>play MMORPG with... >americans

>play MMORPG with...
some are alright, most are absolute buttholes
no deep communication whatsoever, but they do their best to speak english, they apologize a lot
>western and northern europeans
perfect english. nice attitudes. actually valuable teammates (i love you, guys!)
>rest of the world
total trash

what's your experience playing multiplayer games with people from different cultures?

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  1. 2 years ago

    europe. is gay.

    • 2 years ago

      if that's what makes them so cool, then that's a good thing

      • 2 years ago

        >Fujoshit Kaisen poster is cool with homosexuals
        No surprise there.

    • 2 years ago

      This. They're all about cooperating and shit.

    • 2 years ago

      Very gay.

    • 2 years ago

      Americans are both repressed and degenerate in all the bad ways

    • 2 years ago

      USA is israeli

    • 2 years ago

      excuse me

      • 2 years ago

        >On 28 June 2022, a top Polish appeals court ruled that LGBT-free zones must be abolished.

      • 2 years ago

        And I thought the Polish people couldn't be any more based.

    • 2 years ago

      they're not gay, they're just european

  2. 2 years ago

    vacate the premises
    tread carefully
    do a coinflip

    • 2 years ago

      >SEA who are not Pinoy
      >do a coinflip
      >Too late, the server is probably fricked already as it is now 99% pinoys.

    • 2 years ago

      >How did they get out of the great firewall?

      • 2 years ago

        As with most Chinese constructions, the work is shoddy and has many holes.
        So it's not that hard to get around.

  3. 2 years ago

    Brits are alright. The scotts are more fun than the english.
    French tend to keep to themselves, but are usually enjoyable when they are around.
    Can't remember too man scandi encounters I've had, but none were bad
    Spaniards tend to keep to themselves, can be a good time or can be c**ts. Basically less enjoyable Frenchies.
    Germans are dogshit. Every single one I've met throws a hissy fit if you don't autistically play exactly how they want.

    As a whole they're above Canadians but below Aussies.

    • 2 years ago

      >likes bongs and frogs
      opinion discarded

    • 2 years ago

      >Germans are dogshit. Every single one I've met throws a hissy fit if you don't autistically play exactly how they want.
      Sounds like someone is projecting.

    • 2 years ago

      stop not playing the game homosexual

      • 2 years ago

        Found the G*rman

    • 2 years ago

      >Germans are dogshit. Every single one I've met throws a hissy fit if you don't autistically play exactly how they want.
      I apologize anon but wanting to control everything is literally in our blood

    • 2 years ago

      Aussies are great when they don't have 2000 ping, which is virtually always

    • 2 years ago

      met a lot nice british and german players but also a lot of homosexuals.british buttholes tend to go the extra mile though and I dont know why.

  4. 2 years ago

    frenchoids are the worst

  5. 2 years ago

    >play mmorpgs
    >have a correct opinion
    you can only choose one

  6. 2 years ago

    french are massive buttholes, germans are a bunch of furhomosexuals who spam emotes because they can't feel emotions

  7. 2 years ago
  8. 2 years ago

    and northern europeans
    >perfect english. nice attitudes. actually valuable teammates (i love you, guys!)
    You clearly never played with French or Germans.

  9. 2 years ago

    too loud, all the time
    [Thank you!]
    chill but often sub-par
    c**ts, often insanely arrogant
    >third world euros
    brb smoke break
    oh look, a stacked team

  10. 2 years ago

    and northern europeans
    >perfect english
    fricking lol, try actually playing with those c**ts before spewing bullshit like that
    >t.western european

  11. 2 years ago

    Canadian are 95% guarantee to be memelord or asshat

  12. 2 years ago

    >but they do their best to speak english
    Lmao this weeb

    • 2 years ago

      more like
      >Speaking at all

  13. 2 years ago

    ^^ xD

    t. german

  14. 2 years ago

    buttholes, but most welcoming in a genuine way. More stoners than any other place. Very wide skill range. Most likely to suck, but think they're hot shit. Have never been able to differentiate between east coast players and west coast.
    Most drunk. Generally way more fun and funny, but also the fakest. Most likely to start a "chill" run then kick Brazilians even though they're only right above them in skill. Overall lowest quality for long-term play, but fun for drunk pugs being poorly led. Never join an Aussie guild for high level play.
    >Other SEA and SA players
    Will not even try to communicate in English with you yet will constantly try to say things expecting you to translate them. The worst players in the world. Avoid if you're tryharding, but can be a really chill casual experience despite language barriers.
    Have macros for strats you better just know somehow. Will explain minimally if you ask in decent English, but is not at all interested in communicating with you. You get like 3 chances to talk to them, after that it's like they put you on ignore. You likely went through a bunch of hoops to play with them because you fetishize Japan, so their resentment of you is correct. This is what it's like to be Brazilian. If you can overcome this, absolute best semi-hardcore introvert experience it's actually not even comparable.
    Very mixed bag, either playing for fun and super interested in chatting unlike JP or tryharding the frick out of it and extremely toxic. Sometimes both. Lots of cute Westaboos, but their toxicity is on a whole different level than other places. Will drop you faster than JP, but will definitely let you know why. Or they'll try to get your socials.

