>Play through trilogy. >3 is by far the most polished and enjoyable title

>Play through trilogy
>3 is by far the most polished and enjoyable title
>Look up, turns out everyone hated it back when it released
Were gamers moronic back in the day?

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    The game itself is fine, people just got really mad at the shitty ending.

    • 8 months ago

      >3 is by far the most polished and enjoyable title

      no, it sucks for things other than the ending

    • 8 months ago

      No it really was the ending. I played on release then again during LE. Sure there are problems(chobot, Vega) but the environmental story telling is fantastic.

      But once you hit earth plus the whole child you see once shit haunting you being the catalyst instead of any number of things.

      There’s good reason indoctrination theory was popular afterwards instead of what we got. LE was slightly better I guess, but still annoying

      • 8 months ago

        >No it really was the ending. I played on release then again during LE. Sure there are problems(chobot, Vega) but the environmental story telling is fantastic.
        I see you memory holed Kai Leng.

        • 8 months ago

          Every so often I'll stumble across the "good you opened this message" text that comes up post Thessia and I'll cringe all over again.

      • 8 months ago

        Vega is cool though. He was Jacob done right, the latter was also supposed to be sort of the player's avatar in the world of ME2 which is why he was the protagonist of the Galaxy phone game and is the first companion in the game, same as Vega is the protagonist of Paragon Lost. Vega works because he's simply a likeable guy trying to keep up with the craziness around him. He feels genuine, he's a regular soldier in a war that's going to end the galaxy, and plays the part well. He's also there for Shepard to take on a more mentor role for him and to tie Shepard more to Earth and the Alliance given someone sniffed coke during the last game and decided working for Cerberus was a good idea. Shepard becomes to Vega what Anderson is to Shepard.

        It was released like 3 years after ME2..and was probably in development the entire time.
        You are mistaken it for Dragon Age 2.
        Which was made in like 11 months.

        >"ME3 was originally announced to release in the holiday season of 2011. By March 2011, the game production was behind schedule and the leads were convinced they couldn't have it ready for that release. Ultimately, Bioware's General Manager Aaron Flynn got the release pushed back to March 2012, through a direct phone call with the head of EA's games label. Even with that, production was still behind schedule and a significant amount of content was cut from the game."
        The game was a victim of horrible deadlines and shit hardware. Remember, it had to be playable on the fricking PS3. If you ever wondered why they took away the ability to holster your weapons, that's why: they needed whatever memory was used with that piece of code, elsewhere. Had the game come out one console generation later, even with the exact same dev time, it would've been a far better experience. And at the end of the day they still released a good game that seen with a decade of addons and no inbetween games theory crafting down the line, actually makes as much use of two previous games' worth of accumulating choices as it could and is certainly a better sequel to ME1 than the glorified sidequest that is ME2.

        • 8 months ago

          I think it's gone now but there was a phone recording from a 2010 investor conference where John Riccitiello announced Mass Effect 3 to shareholders. In the clip he says "Mass Effect 2 releaed to critical acclaim and great sales. BioWare is already making another one and they've promised us to make it EVEN MORE EXCITING."

          So there was a lot of clueless executive shit involved on ME3 where they pushed BioWare into capitalizing on the kind of shit that brings over the stupid masses, and it worked but the game became victim of a rushed deadline and mediocre content.

        • 8 months ago

          Vega was alright but
          >Aggressively spic
          >Overtly meat headed
          Ashley's unlikeable enough as it is, Vega's like a super ashley

      • 8 months ago

        Vega is based, Kai Leng is easily the worst character (also the child flashback were weak, they should've focused on actually important dead characters)

      • 8 months ago

        >the environmental story telling is fantastic.
        man, they are trying so hard...

    • 8 months ago

      The whole story save for Omega and Leviathan sucked. The gameplay was the best in the series, though.

    • 8 months ago

      That was one part yes but it was a lot more than that. The original game was rushed and unpolished because EA demanded multiplayer be shoehorned in. Your choices from previous games mostly equated to getting war assets or w/e the frick they were called. Getting an entirely new crew, again, was incredibly moronic. Joker/EDI was absolute cringe. The only parts from that game that were kino is Mordin sacrificing himself, the scene with Anderson at the end and Thane's death scene.

    • 8 months ago

      Eat a dick newbie

    • 8 months ago

      They subverted the entire premise of the series by having the alien arbiters of doom beyond human comprehension just be big ships that slowly fly around, manually blowing up parts of cities - and the reasoning behind it being nonsensical.

  2. 8 months ago

    It was a reddit bandwagon. Anyone that suggests 3 is not the best has shit taste and needs to stick to watching movies.

  3. 8 months ago

    Because the first game played like a space opera RPG, and the third game played like a Marvel movie. Just accept that you have shit taste, anon.

    • 8 months ago

      this. also the 2nd game turned it into gears of war

    • 8 months ago

      this. also the 2nd game turned it into gears of war


  4. 8 months ago

    no, back then they promised that every choice you made mattered, and then it turns out that your choice is a number on a computer, and then that number is used to give you an ending with different colours, and after that the game says "lmao it's over in the meantime buy the dlc"
    it was the beginning of the end
    and i say this even though i like 3, because at the time it was a kick in the balls for the fans

  5. 8 months ago

    The writing is fricking awful.
    Zero RPG elements unlike ME1.
    Stupid new characters, old characters don't feel like themselves anymore.

  6. 8 months ago

    I remember playing and replaying ME 1 and 2 countless times but once 3 came out I didn't like it all and I don't know why. It just felt soulless.

  7. 8 months ago

    I felt like the combat was in a league of its own compared to the first and second game, though that's not saying much. I knew it had to come to a close and didn't really hate the ending. It's not phenomenal, but I'm not sure why it seems to generate as much hate as it does. The only thing that really bothered me was that the Reapers become trivialized instead of being mythical and borderline invincible like in the first game.

  8. 8 months ago

    youre playing a gimped version without multiplayer you dumb zoomer troony lmao. You will never play as based cerberus operative or geth headhunter

  9. 8 months ago

    3 is fine but they cut the multiplayer which sucks and hits deep. 3 is overhated imo but you can tell the writing is very much worse. The extended ending makes it better imo. 3 though would mark the death of Bioware whatever game they release next will probably be their last.

  10. 8 months ago

    No, but you are

  11. 8 months ago

    I like 3 more than 2, the gameplay is massively improved, the game returned all the visibility into RPG mechanics that 2 took away. On the bad side, the scope feels too small for a galactic conflict and the ending sucked, but the individual endings of character arcs were pretty good. It's a shame it took all the way to the final DLC to have a decent boss fight in this series (Dark Shepard)

  12. 8 months ago

    >legendary edition
    Why do people like this abandon ware cashgrab

    • 8 months ago

      Easy achievement collection.

    • 8 months ago

      Consoles and "muh me1 jank" I guess

    • 8 months ago

      whats wrong with LE

      • 8 months ago

        >lot of shit not fixed
        >let's see if it really is abandoned
        >pic related

        • 8 months ago

          >LE was in 2021
          What in the actual frick

  13. 8 months ago

    >by far the most polished and enjoyable title
    let's stop (You) right there before (You) call other people morons. ME1 > all other MEs in terms of vision and quality. don't post again until you gain a few billion brain cells.

  14. 8 months ago

    It's one of those things that you had to be there. The game's been polished to hell and back, so it's hard(er) to tell the shitty parts, you also werent there for the interviews and statements made by the director or other devs or saw the literal ending as "Shepard may have finished his adventure, be tuned to buy some dlc in the future"

  15. 8 months ago

    Thankfully the more time passes the more people look back on/replay 2 and realize how shit it is and how it effectively killed Mass Effect and forced 3 down an unsavory path
    >you now remember the waste of time that was the Collectors
    >you now remember the baby Reaper
    >you now remember the flimsy "the Collectors are gonna attack Earth!" plot point that goes nowhere
    >you now remember the Cerberus fan wankery
    >you now remember how a Sole Survivor Shepard can't bring up once his previous connection and existing hatred for Cerberus
    >you now remember Arrival stating the Reapers would've arrived in two days, retroactively making Sovereign's plan in ME1 stupid

    • 8 months ago

      >you now remember Arrival stating the Reapers would've arrived in two days, retroactively making Sovereign's plan in ME1 stupid
      If you consider that the rachni wars was already sovereign fricking around, then you'd realise that the dumb homosexual was trying to get to the citadel for hundreds of years.

