Pokebros.... I-Its over...

The fact is, PLA destroyed all cultural momentum we had. I-I don't know what to say...

It's been a good run..

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 4 months ago

    sure, now stream your suicide under Palworld category

  2. 4 months ago

    It's not over.
    Palworld will be dead in 3 months, next year pokemon will caugh all the stream when Gen 10 is released and anounced.
    Let palgays have their moment of glory.

    • 4 months ago

      You don't get it. There won't BE a gen 10.

      All we can do is make sure we don't get Culturally Genocided for our previous arrogance.

      It's been a fun ride bros...

      • 4 months ago

        >Company makes a game that competes with Pokémon
        >Pokemon will stop making games now

        Do you really think that’s how a business works? You sound like the kind of person who just quits as soon as there is a minor issue. You’d be an awful friend.

        • 4 months ago

          >Company makes a game that competes with Pokémon
          Not when Pokémon is a 7's rating and palworld is a 12's (never mind the fact pw doersn';t have an anime, merch department, TCG or brand management company to handle the production of all that for pocket pair, like TPC are that for Game Freak).
          For them to actually compete, they ned to enter all Game Freak's metrics on top of making video games. Otherwise, they're just an also-ran.

        • 4 months ago

          Anon, you seem well intentioned, but you’re wasting your time. This is just another shitposter anti-pokemon or anti-nintendo butthole coming in concern-trolling for Pokemon. Anything that says “pokebros/pokesisters OoOh NOOO WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO, it’s so over bros…” is a shitpost. Same with people who say shit like “johto and unova are the worst regions”. Basically they only come to this board and make shitty threads so they can screech to themselves “OMG POKEhomosexualS BTFO, IM TOTALLY TROLLING THESE buttholeS” and share screencaps with their other shitty friends so they can see how they totally owned the pokemon shills or whatever the frick.
          This whole board is probably gonna be unuseable for the next 6 months to a year because of these trolls.

    • 4 months ago

      There will be some monumental updates if not mods and you know it

    • 4 months ago

      Gen 10 is still going to be heavily compared to both SV and Palworld. if gen 10 is somehow worse than either, it's not going to look good.

      • 4 months ago

        I swear if Gen 10 looks like Unity assets again, I'm fricking done.

      • 4 months ago

        It’s going to look worse because they have somehow regressed despite the continuous influx of revenue and gradual rate of consumer discontent

    • 4 months ago

      >Palworld will be dead in 3 months
      a few days ago you were saying it would be dead in a month. a few days before that you were saying it would be dead in a couple of weeks.

      • 4 months ago

        Palworld will linger either until people get bored of it or Pokemon releases a new game. Whichever comes first.

      • 4 months ago

        Lol I'm glad someone else noticed this. They keep moving the deadline down with each passing day

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      This, Pokémon may lose some battles but has already won the war (World's highest grossing media franchise)

      • 4 months ago

        >Pokémon already won because some corporation makes money selling shirts and plush
        and I give a frick, why??? Who cares if Pokémon makes money. I want good games and the Switch era has been a disaster.

    • 4 months ago

      >Palworld will be dead in 3 months
      Ark is still going after almost a decade. This is an even more autistic version of Ark. Brace your butthole

    • 4 months ago

      This more or less. It may be a year or it may come back with mods and stuff but palworld isn't trying to cement a franchise. The developers are already working in a hollow knight clone I think.
      Pokemon will sell no matter what they do so they won't stop and it will eventually outlive Palworld and pokegays will think that's a win even if the quality keeps declining

    • 4 months ago

      >I-i-it only s-sold 8 million copies in 6 days, it'll go away any day now!

    • 4 months ago

      Also doesn't help the devs are unable to actually set themselves apart.
      Think about it, Palworld only has creatures looking like Pokemon as any hint of being similar to the Pokemon series. Besides that, the game itself is totally different (Survival crafting game, closer to Ark, actually). And yet, everyone, be it supporters or haters, cannot stop comparing it to Pokemon. This is a huge red flag towards a game's longetivity in the 2020's, especially when it's a newly born franchise.

      Hell, even franchises that lived for years are not hyped for long anymore. Take TotK, somehow the game sold ten million in three days, but barely anyone cared two months later. Call of Duty, a two decades old franchise, released possibly one of the worst entries possible this winter, yet still sold incredible amounts, and no one cares anymore.