  15. 2 years ago

    >playing a game of LOL and notice the support actually decent
    >add as a friend and play matches together
    >where are you from btw? we actually live in the same city 10 mins apart
    >once day he forgot to turn off mic
    >tfw it's actually a chinese girl with a super cute voice swearing in chinese and sighing when she gets killed
    >too scared to tell her I heard her and never contact her again

    Did I miss my only chance to get a girlfriend?

    • 2 years ago

      dumb moron

    • 2 years ago

      yes you are a massive homosexual moron

    • 2 years ago

      >LOL gf
      It wouldn't have worked.
      Doesn't mean you shouldn't have tried.

    • 2 years ago

      it's better to find frick buddy that happens to play lol than finding gf from lol

    • 2 years ago

      duoing with someone you're in a relationship with is an awful idea

  16. 2 years ago

    >Ragnarok Online ranked best to worst
    Largely quiet and business oriented but have unique tastes and interests if you get to know them.
    Both guys and girls are soft spoken and sweet. The most pleasant people to play with. Only flaw is that they are filthy casuals.
    Warm and boisterous, hard to offend despite their bad reputation. They are great people to joke around with.
    Respect others with ability, otherwise completely silent.
    Either onions or chud, they are tolerable if you can avoid their landmine topics.
    The men are rudeass motherfrickers who don't give a shit about anyone. The girls are friendly enough.
    One degree away from being pinoy
    The bottom of the barrel when it comes to games. Their only desire is to beat others in the gayest way possible and endlessly brag about it. They are the Blacks of gaming.

    • 2 years ago

      To add to the Ragnarok Online specific list:
      Can often speak english, but won't unless forced to. Usually relucant to interact with foreigners, but there are exceptions. Absolute casual shitters, constantly got overrun by the german refugees from euRO during WoE despite large differences in gear.
      Another completely separate subcommunity in the game that acted like mafia. Large guilds were run by family clans of 30 cousins or something and there are instances of corrupt turkish game masters spawning treasure chests for their guild friends.

  17. 2 years ago

    Burn it with fire.

  18. 2 years ago

    >perfect english. nice attitudes. actually valuable teammates
    I gotta start playing mmos if this is the case. From my experience 70% of people playing multiplayer games in Europe are either Polish or Russian and can speak at most 3 words in english. GOD I fricking hate it. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO PLAY WITH MY TEAM WHEN THEY'RE TYPING WITH A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FRICKING ALPHABET

  19. 2 years ago

    Always comes prepared, knows what to do, and just plays the game as it was meant to be played.
    >everyone else
    Absolute morons

  20. 2 years ago

    as an europoor americans are way more fun, more bullshit but more fun.

  21. 2 years ago

    burgers are always entitled but sometimes they are alright
    euros range from total homosexuals to great blokes
    slavs, hispanics are absolute worst, they are both bad and homosexualry
    never played with asians other than chinese and they never not cheat

  22. 2 years ago

    It's a coin toss if they're a fricking moron or a super nice dude. Skill varies the most out of all countries.
    Basically Ganker or /misc/ incarnate. They are usually all above average skill but rarely amazing. If you can't take Bantz, leave.
    Basically the same as Australians unless they're brown
    >Spanish Speaking Browns
    Awful. Just fricking awful. They're just not fun to play with.
    Somehow a worse version of Spanish people.
    Average skill. Very polite and nice.
    Coin Toss if they're Chinese or Japanese tier.
    The same as America, but worse. It's a coin toss if they're just okay people or they're Chinese tier.

    • 2 years ago

      Give us our own servers and we will never meet again, westanon.

  23. 2 years ago

    Flat chest

  24. 2 years ago

    >western europeans
    >perfect english, nice attitudes, valuable teammates
    not on my watch, filthy guiri

  25. 2 years ago

    As Finnish:
    >Finn's are cancer if you tell em you are Finnish
    >Russians I gladly kill in games and irl, I won't talk to them other than bark orders if I have to ally
    >We usually only get Russians in online, it's such and big country

  26. 2 years ago

    >play mmorpg with australians
    wont shut up about zinger boxes

  27. 2 years ago

    I'm Russian and you won't ever know that unless I've told you myself. I'm also the friendliest and most helpful guy you will ever meet.

