>pokemon is a socialist uto-

>pokemon is a socialist uto-

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  1. 10 months ago

    >french moronic child b***hes and moans about topics she couldn't conceive of
    Accurate. You can really tell GameFreak visited Paris for inspiration.

  2. 10 months ago

    -pia with still some incancerated capitalists' pigs

    • 10 months ago

      The systems that govern it seem to love money ,marketing and free enterprise, you technically become have not one but 3 digging dudes that reward you for believing in them, one as a fossil maniac another with a connection to the hidden unknown room and the dunsparce guy in sevii islands

      Another example is thhe guy with the machop that ran out of construction funds, money is king in the Pokemon world and the fact that you can get lost in the mountains for years without any issue should say how little oversight the government has until shit gets real like aether and galactic/plasma

      Sponsorships as exposed in galar and alola are a big deal, gambling and shady deals were strong from the start and whatever Steven stone father's company was doing in the abandoned mauvile is up to the air, companies in the Pokemon world barely care about laws to a point they created not one but two eco terrorist groups, and then there's Lysander and his holocast being a widespread technology shenanigans

      However thought a world that rewards meritocracy to the point it borders into a full aristocracy with blood hand me down jobs is communist in any shape way or form is pants on head moronic

      • 10 months ago

        >you technically become
        don't know why this part was deleted but >you technically become the owner of joint Avenue in the 5th gen games regardless of qualifications and you have

        The Pokemon world like most games are pretty much capitalist as frick due to needing currency and barriers for the player to overcome, it's kinda silly how games teach you about markets and the value of time with grinding optimization

      • 10 months ago

        The Greater Mauville Holdings was a rival to Devon Corp.
        Anyhow the regions are full of corporations like Macro Cosmos, Nemona's parents, Devon, Silph... the Pokémon world is 100% capitalistic

        • 10 months ago

          My bad, I missed that
          Pokemon is an interesting world, it almost feels like a capitalist wet dream

          • 10 months ago

            It's basically anarcho-capitalist but with free healthcare.

            • 10 months ago

              There's no free healthcare and we don't know who finances centers.
              And that's ignoring the fact that pokemon centers heal pokemon.

              • 10 months ago

                It's obvious that the Pokecentres are ran by the same company that makes Pokeballs, hence the buildings being designed to look like a Pokeball.
                The business model is they offer 'free' healing and PC use, in exchange encouraging you have an excuse to go buy more pokeballs because raising and keeping hundreds of pokemon is easy with those systems. Without the Pokecentre and PC, it would be impossible to keep more than a handful of Pokemon.

                It's called a "loss leader" in the industry.

  3. 10 months ago

    I mean it could vary from region to region, as they are in different countries. The first four regions make up one country. Then there's Unity Tower in Unova that looks like the UN but with only 8 flags. Maybe there are 8 countries in the PokeWorld.

    • 10 months ago

      rich getting richer is socialist as frick OP.
      Not that pokemon is socialist but that won't prove it.

      >they are in different countries
      They aren't. Stop spreading misinformation.

      • 10 months ago

        Oak defined the first four regions as a country, with subsequent regions resetting route numbers as a reference to Japan's routes following the naming convention of the first four Japanese regions. Additionally, SV confirms exchange students exist. Stop being intentionally moronic.

        • 10 months ago

          >Oak defined the first four regions as a country
          He didn't.

          >ubsequent regions resetting route numbers as a reference to Japan's routes following the naming convention of the first four Japanese regions
          We literally know Kanto to Kalos to be the same country.

          > Additionally, SV confirms exchange students exist
          No one said there's a single country.

          >Stop being intentionally moronic.
          Says the dude who can't read a game for kids.

          • 10 months ago

            >He didn't.
            >Ah, <player>! This is it! This is Pal Park! Pokémon from around the country can be brought here. In other words, Pokémon from places like Kanto and Hoenn. This place also happens to be where you compete to see how quickly you can catch those Pokémon!
            Now guess which four regions Pokemon appear there?
            >We literally know [FANFIC}
            I'm gonna need a definite source on this.
            >No one said there's a single countrryy
            Sure, but OP implied it. It would be pretty bizarre if you think what he meant is "there's many countries in the Pokemon World and all of them have either socialism or "greedy" capitalism.
            >can't read
            I'd like to hear you out, but I warn you, if you're potential argument is grounded in stupidity, I might have to cease taking you seriously.

