>play singleplayer tarkov

>play singleplayer tarkov
>explore world at my own pace, use in-game maps and rely only on my own knowledge (as Devs intended)
>don't have to grind every day to keep up with tech tree
>no hackers, Chang's, dying in loading screen or desync PvP

sorry Nikita, you made a fun game but your multiplayer infrastructure sucks.

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  1. 6 months ago

    You sound like as mindbroken, thin-skinned shitter. The fact that you make your self believe a pvp shooter is better alone is beyond pathetic. You should have played that shit and stfu but no you can't stop making an embarrassment out of yourself. Good job.

    Maybe stick to games that give out participation trophies for the mentally challenged.

    • 6 months ago

      Brutal kek let the man enjoy his fun.

      • 6 months ago

        No, you NEED to be a sweaty tryhard

    • 6 months ago

      >pvp shooter
      It's not though, the game is pvp and pve. Remove the pvp, still have the pve bit left. It's already in the game, just a different way to play it

    • 6 months ago

      if the game improves by removing PvP element then the problem is the game not me.

      it's identical, I just no longer get head eyes'd across the map by a thermal scope because I dared to go out this weekend instead of rat-racing the tech tree. I don't know what the solution is to this problem other than restricting the homeless:chad ratio in each server but I'm glad I can now play tarkov, log out with my SKS and know when I log back in that SKS is still useful 🙂

      fun time

      • 6 months ago

        >the game improved
        it dont really think it does, while I hate the cheating c**ts half the fun are firefights and then having a rare boss chasing down a really looted frick and then u get his gear after theyre dead

    • 6 months ago

      seething tarkovBlack person

    • 6 months ago

      >You sound like as mindbroken, thin-skinned shitter. The fact that you make your self believe a pvp shooter is better alone is beyond pathetic. You should have played that shit and stfu but no you can't stop making an embarrassment out of yourself. Good job.
      >Maybe stick to games that give out participation trophies for the mentally challenged.

    • 6 months ago

      Imagine being so consistently ass blasted in Tarkov this is your reaction to seeing someone enjoying the game

    • 6 months ago

      >tarkovgay literally losing his mind because someone else is having fun
      Guy literally can't even IMAGINE the very concept of having fun (he plays tarkov after all)

    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      let the dude enjoy his game you fricking esport schizo

    • 6 months ago

      God you are so fricking broken.

    • 6 months ago

      Carebears malding, crying, pissing and shitting at this post. Good job

      • 6 months ago

        Everyone who uses this term has multiple holes in their wall from their spergouts

    • 6 months ago

      fpbp. OP is a whiny shitty and should be playing this game in the first place.

      • 6 months ago

        >OP should be playing that game
        and he is! how fun!

      • 6 months ago

        You sound like as mindbroken, thin-skinned shitter. The fact that you make your self believe a pvp shooter is better alone is beyond pathetic. You should have played that shit and stfu but no you can't stop making an embarrassment out of yourself. Good job.

        Maybe stick to games that give out participation trophies for the mentally challenged.

        I wonder who could be behind these posts

    • 6 months ago

      >a ton of homosexualy replies
      literally botspam astroturf

    • 6 months ago

      I will play single player games as god intended.

    • 6 months ago

      Hi, Nikita. How's weather in LONDON?

    • 6 months ago

      stop cheating and then maybe people will play with you

      until then continue seething

    • 6 months ago

      >50% cheater rate
      Either hacker or literally broken wife syndrome

    • 6 months ago

      When i was a kid i was also amused by braindead shit like this. For real homosexual, this game has nothing without multiplayer. What are you doing? Walking around and looking at trees?


    • 6 months ago

      nikita pls, just finish tarkov and make a good single player game like you wanted

    • 6 months ago


      >play singleplayer tarkov
      >explore world at my own pace, use in-game maps and rely only on my own knowledge (as Devs intended)
      >don't have to grind every day to keep up with tech tree
      >no hackers, Chang's, dying in loading screen or desync PvP

      sorry Nikita, you made a fun game but your multiplayer infrastructure sucks.

      Actually OP made me interested in this game for the first time

      does it have AI enemies I guess?

