Play Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition. It's DRM free like Baldurs Gate 3 and GOTY winner.

Play Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition. It's DRM free like Baldurs Gate 3 and GOTY winner.

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago

    >Hey remember when you got screwed over back in 2020 for 60 bucks?
    >Why not do it again!!
    I don't get you people

    • 6 months ago

      It's free.

      GTA 6

      Mogs GTA 6 too.

    • 6 months ago

      >he's a console cuck
      opinion discarded

  2. 6 months ago

    GTA 6

  3. 6 months ago

    it's only drm free if you buy it on GOG seeing as steam is DRM.

    • 6 months ago

      >it's only drm free if you buy it
      it's also drm free if you pirate it

    • 6 months ago

      Wrong. You can install the game on Steam, delete Steam, and the game will still launch.

  4. 6 months ago

    How's the roleplaying in this game?
    Is it actually good or is it like Mass Effect where you just choose an attitude for a pre-defined character?
    Do backgrounds matter at all?

    • 6 months ago

      No they don't and every CP77 fan will always try to deflect this

      It's a fundamental fact, life paths mean absolutley squat and this game is still a lackluster RPG

    • 6 months ago

      you cant roleplay

    • 6 months ago

      V is a vehicle for you to immerse yourself in. Backgrounds don't matter just vibe.

      • 6 months ago

        >V is a vehicle for you to immerse yourself in. Backgrounds don't matter just vibe.
        this is potentially one of the gayest things I've ever seen typed on Ganker and that's having read greentext stories of literal homosexual activities

    • 6 months ago

      >How's the roleplaying in this game?
      Nonexistent. V is even more fleshed out than Shepard and FO4 guy. You can't even choose the tone of delivery on most dialogue. He's literally the same person in every playthrough just with different topics to talk about.

      >Do backgrounds matter at all?
      Not one bit. They were slapped together in like a month. They're an afterthought and they don't even mesh with the personality of V.

    • 6 months ago

      its cyber GTA not an rpg

  5. 6 months ago

    I did buy it and am having fun although lack of 3rd person is bothering me.

  6. 6 months ago

    I don't even pirate games that force me to play with ugly trannies/mutts.

    • 6 months ago

      You will NEVER be a jap, chink or zipperhead.

      • 6 months ago

        ok so?

    • 6 months ago
      • 6 months ago

        That used to lead to black eyes back in the day

        • 6 months ago

          >Back in the day I used to beat women for making fun of my small dick

          • 6 months ago

            yes, this, women and nu-males like (you) is the main problem today.

      • 6 months ago

        Rude, troony lifespans aren't that short.

      • 6 months ago

        I'm guessing this is the new twitter tiktok retort?

        • 6 months ago

          it's how Korean feminists trigger incels

        • 6 months ago

          It's SJW virtue signaling gesture. In South Korea feminists go balls to the wall with hatred for men. Compared to korean feminists, american feminists are kind and endearing.
          That pinch with fingers is to mock men, their penis size. It's been imprinted everywhere in korean media for past 8 years and there's insane battle going on in SK between neckbeards and feminists. People laugh at japanese not fricking, but korean case is way worse. It's not only because of repressive work culture, but also because men are extremely weak due to modern lifestyle, and also women are extremely unbearable and disgusting. And to make matters worse, there are morons who idolize Korea and wish they lived there or their culture was more like in SK.
          Also look up 8 goddesses. Whole thing is Bohemian grove tier shit. Their government was literally being ran by 8 billionaires' wives behind the walls.

          • 6 months ago

            All koreans have small penises though? Are you saying korean women are race traitors and refuse to date korean men?

    • 6 months ago

      why are you making trannies in the first place ?

      • 6 months ago

        No matter what you do in Cyberpunk the facemorph cannot be changed not to look like an uggo troon. The face is simply too long.

    • 6 months ago

      yayoi sissy
      mongol chad

    • 6 months ago

      t. virgin who will eventually shoot up a school because he can't get pussy

      • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      how did you like the gameplay in black desert mobile? lol.

      • 6 months ago

        Better than Slopfield

        • 6 months ago

          Anyone have a good mod list for 2077?

          I want to go back and finish it for once, but I want a decked out version. I thought from day one if they had released with mod support it wouldn't have caught the shit storm it did, because Bethesda does the same thing of releasing bare bones buggy games with barely any rpg in their rpg but they let mods happen fast that fix it. And I felt 2077 was much more interesting in its base game.

          That is a very low bar. nta but I played the PC version years ago. Beautiful game, fun combat, surprisingly well designed and accurate buildings/landscape, but damn the community is so bad. I've met more league of legends players that are decent people than I ever met in BDO, shit spoils the rpg experience.

        • 6 months ago

          asiatics are so gross looking, how does this appeal to anyone?

          • 6 months ago

            Terminal virginity.

          • 6 months ago

            i personally love the plastic look

            • 6 months ago

              >pudgy belly

        • 6 months ago

          >be Bethshit
          >require modding to be remotely tolerable
          >be asiatic
          >require modding to be remotely tolerable

  7. 6 months ago

    god i wish this game was playable in third person

    • 6 months ago

      two more updates

    • 6 months ago

      If Orion doesn't have 3rd person, party system and joinable gangs I'm mailing a claymore in a box to Miles Tost

  8. 6 months ago

    I am pirating it right now (Thanks fitgirl)
    It's a 3060 enough? I don't care about raymeme

    • 6 months ago

      I'm playing it on 6650XT on high settings so 3060 is probably enough.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah but it's way more CPU intensive, depends on your target framerate

      • 6 months ago

        Fricking true. On Medium crowd density the city looks dead and High Crowd density is super inensive on the CPU. I go from like 112 FPS to 50 in really crowded areas.

        • 6 months ago

          If anyone needs to reduce their CPU bottleneck and doesn't mind dead cities, turning down cascaded shadow range is another CPU intensive setting and there is a mod to remove all traffic which gives a significant performance boost.

    • 6 months ago

      I'm struggling with pathtracing on a 3070 for muh screenshots. 3060 is more than enough.

  9. 6 months ago

    You see yourself like once or twice in the entire game, who the frick cares what you look like.

  10. 6 months ago

    I will never play troonyspunk77 or its expansion pack featuring yet another troony. have a nice day shit water.