            • 10 months ago

              >Now guess which four regions Pokemon appear there?
              The ones that were released by the time DP released you zoomie.
              >I'm gonna need a definite source on this.
              The literal national dex that you can use in ORAS Hoenn has all mons from Gen 1 to Gen 6.
              Viola also said so in Masters if you like that(though this was before post-Kalos characters were added).

              >Sure, but OP implied it.
              Ok, I'm not OP though. Multiple countries were confirmed in the setting like the dialogue when you get skill swap in canavale. Its just not the case for, at least, Kanto to Kalos.

              >if you're potential argument is grounded in stupidity
              Anon, "your" "argument" is just you relaying realgay narrative probably from a poketuber. You're in no place to judge other's arguments.

              • 10 months ago

                >The ones that were released
                False. BDSP has the exact same mons
                >national dex
                varies between all the games that have it. It being called that doesn't guarantee that all of those are suddenly one nation.
                How is that remotely canon with characters appearing across time?
                >I'm not OP though
                You said "no one said this thng" and now you're shifting it, but whatever
                >not the case for Kanto through Kalos
                Sure I'd believe that if you proved it
                no sir, I believe Kalos is swimmable distance to Hoenn, as that's backed up by actual in-game canon. Something you apparently can't fathom. Please explain the in canon reason for Pal Park having Pokemon from the first four regions, as well as the routes resetting after those regions.

              • 10 months ago

                >BDSP has the exact same mons
                Because its a lazy "faithful" post'dexcut remake homie.
                >varies between all the games that have it.
                By that logic you can't bring bdsp either.
                Not to mention you're ignoring the very important matter of new mons being released throgout the franchise's history.
                >It being called that doesn't guarantee that all of those are suddenly one nation.
                It quite literally does. Your favorite poketuber doesn't like the text but the text is there.
                >How is that remotely canon with characters appearing across time?
                Masters is a mess in general, but it being canon is irrelevant to the discussion. No to mention I did say "if you like", though reading isn't your forte.
                >You said "no one said this thng" and now you're shifting it, but whatever
                Fair enough. Someone said so.
                >Sure I'd believe that if you proved it
                >Something you apparently can't fathom
                You're the one directly arguing against the canon.
                > Please explain the in canon reason for Pal Park having Pokemon from the first four regions
                Games have this weird tendency of not having content not made for them.
                > as well as the routes resetting after those regions.
                We weren't told the reason. Which means the one you said doesn't count either.

              • 10 months ago

                >Because its a lazy "faithful" post'dexcut remake homie.
                But it's still canon. Therefore, I'm correct, and you have no excuse to explain why those pokemon are canonically the inhabitants of a county.
                >it quite literally does.
                No, it's a legacy term that they're undoubtedly happy is gone now. Even Let's Go lacks a National Dex.
                >Masters being canon is irrelevant to the discussion
                So you're point about Viola is irrelevant. Got it.
                >No u
                You still haven't brought forth something that counts as in game evidence
                >continues to ignore BDSP
                It's almost like you can't follow a thought for three seconds
                >the one you said doesn't count either
                It's a reference to Japandese trails, which reset from the next Hundred with next provinces

              • 10 months ago

                >But it's still canon.
                And? That doesn't prevent it from being a video game.
                I can't use Meltan and Melmetal in any Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh game so I guess Kanto isn't the same country as Sinnoh.
                >No, it's a legacy term that they're undoubtedly happy is gone now.
                Because of development reasons, not lore. Otherwise, it'd have been removed prior. "your" "argument" hinges on pokemon not being a video game franchise.
                >You still haven't brought forth something that counts as in game evidence
                I did. You just dont ike it.
                >continues to ignore BDSP
                I directly addressed it. Learn to read.
                >t's a reference to Japandese trails, which reset from the next Hundred with next provinces
                Do you realize that quite literally helps my point?

                Explain Lightning American you fricking moron. He's canonically a foreigner.
                Unless you're about to argue that there's an "America" and Unova somehow isn't in it. That will prove you're a moron.

                Don't you realgays cry all the time about retcons?

              • 10 months ago

                Explain Lightning American you fricking moron. He's canonically a foreigner.
                Unless you're about to argue that there's an "America" and Unova somehow isn't in it. That will prove you're a moron.

      • 10 months ago

        They literally are, you fricking moron

        • 10 months ago

          Sorry not everyone follows your favorite poketuber.