      • 6 months ago

        The normal game has AI enemies of various capabilities and then player controlled enemies. SP just removes the humans for more bots. They are not amazing, but...what bots are? They fill the world and put up some of a fight.

        • 6 months ago

          i cant play sweaty games anymore, i dont want to play multiplayer games vs humans anymore. ive had enough. i gained nothing from all the years of it, lol

          • 6 months ago

            I think it's a great game, the maps and environment are amazing, but it was ruined by tryhards, chinks and cheaters. I would not recommend anybody but literal tryhards play the multiplayer version.

      • 6 months ago

        Just play stalker anomaly with the dark signal mod instead, you'll save 50 bucks and a big ass headache that comes from actually attempting to play tarkov.

    • 6 months ago

      Why do pvpers take it so personally every time someone doesn't want to play with them?

      • 6 months ago

        Because every pvp game NEEDs baddies to clown on. Without fodder they have to fight each other, which means they have harder fights and lose more often. Gotta have minnows for the whales.

        • 6 months ago

          There is nothing a pvpBlack person hates more than a fair fight

  2. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      The client needs to connect to the game servers at leat once for some single player mods to work, it's useless without a log in and also the game gets patched a lot so constantly trying to keep a pirated version up to date is beyond annoying.

      • 6 months ago


        the pirated version (with spt-aki) does exist though and seems to get updated regularly. It's on rutracker if anyone is interested (haven't checked any other trackers, maybe some have it as well)

  3. 6 months ago

    It's cringe you play Tarkov, let alone a SP mod.

  4. 6 months ago

    It doesn't make sense that they still don't have an official SP mode. It is fun but I guess that's not where the big buxx are

    • 6 months ago

      They always seem pretty butthurt about the SP mod existing and being good, so I wonder if it's a pride thing at this point, considering there already is a literal SP/"practice" mode in the base game. All they'd have to do is have everyone make an online/offline character or something with separate stashes and everything.

  5. 6 months ago

    >play single player dark souls
    >explore the world at my own pace, use the level design and rely on my own knowledge (as Devs intended)
    >don't have to worry about min maxed PvP obsessed invaders
    >no hackers, Japs, bullshit online mechanics, or desync backstabs

    sorry Fromsoft, you made a fun game but your multiplayer infrastructure sucks

    • 6 months ago

      People will find nothing wrong with this, but hate on the OP.

    • 6 months ago

      >Play DS and ER years after release cause I'm not a brainlet moron who thinks ones and zeros run out or go up in value

      >only people playing MP are super sweaty tryhards including morons like

      You sound like as mindbroken, thin-skinned shitter. The fact that you make your self believe a pvp shooter is better alone is beyond pathetic. You should have played that shit and stfu but no you can't stop making an embarrassment out of yourself. Good job.

      Maybe stick to games that give out participation trophies for the mentally challenged.

      I'm glad you can filter subhuman freaks with a click of a button and improve your gameplay.

  6. 6 months ago

    If only there was a way to play it in coop, then it would be perfect

  7. 6 months ago

    >another assblasted gay who is too scared to compete against better players
    The good part of SPT is the mods, not the single player aspect.

    • 6 months ago

      >loading game
      >die before you can even play because someone loaded in faster and spawned near you

      this is the power of vatnik funding

      • 6 months ago

        This literally hasn't been a problem in years unless you're loading the game on a HDD, in which case that's on you for not spending $50 on even a SATA SSD

        • 6 months ago

          >actually defending this
          do ziggers actually?

          • 6 months ago

            >expecting everybody to have to wait 10 minutes for your broke ass to load in on your WD drive from 2003
            Third worlders gtfo

          • 6 months ago

            No one else should suffer because you're poor

        • 6 months ago

          frick default and tapco sks pieces of dogshit made from stones and twigs that can barely zero
          aim is all over the place and that little fricking thcik prick of a front sight without a rear one does literally frickin nothing at all
          OP-sks is okayish for its dovetail cobra placed convenietly at the end of the receiver instead of tapco moronation at the end of a barrel
          but id really just use vpo 7.62 or vepr with 10 rounders
          frick sk(igger)s

    • 6 months ago

      It's me anon, the man hiding next to extract with a cheap SMG. I'm going to kill you and take your loot. I am a rat and I revel in your salt.

