>Player: Natty 20!

>Player: Natty 20! I crit!
>DM: No, you don't. He has situs inversus, which means his organs are inverted. Your crit is negated.

Would you be mad?

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  1. 2 years ago

    I'd ask how that pertains to my firebolt spell

  2. 2 years ago

    The dice don't say that I *tried* to hit something critical, they say that I did. It might have been by completely accident, but I did hit something. As tends to happen when you stab someone in the chest.

    • 2 years ago

      HP aren't meat points

      • 2 years ago

        In which case the position of his organs has no logical bearing on the effectiveness of the critical hit.

        So the critical hit still works.

      • 2 years ago

        Irrelevant. Natural 20, critical hit, you got a meaningful strike in on something important. Could be you kneecapped the opponent, nicked an artery, or got a clean kidney stab. It doesn't matter, because the rules say a critical hit is doubled damage, no matter what kind of fricked up medical condition the enemy has, or how much you want to insist HP is not meat points(they are).

      • 2 years ago

        Since there's no functional difference and hitting 0 at least means unconsciousness, but usually death, they may as well be meat points and no matter what meat you hit, it will hurt.

      • 2 years ago

        Then why does healing magic store them? If I didn't get hurt, what is the cleric *doing* when they cast Cure Moderate Wounds if not curing some wounds of moderate severity?

        • 2 years ago

          That one could be explained away as a restoration of stamina. Instead, ask why it is isn't meat points when a sufficiently high level character can survive a fall from a hundred feet up and walk it off.

          • 2 years ago

            >when a sufficiently high level character can survive a fall from a hundred feet up and walk it off
            In systems where hit points scale with level that just means people get tougher meat as they level.

          • 2 years ago

            You joke but being better at falling will make it easier to survive higher falls. Maybe not 100 feet tho

            • 2 years ago

              I'm not joking. Falling damage caps at 200 feet for 20d6 damage. That's an average of 70 damage. A tenth level fighter with 16 Constitution could survive a two hundred foot fall onto solid ground. In what universe can a human being survive impacting the ground after falling two hundred feet?

        • 2 years ago

          >If I didn't get hurt, what is the cleric *doing* when they cast Cure Moderate Wounds if not curing some wounds of moderate severity?

          >The unarmored Sword Saint is ducking, dodging and parrying all the attacks made towards him
          >Dire Minotaur swing an extremely accurate, powerful blow that would (by real world physics) sever the Sword Saint's spine if it connects
          >SS avoids it, but now he's sweating, panting, and his hands are shaking
          >Dire Minotaur swings again, Sword Saint just barely avoids it, now his entire body is shaking and he's drenched in sweat
          >Next hit will definitely connect and instakill him, because he's unarmored and too exhausted to properly dodge
          >Cleric fills Sword Saint with holy light, rejuvenating him and giving him a second wind to finish the fight with
          Remember, HP is just an approximation of "how difficult is this character to kill?"

          • 2 years ago

            Exhaustion is an actual status with rules, Cure Moderate Wounds does not cure it.

            • 2 years ago

              Short term exhaustion and long term fatigue are different things. In the real world, there's a difference between running a marathon and going two days without sleep while high on hard drugs. Six hours after the marathon ends, you'll be feeling a lot better. Six hours after the high ends, you'll feel like shit for at least a few days. The 5th ed exhaustion mechanics clearly represent long-term fatigue.

              Going by what the book actually says, that second hit would connect, but would be parried or otherwise deflected. This would probably cause a nasty bruise and possibly sprain the defender's arm and maybe legs. He wouldn't just completely dodge it.

              >Going by what the book actually says
              Then let's go by what the creator of the game actually says

              >"Hit points are a combination of actual physical constitution, skill at the avoidance of taking real physical damage, luck and/or magical or divine factors. Ten points of damage dealt to a rhino indicates a considerable wound, while the same damage sustained by the 8th-level fighter indicates a near-miss, a slight wound, and a bit of luck used up, a bit of fatigue piling up against his or her skill at avoiding the fatal cut or thrust. So even when a hit is scored in melee combat, it is more often than not a grazing blow, a mere light wound which would have been fatal (or nearly so) to a lesser mortal. If sufficient numbers of such wounds accrue to the character, however, stamina, skill, and luck will eventually run out, and an attack will strike home..."