    • 8 months ago

      ME2 feels very much like a self-contained story, and I think if you judge it in a vacuum, it's pretty decent. But as the second part of a trilogy, it's insanely moronic. It doesn't do anything to actually progress towards the conclusion of the overall conflict, and only introduces new threads. This makes it so that ME3 feels like a checklist of dangling plot threads, and why basically every mission is of monumental importance: cure the genophage, resolve the Quarian/Geth conflict, wipe out Cerberus, meet up with every single ME2 character and resolve their arc, etc. If ME2 had been primarily about, say, the Quarian/Geth war, instead of introducing a new one-off antagonist who plays absolutely no role in ME3, ME3 wouldn't have felt so rushed.

      • 8 months ago

        Do you ever stop to ask why Mass Effect had to be a trilogy, rather than a longer series? There's no particular reason that ME3 had to go down the list of EPIC MOMENTS to tie up every single loose end in the galaxy. And the very notion of a war with the reapers is moronic, considering that a single reaper in ME1 was able to go up against the Citadel's defenses. ME3 could have advanced the story without concluding it. ME3's writing is generic reddit-tier epic showdown starring all your fan favorites, and that has nothing to do with the fact that ME2 was a side-story. Side-stories are great, they expand the world and make it feel a lot bigger.

        • 8 months ago

          I may be misremembering, but I believe it was already known at the time ME3 was gonna be a conclusion. I agree that ME3 didn't have to be an epic conclusion, but surely they already knew during development of ME2 that it was going to be. They wrote themselves into a corner if that was their intent.

          • 8 months ago

            Whether or not ME3 is the conclusion to literally every storyline in the entire galaxy is a decision that is completely within their power. It's not something that they are forced to follow regardless of whether the writing makes sense. Even if they intended to conclude the Reaper threat and Shepard's story, there's no reason that Shepard personally has to solve the genophage, end the quarian-geth conflict, etc.

          • 8 months ago

            they wrote themselves into a corner because of all the crew members in me2. there were too many ways to ending could have played out, like a bunch of crew members could die, and that has to be accounted for in me3. thats why you barely have a crew in me3 and theres a couple new editions. that way if any of your crew dies in me2 it kind of doesn't matter that much. liara will always be in me3 because she isn't in your crew. the only member of your crew from me2 is garrus

            • 8 months ago

              mass effect was conceived of as a trilogy from the start. they didn't have to stick to it, but if they wanted to keep the save imports going they had to end it sooner or later. afaik accounting for all the choices was already a nightmare in ME3, which is easy to believe considering no game since has matched that aspect of it. I doubt bioware could've handled an ME4

              in hindsight it was a bold choice to make every single party member in ME2 killable, knowing that they'd have to carry that other to the third game
              especially considering 90% of people will probably keep everyone alive or lose maybe only 1 or 2 guys

              • 8 months ago

                there was a huge leap in technology from me1 to me2, maybe they thought there was going to be another big leap between me2 and me3 and that advance was going to be able to handle all the options at the end of me2. things were getting better and better back then at a very fast pace

              • 8 months ago

                No amount of technology would make it easier to actually write a satisfying resolution for all these scenarios though. It's mostly not a technical problem.

            • 8 months ago

              No matter what Liara and virmire survivor live through to me3, so they could have had a full team guaranteed with just those two, regardless who died in 1 and 2. They wanted a lower amount of companions so they can have more interaction and banter compared to 2. That makes sense to me, but what doesn't make sense is why EDI and Vega take up slots. I'm not even a Vega hater but you could throw a dart at a wall of companions and as long as it doesn't land on Jacob it would have been an improvement. How does Miranda get benched for Vega when she was so involved with Cerebus which is the main villain of 3? Why is my girl Jack spending all her time chatting up nobody cadets just so joker can have a sex robot?

              • 8 months ago

                It's because they couldn't know what class your Shepard was. By that I mean with 2's squadmates being Schrodinger's dead or alive they couldn't have an irreplaceable role in 3, meaning the squadmates you're absolutely gonna have in ME3 no matter what are
                Who 'just so happen' to be focused on
                They were designed so you could finish the game in a "everyone fricking died in the suicide mission" run, because you shouldn't punish narrative choices with an unfinishable game mechanically (same reason they don't count Kashley, because you can kill them in the Citadel coup or choose to not recruit them afterwards). As for Jack, keep in mind how not only she's *the only* ME2 squadmate that gets a new design but that said design also features those obvious LED stripes on her back to holster weapons. The design was 100% made with her being a squadmate in mind.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm glad that they went for the ponytail for Jack's design

              • 8 months ago

                I know Jack was intended and was cut content, I'm just still salty about it.
                >Virmire survivor could die in coup
                I'm saying if they had the virmire survivor as a permanent recruit instead of benching them in the first 5 minutes of the game you're guaranteed two squadmates without needing to add new recruits in the 3rd game
                >Shouldn't punish narrative choices with an unfinishable game mechanically
                Garrus and Tali cover tech and gun. Miranda would have covered an extra biotic and tech, and Mordin would have covered another tech. What non meme run would seriously get that many main characters killed?

        • 8 months ago

          Because they knew that'd be the case since 2004 so they planned future projects with it in mind. No room for an ME4 when you've been thinking ahead since like 2009 on what games you'll work on after ME3 and they're already in pre-production.

        • 8 months ago

          ME was canned into being a trilogy because of the Batarian expac in 2. Despite that, Shepard being jailed/on trial for 6 months is moronic and absurd. Frankly, the military parts of ME where always amongst the worst and the series was at its best with that stuff just as a backdrop

          • 8 months ago

            Yep. One of the reasons I don't care for ME3 is because it emphasizes the whole "military" crap on a whole new level.

            ME1 and ME2 are space mysteries in which you're a special agent who follow no rules but your own with a ragtag crew. ME3 you're the front-man of an army you're putting together and that makes it entirely military in spirit and I hated that. I didn't even think ME3 was going to handle the Reaper invasion by literally making the entire game about their war. I expected some kind of mid-game twist where hell goes loose but you have enough of a headstart to do something about it, and then you're just on the periphery, but team Mac Walters made sure to have every moment of ME3 force itself to be some depiction of "warfare" and to me that was so uninteresting.

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah exactly, ME1 and 2 had a nice balance between Shepard's military background and the story, while ME3 just forces you to do it for some epic moments. Ironic that it released in the same year as the avengers

              • 8 months ago

                I loathe how the MCU bug took over the Mass Effect writing team. The science-fiction savvy people left, and new writers joined, like John Dombrow, who is a literal Marvel nut.

                It became more and more Joss Whedony and that wasn't something MEA started.

              • 8 months ago

                Definitely feels that way, you don't notice the whedonisms in 3 as much compared to Andromeda but thinking back there were some moments, and especially a lot more no nuance moments

                I know Jack was intended and was cut content, I'm just still salty about it.
                >Virmire survivor could die in coup
                I'm saying if they had the virmire survivor as a permanent recruit instead of benching them in the first 5 minutes of the game you're guaranteed two squadmates without needing to add new recruits in the 3rd game
                >Shouldn't punish narrative choices with an unfinishable game mechanically
                Garrus and Tali cover tech and gun. Miranda would have covered an extra biotic and tech, and Mordin would have covered another tech. What non meme run would seriously get that many main characters killed?