      If Palworld wants to last longer than a few months, it would need to either add an ingame shop, or DLC, or sequels fast. This is not a franchise like Minecraft who popularized the crafting survival voxel genre, nor a FnaF which popularized short horror games with jumpscares and had no real comparisons possible at the time. Palworld, for better or for worse, is regularly compared to Zelda and Pokemon, it needs a little something to differentiate itself, no matter how fun a game is, it will be destined to die if it doesn't offer anything actually new, especially in modern times where people have shorter attention span and look at Tik Tok.

      • 4 months ago

        Palworld's devs are already talking about adding more to the game, including new features and pals. Palworld is more PC adjacent than console adjacent, so DLC is unnecessary and shitting out a sequel already would be a smoothbrain move.

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah, we are aware Palworld has no staying power. No need to remind us every five minutes.

      • 4 months ago

        I think it's also modern gamers hoping that we will finally see another Monster Catching series become popular and known worlwide, like Pokemon, or even Digimon. But alas, that's not happening. Even if Palworld outsells Red/Blue/Green, I highly doubt the devs, which are not known to stick to one game for long except for bug patches, will have the strength to create anime, merchs and stuff like that. Pokemon didn't become popular simply thanks to the game, but also thanks to the anime that introduced beloved characters even today. Palworld doesn't have that, at the moment. It's just, unironically, Ark with Pokemon instead of dinosaurs, and as long as it's talked about like that, it will never get to genuinely grow beyond a game that sold extremely well.
        Of course, I could be wrong and eventually, we'll get a Minecraft-like phenomenon... However, it'll have to be bought by an AAA company to actually become huge, like Minecraft.

        • 4 months ago

          Their past games were all steam trash that no one knew about. With palworld being a huge financial success I guarantee they’ll stick with it for years, and probably abandon all their old games too

          • 4 months ago

            I am not saying they won't stick with Palworld, but I doubt it'll actually ever be finished. Craftopia is still being taken care of, for example. However, we are still far from getting all the promised features, as well as far from version 1.0, which was due in 2021/2022 (only 18 months of EA). Wether or not you care about seeing the "v 1.0" at the bottom is subjective, but I am confident they'll actually never finish it.

      • 4 months ago

        They shouldn't have used the Electabuzz wannabe as the front-pal. Game would still have been accused of plagiarism, but 90% of people who first saw this, including youtubers, without knowing anything else about the game, noticed this one yellow dude was "Similar to that yellow Pokemon with a bolt on his belly" or shit like this.
        The cat, sheep and owl you meet at the start would have made perfect mascots, or even the grass mamoth.

        • 4 months ago

          It looks like that one Miyazaki anime Totoro or whatever it's called with Electabuzz's color pattern

          • 4 months ago

            I call that one "My Neighbor Electabuzz"

            • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          Relaxaurus will likely be the mascot, it's on the icon after all

    • 4 months ago

      Why would they announce gen 10 for this year? If they wait a year they can tie it with the 30th pokemon anniversary and make a big deal about it
      Then it can probably launch on the switch2 if nintendo don't frick around with it's release date

      Expect some shitty remake this year to by time tbh

    • 4 months ago

      Palworld or Pokemon- Which is more likely to have nude modpacks?
      Because those contribute to a game's longevity.

      • 4 months ago

        i know of two RSE romhacks, that dont do much other than being nude patches, but getting to them is a little tricky and not likely to be worth anybodies effort.

        • 4 months ago

          Well now I'm curious

          • 4 months ago

            you can find both in the loverslab forums, if you have a bit of patience for snooping.
            the first is probably not finished yet, but its the better one, i believe. https://www.loverslab.com/topic/89222-pokemon-hacksgames/page/10/#comment-4247253
            he second one set off my glowBlack person alarm, honestly, so i got out a little early.
            its created by someone on a "naturalist" forum, the gameplay video posted has the feeling of a gay pride parade, and the forum that was linked to as the source felt like a honeypot, so i noped out before i saw anything incriminating.

            • 4 months ago

              Thanks for the link, I don't like the sound of the latter so I'll steer clear too.

        • 4 months ago

          >i know of two RSE romhacks
          Red pill me on those.

          • 4 months ago

            you can find both in the loverslab forums, if you have a bit of patience for snooping.
            the first is probably not finished yet, but its the better one, i believe. https://www.loverslab.com/topic/89222-pokemon-hacksgames/page/10/#comment-4247253
            he second one set off my glowBlack person alarm, honestly, so i got out a little early.
            its created by someone on a "naturalist" forum, the gameplay video posted has the feeling of a gay pride parade, and the forum that was linked to as the source felt like a honeypot, so i noped out before i saw anything incriminating.