  11. 6 months ago

    Songbird ending was one of the coolest endings I've ever seen in a game

    • 6 months ago

      I hate reed so much. He's always manipulates you. Songbird at least owns up to her shit.

      • 6 months ago

        >Misses the fact that Songbird plays you like a fricking fiddle to get the cure and snubs you out of it at the end

    • 6 months ago

      I went for this one first and wasn't disappointed. Pure KINO

    • 6 months ago

      I went for this one first and wasn't disappointed. Pure KINO

      I haven't even seen it and I already know it's better than the one I got just due to the fact you don't have to do the alien isolation segment

      • 6 months ago

        >the robot is the only enemy in the entire game that insta-kills you for some reason.
        >one of the first missions in Dogtown is you fighting the same robot but 100 times bigger, with Captain "it was her turn" President being immune to all its damage.
        My suspension of disbelief can only go so far. The area was cool but thank God it wasn't a long Labyrinth that overstayed its welcome.

        • 6 months ago

          >the same robot but 100 times bigger
          man I didn't even finish PL because I didn't really give a shit about anyone it by the time I was able to fast travel out
          I've heard about the super spooky horror section at the end but knowing that's the enemy just makes me want to finish PL even less

          • 6 months ago

            Sorry I didn't mean to spoil it. It's not literally the same enemy, but they're both spider-esque.
            It was just jarring that you literally fight a massive two story fricking tank in one mission, but a normal sized robot in another can down you in one hit?
            I know what they were trying to do, and the mission was cool, but you could just tell that someone playtested it and made a fat b***h over the segment. The entire area is only two segments long (Thank fricking God) because if it was any longer, it would have been infuriating to play through.
            Something to keep in mind, is if you go there, you want 16 to Engineer to unlock one of the doors. That door has THE strongest quickhack chip ability in the game.

            • 6 months ago

              >Something to keep in mind, is if you go there, you want 16 to Engineer to unlock one of the doors. That door has THE strongest quickhack chip ability in the game.
              More notably, this is the only safe room in the whole area. You can save inside and the robot will not enter even if it's after you. Locked behind having a nearly maxxed out stat because of course lol.

            • 6 months ago

              >Sorry I didn't mean to spoil it.
              no worries, I wouldn't come to these threads if I cared about spoilers
              I'm not playing a netrunner so I'll live with out it, once I finish my playthrough I'll probably be done with Cyberpunk because I don't see anything that'll draw me back to it outside of Panam tbh

              >I've heard about the super spooky horror section at the end but knowing that's the enemy just makes me want to finish PL even less
              It gets worse. The segment is pretty lenghty, there's a fakeout bit where you just run for your life. You'd think it'd be over with after that but nope.
              You have to do MANY objectives, flipping switches to open doors, shit like that, one after another. Saving is restricted because it's CDPR.
              It's not even a stealth mission like the rrst in the game. Stealth upgrades matter frick all, it's all line of sight based. You basically have to wait for the robot to go around in its predetermined path untill an opportunity presents itself for you to do your objective. The objectives are always overly long, animations of doors opening are artificially lenghtened and there are a ton of doors that require a strenght check. You basically cannot go through them when pursued.
              It's actually possible to outrun the bot with dashing but it doesnt matter because itll never stop going after you.
              You can only hide.
              Also, the game loads in slowly as frick every time you die too because the huge underground compound is not a seperate cell from NC.

              sounds like shit, I knew there was no combat in it but I figured it was a quick sequence, not drawn out

              • 6 months ago

                > I don't see anything that'll draw me back to it outside of Panam tbh
                She gets character assasinated in the PL ending

              • 6 months ago

                everyone does, the PL ending is awful
                >Panam and the Aldecaldos, who reiterate numerous times over that they'll be there for you, who will storm Arasaka on your behalf, all tell you to kick rocks
                >River turns into a criminal because reasons
                >Judy, who you literally risked your life for, and risked your life saving the thot she had a crush on, then became the shoulder to cry on when said thot kills herself, just fricks off and gets married
                >Viktor just straight up sells out
                contrived garbage

              • 6 months ago

                Yep, and V is a glorified bum in night city just because he lost his toys. Doesn't matter that he's rich as croesus with connections to the NC mayor and the US prez, that he knows just about every relevant pop star there is.
                >He's just a pedestrian now man, he's back to square one... so deep!

              • 6 months ago

                I'm literally playing it right now and man, it does suck absolute ass, it's one of those gameplay segments that the game wasn't made for, but they put it in anyway, and it shows

                >the same robot but 100 times bigger
                man I didn't even finish PL because I didn't really give a shit about anyone it by the time I was able to fast travel out
                I've heard about the super spooky horror section at the end but knowing that's the enemy just makes me want to finish PL even less

                it's not scary, it's annoying
                it goes like this
                >enter room
                >do thing
                >invincibe instakill robot comes in
                >you "hide" behind a box or something or activate cloak and wait until robot leaves
                >repeat like 10 times
                and the cherry on top is by the end of it, you are in big room with big pillar in the middle, in scripted event the robot rushes in and you spend like two minutes circling around the room, keeping the column between you and the robot like a fricking Scooby Doo
                it really is the most barebones, simplest, dumbest stealth you can imagine and a massive immersion break, I'd understand if I couldn't use quickhacks against Blackwall, but goddamn I had full arsenal of weapons, including anti materiel rifle with explosive rounds, I should be able to at least stun the fricking robot
                anyway, save Songbird ending is the best and even though she fricked you since the moment you met, I still felt sorry for her, all things considered

          • 6 months ago

            >I've heard about the super spooky horror section at the end but knowing that's the enemy just makes me want to finish PL even less
            It gets worse. The segment is pretty lenghty, there's a fakeout bit where you just run for your life. You'd think it'd be over with after that but nope.
            You have to do MANY objectives, flipping switches to open doors, shit like that, one after another. Saving is restricted because it's CDPR.
            It's not even a stealth mission like the rrst in the game. Stealth upgrades matter frick all, it's all line of sight based. You basically have to wait for the robot to go around in its predetermined path untill an opportunity presents itself for you to do your objective. The objectives are always overly long, animations of doors opening are artificially lenghtened and there are a ton of doors that require a strenght check. You basically cannot go through them when pursued.
            It's actually possible to outrun the bot with dashing but it doesnt matter because itll never stop going after you.
            You can only hide.
            Also, the game loads in slowly as frick every time you die too because the huge underground compound is not a seperate cell from NC.