  4. 10 months ago

    Whole XY is filled with complaining about fees in France.

    • 10 months ago

      Do they have pay toll stations in the games? Genuinely asking

  5. 10 months ago

    pokemon is capitalist with a generous welfare state, like a Scandinavian country
    Tell me you know nothing about politics or economics


    is that way

    • 10 months ago

      >generous welfare state
      such as?

  6. 10 months ago

    socialists = marxists = losers
    lazy sacks of shit who want things for free and make others pay for it
    simple as

    • 10 months ago

      Give me one good reason why anyone on this earth should have more than 10 million dollars in 2023

      • 10 months ago

        companies use their profits to expand their businesses which creates more jobs and product value for consumers - competition is good and is a natural part of life

        • 10 months ago

          Competition is actually evil and while natural, you could also call rape a natural part of life.

          • 10 months ago

            gee, maybe that's why we have laws in place so that you don't cause physical harm to others
            wow, what a novel concept!
            get a job

          • 10 months ago

            >Competition is actually evil

            • 10 months ago

              This is inherent to their ideology. They also hate the working class and the "petite bourgeois" (proletariat that managed to open their own businesses, IE the Mom & Pop shops)

              Hegelian Dialectics were a mistake.

              • 10 months ago

                It's interesting how Marx, an aristocrat who married another aristocrat and lived off the generosity of his best friend (also an aristocrat), managed to create an entire ideology built around demonizing the middle class and then tricked poor people into thinking it was for their own good.

              • 10 months ago

                The biggest meme is that visiting Adam Smith's grave is free and yet you must pay to see Karl Marx's grave.

              • 10 months ago

                >Marx is giving money to the statem, as supossed to be
                >Adam Smith it's all about freedom, as supossed to be
                Where's the "meme", stupid buffoon?

              • 10 months ago

                >They also hate the working class
                So does the israelites you defend, dumb hypocrite.

              • 10 months ago

                israelites dont believe in class, they hate all gentiles about the same
                I also dont believe in class because thats moronic I hate or like people as individuals not if they are part of some marxists bullshit made up classes or not

              • 10 months ago

                Everyone who is not working class hates working class. Also, everyone who is not rich hates the rich and everyone who is not a bum hates bums.

              • 10 months ago

                There are only two classes of people:
                >Those believe in live and let live
                >Those who don't
                The latter are the cause of every single socio-economic problem, simple as.

          • 10 months ago

            Pokemon's lack of competition ruined the series. Yokai Watch's early success forced them to make a game that isn't mediocre.

        • 10 months ago

          Competition eventually only turns into domination.

          • 10 months ago

            This is so true. This competition and egoism ideology is what historically lead to and still leads to corporate monopolies and imperialism.
            This is because to the bootlickers of capitalism, the word "competition" is understood in a Social Darwinist sense. They never think about morality or what would be good for humanity, animals, and the environment.

            • 10 months ago

              Social Darwinism is a good thing. You don't want institutions around that cannot offer a good service. Institutions that have to compete with one another necessarily have to provide better service with less waste or they will collapse. The most effective economy is one with just enough barriers that prevent the already well established institutions from quashing the startups that could challenge them, but not so many barriers as to stifle growth and innovation.

            • 10 months ago

              >corporate monopolies and imperialism.
              Those are state-backed.
              >They never think about morality or what would be good for humanity, animals, and the environment.
              Pretty much everything bad that's happening to most of those is on the left.

              • 10 months ago

                >Those are state-backed.
                Yeah, man, I'm sure monopolies would love to have some competition of equal power if it wasn't for the evil state's meddling... And yeah, man, imperialists rob countries and build labor camps because the state is simply pure evil, this has absolutely nothing to do with capitalism...
                Who would have thought, politicians are the real capitalists and capitalists are just normal decent people... What a twist!

              • 10 months ago

                >monopolies would love to have some competition of equal power if it wasn't for the evil state's meddling
                No one said monopolies like to have competition. But the ways they can use to thwart it all require the state in some way.

                >... And yeah, man, imperialists rob countries and build labor camps
                Anon, that's what an empire is. A state claiming ownership of others.
                I'm not even being /misc/, even some actual leftists understand this.

          • 10 months ago

            No it doesnt, competition always turns into efficiency.