    • 4 months ago

      3 months is really generous, with enough luck Pokemon's direct will kill all of Palworld's momentum in just one month

    • 4 months ago

      Every Pokémon game is dead in 2 weeks

      • 4 months ago

        Palworld died much faster, 1 week in.

        • 4 months ago

          >Palworld died
          >still has 1 million players currently playing on steam

  3. 4 months ago

    Sure. As palworld shows, they now need to make another, better, Legends game to compete.

  4. 4 months ago

    >the only Pokémon game that’s coming this year is a legends shovelware or a ilca demake of either the two worst Pokémon region (jotho and unova)
    its so over…

  5. 4 months ago

    Pokemon destroyed its momentum by staying at the same place and never growing as devs and learning new trades in their evolving industry..

  6. 4 months ago

    Everyone keeps pulling out Palworld like some trap card against Pokemon. Aside from 'cute monsters', does that game even have anything in common with Pokemon games?

    • 4 months ago

      The question should be, does Pokemon have anything to offer like PalWorld?

      • 4 months ago

        I'll take that as a 'no, it's not like Pokemon at all'. Thanks.
        So why is it all over this board, then?

        • 4 months ago

          Because pokedrones snitched this game en masse to nintendo as if they werent capable of doing anything themselves like shutting down the pokemon mod for palworld which they did. The same morons claimed it was made with ai by fusioning some pokemon, as if that in itself wouldnt be transformative enough.

          • 4 months ago

            What does this have to do with 'is it like Pokemon'? I don't give a damn what social media zombies do to each other.

            • 4 months ago

              Because thats the relation with pokemon, don't care about what you know, people are making the comparison and thats why you see it all over the board

              • 4 months ago

                It’s because it’s not like Pokemon that it’s good

                So, the only things it has in common with Pokemon, are monsters, and some ripped Pokemon model replacement mod. And it's better than Pokemon games... by not being a Pokemon game, or even Pokemon-esque/clone. Got it.

                So. Again. Why is it all over a Pokemon board?

              • 4 months ago

                ragebait circlejerk

              • 4 months ago

                I thought that was what Ganker and /vg/ were for

              • 4 months ago

                Where do you think /vp/ came from?

              • 4 months ago

                It’s not my fault you can’t understand the simple fact that people will gravitate to something when it satisfies their needs

              • 4 months ago

                Because despite all this people are complaining to gamefreaks about it claiming the game is a rip off

              • 4 months ago

                Because it's a better representation of what people thought console Pokemon would be than SwSh and SV ended up being.

                Palworld is the Pokemon game I dreamed of when I was a kid watching the anime in the early 2000s.

              • 4 months ago

                You dreamed of shooting Pokemon while making them slave away in a factory?

              • 4 months ago

                NTA, but I expected an open world where I go with my team, maybe create or buy my own base, and make things, and my pokemon to help get/do those things.
                You know, be a part of the world rather than just decorations on my belt.

                The gun shooting is just Fortnite zoom syndrome: everything needs guns and explosives, otherwise it won't be fun.

              • 4 months ago

                Sounds like you don't like RPGs and want to play a different game

              • 4 months ago

                Or maybe turn based RPGs are just the lowest form of RPGs and Game Freak only sticks with it because they're too incompetent to put out something better?

              • 4 months ago

                >Or maybe turn based RPGs are just the lowest form of RPGs
                No you're just a brownskin zoomer that can't think for itself, especially if you still obsess over Persona and Earthbound-likes like the hypocrite you are.

              • 4 months ago

                Okay redneck

              • 4 months ago

                The shooting no, but I always thought that your extra Pokemon should be doing something useful instead of rotting away in a box. I'm more so talking about how Palworld's battle mechanics are more dynamic than a turn based system. Plus, the Pals in the overworld actually feel more alive than Pokemon do at the moment.

              • 4 months ago

                guns were a mistake tbdesu, they don't even do much in game but every euphoric pokegay clings to the "le guns and slaves" oversimplification
                completely ignoring the fact that the actual mechanics of the pals themselves (animations, work skills, innate abilities, attacks against the player) make them feel vastly more alive and sovlful than the utterly sterile encounters and especially the "open world" of later gens

              • 4 months ago

                When was the last time you played a pokemon game because abilities have been in the franchise for 20 years now.

                The shooting no, but I always thought that your extra Pokemon should be doing something useful instead of rotting away in a box. I'm more so talking about how Palworld's battle mechanics are more dynamic than a turn based system. Plus, the Pals in the overworld actually feel more alive than Pokemon do at the moment.

                Or maybe turn based RPGs are just the lowest form of RPGs and Game Freak only sticks with it because they're too incompetent to put out something better?

