Pokemon is the greatest RPG ever made. Nothing even comes close to it.

Pokemon is the greatest RPG ever made.

Nothing even comes close to it.

Elden Ring sits in the 2nd place imo and Bloodborne in the 3rd.

I will also give P5 Royal 4th place and Skyrim the 5th.

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  1. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      finally a person with good taste

      Glad you agree fren!

      • 2 years ago

        Dumb coomer.

      • 2 years ago

        that broken anatomy is too distracting
        guess anyone can make it as a commissioner nowadays huh

        • 2 years ago

          its actually extremely cutthroat nowadays. there's too much competition.

  2. 2 years ago

    finally a person with good taste

  3. 2 years ago

    it's kind of boring nowadays though. i couldn't even finish sun or shield.

  4. 2 years ago

    Not even the greatest of its own monster-catching niche lol

  5. 2 years ago

    nostalgia and bait

  6. 2 years ago

    I agree the classic games have so much replay value. I'm always craving to start a new game in gens 1-4.

    • 2 years ago

      >gens 1-4

  7. 2 years ago

    I don't get why old games are just better than new ones. I'm not even a nostalgia guy

    • 2 years ago

      >entire party gains exp for every fight, and it's a LOT
      >after you've seen a mon one time, the game tells you which of your attacks will be super effective/not very effective meaning you always know what your best option is
      >all areas are straight paths directly to the goal
      >no secrets
      >no hidden areas
      there's no mystery left in this series. you don't get to explore a mysterious world with a great sense of adventure like in the earlier games, instead you're just stuck walking forward down a conveyer belt, beating the shit out of gym leaders that have 2 pokemon, each of which is 10 levels lower than your lowest level guy (and you've never even stopped to grind).

      • 2 years ago

        >after you've seen a mon one time, the game tells you which of your attacks will be super effective/not very effective meaning you always know what your best option is
        I mean it's not like it's extremely hard to figure out a pokemon's weaknesses upon seeing it the first time, either

  8. 2 years ago

    pokemon is a franchise

    elden ring is shit

    blood borne is the same game as elden ring, broaden your tastes



  9. 2 years ago

    I straight up have no clue how everyone didn't get tired of souls games ten years ago.

    • 2 years ago

      Ten years ago they were still fresh (there were only 2 of them), but by the time Dark souls 3 came out, I was already feeling burnt out on them. Took me almost a year to muster enough interest in Sekiro and that is because I realized it departed enough from the formula that it was worth a shot. As of today I have no plan to ever play Elden Ring cause it looks like it went back to the exact same formula as previous games, but open world. And I don't care much for open world...

  10. 2 years ago

    Low INT bait.
    Wrong board


  11. 2 years ago

    I posted it a few times on other boards

    I was ten when pokemania started in the US, I was born in 88

    I wanted a cool game with these interesting monsters, but we were constantly shoveled shit
    story was lacking, had a few alright moments, but I wanted more that what was offered
    was shit, came here for a monster adventure not to take pictures
    good post game battles, but not much else
    was 12 at this point
    Much better than the original but I just wanted more than what was presented.
    I remember playing paper mario, and wondering why I couldn't get a story like this in pokemon, reading both pokemon manga wishing the games could be like this

    Between the gap I got a PS2 for xmas and I played many rpgs
    >almost all square rpgs
    even went back and played the SNES ones
    >all of dragon quest up until then
    >lunar 1+2
    >golden sun
    was lackluster but better than Pokémon
    >played monster rpgs like jadecoon
    >played arc the lad realized it was made the same year as (r/g) in japan

    here is the monster arena side game where you can pit party members and monsters you captured against other players. 20x better than any pokemon game to date
    The things I wanted to happen in pokemon games happened in this game.
    >crazy missions like destroying a cultist outpost and leveling their base
    >destroying a monster creation factory
    > badass teammate moments
    too many to list
    >actually fricking up the mob boss instead of letting him go

    That made me quit pokemon altogether, I tried to get into it by playing mystery dungeon, but it made me realize a much better team made a better game than gamefreak.

    • 2 years ago

      >he played:
      >almost all square rpgs
      >all of dragon quest
      >lunar 1+2
      >golden sun
      >played monster rpgs like jadecoon
      >and a lot of other Pokemon games
      Someone should just put this anon out of his misery, his mind and life and general are absolutely beyond any salvaging at this point.

      • 2 years ago

        Nah, his soul was saved by playing Arc The Lad.

      • 2 years ago

        There's some good games in there like dq3 and arc the lad
        If he played lots of PS2 rpgs or all Square he might've found some nice ones

      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Nah, old Pokemon thrived thanks to it's mostly hands-off storytelling. The world was immersive in a way traditional JRPGs aren't because your quest is mainly driven by the players' inherent desire to go on an adventure and find more Pokemon and battles. Long cutscenes, bloated characters, and heavy dialogue would ruin the magic of those old games.

      • 2 years ago

        >Nah, old Pokemon thrived thanks to it's mostly hands-off storytelling.
        More like flat as a board gameplay and boring setting. Only self insertionists would want this.