                Most of the problems comes with the constant developer pandering to not enforce punishments to enforce punishments to decisions, but also the bizarre choice to include the suicide mission in the first place. It's certainly cool, but outside of failing Tali's loyalty mission you'd have to have below roomtemp IQ to get more than one person killed at most

              • 8 months ago

                >not enforce punishments
                I mean simple solution there would be giving the player an option to make changes to the save they import
                >Suicide mission
                IIRC, you can't get more than two squadmates killed without autofailing the whole mission. Also Miranda all but calls you a fricking moron if you make really questionable choices

              • 8 months ago

                No, you can kill almost everyone and still succeed

              • 8 months ago

                You need a minimum of one squadmate left so that Shepard doesn't die to Joker's hand, even then the only way to get people killed is to ignore everyone's input and everything the game tells you, and to do no loyalty missions. Some characters even live despite having no loyalty too iirc

              • 8 months ago

                >Some characters even live despite having no loyalty too iirc
                Yes as long as they do the part of the mission they are good at even with out loyalty some characters still survive

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah exactly, ME1 and 2 had a nice balance between Shepard's military background and the story, while ME3 just forces you to do it for some epic moments. Ironic that it released in the same year as the avengers

              This. ME1 and ME2 was like being James Bond in space. Then suddenly ME3 shifts it into you being Space Jesus fighting against a 1990s style alien invasion arc.

      • 8 months ago

        in my headcanon, me2's story exists because the reapers were travelling from dark space and the collectors were nothing more than a psychological distraction to keep them busy until the reapers arrived. i dont know why they didn't do this in the first place

        i like pretty much everything about me2, it still feels like a mass effect game. me3 went too gears of war and the biotics got too explosive. it does get annoying how you have to walk around the ship and talk to every crew member after every mission though, if you don't do this you miss out on a lot of dialogue

  16. 8 months ago

    does anyone have any AI images of ME?? im out of tokens for day

    • 8 months ago

      I have some, what would you like to see?

  17. 8 months ago

    ME3 isn't bad at all but the ending really falls short, very short.

  18. 8 months ago

    All three games suck and only has a positive reputation because it’s one of the only space RPG

  19. 8 months ago

    Best gameplay, worst story.

  20. 8 months ago

    ME3 was squeezed out in a year, it's not the most polished in fact it's the worst ME, you're not cool for pretending to like shit games.

    • 8 months ago

      It was released like 3 years after ME2..and was probably in development the entire time.
      You are mistaken it for Dragon Age 2.
      Which was made in like 11 months.

      • 8 months ago

        ME2 came out in 2010, ME3 was delayed and released at the very beginning of 2012. It had barely a year of dev time and it showed.

  21. 8 months ago

    We know you are

  22. 8 months ago

    The multiplayer was the best part of 3, and they couldn't even be bothered to include it in the "remaster." God I fricking hate both EA and Bioware.

  23. 8 months ago

    The last 10% of the game shits on everything that came before, even in it's own game, contradicts it's own messages. The ending is so bad it taints the entire well and the promises of "we're not just going to give you three colours of ending" for years became so ironic it's a tragedy, not funny

  24. 8 months ago

    >>3 is by far the most polished and enjoyable title
    You're fricking moronic.

  25. 8 months ago

    Damn, son, did they remaster the script as well?

  26. 8 months ago

    They hated OP for speaking the truth.

  27. 8 months ago

    Don't mind me, just posting the best girl

    • 8 months ago

      >"Good enough for an ID?"
      >"Good enough so that if you're ever hurt, barely breathing, lying under a pile of rubble at the ass end of this war, you're gonna have..."
      >"You're gonna have something that tells the galaxy that you belong to me!"

      • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      idk I feel like she has space aids.

      • 8 months ago

        about a 50/50 chance she has scale itch. gotta be her or kelly

        • 8 months ago

          You can get that line of dialogue before recruiting Jack so...

          • 8 months ago

            never thought about that, I guess that settles it

  28. 8 months ago

    The gameplay itself is the most polished and fun, it's just the story is the worst.

  29. 8 months ago

    1 > 3 > 2

  30. 8 months ago

    Mass effect 2 is the best overall in the series. The first game had the most interesting story, but the gameplay was clunky. The 3rd game is alright, there’s some cool moments but the battle against the Reapers isn’t that compelling and the Cerberus aspect is dumb. The illusive man was interesting in the 2nd game but he’s just some dork making dorky human cyborgs in the 3rd game to add another element of chaos to the plot.

    • 8 months ago

      >The illusive man was interesting in the 2nd game

      • 8 months ago

        In the second game the illusive man is manipulative and ominous, but he's also the only authority who's correct about the Reapers and the Collectors, and who recognizes that humanity is being specifically targeted. He also declines to install Shepard with the mind control chip, and gives Shepard the go-ahead to talk to the Council and try to get them to help. In ME2, his it's not clear whether he's a human supremacist, an ends-justify-the-means anti-hero, or a Machiavellian monster. He's ambiguous.

        In ME3 he betrays Shepard, and attacks all the good guys and turns them into zombies because he's a moronic evil-doer.

  31. 8 months ago

    >black ops group that operates in cells
    >novel set between 2 and 3 has them getting REKT by turian military
    >3 hits
    >suddenly galactic empire with legions of soldiers and warfleet big enough to fight galactic nations
    I dont give a frick about sanctuary, its still moronic. And refugees dont build warships.

    • 8 months ago

      In ME2 Cerberus made sense, but in ME3 it was batshit insane to think they could rival entire races/planets. It made no sense.

      • 8 months ago

        >In ME2 Cerberus made sense
        Holy shit have we played the same game?

        In the second game the illusive man is manipulative and ominous, but he's also the only authority who's correct about the Reapers and the Collectors, and who recognizes that humanity is being specifically targeted. He also declines to install Shepard with the mind control chip, and gives Shepard the go-ahead to talk to the Council and try to get them to help. In ME2, his it's not clear whether he's a human supremacist, an ends-justify-the-means anti-hero, or a Machiavellian monster. He's ambiguous.

        In ME3 he betrays Shepard, and attacks all the good guys and turns them into zombies because he's a moronic evil-doer.

        >In the second game the illusive man is manipulative and ominous
        lmfao TIM is a non-character in ME2 carried entirely by Martin Sheen's voice and celebrity status bamboozling people for years into thinking he's a good character whenin reality he's an utter moron who coasts by on reading the script.
        >muh completely different cells trust me
        >muh let's spray our secret bases, shuttles, armors and fricking regular clothes with our terrorist logo
        >let me send my nº1 asset into a Collector trap and not tell him because somehow that would've made him enter this hostile ship armed and wary instead of the way he did it, which was... armed and wary
        >I'm concerned that if Shepard knows he’s walking into a trap he’ll somehow telegraph that he knows, and then the Collectors will know that he knows, which will make Shepard’s raid… less useful somehow?
        >thank frick the Collectors knew that I, the great TIM, would be listening in on the turian's broadcast and I'd intercept their codes and that I'd specifically dispatch Shepard as soon as I heard the fake report for their ship to be still by the time Shepard got there

        Cerberus and TIM were fricking moronic from the second Shepard is brought back from literal death five minutes into ME2

        • 8 months ago

          >lmfao TIM is a non-character in ME2 carried entirely by Martin Sheen's voice and celebrity status bamboozling people for years into thinking he's a good character whenin reality he's an utter moron who coasts by on reading the script.

          the illusive man seemed like a guy with a plan in me2, and he was the only person with enough power and money that could be used to fight the reapers. everyone else was burying their head in the sand

          • 8 months ago

            >everyone else was burying their head in the sand
            Yep that's called a retcon so as to force you to join Cerberus. ME3 tries to alleviate this by stating the Council did believe in the Reapers and just lied to prevent a panic.

            • 8 months ago

              You have no clue what retcon means newbie.

              • 8 months ago

                Trying too hard

            • 8 months ago

              ME3 didn't start this. There was already suggestions in ME2 that this was the case.

          • 8 months ago

            I hadn't expected TIM to be the mission-giver in 3 but at no point was I expecting him to become the main villain who tries to kill everything and everyone. Perhaps close to the end he would be totally irredeemable. I could see that, but the way he just comes out in the start of the game like "I'm just recklessly evil now" and Shepard immediately goes "He's probably indoctrinated!" is lame.