              From Gary Gyax's article Much about melee published in Dragon #24 (April, 1979).

          • 2 years ago

            Going by what the book actually says, that second hit would connect, but would be parried or otherwise deflected. This would probably cause a nasty bruise and possibly sprain the defender's arm and maybe legs. He wouldn't just completely dodge it.

      • 2 years ago

        >Fall in lava
        >Have fire resistance and a lot of hp so can survive for a few rounds
        >Nimble dodge the lava for several rounds as you swim to shore, feels ng less lucky but unharmed


        >Player: Natty 20! I crit!
        >DM: No, you don't. He has situs inversus, which means his organs are inverted. Your crit is negated.

        Would you be mad?

        Literally irrelevant. Unless he’s mechanically crit immune like some 3.x enemies, in which case there are ways to overcome it.

      • 2 years ago

        HP is meat points until a homosexual starts minging about how someone can get stabbed in the face 15 times. HP is meat 90% of the time except when it isn't.


        >Player: Natty 20! I crit!
        >DM: No, you don't. He has situs inversus, which means his organs are inverted. Your crit is negated.

        Would you be mad?

        No because I can think of like 5 abilities in PF on the top of my head that do that.

      • 2 years ago

        >HP aren't meat points
        First of all checked. Also well executed triggering of neckbeards. Based.

        HP is meat points until a homosexual starts minging about how someone can get stabbed in the face 15 times. HP is meat 90% of the time except when it isn't.
        No because I can think of like 5 abilities in PF on the top of my head that do that.

        >HP is meat points

        Oh, that's were the mental moronation comes from.

        • 2 years ago

          >checking dubs

          • 2 years ago

            >being a newbie and proud of it
            You needst to go back. Back to l e d d I t *and* back to Mexico.

      • 2 years ago

        They are actually meat points

      • 2 years ago

        Seems like a weird justification. You could just claim they have an ability that doesn't let them take "critical damage" or wherever the system uses.

        They are in D&D.
        It's one of the reasons I don't play D&D anymore.

        • 2 years ago

          They also are in Call of Cthulhu but most characters don't have enough to survive a square gunshot or more than three good stabbings in CoC, while monsters justifiably have many meat points

  3. 2 years ago

    "Undead an constructs cant suffer from critical hits. Congratulations, you hit, though"

    • 2 years ago

      >Undead an constructs
      maybe get someone proficient in english to check those rules for you bud

      • 2 years ago

        He clearly means "and". It's just a typo, not bad English.

  4. 2 years ago

    >you puncture his left lung, not his right lung
    I kick DM to the balls till they invert.

  5. 2 years ago

    >He still has vital organs, and it wasn't a called shot. Dice just says I hit a random critical spot on his body, it doesn't say it has to be in to "normal" spot.

  6. 2 years ago

    I feel like I'd just be confused.

  7. 2 years ago

    This worked in Hokuto no Ken due to the nature of Kenshiro’s art. It worked once, then Kenshiro figured out what’s up and won.

    If we were playing a game emulating HnK and my character was using preassure point MA then I woudl be okay with it, but for nat 20 I would expect that my guy now knows exactly what is gloing on and what to do.

  8. 2 years ago

    Whoa, whoa, whoa situs inversus is not a recognized game concept. Instead do you mean that the opponent in question is immune to critical hits? If so that's fair enough though I do hope you have accounted for this ability in the challenge rating of this opponent. In any case please produce your notes so that I can verify for myself that you haven't just pulled that ability out of your ass.

    • 2 years ago

      Your post was reasonable until the last sentence. There's no reason you should see the GM's notes, and there's literally nothing wrong with the GM coming up with things, including npc abilities, on the fly.

      • 2 years ago

        >and there's literally nothing wrong with the GM coming up with things, including NPC abilities, on the fly.
        I see you're of 'the DM can not cheat' school of thought. Gotcha agree to disagree on that then. Reality doesn't revise itself on the fly particularly in light of the might / might not revise itself dependent on pc's actions in the moment because then all sense of verisimilitude is severely hampered.

