Playing the opposite sex, how was the experience?

I've been pondering for a game I'll be joining soon on if I could well, play as a girl. (and Pic related would be the PC. Or the PC's mom if I choose a guy). It feels like it'd be weird to play the opposite sex, but also specifically in this case it feels less weird for a girl to drink someone's blood then a guy's.

For those who have played with voice chat, roll20, and the like, how is it playing the opposite sex? I've never played the opposite sex for a voiced campaign before, I'm on the fence.

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    It happens a lot in my groups. One of my players always flips a coin for his characters' gender, and a couple of the girls are currently playing dudes. It's fine, don't get yourself too hung up about it.

    • 2 years ago

      This, it's only weird if you make it weird by acting weird about it.

      • 2 years ago

        Jumping in with a query of my own

        What if, when given the choice, a player would almost always choose playing as their opposite gender?
        I totally fall into this category. It's not rooted in horny or dysphoria, I just like playing as a girl. From a purely shallow optics perspective, how does that look to others?

        • 2 years ago

          I've often played with a guy that always played women. He was a good player, but outside of games, I just learned he was generally horny as shit. Nothing wrong with that though, I like women as much as him, but he at least kept it out of our games and just played a normal character.
          None of us really thought anything of it, I just noticed recently in hindsight.

        • 2 years ago

          If the group is cringe then they will cringe. Of you make it weird them people will cringe too.
          I too often play as female characters. And have a player that mostly plays female characters. We are both marryed with kids.
          It might be a problem with younger players though.

        • 2 years ago

          It could just be totally arbitrary, but even though you say it's not rooted in horny or dysphoria, if someone were looking for a pattern or reason, it would probably come across as one of those two, and it's fairly obvious whether or not it's the first one. Not to assert an armchair internet diagnosis on anyone, but..

          One of my friends has played exclusively female characters for 5 years now. He played two (2) male characters ever, out of over 50 I've seen him play. He's in his late 20s and never had a gf and I've never seen him express interest in women or call them hot. He doesn't put on a voicr or anything. Idk why. He also draws them all. He says women are more fun to draw. Soemtimes I wonder if there's something more to it but there probably isn't.

 not uncommon at all for potentially trans people who are still completely oblivious to themselves.

        • 2 years ago

          It makes you look like a homosexual. I'd never advocate that men must play men and women mist play women, but if you only exclusively play as the opposite gender, that's a big red flag.

        • 2 years ago

          It doesn't say anything definitive, but it is a red flag.

    • 2 years ago

      Yup. It's only weird if you're clearly getting off on it while playing. Try to avoid that.

    • 2 years ago

      >It's fine, don't get yourself too hung up about it.
      His type have trouble not getting hanged up on things.

  2. 2 years ago

    Every male npc wanted to frick me. It was weird but I guess pretty realistic.

  3. 2 years ago

    imagine the smelle

  4. 2 years ago

    It ain't weird in my group at least. I play a girl maybe 80% of the time because that's what I like to draw, and honestly they feel easier for me to play, especially with any level of charm to them. Really all you have to do is get the tone of their voice down, not necessarily try to sound like her.

    • 2 years ago

      >I play a girl maybe 80% of the time because that's what I like to draw
      Based, post more.

    • 2 years ago

      OP here.
      Part of me is worried about well, I won't be able to bro it up with my party members. The last time I played the only girl in a (Text) campaign, I always felt that barrier of separation where I couldn't bro it up with the other guys. That's I suppose the thing I really felt like I missed out on.

      In this game (with people I've never played before) I got a wizard boy and a goliath and a tiefling girl as party members.

      She's a real cute.
      I feel drawn to the beautiful girls and whenever I build character concepts 9 times out of 10 there's art of a cute girl behind it.

      • 2 years ago

        who ever said a girl can't be one of the bros

        • 2 years ago

          I really like this picture. I think when my campaign ends im going to make a character based on that pic. Only thing I have to figure out is what classes to take in combination since we use gestalt classes.

          • 2 years ago

            The character in the image is a cavalier knight who uses lances. Anything mounted, anything chivalric, anything hotheaded would work.

        • 2 years ago

          Your attraction towards tomboys is merely a juvenile repressed anxiety towards women.

          • 2 years ago

            Wasted dubs. Short hair on women is incredibly attractive in general.

            • 2 years ago

              It depends. Some women cant pull it off and they just look like effeminate men.

          • 2 years ago

            your rejection of tomboys is telling of your own insecurity in your masculinity.
            or if grill
            u a jelly bean
            and beans only make farts

            • 2 years ago

              Stop typing like a Black.

        • 2 years ago

          I really like this picture. I think when my campaign ends im going to make a character based on that pic. Only thing I have to figure out is what classes to take in combination since we use gestalt classes.

          >Bulldyke Lesbian
          >One of the Bros
          Did you even play the FE game that she's from? She was never one of the bros. She's hostile and stand-offish to most of the other party members and such is the case with most female toons that try awkwardly to be 'One of the Bros'.

          • 2 years ago

            FE has been shit since sacred stones

          • 2 years ago

            I dont give a frick about the source material. I just like the character design.

          • 2 years ago

            See the fun part of that game was that shipping was an actual game mechanic, so I paired her up with the tiny twinkette witch girl and MADE THEM lesbians.

          • 2 years ago

            >Both tries awkwardly to be "one of the bois", but is hostile and stand-offish.
            So, a Tsundere.

            • 2 years ago

              Tsundere implies they eventually become friendly

              • 2 years ago

                Tsunderes show affection by bullying. If they become friendly they aren't tsundere anymore, just emotionally healthy.

              • 2 years ago


                Tsundere implies they eventually become friendly

                was correct to begin with. Tsundere refers to a character development process of starting off as a b***h (tsun tsun) and later becoming affectionate (dere dere).

              • 2 years ago

                >Tsundere refers to a character development process of starting off as a b***h (tsun tsun) and later becoming affectionate (dere dere).
                That's the classic tsundere, but there's plenty of tsundere that are just bipolar c**ts.
                See pic related.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't really think tsundere = bipolar

                It is more like Borderline where you use people. Borderline people generally regard all humans as tools where if they are useless you treat them like shit but once a borderline woman realizes that a man is going to give her cummies, orgasms, and a place to stay, they usually start being very nice to their man

                Bipolar is more about huge bursts of energy then crashing into depression

              • 2 years ago

                I'm just saying that hack writers who don't want to put in the effort of having a character warm up over time just make their tsundere flip back and forth constantly.
                Not trying to give a serious medical diagnosis.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh. Then I agree with you, anime writing in 2020s is shit. I still watch the classics but nothing recent

          • 2 years ago

            Marrying her to Chrom was great because when Lucina confessed she just autistically swings her sword and doesn't really know what to say.

        • 2 years ago

          You'll never be one of the bros as long as the bros want to frick you.

          • 2 years ago

            That's something I'm actually worried about. I'm pretty sure we're all autists, but I'm not sure if the romance question gets involved.

            As talking to the DM, he said he doesn't really use girls because he can't do a female voice.
            Also, drinking the blood of men will feel really awkward (where-as a cute vampire girl could get away with that)

            I don't know how I'm still so torn.


            I have a fun backstory, I feel odd posting it here on Ganker (especially if my teammates see, they might just) Everyone had to fight during the war, including the bookkeepers like her. Post-war she married the Chad Sorcerer who swept her off her feet during those hard times. They had 2 kids and they had a good life together until he passed away at a ripe old age.

        • 2 years ago

          Indeed, I always married this cutie every play through
          She’s such a bro with awesome pranks
          such as getting me to fall in love with her and then we start a family so funny

          • 2 years ago

            >Maribelle would like to know your location

            • 2 years ago

              And I would like to know Maribelles location.
              so I can ask her to marry me

          • 2 years ago

            For me it’s the sleepy girl. Her personality is a vibe and she’s prime snuggling material.

            • 2 years ago

              Say'ri, get off of Ganker.

        • 2 years ago

          I've played chicks before and it's generally gone over pretty well. My male voice never seemed to harm anyone else's ability to imagine the character. The experience isn't all that different unless you have trouble getting out of your own head or you have overbearing preconceptions of female behavior. If it's really necessary, maybe tend towards third person descriptions to help differentiate yourself from the character.
          All that said, I naturally avoid playing girly girls, since I like girls with a bit of grit, so I can't really comment on what it's like trying to go all the way in emulating female behavior. In my experience, though, just a few little feminine details can go a long way.

          I love female "knights" so fricking much, but not because they're useful warriors.

      • 2 years ago

        I've never had any issue with this, but I also think I play a lot more tomboys than most people. Just disregard whatever boundaries you think there are between you and the male characters, don't focus on your differences. I wish I could explain it better, because in text RP most guys play girls wildly different from how I do, and I've only seen a few others do it verbally.

        • 2 years ago

          Think it's possible to make a tomboy lady vampire noble?
          I feel a bit constrained by some of the limitations by the social status and by the sex, and a bit of the need to drink blood when the the usual (DM provided) substitutes aren't around to quench that thirst.

          And now part of me is doubting if they would even present themselves as the magnificent child of a countess, or if they'd pretend to be just a normal person and try that "normal style" that father came from for once.