            • 8 months ago

              the writers just didnt know what do with him

              • 8 months ago

                >Mac Walters
                He didn't know what he was doing and he didn't write 80% of his dialogue in the previous game. During Cerberus HQ Patrick Weekes was the writer until the line "Shepard, you're in my chair". He actually wrote that scene originally and there's traces of his draft in the game file, but Mac came in and pulled rank to go "I'm going to do my version of this" and then it went back to being vague and unintelligent just like every other scene he appeared in. But the content in the video logs was done by Patrick. John Dombrow wrote his scene on Thessia but the rest of the game is Mac, and ultimately his role in 3 was decided by Mac. originally it was "He allied with the Reapers".
                If you read Drew's second and third novel and play ME2, then that's the same Illusive Man until you launch the Suicide Mission. The rest was Mac's, yet he claims he was "The writer of Illusive Man". Drew's concept for TIM's inclusion in the main plot was to show that he was viewing humanity as the apex race, by looking through a Reaper lens. The whole thing was building up this "humans are special" plot and it's the reason Illusive Man stares at exploding suns through Reaper-looking eyes. He was going to slowly unfold the idea that sacrificing humans into a Reaper at the end of 3 would be our salvation because we would become the recipe to stop the Dark Energy threat. Of course, he was probably indoctrinated but he was supposed to bring enough ambiguity to make it the legitimate end-choice against "Try to destroy the Reapers militarily" in Drew's operating concept. Then Mac was entrusted to it and immediately started redoing the idea, just because "Lol I'm the Lead now, I have so much power, amazing".
                A lot of writers resented Mac.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm sure you'll have a source for half your dribble especially the "lot of writers resent him" part
                >Q: "How would you have concluded the Mass Effect series?"
                >A: "We had some very rough ideas planned out. Basically, it involved luring the Reapers through the Mass Relays then detonating the entire network to wipe them out... but also destroying/damaging the relays and isolating every galactic community from the others. But we still had to figure out a lot of the details, and there were some issues with that option... like what we would do in the next series of games."

              • 8 months ago

                People hype up Dark Energy way too fricking much man. Also funny that Drew's idea is kinda like the Destroy ending we did end up getting.

              • 8 months ago

                The endings are extremely similar to the Dark Energy idea, and not necessarily worse than they would've been but they do definitively confuse Illusive Man's intended character arc that Drew had written for in ME2. I don't know what Drew would've done with him in 3 specifically, and earlier on, in Mac's original ME3 draft he was simply "allied with the Reapers" yet the game followed the same structure. I'll take "Control the Reapers" over that but i'm very sure that in Drew's preliminary concept for a third game, he had intended for it to be where Illusive Man primes the player for the ominous paragon ending in which you advance and preserve Earth's population into a Reaper to become the "chosen one" that stops the spread of the Mass Effect.

                Bear in mind, the entirety of ME3 would've been done differently if Drew had stayed. He even confessed that in a 2018 interview where he said that once he actually saw ME3 which he did when he returned to BioWare, he confirmed that they didn't really do anything that they had discussed before he left, and that isn't isolated to what happens in the ending.

              • 8 months ago

                The thing about the relays was only one of the ideas they had, and it might have been part of the dark energy ending as well. I think they always wanted to close out the story by having the relays go defunct. On one of the plot whiteboards documented on ME3 it even says "Galactic Dark Age" so it was intentional that the series would end on that note.

                As for my sources, the thing about Patrick and Mac can be found on Penny Arcade under Takyris, if you check back before the very public posts he made about the ending, which have been deleted. Takyris IS Patrick Weekes, and he regularly posted there and there's some archives that show further hints of his distaste for Mac Walters because he says "I'm not wearing the shiny Lead Writer hat."

                I don't think Drew left due to a power struggle but I know that Mac was a little butthurt b***h about Drew, because Drew was the one who cut all of Mac's original Cerberus Global Plot for ME1 without warning, and then idk what happened after, but I think Mac was influential in making Cerberus so suddenly important. I think people thought Drew was a POS because he not only cut Mac's ME1 plot, but then he reworked it into one of his own novels which he himself profited from, even though he was using table scraps written by Mac. That led to some general joking behind the back and I think at some point Drew realized he was in bad favor in the writer pit, so he decided to leave when BioWare moved offices in 2009. The old ME3 ending concept with Dark Energy has only been vaguely touched upon by Drew. He talks it down given that it's vaporware, but L'Etoile actually revealed how much they had considered during ME2. He didn't like it either, but it was developed to the point where it had 2 end choices, a paragon and renegade ending. And if you look at ME2/3 from a holistic view, you can infer that Illusive Man was part of this "dying suns" and "Advancement and Preservation of humans" dialogue.

              • 8 months ago

                The thing about the relays was only one of the ideas they had, and it might have been part of the dark energy ending as well. I think they always wanted to close out the story by having the relays go defunct. On one of the plot whiteboards documented on ME3 it even says "Galactic Dark Age" so it was intentional that the series would end on that note.

                As for my sources, the thing about Patrick and Mac can be found on Penny Arcade under Takyris, if you check back before the very public posts he made about the ending, which have been deleted. Takyris IS Patrick Weekes, and he regularly posted there and there's some archives that show further hints of his distaste for Mac Walters because he says "I'm not wearing the shiny Lead Writer hat."

                I don't think Drew left due to a power struggle but I know that Mac was a little butthurt b***h about Drew, because Drew was the one who cut all of Mac's original Cerberus Global Plot for ME1 without warning, and then idk what happened after, but I think Mac was influential in making Cerberus so suddenly important. I think people thought Drew was a POS because he not only cut Mac's ME1 plot, but then he reworked it into one of his own novels which he himself profited from, even though he was using table scraps written by Mac. That led to some general joking behind the back and I think at some point Drew realized he was in bad favor in the writer pit, so he decided to leave when BioWare moved offices in 2009. The old ME3 ending concept with Dark Energy has only been vaguely touched upon by Drew. He talks it down given that it's vaporware, but L'Etoile actually revealed how much they had considered during ME2. He didn't like it either, but it was developed to the point where it had 2 end choices, a paragon and renegade ending. And if you look at ME2/3 from a holistic view, you can infer that Illusive Man was part of this "dying suns" and "Advancement and Preservation of humans" dialogue.

                This sounds like bullshit but knowing Mac Walters, I believe it.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm not making anything up, but I am using some amounts of conjecture. Check out any interview with Mac around the release of Legendary Edition and he won't shut up about how "I had written these global plots then one day they tell me 'we've cut it'" and that's the reason why the Kahoku/Armistan Banes plot in ME3 just kinda... ends. In Geoff Keighley's Final Hours there's also a text interview where Mac explained what that Global Plot was. It would take you to a planet called Misery at the end of the quest-chain, to kill the leader of Cerberus. You may recall that Kahoku tells you in his final audio that "I think they're trying to make some sort of superhuman." It's not confirmed but I think you were going to fight a mutant dude on Misery. Misery still has plot flags left in the files, which I've attached.

                So this was Mac's pet project on ME1 and the Lead Writer decided to tear it into pieces. I don't know if it's the true story that Mac got blood on the teeth but he does joke in multiple interviews that he "killed Drew". I know he's the abrasive sort, but given the amount of hackery with Mac after ME2 I got no good faith in the guy, and the fact that at least some of the other writers didn't vibe with him either tells me enough, honestly. His sole input to the Genophage plot in 3 was "What if you are able to betray Mordin and shoot him?" and the only reason it's actually good is because John Dombrow and Patrick were caring enough to find an actually good motivation for it other than how "COOL" it would be. Patrick also confirmed in a VGS interview that the original ending for Tali changed "because the main plot changed." Something he was planning as a followup to her Loyalty plot in 2. Apparently the main plot was "different" back then.

        • 8 months ago

          bioware villains being hard carried by great voice acting is a tradition

  32. 8 months ago

    >everyone agrees ME3 has the best gameplay but is the worst game
    She was right all along

    • 8 months ago

      Gross slag

  33. 8 months ago

    mass effect was conceived of as a trilogy from the start. they didn't have to stick to it, but if they wanted to keep the save imports going they had to end it sooner or later. afaik accounting for all the choices was already a nightmare in ME3, which is easy to believe considering no game since has matched that aspect of it. I doubt bioware could've handled an ME4

    • 8 months ago

      Needing the game to respond to every single choice is a meme. It's a marketing gimmick. Take, for example, the choice of whether to free the Rachni queen or kill her. Making this choice in ME1 requires the player to think about the moral issue, and to imagine the possibilities of releasing this unknown alien creature. The fact that the game does not tell you whether you made the "right" choice is a huge part of what makes the choice interesting. It provokes the imagination.

