>Play the RE2 remake. >It's a pretty good third person shooter and horror game

>Play the RE2 remake
>It's a pretty good third person shooter and horror game
>Decide to play the original RE2 dualshock version to see how it compares
>Tank controls and shitty visuals take me out of the experience
>Drop it, but decide to pick it up again months later
>It's actually one of the best video games I've ever had a chance to experience
>Go back and play the RE2 remake
>They literally didn't get anything right

Jesus, I thought all those SOUL and SOULLESS memes were being ironic or purposefully inflammatory. The music is worse, the gameplay is worse, they completely butchered the A/B scenario 'zapping' system, and the atmosphere is totally ruined. Even the cheesy B tier voice acting was still somehow preferable. Can't even replay RE8 now because of how worse the overall modern Capcom gameplay feels now. Are all remakes like this?

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  1. 8 months ago

    >gameplay is worse
    lol. RE 1-3 are great, but not because of the gameplay

    • 8 months ago

      puzzles are fun, combat is satisfying, guaranteed headshots with the shotgun feels great to pull off. Who pissed in your cheerios?

      • 8 months ago

        >combat is satisfying
        >stand at the end of hallway
        >hold aim (game does the rest)
        >fire till everything is dead
        lel now I know you’re full of shit. there’s also zero danger in the OG RE2, you’re essentially behind plate glass in a on rails haunted house. so boring

        • 8 months ago

          The gameplay is more than the combat moron.

  2. 8 months ago

    >is that... a useless submachine gun and 2 free slots I have to decide to use now or later?!

    • 8 months ago

      I think there's a few more like ammo for not killing the croc with the tank which unlocks ammo for the 2nd run but really the whole "zapping" thing was such a non-mechanic for 99% of the run I didn't miss it at all in the remake. I still love the old games. Played them a ton as a kid but the remake of 2 has a lot of things being done better. Dunno why anon can't like both.

      • 8 months ago

        >I think there's a few more like ammo for not killing the croc with the tank which unlocks ammo for the 2nd run but really the whole "zapping" thing was such a non-mechanic for 99% of the run
        Half the second section of the B campaigns features new content/areas/remixed scenes. The remake didn't even try to do that. The voice acting/script is also redone in the B campaigns as well, to diversify your playthroughs and give you a feeling of general unease.

        You don't see that kind of commitment anymore, especially considering RE2 was itself remade twice, because they didn't feel they did it right the first time. The remake developers not only didn't have that kind of resources, they didn't have that kind of passion.

        • 8 months ago

          It didn't really bother me that there wasn't a bigger difference in the B playthrough. I thought the improved A route made up for it + ghost survivors. Hunk and tofu was well done. I get that some anons wanted it but it doesn't matter to me since the game improved in so many other ways. I can always go back and play the ps1 copies anytime if I want that other experience.

          • 8 months ago

            >It didn't really bother me that there wasn't a bigger difference in the B playthrough
            Good for you. It absolutely ruined the already downgraded game for most other people.

            >improved A route
            Everything after cop station is shit.
            And even the core gameplay is a massive downgrade from the original. Audio-visual design is also trash.

            >ghost survivors
            ORC-tier DLC shit.

            • 8 months ago

              Sewers was an upgrade. Being able to loop once for a fast run or twice for the extras was good design. It also tests the skills at avoiding enemies you learn in rpd or let's you kill them if you've banked enough ammo to give yourself more breathing room. The lab lacks this but makes up for it in better encounters within the two zones that feature enemies and tops it off with good boss fights. Some of your takes just seem like personal preference so I can't really argue with it and won't. To each their own. Both the OG and Remake are good games. It's not an either or situation. One doesn't replace the other. They coexist in peace.

  3. 8 months ago
  4. 8 months ago

    >literally didn't get anything right
    it's hard to take this kind of hyperbole seriously

    RE2R does the following better
    >Ada/Sherry scenarios
    >bonus content

    I played the original on release and have beaten it over 20 times across all versions so don't hit me with some zoomer buzzword crap

    • 8 months ago

      Not bad for my first run of RE3 Nemesis. Just wish the Sorucenext port didnt crash at the clock tower nemesis carlos fight. And that I could actually save for new game+.