            • 6 months ago

              Pretty sure invisibility does in fact stop it from immediately seeing you, but will move to location if making noise.

        • 6 months ago

          >>one of the first missions in Dogtown is you fighting the same robot but 100 times bigger, with Captain "it was her turn" President being immune to all its damage.
          Anon, that was an actual tank bot. The robot you're fighting at the end is quite literally a maintenance bot. It presumably fixes plumbing issues and mops down the floor at that facility.
          It is somehow made immortal and powerful enough to kill a borged out beast in one second by... being hacked with blackwall hax. Because apparantely they can alter the physical properties of its hardware... somehow.
          Imagine what people would have thought of Blood and Wine if it ended with some shit like that.

  12. 6 months ago

    We're so back Cyberpunk bros

    • 6 months ago

      Stop posting your shit bait

  13. 6 months ago

    no BD, XBD mechanic, making/playing/trading mechanic. Booba 2 smol. Introduced a random Black person in DLC as some "star". Remove freedom of trading with patches. Lacks multiple intersting features/mechanics that could have been. 6 to 5/10 game. Sad story.

  14. 6 months ago

    is this modded

    • 6 months ago

      Of course it is. In vanilla game you don't get to have cybernetic arms.

      • 6 months ago

        >In vanilla game you don't get to have cybernetic arms.
        So much for Cyberpunk.

        • 6 months ago

          The character creation was the most oversold part of 2077 and that's saying a lot. With what they were advertising you'd think it'd me a mix of Dragon's Dogma, The Sims and half a dozen Korean MMOs that puts every other RPG character creation to shame.
          What we got instead was headline baiting shit like circumcisions, while being unable to alter such basic things as forehead shape.
          And don't forget the character constantly fidgeting as you go over the slightly different nose, only distinguishable by its assigned number, 90% of which look so stupid they might as well not be included unless you're loreplaying as an Aztec/Ancient Hebrew. And good luck doing that with how static V's character is.
          Fricking fallout 4 has a character creation that's way better.

          • 6 months ago

            imo character creation is legit the biggest bust this game has, normally in other rpgs this wouldnt be such a biggest drawback, but given this is FRICKING CYBERPUNK being stuck with your player character being so plain looking compared to everything else around it really feels wrong.

            • 6 months ago

              Nice to know I'm not the only one who's bothered by V's fivehead...

              I kind of worded it in a way that put down Fallout 4's character creation, but it's genuinely a pretty good system (no doubt in part because it was used to create every character in that game)
              Just being able to point to any part of your character and adjust it is really nice.
              In a way 2077s character creation is quite archaic. You have some sliders, but a lot of facial features don't have a corresponding one so every V kind of looks alike. (This is also because there are very few noses/eyes that look good to choose from in the first place)
              The one thing 2077 has over F4 is the boob slider, which is immediately invalided by literally NONE of the clothing being affected by breast size. They all just squish them into a small size. Even ones with exposed cleavages. Even bikinis.

              • 6 months ago

                They shouldn't have even talked about the character creator. At all. Not only is it embarrassingly barren, only better than Ubishit character creators, it's the fact that they constantly promoted it. And their paid e-celeb shills of course.
                Literally the first snippets of this game
                >wow this is totally different for us! finally a character the player can create and roleplay freely! not at all like geraldo of riviera!
                That was their whole 2013 reveal spiel.

                It's restricted because of the voice acting animation nodes. They initially had 3rd person cutscenes (still seen in endings) which is why V's entire face is still animated with JALI when talking.
                This is why they couldn't be fricked to add actual sliders. The animation nodes are hardcoded to the default facial morph. This is why all Vs look the same no matter what you do.

                But the fact that cybernetics are NOT visible or extensive while every single fricking NPC is chromed out of their ass with cool exclusive tech that you can only salivate is extra insulting. For a fricking cyberpunk RPG where installing these fricking things IS the level up progression system. Even the anime got this right with David increasingly becoming a cyborg abomination.

                Just a fricking mess overall.

              • 6 months ago

                >It's restricted because of the voice acting animation nodes. They initially had 3rd person cutscenes (still seen in endings) which is why V's entire face is still animated with JALI when talking.
                This is why they couldn't be fricked to add actual sliders. The animation nodes are hardcoded to the default facial morph. This is why all Vs look the same no matter what you do.
                Didn't know about this, but now it all makes sense. This game really did have a quarter of the devtime it actually needed. Most people say that as a way to imply it's some masterpiece that's sadly forever unfinished. It's more like a mess that doesn't even have the fundamentals right.

          • 6 months ago

            Nice to know I'm not the only one who's bothered by V's fivehead...

        • 6 months ago

          Please understand, small polish dev studio. Shoving troony Youtubers was a bigger priority than actual cybernetics in a cyberpunk game.

          • 6 months ago

            >random troony NPC has more visible cyberware than V can ever have
            >even has gloves which V cannot have despite the only part of V being visible during regular gameplay is his hands
            Their autism regarding hand cyberware really puts this game down.
            >but it could clip!
            I could go through this game right now and find so many things that look like shit that the list would be too long to post.

      • 6 months ago

        That's false, it's just the customization for it are pretty limited compared to what enemies and NPCs have.

        • 6 months ago

          >That's false, it's just the customization-
          I will NOT go down the shill route and post "UHHMM ACKCSHUALLY IT HAZ LE KUSTOMIZATION!". That's a fricking headline blurb buddy. A community note tier damage control "fact check".

          It does NOT have visible cybernetic customization. I do NOT count textured lines on your hands as cybernetics. It's a fricking copout. Polish c**t.

          I want Malestrom heads and David's body at least. If these morons were competent they would've given us Smasher's DRAGOON body late game too.

          • 6 months ago

            I wouldn't bother arguing with that spazz, I'm 90% sure it's the weird agp gay from /cp77g/ that sits in every cp2077 thread on Ganker deflecting any and all criticisms and trying to convince people it's the best game ever made

            • 6 months ago

              I literally said the customization were limited you fricking schizo homosexual.
              >anonymous image board
              >everyone who doesn't share my opinion is the same exact person

            • 6 months ago

              Yeah I see. Hopefully he at least gets paid 5 kurwa shekels per post or something.

