>Players want to play exotic races

>Players want to play exotic races
>completely ignore any lore, naming conventions, heritage or cultural related things to the race
>proceed to rp them as if they were just a typical human

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  1. 4 months ago

    There's no such thing as a typical human.

    • 4 months ago

      There is no such thing as a human either, but humans (haha) really like using abstract concepts like names and words. You fricking dunce.

      • 4 months ago

        Seems like there are basic humans though, becuase you're an example of a basic b***h.

      • 4 months ago

        >There is no such thing as a human either

        • 4 months ago

          nta but genetically speaking every living thing is on a gradient of similarity to any other living thing. Species is entirely made up and the more technical and specific (lol) you get, the more it falls apart. There are absolutely people that by every conventional measure we would agree are human (same instincts, same shape, came from parents we would equally call human, have most of their genome be functionally identical) that can't successfully interbreed or even share tissue without their immune systems freaking out. This would, by scientific convention, make them different species. And yet they're still human, because they would be able to successfully interbreed with other humans - just not each other.

          It's abstracted for convenience. All nouns, both pronouns and proper nouns, are closer to each other than to the actual objects and forces they represent.

          • 4 months ago

            >This would, by scientific convention, make them different species.

            You are moronic.

    • 4 months ago

      So tell them that they can't.
      Reprimand them when they get it wrong.
      Inform them when things are wrong.

      As a GM, it's *that* simple!


  2. 4 months ago

    >OP is a dumb homosexual
    >Spams a nonsensical thread with no point, goal or resolution
    >Proceeds to argue with anyone that joins

  3. 4 months ago

    Don't care. They can do what they want.

  4. 4 months ago

    The average person is of simplistic desires and goals, they see a cool turtle person and say “I want to play that” then they will name them Jeff or Horace and proceed to not say anything unprompted for 3-5 hours. They will do this weekly for years at a time before the game ends and then never think about it again.

    NPCs walk among us, and nothing exposes them more than ttrpgs

    • 4 months ago

      This legitimately upsets me. I love beast races because I have always enjoyed the idea of different cultures clashing. But instead of playing Jackie Chan and Eddy Murphy they play Jackie Chan and also Jackie Chan. The dnd classic of "I pick elf because elf has the bonuses I want" drains me of all energy to play. It's even worse when they're aliens from another planet.

  5. 4 months ago

    >completely ignore any lore, naming conventions, heritage or cultural related things to the race
    How often does the game even give you these things?

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      You don't play games obviously

      • 4 months ago


        You're idiots and poseurs. Nearly all game books are extremely sparse on details like that, because it's left up to the DM to decide and the players to make up.

        • 4 months ago

          In 3.5, elves don't get to go to elven afterlifes because their chief god is mad at them, and dwarves like eating live grubs (bugs). Very few people know this. That said, very few people know anything not at face value because people want the skin suit, not the lore.

        • 4 months ago

          >The game books have spare on details
          Damn nogames not even going to pick up the PHB and see the multiple paragraphs for the races? Yeah XGE and TCE got no information cause wizards of the coast lost all creativity but still. Oh and don't forget that D&D has its own setting and lore. Sounds like older editions beats 5e out in mechanics and lore.

          Seriously, why even play D&D if you aren't even going to be playing in the world of D&D? Play GURPs or something else. For example if I wanted to play in the world of Marvel Comics I would use the Marvel RPG instead of Mutants and Masterminds but if I wanted to do a original setting where I control everything then sure M&M is more my speed.

          It goes beyond people pretending that they are just a funny looking human. Alot of things that happen to 'humans' in a fantasy setting get completely ignored because we simply have no reference for it, the best you can do is try to imagine how you would act with a alien view point and try to act it out.

          Long ago i ended up playing a pretty old Lich, most people just play that as a normal wizard who happens to be nearly indestructible. What i did is constantly have the guy just stand or sit in total silence while the party did normal living people things because they didn't interest him. I would even do things like leave a plastic skull at my seat at the table, leave the session and go buy pizza/soda then ask if anything happened while i was gone. Sometimes if i couldn't make the session the GM would put the skull there, even if there was combat the GM just decided he didn't participate because he didn't feel like it. Several times they actually used him as a shield because they were fighting things that didn't have magic weapons and he ignored them.

          Also he didn't fight like a wizard, once he wiped out a goblin tribe by just slowly walking through their lair and punching them one by one over half a day. Why waste spells if they can't hurt you? It isn't like he isn't patient or time is an issue. You can't really understand how they think but you can try.

          Sounds awesome Anon. Sounds like the game was high powered and cool.

  6. 4 months ago

    Most people just want to make themselves in essence even if they play a different race.

    • 4 months ago

      It’s unfortunately a very limiting inspiration for characters, I’ve been recently going out of my way to make characters I can’t relate to at all and it’s been a blast. Playing something truly different from yourself is a very fun experience. As fun as self insert power fantasies can be they get old quick, I don’t get how someone can play the same character over and over again

    • 4 months ago

      oh sorry about the confusion anon. every post in that image is mine

    • 4 months ago

      These people are all extremely boring and unimaginative.

    • 4 months ago

      I mean the problem is that we're limited by trying to imagine how another non-human sapient being would behave while

      1. Never having met one
      2. Playing a game made for humans
      3. Where all the roles you can choose are usually made for human PCs as well

      There are certain creative people that can really get out there and play an entirely different person, but even then they're based off of the other humans they know and see in media. And in terms of the mechanics of games like DnD the fact that you're another species only really matters for a couple of features meaning you're going to have to do the same checks as humans do for the most part.