                So you don't like the battle system because you can't figure it out or what

              • 4 months ago

                >So you don't like the battle system because you can't figure it out or what
                Pokemon's battle system is literally built for babies. All you need to do is memorize a few good type matchups and blaze through the game. It's a relic of the technological limitations of the Game Boy.

              • 4 months ago

                You take the battle system away and the game loses part of its identity. And the most recent games especially in the last dlc have had better battles. Again you don't actually want a better pokemon game you want a different game

              • 4 months ago

                No, you're just too autistic to let Pokemon evolve past what it once was. I want to PLAY the Pokemon anime. I want an actual world to explore and Pokemon battling that's better than a rock/paper/scissors simulator.

                Do you know why there isn't a Pokemon game anywhere near the best game of all time discussion? It's because it refuses to evolve past the Game Boy. I want Pokemon to put out a game that BELONGS in that conversation, because it has that potential.

                But people like you are afraid of change. People like you are afraid to dream of something better.

              • 4 months ago

                The problem is that people hated the anime and Ash because it wasn't like the game.
                Now you want to play the anime!

              • 4 months ago

                That's the entire reason that I wanted Pokemon Yellow.

              • 4 months ago

                >I want to PLAY the Pokemon anime.
                So you want a game that's 99% randomly generated quests and beating a gym every 15 or so of these random quests?
                Because that's what the anime was in the end, 99% filler.

                >I want an actual world to explore and Pokemon battling that's better than a rock/paper/scissors simulator.
                There is, type advantage is just the surface of battling, it's why type advantage alone won't win you fights in online PvP.
                What they have to do is stop making gyms, elite 4, champions etc be based on a single type but rather based around different battle styles.

                > People like you are afraid to dream of something better.
                I do, I want something closer to Showdown rather than the casualized crap of the mainline games.

              • 4 months ago

                The thing about Pokemon fans is that the majority of them are casuals who just want a glorified Tamagotchi, none of them know jack shit about the combat system beyond type advantages, they only care that Pikachu is very cute.

                This is why I honestly think the only people who have ever been real Pokemon fans are compgays.
                Hell, they even made their own game with Showdown, which works perfectly.

                >So you don't like the battle system because you can't figure it out or what
                Pokemon's battle system is literally built for babies. All you need to do is memorize a few good type matchups and blaze through the game. It's a relic of the technological limitations of the Game Boy.

                > All you need to do is memorize a few good type matchups and blaze through the game.
                That's the problem, that knowing type advantage alone lets you win the game when the typings are only the surface of the combat system.
                This is why one thing that needs to be done is, on top of making all battles duos or triples, they need to stop giving trainers, be it random NPCs, gyms, elite 4 etc teams based around a single type, and instead make it about a specific strategy.

                The lack of difficulty means that if you jumped into the online and some rando came to you with pic related you wouldn't have any idea what to do, nor would you understand why simply bringing a Pokemon into battle will almost kill him.

              • 4 months ago

                Also, another thing that would go a long way to help make the game have a proper difficulty would be to just not allow you to use items in battle (except Pokeballs for catching, obviously)

              • 4 months ago

                any proper pokemon AI would also need to be able to freely make switches, and be at least moderately smart about it.

              • 4 months ago

                >a glorified Tamagotchi
                all TPC needs to do is realize this and make a phone app where you can feet and pet your pokemon and do simple challenges with it or something, throw in a few paid cosmetics, and they'd never need a mainline game again

              • 4 months ago

                They should just start putting items on npcs mons and boost hp stat of 90proc of pokemon. Its not fun when your monster just dies to one attack from equeal level.

              • 4 months ago

                thinking people know the type system when the second you add a second type on people don't relies fire isn't strong on grass/dragon.
                The only reason they know whats weak to what is because the game tells you, They sure as hell do not know what defensive types work like.
                You don't play the games but you know your chess simulator at least.

              • 4 months ago

                You want a different game because Pokémon games were never like the anime. Go play the FF7 remake that plays nothing like the original if you hate turn based so much.

        • 4 months ago

          It’s because it’s not like Pokemon that it’s good

      • 4 months ago

        creature designs that aren't dogshit
        aside from that though yeah i agree

    • 4 months ago

      it does a lot of what people have actually wanted from pokemon ever since they first watched the anime. I don't know who fooled people into thinking that pokemon as a series is popular because of its gameplay

      • 4 months ago

        this so much. before palworld the only other game that came close to the original idea behind pokemons potential was smt5. it had the monsters in the open world behaving believably like they had a purpose and werent just thrown around the landscape with no rhyme or reason like pokeshit scat and vomit. palworld has taken it much closer to the original pokemon idea sold to us by the anime. the turn based gameplay was never the endgame for pokemon. it was what was possible at the time but it should have fricking moved beyond it by now.