        • 2 years ago

          No, I'm not of the "DM can't cheat " school of thought. Improvisation isn't cheating, though, and nothing's real until it has actually happened in the game. Retconning things that have already happened would be cheating, fudging rolls is cheating, making changes to what you've planned beforehand before whatever you've actually planned has happened is not.

          • 2 years ago

            >Retconning things that have already happened would be cheating, fudging rolls is cheating
            As per the hypothetical:
            >Player scores a critical hit.
            >Nuh-uh, DM now decides said recipient is immune to critical hits.
            Somehow this isn't a retcon to you? Hence my reason for calling out this line of particularly obscene bullshit.

          • 2 years ago

            >Retconning things that have already happened would be cheating, fudging rolls is cheating
            As per the hypothetical:
            >Player scores a critical hit.
            >Nuh-uh, DM now decides said recipient is immune to critical hits.
            Somehow this isn't a retcon to you? Hence my reason for calling out this line of particularly obscene bullshit.

            Player: I score a crit
            >*I secretly give the creature 50 more hp*
            Me: Wow nice, you really injured him 😉

            • 2 years ago

              Player: Why did you wink at me?

  9. 2 years ago

    No sometimes there are strange monsters and you have to find other ways to defeat them.
    Also crits on 20s are moronic, wotc d&d is a sham, players declaring the results of their roll in game world is the wrong way to do it, etcetcetc.

    • 2 years ago

      >players declaring the results of their roll in game world is the wrong way to do it, etcetcetc.
      >Players roll dice refuse to disclose result. Everyone sits around in silence.

      • 2 years ago

        I would prefer you don't talk, yes.

        >crits on 20s are moronic
        Why? Do you just dislike the notion of a critical hit, or is it something else?
        >players declaring the results of their roll in game world is the wrong way to do it
        What is the "right" way to roll your dice if you aren't going to declare the result of your roll? Are you saying that the GM should roll everything secretly?

        Everything about wotcdnd is garbage. Didn't start with them, late tsr was also not great. The truncation of combat rounds so each roll became interpreted as a single blow is a bad way to play a game requiring abstraction and narration. The bloating of hp, damage, etc, with new editions for the sake of bigger numbers has also fricked things up.
        The right way to do it is:
        >DM describes contextual circumstances
        >Players declare intentions, likely anticipating rolls
        >DM calls for rolls as required
        >Players roll, declare dice results
        >DM adjudicates and narrates in-game-world results
        This can be aided by pbta style question inversion, taking cues from players, etc. to lighten load, but the shift of rolling a 20 into somehow being a touchdown dance is fricking moronic.

        >What is the "right" way to roll your dice if you aren't going to declare the result of your roll? Are you saying that the GM should roll everything secretly?
        This is what Dungeon World teaches you to do. A whole generation of new GMs are learning tabletops like this and you people still look surprised when the pbta morons keep destroying the hobby.

        You're also moronic. Nat20 critical inane gibbering has been a thing long before DW, and pbta operates on entirely different principals you clearly don't understand.

        • 2 years ago

          >DM describes contextual circumstances
          >Players declare intentions, likely anticipating rolls
          >DM calls for rolls as required
          >Players roll, declare dice results
          >DM adjudicates and narrates in-game-world results
          Except this never happens in the real world. It's like your picking up cues for what an ideal game experience should be by reading the typical preface of the book 'What is a role playing game? An Example of Play' introduction section.

          • 2 years ago

            >its like this never happened
            Except it happens every week when I run a game.
            and in many games I have played in
            and in many descriptions of other people's games

            • 2 years ago

              >Except it happens every week when I run a game.
              >and in many games I have played in
              >and in many descriptions of other people's games

              >GM: You see the orcs gathered at the bridge.
              >Player 1: My character charges forward swinging his axe menacingly, what do I need to hit again?
              >Player 2: Can I get a +1 bonus on my attack roll if I stand on my head and twerk at the moon?
              Player 3: I want to try a disarm, how does that work?

              If you claim your friends don't engage in this type of informal interaction at least to some extent you are either lying or are larping your ideal rpg experiences.

              • 2 years ago

                If you want to create strawmen to attack, there's easier ways you know.