          • 2 years ago

            Everyone knows the classiest way to consume blood is mixed with a little wine, and drunk from a chalice.

      • 2 years ago

        Just play a girl with a tomboy personality

        I played a female paladin for 4 years. No one thought it weird. Only when she was put into weird situations from the Adventure Paths did anyone be like wtf.
        Thank you James Jacobs and your need to throw your fetishes into Pathfinder APs.

        • 2 years ago

          Kek what? Give us more context Anon.

          • 2 years ago

            Some of the early pathfinder adventures and monsters tend to have some fetishes slipped in. As many GMs do.

            My party always looked at my Paladin like a little sister. Platonic ofc. People who get weirded out by someone playing the opposite gender or try to frick your female characters are pretty cringe imo

            >Rise of the Runelords First book had a man who got sick with Ghoul Fever who becomes obsessive with a female PC. He ends up being a psycho murderer and writes you a letter in blood. Also there is a female aasimar who is corrupted by Lamashtu (impreg and monster goddess). There is also a part in book 5 where you deal with like a sex dungeon.

            Also run into qlippoth who try to impregnate you with an attack. Deal with tentacle monsters form time to time.

            All in all the early APs and whatnot are pretty normal but it can get kinda magical realm from time to time.

            • 2 years ago

              running the sex dungeon was fun. The barbarian loaded himself up with save buffs and enlarge person. Survived the succubus's level drain with one level left. She then pulled out her own dick and fricked him in the ass for 10 minutes. Transformed his body into a woman's, plus dick. Kicked him out of the boudoir along with the golden dildo
              Rise of the Runelords is not appropriate for kids

              • 2 years ago

                Most of the early campaigns aren't very appropriate for kids.

                The Sex dungeon was fun.
                My paladin buffed up similarly, even prepped Death Ward with a bit of foresight, and agreed with the Succ for 10 minutes alone and no gear for either of them. Basically they made out, wrestled naked, and kept trying to pin eachother and all that. The Succubus was quite upset that she didn't level drain or dominate my paly as they both walked out covered in bruises, scratches, oil, and sweat.

            • 2 years ago

              >People who get weirded out by someone playing the opposite gender or try to frick your female characters are pretty cringe imo
              That and your posts in general genuinely sounds like your group is not emotionally mature enough to handle cross-gender. They even sidelined your characters gender into "little sister" status so they just didn't have to deal with that.

      • 2 years ago

        Play a girl who wants to be one of the bros and its a recurring joke that she tries to fit in even though shes not the most tomboyish. You know it would be cute

      • 2 years ago

        I hate the dungeon exploring format with a passion, but the one time I made a character who was basically indiana jones but a warlock, and whom loved dungeoneering, suddenly the dungeon crawling was fun. It came naturally because all I was doing was staying true to the character.

        Just make a character that would bro it up, and you'll be able to bro it up. It's really that easy.

      • 2 years ago

        >I feel drawn to the beautiful girls and whenever I build character concepts 9 times out of 10 there's art of a cute girl behind it.
        This is a huge redflag.

      • 2 years ago

        Why do you have to play a cute girl? I don’t understand.

      • 2 years ago
  5. 2 years ago

    Totally fine for me. I usually play a dude but occasionally I want to either try female exclusive classes or just have an idea for a girl. I'm the narrator for my character not the character themselves so it doesn't bother me. I do try and put a little of myself into each but again it isn't me and I don't play it as myself. Fun at times.

  6. 2 years ago

    >Pic related would be the PC
    >coomshit anime trash
    No, I don't think you should play a girl.

  7. 2 years ago

    Well, there is also the idea that as a girl you can be more irresponsible then a guy. "Oh that's just a girl fooling around".

  8. 2 years ago

    So long as you aren't doing it for coomer reasons, I think most players are okay with it. I've seen it done from both ends successfully. I've done it once too. Played a Quasimodo ripoff once, just a female instead of a guy. Hideous looking female Dwarf Cleric that was convinced they were a monster in Human society. Was a lot of fun.

  9. 2 years ago

    I typically choose a class or concept I want and then find a nice picture and use that for inspiration, so I've played both sexes before, and other people in my group have done the same. As long as you are playing an actual character and not being weird about being the opposite sex it works fine and I've never had an issue, though if you have players in your group that do the stereotypical "hit on literally any female NPC" thing I guess there might be problems there.
    Also I've found a good method for a low-effort female voice is just to try and speak a little softer and faster than normal, at least when I do that my voice naturally goes a bit higher in pitch without sounding super fake. Not sure if that works for everyone though

  10. 2 years ago

    Fellas, is it gay to exclusively play male characters as a man? Think about it, it means that out of all the traits a character could have the presence or absence of a dick is what determines whether or not you play one. Spending this much time thinking about a someone's dick sounds pretty gay to me.

    • 2 years ago

      Unironically this.

      It's just a few trivial details of anatomy and potentially some roleplay differences - it's really no different to playing an Elf wizard, a swarmbot, or even Conan the Barbarian. What matters is having a character you want to play.

      Given that in most games genitals have absolutely no role to play outside of "fade to black" moments, there'll be no pressure to actively engage or disengage with the technical details... at least in a group that's not infected with misogynists. Which is most of them.

    • 2 years ago

      That's like saying you are a white supremacist if you only play white humans. Some people don't want to have too much separation between them and their character, not necessarily because they want to insert themselves into the game, it might just be because they feel more comfortable playing a character that isn't too far from what they are used to.

    • 2 years ago

      Touch grass you homosexual.

  11. 2 years ago

    Speaking in the 3rd person helps if you suck at falsetto

  12. 2 years ago

    >For those who have played with voice chat, roll20, and the like, how is it playing the opposite sex? I've never played the opposite sex for a voiced campaign before, I'm on the fence.
    I made a female character once. We didn't use any tokens or miniatures to represent our characters and by the second session everyone had forgotten that my character was female because I didn't have the balls to make a girly voice or act overly effeminate in any way. Since then I never tried it again. I figured I'm not talented enough to create convincing female dialogue. This was in a campaign that's a lot more RP focused and very dialogue heavy.

  13. 2 years ago

    What worked for me was to give up on attempting a realistic portrayal and go for theatrical slightly exaggerated interpretation.

  14. 2 years ago

    I avoid playing as a girl cause it would be too magical realm shit as I would only choose specific things that turns me on like a e-girl magician or something like that.

    • 2 years ago

      At least you're wise enough to know your limits

  15. 2 years ago
  16. 2 years ago

    I play as a female character about half the time. I find it fun, I sometimes do a little bit of a higher voice but I'm not going to pretend to do a female voice.
    They're often a bit more on the tomboyish side, in one oneshot I played a female barbarian that was part of the city guard and happily married. I'm explicitly not looking for being alluring or a seductress as that's getting pretty homo.

    • 2 years ago

      See, as part of playing part vampire, I feel it's a bit obliged be a bit seductive, or at least suave. To be a very charismatic person.

      • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          film makers have really been bastardizing book monsters since the beginning. making the count into this fugly bastard and turning the adonis bodied and articulate Adam Frankenstein into a mumbling flat head.

          • 2 years ago

            Hilariously, I think the most accurate portrayal of Frankenstein's monster I've seen was in a film called "I, Frankenstein", which was based off a comic where Adam sides with Gargoyles fighting against Demons and gets with a hot scientist lady somewhere in the process.

          • 2 years ago

            Hilariously, I think the most accurate portrayal of Frankenstein's monster I've seen was in a film called "I, Frankenstein", which was based off a comic where Adam sides with Gargoyles fighting against Demons and gets with a hot scientist lady somewhere in the process.

            Frankenstein's monster was always described as a disgusting wretch that was repulsive to look at, though you are right about his intelligence level. I think that one really trashy Van Helsing movie actually had a great take on him: repulsive, absurdly strong, but also eloquent and pensive. Dude just wanted to live his unnatural life in peace.

  17. 2 years ago

    I'm a guy, but almost every character I've ever played as been female. The experience was normal, I guess? The entire point of playing a character is that you're being something you aren't, and pretending to be a chick isn't any different from pretending to be a vampire, or a Jedi, or a dwarf.

  18. 2 years ago

    Got captured by orcs and raped. The usual.

  19. 2 years ago

    >For those who have played with voice chat, roll20, and the like, how is it playing the opposite sex?
    Depends on the playgroup. Under most circumstances, it's just fine and works like playing a character of your regular sex. With the wrong group, they'll make it weird and you won't have fun with that.

  20. 2 years ago

    I had a trans player b***h at me that I wasn’t doing it right. The GM was female and told me I was fine.

  21. 2 years ago

    I currently play a female character in Vampire and she is the beautiful seductive type that likes to tease and flirt. It definitely is another experience than a male character since seductive and flirty has a different meaning for woman. I find it a fun challenge and my group says I do it well.

  22. 2 years ago

    I played a girl in my college RPG group's oneshots (in person). Our group had 1 female player, she and the rest of the male players all played male characters in those sessions. It wasn't weird but I never had her doing sexytimes so no reason it should have either.

