>Pokemon will never be this SOVLful ever again

>Pokemon will never be this SOVLful ever again

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  1. 2 years ago

    >t. never played the battle frontier for more than 5 minutes

    • 2 years ago

      I've gotten all the symbols twice, seethe

      • 2 years ago

        >t. only got the silver symbols with his shitty in-game team twice

        • 2 years ago

          All means ALL, fgt

  2. 2 years ago

    Wew lads, so difficult.

  3. 2 years ago

    Ah yes, Emerald Version. Easily The Best Pokémon Game Ever Made, 2nd would be Heart/Gold and Soul Silver, or any of the Classic Predecessors such as Fire Red or Leaf Green.

    Pokemon games would be so much more fun if there was more to do in the games than just catch pokemon. I wish the exploration aspect of Pokemon was expanded upon. Sure, You've got new forms of transportation now, but what's really missing from pokemon is all of the cool fun side games you could do.

    In Emerald, you could gamble with the slots or roulette, participate in contests, make potions with berries, ride the ferry, explore the ocean and it's depth and an abandoned wrecked ship. You could also explore caves, forests, cities, towns, and as OP mentioned, the Battle Frontier.

    There's a couple of other things, but overall, the Experience of Pokémon is a bit too polished. There needs to be more side adventures, and extra things to do after you beat the elite 4 and the champ, and collect all the badges and Pokémon. The game has you running around many places, but not doing a whole lot, and this could be changed.

    I love how in the new games, you can have a your first Pokémon in the starter line follow you, but then you can't dance with them, or give them a hug, unless you use your imagination. The Game Developers could make the experience of bonding with your Pokémon far more affectionate and wholesome, but has failed to do so.

    Perhaps I'm on the way to developing a game with all my critiques, because certainly Pokémon does somewhat lack what people call "soul" these days.

    • 2 years ago

      >side games
      Aka filler trash to appeal to morons and obfuscate gameplay deficiencies and lack of innovation. You are the reason Pokemon games have stagnated. How about instead of a million shit minigames we get a good game for once.

      • 2 years ago

        >C-CONTENT IS LE BAD...[Buzzwords salad]
        The current state of /vp/

        • 2 years ago

          >>C-CONTENT IS LE BAD
          When the content is bad, then yes.

          • 2 years ago

            It wasn't bad. That's just your Fortnite-biased subjective opinion on side-content.

            • 2 years ago

              >It wasn't bad
              Yes it was.

              except you are moronic.
              the other anon just said "have more diverse content" and you went like "uuuuh that would have to be shit ackshually"

              >the other anon just said "have more diverse content"
              The developers should be spending their time actually making the main part of the game good instead of wasting time putting in moronic irrelevant minigames.

              • 2 years ago

                >actually making the main part of the game good
                aaaaand you still don't understand than making the maingame have more varied activities would help to do that. ^^"

              • 2 years ago

                >having irrelevant shit that has nothing to do with the core game helps the core game
                No it doesn't.

              • 2 years ago

                No it wasn't, now go play Fortnite. That's your kind of game

          • 2 years ago

            except you are moronic.
            the other anon just said "have more diverse content" and you went like "uuuuh that would have to be shit ackshually"

      • 2 years ago

        Pokemon is the main game. The mini games make it all the more fun, you dingus. Didn't you ever enjoy playing the slots or playing roulette? Wouldn't you like to see Nintendo and Game Freak take it 100 steps further, and make Pokemon so fun and engaging, that it's replay value is priceless? Imagine playing a game you really enjoyed for the next ten years, like tf2 for instance. While they're completely different games and franchises, they've both been around and are extremely successful even to this day. Pokémon could have fun things to do in the game, just like Tf2 does, by letting the community add their own cool things, like fashion for the trainer, or cool personalized products like cars planes or hovercraft, or what about more hobby activities? It could be like stardew valley, where you can not only go fishing, but also search for treasure, search underground tunnels hidden to the player until you find them, you could playfight/wrestle certain types of Pokémon, there could be legit kendo or dojo fights between trainers to get their color belts from white to 3rd degree black, what about playing with collectable toys, and what of doing stuff in your cool secret base you make using the TM, secret Power? You could have a sleepover with your trainer friends and Pokémon.

        And how about this, what if you could have a relationship with your rival, or maybe a more developed npc whom you can get to know on dates to a museum or at a breakfast café, or at a picnic, or cuddled in blankets under the stars?

        This could be Pokémon in the next 20 years, changing the formula a little bit, while making it wonderfully wholesome, and with tons of extra features for the main game, and again, Replay value.

        You could even make your own little town, turning Pokémon into a life sim is such a cool idea, to adults playing Pokémon who were fans back in the day, where trainers grow up and inspire new trainers.

        • 2 years ago

          All of these are good ideas, but one thing I wouldn't do, is make the relationship with the rival. There should be separate love interests that you don't compete with.