      Every single one of these points is wrong, congratulations. The Ada hacking segments suck ass, and Sherry stealth section is horrid. They butchered the B scenarios, and made less differences between both characters' routes. No spiders, no crows, no moth enemy, Mr. X is more annoying than scary, OST sucks ass compared to the original. Game is harder but gunplay is less satisfying.

      • 8 months ago

        shooting is braindead in the original. you literally can't miss. aim up if you have a shotgun when they are close. congratulations, that's the extent of shooting in RE2. it sure doesn't help that the ammo is overabundant meaning you don't even need to worry about missing the shots you won't miss anyways

        movement is much more fluid in the remake, but comparing the two is probably pointless because one is a fixed perspective tank simulator and the other is a generic over the shoulder third person camera.

        puzzles are more plentiful in the remake, and are more difficult on subsequent playthroughs and B scenarios. several puzzles in OG are moving boxes or a step ladder to get a key. not great.

        Ada and Sherry scenarios are essentially the same in the OG and are extremely bare bones. You can run through them in like 5 minutes with zero thought or skill. In the Remake they were made distinctly different and more fleshed out. You can argue Sherry's stealth section sucked, but at least they made an entirely new area that connects with RPD. Her section in OG is basically nothing at all, completely forgettable and reused by Ada as well.

        as for the bonus content, you maybe haven't played enough to know that the remake has additional scenarios and unlocks, as well as challenges. you can argue it's "worse" but objectively it adds more that wasn't in the OG.

        • 8 months ago

          >shooting is braindead in the original. you literally can't miss. aim up if you have a shotgun when they are close. congratulations, that's the extent of shooting in RE2. it sure doesn't help that the ammo is overabundant meaning you don't even need to worry about missing the shots you won't miss anyways
          this is the wrong approach to criticize RE's gunplay. aiming isn't the point as much as tactics
          >should I square up here and shoot this zombie
          >do I have enough distance to finish it off
          the problem more so with re2 is it has a ton of crowds placed in linear halls and with the amount of ammo you have the tactical element is wasted. 3 did a much better job with that element combined with the tougher resource scarcity.

        • 8 months ago

          >shooting is braindead in the original. you literally can't miss
          Incorrect. Positioning your character strategically to make certain every shot counts and takes out multiple enemies at once is all that prevents you from running out of ammo and doing a knife run, which also relies on you learning careful positioning.

          >movement is much more fluid in the remake
          It's not, you only believe it is because your character just flails his/her arms over enemies as they fall on them or they trip over objects in the environment, which eats away needlessly at your play-time. RE6 had superior movement, RE2 does not. If anything, the pace of which your character moves in the remake is much worse, given you more slower and clunkier. Motion capture is much worse than manual animation, it always has been and always will be, because motion capture relies on animation buffers and thus, input lag.

          >puzzles are more plentiful in the remake, and are more difficult on subsequent playthroughs and B scenarios
          Puzzles in both aren't particularly anything to write home about, however, pushing staircases involves you interacting with the environment, while placing a bomb on a door and running to cover to wait out the timer is quite negatively just a massive waste of your time and the definition of braindead casualization.

          >You can argue Sherry's stealth section sucked
          It did. Five minute interlude was enough in the OG and a perfectly fine change of pace.

          >as for the bonus content, you maybe haven't played enough to know that the remake has additional scenarios and unlocks
          The additional scenarios in the remake unfortunately just amplified the worst gameplay aspects the game had to offer. The additional scenarios in the OG weren't exactly amazing either, they were just there because the developers had fun with them. As opposed to being added because the developers were told the game needed them. That's the main difference in mindsets between the two teams and why it's worse by far

          • 8 months ago

            >Positioning your character strategically to make certain every shot counts and takes out multiple enemies at once is all that prevents you from running out of ammo