    >oh it's just me dishing out insane damage in every direction playing on the keyboard like a mad octopus so you won't have to
    >getting ganked by multiple people? I will kill them swiftly then heal you and pat you on the back
    >need 5 gold? Here have 50
    >me farming a spot you're questing in? Oh I'm sorry have this rare axe that drops here that's much better than yours
    >trouble questing? No worries I'll do it all for you
    >poor items? Here have this set I saved it specifically for you oh and don't worry I checked it's all better than yours
    >about to die to overwhelming forces? Don't worry I'll jump in front and shield you from harm with my body

    Having any troubles? You just gotta ask and I'll help and cheer you up!

    • 2 years ago

      >haha look at me i'm not like everyone else!
      You're still a sub human and you will burn in Hell for what you're done to Ukraine

    • 2 years ago

      i appreciate you ruski anon, the nicest person i ever played league with was a 30 something russian dude with the deepest voice and thickest accident id ever heard. dude was pure untiltable, 10/10

      >haha look at me i'm not like everyone else!
      You're still a sub human and you will burn in Hell for what you're done to Ukraine

      get over it amerimutt, all our leaders are busy sending our young men off to foreign soil to butcher and die. do you know how many innocent people your regime has killed? if anyone will be burning in hell its you lmao

      • 2 years ago

        cope subhuman, your country will be decolonized and your people raped and murdered. God the day can't come soon enough

        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      All that stuff is cool, but it's really your humility that makes me love you so much my Russian Chad king.

  28. 2 years ago

    French players are always buttholes.

  29. 2 years ago
  30. 2 years ago

    I love flatress. long live DFC

  31. 2 years ago

    Unironically only people I ever enjoyed playing with are Slavs minus Russians. Countryside Americans are close second.
    Totally gay and lgbt friendly tier: Big city Amerimutts and Western Europeans (I were banned from guilds for making a trannie/racist joke on TS/discord) You can't act naturally and chill around those people, pronouns in most discords.
    I don't understand what the frick you're saying tier: South Americans, Spaniards, Asians.
    You're probably a total fricking butthole and only invited me to sell me a boost or hack my steam account in order to buy a steam workshop item for $100: Russians and Ukrainians (Ive been hacked by both)
    God tier that you sadly never get a chance to play with: Australians.

  32. 2 years ago

    they are mean to me 🙁

  33. 2 years ago

    Frogs are either total bros or annoying absolute morons.
    Anyone agrees?

  34. 2 years ago

    more often than not insufferable, egotistic and braindead attention seekers with the mental capacity of 13 year olds
    >Chinese / Korean / Jap
    ruthless and dont give a frick, will either be using hacks or just be a god at the game and will show no remorse in crushing your ass
    absolutely insufferable, will REFUSE to speak any language other than french and act as if the whole world revolves around them, somehow even more egotistical than Americans and probably the worst gamers skill-wise on average
    Always friendly, chill and will be having a good laugh. actually plays games for FUN
    Toxic as frick, will insult your mother. Also probably cheating but usually lack the skills the make up for it that Japs/korean/chinese have - also will NOT listen to you in game, no matter how beneficial to the team it might be
    >English / UK
    Probably extremely racist, but other than that mostly chill. Will absolutely EXPLODE if you piss them off
    Usually bros and good at games, also more often than not racist but not aggresively so
    Usually very good at the game, have a superiority complex, but you cant help respect it
    >Middle eastern
    Usually actually decent players and very mature / well spoken people who can have a good laugh. Probably hates their own country more than you hate them

  35. 2 years ago

    >tfw French living in Australia
    I made almost no Aussie friends online because I don't get most of their slang and I'm not really the "social" type.
    Unironically had an easier time communicating with Asians. Feel like my culture has more in common wirh theirs than with Aussies.

  36. 2 years ago

    >having to buy a new chestplate each time your boobs get bigger
    >or padding your chest which is effectively false advertisement
    bikini chainmail > boob chestplate

  37. 2 years ago

    >My own country (Other Americans)
    Hard to pin down because I see so many, but the few common traits seem to be staunchly individualist (Americans in MMOs seem to make up the largest percent of solo players and less likely to coordinate with their team) and usually competitive even in cooperative games. Not all of them fit into this category, but if I see someone with this attitude, it's usually an American.

    A split between Americans with less defined traits above or always frustrated and worn out with a passive-aggressive streak.

