> play yakuza 0

> play yakuza 0
Absolut masterpiece, fun in every way and the story despite being generic is very emotional and engaging. Music is unbelievably good. Easy 10/10
>play kiwami 1
Okay it's not as good, not much side content, the story is ok despite the final villain being really forgettable in comparison to what 0 offerd, deaths left and right that it stopped mattering. Probably a 7
>yakuza kiwami 2
Great start, new engine is fun, the City looks great. I like sayama, music is a downgrade. I liked the Generational trauma theme and facing your truth. The ending? Couldn't stop laughing, made me reply the cutscenes twice because I just couldn't believe this bullshit writing. All was left is telling I'm Korean too. Absolutel horrible choice of soundtrack compared to yakuza 2. 6/10.

Do things get better from here on? I really loved yakuza 0, it's one of my favorite games I still listen to fake love and shine to this day.
Why did they drop the ball this hard?

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  1. 11 months ago

    >he doesn't know about 3
    >he doesn't know about 4
    >he doesn't know about 5(4 but again)
    >he doesn't know about 6
    7 is pretty great.

    • 11 months ago

      I heard 3 isn't that good but I'm willing to play it due to sunk cost and the Japanese village summer vibes of it look nice.
      Didn't hear much about 4 but 5 seems to have gotten very positive reviews.
      I heard 6 Wasn't good and pretty short. 7 changes the combat but is very fun and great overall.

      • 11 months ago

        >he doesn't know about 3
        >he doesn't know about 4
        >he doesn't know about 5(4 but again)
        >he doesn't know about 6
        7 is pretty great.

        Just got done playing 3 remake on PC, apparently Sega fricked the dodging (you pretty much don't do any distance) on PC and yet made it hilariously too long on Playstation.
        You might want to grab an unofficial patch for that.


        > play yakuza 0
        Absolut masterpiece, fun in every way and the story despite being generic is very emotional and engaging. Music is unbelievably good. Easy 10/10
        >play kiwami 1
        Okay it's not as good, not much side content, the story is ok despite the final villain being really forgettable in comparison to what 0 offerd, deaths left and right that it stopped mattering. Probably a 7
        >yakuza kiwami 2
        Great start, new engine is fun, the City looks great. I like sayama, music is a downgrade. I liked the Generational trauma theme and facing your truth. The ending? Couldn't stop laughing, made me reply the cutscenes twice because I just couldn't believe this bullshit writing. All was left is telling I'm Korean too. Absolutel horrible choice of soundtrack compared to yakuza 2. 6/10.

        Do things get better from here on? I really loved yakuza 0, it's one of my favorite games I still listen to fake love and shine to this day.
        Why did they drop the ball this hard?

        kiwami 2
        Just think of them more as Yakuza movies / TV drama shows and they make more sense with the oddity.

  2. 11 months ago

    The series progressively gets worth with each game until Y7.

    I wish I was exaggerating. Y3 is dog shit and the lowest point of the franchise and I will not be convinced otherwise. At least the moronic plot points of Y4 are entertaining and will get you talking about how fricking stupid this franchise actually is. Y3 offers nothing of value.

    • 11 months ago

      But how? Did the writers suddenly change for yakuza 0?
      I wouldn't say yakuza 0 story isn't kind of dumb sometimes but it was pretty down to earth compared to what came later. It felt kind of real. Makoto struggle is real and not exaggerated, majima was amazing and very likable, kiruy was great too, the idea of the dojima family wanting to control kumoracho throug bayouts and monopoly is pretty realistic. Having 3 captins in the dojima family each with his different personality and mindset was great. Tachibana death had more impact on me than every death in kiwami and kiwami 2.
      The story just felt more grounded, it had a balance between drama, action and realism.
      Kiwami was too generic for me to say anything about but kiwami 2 was the punch to the face for me. Like they literally did every cliche possible and no one in the studio thought that maybe making kiruy give up on life that easily and sayama making out passionately with kiruy 1 meter away from her brother's corpse and the whole everyone is Korean, the fricking Rock music in the credits. It felt more like a parody of yakuza than an honest sequel.

      • 11 months ago

        yakuza 0 just has a well realized setting compared to the other games and directly deals with the yakuza in an engaging way

    • 11 months ago

      7 is the worst one with the shittiest plot. Namba emits an insanity field for 3+ chapters and dublets and rpglets and UUUUUOOHHH NEW MClets try to pretend like that's par for the course for the series. At least Katsuragi and co are in-universe moronic when it comes to the rubber bullet incident

    • 11 months ago

      3 is kino

  3. 11 months ago

    it depends on who you ask but people say generally think that the best games in the series are 0 4 7 so theres still plenty of good stuff. because you started with the remakes prepare to be jarred by the new gameplay, its generally the same but its a lot earlier in the series so it can be stiff. if you can appreciate it and have fun with the gameplay though still then your in for a good time with 3 because it has some of the best characters in the franchise.