        • 4 months ago

          >it had the monsters in the open world behaving believably like they had a purpose and werent just thrown around the landscape with no rhyme or reason like pokeshit scat and vomit.
          I don't know what game you're describing but it isn't smt5. That game's spawns aren't different from how SV's works.
          >the turn based gameplay was never the endgame for pokemon
          Oh you're an anti-turn based moron, nevermind.

        • 4 months ago

          GameFreak would rather add a hundred more new shitmons than just have a Gen dedicated to improving the gameplay with the mons they already have

        • 4 months ago

          However, one must understand.
          What does the person who plays Pokémon really want?

          Palword, to my first impression, seemed to be Minecraft+Fortnite+Pokémon.

          There is no story, it's laughable that you can use guns and tanks against Pokémon, which are giant beings that function like bosses that you find so in the wide field, ranked and all that.

          -You criticized Pokémon for having too simple a story, and you wanted it to be complex, and yet GF doesn't know how to make a complex story, and you say it's Pokémon anyway and the complex story is not needed, however you don't want too many cutscenes, and you don't then want the characters, and then that in the end the only thing I care about is Pokémon, but you want Pokémon to have a story behind it that explains, and the "lore" fad of the last few years, and the theories that you make but you don't want in the plot.
          -It was criticized that there were no competitive aids, that there was difficulty in breeding and shiny hunting.
          But then, because there was an improvement for competitive, with easier access to certain things, then they say that it is too easy, that it should be harder, and that competitive has ruined the game because people focus on IV and EV and not on pokémon mates and friends.

        • 4 months ago

          However, one must understand.
          What does the person who plays Pokémon really want?

          Palword, to my first impression, seemed to be Minecraft+Fortnite+Pokémon.

          There is no story, it's laughable that you can use guns and tanks against Pokémon, which are giant beings that function like bosses that you find so in the wide field, ranked and all that.

          -You criticized Pokémon for having too simple a story, and you wanted it to be complex, and yet GF doesn't know how to make a complex story, and you say it's Pokémon anyway and the complex story is not needed, however you don't want too many cutscenes, and you don't then want the characters, and then that in the end the only thing I care about is Pokémon, but you want Pokémon to have a story behind it that explains, and the "lore" fad of the last few years, and the theories that you make but you don't want in the plot.
          -It was criticized that there were no competitive aids, that there was difficulty in breeding and shiny hunting.
          But then, because there was an improvement for competitive, with easier access to certain things, then they say that it is too easy, that it should be harder, and that competitive has ruined the game because people focus on IV and EV and not on pokémon mates and friends.

          -The design of pokémon was criticized for not enough pokémon, but that they were digimon instead (gen 4 and gen 5).
          -It was complained that they are adding and removing mechanics that everyone would like (the pokemon following you, the Pokeathlon, pokémon races, the Battle Frontier, which in the end are these mechanics that are of interest).
          -Move animations one would like them to be more true to life, that one could watch the fight without the turn system, and thus the PLA capture and fight system implemented earlier with Pikachu and Eevee with appearances in the wild in the overworld.
          -And it was criticized that there were too many legendaries, that previously legendaries meant one thing, while now they mean nothing, and how in the end the best legendary is Mewtwo because there is the movie.
          -And there was criticism, rightly so, of dexit because you were reducing the pokemon present with the absence of a national pokedex, because there is the system of international exchange and banking that makes up for the problems present in the past for transportation from previous games, and the GTS and all the systems like the PSS and the others still to try to take advantage of an international community born on the threshold of gen 4. But with the presence of more and 1000 pokemon it is also difficult to be able to put and distribute them all within a small space.

        • 4 months ago

          However, one must understand.
          What does the person who plays Pokémon really want?

          Palword, to my first impression, seemed to be Minecraft+Fortnite+Pokémon.

          There is no story, it's laughable that you can use guns and tanks against Pokémon, which are giant beings that function like bosses that you find so in the wide field, ranked and all that.

          -You criticized Pokémon for having too simple a story, and you wanted it to be complex, and yet GF doesn't know how to make a complex story, and you say it's Pokémon anyway and the complex story is not needed, however you don't want too many cutscenes, and you don't then want the characters, and then that in the end the only thing I care about is Pokémon, but you want Pokémon to have a story behind it that explains, and the "lore" fad of the last few years, and the theories that you make but you don't want in the plot.
          -It was criticized that there were no competitive aids, that there was difficulty in breeding and shiny hunting.
          But then, because there was an improvement for competitive, with easier access to certain things, then they say that it is too easy, that it should be harder, and that competitive has ruined the game because people focus on IV and EV and not on pokémon mates and friends.