    >Latin America
    Contrary to their behavior in DotA and its clones, most are pretty laid back, probably due to being a minority in subscription based MMOs.

    Insular, but friendly when you have to interact with them. Usually bad English if they can speak it at all.

    Insular like Russians, but are more likely to completely ignore you than interact unless you have something they want, at while point they will go out of their way to make your life miserable.

    Probably the most annoying group not from banter but due to their life choices. With the exception of a single lost bogan, all the Australians I've met have been flamboyant homosexuals or furries, or both. Please do the rest of the world a favor and nuke Melbourne and Victoria.

    I rarely see other groups because I play on NA servers, and I assume continental Europe doesn't venture over there much.

  38. 2 years ago

    >eastern european
    >matched with other eastern europeans
    Get me out of here

  39. 2 years ago

    >eastern European and middle Eastern
    low morale, easily insulted
    autistic morons or mature and laid back
    talkative and smart or batshit insane
    could be anything

  40. 2 years ago

    >MMORPG with...
    Name 1 MMORPG where Americans and Euros play together.

    You can't because they're both different regions.

    • 2 years ago

      Warhammer RoR

  41. 2 years ago

    >Go onto NA servers
    >Non NA players out of the woodworks

    I only really remember the bad ones, so Chinese, South Americans, and Russians automatically make me tune out their bullshit and assume co-operation is merely a dream for the near future.

  42. 2 years ago

    >American, okay.
    Some are buttholes.
    >Europe, okay.
    I met a lot of russians on a eu server. Some are annoying.
    >Japan, okay.
    One of them keep sending robot porn but whatever. Some totally hate foreigner.
    >SEA, I have mixed feeling about these little shits.
    I met one great paladin dude on RO private server, he is quiet fluent in english, pretty self sufficient while tanking and overall nice guy, he just won't shut up about how cute e-girl swordman sprite is. I thought most are nice but, most are total crap beggar who ask for every little things, like what the hell. I also met nice one but most are secretive of their origin.
    I dunno, I met one but they don't apeak english. I think he mistook him for someone else.

  43. 2 years ago

    Literally just Americans, but on average less likely to be obnoxious buttholes.

    • 2 years ago

      Canadians are Americans that think they're not Americans.

  44. 2 years ago

    é nesse fio que a gente tira sarro dos gringo trouxa? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk AQUI É BR PORRA

  45. 2 years ago

    Crude, but can play well enough.
    Can't communicate and are terrible at the game.
    Bants, but still decent. Better than Russians, but not by as much as they would admit.
    >US of A
    Real mixed bag, some are great some are terrible. Rage on a hair trigger for various reasons.

  46. 2 years ago

    >Americans and Euros
    Top tier players, always want to improve, good communication. Consistently at the top.

    You have two or three that are exceptionally skilled, on par with Americans/Euros or better. Because of this they hang out with the English speaking crowd. Everyone else is average, which for MMOs means "trash that doesn't even understand what their skills do".

    The same pattern of having a couple of exceptional individuals and everyone else is terrible, except their zerg rush tactics are above and beyond that of disorganized Latino hordes. With proper leadership they can actually achieve a lot.

    >Pinoys and other SEAmonkeys
    Cool guys, every time. They are usually above the average. Reliable to have in your squad, lots of free time, understands what is expected of them.

    Cute and Fluffy. My experience playing on Korean servers has always been positive. Even if I acknowledge that they're mindless drones that can't stop spending their paycheck on half assed online games, it's a delight to spend time with them.

    They always want to talk a lot, share stories and have cultural exchanges. The ones that are able to communicate, at least. Not a whole lot of experience dealing with these.

    The same logic as Latinos and BRs, zerg tactics. Usually held together by a strong leadership(just like real life Russia at any point in history). Can be very hard to break but very satisfying when you do.

    Disclaimer: I am 100% against any form of regional segregation for MMOs. Ethnical frictions and faction dynamics are the spice that makes these games delicious. These games are about players making their own stories, and every good story needs to have an enemy. When you split these groups into their own regions, the result is always terrible. Almost always ends up with cooperative cliques forming, which kills any form of competition. The end of conflict is the end of MMO games.

  47. 2 years ago

    Ukgay here, i mostly play Rust so i get to play with europeans and russians mostly, but ill encounter the occasional american or chinese
    >Swedes tend to be best players you can meet, they are almost always friendly, have good skill, and tend to make great team leaders
    >Germans are generally friendly, but seem to prefer to play solo, they have great knowledge of game mechanics and are usually rich as frick in the game with huge farming operations, they play Rust like a farming simulator

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