                But sure I'll bite... Why are player 2 and 3 even speaking before their turn, before player 1 got an answer?

              • 2 years ago

                NTA but I presume 2 is making a moronic joke, and 3 is planning what he wants to do on his turn and wants to be able to clarify the rules for disarming an opponent in advance, something that can be answered in two seconds with a page number for him to flip to.

              • 2 years ago

                It's a waste of time, this

                >if i can't belive it, it must not happen!
                Your description of play is entirely not how I have played or ran for the last 20+ years.
                If you can't explain the basic rules of the game, including order of operations, that's a you problem.
                >as the players jumble their spaghetti the dm says
                >okay hold on, everyone roll for initiative and make your battle plan while I put together the map
                you fricking idiot. No real surprise you have shit players who can't remember basic rules and want to twerk at the moon.

                larping bullshitting no games moron is claiming he runs the ideal role playing experience where nobody ever discusses game rules and the players are always in character and there's never questions that arise as to how stated intent interact with game rules particularly in combat. I'm calling absolute bullshit 'reading an example of play' live action role playing.

              • 2 years ago

                >My TiMe Is SO ImPoRtANT I ShITpoST StRaWMEn On TeH InTERNEt
                lol lmao even
                I have never said no one discusses rules, nor that there are no out of character discussions, nor talked about out of combat at all, which is the main stay of 2 of the 3 games I run. So again you are wrong. Post our game notes.

                dude fricking hell hygiene, looks like your nails are about to rot off

                Its a delightful mix of salt water, engine gunk, exhaust, and bilge paint. Probably a bit of battery acid too. You should have seen them before.

              • 2 years ago

                >I have never said no one discusses rules
                Just change your story halfway through an interaction why don't you? At least try to keep your lies straight.

                >its like this never happened
                Except it happens every week when I run a game.
                and in many games I have played in
                and in many descriptions of other people's games

              • 2 years ago

                Ah, your falling back to pretending to be moronic. You can't even green text a quote of what you're claiming.
                Post your game notes.

              • 2 years ago

                >You can't even green text a quote of what you're claiming.
                Do you know how to click on thread links? Thread links to posts you yourself have created, no less.

              • 2 years ago

                Highlight and green text where I said no one discusses game rules, there are no out of character discussions or there is nothing but combat.
                Also post your game notes.

              • 2 years ago

                >Highlight and green text where I said no one discusses game rules
                Okay let's do this again, (you should really learn how to click on thread links).

                I would prefer you don't talk, yes.
                Everything about wotcdnd is garbage. Didn't start with them, late tsr was also not great. The truncation of combat rounds so each roll became interpreted as a single blow is a bad way to play a game requiring abstraction and narration. The bloating of hp, damage, etc, with new editions for the sake of bigger numbers has also fricked things up.
                The right way to do it is:
                >DM describes contextual circumstances
                >Players declare intentions, likely anticipating rolls
                >DM calls for rolls as required
                >Players roll, declare dice results
                >DM adjudicates and narrates in-game-world results
                This can be aided by pbta style question inversion, taking cues from players, etc. to lighten load, but the shift of rolling a 20 into somehow being a touchdown dance is fricking moronic.
                You're also moronic. Nat20 critical inane gibbering has been a thing long before DW, and pbta operates on entirely different principals you clearly don't understand.

                >DM describes contextual circumstances
                >Players declare intentions, likely anticipating rolls
                >DM calls for rolls as required
                >Players roll, declare dice results
                >DM adjudicates and narrates in-game-world results

                >its like this never happened
                Except it happens every week when I run a game.
                and in many games I have played in
                and in many descriptions of other people's games

                >Except it happens every week when I run a game.
                You seem to be describing your conception of an ideal play experience.
                >Also post your game notes.
                I don't have a phone to post game notes, they're kept in word docs. Currently I'm devising a means by which '10 places of interest in Brichester' of Black Seal #2 can be squared with the information contained within Delta Green Archint specifically the section entitled 'The Brixton Shard' and converting this information to square with Cthulhu D20 (my system of choice) concurrently I'm using AutoRealm to hex map the Ravenloft realm of Nidala to equate to one hex per mile. Satisfied?