      • 6 months ago

        I'm not salty, anon. I'm the rat outratting you with an 870 full of magnum buck.

        • 6 months ago

          This is me, first thing I do is unlock Jaeger then it's nothing but double barrels, tbags and hunting matches barter for the vest for me. Stack of magnums in my ass and a stack of ap20s when I unlock them, that until lvl 45.

    • 6 months ago

      >bring in rare ammo I have too many of
      >get a phone call while loading
      >literally walk backwards 2m into a thicket of bushes and hide there, completely invisible behind 3 bushes.
      >Go deal with phonecall
      >come back just as a guy who had 0 chance of knowing where I was grenaded me

      Or you are saying you are a noob who aint played the game worth shit and are too shit at the game to not notice blatant speedhackers on street?
      PVP would be nice if it wasn't for at least 30% of the people using ESP at minimum.

      • 6 months ago

        You know bushes can bug out and make a bunch of noise if you're sitting in them, right?

        • 6 months ago

          You know your devs can cheap out and let enemy players know exactly what you have, where you are, give other players ability to run 10x as fast, lock onto your head etc.

    • 6 months ago

      Nah man, that is clearly grimmace.

  8. 6 months ago

    Multiplayer can never be good as long as human bean plays them

  9. 6 months ago

    How does it compare to Stalker Anomaly? Obviously the quality is much higher, but is the content more meaningful?

    • 6 months ago

      it's worse t b h
      AI is somehow worse and the world isn't as interesting to explore

    • 6 months ago

      >AI is worse and is basic 1998 tier walk around and aim at players through walls.
      >story is LITERALLY, L I T E R A L L Y fetch quests or go to there and kill x, where they know everyone uses the wiki anyway so why even bother writing accurate quest descriptions
      >Everything is designed to reward the sweatiest of players, streamers with large communities of slaves or hackers: Item drop rates at start of the wipe are nerfed to be 1% of their original to stop the previously mentioned 3 from progressing, but it doesn't stop them as they just nolife/have their simps fetch them/use esp and find it instantly so only people who play normally suffer. By late game the quests get moronic like kill boss that spawns 15% of the time 100 times.
      Best ammos are now only found as rare root. Best attatchments are rare loot. Most useful things for upgrading your hideout and stats are rare loot. Not to mention the fricking rpg elements in form of skills that make the game easier to play and require less skill the more you play it, meaning top players, hackers do not only have an advantage over you in terms of game knowledge and practise with all the weapons, they also have less recoil, can carry more, can run longer, can run faster, can jump higher, take less damage, have faster reloads, have less recoil, get shit for free from their hideout etc.

      The game is honestly busted and the dumbfrick vatnik shitheads making it need to take a step back and fix this all.
      Really needs an human to interfere to correct the russian slaves fricking up without oversight.

    • 6 months ago

      Worse. Tarkov is utterly shallow without other players. PvP in tarkov is the only thing that adds any variety or dynamism to the game. Not saying that to justify MP tarkov. I'm saying tarkov is shit. Some sort of persistent world MP stalker on the other hand....

  10. 6 months ago

    Playing a FPS game exclusively against bots sounds like the most boring thing imaginable.

  11. 6 months ago

    It's easy to avoid PvP in Tarkov. Why would you go offline?

    • 6 months ago

      Because the PvP is an intrinsic part of the game, you drooling ape. Just as pathetic as the gays who DC themselves when they get invaded in a Souls game.

      then do 2 things:
      a) stop softlocking people out of the game for taking a break. you basically have to get into the game on a new wipe and then grind daily to keep up with gear creep.
      b) have anti-cheat.

      do these two things and I'll return to multiplayer. I actually do enjoy early wipe when everyone has simmilar equipment and skills. I don't like taking a break for a few days only to go into raid with a BP ammo SKS against Level 5 plate, atlyn wearing Chad's who have fully spec'd out ARs.

    • 6 months ago

      hackers will find you since they can see everything and everyone, they also enjoy hunting down people clearly trying to avoid pvp because they are griefers.

  12. 6 months ago

    Does it have missions and npcs or it's just a walking sim?