          -The design of pokémon was criticized for not enough pokémon, but that they were digimon instead (gen 4 and gen 5).
          -It was complained that they are adding and removing mechanics that everyone would like (the pokemon following you, the Pokeathlon, pokémon races, the Battle Frontier, which in the end are these mechanics that are of interest).
          -Move animations one would like them to be more true to life, that one could watch the fight without the turn system, and thus the PLA capture and fight system implemented earlier with Pikachu and Eevee with appearances in the wild in the overworld.
          -And it was criticized that there were too many legendaries, that previously legendaries meant one thing, while now they mean nothing, and how in the end the best legendary is Mewtwo because there is the movie.
          -And there was criticism, rightly so, of dexit because you were reducing the pokemon present with the absence of a national pokedex, because there is the system of international exchange and banking that makes up for the problems present in the past for transportation from previous games, and the GTS and all the systems like the PSS and the others still to try to take advantage of an international community born on the threshold of gen 4. But with the presence of more and 1000 pokemon it is also difficult to be able to put and distribute them all within a small space.

          -And one wanted the open world pokémon where you decide what you want to do, but then however there is difficulty about being able to decide how to implement the gyms scheme, which was eliminated in Sun and Moon (the best attempts at game creation that GF has attempted in recent years) in favor of the captains' challenge, which however has the problem of bosses, which however is said to have then gone by trial and error first in Galar and then in Paldea, and in Paldea it achieved its way.
          -And first the mega-evolutions were criticized, and after that the crystal-z's, and after that the Dynamax, and now it seems that the only one they like, though these too with criticism, is the teracrystallization. Not to mention the criticism of even triple and rotational fights, and double fights.
          -And there was criticism of cross-evolutions, and also pokedexes without having pokemon linked to old pokemon.
          -And one wants an evolution of Eevee every new game!
          -And you would like the overworld in another way, with the pokemon you ride it in water and in the sky when you surf and fly, and you want HMs and TMs again, however that these TMs be usable only once again, because otherwise it's too simple, and yet you don't want HMs either because then you have to have a move to cancel for one of those useless moves like defog, strenght, cut, rock climb or surf.
          -And the national pokedexes were not supposed to have too many pokemon, and yet not too few either.
          -And the region is bad that it has too many water paths, however, it has few water paths, and caves, and forests, and exploration, and then that you were afraid when you entered Lavender Town that there was scary music.

        • 4 months ago

          However, one must understand.
          What does the person who plays Pokémon really want?

          Palword, to my first impression, seemed to be Minecraft+Fortnite+Pokémon.

          There is no story, it's laughable that you can use guns and tanks against Pokémon, which are giant beings that function like bosses that you find so in the wide field, ranked and all that.

          -You criticized Pokémon for having too simple a story, and you wanted it to be complex, and yet GF doesn't know how to make a complex story, and you say it's Pokémon anyway and the complex story is not needed, however you don't want too many cutscenes, and you don't then want the characters, and then that in the end the only thing I care about is Pokémon, but you want Pokémon to have a story behind it that explains, and the "lore" fad of the last few years, and the theories that you make but you don't want in the plot.
          -It was criticized that there were no competitive aids, that there was difficulty in breeding and shiny hunting.
          But then, because there was an improvement for competitive, with easier access to certain things, then they say that it is too easy, that it should be harder, and that competitive has ruined the game because people focus on IV and EV and not on pokémon mates and friends.

          -The design of pokémon was criticized for not enough pokémon, but that they were digimon instead (gen 4 and gen 5).
          -It was complained that they are adding and removing mechanics that everyone would like (the pokemon following you, the Pokeathlon, pokémon races, the Battle Frontier, which in the end are these mechanics that are of interest).
          -Move animations one would like them to be more true to life, that one could watch the fight without the turn system, and thus the PLA capture and fight system implemented earlier with Pikachu and Eevee with appearances in the wild in the overworld.
          -And it was criticized that there were too many legendaries, that previously legendaries meant one thing, while now they mean nothing, and how in the end the best legendary is Mewtwo because there is the movie.
          -And there was criticism, rightly so, of dexit because you were reducing the pokemon present with the absence of a national pokedex, because there is the system of international exchange and banking that makes up for the problems present in the past for transportation from previous games, and the GTS and all the systems like the PSS and the others still to try to take advantage of an international community born on the threshold of gen 4. But with the presence of more and 1000 pokemon it is also difficult to be able to put and distribute them all within a small space.