      • 10 months ago

        So i can start my own militia in Somalia

        • 10 months ago

          good for you, everyone who doesn't want to be a part of that can live elsewhere

      • 10 months ago

        Because morons like you and your communist worship cult keep making money worth less and less.

        • 10 months ago

          Money becomes worth less and less because your prevalent capitalist cult keeps boot-licking and defending the rich businessmen who are sometimes causing and sometimes using every crisis to further expand their wealth and power.

          gee, maybe that's why we have laws in place so that you don't cause physical harm to others
          wow, what a novel concept!
          get a job

          We're also getting new laws to combat the advancement of military robots that can automatically identify people as a "threat" and murder them. What a great society... But why must it come to this? Why not do something before the existence of corporations that build automated killer robots?

          • 10 months ago

            we arn't capitalist, the former systems have been subverted by a bureaucratic authority. you will only make a worse system as you need central authority.
            a core thing your kind dont understand in your hubbris, power and morality are seperate, their only relation is ease of use. all you will ever do is make it easier for the immoral to hold authority.
            minarchy is the only solution, every monopoly and oligarchy in history required a strong governments assistance.

        • 10 months ago

          >Because morons like you and your communist worship cult keep making money worth less and less.

          That's capitalism fool. They print more money and increasingly give it to the wealthy. That way the money/savings regular people own become worth less over time. Ultimately the rich end up with what should be your wealth without you even needing to make a single transaction.

          • 10 months ago

            Keynesianism (corporate welfare and jnflationary currency) was created by moderate leftists to try and bridge the gap between socialism and capitalism. The purpose being to try and pump money into the economy to prevent recessions like the Great Depression. Austrian school marketeers/classical 'capitalists' absolutely DESPISE Keynesian economics. The more hardcore types would sooner see us return to the gold standard if they had their way.

          • 10 months ago

            >That's capitalism fool.
            Ah, yes, the private currency printed by a private company called USD.
            Also, incredibly moronic of the wealthy to keep acccepting money that's worth less and less and consistently risk losing at the zero-sum game that is wealth.

            • 10 months ago

              >federal reserve is a private company
              One of those types

      • 10 months ago

        money's just a medium to exchange for goods and services, there's nothing sacred to it. the alternatives are a more bureaucratic, all controlling governments which have caused or agitated most of our issues, or barter, which dumb know-it-all socialists try to call a gift economy and act like they invented the concept.
        there are things beyond the material, untill you understand that dont bother trying to think abot ruling the world from a top down perspective.

        • 10 months ago

          I never said that money was needed for the exchange of goods.

          I said that no one this planet needs more than 10 million dollars in their bank account.

          Otherwise we end up with things like nuclear bombs.
          >Force society to be simple
          >Shocked when no one builds a nuclear bomb
          Show me all the Amish building nukes lol

          • 10 months ago

            I never said that money WASN'T* needed for the exchange of goods.
            My bad

          • 10 months ago

            I never said that money WASN'T* needed for the exchange of goods.
            My bad

            I expected you to look to transcendent values. the value of money is arbitrary, we can end up with zimbabwe denominations and have 10 milliion not not get much. though you seem to assume that the wealthy actually have that much in liquid cash. they don't, the ultra wealthy own properties, organizations, land, mining rights, art pieces and company stock. it's all assets. a recent example, when musk bought twitter, he had to sell off Tesla stock to do so. that is because despite being a billionaire, he didn't have millions or billions in cash.
            this is true with all of them and why you find articles claiming some of them aren't billionaires, because the value of things they own fluctuates.
            on the nukes part, how do you force people to live simple if you also live simply? I like the concept, the shire with just internet is paradice to me, but tech advances fast when society has protections of individual freedoms, you wouldn't be able to enforce that if the right to ownership. personal and private property are the same thing on an different, yet easily manipulated scale.

      • 10 months ago

        Very few millionaires/billionaires have that much money. They have assets evaluated at that much. For example, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos own hundreds of thousands of shares in their own companies, and as the value of a share of those companies go up, so too do their stock prices. They don't actually have $100+ billion, they have $100+ billion worth of stocks, and people don't take stocks as money. Bezos couldn't buy a candy bar with a stock, he'd have to liquidate it and then buy it

        • 10 months ago

          I have had this conversation a thousand times
          >hurt durr wealth tax
          >yeah great idea let's tax someone 2% of there total wealth but in reality they only have .01% of there wealth as cash so they have to liquidate there fricking company every year which causes massive financial crashes constantly
          >uhhh isn't that really instable
          >yeah no shit

          • 10 months ago

            Even worse is that stocks aren't actually money, they're just valued at a certain number, so it's basically the government forcing you to sell your possessions because people are mad. Imagine owning Pokemon cards and being forced to sell some of them to pay taxes. It's effectively the same thing. Not to mention that when they have to liquidate thousands of shares, the value of said shares plummets, so they've lost money outside of what they paid in taxes.