              • 2 years ago

                You are making yourself look moronic brother. Thankfully it's an anonymous forum!

              • 2 years ago

                Pro tip: Don't make up stories and then pretend you haven't said what you said particularly if you suspect the person you're lying to understands the basic application of how to use thread links on an anonymous forum!

              • 2 years ago

                Protip, not everyone replying to you is the same person. If (you) post stupid enough shit, several people will likely call you out on it.

              • 2 years ago

                >not everyone replying to you is the same person
                Not everyone is pretending to be different people.
                Frick it while we're on the subject let's correct another one of your bullshit-isms:

                I would prefer you don't talk, yes.
                Everything about wotcdnd is garbage. Didn't start with them, late tsr was also not great. The truncation of combat rounds so each roll became interpreted as a single blow is a bad way to play a game requiring abstraction and narration. The bloating of hp, damage, etc, with new editions for the sake of bigger numbers has also fricked things up.
                The right way to do it is:
                >DM describes contextual circumstances
                >Players declare intentions, likely anticipating rolls
                >DM calls for rolls as required
                >Players roll, declare dice results
                >DM adjudicates and narrates in-game-world results
                This can be aided by pbta style question inversion, taking cues from players, etc. to lighten load, but the shift of rolling a 20 into somehow being a touchdown dance is fricking moronic.
                You're also moronic. Nat20 critical inane gibbering has been a thing long before DW, and pbta operates on entirely different principals you clearly don't understand.

                >The truncation of combat rounds so each roll became interpreted as a single blow is a bad way to play a game
                This has never been the assumption a roll to hit has always been implied to be a series feints, thrusts and maneuvers, this understanding has carried through the editions to the best of my knowledge. Also one confirmed to hit roll equals a blow is similarly a misnomer.

              • 2 years ago

                It originally was, it has shifted much in the way you concocted a bullshit scenario. You couldn't address a letter with a rubber stamp let alone a point.
                Post your game notes.

              • 2 years ago

                >it has shifted much in the way you concocted a bullshit scenario.
                Show me where you think this assertion comes from. Also stop pretending to be different people anon, it's incredibly gay.

              • 2 years ago

                Go look at the 3rd ed description of combat.
                >everyone is posting against me
                >claims to run CoC
                checks out.
                Post your game notes.

              • 2 years ago

                >Go look at the 3rd ed description of combat.
                I have, many times.
                A) What do you mean by this?
                B) Rather than employ the usual guileless (and gutless) tactic of implying something vague and ill defined runs counter to what I've said, instead state precisely and specifically which statement from the body of 3rd edition combat it is you are referring to and how this supports your previous notions.

              • 2 years ago

                Why don't you just post your game notes like he asked anon

              • 2 years ago

                None of that says what you think it does.
                You do seem to be the one larping though.
                Take a screenshot of your game notes.

              • 2 years ago

                >if i can't belive it, it must not happen!
                Your description of play is entirely not how I have played or ran for the last 20+ years.
                If you can't explain the basic rules of the game, including order of operations, that's a you problem.
                >as the players jumble their spaghetti the dm says
                >okay hold on, everyone roll for initiative and make your battle plan while I put together the map
                you fricking idiot. No real surprise you have shit players who can't remember basic rules and want to twerk at the moon.

              • 2 years ago

                Mate, wash your hands and clean your nails.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm a marine mechanic. There is no amount of fast orange that will make my hands clean for the next 3 months.

              • 2 years ago

                You sound like a friendless, joyless NPC who lacks an ounce of creativity or originality. You run games like a computer, with the player character being not characters at all, but blocks of numbers.

                You may claim to play TTRPGs, but you're playing a wargame at best.

              • 2 years ago

                Funny enough I am running narrative heavy osr, apocalypse world and a narrative wargame campaign. So again you make weird assumptions and are wrong.
                Post your game notes.

              • 2 years ago

                If you wanted to make this point, come up with a better fricking description than:

                >You see the orcs gathered at the bridge.

                Like come on, that description is just entirely dull and soulless. Why would we bother do describe our actions for that kind of tripe?

