peace.

    Not every gamer is a fricking moron- although granted most are.
    Especially in the 90s vidya was for nerds.

  10. 5 months ago

    i wish they'd read an actual book instead of chris avelloneslop

    • 5 months ago

      like do people realize they can enjoy their time spent with fun novelists like borges or whatever without inviting a narcissistic little neurotic freak like chris avellone into their brains. reading things is actually enjoyable and not a mine you go in to get Deep Insights from a man with the iq of a fricking goldfish

      It's the opposite, you can't enjoy this game fully unless you're a reader. That's why the majority of people who play this all do it the same way, with high wisdom, and claim it's not worth playing otherwise: because they don't actually want to think. They can't enjoy good games or good books.

  11. 5 months ago

    like do people realize they can enjoy their time spent with fun novelists like borges or whatever without inviting a narcissistic little neurotic freak like chris avellone into their brains. reading things is actually enjoyable and not a mine you go in to get Deep Insights from a man with the iq of a fricking goldfish

    • 5 months ago

      pseudointellectual moron you've never read borges in your life

      • 5 months ago

        stop reading neurotic freaks!

  12. 5 months ago

    >or do people not have the patience to get through War and Peace so they just say they liked it?
    >War and Peace
    You should be ashamed of yourself, what a self-own

  13. 5 months ago

    >You really can't play anyone but a lawful good character who is trying to atone for his past sins, and you essentially have two gameplay options, one of which is just right clicking things. TNO ends up being such a sanctimonious moralizing prick once you leave the mortuary it's like all joy has been drained from his body in favor of being the saddest sack of rotten meat.
    That's actually not true, you can go full Chaotic Evil and the game won't stop you from doing so. It not feeling good or giving you a power trip is pretty much a part of its design, something I assume you're taking it is a fault, not a feature.

  14. 5 months ago

    War and Peace was way better than I expected and has become one of my favorite books of all time.

  15. 4 months ago

    >You really can't play anyone but a lawful good character
    Yeah, stopped reading there, this is bait.

  16. 4 months ago

    >war & peace
    Are you legitimately fricking moronic, OP?

  17. 4 months ago

    Stopped reading there bud. Try again.

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