          • 6 months ago

            You're lying. Again, your arms are in fact cybernetic. And you have four main ways to change the looks. Gorilla arms, Mantis blades, Rocket Launcher and Net wire each have different looks and animations. You being a seething homosexual about it does not change that.

            • 6 months ago

              Monkey's paw. You get fully cyberised arms with unique abilities but... they always have fake skin on top. You cannot change it at all. Enjoy the black rubber fingers, Ganker.

              I really really really like how NPCs have gorrila arms with metalic textures and various colors, but V can ONLY have artificial skin on top. It makes me forget I've even got fake arms at all in fact.
              I hope for cyberpunk 2078 they don't even let you have black rubber fingers, just make it all subdermal. Don't even allow the option to have any cyberware showing.

              • 6 months ago

                It's good to see you at least agree your character does in fact have cyber arms.

              • 6 months ago

                NTA, so I never claimed otherwise.
                Besides the point anyhow, a game in which a homeless bum has cooler looking cyberware than the main character is indefensible.
                They even added cool clothing in Phantom Liberty (2077 was lacking in that department too, 90% of clothes are just lame t shirts and stuff like that. What little combat armor there was looked really basic compared to what militech grunts wore) so why couldn't they have just added this, let's admit it, simple fix? Just add a color/texture selection for cyberised limbs in the character creation. It's literally that simple, I can't belive you're defending it.
                Did you like it when the game had constant mentions of plastic surgery but you were unable to change your character after first making them for two years untill an update came out?

              • 6 months ago

                >homeless bum has cooler looking cyberware than the main character
                frickin right?
                this is the hardest looking bum I've ever seen

              • 6 months ago

                surely there's a mod to change the textures??

              • 6 months ago

                there are mods yes

              • 6 months ago

                Is it this? Does it not frick with the latest patch?

              • 6 months ago

                for the hands probably yeah, I just think the eyes look cool as shit
                I also saw this valentino chick, why the hell can't we get shoulder holsters?

                I meant the offbrand johnny silverhand with the red/yellow prostethic arm but yeah.
                I just remembered, even the tatoos you can choose from NEVER go below the elbow. It's like they don't want you to have any input on how the only part of your character you see in normal gameplay looks.
                >but the johnny/billygoat tatoo
                Takes up a cyberware slot therefore not worth it. Akward position too, so difficult to see.
                >nail polish
                Noone uses this. Gorrila arms make it invisible too.

                yeah the tattoos suck pretty fricking bad
                they're either gang related, the blandest type of minimal, or kids' scribblings
                no in-between

              • 6 months ago

                there are mods yes

                The worst thing is that these use ingame textures used by NPCs. So yeah, the only thing preventing V from looking like a cool cyborg is CDPR.
                Maybe their dumb bald cancer head ending would be more of a gutpunch if they actually had you loose cool looking cyberware, not some random metal lines on your face and arms. Wouldn't even be an asspull like everyone turning their backs on you.

              • 6 months ago

                There's plenty of mods for visible cyberware but they're mostly implemented as armor/clothing parts. Which is better than nothing but still not what a cyberpunk RPG is supposed to be.

              • 6 months ago

                I meant the offbrand johnny silverhand with the red/yellow prostethic arm but yeah.
                I just remembered, even the tatoos you can choose from NEVER go below the elbow. It's like they don't want you to have any input on how the only part of your character you see in normal gameplay looks.
                >but the johnny/billygoat tatoo
                Takes up a cyberware slot therefore not worth it. Akward position too, so difficult to see.
                >nail polish
                Noone uses this. Gorrila arms make it invisible too.

              • 6 months ago

                Nice reading comprehension but I'm not defending.
                >anon falsely says character doesn't have cyber arms
                >Make innocuous comment on how character does in fact have cyber arms, it's just limited in customization. Basically agreed with the other criticisms
                >anon, being the moronic troony that he is, had to have a meltdown over his lack of critical reading skills

              • 6 months ago

                >gorrila arms with metalic textures
                So did V in 2019 demo. But then that got cut from the game. Same with climbing walls with Mantis Blades as seen in 2018 demo. Colored Gorilla Arms got restored first, in an old mod.

                In the 2019 demo they also had vehicle combat. In the corner you could see the "Combat Mode" button. This is why all the animations were in the game and got restored in the vehicle combat mod before they implemented it into the game officially.

                Oh, and in the 2020 weapons trailer, they showcased Thermal Katana. It was restored with a mod and later added in Phantom Liberty as Errata.

                Just an unfinished mess in general.

              • 6 months ago

                >So did V in 2019 demo.
                >they actually implemented it and cut it out
                I'm starting to think it was some really really moronic artstic decision at this point, there's really no other excuse.

        • 6 months ago

          >That's false, it's just the customization-
          I will NOT go down the shill route and post "UHHMM ACKCSHUALLY IT HAZ LE KUSTOMIZATION!". That's a fricking headline blurb buddy. A community note tier damage control "fact check".

          It does NOT have visible cybernetic customization. I do NOT count textured lines on your hands as cybernetics. It's a fricking copout. Polish c**t.

          I want Malestrom heads and David's body at least. If these morons were competent they would've given us Smasher's DRAGOON body late game too.

          Monkey's paw. You get fully cyberised arms with unique abilities but... they always have fake skin on top. You cannot change it at all. Enjoy the black rubber fingers, Ganker.

  15. 6 months ago

    i tried, it feels unplayable without third person. the story is fricking trash (follow this stupid fricking unattractive woman around being told what to do for literal HOURS ON END in a highly dangerous combat centric plot, that isnt immersion breaking and boring as frick), the open world is empty and pointless, everything in the game feels weightless and hollow, the one good thing this game had going for it was the character creator and i cant even see my FRICKING CHARACTER

    this games budget was nearly 500 million dollars
    polish game developers are fricking moronic SJW blue haired homosexual dyke subhumans

    • 6 months ago

      >nooooo not muh third person
      >literally gets filtered by the one quest with Evelyn at the start

      • 6 months ago

        >be bored to tears by terrible everything
        die in a car accident you mop headed zoomer

        • 6 months ago

          >coping this hard
          Okay gramps

          • 6 months ago

            go get shot by a Black person zoomzoom

        • 6 months ago

          >Has such severe ADHD that a single dialogue-centric immersion quest felt hours long to him.
          >Unironically rants about how it's not immersive for people to have conversations behind closed doors in le dangerous combat mission, proving he was too inatentive to even understand the basic storyline.
          >Accused others of being Zoomers despite clearly suffering from TikTok-induced attention deficits.