        >. The world was immersive in a way traditional JRPGs aren't because your quest is mainly driven by the players' inherent desire to go on an adventure and find more Pokemon and battles.
        Nah, it was dogshit story telling in a bland world, there was no adventure to be had. I was just wishing that that the game was, like other games as well as the anime and manga
        >why didn't I have witty party members?
        >why couldn't I save Saffron from zapamaltacuno?
        >why couldn't I see the clefairy evolution ritual?
        >why couldn't I fight a rocket mech?
        >why was there no grandprix?
        >why was everything a boring irl town with shitty sprite work?
        Arc the lad was way cooler
        >smashed a mob boss,
        >cool character themes
        >did side missions that gave exposition to the world
        from getting all of diekbeck's parts from the ruins to helping a kid get his revenge on a ghost; Arc's world was miles ahead of pokemon's

        >Long cutscenes, bloated characters, and heavy dialogue would ruin the magic of those old games.
        there was no magic, it was dull as frick.

        • 2 years ago

          forgot image.....

          There's some good games in there like dq3 and arc the lad
          If he played lots of PS2 rpgs or all Square he might've found some nice ones

          > he played lots of PS2 rpgs or all Square he might've found some nice ones

          I did

          >FF I-X and X-2
          >Seiken densetsu 1,2,3, and legend of mana
          seiken densetsu 3 was my first rom
          >Chocobo dungeon
          >Chrono Trigger and cross
          >Xenogears, and Saga
          >thousand arms
          >Growlanser 1-4
          >kingdom hearts 1, chain of memories and -2
          >La Pucelle
          >Phantom Brave
          >Makai Kingdom
          >golden sun 1-2
          >Mario and Luigi
          >Thousand year door
          >crystal chrononicles
          >Magic penel
          >Arc 1-5
          4 and 5 were shitty in comparison to 2.

          I am not sure if that's all of it, highschool was all about JRPGS.

        • 2 years ago

          Pokemon is generally pretty shit for story, but from what I can tell you only played the early games which were lighter on their story anyways. Try the gen 5 games if you want the best the franchise has to offer. It may not meet your standards but if you have some free time I would give it a shot.

          • 2 years ago

            too little too late .
            Arc the lad had EVERYTHING!
            >battle tower 4 years before there was a fricking battle tower in pokemon
            >virtually free move tutor/hearts scales 6 years before it was implement in pokemon
            >actual cool story
            >announcer two years before the announcer in stadium
            >variant arenas

            you name it, they had it.

            There honestly no point in going back, even mystery dungoen had a better story. The series is shit, I didn't outgrow it; I got tired of being constantly disappointed.

  12. 2 years ago

    Pokémon is a terrible RPG. Despite touting an “open world” the game doesn’t even let you explore freely, in all of the games you need to acquire the badges in a specific order with few exceptions, you can’t even go to gyms in a separate order. Despite it being a game about “befriending” Pokémon all the games basically treat them as expendable, you just catch a ton of them and leave them in your PC if their stats aren’t to your liking. You never develop any sort of meaningful bond with any of them, they’re just tools that you drop and abandon.

    It has (still) random encounters, which are an objectively shit system and doesn’t make much sense. Why are these Pokémon attacking you? Are they all just fricking evil? Wildlife in real life rarely just attack humans for no reason yet here they are, going after you and their aggressive nature is never acknowledged. It’s like they just awkwardly copied a JRPG cliche without acknowledging how it doesn’t actually fit with their setting

    The gameplay is piss easy, just spam the supereffective move until you win, unless you’re so overleveled you don't even need to do that. But wait, you say, what about competitive play? Oh, you mean where the focus is… having the fastest Pokémon with the most OP stats trying to OHKO and sweep multiple Pokémon with one move, and decisions boil down to “I know that he knows that I know that he knows”. Deep.

    The series never adopts improvements and happily abandons them with the each installment. Despite literally being the most profitable franchise on the planet the mainline games barely innovate at all. They are cheaply produced products that *barely* fit the minimum requirements necessary to be “next gen”. In the end the games and anime are all glorified advertisements for merchandise, which bring in the most profit, more than the games themselves (seriously, look it up). It’s a corporate sellout franchise designed to sell toys to children.

    • 2 years ago
      Anon's mother


      Based. Spit on these tourists.

    • 2 years ago

      >It’s a corporate sellout franchise designed to sell toys to children.
      You don't get to decide that!!!
      Adults love pokemon for a reason!

  13. 2 years ago

    >baby's first Jrpg: the series
    >the greatest RPG ever made

  14. 2 years ago

    Sure, sure

  15. 2 years ago

    >elden ring is shit
    OP might be a baiting falseflag but you're worse. A smelly contrarian.

  16. 2 years ago

    moronic Black person bait but this is probably the smartest Pokemon fan.

  17. 2 years ago

    Pokemon is shit this is a stealth /mon/ thread now. We'll wait out here until survive releases.

    • 2 years ago

      >/mon/ thread
      We deserve a better thread than this. DQ Treasure looks like a spiritual successor to DQM

  18. 2 years ago

    ywnbaw nintroony

  19. 2 years ago

    frick off nintroony

  20. 2 years ago

    Which one? There's a ton of them. That would be like if I said Mario is my favorite game.

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