    • 8 months ago

      These are both debatable since they're completely different types of games in those regards, but I honestly prefer the tighter movement of the original games. You point Leon in a given direction and press forward, no room for the game to misread what you're doing.
      In the remake, because it's using standard OTS controls and movement, it's far more floaty, like you're merely guiding Leon in a given direction.
      That's debateable. I wouldn't say the remake has any real memorable puzzles, most end up being find the password or press the buttons until the combination happens. The only real puzzle would probably be the chess piece one, which isn't too difficult anyways.
      >Ada/Sherry scenarios
      Frick no lol. Ada's section is absurdly boring and drawn out, the sole moment of any intensity is when they drop Mr. X on you for no real reason. As for Sherry, her section is just that shitty Mia tape from 7, which itself was aping the common trend in vidya horror of just hiding from enemies.
      >bonus content
      Again, no. The original game gave you 4th Survivor, Tofu Survivor, and then three levels of EX Battle with four characters, one being Chris Redfield. If you played on N64, you got a Randomizer instead, and both of those options are far superior to the incredibly flaccid flood of survivor modes the remake dumps on the player. Like 5 extra Tofu Survivors and 4 Ghost Survivors, all of which really aren't that fun or interesting.
      Magnetic grabs are a meme.
      The remake kneecaps itself in this regard by having genuinely, the worst characters and VA work seen in the franchise since the first game (in regards to the latter). Doesn't help that to showcase any level of horror it does the meme of one room being absurdly dark, and the room next to it being seemingly set in a different dimension.

      • 8 months ago

        Ada's section, the part with the zombies at least, is actually one of the better encounters in the game.You are dropped in a large space with several connected paths but no safe get of jail free fall back routes or completely obvious chokepoints, you face a crowd of zombies instead of just 1 or 2. You actually need to be on your toes doing crowd control.

    • 8 months ago

      >Ada/Sherry scenarios
      I love remake 2 but these scenarios were fricking insufferable pace-killers and that's one of like 3 legitimate criticisms people on this board have made about it.

    • 8 months ago

      I realized it was shit when i shot a zombie 52 times in the head and it didn't die.

      Every one of you morons has objectively stupid opinions if you think that was forgivable.
      RE was never about invincible zombie homosexuals constantly fricking with you, they were practically environment set pieces between puzzles and the remake just fricked every goddamn bit of it up.

      Every single piece of established lore says that you blow a zombie's head off and it fricking dies, they had one fricking thing that they couldn't mess with and they fricked it all up.

      • 8 months ago

        >i shot a zombie 52 times in the head and it didn't die.
        You did not do this, you lying Black person. You shot a zombie maybe 8 times in the head and threw a b***h fit instead of doing what the game is obviously pushing you to do, which is disabling them by taking out their legs or shooting them once to stun them and run past.

        • 8 months ago

          >You did not do this, you lying Black person.
          Are you stupid? Yes, I did.
          I deliberately dumped every fricking bit of ammo i had into it just to see how fricking much it would take to actually kill one for once.

          >what the game is obviously pushing you to do, which is disabling them by taking out their legs or shooting them once to stun them and run past
          How about you just let me play the fricking game the way I WANT TO and shoot them in the fricking head and move on?
          There wasn't a single thing wrong with the way the old games worked, there was zero justifiable reason to change it, it's fricking stupid and so are you for defending it.

          • 8 months ago

            >How about you just let me play the fricking game the way I WANT TO and shoot them in the fricking head and move on?
            Because it's a fricking survival game pushing you to be conservative with ammo, like you would have to in a survival scenario, you absolute fricking mongoloid. I can't even tell if you're baiting or if you're just completely moronic.
            >There wasn't a single thing wrong with the way the old games worked, there was zero justifiable reason to change it
            The justifiable reason to change it is that it's there to teach you to deal with enemies in a smarter way and conserve ammo in a survival game. The game is teaching you how to play it and you're bashing your head against a wall screaming no at the top of your lungs then calling other people stupid for playing the game the way it was meant to be played. If you can't figure out basic shit, the game isn't for you. Go play the originals.

            • 8 months ago

              >Because it's a fricking survival game
              No, it is a REMAKE of a puzzle game with survival elements.
              The OG was never so fricking obtuse, not even with boss fights.

              >it's there to teach you to deal with enemies in a smarter way and conserve ammo in a survival game
              Who the frick asked for this?
              You know what we asked for? a fricking remake of RE2, who the frick asked you to inject aids into it and shit out some dumpster fire.

              The entire fricking game was right there, remake it, no one asked you for your cancer shit, put that into the next RE shitfest sequel that no one cares about.

            • 8 months ago

              >one bullet to blow head off
              >two bullets to blow kneecaps off
              It seems to me like if they wanted you to conserve ammo, they'd be encouraging you to "git gud" at headshots.