              • 2 years ago

                dude fricking hell hygiene, looks like your nails are about to rot off

              • 2 years ago

                Hot damn that's some chicken scratch.

          • 2 years ago

            >Except this never happens in the real world. It's like your picking up cues for what an ideal game experience should be by reading the typical preface of the book 'What is a role playing game? An Example of Play' introduction section.
            This is literally how myself and every group I’ve played with have played for the last six years. Everyone save ol’ Crazy Bill have grasped the idea pretty much immediately

        • 2 years ago

          Single action/roll combat is based and you are a homosexual for suggesting otherwise. Everything else is excusable, man. Also clean your hands, have some self respect.

    • 2 years ago

      >crits on 20s are moronic
      Why? Do you just dislike the notion of a critical hit, or is it something else?
      >players declaring the results of their roll in game world is the wrong way to do it
      What is the "right" way to roll your dice if you aren't going to declare the result of your roll? Are you saying that the GM should roll everything secretly?

      • 2 years ago

        >What is the "right" way to roll your dice if you aren't going to declare the result of your roll? Are you saying that the GM should roll everything secretly?
        This is what Dungeon World teaches you to do. A whole generation of new GMs are learning tabletops like this and you people still look surprised when the pbta morons keep destroying the hobby.

        • 2 years ago

          The PbtA morons keep saying their method is so superior and lightweight (totally not vague) and then you go to try it, only to find 10 different ways to PbtA, and 10 different people shilling it.

          • 2 years ago

            And of course that each variant of it is hyperfocussed on a single setting. Want something else? Sorry mate, this PbtA does Dungeon Drama, not swashbuckling. Try another.

  10. 2 years ago

    I mean I'm wearing adamantine full plate so I don't think I have room to complain.

  11. 2 years ago

    If the character has some sort of ability on his stat sheet that says "Immune to Crits", then no, I'm not. I'd tell the GM that his organs being inverted is a super stupid reason for that ability though. A punctured lung or a blade through the eye socket would always be a big problem, for example.

  12. 2 years ago

    I’d be confused.
    Creatures having a “fortification” ability which makes them able to ignore Frits is far from unheard of, but why is he telling me exactly what’s going on inside this jobber and is he saying the guy is fully immune or just that the fortification chance proc’d?

  13. 2 years ago

    I actually do have situs inversus, so I wouldn't be mad because of feel represented.

    • 2 years ago

      does it actually affect your life in any meaningful way or is it just something different about you?

  14. 2 years ago

    i don't play bad games

  15. 2 years ago

    crits used to imply headshots. It doesnt matter if his brain reversed, he's losing a chunk of it

  16. 2 years ago

    a crit is a crit. You can't say its only a half

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Sorry sweaty but I'm the DM so what I say goes ^_^

  17. 2 years ago

    I wouldn't be mad about the crit missing, I'd be disappointed in the GM using a bullshit throwaway fun fact when there's no way for the party to realize this through an attack roll.

  18. 2 years ago

    Okay, but Nat1 better deal massive damage

  19. 2 years ago

    This is HE, having inverted organs won't save you.

  20. 2 years ago

    >the rules
    >rules say
    >but the rules
    Do you morons even understand that the rules are just guidelines? They state as much in the rule books

    • 2 years ago

      If the rules state that the rules are just a guideline, the rule that the rules are just a guideline is a guideline, and I'm free to interpret them as laws.

      • 2 years ago

        You obviously are if you are a little beta b***h who doesnt want to play his own game with his buddies. The point being though, is that saying "the rules" is a meaningless thing

        • 2 years ago

          >The point being though, is that saying "the rules" is a meaningless thing
          It acts as a baseline assumption that everyone is operating from, if we take the stance that it's all subjective and everybody should interpret to their own discretion there's no point to discussing any intended baseline interpretation of anything. Pointing out 'the rules are guidelines' is kind of a non argument that could be used to shut down any debate.

  21. 2 years ago

    I wouldn't be playing D&D, so no.

  22. 2 years ago

    I dunno, I think I'd feel I'd deserve it for saying natty 20. Ithink the GM is going about it the wrong way by telling you why it's immune to crits right after attacking even though you would have no way of knowing.
    Having organs being on the opposite side of the body is a dumb reason, too, because you're still going to a different organ that will kill it if damaged.