  16. 6 months ago

    What's this third person autism?

    • 6 months ago

      It was always the most demanded feature. One they even promised in the beginning. Then said it'll have lots 3rd person cutscenes. Then nothing. The game got shat out as a reskinned Far Cry with worse vehicle controls.

  17. 6 months ago

    This game will never be considered good. It's sad there's even a handful of Ubislop games from last decade better than it.

  18. 6 months ago

    I played a decent chunk of Cyberpunk when it first came out (and still buggy as a motherfricker) and literally the only thing that kept me playing was how fantastic the map was.
    Did they actually do anything to the fundamentals of the game or did they just release some bugfixes and an anime?

    • 6 months ago

      Bugfixes, more bugs , mission pack with Idris Elba, and a shitty cartoon

      • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      They completely redid the skill trees and progression systems.

  19. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      Nice horns homie

    • 6 months ago

      Would smash

      • 6 months ago

        Get in line

        • 6 months ago

          Where's the ahegao pic?

  20. 6 months ago

    >It's DRM free
    pirating as we speak

  21. 6 months ago

    I dunno, bros. The cyberpunk setting has kind of lost it's allure to me. A futuristic setting where mega corporations own everything and have massive influence, huge wealth disparity, invasive ads fricking everywhere, over saturation of entertainment media. That shit just sounds like real life in current year.

    • 6 months ago

      I know anon, at least if cyberpunk was designed a way that allowed you to either become a corpo alpha or blow-up the megacorporations it would have some playability. But seeing how the world we live in is rapidly or already become the world of cyberpunk, it's no escapism anymore.

  22. 6 months ago

    she has that flappy post pregnant belly going on

  23. 6 months ago

    I'll buy this game next year when they're finally done updating it
    The game isn't even finished at this point

  24. 6 months ago

    Shes so ugly holy shit

  25. 6 months ago

    I already beat it im good

  26. 6 months ago

    >goty winner
    Thanks for letting me know about this bro. I'll think of you every time I don't buy and/or play this certified steaming pile of shit.

  27. 6 months ago

    Depressed V is fitting for the entire game.

    • 6 months ago


  28. 6 months ago

    I am playing rn and panam starts to pissing me off with her constant messaging how much she loves me.

    • 6 months ago

      Panam is extremely bipolar. I went for Judy because of this and she also turned out to be a prostitute. I need a romance where they just hug me and love me, but i guess thats not possible in a cyberpunk setting...

  29. 6 months ago

    I will recontinue my playthrough once they drop a hotfix that puts back the FRICKING FINISHER ANIMATIONS BACK INTO THE GAME.

  30. 6 months ago

    I just hope with full development on the sequel that they don't take too long. And they need to do it right this time.

  31. 6 months ago

    cant believe this game won a fricking award
    "ongoing game", what the frick kind of category is that.

    • 6 months ago

      it's the "we're fixing it, eventually" category
      no man's sky has been the king of that category for years

    • 6 months ago

      it's the "we released a game broken but made it more playable after a year" award

  32. 6 months ago

    Which one has better T&A?

    • 6 months ago

      Bro this one is trash. It's an ancient mod that got somewhat retrofitted over time. is better and the only option if you're a footgay since it fixes the webbed feet.

      But if you're a not a foot degenerate then is the best since it's actually just a ported over Skyrim SE CBBE body.

      • 6 months ago

        Thanks for the explanation.
        >CBBE body
        Unless it actually supports bodyslide, I don't see the benefit.
        Also looking at the author's screenshots, the clothes are 'hovering' which does remind of Skyrim modding.

        • 6 months ago

          That's true for all body mods without vanilla refits

          • 6 months ago

            Thanks for the explanation.
            >CBBE body
            Unless it actually supports bodyslide, I don't see the benefit.
            Also looking at the author's screenshots, the clothes are 'hovering' which does remind of Skyrim modding.

            literally just looks like asia

        • 6 months ago

          That's true for all body mods without vanilla refits

          literally just looks like asia

          i personally love the plastic look

          gross honestly

          wish this game had petite body mods but they don't since the modding scene is barren

          asiatics are so gross looking, how does this appeal to anyone?


        • 6 months ago

          I think most cloths float because they know most of them will be layered with Equipment-EX. Jacket goes over a shirt which is covering the bra and panties.

          Which one has better T&A?

          I'm a Hyst enjoyer. It seems to get the most support over the vanilla body.

  33. 6 months ago

    how the frick do i enable mods on the [pirated] gog version. Apparently there is supposed to be some menu that pops up when you start the game but thats only if you installed it with gog galaxy. If you use the offline installer it goes straight into the game and you cant enable mods? this is distressing to me.

    • 6 months ago

      idk what you're talking about. use MO2 for everything that isn't cet or redext

  34. 6 months ago

    Whenever I want to, I remember all the scripted trash you have to go through at the beggining. And the awful character creation. You can't even have cool cyberised arms like in the OP. The first part of the game is honestly such a chore to get through.

  35. 6 months ago


  36. 6 months ago

    Who would have thought, one of the /cp77g/ bawds shilling the game on Ganker.

  37. 6 months ago

    Biggest problems with the games narrative? Other than constant ludo (V only coughs during story, gets treated as a scrub in cutscenes) I really really didn't like railroading their motivations. I know V is pretty much a premade protag like Geralt, but they could have handlee it way better. There are unavoidable dialogues where V talks about wanting to go out with a bang as opposed to living the quiet life or whatever else. Every. Time.
    And why? Because he wants to be held in high regard by a bunch of mercs in a bar?
    They should have just made V's dialogue motivations tied to his backstory. So:
    >Corpo V just wants to be at the top. Rich, influencial, lives like a king.
    >Nomad V wants freedom, friendship and cars or some shit.
    >Streetkid V actually does clamor for the respect of oldtimers because he's a dumb streetrat, wants to go out with a big bang

    • 6 months ago

      Poles can't write. It is what it is. I started ignoring and skipping the dialogue in the main quest. It's just pretentious aimless israelitewood-tier shit.