      Of course, in ME3 we learn the choice was totally meaningless. But even if they had put together something "cooler", the question stands: Do you really want them to explicitly *tell you* what that choice in ME1 means? It replaces a mystery with a exact answer; instead of asking yourself what you think or feel about the Rachni, you'll ask yourself what route you're planning through the game and which outcome you're trying to optimize. The world becomes small and gamified.

      That doesn't mean no decisions should have explicit consequences. It just means that there's no reason to make the conclusion reflect all the player's choices.

  34. 8 months ago

    3 with mods is the best game in the series.
    Most people on Ganker are consoletards.

  35. 8 months ago

    masseffect 3's multiplayer was insanely fun

  36. 8 months ago

    You are out of your mind if you think 3 is even remotely polished

    • 8 months ago

      the combat is more polished, i just like the combat in me2 more

    • 8 months ago

      This. It was widely mocked for its lack of detail at the time.
      Most notably: the picture of Tali being a quickly photoshopped stock photo, or the child at the end being a small adult man character model.
      I guess zoomers have such low standards that it seems fine now.

      • 8 months ago

        A lot of these things got fixed in the Legendary Edition though

  37. 8 months ago

    >>Look up, turns out everyone hated it back when it released
    How did you get that from just looking up? What the frick is on your ceiling?

  38. 8 months ago

    ME3 is probably the most unwarrantedly hated game of all time and its always by group thinkers who are easily influenced by other's thoughts or "muh ending" crybaby nonsense as if the final 10 minutes are all that matters. Its especially irrational when most people are all about the gameplay over story, which ME3 excels the most on in the trilogy.

  39. 8 months ago

    Who could forget the iconic character Marauder Shields?
    At the time, it was so poorly received by people with taste that fans had to invent a cope "corruption" (iirc) fan theory just make sense of the terrible writing.

    • 8 months ago


  40. 8 months ago

    Going back and forth to the citadel kills the momentum for me. Of course everyone hated the ending too

  41. 8 months ago

    >Were gamers moronic back in the day?
    Well, yes, everybody who lauded this shit-turd-crap trilogy was moronic.

  42. 8 months ago

    Andromeda also had the best third person action of the whole series, but everyone acts like it had nothing good about it.

    • 8 months ago

      they fact you couldn't tell your squadmates to use abilities kinda killed it for me

    • 8 months ago

      Because its combat arenas and power mechanics were shit. Game needs to accommodate for the existence of the jetpack so all environments are needlessly huge to allow you to zoom around the sky. It's extremely noticeable whenever you enter what should be a small warehouse but the rooms are MMO-tier with super high ceilings. Making away with strict class system to allow for you to change between profiles not only hurts roleplay but also which each profile only giving you access to 3 powers and the devs not finding a way to stop the player from using them up, changing profiles then using the new 3 powers, again and again for the seven profiles the game offers; what they ended up doing was putting whatever powers you change to be in cooldown which *defeats the entire fricking purpose of needing to change profiles in the first place*. As it stands when an enemy with an armor layer of health pops up you have two choices: use the profile you have currently selected or change profile in which case in the time it takes for you to have access to the armor powers, good old shooting has already taken care of the problem. It's bad. Add to it

      they fact you couldn't tell your squadmates to use abilities kinda killed it for me

      and the far less interesting world, lore or character writing and it's just a bad game.

  43. 8 months ago


  44. 8 months ago

    ME3 being the most polished is like saying Uncharted is a really great Halo game.
    >Incoherent main story
    >No holstering
    >AAA "Setpieces" that never bridge the gap between gameplay and cinematics properly
    >Slightly more in-depth skill-progression than ME2.
    >Fetch Quests without context instead of true side-quests for 90% of the exploration.

    It's not even close to where ME1 was on the RPG scale, its story is abysmal in the sense that it's stalling the entire game with its "Save Earth/Crucible" plot that never goes anywhere and Earth shouldn't ever have been the goal of fighting the Reapers. There's so little interaction in cutscenes or walking around on the Normandy for you as a player who has the controller/Mouse&KB in your hands to the point where it's just the writers having their own fun and you're a passive participant. The entire experience was already mediocre and then the ending sucks giga balls where Casey Hudson lost sight of what the actual message of the franchise is by mistaking it for some artistic Asimov plot about "Synthetic/Organic coexistence".

    The whole thing felt out of touch to me. A bunch of high key members of the first two games never touched ME3 not even in its pre-production, and it shows. Mac Walters also didn't have a clue what he was doing. The whole intro is donkey shit with the "Defense Committee" who talk about "Defenses" and act like crying babies when they throw adjectives around to express their fear of the Reapers. Shepard acts like a complete moron in the first 2 hours of the story, and after that you get a series of pitstop resolutions that are each so gargantuan in scope of historic impact that it feels super rushed and unbelievable to me, to so completely resolve 300+ years of historic tensions. When was the last time you saw a movie that proclaimed to solve Racism without a hint of irony, and actually commit to such a plot?

    Mass Effect 3 is a game for children and stupid people.

    • 8 months ago

      >It's not even close to where ME1 was on the RPG scale,
      ME1 was never a deep rpg, and only midwits with a lack of experience with genre would ever think that.

      • 8 months ago

        Okay, but I enjoyed the amount of player agency it provided and ME3 made me feel like a passive participant in comparison.

        • 8 months ago

          You're talking about the dialog and world here, right? I feel like in terms of character building on a mechanical level, ME3 blows ME1 out of the water.

          • 8 months ago

            No, not to me.
            The auto-dialogue takes away any genuinely good attempt to flesh out Shepard as a character to me. I know Shepard was never an avatar, and I also know half of the dialogue wheels in ME1 are fake but they found a great balance in ME2 that allowed Shepard to come across as a real person in that world but still given voice as if by the player, who kind of becomes Shepard through the cinematic "gameplay".

            In ME3 it felt like I was just playing Naughty Dog's idea of a Mass Effect game and I had already mentally compared ME2 to Uncharted 2 back in 2010 when both were juggernaut releases and come to the opinion that I actually vastly prefer the kind of experience ME2 was to Uncharted because in Uncharted I can tell when I'm falling into the designer's footprint, but in Mass Effect there's enough procedurally crafted content to make it feel like the developers aren't fully owning MY experience, but there's also such an attention to detail and cinematic excellence on display for such a huge quantity of content.

            ME3 has the same density of content but it's not honestly a clear shot better in the cinematics department than 2 was. ME2 has some awkward moments and wonky cameras sometimes but ME3 generally feels more amateurishly directed to me, like they just got some random contractors to do most of the conversation sequences. At the same time there's more dynamic stuff in conversation cutscenes in ME3 where characters walk around from place to place as they talk...but that's something that rubs me the wrong way because it's literally one of the reasons why they skimp on dialogue wheels. By taking NPCs off the BioStage grid (that's literally a thing in the engine) they're removing them from the automated conversation space in which choices can auto-generate the right camera cuts and still be non-linear in flow, or just off-sequenced. As a byproduct of wanting "more direction" ME3 becomes a more narrow experience that only goes forward.

            • 8 months ago

              Shepard's dialogue options in 3 are considerably more anemic than even 2's

              Yeah, okay, I agree with you then. When people say "RPG elements" it's never clear if they mean "ability to roleplay" or "ability to build a character with a unique mechanical skillset". I agree that ME3 sucks at the former but is actually pretty good at the latter (ME1 classes are way more boring by comparison)

              • 8 months ago

                But I don't even see it as a big improvement when it comes to the other RPG stuff.

                You have slightly more granular control over how you build up your stats than ME2, but your squad generally still don't matter that much even on Insanity. I also don't view the weapon upgrade system as RPG-related in the same way that having loadouts in Call of Duty doesn't make me feel like I'm playing a roleplaying game.