      • 8 months ago

        >RE was never about invincible zombie homosexuals constantly fricking with you

        • 8 months ago

          Yea, you're right.
          That is a totally run of the mill enemy that you see in literally every corridor throughout the entire game.

        • 8 months ago

          Crimson Heads take about half as many bullets as the average zombie in the RE2 Remake. They're also not zombies, they're the halfway point between zombies and lickers.

          And now you know, secondary.

          • 8 months ago

            >Crimson Heads take about half as many bullets as the average zombie in the RE2 Remake
            Sounds like you got filtered by enemies that are actually a threat.

  5. 8 months ago

    >Played RE2R
    >Never played the original
    >Liked the remake
    >don't plan to play the OG

  6. 8 months ago

    I like the Re2 remake and it was my goty in 2019 but the original is much better in *almost* every way.

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        You post categories and I will say which is better in the og vs the remake

  7. 8 months ago

    My least favorite thing about the remake by far is the weapon sounds.



  8. 8 months ago

    RE2make is good but RE2 is just better. I have fun with both.

  9. 8 months ago

    before I go ahead and emulate RE1 Director's Cut (non-Dualshock version) and then play RE2 (which version is best?), I've got a question
    do they both have the thing where keys take an inventory slot, which means putting them in storage then having to backtrack when you need them? that always bugged me. get a fricking keychain

    • 8 months ago

      >and then play RE2 (which version is best?),
      SourceNEXT and GC port are the best.
      Can't go wrong with the PS1 originals though.

      >do they both have the thing where keys take an inventory slot
      Yes. All REs up until RE4 did. But why'd you ever put a key in a box?
      Route and loadout planning has always been a crucial part of RE's formula. The more they cut down on it, the worse the franchise became.

    • 8 months ago

      >before I go ahead and emulate RE1 Director's Cut (non-Dualshock version) and then play RE2 (which version is best?
      The best version of the first three games are the patched PC versions. Go on the b4k archive and search Biohazard Mediakite, and the install guide for them should pop up.
      If that's not an option for you, here's a rundown of RE2 versions.
      >Original PSX
      Main scenarios, 4th Survivor, Tofu Survivor.
      >PSX DualShock
      All of the above, plus EX Battle Game.
      >Nintendo 64
      Same as Original, while adding a Randomizer mode and the "EX Files". Suffers from really bad cutscene and audio compression, including the B scenario end credits music being absent.
      Same as PSX DualShock, adds a CG and Art viewer.
      Same as PSX DualShock.
      Same as PSX DualShock, has the highest resolution backgrounds and cutscenes (displays natively at 480p).
      >do they both have the thing where keys take an inventory slot, which means putting them in storage then having to backtrack when you need them? that always bugged me. get a fricking keychain
      Outside of RE1 and CV, this is never really a big issue. Only other instance I can think of is in RE3 really, and that's the game giving you a key you use once and then don't use for the following two thirds of the game.

  10. 8 months ago

    I've been playing so much BioRand recently that I barely remember how the game is actually supposed to play.
    >tfw a group of Alexia Ashfords are blocking the L Corridor and all you have is a Spark Shot with 2%

  11. 8 months ago

    As a remake of RE2, it was okay. remake2 is more like a modern RE game with an RE2 coat of paint

    As a game though? it's really fun

  12. 8 months ago

    I didn't enjoy the remake much. The police station was neat, but the puzzles were really basic. The "combat" or mostly avoiding it wasn't fun at all. The sewer sucked. The labs sucked. Mr. X wasn't scary. He was just annoying. Oh no, now I have to run in a circle to avoid him... I have no idea why people praise this game so much. That said, RE4 and RE4 remake are in my top three games of all time. I guess I just like action more than not survival not horror games.

  13. 8 months ago

    I like both equally, but for different reasons.

  14. 8 months ago

    >60+ fps
    >more realistic lighting and gore
    >better animation
    >better art

    why the FRICK would anyone prefer the old dogshit over the new one is fricking beyond my fricking ass man

    • 8 months ago

      >more realistic lighting and gore
      wow realism that's zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

      • 8 months ago

        its more immersive you dumb homosexual

        • 8 months ago

          Atmosphere and Art Design of RE2 > Graphical Fidelity of RE2R
          moronic Black person. I bet you get your opinions from cum drinkers with webcams.