            Plus, these people believe that they can just increase taxes to 90%+ after a certain bracket and that richgays won't just offshore their wealth. It's basically impossible to tax a rich person at more than 20% of their yearly income, because any higher and they will offshore their money meaning you get squat. But, even to that point I've met unironic socialist imperialists who want to unironically invade "tax haven" countries to force them to stop "economic terrorism".

            • 10 months ago

              Yeah that's my point. These people are insane. If you enforce what they want the market explodes and it would make black Tuesday look like a joke

            • 10 months ago

              It's funny how many socialists rely on anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist rhetoric when their ideology is based on the idea that it's morally obligatory to force your beliefs on the entire world through violence.
              really gets that noggin joggin

              • 10 months ago

                >implying capitalists don't do exactly the same thing
                people kill each other for money and power.

              • 10 months ago

                >b-but what about...
                Literally a textbook Soviet deflection tactic. Other people doing bad thing doesn't excuse you doing bad thing when you've constructed your entire public persona around being opposed to bad thing.

              • 10 months ago

                Capitalism is an economic system, not an ideology. That aside, Capitalism is not anti-imperialistic. It was created to replace the economic system known as Mercantilism to help out an empire in need. Ever wondered why l'il ol' Britain managed to become the richest nation in the history of Earth based on a share of global wealth? It's because they went full Capitalist in an age of Mercantilism.

              • 10 months ago

                Capitalism wasn't 'created' in the first place, it describes the natural tendencies of rational individuals to trade resources in a scarce environment. All economies prior to the Industrial revolution were built around gatekeeping popular access to means of wealth transfer in order to harness the limited economic means for the benefit of the aristocrats; capitalism as a system leveraged the increase in general education to lean INTO mass behavioral trends rather than trying to stand against it. That's why nations that embraced capitalism - like Britain - exploded economically and why so-called post-Capitalist systems - like Marxism and Third Positionism - will always fail. Can't put the cat back in the bag.

              • 10 months ago

                Viewing Capitalism as the end of history is naive at best. Rural aristocracy seemed the same way until suddenly it became possible for the masses to be relatively educated and technology had progressed to the point of making international trade an everyday occurrence.

              • 10 months ago

                No one claimed capitalism was the end of all, it's just the one that made sense and stuck with the creation of a middle class, if anything you could see it as a creation of a new fake Aristocracy based on the middle class wich communists hate as the middle class is far less likely to revolt

                I have actually seen some people claim without any hint of irony and religious zeal that communism is the only logical step to a classless society though and the conclusion of class warfare in humanity, it feels like a cult

              • 10 months ago

                >it feels like a cult
                Because it is. Communism requires absolute faith in the dialectic view of history, which says that Capitalism must, necessarily and as a natural consequence of its mere existence, lead to classless socialism, and that socialism is the endpoint of history after which society will no longer develop.
                If you doubt this view, it makes a hell of a lot more sense to look at ways to improve Capitalism, instead of replacing it.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm not an economist but I believe that there will be a push for central digital currency and state mandated spending that will be meet with such disgust by the public that wars will erupt against it, eventually destroying our trust based system and the petrodollar

                Then we will end up with different currencies backed on energy generation rather than trust

              • 10 months ago

                >I am not an economist but

              • 10 months ago

                I did say I wasn't, it's an uneducated guess from a random dude in the internet for entertainment sake

              • 10 months ago

                This shit was parroted by cryptogays for like 5 years constantly.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm even worse than an ignorant baboon if I sound like a cryptogay

              • 10 months ago

                Exactly my point. It was always either power generation or processing power constantly from those homos

              • 10 months ago

                Capitalism isn't the end of history. It is the beginning, middle, and end. Even under socialist authoritarianism, a capitalist black market inevitably develops. 'Capitalism', stripped of its origins as a Marxist slur, simply defines basic human society and nature. I grow plant, you grow different plant. We mutually agree to trade these fruits with each other. That's the basis of 'capitalism' and it's something humanity has been doing since before recorded history.
                >that's just bartering
                Exactly. Capitalism is just property rights, and nothing more. Claiming that an item belongs to me and you are not entitled to it out of some misguided sense of 'fairness' is what capitalism is and indeed is even what marxists will agree it fundamentally is if you push past their moronic class war rhetoric. Marxism explicitly believes that personal ownership of goods should be abolished and everything should be in the public domain.