  23. 2 years ago

    >HP Isn't meat points!

    Oh cool let's list all the different things that strip "luck points" away differently then

    >Wielding a larger weapon does more luck
    >Wielding a sharper or spiked weapon does more luck
    >Wielding a weapon that does the correct damage type does full luck damage to creatures resistant to specific damage types
    >Poisoned or Diseased attacks deliver their payloads when striking their luck aura
    >Being physically stronger lets you do more luck damage faster
    >Being immersed in an acidic cube or swallowed by a monster ambiently damages your luck until the enzymes finally melt through to melt your meat instead
    >Being given first aid is when a doctor repairs your luck-points with luck-bandages and luck-poultices
    >Cure Wounds refers to Curing wounds to your Luck
    >Power Attack lets you swing more aggressively to cut through more luck faster
    >A weapon that is wreathed in an aura of an element, such as a blazing sword, burns away luck faster.
    >When a Wounding Weapon drains constitution on a Hit, it does so by stealing it through your luck aura
    >Nonlethal and Lethal luck damage is tracked separately because emptying luck a specific way only knocks you unconscious
    >Any enemy that delivers any kind of crippling or debilitating effect on a hit still didn't actually do damage to your meat somehow

    • 2 years ago

      >herp derp HP is totally always meat points
      >hurr durr get hit with bigger axe lose more meat which obviously grows back if you take a breather for an hour

      • 2 years ago

        It's really interesting how you don't have a single answer to the vast majority of mechanics relating to HP and damage assuming that people are actually getting hit when the attack roll says they got hit. Do you want to maybe try explaining with grown-up words why that is?

        • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        False. You recover 3 meat points per day of bed rest or 1 meat point if you've been moving around but refraining from strenuous activity.

    • 2 years ago

      >larger weapons are harder to parry/dodge/block and inflict more bruising and scrapes even when successfully parried
      >sharper or spikier weapons ditto
      >Even glancing strikes of the correct type are better than solid hits of ones that are resisted
      >the only way to inflict poison is a full on gut stab. this is a traditional use of greentext because your premise is flawed.
      >see point one
      >immersion you survive is immersion that didn't fully affect you
      >bruises and cuts merit first aid and can be soothed
      I'm not even going to bother with the rest of it sine it all ties back to point one.

      Your first half of HP are barely hits at all, and may be near misses depending on what did the damage. The second half are more serious bumps and strains and scrapes. Literally only your very last point of HP is meat, and that's why you go down when it's lost. This literally in the book, it's not even ambiguous.

      • 2 years ago

        >he not only fell for the “hp isn’t neat points meme but is defending it”
        It literally does not matter if the book says “HP isn’t meat points” since the way they function is consistently contrary to that viewpoint. It’s hilarious that people always go to some combination of “hp is just fatigue until it isnt” when fatigue in most D&D derivatives (which is what people are talking about unless explicitly stated otherwise) HAVE a separate system for fatigue that essentially doesn’t intwract with the HP system at all.

        • 2 years ago

          Sorry your weird fetish isn't canon, but people don't bloat up with extra meat when they level up. Damage doesn't represent solid hits until you're nearly at zero or actually at zero.

    • 2 years ago

      >cast magical spells that explicitly cannot miss
      >they miss anyway, merely hurting an enemy's luck

      • 2 years ago

        >there are no steps between a complete miss and a hit so direct that it carves pieces off

  24. 2 years ago

    >>DM: No, you don't. He has situs inversus, which means his organs are inverted. Your crit is negated.
    A critical hit would take into account external factors such as inverted organs. So the player would stab the opposite position of their heart, but it would end up hitting it anyways, because it's a critical hit.

    The critical hit is the OUTCOME, how you arrive at that within the fiction can be any number of ways. Saying you negate the outcome with a feature like inverted organs is dumb.

