>play videogame from the mid 80s. >get to the final level

>play videogame from the mid 80s
>get to the final level
>all of a sudden the game goes from completely linear to a fricking maze that will take you 10 times longer than all the rest to find the exit
By far the shittiest way to pad playtime. And even fricking Super Mario Bros did it.

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  1. 6 months ago

    Se€ems totally rad to me dude.

  2. 6 months ago

    Druaga fever took hold of Japan. They do this for a few years.

  3. 6 months ago

    >play old shit
    >get old shit

  4. 6 months ago

    The influence of Super Mario Bros on gaming has been disastrous for the medium.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah it's a real shame that platfomers don't still play like Pac Land.

      • 6 months ago

        No games copied Mario's mechanics, that would be boring. Instead we have 4 years of boring mazes on the nestertainment system.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah it's a real shame that platfomers don't still play like Pac Land.

      ok, auster.

  5. 6 months ago

    >angry resentful manchild zoomer has difficulty with games made for children
    wow, i feel so sympathetic for this bitter pathetic loser who had a bad time with a video game

  6. 6 months ago

    Name 5 games.

    • 6 months ago

      Well, you see... there's just so many games how can I pick 5?

    • 6 months ago

      Skate or Die 2 is an obvious example
      frick that stupid maze lol

    • 6 months ago

      Revenge of Shinobi

    • 6 months ago

      Cowboy Kid

  7. 6 months ago

    >videogame from 1990
    >first level is maze with cryptic solutions to shit that goes on forever
    >eventually ends
    >second level becomes straightforward action game with shit controls
    >rest of the game is straightforward actually

    • 6 months ago

      This shit is so strange I'm convinced the lead dev had two guys working under him who both had their own vision on how a Dirty Harry videogame should be and wouldn't back down. And eventually the lead dev just shoved both together into the game to keep them happy. So you have the first level being a strange action/adventure hybrid, and the rest is just bog standard action.

  8. 6 months ago

    Renegade has sublime music and a great atmosphere

  9. 6 months ago

    Gaming peaked in the mid 80s

    • 6 months ago

      *late 80s

  10. 6 months ago

    gen Z doesn't understand 1 thing. to you, a game is just X gigabytes of content, and any challenge that stops you from progressing is just "padding".
    in most NES games, the challenge IS the content. the fun comes from figuring stuff out, getting good, overcoming the tough moments, and ultimately enjoying the challenge. if you dismiss this as "padding", you're missing the whole point of most NES games.
    if you expect the game to just endlessly shower you with "content", constantly open new levels, characters, moves, etc., and be rewarded at every corner—don't play NES games. yes, surprise—there isn't a lot of "content" in a 130kb game. there's few levels, few characters, and a lot of "frick you" moments. the fun is in the challenge of beating them. if you don't see it, you'll never get anything from NES games.

    • 6 months ago

      >play level 1-10 the same way and get good at it
      >level 11 is something completely different from the game you were enjoying 10 levels prior
      >why are you not entertained zoomer?!?

      • 6 months ago

        so I don't know, you wanted level 11 to be more of the same shit? yes, that is a curveball. but you can take it 2 different ways, depending on what kind of person you are.
        the first kind was those kids who played the game in the 1980s, reached the last level, said "holy shit", drew maps of it trying to figure it out, discussed it in school with their buddies, tried to get the tips from Nintendo Power, finally beat the game, felt awesome about it, and forever gained a memory of that 1 tough game with a crazy level that they finished.
        the second kind is a guy who played the game in 202X, reached the last level, said "what the frick is this", got very angry he couldn't beat it on the first try, dropped the game because he has some gay backlog of 500 other classics he "has" to beat, went to complain about le bad 80s games to a basket weaving forum to feel validated, and went back to playing whatever safe predictable inoffensive slop he likes that is beatable on the 1st try and never (god forbid) pads the content with """challenge""".
        guess which kind you are.

        • 6 months ago

          what is going on in your head? sounds like a weird place

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