      This game should've been a full sandbox. Blank protag and a bunch of side quests and faction quests. Orion should just be a a collect-a-thon for iconic weapons, fashion, visible cyberware, vehicles, apartments and companions; With a bunch of dungeons scattered throughout the world in the form of abandoned buildings, subways, warehouses, alleys etc.

      Complete with random encounters and organic gang wars throughout the city.

      • 6 months ago

        I disagree, I really liked Geralt and the edgerunners show is genuinely good aswell.
        They just cannot make a blank slate protag. V is like a 40% more blank slate Geralt, which may sound like a lot but he's also the protagonist of several books, games and other material.
        Geralt can do shit he'd never do because he's out of character, but he's always the same. Same goes for V. Joining Arasaka always feels out lf character, even if you're an opportunist corpo.
        It's one of the reasons I can't bring myself to give a shit about this universe. At least Geralt was a cool character, V is just bland enough for normalgays to self insert into without any actualy roleplaying involved.
        I have no clue what they're planning for witcher 4, but every option available seems like a bad one.
        >Bring Geralt out of retirement for no reason despite him getting a pretty great ending in B&W
        >Ciri as protag (not as likable, OP)
        >New OC protag
        The last one has to be a proper character because CDPR can't be trusted with a blank slate.
        I guess the adventures of a young Vesemir wouldn't be too bad, but it's a story set in stone so not as exciting. And even what little we know so far pretty much debunks that possibility.

        • 6 months ago

          Written by that old hackfraud frick. Character itself is just a ripoff of Elric. Not theirs.

          >edgerunners show is genuinely good
          Carried by Trigger animation, brevity and the fact that they all get skullfricked in the end. The writing is mediocre. Especially the MC.

          >V is like a 40% more blank slate
          V is way, way, WAAAAY too fricking fleshed out to even be put in the same sentence as "blank slate". He has his own preset personality, delivery, opinions, slur, taste, even his fricking name (Vincent). V's problem that he ISN'T a blank slate. He's overwitten. And just fricking unlikable as that. But that goes for 90% of the characters in this game.

          >Joining Arasaka always feels out lf character
          Is PRECISELY the result of not being a blank slate at all.

          • 6 months ago

            Yeah, I mean we pretty much agree. Same goes for the new ending where you're railroaded into being a fricking bum for no reason despite V having a frick ton of money and connections. The devs are clearly more interested in a linear narrative than player choice.
            >Everything that goes wrong HAS to go wrong otherwise... the ending isn't as much of a gut punch as we want it to be!!
            >You playes the hecking Keanu heist so now you only get bad endings okay?? Also V really cares about his friends and what mercenaries at the afterlife think of him... because if he didn't it wouldn't be such a gut punch you know!

            • 6 months ago

              Oh yeah, and it also ignores the fact V was already a capable merc before getting cybernetic implants.

            • 6 months ago

              The new ending showcases everything wrong with CDPR railroady writing tendencies. They want you to feel bad for getting what every player wanted. Because that's not what the devs wanted.
              Basically shoved as a what-if scenario with a not so subtle "Frick you" written all over it.

              Like I said, Polish animals can't write. Especially not RPGs. They love control and they hate the player.

          • 6 months ago

            >Character itself is just a ripoff of Elric.

            This is Razorfist's dumbest take yet. His argument amounts to:
            >Both are albinos. (Spoiler: Geralt isn't an albino.)
            >Both are mercenaries. (Spoiler: Geralt isn't a mercenary. It's actually an important character point that he refuses to become one.)
            >Both are physically weak, and have to resort to alchemy to survive. (Spoiler: Geralt doesn't. He's abnormally healthy, if anything.)
            >Both are named "The White Wolf." This one is ultra moronic ( This title has been used in literature since the fricking 19th century.
            >Both wield magical swords. (Spoiler: Geralt's sword isn't magical. Also, if wielding a sword is grounds for plagiarism, then both are fricking rip-offs of King Arthur for all and sundry).

            • 6 months ago

              >>Both are albinos. (Spoiler: Geralt isn't an albino.)
              This is a weird one.
              Geralt just happens to have several characteristics that make him seem to be one, random NPCs in 3 will sometimes call him one too.
              His hair went white due to stress during mutations, but he originally had dark hair which you can tell by his eyebrows.
              His eyes are like that of a cat, which every witcher has, so they're light no matter what eye color he was born with.
              I guess he was always pale though.

            • 6 months ago

              You forgot the most important part - the Polish translation of Elric came out in 1994.
              The first Witcher story came out in 1986.

              Prior to that, Poland was behind the Iron Curtain. And Sapkowski didn't speak English.

              • 6 months ago

                Dont waste your time with CDPR haters, they are really really dumb and i mean really dumb.
                Most CDPR haters are salty SJWs and Rockstar kids.

            • 6 months ago

              >no no no my coldsteel the hedgehog OC is totally original! look at these minor points of difference

              • 6 months ago

                >Different biographies.
                >Different origins.
                >Different occupations.
                >Different sources of abilities.
                >Different personalities.
                >Different appearance.
                >Different storylines.
                >Different love interests.
                >The author of "The Witcher" magically teleported a copy in the 1980s, when Poland was under MARTIAL LAW, learned a language he didn't speak, and plagiarised it.

                Yep, exactly the same.

              • 6 months ago

                White hair is also just pretty popular in fantasy because it looks mistifying on a character that isn't old. Same reason it's in ASOIF.

            • 6 months ago

              You forgot the most important part - the Polish translation of Elric came out in 1994.
              The first Witcher story came out in 1986.

              Prior to that, Poland was behind the Iron Curtain. And Sapkowski didn't speak English.

              Lol no.
              I'm slav myself and I can assure you that soviets did imported western materials but they were either heavily censored or hidden behind everybody's backs. That's how it was.
              Everybody forgets that Sapkowski's alma matter is economy and that he's a trader that also worked as translator, so he had he plenty of time to smuggle shit and plagiarize. Nobody knew about Elric in eastern bloc, so it was easy to establish "new" fantasy books series and during 90s when iron curtain fell and chaos emerged, it was perfect opportunity to release material.
              Just face the truth. Elric IS original material and Witcher is not. You can cry all you want, but Sapkowski is a hack that used the opportunity, and everybody took his bait.

              • 6 months ago

                Oh you're that russian schizo.

              • 6 months ago

                I'm not russian and not a schizo, have a nice day.