          You can't love what you compete with, so it's stupid to want to date your rival, might as well date a girl who does contests specifically. That's what makes Dawn one of the cooler girls of the Pokegirl bunch, is that she's a trainer who doesn't challenge Ash, but rather encourages him, as opposed to Misty or May, or the others who are actual trainers doing the same thing Ash is doing. It makes more sense in the game to want the player to be attracted to characters they don't have to directly compete with, like with Ash and Dawn's dynamic. Ash wants to go to beat the champion, Dawn wants to win the contess. Different realms, different trainers, male and female complement each other.

        • 2 years ago

          Slots and roulettes are absolute cancer and the fact that you have to waste your time on them to get good TMs makes them worse but I agree Emerald as a whole is kino

          >Things like contests or the Pokeathlon should be encouraged in order to better expand the range of things you can do with your pokemon
          I play Pokemon to battle and catch them, not to play irrelevant minigames. Go play a different game.

          >I play Pokémon to battle and catch them
          Battle Frontier

        • 2 years ago

          I'm not a fricking drooling moron so no, I didn't enjoy playing slots or roulette. I played it once or twice and fricked off since it's about as fun as cookie clicker and similar garbage. That's been the content of almost all minigames in pokemon, either that or really shitty puzzles. And we have morons like you asking for more of the same.
          >Wouldn't you like to see Nintendo and Game Freak take it 100 steps further, and make Pokemon so fun and engaging, that it's replay value is priceless?
          Not at the expense of making its first time play value 0 for everybody but the dumbest chimps.
          >Imagine playing a game you really enjoyed for the next ten years, like tf2 for instance.
          I don't do this, this is time waster bullshit.
          >what about more hobby activities? It could be like stardew valley
          If I wanted to play shitdew valley I'd do that.
          >there could be legit kendo or dojo fights between trainers to get their color belts from white to 3rd degree black
          Like a battle tower clone?
          >what about playing with collectable toys, and what of doing stuff in your cool secret base you make using the TM, secret Power? You could have a sleepover with your trainer friends and Pokémon.
          This sounds fun for about 15 seconds.
          >And how about this, what if you could have a relationship with your rival, or maybe a more developed NPC whom you can get to know on dates to a museum or at a breakfast café, or at a picnic, or cuddled in blankets under the stars?
          That's developing the story, not a minigame. That would be very welcome.
          >You could even make your own little town, turning Pokémon into a life sim is such a cool idea, to adults playing Pokémon who were fans back in the day, where trainers grow up and inspire new trainers.
          This sounds horrible.
          >Community mods
          Now there's a good idea, too bad israelitetendo will never allow it.

          • 2 years ago

            >Buzzword salad
            >israelites out of nowhere
            /pol/cels aren't human

            • 2 years ago

              lol so that's why you enjoy shit minigames, hrt fried your troon brain

              • 2 years ago

                Yes Yes, Trans, israelites and whatever keeps you at minimum wage.

              • 2 years ago

                I make 200K TC

                >Developing lifesim features in a game all about a franchise where the monsters fulfill various job roles and concepts sounds horrible
                Sounds like you don't care about stagnation after all.

                Yes turning the game into some stupid farmville clone is horrible. Why not just turn it into elden ring clone instead, maybe that would actually be fun.

              • 2 years ago

                >Larping /misc/cel
                Yes, Yes...And women, and trannies. BlahBlahBlah

              • 2 years ago

                It's okay to admit you're jealous.

          • 2 years ago

            >Developing lifesim features in a game all about a franchise where the monsters fulfill various job roles and concepts sounds horrible
            Sounds like you don't care about stagnation after all.

        • 2 years ago

          >And how about this, what if you could have a relationship with your rival, or maybe a more developed NPC whom you can get to know on dates to a museum or at a breakfast café, or at a picnic, or cuddled in blankets under the stars?
          jesus fricking christ man
          the cure to virginity is fricking free, go outside and get your shit together instead of writing this filth

          • 2 years ago

            >Waaah, you can't have imaginary girlfriends, go outside and talk to real girls

            Man, I've already had my fill of pussy. Women are overrated, but that doesn't apply to fictional women, especially when you can craft them to be likeable. The problem with most fictional female characters is people try to make them too realistic, like they have to be aggressive, contentious fretful b***hes that constantly get jealous and upset for no good reason. I would rather date someone with the body of a beautiful woman, with the mind of a loving sweetheart, who wants nothing more than to love you forever, and talk to you about things you find interesting.

            You don't like that? Exit is stage left, because this is my production, you dingus.

      • 2 years ago

        Things like contests or the Pokeathlon should be encouraged in order to better expand the range of things you can do with your pokemon. Battling shouldn't be the end-all for everything gameplay.

        • 2 years ago

          >Things like contests or the Pokeathlon should be encouraged in order to better expand the range of things you can do with your pokemon
          I play Pokemon to battle and catch them, not to play irrelevant minigames. Go play a different game.

          • 2 years ago

            Catching should be the primary goal, but a focus on battling is a dated relic from 1996 when the games couldn't do more than that. Expanding those things gives you more value to the pokemon you catch, instead of shitting on every preevo and shitmon that can't compete it battling.

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