Pokemon stopped being good at this point.

Pokemon stopped being good at this point.

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    as in the last good game or the beginning of the end?

    • 2 months ago

      Beginning of the end.
      Letting people play as a lame girl ruined the series.

    • 2 months ago


      Pokemon stopped being good at this point.

      Beginning of the end.
      Letting people play as a lame girl ruined the series.

      Actually it ended with red, blue, and green. Yellow was a gimmick. Gold and Silver had mechanics that were by then already too late. The majority of Pokemon game spin offs are better than the "main" game.

  2. 2 months ago

    it became uncool after red/blue

    • 2 months ago

      how are you enjoying the latest fotm moron

  3. 2 months ago

    OP here, sorry, wrong picture

    • 2 months ago

      These are not new or interesting opinions.

    • 2 months ago

      True although platinum was good too

      Kys zoomer

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        1989 game

  4. 2 months ago

    >deletes mareep from existence for no reason

    • 2 months ago

      >adds phanphy to an early game route in the morning
      >adds teddiursa to the union cave in the morning
      I simply do not care about mareep.
      >b-but phanphy doesn’t get any ground moves
      Dig TM. Being able to catch a level 2 phanphy on the second route of the game was the kinoest moment of crystal to me

      • 2 months ago

        what other games (worth playing, not dogshit!) have real time day and night cycles? it's so goddamn comfy

      • 2 months ago

        >ah, beating the elite 4 was so good
        >what? I can go to fricking kanto now?
        >I can experience what my friends who played 1st gen told me about?
        >wow, beating was great
        >I CAN FIGHT RED??

        levels of comfiness unimagined, also

        >baffled on why my pidgey is green, must be a bug. Throw it to the pc box
        >years later find out what shinies are and the chances of it happening

        truly the best game ever created

      • 2 months ago

        What the frick is Phanphy? Is it anything like Phanpy?

      • 2 months ago

        Pokegays argue over the most autistically tiny details lol.

    • 2 months ago

      Yeah and in exchange you get early phanphy, early teddiursa, early growlithe and ice path sneasel.

      A part of me vaguely remembers other neat wild pokemon changes but these were all super cool changes.

  5. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Gen 6 was bad but I still like Gen 7

    • 2 months ago

      Emerald was the decline, it established that the previous two games are just "demos" with a third game being released with improvements.
      Yellow was a meme game based on the anime, having pikachu as your starter and team rocket with some minigames. It was better than R/B but it was also it's own thing.
      Crystal didn't add a huge amount, it just reordered some things, changed and added a few events but overall similiar to yellow, minor changes to the gameflow.
      Emerald threw a bunch of extra post game extras to do and made the game feel much more "complete" than the two mainline, something Yellow and Crystal didn't do.

      No reason to buy any pokemon game. Wait till the third version. If no third version that gen was shit.
      see: X/Y is shit, no third game. Sw/Sh are shit, no third game. Sc/Vi are shit. No third game.

      • 2 months ago

        >Crystal didn't add a huge amount
        I didn't pay attention to it before but trading between silver and crystal made me appreciate how good the moving sprites for pokémon were in crystal. It's definitely better than whatever they were doing around black/white.

        • 2 months ago

          Much as I like BW, I liked the cute low-frame animations more for sprites. They persisted for gens 3-5 and were generally quite nice. They're just the right amount of lively without compromising your ability to view them as a proxy, whereas the tweened sprites are overly busy and often just look awkward, even if they do still ultimately work.
          anything's better than the official models and animations, honestly

    • 2 months ago

      I like how no one actually reads this image before replying

      • 2 months ago

        Because its actual contents are so wildly facetious that nobody who actually reads the image would bother engaging.

    • 2 months ago

      >/vp/ guide
      Not gonna read that. /vp/ is one of the worst boards on this site and has been since its inception.

  6. 2 months ago


  7. 2 months ago

    Finally someone who gets it

  8. 2 months ago

    I still don't know why berries were even a thing, why craft a berry ball when you could just use a great ball or ultra ball on a sleeping weakened pokemon instead?
    Stupidest thing ever introduced in Gen 2 if you ask me.