                The other aspect of roleplaying I think of is the exploration and questing and here ME3 is a downgrade to both previous games as well. A lot is already lost in the lack of more dialogue options becuase it means that the game counts "talking to NPC" as "taking the quest" where Renegade options never mean "No, I don't wanna do it" but "I'm gonna be badass about how little I care to do it!" and it's worse than that even cuz they auto-give quests by walking past NPCs. The quests themselves is just coming across a point of interest, pressing A/Keyboard and Shepard goes "Hm, I think we can use this" and you give it back to an NPC without even a cutscene.

                There's about 10 real quests in the game on the Normandy and Citadel and even those feel like a regression from ME2. They introduce and kill off characters within 5 minutes of meeting them through a contrived Persuade dialogue moment, and the only thing that even comes close to feeling like a real roleplaying game quest is the Blue Suns part of Aria's quest where you have to decide between running an errand for General Septimus or take the deranged leader who's in prison. Nothing else in the game is like that, whereas even ME2 had a few moments on each hub world, and it had 4 hubs. ME1 had these in spades.

                When people call ME3 a "better RPG" I don't even understand what they mean.

          • 8 months ago

            Shepard's dialogue options in 3 are considerably more anemic than even 2's

            • 8 months ago

              The Geth arc is the best demonstration of what a definitive regression ME3's conversation system is: "The Quarians are wrong" vs "The Geth deserve to die" is a literal choice you have in the opening conversation. That's all you can pick between, and it shows how much the writers were jerking themselves off.

              There IS a third possibility of coexistence and peace, which you can earn but they don't want it on display in that obvious moment of dialogue because they're trying to force a false dichotomy between hard Paragon and hard Renegade, but worse than that, according to a writer of ME3 they stopped calling it "Paragon/Renegade" internally and instead called it "Two Neutrals". The problem there is that now it's both poor continuity to 1/2 but it's also inconsistent because in many cases, including this one, they're so obviously Paragon vs Renegade.

              The "do the right thing" vs "ignoramus thing." You have to be a complete fricking idiot to seriously choose "Kill the Geth" if you ever heard any of Legion's story in ME2, because you already know they're not just mindless killer monsters but a lot became heretics, and you also know that sentient life can be viewed as equal to organics whether they're truly alive or not. There's enough sympathy towards Geth that the Renegade choice is out of the question, which was always the case for anyone who were invested in the story in the previous two games, but because ME3 forces binary dichotomies in ALL dialogue wheels except two that I counted (Liara's Cabin scene, an odd moment where James talks about Legion if Legion became a Geth VI) when the situation has an obviously missing neutral option in the middle that would say something like "Let's work this out." instead of the Americanized, dumbed down morality.

              • 8 months ago

                True but also the Geth are wrong and do deserve to die because of how they are written in ME3.

              • 8 months ago

                I killed the Geth every time because they are non organics that are a threat to sentient organic life merely by dint of their existence. The fact they butchered billions of Quarian non combatants and yet Legion ~~*mysteriously*~~ shows you a heavily curated version of the conflict in order to elicit sympathy for his kind only solidified the righteousness of my decision.

  45. 8 months ago

    All of mass effect is bad. What causes people to look into the past, where there are thousands of games to choose from, and just pick absolute goyslop? Seriously, what is wrong with you? Let these games die.

  46. 8 months ago

    >ending kills entire universe
    you tell me
    are you mentally handicapped?

    • 8 months ago

      t. low EMS biatch

      • 8 months ago

        I am not talking literally
        Ending is so bad it retroactively killed whole franchise
        If they pulled such shit excuse of an ending not a single story they can write in future can be believable because it can (and will) end like that
        Setting is physically dead

        • 8 months ago

          Holy ESL

  47. 8 months ago

    Polished isn’t the right word.
    It’s more accurate to say the core gameplay loop and systems are the best.

    It’s certainly not “polished” given the barely 2 years dev time.

  48. 8 months ago

    Original 3 before all the DLC (especially stuff like Leviathan which brought a lot of lore and of course Citadel which was the character centric going away party everyone wanted for the series, odd placement aside) and with the original ending (not extended cut) was a much more limited experience. Also, you pretty much HAD to play the co-op multiplayer mode (which was actually a very fun title and it sucks it wasn't ported over with LE3) in order to get a decent ending as they had "war effort" counters that wer literally cut in half if you didn't play co-op enough. Later patches fixed this so that it counted for much, much less and was more of a bonus rather than a requirement and LE tweaked the numbers required in light of multiplayer not being available.

    Overall the LE3 stuff was the most polished version of the game and , despite the lack of the multiplayer, is by far the best. Also ME3 has some fricking phenomenal mods and many of them were ported over to LE3 eventually, including the EGM and all its features, MEHEM-related ending mods, and more. Also LE1 has modders actually fixing Bioware's frickup by completely restoring Pinnacle Station from scratch so that's neat, but the bulk of the modding especially in big ways like EGM and all its sub mods that require it, was for LE3

  49. 8 months ago

    Hey hey hey! What’s with all this talk about Mass Effect? It’s a completely ass game: Reapers? Really, homie? My armada could easily wipe the floor with those space squids. Besides, as much as I hate to admit it, ol’ Rocko is 100x better at leading alliances than this goon named after a sheep herder.

  50. 8 months ago

    Everything about ME1 was better than its sequels except the combat. I wish the Shepard saga was condensed into 1 game in the style of ME1, but with ME3s combat mechanics and enemy variety.

  51. 8 months ago

    Anything different about 1's remaster other than the shooting, ability cooldowns and graphics? Did they change any of the level design or missions?

    • 8 months ago

      Some psionic abilities that enemies use were nerfed, I don't know if you can even still get ragdolled. If so, it's way rarer. Beneziah is kind of a joke in LE.

  52. 8 months ago

    Naturally, ME2 is the best in the series. ME1 cultists, seethe and cope.

    • 8 months ago

      Pretty much. ME2 made me think of an odd mix of Star Trek, obscure shows like Farscape and Stargate, and Star Wars back when it was good. ME1 was the prototype, but ME2 was the finished product.

  53. 8 months ago

    i didnt hate me3 but for some reason they stripped out the quality of life stuff from the first two games

  54. 8 months ago

    Most of Mass Effect 3 was extremely melodramatic. Mass Effect 2 was slightly melodramatic but not to the stupidity that is some of the story outcomes in 3. Mass Effect 1's presentation was absolute kino, though.

  55. 8 months ago

    look at the highest grossing mobile gacha shit thread on this board RIGHT NOW and see that the literal billions of dollars being wasted for short skirt anime skins in forever aleph-1 infinite games for short term higher number gain power creep and realize that a game series having a beginning, middle and END was and still is incredibly rare so the very fact that EA of all publishers even allowed bioware to END the series was fricking despised by every greedy moron on earth who bought or wanted to buy an N7 hoodie and frick blueberry prostitutes til the end of time.

    BALD from penny arcade had an actual good writeup on this

  56. 8 months ago

    2 is the best and only good mass effect game
    is the one with the most meaningful choices and less retcons in the whole series 🙂
    eat shit me1Black folk

    • 8 months ago

      >and less retcons in the whole series
      Lol, lmao

  57. 8 months ago

    me2 gays really uppity in this thread

    • 8 months ago


      If ME3 had a satisfying finale it might be like

  58. 8 months ago

    Is ME3 worth playing, the last mission of 2 was such a slog that it's turned me off from finishing the series.

  59. 8 months ago

    1 is the only good one

  60. 8 months ago

    people had standards back then

  61. 8 months ago

    It goes like this
    Best RPG elements
    Best story
    Best gameplay
    Storygays were the ones most upset, especially because of the half-assed ending

  62. 8 months ago

    Gamers ate up the cinematic slop of ME2 even though it ruined the story more than 3 did. I will say 2 had great delivery but the combat was just so bad 3 is better.

    • 8 months ago

      2's story is far better than 3's story and it's because they never once develop the reapers as an existential threat. So you have collectors and husks... what else? Husk... turians in 3? That's it? Where's the husk krogans or salarians, where's the giant reapers from 2? Where's the setpieces at all in 3? The last jog towards the reaper? Where's any of the conflict needed for resolution? Like say... blowing up the reaper that's been chasing him the entire series? No? It just ends with some philosophical nonsense?