  23. 2 years ago

    I couldn’t stop playing with my vegana and breasts…honestly I don’t even remember the campaign. Fingering myself was too much fun

  24. 2 years ago

    Men tend to be better characters tbh. Most people don't know how to roleplay a female character (even women). It's either lewd as shit or gIrLpOwEr, and it comes off as unnatural.

    • 2 years ago

      >t, tard who fails at playing any kind of character

    • 2 years ago

      a woman who RPs as a anime girl has other issues than just playing DnD.

  25. 2 years ago

    >people whi see the character as an extension of themselves and not one particular entity you use to enact agency over the course of a story

  26. 2 years ago

    I've played chicks before and it's generally gone over pretty well. My male voice never seemed to harm anyone else's ability to imagine the character. The experience isn't all that different unless you have trouble getting out of your own head or you have overbearing preconceptions of female behavior. If it's really necessary, maybe tend towards third person descriptions to help differentiate yourself from the character.
    All that said, I naturally avoid playing girly girls, since I like girls with a bit of grit, so I can't really comment on what it's like trying to go all the way in emulating female behavior. In my experience, though, just a few little feminine details can go a long way.

  27. 2 years ago

    I played a female once, and my GM gave me a rapist NPC who was obsessed with her. He would stalk her, leave "presents" at her bed, and constantly talk about their future together. The upside was he would murder people who inconvenienced my character, so a lot of his gifts would just be the guts of whatever NPC trader made a snide remark.

  28. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I've been playing a female character for the first time, and it's been great. She's probably my favorite character I've played so far. Since I've felt a pressure to make my male characters macho when I've never been macho myself, this current character actually seems more natural to play, as we share a scholarly background. It also helps that she was raised in a religious community that taught no distinction in kind between male and female souls, so she's not particularly "feminine" and in some respects approximates the masculine ideal better than I do with regard to assertiveness, confidence, and drive. Altogether, she's a kind of proto-feminist, no-nonsense character who rejects what she sees as weaknesses in both genders but conforms to her socially expected role when it is advantageous to do so. Beauty is also not a factor because she doesn't have it. So I guess you could say that I've made a female character who has excuses to act like a male in nearly every respect, but, in any case, I've found portraying her to be both challenging and deeply rewarding. I don't know how things would go if I tried for a more femme character, though.

      I don't know why people have to make this weird. If a child will spontaneously go, "look, I'm an elephant! *trumpet noises*," then we shouldn't find it at all strange that an adult might choose to pretend to be the opposite sex when given the chance. Humans like to play around and pretend. If you need a more in-depth analysis, see Richard Bartle's many dissections of this topic.

    • 2 years ago

      that comic was drawn by an actual troony
      wonder what kind of person would repost it everywhere

    • 2 years ago

      better version

      • 2 years ago

        All those excuses are still just cope. You don't need an excuse to roleplay something. But if you do, it's likely there's something wrong with you. Massive redflag.

        • 2 years ago

          The man asked. They're automatically "reasons."
          You may not need an excuse, but to roleplay something for zero reason is fricking moronic, one way or another.

        • 2 years ago

          >You played as a girl in a videogame or a pretend game?
          >you must be a troony!
          >troony troony troony
          >you should start doing hrt haha troony
          >maybe dress up too
          >please be a troony
          your low tier mind games dont work on me, degenerate

        • 2 years ago

          Okay groomer.

          • 2 years ago

            Seek help/therapy.

        • 2 years ago

          >>I'm going to roleplay something very different to what i am perhaps elf, a half dragon, a robot docter
          >sounds good
          >>Yeah maybe even a woman
          shit's play and doesn't need any correlation.

          • 2 years ago

            Is this what a lack of reading comprehension looks like?

            • 2 years ago

              It's more what a russian chatbot trying to derail us with transphobia looks like

      • 2 years ago

        Comic is still dumb

        I play a girl because I want to be a girl, obviously. Who wouldn't want a better, easier life?

        I'm just not mentally ill enough to be a troony or anything. I know it's not something that can ever happen, but if I'm given the option in a fantasy game, why not?

  29. 2 years ago

    Played my first female character last week. I tried to play her as tomboyish brutal & a pinch of blood lust sprinkled on top, but also be realistic to how women act, she makes some decisions using emotion as the choosing factor rather than logic it's going surprisingly well so far.

  30. 2 years ago

    About 1/3rd of my characters have been female. It's only been a problem once, when the DM turned out to believe that all women desire to be raped and absolutely lost his shit, called me a murderer, and threw a screaming temper tantrum when one of his NPC's sexually assaulted my character and I defended myself with a knife.

    • 2 years ago
  31. 2 years ago

    Depends. I've done it loads of times, and it didn't mean anything except on the rare occasion people actually role play. But I know one guy who always makes it weird, commissions porn of his character and all sorts of shit.

  32. 2 years ago


    Aye, sir, much of what you say bears the mark of truth. Do you think I do not know what the people think of me or in what sort of grave I will surely be interred? But it is not for glory or land or title or even the honors of men that I bear up my blade. I am a knight because when I come before God and He asks me in thunder whether I have done all I could to shield those who had no defense apart from what I could provide, I wish to say, "Yes, Lord, yes, I have done it all! I have squeezed out every drop of my meager strength for the sake of those you love!" And even if I am spit on, even if I am crushed, I intend to stay the course to the end, and by God's grace, I will!

    • 2 years ago

      And further, sir, I say that your discouragements deter me not at all in the face of the great need of the people, which makes itself most evident to any who look. For so dense is the cloud of darkness which has settled upon these lands and so inadequate the forces which have been mustered in response that the might of any who would oppose our enemies must not be despised, aye, even the might of a woman. If you wouldst loose your ire upon someone, loose it upon those men who now cower in their homes and that I must shame by serving as examplar of all they ought to be. If the appearance of a woman in armor offends you, sir, let it serve to you as a sign of the times which we have come to, that she should be compelled to such a position on account of the great need and the weakness in heart borne by the strong in body.

      To conclude, sir, if my taking up the mantle of knighthood, which to me seems an assumption and to you a presumption, truly offends you so, I would advise that you double down in your efforts to restore harmony and prosperity to our region that I might one day have hope of laying down arms and returning to that position which you think I ought rightfully occupy. Were you to achieve it, there is no news I would more readily and joyously receive. Good day to you and may God bless all your strivings for the sake of our people and our land.

      Holy shit ESL phoneposters are cringe.

      • 2 years ago

        Still better than the pasta it's replying to.

        • 2 years ago

          It really isn't. And it could've been a single post if his ADHD riddled ass took some time to proofread.

      • 2 years ago

        I'll accept it if you think my post is cringe, and I admit to the phoneposting and the ADD tendencies, but I have no idea how you're getting ESL out of it. It's written to sound archaic, you know?

  33. 2 years ago


    Aye, sir, much of what you say bears the mark of truth. Do you think I do not know what the people think of me or in what sort of grave I will surely be interred? But it is not for glory or land or title or even the honors of men that I bear up my blade. I am a knight because when I come before God and He asks me in thunder whether I have done all I could to shield those who had no defense apart from what I could provide, I wish to say, "Yes, Lord, yes, I have done it all! I have squeezed out every drop of my meager strength for the sake of those you love!" And even if I am spit on, even if I am crushed, I intend to stay the course to the end, and by God's grace, I will!

    And further, sir, I say that your discouragements deter me not at all in the face of the great need of the people, which makes itself most evident to any who look. For so dense is the cloud of darkness which has settled upon these lands and so inadequate the forces which have been mustered in response that the might of any who would oppose our enemies must not be despised, aye, even the might of a woman. If you wouldst loose your ire upon someone, loose it upon those men who now cower in their homes and that I must shame by serving as examplar of all they ought to be. If the appearance of a woman in armor offends you, sir, let it serve to you as a sign of the times which we have come to, that she should be compelled to such a position on account of the great need and the weakness in heart borne by the strong in body.

  34. 2 years ago

    My character died in a campaign, and his dying wish was to revive his daughter (that was his whole motivation for adventuring to begin with), and then we just decided that I would keep playing as his daughter.
    It's only weird if you make it weird, you should know what are the boundaries within your group, and as long as it's something that you would do even if you were playing as a dude, then it's fine.

  35. 2 years ago


    Aye, sir, much of what you say bears the mark of truth. Do you think I do not know what the people think of me or in what sort of grave I will surely be interred? But it is not for glory or land or title or even the honors of men that I bear up my blade. I am a knight because when I come before God and He asks me in thunder whether I have done all I could to shield those who had no defense apart from what I could provide, I wish to say, "Yes, Lord, yes, I have done it all! I have squeezed out every drop of my meager strength for the sake of those you love!" And even if I am spit on, even if I am crushed, I intend to stay the course to the end, and by God's grace, I will!

    And further, sir, I say that your discouragements deter me not at all in the face of the great need of the people, which makes itself most evident to any who look. For so dense is the cloud of darkness which has settled upon these lands and so inadequate the forces which have been mustered in response that the might of any who would oppose our enemies must not be despised, aye, even the might of a woman. If you wouldst loose your ire upon someone, loose it upon those men who now cower in their homes and that I must shame by serving as examplar of all they ought to be. If the appearance of a woman in armor offends you, sir, let it serve to you as a sign of the times which we have come to, that she should be compelled to such a position on account of the great need and the weakness in heart borne by the strong in body.

