>players using your own words/rules against you

>players using your own words/rules against you

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Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    > say, jokingly, that if player loses fight i will have to frick his wife in front of him
    > he loses on purpose and lets me frick his wife on the spot
    I will never play with him again, 3 months wasted on my setting's worldbuilding for nothing

    • 2 years ago

      I hate it when this happens

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          women are disgusting

          • 2 years ago

            Ah, you're a gay, nevermind then.

            • 2 years ago

              only a gay wouldn’t agree due to lack of experience
              have sex and you’ll hate women too

    • 2 years ago

      > he loses on purpose and lets me frick his wife on the spot
      L-like in the game? Or irl?

      • 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    That's how it's supposed to go. Anything you say about the world becomes a thing in the world. The one thing players need to be able to rely on in a game is the internal consistency of the setting.

    • 2 years ago

      Maybe if you play a shit game (DnD 5e, as usual).
      >noo you don't have to use the rules written in the book, the game is made to be modified. Rule 0!
      Ok. I change something because I don't like it.
      >b-b-but you said it was X! You can't just change your mind later!! You must follow the rules. If the book says something, you have to follow it
      Ok. The book says I can change the rules any time, however many times.

      • 2 years ago

        >if we give a shitty in-universe justification then it's okay for the GM to railroad the players by denying them their own abilities

        • 2 years ago

          Ah, I see you're one of those staunch supporters of the "GM vs Players" mentality. To each their own, I guess.
          My friends, and the couple players who became friends, and I trust each other. I don't bullshit them by GM fiat and railroad, and neither do they try to meta or make my life hellish. Balancing magic spells is a long and tiring process, so we often settle on playtesting a spell draft.

          If you can't trust your players, or you can't instill trust into them, or, worse, you don't even have friends to play with, stick to roll20 DnD games which fizzle out in a couple weeks.

  3. 2 years ago

    "I changed my mind because the ruling I made earlier would frick up the game, sorry dudes but it's that or we have to end the session because I'm not doing 4 hours of improv tonight."

    It's really not hard, I've done it before. Part of being a good DM is knowing when you absolutely MUST do that to keep the game going and knowing when it's ok to let your players throw you some sweet chin music. Sometimes they catch you napping and you need to roll with it, sometimes you just have a little butthole who wants to ruin/derail the campaign.

  4. 2 years ago

    Story behind the OP?

    • 2 years ago

      I believe the story goes it was a siege and the surrender terms were they let the women go with "whatever they could carry" out of the city (but as usual the men were going to be slaughtered as defenders), so the women carried their husbands out.
      I believe it was honored.

      • 2 years ago

        That's kinda cool.

      • 2 years ago

        Be honest anons, would you have been saved in that scenario?

        • 2 years ago

          homie my girl is 5 ft 3 in. She couldn’t carry me even if I cut off my legs.

          • 2 years ago

            >my girl
            get the frick out, normie

        • 2 years ago

          My beloved, carry our son and make sure he has a life that befits our lineage.
          Me? Let the foe come.

        • 2 years ago

          I would just dress as a woman and hope they don't notice my massive, square, manly jaw.

          • 2 years ago

            Just memorize the phrase "It's m'am you bigoted shitlord!" and you should be fine.

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        A time when you could take a man at his word, nowadays I have to go on the offensive and be outright hostile to everyone just to get a fricking phone contract.

      • 2 years ago

        >Letting the women go in the first place
        What kind of pussy shit is that, your soldiers have been on campaign for years they need some pussy, let them sack the city with the women in it

  5. 2 years ago

    If that's the mindset of you or your players, you're doing it wrong.

  6. 2 years ago

    This happened in one of our games and we still laugh about it today. Thankfully the DM was a good sport about it.

    >Party fleeing a city ruled from the shadows by a dracolich disguised as a bishop
    >4 gunmen ambush us
    >Doing okay in the fight, my sorc eats a solo fireball but keeps going.
    >One of the gunmen grabs our barbarian and teleports them both 500 feet up, before falling
    >Wtf dm?
    >"I've always felt you should be able to cast dimension door and drag someone along, also, fall damage shouldn't have a cap."
    >Doesn't go over super well since it was announced on that monsters turn out of nowhere, barb is really cheesed
    >Dm rolls low on fall dam age and barb lives thankfully
    >Flash forward
    >Find him again, though he poisons most of the party, I dimension door him the same way the dm did
    >Unfortunately, his flight was how we found out about him not being human
    >Fast forward
    >Set up a no knock raid on the bishop
    >Barb hauled a Canon from our ship
    >Get the dracolich in a position where they were prone and another condition which presented dex saves
    >My divine soul grabbed the barb in a move now known as the holy diver, and dimension doored her 500 feet up
    >She hurtles down with canon in her arms, ally of ours feather falls her just as she lets go of the canon
    >More than one shots him
    >Dm later decides not to allow dimension dooring other people, caps fall damage, and stated 'that' won't happen again
    Pic semi related, the sorc I played at the time

    • 2 years ago

      Why would you cap fall damage though?

      • 2 years ago

        Terminal velocity is a thing.

        • 2 years ago

          But does that even matter at the heights that realistically come up during a game? How long does a human need to fall to reach terminal velocity? I mean, there was a guy who jumped from space, making him fall faster than sound at one point.

          • 2 years ago

            >How long does a human need to fall to reach terminal velocity?
            About 12 seconds.
            >I mean, there was a guy who jumped from space, making him fall faster than sound at one point.
            Which was attained by being in a location where the drag was low enough to attain and maintain extreme speed.

            • 2 years ago

              >About 12 seconds.
              But that would take him half a kilometer down, far outside the range relevant in that game.
              But I admit, it is not as far as I thought, so capling fall damage at extreme heights makes sense.
              >Which was attained by being in a location where the drag was low enough to attain and maintain extreme speed
              That's pretty fricking cool.