      Mass effect 3 was one of the first AAA games that couldn't even make it out the door finished

      • 8 months ago

        There are husk krogans. As well as husk batarians and husk asari.

        • 8 months ago

          did they at least get that right? I can't remember because it was so forgettable, their execution was terrible

        • 8 months ago

          2's story is far better than 3's story and it's because they never once develop the reapers as an existential threat. So you have collectors and husks... what else? Husk... turians in 3? That's it? Where's the husk krogans or salarians, where's the giant reapers from 2? Where's the setpieces at all in 3? The last jog towards the reaper? Where's any of the conflict needed for resolution? Like say... blowing up the reaper that's been chasing him the entire series? No? It just ends with some philosophical nonsense?

          Mass effect 3 was one of the first AAA games that couldn't even make it out the door finished

          Technically only Husk Batarians, Brutes are Turian/Krogan hybrids, and the Banshees are ardat-yakshee only

          • 8 months ago

            They should have had the reapers connected to the mass relays so that when you kill the main one that's been chasing Sheppard they all blow up but then so do the relays

          • 8 months ago

            The marauders are turian husks

      • 8 months ago

        >2's story is far better than 3's story
        The INDIVIDUAL side stories within ME2 are far better than the INDIVIDUAL side stories in ME3.

        The OVERALL plot of ME2 is dogshit.
        >”Oh hey guize let’s put every single squad member into the tiny shuttle and leave the Normandy completely undefended”

        • 8 months ago

          >The OVERALL plot of ME2 is dogshit.
          Hard disagree.
          ME3 doesn't even know what its plot is. Is it stop the Reapers? You never fight them. Is it cure the genophage? Isn't even a thing at the start and ends too soon. Is it take back Rannoch? Who in their right mind would even start a war in the middle of an invasion? Is it fight against Cerberus? Looks like it. Even the final encounter in the game is actually against TIM. What even is the purpose of ME3? It shit strung together to distract you from a game where nothing you do matters, or has any reason to happen, or affords anyone anything, while a bunch of scientists do x1m times the work you do. It's all irrelevant.

          • 8 months ago

            The plot is you unite the galaxy against the reapers. That's why you cure the Genophage, settle Rannoch and wipe out Cerberus.

            • 8 months ago

              >The plot is you unite the galaxy against the reapers.
              What Reapers? You fight 1 Reaper the entire game. What Reapers did you fight?

            • 8 months ago

              No, in terms of theme yes, that's why 3 is good. In terms of plot, it's hokey.

              You're doing it to gather an army that can be cannon fodder as you go to Earth, to deploy a weapon that you HOPE is strong enough to liberate the planet from the Reapers. This is literally the motivation and goal of Shepard and his associates throughout 90% of the story. Obviously, everyone wishes the Reapers would just die but the specific PLOT they wrote is not about defeating the Reapers entirely, but liberating Earth from them. It's only through miraculous contrivance that the plot is rearranged and hot-slotted into a "Save the world" at the end because the Citadel is conveniently moved to Earth by the time you learn that the Crucible needs it to work.

              ME2's plot is not as bad as people say IMO. It's a heist narrative that still develops the trilogy's premise by showing us what happens outside Council space to build up some further threads that have emotional resonance once they return in ME3. The Genophage plot only is the way it is in ME3 because ME2 set up the context for Mordin by having a plot that could set aside time to go in-depth with individual characters such as him. Same with the Quarians/Geth even if ME3 doesn't fully retain the characterization. Besides that ME2 also develops the Reaper plot in the sense that it reveals that Reapers harvest in order to reproduce, and give the first clue into what you can infer from ME3's ending and perhaps why the Reapers came to the conclusions they came to. I know most hate the endings but the theme of Organic/Synthetic combination was established in ME2's final moments, and ME3's ending suggests that the Reapers have always sought out Synthesis as the answer to everything but their "Reaper Solution" is the imperfect version of such a solution, whereas the original intention was to "preserve" nations of people for their "essence" but as Synthetics they mistook WHO we are for the flesh and blood in our bodies.

              • 8 months ago

                >I know most hate the endings but the theme of Organic/Synthetic combination was established in ME2's final moments
                The issue is that the primary theme throughout the entire series, including 3, is that an army of highly advanced murderbots are coming to kill all advanced life in the galaxy, so all races need to put aside their differences and work together against a common threat of annihilation. The organic synthetic theme was not the main focus. Even the crucible was repeatedly referenced as an incomplete weapon that was a last ditch effort to win the war. So when Shep gets beamed up and faced with 3 choices it feels like a complete ass pull.

              • 8 months ago

                I agree, but I think the aspect of the ending that's like "let's reveal the Reaper problem" is...okay. I'll admit, before I got to the ending, when they started foreshadowing it on Thessia and Rannoch I kept thinking "Okay, so is it because advanced civilizations overpopulate which leads to wars, over-advanced technologies, and uncontrolled growth like the Krogan, or making synthetics like the Geth?" but then my heart sank because Shepard and the Reaper on Rannoch both seemed to emphasize "It's about ORGANICS VS SYNTHETICS bro!" and I felt like they were going to go that route.

                Then I got to the ending and it completely committed to that idea but I could've least have imagined it working in a way. I agree that it's not the primary thematic tension of the narrative, but I could've pictured a version of the ending that's about how the Reapers were made cuz of organic problems with synthetics that actually related to the Geth and EDI where Shepard brings it up and they have a little talk about how every other cycle shows warning signs, and when left unchecked the original cycle went completely awry, and that even the Reapers themselves weren't authorized to slay their creators but they did it out of contingency logic.

                Ultimately the game had to deal with the fact that its central antagonistic symbolism has an element of being a synthetic. And ultimately I think they went with Synthesis because ME2 already established that the Reapers are a mixture of machine and flesh combined in an experimentative manner, and so their hidden agenda is actually to merge organic life with synthetic life in order to genuinely preserve life and solve a problem.

                At the end of the day the ending fails because it doesn't hold its theme up to the rest of the plot properly. It doesn't include the great race-mix you just assembled in war as a part of the grand constellation the child presents, and it doesn't even acknowledge that the Geth and EDI literally demonstrate peace.

  63. 8 months ago


  64. 8 months ago

    wonder how he's holding up these days

    • 8 months ago

      Pretty well. He's in charge of his own studio, Humanoid in Edmonton and so far he has poached all the most important key figures from BioWare like Caroline Livingstone, their VO Director of 10 years, Rob Blake the guy behind the amazing sound engineering of ME2/3, and a novelist on par with Drew Karpyshyn if you count her skill by book releases on her belt as well as a Quantum Break writer who is the Lead Writer on whatever he's cooking up.

      He also poached the primary graphics people who did Legendary Edition as soon as the project wrapped, so the whole "They're gonna prep for ME5" is kind of a joke. ME5 still has the other 5 Leads outside of Casey and Mac/Drew though, but Casey's been poaching even harder than James Ohlen. The cuck, Aaryn Flynn and his "Inflexion Games" temporarily poached a bunch of Mass Effect leads, but they all came back to BioWare when Casey came back in 2018, and now a bunch of those are staying at BioWare or moving over to his new company.

      I'd say pretty good. But it won't mean much until he announces a game. It could be another Callisto Protocol situation though. I hope not.

  65. 8 months ago

    It was hated because it became a gears cover shooter where abilities didn't matter because you had to get through armor and shields first, shitting on their own lore to make it more mass appealable

    • 8 months ago

      ME1 is the most shootery of all ME games

      • 8 months ago

        i played a biotic sniper and barely fired a shot if an enemy was within 200m

  66. 8 months ago

    I honestly think they never should've had the Reapers actually arrive in the galaxy in the first place. It's like having a Lovecraft story end with getting into a fistfight with Cthulu: it's a bad look for all involved. Have ME3 be about a war with indoctrinated Batarians who almost manage to reactivate the citadel or something instead

  67. 8 months ago

    >3 is by far the most polished and enjoyable title
    What fricking game did you play again? Cause 3 is definitely not polished.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah. Weirds me out so hard. Yeah, I can see that ME3 has the most polished surface but the bug-count is probably even larger in ME3 than any other game. Especially the cinematics in ME3 had some really annoying issues. Honestly felt like the beginning of what went wrong with Mass Effect Andromeda.