    To conclude, sir, if my taking up the mantle of knighthood, which to me seems an assumption and to you a presumption, truly offends you so, I would advise that you double down in your efforts to restore harmony and prosperity to our region that I might one day have hope of laying down arms and returning to that position which you think I ought rightfully occupy. Were you to achieve it, there is no news I would more readily and joyously receive. Good day to you and may God bless all your strivings for the sake of our people and our land.

  36. 2 years ago

    Playing another sex is just like playing another race, religion, nationality, mental state, etc. It is only weird or bad if you make it weird or bad. I'm a happily-married man, and I don't hesitate to present female characters as a player or GM. My most recent character was a male vampire in a voice game, and I routinely introduce male, female, and other potential love interests to the PCs in my campaigns.

    Tip 1: Don't try and sound like a woman. You could soften your voice a little bit, or otherwise change your tone and accent to better fit the character's speech, but unless you are a highly-skilled voice actor I would advise against going full falsetto. You could even rely on narration, like "Vampira sneers, then haughtily tells the bandit to throw down his weapon."

    Tip 2: When making a female character, work from examples. You've presumably spoken with women before, even if only your mother, sister, aunt, or teacher. You've seen movies and TV with female protagonists. Ideally, you've maybe even read a few books like that. Use those as a basis, not whatever memes or stereotypes the Internet might give you. You are making (at least the façade of) a complete and complex fictional person, and despite what /LULZ/ will tell you, that includes women.

    Tip 3: Don't fetishize. That's the single fastest way to make this weird. This is important, especially with the upskirt anime pic you posted. Even if the character you are playing is a type that you'd want to frick, don't let that influence your roleplaying unless this is going to be an ERP or stealth-ERP. You need to be able to separate your sexuality from the character's, or else you need to de-emphasize that aspect entirely.

    It is entirely possible to ignore this advice and get away with it. I've definitely made a few female NPCs that existed for subtle magical realm purposes, and my players (except my wife) never knew. But as a beginner, you shouldn't try it.

    • 2 years ago

      >not whatever memes or stereotypes the Internet might give you
      I've literally roleplayed as a barbarian that acted like a caveman and it was one of the funniest characters that our group has seen. Even our DM liked him because he would stop people trying to metagame too much.

    • 2 years ago

      >You've presumably spoken with women before
      A bold assertion to make on /tg/.

  37. 2 years ago


    Your moronic pasta is still moronic no matter how much you spam it

  38. 2 years ago

    My most recent character died and got reincarnated, came back as a female. Still refers to himself as is still just as much of a lecherous drunkard as before

  39. 2 years ago

    I've only played a girl once, and it was when I was a kid. DM made it weird but ultimately let me do it. The game had basically no RP in it, I don't think it really counts.

  40. 2 years ago

    We don't allow players to play the opposite sex and never had an issue with that, in decades.

  41. 2 years ago

    I can act like the consequence free sociopath I always wanted to be as I used charisma and good looks to get out of all the trouble I get into in the first place.

  42. 2 years ago

    I once got challegned to make a female character for a campaign by my friends and since I'm a huge coomer they knew it would be hard for me not to make shit weird.
    So I made an old, wrinkly babushka obsessed with keeping the rest of the party fed and warmly dressed, telling stories about how everything was better "back then" and gossiping about current events with other old ladies at the marketplace.
    It was suprisingly fun.

    • 2 years ago

      This, playing old ladies is super fun. I made an old crone, baba yaga-type. She was mean and very judgemental, but ended up taking a liking to the party (though she would hide it from them)

    • 2 years ago

      This, playing old ladies is super fun. I made an old crone, baba yaga-type. She was mean and very judgemental, but ended up taking a liking to the party (though she would hide it from them)

      These sound like fun. Now I want to play the chain smoking chinese dragon lady landlord.
      >fluent in all languages spoken in the building, if only to let you know when rent is due, or to disapprove of your clothes.
      >can yell in all afore mentioned languages without dropping her ashy cigarette
      >melee weapon include rolled up newspaper or serving spoon
      >range weapon slippers or ashtray
      >likes Hong Kong soap operas and crispy duck
      >dislikes Koreans and late rent
      >avowed Mahjongg hustler

  43. 2 years ago

    It's just like playing a male except half the world's population acts nice to you because they want to frick you. So it's actually not like playing a male at all because your personality will inevitably be warped by such treatment, and the key difference is going to come down to the following factors:
    >do you like that so many people are nice to you
    >do you realize that the above only applies because they want to have sex with you
    >do you like that people are nice to you only because they want to frick you
    >do you like that people want to frick you
    Answer these questions on your would-be character's behalf and you got yourself a female personality.

    • 2 years ago

      not op but i find all of thosse extremely hot

    • 2 years ago

      But that won't happen. The GM knows that you're a man, and the PCs will treat you accordingly, while a girl's male PC will be treated like a woman if the GM wants to frick her.

      • 2 years ago

        Not really. This is cringe and only happens in reddit screencaps.

        Most D&D groups don't deal with sex or even consider it part of the game. When I was in college a couple was trying to derail my campaign with their love story and I made them fail tons of stat checks and said she wasn't interested because why would a hot elf want anything to do with a gross old wizard with low cha and we ultimately stopped inviting them

  44. 2 years ago

    Played a wizard arcanist teacher once.
    Truthfully it was no different to me.

  45. 2 years ago

    I played female characters only twice, despite playing and GMing since 2005.
    One was a 16 year old apprentice wizard in WFRP 2e, rolled completely randomly - I rolled even for the sex of the character, because during the generation both I and the GM were drunk and thought it would be a funny idea.
    Another time I played a female half-orc barbarian in PF2.
    Both of the characters ended as insane, cruel and murderous b***hes.
    The wizard girl started as a sweet and innocent apprentice of an old Light Wizard, who treated with fatherly affection. By the end of the campaign she was an insane self-taught necromancer with a burning hatred towards Skaven, fond slowly flaying any surviving ones and raising them later.
    The barbarian obviously had anger issues from the start, but due to unfortunate chain of events she ended as a psychotic insane monster worshipping Lamashtu. She even became her priestess. Started as CN, ended as a CE.

    Never had such problems with male characters.

    • 2 years ago

      Coomer detected
      Opinion rejected

  46. 2 years ago

    I just want everyone in this thread to know that I find boys pretending to be girls extremely sexual and I am fapping to every single post itt

  47. 2 years ago

    And I [would want to know Nyx's (even if she's from a different game). So much the best thing in Fates and one of the few characters without a BS story or supports

  48. 2 years ago

    No more of a roleplaying challenge to me than portraying female NPCs as a GM.

  49. 2 years ago

    Honestly, the best characters that I can remember playing were female. This includes

    > Pic related whose grandpa got killed by fiends, so she uses every possible method necessary to slay fiends and banish them from the mortal realm, even if it means accessing curse-ridden dark magic to do that.
    > A Harpy Sorceress who had a very fun duo dynamic with the prim and proper high elf fighter of the group.
    > A ninja girl who had hidden from the party for six whole out-of-game months the fact that she is a ninja in order to not draw attention to herself or her friends or the older brother she is trying to find overseas. Currently has a guy who is smitten with her, but she thinks he's not safe with her so she is not willing to reciprocate
    I just come up with better, more outlandish ideas for a character when it's a character who fits my physical appearance as little as possible. Otherwise I end up with a character whose personality is just mine.

  50. 2 years ago

    >Normally play big bulky male fighters, paladins, and clerics
    >Frick it, subverting expectations
    >Now playing as a female drow ranger who is absolutely clueless about the above ground world and its customs
    Pretty fun tbh

  51. 2 years ago

    The problem with playing a female PC is that the GM will automatically try to make me frick any female in the area even if my character hates dykes. Good GM but frick that shit.

  52. 2 years ago

    You are a person first. If sex is your first personality trait get a better personality. Just act as you think the character would act and let the GM determine if there's anything special about you playing a woman.

  53. 2 years ago

    We once played Kagematsu, where the gimmick is that the DM has to be female and the PCs (girls trying to convince a wandering ronin to save a village) are played by men.
    You can guess how this went.

    • 2 years ago

      No, I actually can't guess how it went. Sounds interesting. Why don't you tell us the story, anon?

  54. 2 years ago

    Let's see: never played online, so everyone was at the table to see me, though when we're in session, until further notice, you're dealing with the character rather than me. Two, only played female characters twice. Well, technically three times, but one of them was a paladin of Aphrodite wearing a holy relic that was both a girdle of masculinity/femininity and of storm giant strength as long as he stayed female. Buddy of mine almost exclusively plays women, though. Women with more balls than any six men I've met. She wears them on a necklace. Never had any trouble being a fembro.

  55. 2 years ago

    RP an ugly girl with low charisma for a starter.

  56. 2 years ago

    Honestly, not much different. For the female characters I've played, I only just slightly pitched up my voice, put more emphasis in my speech, and did a posh aristocrat sort of accent. The games played the same as they do when I play male characters. My group has always been very comfortable with roleplay and voices, where even when they're bad, we're still immersed enough to picture what the person intended to sound like.
    Honestly, just give it a go, there's nothing special about it. It's only as weird as you make it.