  13. 6 months ago

    What's up with all the PvP cucks coming out of the woodwork in this thread

    • 6 months ago

      it's not fun to play against other cheaters, they need actual legit players in this game so of course SPT triggers them

    • 6 months ago

      Because the PvP is an intrinsic part of the game, you drooling ape. Just as pathetic as the gays who DC themselves when they get invaded in a Souls game.

      • 6 months ago

        >PvP is an intrinsic part of the game
        It clearly isn't Nigkita, considering there are people playing in SP and it just works

        • 6 months ago

          There are people who play Souls games offline only, but they're still missing out on a core part of the experience.
          The UNCERTAINTY of encounters with other players is what makes it so good. Are they immediately going to pop you? Pretend to be friendly and then shoot you when you're vulnerable? Legitimately just team up mid-raid to get your objectives done? Human interactivity is a core part of the experience and it's why Miyazaki himself paid attention. You are robbing yourself of the full game if you play the singleplayer mod, no matter how many overhaul mods you tack on. You're still playing against bots only.

          • 6 months ago

            >a core part of the experience.
            No it fricking isn't lmao
            It's just an extra

            • 6 months ago

              I will not tolerate this kind of slander towards my preferred style of play. Carebear homosexual.

              • 6 months ago

                What the frick are you talking about moron
                PvP has NEVER been the focus of souls games, and invasions are getting more and more worthless and rare with each new game

            • 6 months ago

              It literally is, >though. The game is designed around it. Half the quests involve killing players. A large part of the community is formed from people teaming up to learn to play the game together. Players move loot around, they sell it, you buy it, etcetera. If you think the player-to-player interactivity isn't a fundamental part of Tarkov you're quite literally moronic, there's no other way to explain it to you.
              >b-but the singleplayer mod has bots that replicate some of that functionality!
              Sure, but they specifically had to be coded to act like players do. It's a hollow replacement.


              then do 2 things:
              a) stop softlocking people out of the game for taking a break. you basically have to get into the game on a new wipe and then grind daily to keep up with gear creep.
              b) have anti-cheat.

              do these two things and I'll return to multiplayer. I actually do enjoy early wipe when everyone has simmilar equipment and skills. I don't like taking a break for a few days only to go into raid with a BP ammo SKS against Level 5 plate, atlyn wearing Chad's who have fully spec'd out ARs.

              Plate hitboxes and the recoil overhaul next wipe will do exactly what you ask for. Gear creep won't matter more, there won't be nearly as much of an incentive to fully mod your guns. As long as you can slap on an optic and your gun's semi-auto you're golden.

              • 6 months ago

                >The game is designed around it
                Yeah and the game is designed like dogshit

              • 6 months ago

                >Plate hitboxes and the recoil overhaul next wipe will do exactly what you ask for. Gear creep won't matter more, there won't be nearly as much of an incentive to fully mod your guns. As long as you can slap on an optic and your gun's semi-auto you're golden

                based, I don't want to totally abandon the game i just can't be fricked to deal with the multiplayer bullshit, even without hackers and gear creep you still have desync problems. I eagerly await tarkov ironing out it's bugs so I can actually enjoy it

                They should unironically remove trading from the game. Just leave some barters and crafting for basic gear and to give purpose to generic loot items, but everything else has to be looted in-raid.

                every now and again Nigrita will do something intelligent and to Tarkovs credit they actually did this with all the high end shit. Tier 4 (I think) and higher can't be purchased in flea market anymore.

          • 6 months ago

            >they're still missing out on a core part of the experience

          • 6 months ago

            I play games to scape human interactivity thats why single players are still alive

  14. 6 months ago

    I always assumed this was one of these MP games where the fun comes solely from taking the fun away from other players

  15. 6 months ago


    even PUBG was too much video game for Ganker

    Ganker argues AGAINST the competitive 50/50. they don't think a player should break the 50/50 winning constantly while constantly doing well in order to rank up. they want high competitive ranks just for participating

    they believe all their shots should hit and all their enemies' shots should miss

    they wish, hope, and pretend almost everyone is hacking

    these sentiments were the same pre-2010

    why is Ganker like this?

    deep down, is Ganker just a bunch of weak and weak-willed pussies who feel sorry for themselves? the recent big one was PUBG and Ganker just ran with its tail tucked between their legs after playing a few matches. like 90+% of people die every match in that game. what makes you so special that all your enemies should kneel in front of you for a free kill?