    Certain features or creature types granting immunity to critical hits is somewhat common, if he's an ooze and an elemental with no specific weakpoints, or he has a class feature or ability or magic item that negates them, then just say so and point to the explanation. "UHHHH HIS HEART IS IN THE WRONG PLACE" doesn't make sense because by definition a critical hit will be hitting a weakpoint, so you're still hitting his weirdly placed heart within the fiction, or whatever arbitrary description you use to describe the mechanical outcome of "5% of the time you do double damage"

    • 2 years ago

      I'd generally agree, except there are creatures that have critical immunity, often due to lack of vital organs like slimes and shit like that. Situs Invernus might be used as a single use cortical immunity (or just single time critical effect negation or whatever, system specific terminology): you've thought you've pierced his heart with your blade but the heart was not there, now that you know you'll target the opposite side in the future.

    • 2 years ago

      >go to stab a heart
      >its not where you stabbed
      >but since you hit a nat 20 you actually missed with your stab and stabbed where his heart is, because magic
      sounds absolutely moronic

      • 2 years ago

        Going out of your way to stab someone in a specific spot isn't a critical hit- that's a Called Shot instead.

  25. 2 years ago

    His brain is still in his head not his nuts. Only a giant homosexual sould try to pull that.

  26. 2 years ago

    nth for that's not how crits work. If it was a called shot you'd be able to justify it but a crit doesn't specify where it hit unless you're also rolling on a table in which case you'd be called a gay for seeing a result and going, "nuh uh."

  27. 2 years ago

    as long as he has discernable anatomy he can be crit. so either make him an undead or a golem if you want crit immunity.

    the nonsense your talking only matters if someone has a power that has to target a specific organ. which is as far as I remember not a thing,

  28. 2 years ago

    Of course I would be mad. D10s only go to ten and none of my players are enourmous homosexuals, so this butthole has crashed the game.

  29. 2 years ago

    Stabbing the lung that would be on the left instead of the lung that should be on the right isn't a meaningful difference, and no one in the history of ever has said "aha, you hit my liver instead of my stomach! I'm immune to catastrophic liver damage and all the blood and skin between the outside and my liver is likewise protected! You fool!".

  30. 2 years ago

    I'd think it was cool and keep fighting, what moronic kind of question is this?

  31. 2 years ago

    Just exhausted because I had to deal with a GM exactly like this before.

  32. 2 years ago

    If you need the fricker to live for the plot, just pretend he had more health than he actually did. Don't ruin a player's good time.

  33. 2 years ago

    >Would you be mad?
    Not for more than a second because he's the GM/DM and is therefore the final arbiter of what hits and what does not hit.

  34. 2 years ago

    I'm trying to imagine a "meat point" fight, and it's looking really, really stupid. Swords actually going into people shouldn't just do abstract points of damage with no serious consequences.

    • 2 years ago

      Try playing a system without bloated HP.
      HP standing for 'Health Points' rather than 'Healthonlywhenenoughdamageisdealttoreducethenumbertozeroandrepresentinganabstractconcepttherestofthetime Points', which seems to be a common misconception.

      • 2 years ago

        NTA but I have, and they're still meat points.

  35. 2 years ago

    What? Am I fighting fricking Souther? Am I using Hokuto no Ken?
    > https://youtu.be/0m73v2vAs5I
    How does inverted organs help him, if I'm stabbing the guy? A sword through the chest is still going to frick him up.

  36. 2 years ago

    I was aiming for the head. Situs inversus your brain and let me roll dammage already

  37. 2 years ago

    Is Situs Inversus a established (homebrewed or not) trait that has the established effect of negating a [Number] of critical hit(s) [Per X] due to the unorthodox placement of your organs throwing things off? That players are aware of and might be able to use themselves? If so then that's cool.

  38. 2 years ago

    The only situation in which this would make sense is if the target was a vampire, and you were trying to stake him.
    That is actually a very funny idea to me and I'm totally gonna use it.

  39. 2 years ago

    what a coincidence, I'm also left handed

  40. 2 years ago

    Dungeon Masters describe hit point loss in different ways.
    When your current hit point total is half or more of your hit
    point maximum, you typically show no signs of injury. When
    you drop below half your hit point maximum, you show signs
    of wear, such as cuts and bruises. An attack that reduces you
    to 0 hit points strikes you directly, leaving a bleeding injury or
    other trauma, or it simply knocks you unconscious.

  41. 2 years ago

    >I'm left handed

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