  57. 2 years ago

    I find being a guy requires I give them a silly personality that overwhelms any actual "being guy"-ness. Girls I can actually play seriously.

  58. 2 years ago

    One of my friends has played exclusively female characters for 5 years now. He played two (2) male characters ever, out of over 50 I've seen him play. He's in his late 20s and never had a gf and I've never seen him express interest in women or call them hot. He doesn't put on a voicr or anything. Idk why. He also draws them all. He says women are more fun to draw. Soemtimes I wonder if there's something more to it but there probably isn't.

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like terminal verginity coupled with autism. 100% he is straight but has given up on sex. Many such cases. 🙁

  59. 2 years ago

    playing other gender is gay but not as gay as anime like you posted, so, kill self.

    • 2 years ago

      That's a chinese artist howeverthough

      • 2 years ago

        i dont give a farting homosexual frick its huge eyed no nosed anime crap trash homosexual shit and it can god damn die and you with it homosexual

        • 2 years ago

          Anon I don't think it's healthy that pictures make you this angry

        • 2 years ago

          t. dinosaur

  60. 2 years ago

    A man playing a female character does not neccessarily mean he’s gay, deviant or dysfunctional, but those are the types of men that usually play female characters.

    I have a rule that if a race has males and females, player’s sex has to match the character’s sex to avoid entering magical realm territory.

    • 2 years ago

      i havnt quite catched the lingo apperently
      wat is "magical realm"

      • 2 years ago

        when you insert your personal fetishes into a roleplaying game. Most often the GM making a region or adventure focused around showcasing it, sometimes the players making a character built around the fetish

  61. 2 years ago

    Every single time I allowed a male to play a female character they turn into turbobawds who want to use sexuality to solve literally any and all issues.

    So that is why I started just not allowing it.

    • 2 years ago

      A man playing a female character does not neccessarily mean he’s gay, deviant or dysfunctional, but those are the types of men that usually play female characters.

      I have a rule that if a race has males and females, player’s sex has to match the character’s sex to avoid entering magical realm territory.

      There's a better cure for this.
      Just have bandits make fricked up remarks at their characters, saying overtly sexist shit and doing dick grab gestures. Male players playing female PCs can give it, but they can't take it. You don't even have to indulge in magical realm, just scummery, and if the player doesn't take the hint and drop it, they adapt their playstyle to be more reserved.
      Basically, what I'm saying is, anytime a DM is mad at guys playing as girls because they play them cringily, 9 times out of 10, it's a DMing skill issue, and can be resolved very easily without just hard banning.

      • 2 years ago

        >Just have bandits make fricked up remarks at their characters, saying overtly sexist shit and doing dick grab gestures.
        I think you are underestimating how loose men playing women are if you think that would deter them and they wouldn't love it.
        >t's a DMing skill issue
        Your suggestion so far is trash and would result in every bandit encounter turning into a gangbang.

        • 2 years ago

          >I think you are underestimating how loose men playing women are if you think that would deter them and they wouldn't love it.
          Have you tried it?
          >Bans it
          No, I guess you haven't.
          You're not dealing with women, here, you're dealing with men pretending to be women. They DON'T love it. They play women this way because it's how they like their women, and they haven't ever had to deal with that kind of sexism, and they lose momentum because of it.
          >Your suggestion so far is trash and would result in every bandit encounter turning into a gangbang.
          >every bandit encounter turning into a gangbang.
          NO, you moron! I never even mentioned actual sex once! You came to that conclusion on your own, which is actually rather telling of your train of logic, and kind of proves me right that it's a DMing skill issue. They're YOUR bandits! If anything ends in a gangbag, YOU did that.
          Just make the bandits rude as frick. They don't need to actually do rapey shit, they just need to act like swine. Losing a fight to them is humiliating enough, and most bandits are after something that's worth money, they've got a girlfriend back at camp who wants some israeliteelry or something, whatever, they're fricking bandits, not monsters.

          • 2 years ago

            >They DON'T love it.
            They do.
            >NO, you moron! I never even mentioned actual sex once!
            so what bandits are sexually suggestive and then the PCs respond with flirtation and then what the bandits draw back and the pc keeps trying to seduce them?
            >they just need to act like swine
            Anon they could be literal swine, pigs in shit and the loose players would want to frick those pigs.

            So far nothing you suggested would deter horny males playing females.

            • 2 years ago

              >so what bandits are sexually suggestive and then the PCs respond with flirtation and then what the bandits draw back and the pc keeps trying to seduce them?
              No, dude, the bandits aren't being "sexually suggestive", they're being sexist. UNsexy, if you will. They're not flirting, they're not trying to seduce, they're insulting and intimidating the female PC, because they're bandits, it's what they do.
              If the player somehow thinks they can weasle out of it by flirting, have the bandits actively mock and laugh, loudly.
              >Anon they could be literal swine, pigs in shit and the loose players would want to frick those pigs.
              >So far nothing you suggested would deter horny males playing females.
              You don't know that because you don't allow it to happen in the first place.
              I DO know that, because I've subjected myself to such players, and they can't handle this shit at all.

              Oh, and for the record, I actually DON'T advise doing this, but not because it doesn't work - it works alright, but it works just a little too well. It's a c**tish move, is what I'm saying, you're players aren't gathering with people just to be mocked, and as much as one could say they bring it on themselves, honestly, I'd take this borderline fictional uberhorny gaylord over a murderhobo any time.

              • 2 years ago

                >No, dude, the bandits aren't being "sexually suggestive", they're being sexist.
                No one cares. They are trying to intimidate them sexually? Then that will be taken as invation for fricking
                you said they grabbed their junk
                There is no way that wouldn't end in fricking with these people
                >You don't know that because you don't allow it to happen in the first place
                You might wanna work on your reading comprehension
                I did allow it and it did result in constant bestiality and horrible degenerate shit
                I am scared to say horses are nearby because of them

                You are moronic. I wish you would actually suffer through one of these players just for a one-shot so you wouldn't lay your bright eyed unexperienced moronation on me.

              • 2 years ago

                This is actually one of those rare scenarios where a weeb player is actually better than a standard, /tg/ der coomer. Weeb players who play girls tend to play them normally, since overpowered women are a staple of anime. At least that is how it's been in my experience.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh absolute. I take the weebiest "hexblade in the form of katana that was named after japanese warlord" weeb over one of these coomers.

              • 2 years ago

                >Weeb players who play girls tend to play them normally, since overpowered women are a staple of anime. At least that is how it's been in my experience.
                every single weeb who played an girl that i've played with put zero attention to their character's gender. it was almost always a non factor. sometimes it lended to their backstory or their motives, but in almost all cases if they just played men the character itself retained most of their identity.

                Comic is still dumb

                I play a girl because I want to be a girl, obviously. Who wouldn't want a better, easier life?

                I'm just not mentally ill enough to be a troony or anything. I know it's not something that can ever happen, but if I'm given the option in a fantasy game, why not?

                i don't think girls unilaterally live an easier life in a fantasy world

                Played with a dude who exclusively makes female characters… but that’s because he’s a massive weeb and while not a troony he wishes he was born a gal.

                I myself played a fair amount of girls, once three times in a row. Had some teases, but really I just felt that the concept and artwork worked better with a lady than a man. No one bats an eye.

                Heck, in a Larp I used to go too, there’s a guy who’s a crossdresser but he earned everyone’s respect by wooping everyone’s ass in high heels, in the middle of a forest, and he outclassed everyone physically too. Don’t worry mate.

                >but that’s because he’s a massive weeb and while not a troony he wishes he was born a gal.
                i just cannot play as female characters out of shame. do i want to be a girl? i don't know. not enough to be trans but yeah, if i were given the offer to wake up tomorrow as a woman, i'd take it.
                first character i have ever made was an unabashed female self insert OC though, but ever since then i've only played as the blandest of male characters again and again.

                but if you aren't mentally ill or make a big deal about it, in my experience plenty of people play opposite sex characters, and nobody cares as long as the character isn't your self insert gender bender wish fulfillment fantasy.
                the same skill to RP a male is used to RP a female. like my wish fulfilment OC's entire identity is that she's just some hot girl vessel that i could try to live vicariously through. that's not an interesting character. that's basically a run of the mill murder hobo but with boobs.

              • 2 years ago

                >you said they grabbed their junk
                >There is no way that wouldn't end in fricking with these people
                You mean YOUR bandits? C'mon, dude, don't tell me you've been trolling me this whole time...
                See, if you're legit, you've made an assumption because you failed to handle a situiation you were never prepared for, which is understandable. You lack experience with handling this wackjobs, hence, it's a DMing skill issue.
                It's tempting to say it's just a player problem, but as a DM, you're inviting unknown fricko's into your game, so it's helpful to know how to properly handle problem players without them permanently crippling you and your other player's experiences forevermore with additional reactionary rules made out of fear.

                But if you're a troll, I mean, well played? You fricked me up, dude.