      • 4 months ago

        I have never in my life been a race car driver, but I think I can imagine what being a race car driver is like. Because I have seen cars, and races, and the things surrounding race cars, and I've seen lots of media where race car drivers exist, written by non-race car drivers.

        With my life on the line I could pretend to be a race car driver to a high level of accuracy, as long as I did not have to race any cars. Would you have issues imagining what a race car driver is like?

        • 4 months ago

          Right, but a race car driver is a human. Even without direct knowledge you've probably operated a vehicle and you've been in a race in your life and you might have a job. If I told you to play a sapient car that's entirely imaginary scenario. All the things that car might feel are up to your interpretation, but will most likely mimic human desires and produce something that still feels noticeably human.

          • 4 months ago

            Why is a hobgoblin so different? A kobold? An ooze? We can only understand the world from a human perspective, and there's nothing wrong with that, no one is expecting you to have a subjective experience of being a different creature. So what if my interpretation of being a car is factually inaccurate to the real life car people of the dimension Alpha Lambda 52. They'll never know. As long as the people I play with think I believably represent a sentient car then I have succeeded. I'll let my imagination run wild with the concept and differentiate it from being human in as many ways as I can.

      • 4 months ago

        That image is a great example, even little things like 'we lay eggs' can be a focus to keep your alien nature on your mind.

        >The game books have spare on details
        Damn nogames not even going to pick up the PHB and see the multiple paragraphs for the races? Yeah XGE and TCE got no information cause wizards of the coast lost all creativity but still. Oh and don't forget that D&D has its own setting and lore. Sounds like older editions beats 5e out in mechanics and lore.

        Seriously, why even play D&D if you aren't even going to be playing in the world of D&D? Play GURPs or something else. For example if I wanted to play in the world of Marvel Comics I would use the Marvel RPG instead of Mutants and Masterminds but if I wanted to do a original setting where I control everything then sure M&M is more my speed.

        Sounds awesome Anon. Sounds like the game was high powered and cool.

        >Sounds awesome Anon. Sounds like the game was high powered and cool.

        Set in the Realms our enemies were Bane, Arioch, Khorne and Cthulhu in that order. At one point or another party members included Stormbringer/Elric, Kurtulmak, Loth, Conan, Arioch, Elminister, Takhsis/Tiamat, Soth and Vechna.

        None of them besides Conan and Loth were involved in the parties assassination attempts. Me and Vechna caused half of Waterdeep to be evacuated when they just stood in a street staring at each other for a week. The party thought there was going to be a apocalyptic duel, they actually just didn't have anything better to do while the party went shopping.

  7. 4 months ago

    I'd just add that there's so much you can do to be faithful on a race's lore before it becomes self-limiting and not fun to roleplay as.

    Do I want to roleplay as a Kobold? Yes, but if I were to respect every single aspect their lore told me, I'd probably not be adventuring but in a Dragon's lair crafting traps all day.

    • 4 months ago


      >Players want to play exotic races
      >completely ignore any lore, naming conventions, heritage or cultural related things to the race
      >proceed to rp them as if they were just a typical human

      It goes beyond people pretending that they are just a funny looking human. Alot of things that happen to 'humans' in a fantasy setting get completely ignored because we simply have no reference for it, the best you can do is try to imagine how you would act with a alien view point and try to act it out.

      Long ago i ended up playing a pretty old Lich, most people just play that as a normal wizard who happens to be nearly indestructible. What i did is constantly have the guy just stand or sit in total silence while the party did normal living people things because they didn't interest him. I would even do things like leave a plastic skull at my seat at the table, leave the session and go buy pizza/soda then ask if anything happened while i was gone. Sometimes if i couldn't make the session the GM would put the skull there, even if there was combat the GM just decided he didn't participate because he didn't feel like it. Several times they actually used him as a shield because they were fighting things that didn't have magic weapons and he ignored them.

      Also he didn't fight like a wizard, once he wiped out a goblin tribe by just slowly walking through their lair and punching them one by one over half a day. Why waste spells if they can't hurt you? It isn't like he isn't patient or time is an issue. You can't really understand how they think but you can try.

      • 4 months ago

        It seems you were roleplaying and creating an interpretation of the character based on the information available to you, and in doing so created a fun and interesting character that was memorable to yourself and others. Sounds really fun. What do you call this newfangled way to both roleplay and play a game at the same time?

        Joking aside that's a cool character concept and I wish more people had your attitude.

        • 4 months ago

          He was fun, the party didn't even want him as a member he just ignored them and went anyway. Several times they tried to ambush and destroy him, each time he would wipe them out with absurd ease (usually in melee) then bring them back with resurrection/restoration and acted like it never happened.

          It was how we got around having a 1est ed Barbarian and Paladin in the same party as a LE Lich, they didn't actually want him there but couldn't do anything about it so it wasn't a class restriction violation.

  8. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      You have been visited by the spider-sasquatch of boundless stride. Rich harvests and great knowledge will come to you but only if you post a "ramble on" in this thread.

  9. 4 months ago

    I'd say 'stop playing with morons,' but considering your level of intelligence...

  10. 4 months ago


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