              • 6 months ago

                >constantly brings up the devteam being polish
                Yup, it's him. Whether the post I was replying to was or wasn't his, he definitely does stalk just about every 2077 thread.

              • 6 months ago

                NTA but he's right. Dude worked as a translator. Why wouldn't he know English? This

                You forgot the most important part - the Polish translation of Elric came out in 1994.
                The first Witcher story came out in 1986.

                Prior to that, Poland was behind the Iron Curtain. And Sapkowski didn't speak English.

                is just blatantly false.

            • 6 months ago

              the inspiration is obvious lmao, those elements don't just randomly coincide and i can't think of a single other character other than elric and geralt to present with them, mind you, elric is just anti-conan but yeah

      • 6 months ago

        >gang wars

        yes it should have been like Saints Row 2. No gamer wants to see Hollywood actors in their game. I also can't stand story corridors with an invincible companion who steals my kills and won't shut up spewing the same voice lines. So irritating, unnecessary and immersion-breaking.
        I got the expansion because they said it "fixed" the game but the intro with the "president" character was so horrible and linear I /uninstalled

        • 6 months ago

          The DLC is trash, don't listen to shills. Just a linear mission pack with insufferable characters and a small Fallout "district".

          • 6 months ago

            Ehhh, it's mostly more of the same but better. Sure, it's linear, but the main game's non-linearity consisted of choosing which order you want to play some story missions in anyway.

            • 6 months ago

              >it's mostly more of the same but better
              More of the main quest-tier narrative but not as shit*

              But still shit.

              This game should've had at least 3 DLCs. All fleshing out cut districts and open world MECHANICS. Not fricking handholding storylines.

              • 6 months ago

                >This game should've had at least 3 DLCs. All fleshing out cut districts [Open] and open world MECHANICS. Not fricking handholding storylines.
                Wasted effort to be honest. I'd rather have them start working on the next witcher than pump out 3 more PL-tier dlcs that each make the game marginally better.

              • 6 months ago

                Well this game is 3 years old now. Skyrim and Witcher 3 got 2 big DLCs in 2 years. The development team is very poorly directed and organized.

                My point was, this game should've been not only finished but with lots of new DLC/expansion content by now. Instead we have retrofitted community mods as features, 2 jackets and 1 car.

              • 6 months ago

                >This game should've had at least 3 DLCs.
                They'd rather just make a sequel.

  38. 6 months ago
  39. 6 months ago

    about to do my second playthru, there's no NG+ right? should i get phantom liberty? can I romance the punk girl if i'm a dude?

    • 6 months ago

      Play it all, get Phantom Liberty, it's good. Judy is lesbo, although she should have been bi-.

      • 6 months ago

        >Judy is lesbo, although she should have been bi-.
        People b***hed about playersexual characters in every single fricking CRPG thread. Now live with the consequences, waifuBlack person.

        • 6 months ago

          As /y/ connoisseur I'm more of a Kerry myself.

    • 6 months ago

      >about to do my second playthru, there's no NG+ right?
      >should i get phantom liberty?
      Sure, beats the main game by a mile. But don't expect anything as good as the Witcher 3 expansions.
      >can I romance the punk girl if i'm a dude?
      PL adds ZERO (0) new romance options. You can get with Panam, who'll abandon you if you get cured or get railed once by the corpobitch. Or get a joytoy.
      Or stay a perma V-irgin.

  40. 6 months ago

    Masterpiece, each year the game becomes respected more and more.
    10 more years and it will be in the top games of all time, just wait.

  41. 6 months ago

    Is that vanilla or modded ? I bet its modded

    • 6 months ago

      Of course it is. In vanilla game you don't get to have cybernetic arms.

  42. 6 months ago

    im having fun
    the new dash from 2.0 really saved this game

  43. 6 months ago

    I should give it another play through, though I need to buy the DLC still.

  44. 6 months ago

    Theres 0 women (female) xx characters with big breasts in cyberpunk2077.
    Theres lots of "womenx" (homosexuals) xy characters posing as women with no breasts in cybercuck2077.

    • 6 months ago

      For some reason it's been decided that women in western games aren't allowed to have breasts anymore.

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah, even the tit "slider" (3 options masquarading as more) was disappointing. I certainly would like balloon breasts, I won't pretend otherwise, but even normalgays would agree the maximum size in 2077 is pretty small for what it's supposed to be.
        The drummer from Johnny's band is the only character I recall having decent knockers.

        • 6 months ago

          Also applies to witcher 3, every romance option has the same body. There's fat prostitutes with some 'big'-ger ones but having bit breasts as a fat girl is like having fast car because it's falling off a cliff.
          Witcher 2 actually DID have big breasts though. I hope whatever elements were in charge of the tit deparment in those times return to power in CDPR.

  45. 6 months ago

    I played day one but I'm kinda worried how it will run now with phantom liberty upgrade.
    1080ti btw

  46. 6 months ago

    >did one playthrough
    >finished all side gigs and side jobs
    >aldelcados ending
    >look up rest of the endings to see which one I wanna try for on my next playthrough
    >I unironically got the closest thing to a good one
    >the rest are all just kind of shit
    >lose all interest in playthrough 2
    it was fun while it lasted I guess

  47. 6 months ago

    I refuse to play it until proper sex or sex mods are added
    how can you advertise sex scenes and have them be 15 second constant cuts

    • 6 months ago

      go watch porn moron

  48. 6 months ago

    >still can't romance panam as fem V
    frick this shit

    • 6 months ago

      simple solution: stop pretending to be a woman

  49. 6 months ago

    >now it's lashing out
    I can spot you from a mile away troony, go back to /vg/

  50. 6 months ago

    >newbie moron couldn't even be assed to check ip count
    Lurk more and learn to use the site before having a meltdown you moron.

  51. 6 months ago

    fricking told you it was an agp troony

  52. 6 months ago

    is all the content still "drive to alley, kill 5 bandits, get 500 credits and no story"?

    • 6 months ago

      pretty much yeah, PL added qtes if that's more exciting

    • 6 months ago

      you can use the metro now thoughever, which is basically a glorified cutscene heh

  53. 6 months ago

    >newbie still on the loose
    Lurk more you troony moron.