              • 2 years ago

                anon if the bandits doN#t want to frick then the suggestive pose just made my players want to seduce them

                You said it was so simple. But your suggestions are terrible.
                >You lack experience with handling this wackjobs, hence, it's a DMing skill issue.
                Anon just solve it then. I am telling you how these players would react to your suggestions
                So far you have only shown to be a failure on every level
                >It's tempting to say it's just a player problem
                No it is not. Its a dm problem. As is obvious by your suggestions. You are the problem.

              • 2 years ago

                >No it is not. Its a dm problem. As is obvious by your suggestions. You are the problem.
                Oddly enough, bro, I already said as much myself.

                >so what bandits are sexually suggestive and then the PCs respond with flirtation and then what the bandits draw back and the pc keeps trying to seduce them?
                No, dude, the bandits aren't being "sexually suggestive", they're being sexist. UNsexy, if you will. They're not flirting, they're not trying to seduce, they're insulting and intimidating the female PC, because they're bandits, it's what they do.
                If the player somehow thinks they can weasle out of it by flirting, have the bandits actively mock and laugh, loudly.
                >Anon they could be literal swine, pigs in shit and the loose players would want to frick those pigs.
                >So far nothing you suggested would deter horny males playing females.
                You don't know that because you don't allow it to happen in the first place.
                I DO know that, because I've subjected myself to such players, and they can't handle this shit at all.

                Oh, and for the record, I actually DON'T advise doing this, but not because it doesn't work - it works alright, but it works just a little too well. It's a c**tish move, is what I'm saying, you're players aren't gathering with people just to be mocked, and as much as one could say they bring it on themselves, honestly, I'd take this borderline fictional uberhorny gaylord over a murderhobo any time.

                where I said
                >Oh, and for the record, I actually DON'T advise doing this, but not because it doesn't work - it works alright, but it works just a little too well. It's a c**tish move.
                Not that I have anything else to say now, just thought it was a funny coincidence.


                I've been pondering for a game I'll be joining soon on if I could well, play as a girl. (and Pic related would be the PC. Or the PC's mom if I choose a guy). It feels like it'd be weird to play the opposite sex, but also specifically in this case it feels less weird for a girl to drink someone's blood then a guy's.

                For those who have played with voice chat, roll20, and the like, how is it playing the opposite sex? I've never played the opposite sex for a voiced campaign before, I'm on the fence.

                Just do it. If you get shit for it, you get shit for it. If you play it like shit, you'll know about it soon enough. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to play a completely sexless woman, either, it's making a dogs breakfast out of womanhood that makes it bad.

              • 2 years ago

                >Oddly enough, bro, I already said as much myself.
                So you just suggested terrible things that would not do anything to do what? You said not to forbid it because you lack the experience and never dealt with it yourself. Have you actually ever been a DM?

          • 2 years ago

            >so what bandits are sexually suggestive and then the PCs respond with flirtation and then what the bandits draw back and the pc keeps trying to seduce them?
            No, dude, the bandits aren't being "sexually suggestive", they're being sexist. UNsexy, if you will. They're not flirting, they're not trying to seduce, they're insulting and intimidating the female PC, because they're bandits, it's what they do.
            If the player somehow thinks they can weasle out of it by flirting, have the bandits actively mock and laugh, loudly.
            >Anon they could be literal swine, pigs in shit and the loose players would want to frick those pigs.
            >So far nothing you suggested would deter horny males playing females.
            You don't know that because you don't allow it to happen in the first place.
            I DO know that, because I've subjected myself to such players, and they can't handle this shit at all.

            Oh, and for the record, I actually DON'T advise doing this, but not because it doesn't work - it works alright, but it works just a little too well. It's a c**tish move, is what I'm saying, you're players aren't gathering with people just to be mocked, and as much as one could say they bring it on themselves, honestly, I'd take this borderline fictional uberhorny gaylord over a murderhobo any time.

            >No it is not. Its a dm problem. As is obvious by your suggestions. You are the problem.
            Oddly enough, bro, I already said as much myself.
            See [...] where I said
            >Oh, and for the record, I actually DON'T advise doing this, but not because it doesn't work - it works alright, but it works just a little too well. It's a c**tish move.
            Not that I have anything else to say now, just thought it was a funny coincidence.

            Just do it. If you get shit for it, you get shit for it. If you play it like shit, you'll know about it soon enough. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to play a completely sexless woman, either, it's making a dogs breakfast out of womanhood that makes it bad.

            Honestly, reading through this, I think you're in the wrong here. From your reactions and the way you talk (which also sounds feminine to me, which might add onto this), it feels less like your plan works logically, and more like your plan only works because you PERSONALLY make your players uncomfortable. Like you present them this situation, and they feel uncomfortable actually confronting it because it's you behind the screen, not because they themselves hate it. Like they're afraid of what you become like when you get proven wrong, or when they challenge/argue with you. In my personal experience, any time I've thrown cross-gendered sexism at a player, they either get into it, or they just do the Marvel thing, make quips, and then threaten the person. I've never had anyone become uncomfortable enough with it to stop their actions like you suggest.

            • 2 years ago

              First of all, let me get the obvious out of the way:
              >Honestly, reading through this, I think you're in the wrong here.
              >it feels less like your plan works logically, and more like your plan only works because you PERSONALLY make your players uncomfortable.
              Yes, that's spot on.
              >Like you present them this situation
              Bear in mind that the scenario that was chosen to be argued over was "all men who play female characters are sexpests and should be banned". Not "Some", and not "a bit pervy", "ALL" and "SEXPESTS".
              The premise is worth debunking on it's own, but I chose to take it on as delivered. I also happened to have some experience dealing with a few of those kinds of players, but a lot of why ~I think~ they were like that was because they hadn't played a female character in their lives, and the only women they'd ever known were in their families, so they decided to take after pulp movies and porn instead. In this sense, I did present them with that situation, but I felt as though they'd been cringing it up too much, so I spited them.
              My plan only worked because I made it awkward. Still, it worked, and still, it does. It's not exactly nice, and there are better ways to do it. My point was, even if you assume the worst in a man playing a female character automatically, banning it at the table is low skill, and you don't have to be a 'basedkuk' or 'trainer' or whatever to allow men to play as women, you can still be 'based and redpilled'.
              >I've never had anyone become uncomfortable enough with it to stop their actions like you suggest.
              You probably weren't dealing with it harshly, or rather, you didn't see the need to, because you weren't dealing with cartoon characters. You also probably found a better solution.
              Or even more like, the problem is one in a million and basically never happens, but I digress.

              • 2 years ago

                >My plan only worked because I made it awkward.
                No, that's my point, and my point about why this plan is a failure. It's not a failure because, as you're implying, it's unethical. It's a failure because it's ineffectual by itself. It's only made effectual because you yourself seem to be making the situation itself uncomfortable divorced from the context of the game. The situation could be anything, and you'd find the same success rate.

      • 2 years ago

        This happened once to a fri nd of mine. The GM tried to force arape scene to punish him for playing a female character. He ended breaking the GMs nose over the table and the campaign was pretty much over then and there. Poor guy understood what Eastern European means the hard way. Your advice might work in the US don't know. Sounds gay to me.

        • 2 years ago

          First, that GM got what was coming to him, and no, US guys wouldn't take that shit sitting down either. But second, you've misconstrued my point and the argument as a whole a bit there. You should read the reply chain, it's pretty wild.
          But to clarify my point:

          The anon I initially replied to stated that he bans people from playing female characters because he expects them to all instantly degrade into erpers who creep everyone else out.

          I responded by saying that banning female characters was a sub-optimal decision, and that players who play like gross erpers can be put in line without banning character choices of other players in the process.

          So the conversation isn't actually about dealing with just guys playing a female character, it's about dealing with "the worst, most cartoonishly horrible erper guy playing a female character in the most horridly erp way ever and ruining the game"
          My solution for him is to curb the cringiest, most disruptive behavior by making it as akward for him as he is making it for the rest of the table. I didn't suggest any actual sex scenes or rape or sexual assault, because that shit is on brand for the kind of erp most people would understandably hate.
          But I also don't suggest my suggestions on account of them being mean spirited as frick.

          • 2 years ago

            >My solution for him is to curb the cringiest, most disruptive behavior by making it as akward for him as he is making it for the rest of the table
            Why would this be appropriate, versus just telling the player to cut out the creepy stuff or removing them from the game for being obviously incompatible? Why would you waste all of your other players' time and your own time, just to be petty to some moronic gay?

            • 2 years ago

              Well, at the time, I had a mean streak going. I'm still a massive prick to be fair, but I haven't had to deal with any single player in the same way more than, uh, twice maybe?
              The thing is, while it's far from moral, it works, and it keeps the game going, but the passive aggressive in me doesn't like resloving things maturely, I have to humiliate clowns.
              The trick is to not make it obvious. Rapey shit is obvious, and also happens to be the worst erp shit to just pull out of a bag. Doing the right thing and taking them aside after the game and telling them they're creepin out the others, while the correct way to do it, is also obvious.
              It's part luck, part skill that I still have those players today.

              The reason why I posted to begin with was because I know people in real life who just ban things they don't like the sound of and have never actually encountered, usually based on some mug-selling vlogger's kneejerk reaction to a non-scandal. I get that Ganker is a little different, saying stupid shit can be fun, and gets people involved in shit flinging, but one of the people I know in aforementioned real life happens to like /tg/, and I think they dip their dick into this pool for confirmation before pleasure.
              Either that or it's just the youtube videos he watches and then tells me he comes here.