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah, because when I think of PUBG players I think of absolute badasses, and when I think of people who don't play PUBG I think of pussies. I'll bet even the weakest PUBG player could DESTROY the strongest special forces unit if they don't play competitive online multi-player shooters. Watch Ganker try to cope by saying that there are other reasons to not play PUBG, fricking lovers, amirite?

  16. 6 months ago

    That's literally every game ever.
    Multiplayer sucks ass.
    Like those horror games where you can chase people around, it sucks ass that it's a multiplayer game.
    You should just be able to play Jason Voorhees and kill people inside a cabin near a lake and it would be fun but no it had to be an online game and you're chasing pussyslayer69xxx around for three hours.

    • 6 months ago

      It's because you're a loser who hates fun.

      • 6 months ago

        Do these people have fun, really ? Why are they so angry then ?

  17. 6 months ago

    imagine playing games for fun, what casuals

  18. 6 months ago

    tarkov is a cool game
    too bad multiplayer games are inherently flawed due to them not being able to cater to me specifically because it has to be fair to every player
    that shit is gay

    • 6 months ago

      gear discrepancy is fine, that's the point of loot n shoot games I wouldn't recommend the game having gear-based matchmaking because it would nullify the entire point of having high tier equipment.

      the difference is how MUCH of a discrepancy can you tolerate? unlike you nerds I have a job other hobbies and cannot and would not treat Tarkov as a second job so about 2 weeks into a wipe I've fallen too far behind in the tech tree to stand a chance in any fight.

  19. 6 months ago

    >Have to go to labs to maybe get the materials needed to finish your hideout
    The worst fricking design choice I've ever seen, Labs is the only place I've actually seen hackers, and it's every fricking time

  20. 6 months ago

    why do people poopsock tarkov, like what is the end goal?
    it's not like there's any kind of end game, right?

    • 6 months ago

      its just like any other multiplayer game that has pvp
      it gets autismed to death
      everything gets optimized and it essentially just becomes cs or cod

    • 6 months ago

      Because at its core the gameplay is completely addicting once it gets its hooks into you. That's why. From my experience you either bounce off the game or chuck thousands of hours into it.

      What the frick are you talking about moron
      PvP has NEVER been the focus of souls games, and invasions are getting more and more worthless and rare with each new game

      I'm going to assume you're replying to me.
      From the start with Demon's Souls the multiplayer component WAS a core aspect of the game. Co-op was encouraged, invading was a way to gain back your health if you were skillful enough, world tendency meant that every action other players made affected what you could find. Dark Souls 1 expanded on this with covenants incentivising doing certain parts of multiplayer over and over again for rewards, drift bags and Vagrants incentivised people dropping the shit they didn't need for other players. Dark Souls 2 went even further on the covenants, there's so many different flavours of PvP and co-op. It's not a surprise that the games started getting worse when multiplayer became less of a focus, and Elden Ring nearly entirely dropping it is by far the biggest mistake with that game, there's so much less incentive for people to replay it.

      >The game is designed around it
      Yeah and the game is designed like dogshit

      Yet you're still playing it.

      They should unironically remove trading from the game. Just leave some barters and crafting for basic gear and to give purpose to generic loot items, but everything else has to be looted in-raid.

      imo it's mostly fine as it currently is where the reward of levelling is being able to run nearly whatever you want consistently. The main issue I have is how the Flea Market completely destroys the purpose of a lot of the low-level barters and progression. Nobody does barters with hideout items, as they're almost always worth much more just selling to other players and then buying what you want after with rubles to spare.

      • 6 months ago

        They should also remove levels from the game. Levelups are cancer in most games, doubly so in competitive FPS games.

        • 6 months ago

          Triply so in games that wipe your progress regularly.

      • 6 months ago

        >Vagrants incentivised people dropping the shit they didn't need for other players
        Bullshit, no one even knew how they worked for the longest time, and even now nobody really spawns them on purpose

        • 6 months ago

          >and even now nobody really spawns them on purpose
          I do.