          -And one wanted the open world pokémon where you decide what you want to do, but then however there is difficulty about being able to decide how to implement the gyms scheme, which was eliminated in Sun and Moon (the best attempts at game creation that GF has attempted in recent years) in favor of the captains' challenge, which however has the problem of bosses, which however is said to have then gone by trial and error first in Galar and then in Paldea, and in Paldea it achieved its way.
          -And first the mega-evolutions were criticized, and after that the crystal-z's, and after that the Dynamax, and now it seems that the only one they like, though these too with criticism, is the teracrystallization. Not to mention the criticism of even triple and rotational fights, and double fights.
          -And there was criticism of cross-evolutions, and also pokedexes without having pokemon linked to old pokemon.
          -And one wants an evolution of Eevee every new game!
          -And you would like the overworld in another way, with the pokemon you ride it in water and in the sky when you surf and fly, and you want HMs and TMs again, however that these TMs be usable only once again, because otherwise it's too simple, and yet you don't want HMs either because then you have to have a move to cancel for one of those useless moves like defog, strenght, cut, rock climb or surf.
          -And the national pokedexes were not supposed to have too many pokemon, and yet not too few either.
          -And the region is bad that it has too many water paths, however, it has few water paths, and caves, and forests, and exploration, and then that you were afraid when you entered Lavender Town that there was scary music.


          Maybe the fault lies with specific generational cohorts of people born in specific periods who ruined the fandom, and as a result, with their criticisms, they also led the game to make decisions later than the cohort that made those criticisms, and as a result they found themselves a cohort that transposed the decisions made for the previous cohort that however came across badly with the decisions made to solve one, leading to problems for the other.

          Palword what it offers: you can travel to a world that's not there, build your own shelter, catch pokemon.
          The designs are ugly, story is not there.

          The problem has always been catagorizing Pokémon as RPG when it never had any kind of content that was RPG.

          The other problem is that the pokemon fan has always been a nintendo fan who if he played only played nintendo stuff, he has a videogame taste that takes whatever you give him (Metroid, Pikmin, Zelda, Mario), and any other non-Nintendo game that looks like it has similar features though, but he takes whatever comes through, even adding memes.

          If Palword is liked, it is not because it is Palword that is better, but because Pokemon has bred a group of gamers with tastes that in the end are not this great thing.
          Palword succeeds because Pokémon created that, but not because they have downsides, but precisely because Pokémon is bought even with downsides, then people will buy Palword as well, saying though that it is better than Pokémon because of so many of those things that are said, which, as usual, seem more like ex-post motivations than motivations related to the game mechanics.

          Say it, you want an open-world pokemon where there is no story, there is nothing but pokemon and pokeball.

          You liked Pixelmon but would like more "anime" graphics though! Palword is the game for you!

        • 4 months ago

          How can anyone who claims to like Pokémon hate turn-based combat? Every mainline Pokémon game (and even some of its spin offs) is turn based. I hate that people who hate turn based are directly comparing Palword to Pokémon despite the gameplay being nothing alike. Pokémon follows Dragon Quest. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Millions of people play competitive Pokémon, turn based combat and all. And when I say Pokémon isn’t broken, I mean the gameplay itself isn’t. The performance and graphics of S/V are, but that is something that can be fixes next gen but if the gameplay loop is bad, no one would play Pokémon.

    • 4 months ago

      You catch them, they have an elemental based system, you battle with them, and has a lot of RPG elements

  7. 4 months ago

    >Shilling Palworld even at /vp/
    And you wonder why people hate you

  8. 4 months ago

    TemTem was also shilled to the death as the next Pokemon killer. Now nobody remembers it. Palworld will be next.

    • 4 months ago

      Temtem was not even remotely close to the success Palworld is having

    • 4 months ago

      temtem at peak had only 40k players. also it has lootboxes.

      • 4 months ago

        It was also a straight-up pokemon clone gameplay-wise, at which point you might as well just play pokemon. A big part of Palworld's appeal is you can do shit in it in that you can't do in actual pokemon games.

  9. 4 months ago

    Pokebros, screencap every single shitpost by palshitters. When their time to fall comes, I want to savor every moment of it.

    • 4 months ago

      Seethe harder Freaktoddler

  10. 4 months ago

    >unite 2nd

    All Jake btw Yee-Haw

  11. 4 months ago

    If pal world is so good how come anyone talks about it it’s all just
    >sold 20 kajillion!
    >Ripped off Pokemon
    >Pokemon with guns!!!