          • 2 years ago

            Ahhh my bad then. I missed it somehow.
            Yes. ERPers are super cringe.
            Also I don't mean Americans are not thought. But more on the polite side from what I have seen the few time I visited the States.

  62. 2 years ago

    >tfw never played a female PC
    If it was a one-shot sure, but imagine attending multiple sessions for a character thats a pain to roleplay. If you're gonna make the commitment, better to play a character you absolutely want to play.

  63. 2 years ago

    In my game, two of my players are playing characters of the opposite sex and I, as a DM, have a ton of female NPCs. Again, it's only weird if you make it weird. Keep your focus on the character and what the character is doing, especially if they're drastically different from your personality.

    I think the people who have trouble roleplaying someone completely different from themselves have trouble separating the character from the player in general. An easy way around this is to do indirect third person roleplay: "She does this." "She thinks this would be ridiculous." etc.

    Once you're past the point of discomfort, you can just start playing the character in first person. Alternatively, you can be like one of my former players and just play a guy who is only a woman in name. It really depends on how deep you want to get into character.

  64. 2 years ago

    >"Oh noooooo I've been defeated by Orcs! I hope they don't ravish me, haha."

    • 2 years ago


  65. 2 years ago

    As long as you don't be weird, it's totally good.

  66. 2 years ago


    taking the form of a paladin that saved her life to keep his legacy alive
    cool idea, gonna try this out with a changeling, thx anon

  67. 2 years ago

    Once played a hyper racist human female arms dealer, one of the party members played a hyper racist dwarf, and the third guy played a hyper racist and sexist cult leader who was trying to ascend to godhood by immolating his followers.

    The three of us bro'd it up by causing mayhem and shitting on each other and everyone else during the whole campaign.

    The trick isn't what you play, it's who you play with. My friends are my friends at the table, some random stranger playing will always have odd chemistry with the group until they become a friend, at the table and in real life.

  68. 2 years ago

    I personally like playing female characters. Gives me a chance to roleplay what I see as "vulnerability" without making my character seem like a total pussy.

  69. 2 years ago

    You just wanted to post that picture and made up some bullshit to justify it

  70. 2 years ago

    My main character is female. And have around 700h in quite a few campaigns playing her. No a legendary NPC in some of my campaigns.

    So a few tips:
    1. Don't make it weird. And don't be a creep.
    2. If you feel uncomfortable speak in third person. *The character name* does/reacts so and so. She does this and that. (Putting some space between you and the character can help you eliviate some of the cringe you are bound to feel at the begining.)
    3. Don't do weird sex/whory things. ESPECIALLY of there women in the group. But this applies for male characters too so it is a no brainer.

  71. 2 years ago

    For a voice game it only works if you don't do a voice, which makes it very awkward to play compared to a character who is of the same sex as the player. In text format it's fine, but these days you have to deal with the fact that a lot of trooners crossplay to validate their delusional mental illnesses.

    I GM a lot and sometimes I voice female NPCs but I don't try to feign a genuinely female voice, so much as I try to differentiate them from men and make them 'softer' sounding.

  72. 2 years ago

    I just finished a D&D campaign where the group was me, the male GM, and four girls. One played a traditionally feminine woman, one played a traditionally masculine man, one played a non-feminine woman, and one played a sexless shapeshifter.

    I didn't really notice any issues with the girl playing the man in how she portrayed him. She wasn't very confident at first, but I eventually got her to speak up more and take a more active part in the game after the party had a quest that tied into his backstory.

  73. 2 years ago

    Literally the only reason my berserker is female is because I thought it was funny that she was a serving wench at a tavern when she heard the call to adventure. Every so often I mention my character is saving up money to eventually settle down and get married, but that's it.

  74. 2 years ago

    For me it was difficult because I was pretty much playing as a tomboy. My friend on the other hand went from playing multiple women in tabletop games to they point that they decided to turn trans as a result of said games...

  75. 2 years ago

    It's weird only if someone makes it weird. the list of female PCs/significant NPCs I've seen, in no particular order, is as follows:
    >(PC) fighter/ranger-esque childhood friend of one of the other PCs (had a crush on him but was a tsundere about it). Said friend's PC was brutally killed in front of her 2nd session, his eyeless head mailed to her next session, was a murderhobo the rest of the campaign. the game was a bit messy yet fun to begin with, but still kind of cringe looking back on it.
    >(PC) old lady, witch of sin that enjoyed corrupting people in a murderhobo campaign. played her 1 session before campaign died. I really enjoyed playing her for that session.
    >(PC) 'cute' young spider-girl rogue, that liked sewing and cooking. wanted to play her as this assassin with good intentions and a naïve worldview but that was still extremely capable of killing when needed. used it in 2 campaigns: first one went pretty well until it died, in the second one the whole 'naïve' act was a bit undercut by another PC, a guy playing a female cleric of life, non-stop loudly fricking another PC every fricking night(this player gets horny whenever the game is boring). most boring DnD game I have played, the game eventually sucked the will out of me to roleplay her right. probably a bad idea to begin with, and I avoid making 'cute' PCs because of it.
    >(PC) autistic medic with a twisted moral compass when it came to advancing the medical field and, eventually, her plans to make the world a better place. Performed surgery by making and unmaking the flesh with her mind powers. Completely deadpan, mater-of-fact delivery 80% of the time, liked to tease people from time to time. Best fricking PC I ever played, period.
    >(NPC) Tomboy Dragonkin Knight with hero's syndrome, party picked her up and turned into the party's tank. Towering hulk of a woman, still reads fairy-tale knight stories from time to time. cute in her own way. love her

    • 2 years ago

      >(NPC) literal spawn of Lucifer himself after torturing a paladin for a thousand years that dared to stop his best chance at taking the material realm. she spoke the word of Creation itself, so anyone who heard her voice had their minds implode, which made her, basically, mute. party adopted her. Cool concept, meh execution in-game
      >(NPC) Elf army commander that fought for peace even as the empire she fought for killed supernatural beings like herself (she was in disguise), just because she knew that the collapse of said empire would bring an unspeakable amount of conflict. I like her very much
      >(PC from another male player) Orphan not-Christian saint that shoots lasers. helps those in need over her own life, but has anger issues, and has 0 qualms on killing. cool
      >(PC from another male player) Thiefling warlock, 'chaotic good' yet nuked a city and burned another one before she was killed. Fricked everything that moved, only player that has tried to turn a session into full ERP after I was about to fade to black, sucker-punched my motivation in a tense scene after basically responding, in-character, with 'is that it? lol' after describing him a very graphic nightmare of her fiancée being eaten alive. not even mad looking back on it, chaos made the game fun aside from the magical realm shit and that blueballed scene.
      >(PC from another male player) Cleric of tempest Thor-she from Thiefling warlock player after she died. it was okay.
      >(PC from another male player) Edgy 'I work alone' Rogue from Thiefling warlock player in another game. eh
      >(PC from another male player) Toreador vampire with too much fricking pride from Thiefling warlock player in another game. eh
      >(PC) mom with 2 kids from a weird race, widow of a male human, wanting to check the human world before dying. Ended up re-marrying another human player at the end. it was okay.
      >(PC from another male player) Kid mage obsessed with the occult. it was ok

      • 2 years ago

        >(NPC) loose priestess of Eilistraee, from my first campaign. I don't need to say anything more.
        >(NPC) SECOND loose priestess of Eilistraee.
        >(PC from another male player) Robot fighting girl with amnesia from the same guy that fricked non-stop as a life cleric. Started trying to frick everyone and everything that moved, I killed the campaign the session he started groping the frog-girl NPC, as I realized I wasn't prepared enough for what I was trying in this campaign. I use his hornyness him as an indicator from this point onward if the campaign is going badly.
        >(NPC) frog-girl I just mentioned, born from my love for monster-girls, and worst offender. Overly friendly, constantly covered in green slime, thought it was funny giving handshakes to people only for them to get their hand slimy and probably what prompted the player to just start hugging her. Literally defined by being a frog-girl and nothing more. my gold standard for bad female npcs from this point onward
        Overall, if the character will actually have decent screen-time (not throwaway/meme NPC) and would be unable to do 60% of what you had in mind by swapping them to a guy, I think you are in for a bad time. Every regret I have with female characters played by guys is either cringy magical realm shit performed by neckbeards (including myself) or them being basically a concept art/pic that the player/DM given 'life', made to pose, do the thing (be cute, be edgy in a corner, be a perfect princess can't-do-nothing-wrong), and little else. That happens with male characters too I guess, but it seems to happen more with fem PCs

  76. 2 years ago

    Who cares? It will only matter if
    >use sex as an advantage in-game
    >use sex as a relationship traits in-game
    >one of the PCs wants to frick you irl
    >you're a twink and there's a fujo in your group
    Just have fun and don't worry too much about it. No one wants to see your ass in a skirt Anon. And if they do then stop fricking holding out you gay.

  77. 2 years ago

    Don't sexualize your own character. Either you'll unconciously start roleplaying some kinks you have or your party is going to attempt to seduce her.