          • 8 months ago

            >WAHHH watching youtuber streamers and twitcher bads because UHHH le old GOOD le new BAD WAAAHHHH


  15. 8 months ago

    >Jesus, I thought all those SOUL and SOULLESS memes were being ironic or purposefully inflammatory.
    Nope. It was all truth.
    Imagine waiting nearly 20 years for the RE2 to get THE REmake (2002) treatment, only to get hit with this shit instead. That's me and millions of other classic RE-fans.

    RE7 and up have done irreparable damage to the franchise these past 6 years.

    >are all remakes like this?
    Yes, they are.
    The old REmake1 is a small exception, being already 20 years ago (the 2015 HD port is just a remaster of the remake), but even it assumes that you've played the classic RE1 (and sequels) before it. Some things are worse, some better, but it still remains as THE quintessential remake, and the one game that started the boom.

    Go play the classic trilogy. Then classic SH trilogy to boot.

    • 8 months ago

      what do I get out of this instead of just emulating the PS1 versions?

      • 8 months ago

        Door skipping, best visuals (up to 768p 30fps FMVs and BGs), great mods, de-censored FMVs in case of RE1...
        Again, if you just want to play the core games, there's nothing wrong with the PS1 OGs.

        • 8 months ago

          here's the RE1 version chart

        • 8 months ago

          here's the RE1 version chart

          RE3 Sourcenext would be perfect if it had the Boutique Key

  16. 8 months ago

    I'm honestly glad that more zoomies are seeing the light and daring to state their opinions on these shitty de-makes nowadays. It was outright impossible to criticize the 2019 RE2 for the longest of time, without getting called names and other non-argument claims. It was just hilarious to see the same "WE da RE-fanbase now!" Black folk then shit on the RE3 remake, no matter that it's literally the exact same shit as RE2.

    • 8 months ago

      you don't criticize, you act like a moronic sperg meathead and people do the natural response.

  17. 8 months ago

    based zoomer finally gets it

    • 8 months ago

      OG RE2s braindead gameplay in a nutshell

  18. 8 months ago

    >Jesus, I thought all those SOUL and SOULLESS memes were being ironic or purposefully inflammatory.
    I don't know why sincerity in a lot of basic and passing interactions with people is such a foreign concept now.

    • 8 months ago

      Because Soul, Soulless and even nu- are basically people complaining the game they're playing now isn't as good as the game they played when they were 13.

      • 8 months ago

        SOUL is effort, SOULLESS is minimalism

  19. 8 months ago

    Now go play dino crisis 1 and 2 and cry that they will never do shit with it because they fricked it all up with 3 because muh 9/11

  20. 8 months ago

    i don't really know how anyone can play OG and remake and prefer OG unless they just, REALLY value music and gimmicks. which some people do.

    • 8 months ago

      I like remake better but I get why some people like the OG. It's atmosphere and the gameplay is still a ton of fun. Plus there's always the nostalgia people have.

    • 8 months ago

      Because it was better and the remakes bungled the lore hard, especially the remake of RE3.

      They completely screwed the atmosphere in both of them which was a huge part of the old games.
      Elaborate environmental storytelling is all they could do back in the day because of technical limitations, they did a good job with what they had.
      The remakes just trashed that whole concept because "lmao fnaf scary jumpscare rite guis!?"

      • 8 months ago

        >environmental storytelling
        and yeah, the og does do that better, but it's gameplay is dogshit easy
        also if you care about the other 2 things, that's just fine. who the frick cares about RE lore. i care about RE lore and i don't care.

  21. 8 months ago

    Capcom is DEAD. Move on dude.

  22. 8 months ago

    I really, really didn't like this change. It just felt lazy, or like they were ashamed of the original design. Plant monsters are cool, so just making them zombies was lame.

  23. 8 months ago

    I liked 2 remake. No idea how 3 came out so bad.

    • 8 months ago

      3 as a concept is actually pretty high budget and complex, a city hub with a roaming AI predator, they were never going to do it justice by making it a 2 year turn around expansion to 2make.

    • 8 months ago

      3make was outsourced to shitters. Simple as that.

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