          • 6 months ago

            You're not real

            • 6 months ago

              speak for yourself, buddy

    • 6 months ago

      People like to feel like they are getting ahead of everybody else. Every wipe there's some percentage of the player base that plays the game 10+ hours a day to rush high leveled traders so they can lord over the casuals

  21. 6 months ago

    They should unironically remove trading from the game. Just leave some barters and crafting for basic gear and to give purpose to generic loot items, but everything else has to be looted in-raid.

  22. 6 months ago

    i'm just not gonna play with cheaters and try hards.... i know! sorry!

    • 6 months ago

      I think LVNDMARK is legit simply because he literally nolifes the game and has so many eyes on him that there'd have to be something a lot more definitive than 'he looked up' at some point.
      That being said some of the C-tier streamers definitely cheat. Remember how Worrun got called out, the fact that his ESEA account got banned '''for a skin changer''' according to him was found out, and he just vanished from the face of the earth? Kek

      • 6 months ago

        he's been banned by the anti-cheat like 3 times

        • 6 months ago

          Wasn't it the one ban?
          And the thing where people was convinced it was for wireframe cheats/an exploit because of a glitch that showed in his launcher didn't make sense because whatever method that that glitch was associated with didn't work in Tarkov anymore?
          I'm not saying he's definitively not cheating, but to me the evidence people show is pretty circumstancial. If there was a history of him getting banned in other games like there is with someone like Worrun I'd be a LOT more skeptical, but nothing he does is really out of the picture for somebody with 10k hours in the game.

  23. 6 months ago


  24. 6 months ago

    Never tried it because I keep hearing about hackers ruining it.

    This still a problem?

    • 6 months ago

      The cheating situation isn't GREAT, but it's no worse than other PC FPS games in that regard.
      Basically: if you aren't running the high-tier indoors loot map with a top tier kit outside of prime time hours you'll probably see them rather infrequently. The video that everybody parrots as a source for everybody and their mother cheating is made by a literal clout chaser eceleb who STILL refuses to provide the raw footage of his raids to show that his claims have any basis in reality.

      • 6 months ago

        >no worse than other PC FPS games in that regard.
        Incorrect. Other games at least make an attempt to crack down on the issue since rampant hacking will kill the playerbase. Tarkov puts forth zero effort.

        • 6 months ago

          BSG ban plenty of accounts and have instigated measures to stop RMT from being easily accessible. You mean to tell me companies like DICE and Activision are doing any more than BSG that makes a meaningful difference? Not really.

          • 6 months ago

            When over half the playerbase is using ESP you have an issue.

            • 6 months ago

              Hi g0at, how's the channel shilling going? Anybody who believes literally over half the playerbase is cheating in ANY large game is completely fricking braindead. Actually playing the fricking game shows otherwise.

              • 6 months ago

                Hello Nikita, still coping that your games a fricking disaster?

              • 6 months ago

                Hello Nikita, still coping that your games a fricking disaster?

                im posting with kings

              • 6 months ago

                >hacks are easily available, cheap and thanks to the games netcode being incredebly fricking shit and almost entierly player side promote shacking
                >poor hack detection like SPT tarkov and mod accounts not even getting banned, blatant speedhacks that let players sprint around 5x running speed without being instabanned promotes hacking
                >literally nerfed drop rates for important items at wipe start to punish everyone who is not hacking, or a streamer with simps for followers, promotes hacking
                >zero sum gameplay promotes hacking
                >tons of money being made from using hacks to kit out accounts or guide players to find rare quest items that are required for every third quest promotes hacking

                you are a hacker, beginner or a complete fricking moron if you don't know every raid has at least 1 esper if you're lucky and labs and streets has 5.

              • 6 months ago

                Yes bro, everybody is cheating, you should buy into it too, please buy our cheats goy, you need to get ahead of the competition

              • 6 months ago

                hello flat earther.

              • 6 months ago

                >there is no conspiracy! now eat ze bugs!

              • 6 months ago

                hello flat earther.

          • 6 months ago

            They stopped RMT between accounts so hackers need to buy more accounts, making it more profitable for them.