    You should probably (a) tell them that it's not going to happen and (b) make sure the DM isn't stupid enough to allow other PC's to persuade using rolls to be attracted to them.

    Probably best to make a type just in case in the back of your head just so you can easily turn down the PCs

    Actually playing as a female PC is pretty much exactly the same. Your DM voices girls all the time, it's not that strange. Just make an actual character you can roll play rather than a anime waifu

  78. 2 years ago

    i'm not a coomer, so no, it's never been a problem
    i've even played a low int valley girl socialite where sexuality was implicit in the character, but i wasn't tugging my pud so it was never an issue

  79. 2 years ago

    I've recently played several female characters, a first really for me, and it's been okay. Really not that much different when my DM and group pretty much only do combat, puzzles, more combat, jokes, and then more combat.

  80. 2 years ago

    Dropping in to say that if you're engaging with this thread you are gay and should repent.

  81. 2 years ago

    In theory there's nothing wrong with it. No different than roleplaying anything else.

    In practice, almost everyone I've played with that consistently plays the opposite gender has had issues with their gender identity to some degree. Quite a few of them have come out as 'trans' or similar.

    • 2 years ago

      Correction, they either had an issue with their gander identity or had some issues with their sexuality and the opposite sex. Such as men who fetishize women to an unhealthy degree and have no ability to separate their delusions of women from reality. I've seen those types play the opposite gender frequently as well.

  82. 2 years ago

    I always play a paladin and this I went with a Joan of Arc vibe and made a female paladin. The rest of the party looked at me awkwardly and asked why I’m a girl, I explained the Joan of arc stuf and they said “why not just be a guy”
    They did not approve. Felt awkward after.

    • 2 years ago

      Just be a really beautiful feminine guy

      • 2 years ago

        Then they'll be okay with me playing a girl?

  83. 2 years ago


    Too bad for you the only thing you ever murder is your own brain cells from huffing man braps

  84. 2 years ago

    If you want to play a w*man in D&D, you have to ask yourself two questions.
    1. Are you going to make it weird for your group?
    2. Is your group going to make it weird for you?
    If the answer to both of them is no, then it’s alright.

    • 2 years ago

      >Is your group going to make it weird for you?
      this is what prevents me from playing females
      absolutely no way a bunch of degenerate incels gonna let that slide and act like normal people
      look at this very thread

  85. 2 years ago

    I have a deep voice, so playing a female is out of the question for the most part for me. I did decide to do one for a campaign recently, mainly because the concept works a little better as a female. I'm just playing her out as a character, nothing special. And the bros treat it as nothing special, either. My view is that when one is roleplaying, one must consider how well he's playing the role and nothing more.

    • 2 years ago

      as other anon in this thread said - how deep your voice is doesn't really matter, nobody should even attempt to sound like a female unless they're a professional voice actor with perfect tenor that doesn't mind ruining their throat for a casual roleplaying session or doing that for comedic effect in which case quality of your vocie doesnt really matter

      • 2 years ago

        You can learn to do it well without ruining your voice or being a professional, but getting it really natural sounding will take a couple years of fairly dedicated practice for your roleplaying party trick.

      • 2 years ago

        When I do a "female" voice, I don't attempt to make it as feminine and high pitched as possible because A) as you said, it's not worth trying to kill the voice, and B) it would be obnoxious if I tried it. But my "female" voice is essentially just a softer, slightly higher-pitched version of talking. It doesn't sound freakishly "guy trying too hard to be female," more just a casual shot at it. I could probably get away with it being a very contralto female.
        The real problem is that I can pretty much only do one "female" voice, and I seem to have a pseudo-accent locked in for it, compared to all the male voices and accents I can do, so I can only really play that role very infrequently or else all my female characters would sound the exact same.

        • 2 years ago

          Here's a tip, the key to sounding female isn't really a high pitch, it's about changing your deep resonance. Someone who's really good at it should be able to imitate the sound of a woman trying to do a really deep voice and still sounding like a woman.

          • 2 years ago

            Idk. My (male) customer service voice apparently sounds like a woman’s, to the point where I regularly get called ma’am, and even get confused with an older (female) coworker of mine. Sounding like a woman comes naturally to some guys, I guess.

            • 2 years ago

              vocaroo, now!

  86. 2 years ago

    Don't do it!

  87. 2 years ago

    just play a really girly, cute boy

  88. 2 years ago

    You shouldn't feel bad about playing a woman. When you play a woman, you are not the woman, but rather, you are in complete control of everything she is doing. That's really trad and that's really hot.

    When I was a DM my NPC self insert for the party was a female elf cleric princess. In PC RPGs and MMOs I always play the girl because I'd rather not stare at some guy's ass for 400 hours.

  89. 2 years ago

    As long as it's not some weird fetish shit it's totally fine.

    In terms of speaking in character you may find it helpful to use the 3rd person "Jane casts fireball" as opposed to "i cast fireball".

    I use minis in my game so if I find a cool mini of an archetype i want to play then i use whatever race+sex it is.

    You might not be female but you're also not a gnome either. So saying you can't play a different gender is kinda dumb

  90. 2 years ago

    I don't do different voices for characters, male or female. Word choice, speech patterns and actions taken in game do a lot more to make your character feel distinct than putting on a falsetto or gruff Tom Waits impersonation ever will.

  91. 2 years ago

    Being a foreverGM for like a decade made me numb to giving a shit about this kind of stuff.
    Just don't make it weird, which I realize is a tall ask of /tg/.

  92. 2 years ago

    I only play women when I wish to rp my motherly instincts because it's more socially unacceptable for a man to do it
    If people didn't get weird about it I would just play a guy who did the same thing instead
    like that one guy from the kingmaker game

  93. 2 years ago

    Im a forever gm.
    Noone really cares if i roleplay the opposite sex, since i play all the npcs anyways.

  94. 2 years ago
  95. 2 years ago

    My fav character i ever played was a misandrist female Drow who believed men to be morons. Pathfinder 2e, all evil party. As a bard with Drow's racial bonuses i managed to get 20 charisma and 5 con. I took all mind alerting/manipulating spells and skills available. My character would basically polish nails during combat, surrender the moment someone posted a threat and then weasel her way out/backstab the enemy. Despite having no damage spells i still managed to kill more enemies than other party members, coup de grace'ing sleeping foes, making them swallow poison pills or making them fall off the cliff with Grease spell. I had to get really creative and everyone had fun watching me bullshit my way through. At level 8 she had 18 max HP, got additional con penalty due to starvation (cursed ring made everything put into the mouth taste like shit and piss) and died in one hit to fireball not directed at her.

  96. 2 years ago

    Everyone had forgotten I was playing a girl at the end of the campaign.

  97. 2 years ago

    Dudes who say they don't have any weird sex stuff in their games because they confront anyone who might try it by overloading the game with weird sex stuff, are the weird sex stuff guy at their table. You just came up with an excuse is all.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't agree

      The only time I've ever dealt with this is a college dorm setting where one of the players brought their girlfriend

      And their girlfriend had no fricking grasp of the rules or even basic game concepts like healing and damage. They just wanted me to break out the pregnancy rulebook and I wasn't having any of it.

  98. 2 years ago

    Our whole group (all male) played female characters once. It was a mini campaign where we all played badass princesses on a quest to save Prince Charming from an evil wizard.

    It was actually pretty normal after awhile. Sure we all acted like b***hy hoes at first, but we mellowed out pretty fast. Once we’d gotten all the crassness out of our systems.

    Except for the horny half-orc. Her player was a pretty dirty dude.

    • 2 years ago

      Did something similar once where it was more Sailor Moon type magical anime girls

  99. 2 years ago

    To elaborate more the guy involved was basically trying to troll me into making me deal the party having to protect a baby in combat so I never let the baby exist

    I never came out and said it to my friend but he should have been fricking DMing if that's what he wanted to do, not me

  100. 2 years ago

    No, despite there being no discernible difference between a character had I made them male or female regarding how I play them I choose not to, because it seems absurd to me.

  101. 2 years ago

    Did you guys know that D&D 1.0 had a stat cap on strength for women and there was a common house rule where if you rolled over the stat cap on strength it would bleed into charisma. So if you roll two 18s for str and cha the female equivalent was to have 21 cha and be basically a supermodel, which makes sense in reality

    The entire concept of stats was based on genetics and the bell curve

  102. 2 years ago

    Oh yeah, and in D&D beta version, you couldn't play a woman at all, because in the era the idea of a woman in combat was fricking ridiculous

  103. 2 years ago

    No different from any other character for me for the most part, voices can be a tad difficult but i do what i can, haven't really got much to say on it other than if you want to do go ahead don't think too hard on it.

  104. 2 years ago

    Played with a dude who exclusively makes female characters… but that’s because he’s a massive weeb and while not a troony he wishes he was born a gal.

    I myself played a fair amount of girls, once three times in a row. Had some teases, but really I just felt that the concept and artwork worked better with a lady than a man. No one bats an eye.

    Heck, in a Larp I used to go too, there’s a guy who’s a crossdresser but he earned everyone’s respect by wooping everyone’s ass in high heels, in the middle of a forest, and he outclassed everyone physically too. Don’t worry mate.

    • 2 years ago

      but was he cute

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