      • 8 months ago

        Before we even get to that, the fricking journal system? It doesn't even work. It is an officially, broken feature, broken by design, and working as intended by the devs. There is no way to track shit.

        • 8 months ago

          Here's a fun fact. The Journal did not exist in ME3's development until 3 weeks prior to launch because the leads kept telling people "We can make the game without a journal system"

          Then playtests happeend and it became critical, and that's why it ended up in such a sorry state. The galaxy-map fetch-quest walk-bys were also added in the final month of development.

          • 8 months ago

            >The galaxy-map fetch-quest walk-bys were also added in the final month of development.
            I wonder why. They add nothing to the game.

          • 8 months ago

            Jesus christ. What a shitshow.

  68. 8 months ago

    You motherfrickers are making me want to replay the series again. I spent so many hours just wondering around the Citadel in ME1.

  69. 8 months ago

    >shat on illusive man
    >completely shat on Shepard and crew during Thessia
    >pick your favorite colour
    >original ending where Normandy crashes on a shithole planet and as the door opens the credits roll
    >game doesn't even show you the results of your actions
    >"buy DLC"
    >the ending is so fricking shit that people are literally coming up with theories like Indoctrination as to explain the massive plotholes during the ending

    It was fricking shit. It was absolute garbage. For me, Bioware died after this game.

  70. 8 months ago

    I find it hard to believe you played all of the games and came out going "oh 3, the game that has a terrible story and ending to the entire series, that's the best because the shooting is a little more fun than the others".

  71. 8 months ago

    ME:LE:3 is drastically different than ME:3 on day 1.

  72. 8 months ago

    Someone tell me exactly why I shouldn't play LE over the original versions other than no multiplayer/

    • 8 months ago

      You can play 1 and 2 without dealing with EA origin. Some good mods aren't available for LE yet or won't ever be cause the creator dropped support.

      • 8 months ago

        Got it, and the positives besides visual enhancement?

        • 8 months ago

          You can correct Biowares failings with mods, and future mod support will prioritize LE.
          The photo mode is fun.

          • 8 months ago

            I don't care about photo mode.
            I still prefer the originals on PC, with mods, than LE.
            LE sucks.

    • 8 months ago

      Because LE ruined lighting, but there is a mod that fixes that. sometimes eye animation can be weird. there is no other reason.

  73. 8 months ago

    On release, the ending was literally just a
    >Thanks for playing!
    The barely passable ending you see now is something that came about after a multitude of patches.

  74. 8 months ago

    >Cerberus turned into Galactic Empire from Star Wars
    >Reaper plot is resolved in a climax ripped from a 90s alien invasion movie
    >ME2 crew completely sidelined, partially ME1 crew too
    >not really a game anymore, gameplay is more like a visual novel and not a very good one
    >literally everyone is a gay romance option
    These are just things off the top of my head.

  75. 8 months ago

    >newhomosexual that doesn't know about red green blue
    >legendary scam edition
    Imagine my shock.

    • 8 months ago

      scam edition
      Shut up. ME1 doesn't have controller support, which means it's 100% unplayable.

      • 8 months ago

        ? just mod it

      • 8 months ago

        So instead of using mods that were already present and functional a decade ago you proceed to throw money at a broken buggy cashgrab?

        • 8 months ago

          >throw money
          I pirated LE just like I pirated the original game, lol.

  76. 8 months ago

    harbinger is such a boring villian in comparison to sovereign
    also it feels like theres an entire game missing between 2 and 3
    the reapers just show up out of nowhere, also a bunch of plot lines just get cast aside, like the entire dark energy business that was destroying planets

    • 8 months ago

      That's because ME3 turned the Reapers into literal cartoon villains
      >stomp around famous cities like they're robo-Godzillas

  77. 8 months ago

    me3 was L I T E R A L kino until the ending
    multiplayer chads rise up

    • 8 months ago

      >me3 was L I T E R A L kino
      I loved the part where my squad looked on like idiots, while Thane jumped on Kai Leng's sword.
      In fact, Kai Leng was always K I N O when he showed up, Right, Farquad?

      • 8 months ago

        Kai Leng was the absolute GOAT. My absolute favorite part was his one-liners that I couldn't reply to.

    • 8 months ago

      I only boot it up these days for the multiplayer, I don't even replay the main singleplayer anymore.

      • 8 months ago

        wait MP is still online?

    • 8 months ago

      im gonna be real mordin and legions deaths made me tear up a little

      me3 isn't perfect but that can also be said about the rest of the trilogy, every game has some dumb or weird shit in it
      it's just the ending that sours it, which can be fixed with mods (and is looking to be partially retconned in me4)

  78. 8 months ago

    3 had the most polished gameplay but worst writing. i think EA had assigned some actual guys from DICE to work with those inept canadian homos at bioware, devs who actually knew how to make FPS games instead of their claim to fame being inventing RtWP. ME3 was praised for multiplayer back when it came out (a component of the game bioware had NO hand in at all)

  79. 8 months ago

    Because Jack is barely present

  80. 8 months ago

    >jk party of the citadel bros 🙂

    • 8 months ago

      It felt surreal that you were off doing fetch quests and shit with the Citadel as a party bus while half the Galaxy was under invasion by the Reapers. The tone made no sense for the entire game.
      >Reapers attacking everywhere
      >BUT your main enemy is Cerberus
      >have to assemble the Crucible to stop Reapers
      >BUT you're doing pointless fetch quests
      >Stopping the Reapers is your main objective
      >BUT TIM shows up out of nowhere to monologue like he's Emperor Palpatine
      Citadel party was just the cherry on top. ME3 is the most tonally deaf game ever made.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah it's pretty hilarious that you're supposedly in a doomsday scenario with entire civilizations being destroyed and it barely feels like it matters at all. There's just no sense of desperation or loss, the game feels and acts way too laid back for the given scenario that's supposedly playing out.

        • 8 months ago

          The only time the game tries to make you feel desperate is with the stupid fricking child flashbacks

    • 8 months ago

      It felt surreal that you were off doing fetch quests and shit with the Citadel as a party bus while half the Galaxy was under invasion by the Reapers. The tone made no sense for the entire game.
      >Reapers attacking everywhere
      >BUT your main enemy is Cerberus
      >have to assemble the Crucible to stop Reapers
      >BUT you're doing pointless fetch quests
      >Stopping the Reapers is your main objective
      >BUT TIM shows up out of nowhere to monologue like he's Emperor Palpatine
      Citadel party was just the cherry on top. ME3 is the most tonally deaf game ever made.

      not like shepard can speed up the crucible construction. doing side quests makes more sense in ME3 than in the previous games. ME1's main quest is literally called "Race Against Time"

      • 8 months ago

        >you overhear some convo by literally unimportant NPCs so you go find their wife's husband's toothbrush
        >this somehow gives you extra war score

  81. 8 months ago

    Don't forget that people want to manipulate you

  82. 8 months ago

    I actually regret always pirating the game ever since launch because I never got to experience the multiplayer. Only actually bought it like 3 years ago or something and by that time it was already too late.

    • 8 months ago

      you missed out on pure kino

  83. 8 months ago

    I've seen people defend the endings, Cerberus, the Crucible, the miracle genophage cure, the weird Earth focus, but even the most die hard Bioware dickriders don't like Kai Leng

  84. 8 months ago

    The game's just terrible. It also somehow managed to have an even more moronic story than ME2, which is quite the achievement.

    • 8 months ago

      >they were so much weaker than ME2s N7 quests
      I dunno there were some genuinely fricking awful N7 quests in ME2. Like Endangered Research Station or the one where you have to walk the Mech with batteries.

    • 8 months ago

      This chart is disingenuous. Loyalty Quests have to be undertaken to some degree or you'll never see ME2 to the end, and they're directly related to the main plot. Loyalty Missions are on par with the acquisition and main mission levels in production quality. They can't be lumped in with N7 style missions or UNCs.

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