    • 2 months ago

      if you mean the apricorn balls they were supposed to have higher situational catch rates vs ultras/greats but half of them were bugged because lol gamefreak and didn't work anyway

      • 2 months ago

        >half of them were bugged because lol gamefreak and didn't work anyway
        I never knew this was the reason
        I always assumed it was for people who somehow ran out of money but still wanted cheap craftable pokeballs

        • 2 months ago

          yeah a lot of them are SUPPOSED to be better than ultraballs. Ultra balls have a 2x catch rate and the Fast ball is supposed to have a 4x catch rate on pokemon that can flee like the legendary beasts for example but due to a coding error they only work correctly on the first 3 pokemon in that list meaning they only work on Magnemite, Grimer, and Tangela. The moon ball is supposed to be 4x on pokemon that evolve with moon stone but its accidentally coded to only work on pokemon that evolve with a burn heal... so no pokemon.

          • 2 months ago

            What even Evolves with a burn heal lol?

            • 2 months ago

              Nothing. Love ball was supposed to be better for catching opposite gender pokemon but they fricked that one up too and its better for catching the same gender. I think the only ones that work correctly are the heavy ball, lure ball and friend ball. Level ball has a weird quirk where it doesn't take into account the pokemons current HP into the catching formula for some reason but otherwise works correctly with its level gimmick. Apricorn balls were very weird.

            • 2 months ago

              yeah a lot of them are SUPPOSED to be better than ultraballs. Ultra balls have a 2x catch rate and the Fast ball is supposed to have a 4x catch rate on pokemon that can flee like the legendary beasts for example but due to a coding error they only work correctly on the first 3 pokemon in that list meaning they only work on Magnemite, Grimer, and Tangela. The moon ball is supposed to be 4x on pokemon that evolve with moon stone but its accidentally coded to only work on pokemon that evolve with a burn heal... so no pokemon.

              the burn heal thing happens for a specific reason. it's because the burn heal in gen 2 has the same index number as the moon stone in gen 1. They coded the moon ball and then eventually changed the index numbers of the items but didn't update this ball, so that's why it's coded to the wrong item.

              • 2 months ago

                yeah similar thing happens with the fast ball its supposed to be something like "these 3 tables" which would include all the pokemon that flee at different rates but they fricked it up and instead of "these 3 tables" its "these 3 pokemon" messing it all up iirc very funny little bugs that basically ruin what would be pretty useful balls for that generation. Fast ball would have saved me so much time with the legendary beasts as a kid

              • 2 months ago

                do you know about the legendary beast bug in FRLG? when you encounter them, entei and raikou know roar, and if they use it on you to end the battle, they literally just permanently despawn so you can never catch them. suicune doesn't know roar at this level because it uses its learn set from crystal where it hadn't learned roar yet so that it couldn't roar you away in its static encounter at cerulean cape. so the only reason why this FRLG bug doesn't occur with suicune is because they made crystal version.

              • 2 months ago

                yes I do know about the legendary beast bug in FRLG that shit is insane, you just get locked out of catching some postgame content because they decide to use roar. Its also pretty weird that you get locked out of tin tower in crystal if you accidentally faint a legendary beast. That was before doing the e4 reset static encounters.

              • 2 months ago

                yes I do know about the legendary beast bug in FRLG that shit is insane, you just get locked out of catching some postgame content because they decide to use roar. Its also pretty weird that you get locked out of tin tower in crystal if you accidentally faint a legendary beast. That was before doing the e4 reset static encounters.

                oh yeah and on top of them roaring to become uncatchable their stats were bugged too I think? like they were supposed to at least have 3 stats with good IVs but its bugged and they always have like 1 IV in 3 stats instead so not only do they become uncatchable if you arent careful they have dogshit stats on top of it if you DO catch them

              • 2 months ago

                Same thing happened with latios and latias in Ruby and Sapphire. They fixed this for emerald though, so at least they eventually caught on. basically the only way to get the beasts with decent stats in gen 3 was with the gamecube games.