              • 10 months ago

                State Capitalism is totally an ideology though, especially the bit on how a corporation can become "too big to fail"

              • 10 months ago

                >State Capitalism
                Its a commie meme to exonerate themselves.
                You just described communism.

                It’s a libertarian shithole run by corporations like Devon. Don’t be fooled by the free healthcare. It just shows a lot of healthcare in the west is actually people seeking diagnosis of illness.

                Its very clearly not a shithole.
                > free healthcare
                So not libertarian?

              • 10 months ago

                Kanto is definitely a shithole

              • 10 months ago

                It can be lolbertarian leaning with some exceptions. I don’t make the rules.

              • 10 months ago

                >libertarian is when cyberpunk dystopia
                When will this meme end?

              • 10 months ago

                I never said that. Who pays the healthcare though?

              • 10 months ago

                >Claims to be pro-working class
                >Hates the working class

                >Claims to be anti-imperialist
                >Is very much imperialist

                >Claims to be against wealth accumulation
                >Basically only followed by those rich enough to afford luxury ideologies

            • 10 months ago

              I think the stocks idea was executed very poorly. Just like credit.

              • 10 months ago

                "If you give me some money as an investment, you get a percentage ownership of my business. Sound Fair?"
                "If you give me some money as an investment, I'll pay you back every penny and then some to make it worth it to you. Sound Fair?"

              • 10 months ago

                The ideas were good, their executions were not.

              • 10 months ago

                You only think this because you don't like the people currently lending the money.

              • 10 months ago

                Actually, I don't like the people currently borrowing money.
                It also devalues currency and increases inflation, doubly so if those morons don't pay off their debts and then everyone else needs to do it for them.

              • 10 months ago

                You're borrowing the money. Friendly reminder that the bottom 50% of earners take more out of the system than they will ever pay into it.

                I never said that. Who pays the healthcare though?

                See here for my hypothesis:

                It's obvious that the Pokecentres are ran by the same company that makes Pokeballs, hence the buildings being designed to look like a Pokeball.
                The business model is they offer 'free' healing and PC use, in exchange encouraging you have an excuse to go buy more pokeballs because raising and keeping hundreds of pokemon is easy with those systems. Without the Pokecentre and PC, it would be impossible to keep more than a handful of Pokemon.

                It's called a "loss leader" in the industry.

              • 10 months ago

                That's not free healthcare though.

                >federal reserve is a private company
                One of those types

                Lean to detect sarcasm.

              • 10 months ago

                We're talking about pokemon healthcare ain't we?

              • 10 months ago

                I sure hope so because it'd be even more moronic to say it has free healthcare then.

              • 10 months ago

                The pokeball companies treating pokecentres as loss leaders is as 'free' as them being socialised and funded by the government.

              • 10 months ago

                Neither of which is free at all.

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                Nah, I'm not borrowing, I'm getting treatment off socialist handouts.
                The socialist stuff is literally made for some people to benefit at the cost of others. In theory, it should give everyone equally bad service and you (singularly) are not expected to cover the costs.
                Loans are supposed to be paid off, but the system is made in such a way that it encourages not paying.
                Yes, the end result might be similar, but the important part is that one was made to work like that and the other is being exploited.

      • 10 months ago

        It makes you mad.

        • 10 months ago

          It's weird to say this when you aren't the person with 10 million dollars.

      • 10 months ago

        So i can dab on commies

      • 10 months ago

        Why should one need a reason to justify their property?

        • 10 months ago

          When commies come in and say you are not allowed to own anything (unless you are the leader of the commies, of course).

  7. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Oink oink, pig.

      • 10 months ago

        >Oink oink p-ACK

      • 10 months ago

        You do know that commies would execute your entire family for your personal wrongdoings, even if you'd turn yourself in to save them?