    And never anything about actual gameplay or how fun it is to play?

    • 4 months ago

      because the actual palworld enjoyers are too busy playing palworld to bother engaging with unhinged pokecels

      • 4 months ago

        I only shitpost about palworld on /vp/ while I'm eating or at work.
        I'm actually playing palworld the rest of the time

    • 4 months ago

      because you can't really sum up the experience with a single post. You just kind of do things and it's fun.

      • 4 months ago

        wtf is has vr

    • 4 months ago

      because you never cared about gameplay and graphics

  12. 4 months ago

    Be patient, /vp/oreons, Nintendo's legal team is working on a solution to the Palworld problem. Soon there will be a C&D that will force them to hand the code over to Nintendo and develop all original assets, which are going to be laughably bad when they aren't direct plagiarism of Nintendo's IP. Then people will flock back to Pokemon.

  13. 4 months ago

    legends shitceus was a literal paid beta test

    • 4 months ago

      This. I used to defend PLA but Palworld proved that the haters were right.

  14. 4 months ago

    Twitch literally exists because of Pokemon.

  15. 4 months ago

    Oh no, the platform with troons, nonces, groomers, simps and prostitutes isn't hosting a game I like enough!

    • 4 months ago

      But enough about /vp/.

  16. 4 months ago

    hopefully when pocketpair buys out bingtendo and gamefreak only to delete them theyll allow the pokemon skin mods again

  17. 4 months ago

    >It's over
    Okay? Now can you leave this board so we can peacefully shitpost and whatnot? Or are you going to continue tarnishing your game's image with more shilling? Just let us be already, for fricks sake! Ask the mods to make a new board for you or something. Buy an ad, live and let live.

  18. 4 months ago

    Go outside and make friends with real people instead of finding a surrogate you loser

  19. 4 months ago

    Even normies are parodying you pokegays

    • 4 months ago

      >failed CURRENT THING gossip channel

  20. 4 months ago

    >PLA destroyed all cultural momentum we had
    Pretty sure Gold and Silver ending Pokemania did that.

    • 4 months ago

      >Hoennturd still thinks her game didn't kill Pokemania
      Lol, Hoenn Pokemon were compared to Digimon back in the day

      • 4 months ago

        Pokemania died before gen 2 ended

        • 4 months ago

          And gen 3 made sure it couldn't come back.

  21. 4 months ago

    The feeling I get from people who endorse Palworld is that they play and enjoy the game to spite Pokemon, rather than to promote the game on it's own strengths.

  22. 4 months ago

    I've played palworld, feels more like an Ark clone than a pokemon clone. but people seem to hyperfocus the capturing monster bit.

    • 4 months ago

      It seems people have been avoiding the Elephant in the room; the gameplay of Palworld, which is 80% base building/crafting/gathering resources, which is done by hunting Pals, mostly.

      It's funny how people said they were tired of survival crafting game, yet they all decided Palworld was an excellent game despite featuring everything people supposedly hated.

      • 4 months ago

        It's because it has monster taming and is edgy.

        Normies screech "THIS IS THE POKEMON GAME WE'VE ALWAYS WANTED!" even though it's nothing like it. Normies grew out of Pokémon games and left them alone as the revolving door of kids picked the games up in their place. But now, because everyone likes to act like an entitled piece of shit, they suddenly expect the brand to cater to their current wants, rather than do what's been working for longer than they have been alive.

        I'm autistic as shit, I'm barely functional as a member of society, but I'm fine with Pokémon games remaining turn based RPGs, because I like turn based RPGs. I just wish the elements that I enjoy like exploring the region, finding secrets, worldbuilding, etc. got better with each release instead of experimental open world elements and battle gimmicks actively hindering them.

        This is being blown way out of proportion by people who love 'drama' (a word I have come to despise because of the internet) and want to make things sound worse than they are for attention. I hate that platforms like YT and TikTok enable this kind of stuff, because all it does is encourage people to get online and start shit for more attention, which leads to more money.

        • 4 months ago

          You sound like a normie/NPC.
          Found Ganker recently huh?

          • 4 months ago

            I've been here since the exile, so explain your reasoning, homosexual.

          • 4 months ago

            >Completely ignores a post when it has more than two sentences and resort to buzzwords
            Average social media user.

  23. 4 months ago

    I hate compgays

  24. 4 months ago

    who's your favorite not-pokemon? mine's bushi

    • 4 months ago

      What does Bushi do?

      • 4 months ago

        >What does Bushi do?

  25. 4 months ago

    New toy syndrome

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