>play mid for the first time in my life

>play mid for the first time in my life
>the key absolutely is to just play safe and go 0/0/0 with perfect cs until your jg comes
>way more relaxing than toplane worrying for counterpicks, cheese, ignite vs tp making you lose half an hour of your life only to backdoor and win 1/10/2, ranged toplaners, jg camp
>way more relaxing than bot worrying for poke or a braindead support/adc that instantly snowballs the enemy bot
>way more relaxing than jg babysitting the entire map and worrying about the enemy jg abusing the patch's most busted pick
how do so many people so disastrously frick this lane up?

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  1. 9 months ago

    just mute everyone and lock in yasuo. ezpz.

    • 9 months ago

      and go 0/10 like all low elo yasuo shitters

  2. 9 months ago

    you play safe if enemy mid also plays safe
    if enemy mid is aggressive you have to play aggressively too

    • 9 months ago

      every time i just walked back or sidestepped any attack and whenever a moron just threw themselves at me instead of poking they'd take minion aggro+some of my own attacks as punishment

      Mid isn't relaxing at all, anyone can gank you, you were either lucky or you're simply low elo.

      yeah and it's telegraphed as shit when the enemy top or sup just blip off the map when you're pushing the wave in
      i swear to god all midlaners have tunnel vision too, not even with ss and pings do people just BACK THE FRICK OFF

      • 9 months ago

        ok dude

    • 9 months ago

      Mid isn't relaxing at all, anyone can gank you, you were either lucky or you're simply low elo.

      >play safe and hope others make mistakes first
      It will get you to Gold at best. Mid is about pushing lane, roaming bot for kills and then one-shotting your lane.

      Playing safe mid as a control mage is one of the easiest ways to get out of low elo

      • 9 months ago

        Gold is low elo.

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah and you can get out of gold playing safe mid as ahri

  3. 9 months ago

    >playing ASShomosexualS

  4. 9 months ago

    Mid isn't relaxing at all, anyone can gank you, you were either lucky or you're simply low elo.

  5. 9 months ago

    >nerf ap shaco
    >blue smite untouched
    have a nice day. they unironically nerfed ap shaco support over broken cancer jungle,

    • 9 months ago

      >blue smite untouched
      it's getting nerfed

  6. 9 months ago

    >play safe and hope others make mistakes first
    It will get you to Gold at best. Mid is about pushing lane, roaming bot for kills and then one-shotting your lane.

  7. 9 months ago

    >i hardshove mid 10min
    >ganked 30 times
    >enemy hardvoes mid 10min
    >im still the one being ganked
    boring role thats 100% dependent on jgl
    . even more funny if your cancer jgl tries to contest sctutle with no mid prio.
    I wish every person who is plat peak with more than 1000 hours of gametimes would instantly get die IRL

    • 9 months ago

      just be better subhuman, theres no excuse for losing in any elo except for master+. if you cant carry plats yet complain about them you are just as bad

      • 9 months ago

        i made money playing this game 10 yrs ago , no interest in wasting 12 hrs a day into this game bud.

        Let me guess youre one of those passive agressive incels that writes gg afk and plays anyway like a good little cuck

  8. 9 months ago

    >still plays league of mythic items
    all on you buddy

    • 9 months ago

      i only play league to run it down. iam giga mentally ill and got banned 15+ times

      • 9 months ago

        >got banned 15+ times
        i just got my 1st ban, 1 month. does it reach a point where you've been banned so much they straight up perma you or do they just keep suspending you over and over if your behavior only warrants such?

        • 9 months ago

          i had a lot of chat bans and then one day i called some homosexual Ahri a homosexual and got perma'd shortly after.

          i submitted a ticket on Riot's website and asked them to reconsider since all I've done was say some bad stuff while other people say far worse or have worse names AND also had a lot of money invested in skins. they made me write a paragraph about not being toxic in games and then they unbanned me lol. felt like my account was resurrected from the dead.

          so they can make exceptions if you get perma'd and you talk to them about it without being a dickhead (sometimes) it seems. i play solo though and anyone who plays solo regularly gets report abused by salty duos which help get their account closer to punishment. so they may have seen those false reports too.

          • 9 months ago

            >they made me write a paragraph about not being toxic in games
            they're just bullying you at that point lmao

            • 9 months ago

              yeah i felt like a kid in trouble at school or something. they were nice about it though, didn't give me any shit for it.

              when they asked me to write the paragraph they did say there was no guarantee i would be unbanned if i write it but there's a chance, so i think they were trying to test if i would do what they said and not be a toxic b***h about it.

          • 9 months ago

            Imagine writing an essay to some troony asking them to give you your freedom of speech back, lmao.
            >inb4 “private company” and “but they’re asiatics!”

          • 9 months ago

            i played league for 3 years almost daily with mild/strong swearing like once every 3 matches and i got honor 5 three times. one day the system finally kicked in and got a chain of 3-day bans stretching back even a year or two beforehand. i was chatbanned for a week because the bans didn't stack so that was neat. ever since that moment i haven't been able to get above honor 1 since i'd always drop back down. i'm amazed nothing worse has happened to my account yet

            • 9 months ago

              *3-day and 7-day

  9. 9 months ago

    >play leblanc
    >impossible to get ganked
    >can roam easily
    >huge waveclear thanks to statik
    >can move on the map as you want
    >can sidelane and not die
    Why do people stopped playing leblanc again?

    • 9 months ago

      they nerfed ap statikk

  10. 9 months ago

    If you're playing mid and not roaming every time you push into the enemy tower, or backing up your jg to 4 man bot, then you're just asking to lose.
    Though you shouldn't be expected to know this because you're clearly new at the game, it's something you should really learn.

    • 9 months ago

      picrel can only take me so far in terms of roaming, but roams are cool
      it's helpful for any trouble my jg gets in tho

  11. 9 months ago

    let me guess. gold? kek.
    if you want to actually climb on mid you need to manage your wave effectively to get near-perfect cs while also showing up for every fight starting from level 3

  12. 9 months ago

    >Try to play Azir
    >the auto attack mage
    >LeBlanc autos deal more damage than mine
    >fricking Oriana autos do more damage than mine
    actual clown game, I guess I'll just abuse naafiri

  13. 9 months ago

    you just described scaling champs
    if you play passive as an assassin or a champ with average scaling you're playing it wrong, you should either be: looking to help your jg invade, or roam bot/top

  14. 9 months ago

    mid is nice for sure, mid usually fricks up if they play too aggressive beyond their means and get ganked or they feed a lot.
    also if mid is too passive it can frick mid pretty badly.

  15. 9 months ago

    Am I the butthole if i troll every time someone is mean to me?

    Every time i get insulted in chat i just run it down mid or go afk or something. I don't have to put up with that shit, i don't play videogames to be harrassed. "Just mute and give a free win to the people harrassing you, threatening to dox you, etc" is not a good motivator for me.

    I care not about winning i care about fun.

    And what bothers me the most about being harrassed is that i can't talk back because when i do insult back i am the one who ends up punished. Had a dude spend a whole match insulting me once, all i wrote in chat in response to him was his score (0/3/2) and guess who was chat restricted for like 14 days? It was hilarious because the "reason for chat restriction" literally had me saying JUST his score, apparently pointing out the score of someone insulting you the whole game is "being toxic".

    • 9 months ago

      >turdquaad the shitskin schizo is an asshomosexuals player
      Another dry shit in the septic tank that is your personality

  16. 9 months ago

    league players are all mentally ill
    no exceptions

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