  8. 10 months ago

    >unova is supposed to be burgerland
    >kalos is supposed to france
    >kalos is the only region where everyone asks for a tip
    explain this kalos gays

    • 10 months ago

      It's because we look so much like broke ass motherfrickers that Masuda just assumed we asked for tips even though we are way too condescending to do that.

      t. broke ass frog

  9. 10 months ago

    >anon, you're making the league on the verge of bankruptcy, you have to take a break from your rematches with the elite four, and stop using your amulet coin
    >ten times a day is truly excessive
    >and no, your purchases of 999 full restores are not even coming close to recouping the costs
    >"but I really want to wear the full Kommo-o armor!"

  10. 10 months ago

    pokémon is dystopia. pokéballs are the guns and it just constantly reminds you of how injustice always wins in the modern world by defeating the good minority that are the teams.

  11. 10 months ago

    How some people can go this hard to dickride billionaires will never not be funny and a tad bit pathetic. Don't tax the rich, poor guys will lose their money!

    • 10 months ago

      perhaps if you had some competition, your bait would not be so low quality

      • 10 months ago

        Cry about it

    • 10 months ago

      We're not simps for billionaires, we just don't harbor any animosity towards them for being billionaires. Commies treat billionaires like Nazis treat darkies. I might not have any love for either, but I don't hate either and don't want to see them persecuted because of some radical ideologue.

      Besides, I don't think having money is necessarily a negative trait either. It's all about the person, not the money they own. Some rich people use their money for the betterment of society, some use it for themselves, and some use it to disrupt society and make themselves richer.

    • 10 months ago

      I don't simp for billionaires. I just prioritize stigmatizing and belittling stupid people until they stop being stupid.

  12. 10 months ago

    I think its a mixture of State-guided Capitalism and Welfare State Capitalism. Basically a mix of communism and capitalism.

    Some necessities to live like minimal food and shelter (health care IS A NECESSITY americns!) appear to be provided by the state. And of course services like transportation, internet(?) and police too. Most other things seem to be up to capitalism.

    I suspect the government puts a cap on wealth. Because you can have 9,999,999 pokedollars maximum in game.

  13. 10 months ago

    It’s a libertarian shithole run by corporations like Devon. Don’t be fooled by the free healthcare. It just shows a lot of healthcare in the west is actually people seeking diagnosis of illness.

  14. 10 months ago

    >blatant /misc/shit thread
    Why are the mods so lazy?

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, a Pokegirl thread died for this!

      • 10 months ago

        You joke but at least people talk about pokemon in those threads

        • 10 months ago

          They don't talk about Pokemon in those threads. They just post pictures of Pokemon and coom.

        • 10 months ago

          Let's make this about Pokemon then. What role does the government serve in this world? Why have law enforcement when any component trainer do their job better than they can? Are Pokemon Leagues funded by the government? Are Pokemon held to any standard in the law?

  15. 10 months ago

    A region's economy lives and dies by the amount of Pokemon it has. It's why Orre is a shithole for most of its run

  16. 10 months ago

    You can literally make your Pokemon work.

  17. 10 months ago

    How did this meme even start in the first place?
    A world were you have to send your 10 year old to do wienerfighting because there are no real jobs anymore.
    Is it because healing the monsters is free? Its probably just a game mechanic

  18. 10 months ago

    The existence of the Silph Co and Devon Corporation are proof that Pokemon is a capitalist society.

  19. 10 months ago

    For socialist features to work, there needs to be aggressive capitalism exploiting people elsewhere. Everything in this world is about money vs time, do you think nurse Joy works for free? Do you think all those people at power plants that supply electricity to pokemon centers work for free? Do you think all those people who build pokemon centers, host PC servers, spend their valuable time crafting medicine and delivering it to pokemon centers just all do it for free? They wouldn't have anything to eat if they did. Since they spend most of the time doing all that they would not be able to farm or hunt their own food either.

  20. 10 months ago

    Unironically yes. In Pokemon, Pokemon are used as means of production for pretty much everything. As every person has access to Pokemon, means of production is therefore "collectively owned" in a way which is impossible outside of socialist utopia. Furthermore, the second contradiction of capitalism (wage relations) is also largely absent in word of Pokemon as Pokemon owners are able to directly monetize their work directly.

    One might argue about Pokemon being oppressed, but even thats not issue since Pokemon canonically enjoy being caught and being made to server humans.

    tl;dr: Pokemon really is socialist utopia

  21. 10 months ago

    People are not starving to death or eating their poke dogs so no it isn't a socialist utopia.

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