    • 2 years ago

      Personally this sounds like a completely missed opportunity to me, going all Final Fantasy Dragoon on each other's asses in the sky through teleportation and breaking the sound barrier in jousting matches. Flying is essentially falling without hitting the ground after all.

  7. 2 years ago

    >Using a player's own words against them

    • 2 years ago

      This image always gets a snort out of me.

      • 2 years ago

        I usually chuckle seeing him with some random children board game.

    • 2 years ago

      >Oh, I'm sure they can fit in another bite or three.

    • 2 years ago

      >Oh, I'm sure they can fit in another bite or three.

      Have a (You)

  8. 2 years ago

    I once had a DM that frequently liked to get the upper hand on players because of rule technicalities
    >Loves shutting down players when trying to do anything that isn't explicitly "rules as written"
    >I'm sorry but the rules don't allow that
    >Mmm. That would be cool there aren't rules for that.
    >Umm technically you can't do that x100

    Sadly, this same DM also forgot minor rules all the time. I never corrected him because I didn't want to backseat DM. Just kinda went with it. However seeing him gleefully shit on the other players slowly got to me.

    >Climactic fight against arc boss
    >3 Wizards to be able to counter all of the party's spellcasters
    >Bunch of smaller enemies around the Wizards to protect them
    >Party engaged with small frys and can't get close to the Wizards
    >I back up, don't cast anything big but Counterspell one of the Wizards
    >DM makes fun of me: "Running away is pretty smart. I made this a pretty tough fight."
    >On my next turn back up to 70ft away from the closest Wizard and cast Lightning Bolt, get all 3 Wizards in line
    >DM: "Haha, nice try, but they Counterspell. Anything else?"
    >Me: "What's the range on Counterspell?
    >DM looks confused, pulls out PHB and starts flipping through
    >DM: "...60 ft"
    >Me: "And how far away am I?"
    >DM: *counts squares* "...70 ft."
    >DM: *rolls eyes* "Alright so I guess they all get Lightning Bolted..."

    That was one of the times I gave that self-important b***h a taste of his own medicine.

    • 2 years ago

      I love moving just outside of counter spell range, it's such a good feeling. Seeing the FM's smugness drain away

  9. 2 years ago

    Happened to me.
    Players were discussing payment with their benefactor. I don't usually do voices or even accents. I was trying to figure out how much they spent OOC, since the contract was for "payment + expenses" they were under the impression the whole conversation was IC, so lied their asses off about how much they spent, and ended up with about 3x what they actually spent and I never made them roll once for the lies, since I didn't make it clear I was speaking OOC.

    I basically just went "well thats my fault, its all yours folks" and went on with it. I'm a much better GM nowadays and its always obvious, through just inflection and changing how I talk, when things are IC or OOC. I still don't do voices tho. Players love to remember "that time they swindled the GM" but to be honest it hardly affected anything. They spent a bunch on stuff that didn't end up being all that useful to them, and I hiked the prices on a few choice items just so they couldn't immediately afford something game breaking.

  10. 2 years ago

    This is how the informal ban on players being able to use other players as mounts for mounted combat became a thing.

    One carried the other for a bit due to them being injured from jumping 30ft directly on top of a spring trap and totally fricking up their leg.
    The one being carried jokes around about using the other player as their trusty steed or whatever.

    Then they find themselves in combat a bit later and try to argue that they should both be able do all their actions/turn/combat stuff while on the same square at the same time because weeks earlier I ruled that when mounted the being being ridden and the rider do all of their actions together on the same turn.
    But a since a mount isn't a PC they are pretty limited in what they can do and it was only ruled that way so movement and combat maneuvers were streamlined.
    When both are PC the localized action economy gets busted as frick.
    I came up with in world practical reasons to say no at the time, then after the game when discussing maybe temperately transforming another player into a mountable creature to abuse the action economy I basically had to tell them to not and if they did I would in one way or another negate it in game because the game system isn't built for doing that.

    They basically dropped it from then on, so I didn't have to figure out a homebrewed patch or something if they insisted on being able to use each other as mounts.

  11. 2 years ago

    >make a magic system with very specific intentions
    >players immediately start getting creative
    I have very mixed feelings about this. On one hand, fricking fantastic my players are engaged. On the other hand, oh no this is going to spiral out of control.

    • 2 years ago

      cute Homu Chiaki

    • 2 years ago

      If you feel inadequate in creativity you can also parse ideas from the tbharchive or whatever its called.

  12. 2 years ago

    ...is what I live for. Get together the croakamancer, dirtamancer and scary psychic lady and weaponize the volcanoe!

  13. 2 years ago

    At one point a the dm ruled that it was impossible to do a range attack from full cover. If your behind a tree or just around a corner it’s impossible to peek out and fire even if there are arrow slits in a wall I’d doesn’t work. Later on we casually walked into a heavily guarded fortress because the walls and arrow slits were full cover. So much for the first big section of the attack.

  14. 2 years ago

    I've never had this happen to me in a bad way.
    With my most popular campaign, I designed it to allow my players to go over the top and to cool shit. When I write sessions, I first think of what cool stuff I could give them to make thwm overpowered, and THEN I design what would normally be an impossible encounter.
    I tell them to think outside the box. If they can think of something cool to do within their character's ability, I'll bend the rules, tell them what checks to roll, and see what they pull off.
    Almost every time, my players found a badass means of handling an encounter that I never even considered that I managed to learn and improve future works of mine.

    I tell them to get creative, and damn do they manage.

  15. 2 years ago

    I tend to pick girls that have a bit of muscle so maybe

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