  54. 6 months ago

    When are they going to stop fricking updating it
    im interested in modding it but it feels like there's an update every couple weeks that completely breaks all of them all over again

    • 6 months ago

      >When are they going to stop fricking updating it
      This is the last patch with some actual content. One last hoorah/fart. But 2.1 did bring new bugs and even some old so they'll most likely patch it again. But as far as actual content goes, it's over.

      >This game should've had at least 3 DLCs.
      They'd rather just make a sequel.

      Like I said here

      Well this game is 3 years old now. Skyrim and Witcher 3 got 2 big DLCs in 2 years. The development team is very poorly directed and organized.

      My point was, this game should've been not only finished but with lots of new DLC/expansion content by now. Instead we have retrofitted community mods as features, 2 jackets and 1 car.

      This game is 3 years old and in those 3 years they only managed to shit out a 40 dollar mission pack with Idris Elba. By now it SHOULD'VE had 3 big DLCs with lots of new content. It didn't. And of course it's now more realistic to move onto the b***her 4 or whatever.

      • 6 months ago

        The juxtaposition between the quality of Phantom Liberty and Blood and Wine is pretty nuts. It's crazy that the same developer put out both of those.

        • 6 months ago

          Yep, they made of the the most Kino, if not THE most Kino expansions and they let it all go to their head. Same with the small free DLC stuff from W3. CDPR basically had the best reputation of any gamedev prior to cyberpunk.

          • 6 months ago

            CDPR are hands down the best at making shorter stories. Witcher had some amazing side quests too like the Bloody Baron. Even Cyberpunk had some soul with missions like nailing that criminal to the cross on live television, or the serial killer who had a farm of human corpses.
            Longer main quests are a mix, considering how much planning and restrictions they place on the storytelling.

        • 6 months ago

          Old CDPR is burned out and dead. They have different priorities now.

          • 6 months ago

            >in witcher 3 we tackled domestic violence
            By making the wifebeater objectively in the right (and also one of the best characters in the game)

      • 6 months ago

        Can I get a quick rundown on what they've added? Had some older mods on a playthrough when I finished the DLC, might pick it up again but I don't want to have to deal with remodding everything if it's just frivolous stuff.

        • 6 months ago

          new romance interactions
          on-foot radio
          "working" metro (cutscene)
          replayable races

          • 6 months ago

            Doesn't sound worth it but good for them for attempting to finish the game.
            Thank you.

      • 6 months ago

        >This game is 3 years old and in those 3 years they only managed to shit out a 40 dollar mission pack with Idris Elba.
        I think you misunderstand me anon. They realised some time ago that making a sequel to this would be better for them than bothering with loads of DLC. They already had to invest more time and effort into fixing the game so along that avenue they realised that changing the narrative with updates would win them back a certain about of fan support, which it did, then building a sequel would be a better use of their time.

        • 6 months ago

          >I think you misunderstand me anon. They realised some time ago that making a sequel to this would be better for them than bothering with loads of DLC
          Sure. But I think it's just as plausible that they're moronic and incompetent, at the same time.

          Phantom Liberty had a bigger budget than Witcher 3 expansions and likely just as many people working on it. And double the amount of development time. The result? A short mission pack in a small district, with yet another Hollywood celebrity.

          • 6 months ago

            >But I think it's just as plausible that they're moronic and incompetent, at the same time.
            I never said they weren't. The whole reason this strategy was formed as out of their prior issues and mistakes.
            >Phantom Liberty had a bigger budget than Witcher 3 expansions and likely just as many people working on it. And double the amount of development time. The result? A short mission pack in a small district, with yet another Hollywood celebrity.
            Yeah it was a smoke in the pan. A holdover really to prior ideas and strategies. It wouldn't have had such a long development time if DLC was their strategy.

            We'll end up getting a sequel with a bunch of shit people want and a bunch of shit stolen from mods but fundementally the same issues as before albeit a few more attempts at "paths".

            • 6 months ago

              The sequel won't be coming this decade. They have to shit out Witcher remake, Witcher 4 and I heard they're making another new IP. We'll unironically get Fallout 5 before Cyberpunk 2088.

              • 6 months ago

                >We'll unironically get Fallout 5 before Cyberpunk 2088.
                I doubt it. CDPR basically only has two franchises, I know they only make one game at a time, each with the same devteam, but I don't see them putting out two witchers in a row.
                More than anything I highly doubt fallout 5 will come out at at any time prior to the mid 2030s at this rate.

  55. 6 months ago


  56. 6 months ago

    >the people responsible for cyberpunk having a thread 24/7 are all agp morons living vicariously through their characters
    essential troonycore game

    • 6 months ago

      I'm glad you really liked V's character and prefer it to a blank slate. All eight of you people must be glad you're catered to so well.

      • 6 months ago

        I liked V fine, I don't like men that pretend to be women and ERP with strangers online using their video game characters.

    • 6 months ago

      It's astounding to see someone more mentally ill than a troony (you) posting in these threads.

  57. 6 months ago

    It's crazy how in the witcher 2 the game basically split into two different campaigns with few quests shared between the two, main or otherwise.
    Then in cyberpunk you can basically just choose the order of the main 3 questlines. Which you already could in witcher 3 anyway.

  58. 6 months ago

    > couldn't start a game after 2.1

  59. 6 months ago

    Wait a minute, that's my V...

    • 6 months ago

      She's mine now, I'm going to have sex with your persona and turn it into a cumrag!

  60. 6 months ago

    troon games, no thanks

  61. 6 months ago

    what mods do i need to make my vbawd like this?

    • 6 months ago


  62. 6 months ago

    I plan to purchase it through GOG once I feel they are finally done fricking with it and it goes on sale.

  63. 6 months ago

    How close can I get to a Batou gameplay?

  64. 6 months ago

    when is phantom liberty gonna go on sale?

    • 6 months ago

      It's already free on rutracker.

  65. 6 months ago

    Dam, I had to refund my pirate copy when a door was stuck in a core quest

    I dont give games second chances

  66. 6 months ago

    Is there a mod yet for me to remove Johnny Silverhand entirely and just play the game without him? If so, i'd actually reinstall. Otherwise, it's not worth it having this dickhead taking over my character.

  67. 6 months ago

    >finally try cyberpunk 2077 now that it's 2.0
    literally in the first real combat situation encounters 5 different bugs ranging from ui flickering to animation freakouts and moronic ai standing still
    holy shit it's sitll garbage what is wrong with you zoomers

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