  4. 11 months ago

    play yakuza 4 it's kino

  5. 11 months ago

    This is why you shouldn't play 0 first
    Yes it is universally agreed that it's just the best game in the series hands down

  6. 11 months ago

    Chapter 11 on Y3R at the moment.
    I think I will go straight to 4 when it's done. 3 really goes up and down in quality.
    Y2 is great, it reaches Metal Gear Solid 2 heights at some points like the ene fight.

  7. 11 months ago

    Y0 set my expectations way too high for the rest of the series because of how damn good it is, I went into YK1 expecting the same master quality game as Y0 but was disappointed with it sticking to the original story 1-to-1 especially with the character development of Nishiki in Y0.

  8. 11 months ago

    >Absolutel horrible choice of soundtrack compared to yakuza 2
    what? it was almost identical

    • 11 months ago

      >Absolutel horrible choice of soundtrack compared to yakuza 2
      >what? it was almost identical

  9. 11 months ago

    >why did they drop the ball this hard
    0 was made after 5. It's supposed to be a fan service esque game because Majima was never supposed to be an important character. With 0's found fame, the devs decided to do another fanservice decision and give Majima a short mode to tie the ending of 0. That's what happens when you make a fan service game.
    I won't deny 0 is great, but I liked 5 a lot more because of how big and fun it was and because of its story. If you did the fortune teller substory by the way, you pretty much got easter eggs for the plot and kiryu's life from 1-5 as well as run into Ryuji as a child and Shinji in Kiwami

  10. 11 months ago

    0 blows. Anything sympathetic to chinks is CCP propaganda. Frick chinks, and frick zero.

    • 11 months ago

      >0 blows. Anything sympathetic to chinks is CCP propaganda. Frick chinks, and frick zero.
      It doesn't paint the China as good though. Tachibana family was discriminated against there for being half Japanese while in Japan no one cares that he's half Chinese and got to very high points in his life that he would have never got in Chinese society.

  11. 11 months ago

    Kiwami 1-2 are trashy, phoned in demakes.
    Seriously should just play the PS2 originals.
    Dragon Engine is fricking awful shit.

    Y3 is return to the roots, and felt sooo damn good after the jank fest that was K2. It's story and pacing are trash though.

    Y4-5 are two of the best games in the series.

    • 11 months ago

      >Y3 is return to the roots, and felt sooo damn good after the jank fest that was K2. It's story and pacing are trash though.
      Yakuza 3 is the most comfy Yakuza. Even more than 6.

      • 11 months ago

        i was shocked with how little side content yakuza 6 had (compared to other entries) so i just bulleted through the story and went on to Judgment. (which i LOVE)

  12. 11 months ago

    Are any of these games on the steam sale? There's a bundle discount, but isn't that always there?

    • 11 months ago

      The "whole" series was just released on GOG and were on a massive discount.

  13. 11 months ago

    It got worse.
    Y3 is the shittiest game in the franchise. I literally had to take a break multiple times because it was so boring in the first half of the game, combat is absolute slog since everyone blocks all the time, and the only move(s) that makes the game enjoyable is locked until the latter half of the game. Story was good though.
    This also where the game starts having continuity issues since they can't re-hire movie actors and guest characters for their sequels. Expect moronic deaths and important characters who are alive at the end disappear from the face of the earth in the sequel from now on.

    Y4 is major improvement. Story was moronic but somewhat fun, new characters carried the game hard especially since most players are probably tired of playing dad yakuza.
    Good thing is that the franchise will keeps getting better in the sequel(s)
    But nothing tops 0, maybe Judgement but that's for another topic.

  14. 11 months ago

    nah dont play, Play judgment then lost judgment, Or just play lost judgment. That game is stellar.

  15. 11 months ago

    >>play kiwami 1
    Why would you do that?
    Play Yakuza 1 Undub like a normal person

  16. 11 months ago

    3 is kino but you sound like a tasteless homosexual

  17. 11 months ago

    0 > Judgement > Lost Judgement > Yakuza 4 > Yakuza 3 > Yakuza 7 > Yakuza 6 > Yakuza 1 > Yakuza 2 > Yakuza 5 > Ishin

    • 11 months ago

      LJ > 0 > the rest

  18. 11 months ago

    Yakuza 2s ending was kino, you got filtered

    • 11 months ago

      That fricking word is the biggest cope and it displays a sign of weakness. You can just negate any criticism with the phrase "filtered." is that right?

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