              • 2 months ago

                I didn't know the latis stats were fricked up but that makes sense. Yeah having to pay up for all the gen 3 games to get decent mons is kinda insane even if it wasn't intentional. Even if you buy emerald for the best experience you are forced to have ruby or sapphire to be able to use the gamecube bonus discs for jirachi. Emerald is another story of shit being turbo fricked though with its RNG seed being set on game start and never progressing making RNG manipulation super easy for getting perfect stats/shinies. Its kind of a miracle that pokemon got away with being so fricking broken from day 1 and never really went a game without major fricking bugs.

              • 2 months ago

                I'll be honest, while I don't think anyone in their right mind wants to go back to "buy two main games + at least one console game + at least one spinoff or you're NOT completing the pokedex this gen", there was undeniably a charm to shit being cordoned off in different games. Gave the transfer system more of an express purpose when you couldn't catch damn near 80% of the pokedex in the main region of the game.

              • 2 months ago

                It was charming sure but I think 2 main games + at least one console game + spinoff + a gba gamecube link cable + normal gba link cable + possibly a fricking E-reader and some cards for all the content is absolutely insanity

              • 2 months ago

                gen 3 was when they dropped the "gotta catch em all" tagline, so I don't think they ever really expected anyone to try to do it.

              • 2 months ago

                Eh, that's highly debatable. The bonus for completing the pokedex was infinitesimal, but the idea wasn't to make an unachievable goal, it was more to create a realistic sense of collecting- you can't truly have one of everything unless you're impossibly dedicated, but the more dedicated you are, the more unique things you have and the less holes there are to fill.
                You know, looking at it from this perspective, I can almost see why they designed most of the new gen 2 mons... you know, like that. The idea of a player just not being able to get something that is wildly powerful is a lot more brutal than them just not being able to get some nothing mon that's got a novel type but no real purpose in battle.

  9. 2 months ago

    i remember christmas morning, opening this game and just jumping with tears of joy because i could finally play as a girl
    id play as a girl in every game after that for the rest of my life

  10. 2 months ago

    True. Unovabortions need not apply.
    Though I still get some enjoyment out of Emerald and Platinum. I'm not sure how I feel about HG/SS. They were okay too, but I prefer the charm of the older games.

  11. 2 months ago

    >Pokemon became bad right after the last one I played
    >and all the games are the same

    Pokemon's gotta have the worst secondaries of all time

    • 2 months ago

      that's literally just because it was a fad when it was new. all the trend chasing normies "grew out of it" because it stopped being "cool".

  12. 2 months ago

    nah rse was kino incarnate. pokemon has yet to create any good pokemon aside from a few gems. for instance picrel is the most kino pokemon i've ever seen but i will never play the games it's in cuz they suck

    • 2 months ago

      these things are annoying as shit. they're small so you can barely see them and they spawn literally everywhere. only upside is i miraculously managed to find a shiny one since i couldn't see it among the tall grass.

      • 2 months ago

        they made the most badass pokemon ever a common occurence? kek this fricker is cooler than scizor's cringe hitmonchan looking ass. the fact that scyther evolves into scizor is an insult. maybe I just have immaculate taste

    • 2 months ago

      The worse a gen's average designs the better its best designs. Proven fact. This is why gen 5 bugs are so good.

  13. 2 months ago

    Yes and?

  14. 2 months ago

    I'm about to EV train a Marowak and have it hold that club that doubles its attack. In the first two gens you could ev train every stat to the max. Thank God I'm doing this on an emulator because it would be way too tedious grinding out that many pokémon otherwise.

    • 2 months ago

      EV training in an emulated environment is largely tedium for no reason unless you're playing a smogon 'tism hack. What are you playing?

      • 2 months ago

        I'm playing Crystal and I just want to do the battle tower and see how strong I can make weaker or less popular pokémon in a "legit" way.

        • 2 months ago

          Oh, in that case incredibly based. Best of luck with your friendshipmaxxing anon.

  15. 2 months ago

    Why do some people hate Crystal so much? It was my favourite one and I grew up with the original red/blue. Emerald/Ruby/sapphire were also cool but I had very much aged out of pokemon by that point (10 years old should be the cut-off point)

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