            Meanwhile you can go on discord and twitch and find a sizeable number of streamers having random lock ons to enemy heads, taking random changes in their course after peeking on their second monitor, only to stumble upon an player that just happens to have what they need.

      • 6 months ago

        BSG ban plenty of accounts and have instigated measures to stop RMT from being easily accessible. You mean to tell me companies like DICE and Activision are doing any more than BSG that makes a meaningful difference? Not really.

        difference is when I die in CoD or Battlefield I hit respawn and continue playing again. worst case scenario I was playing warzone or some shit and I lost maybe 20-30 minutes of progress. I get killed in tarkov I lose however many hours I spent getting that kit.

        • 6 months ago

          For most items it literally just takes like a 15-20min run of grabbing shit out of the back of Interchange to liquidate on the flea and buy that gear back from traders
          In the cases of losing stuff like the MGL, level 6 armour, thermals, etc.? Sure, fair enough, but most gear isn't THAT valuable.

  25. 6 months ago

    >>play singleplayer tarkov

    • 6 months ago

      spt aki

  26. 6 months ago

    If the horrendous hacking issue was addressed tarkov would be decent.
    It never will be though, so I agree with you OP and will be sticking to SP.

  27. 6 months ago

    I played a bunch of Counter Strike: Condition Zero today, again bots, and had a lot of fun.

  28. 6 months ago

    >play hunt showdown
    >getting matched against Black folk that are rank 200+
    PvPvE games or PvP modes in PvE games are always populated exclusively by autists that nolife it and have a crabs in a bucket mentality. The concept of fun is alien to them. They slavishly follow the meta and will sit in a corner for 3 hours if it's the optimal strategy. They need to win, but don't get any joy from doing so. All they feel is rage when they lose.

  29. 6 months ago

    I played tarkov and it literally just doesnt work, like fundamental game mechanics literally dont work

  30. 6 months ago

    I can't stop playing factory. I just don't give a shit enough to do anything else, just factory. Run factory as scav, get equipment to put on PMC. Run factory as PMC until I die. Wait for scav timer. Frick loot. Frick all other maps and snipers. Factory only.

  31. 6 months ago

    As it turns out multiplayer-only autism fricks everything up

  32. 6 months ago

    Honestly SPTarkov without an insane amount of padding is just as dogshit. It's the autistic PvP of Tarkov but with A.I who will head eyes you through bushes with meta M4s. You are quite literally the gaming equivalent of Michael Jackson renting out a supermarket, the hollow experience is punctuated by everyone involved having to stifle themselves for your experience.

    • 6 months ago

      older sptarkov builds were fun for high ai amount of scav, pmc bots, and whatever bosses on factory. i would just mod my inventory space to be huge in 1slot containers and use whatever weapons and gear looked cool.

  33. 6 months ago

    >playing some sleazy R*ssoids' game in 2000+20+3

  34. 6 months ago

    SPT chads what mod we using
    i like to keep it vanilla but cut the mmo gacha shit of waiting real time for imaginary pixels
    so i only run ZeroTimes which is a bit outdated
    Any mods to enhance the vanilla feel but npt buckbreak my game into anipe vendors with op laserguns?

  35. 6 months ago

    If cheating wasn't so easy I'd have more fun with multiplayer shooters.

  36. 6 months ago

    So you're playing counter strike with bots?

    • 6 months ago

      Does counter-strike have thousands of items(not skins), quests and massive maps?

  37. 6 months ago

    No game in history has mind fricked shitters like Tarkov does
    >muh single player mods
    >muh 50% cheat rate
    >muh cheater in every raid
    lol, lmao even

    • 6 months ago

      hacker detected

  38. 6 months ago

    >Shoot someone in the chest point blank with 2 12 gauge shots
    >Theyre literally unscathed
    >Shoot someone in the head
    >erm they're really cool so they didn't die B)
    >Stock weapons are almost all useless
    >Massive rmt community
    >moronic devs
    >Ai proccess sprays instantly delivering 8 rounds before your bullet can even reach them
    3k hours in and factory is still the only remotely enjoyable map

  39. 6 months ago

    Its single player offline?

    • 6 months ago

      You download the official client, then disconnect from official server and launch your own 1 person private server. So yes.

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