If Pokémon were real, how would you live in their world? Would you actually have a job, working with your Pokémon and enjoying a quiet life, or set out into the world as a trainer? Do you think you’d make it to the Elite 4, or would being a monotype solicitor on a random route somewhere actually interest you? Be creative!

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  1. 9 months ago

    >Would you actually have a job
    hell the frick no lmao

    • 9 months ago

      Super nerd

  2. 9 months ago

    I honestly feel like I’d get too restless having a job, and staying in one town day after day, knowing there’s a world of Pokémon and strong trainers out there. My ace Mon would have to be Heracross, I adore this little fricker. I’d catch some other coverage for him, but he’d stay my strongest.

  3. 9 months ago

    Probably exactly the same as now, except I'd have one or two Pokemon companions and most likely treat them as pets rather than battling them competitively. I think there'd likely be a place similar to dog parks for casual Pokemon trainers to go and socialize their teams, perhaps letting them play fight a bit since iirc it's in their nature to want to fight. I'd go to those, possibly get wienery about how my guys always win play fights, then attempt a nearby gym, get bodied by the first trainer in there, and then never make eye contact with anyone ever again for fear of getting my ass kicked, then go online and complain that I'm too old to become a competitive trainer and cope by saying that I'm fine with just having my guys as pets. Shortly after, some 60 year old would become a new trainer and steamroll everyone in the gym that just kicked my ass.

    • 9 months ago

      Peak self-awareness right here. Anyone who thinks it'd go any differently than this is kidding themselves

  4. 9 months ago

    I highly doubt modern society would sanction magical animal fighting.

    • 9 months ago

      “Society” doesn’t have to sanction anything, if trainers want to fight they’re just going to frick off 30 feet left from their town and fight in the woods.

    • 9 months ago

      OP specifically said thwir world anon. As in, the universe where society as a whole decided to work alongside the creatures in a symbiotic existence and adapting themselves to their charges' natural instincts.

  5. 9 months ago

    I'd be a trainer and aim to be the strongest rando fricker you could meet. But I wouldn't go in for formal comps, when I can just hustle money battling and do life that way.

    • 9 months ago

      This. The concept of making money as a trainer would just motivate me to organize several teams centered around a monotype- then just go somewhere with a lot of trainers weak to you and cash in. Like, I could just loiter around a coastline bantering with fishermen, and casually sweep their entire team for easy cash. I live in a beach town, so maybe I’m biased, but whenever I’m at the beach, I’m suddenly struck with the jealous feeling that I’ll never be able to cooly grind out a months rent going up and down one of our many fishing piers.

  6. 9 months ago

    I already live on the beach, and sometimes I like sleeping on the sand and daydreaming about what I’d do with Pokémon. Playing games, throwing toys around, diving into the water and searching for new Pokémon to battle and catch. I’d work until I had enough money or got lucky enough to purchase or catch a Lapras. Hell, I might get given one as a gift if the games are anything to go on. But I’d spend all my days drifting in the cool surf, rising and falling over waves, taking quick naps then using Lapras to dive down to the bottom, where I could collect rare treasures and Pokémon, then sell it to make my living. I’d probably have a few loyal water types that search around for me while I’m away or asleep, and to ensure poison types don’t get anywhere close to my area. I’ve stepped on jellyfish IRL, it’s horrible.

  7. 9 months ago

    >Would you actually have a job
    Yes! Yes I would! I'd be a amateur professor. I can live alone, out in the wilderness with my Pokemon, and then I could just document Pokemon in the least scientific way possible. No one would pay me, and few would like me, so nothing has changed!

  8. 9 months ago

    Are we talking about how the world of Pokémon is presented in the games and anime, or Pokémon being transplanted into our world? Because the world of Pokémon is impossibly idyllic. No real crime save for a few gangs, no poverty or homelessness, everyone has a beautiful scenic home, city planning is always so fricking immaculate that it meshes perfectly with the surrounding countryside...
    So long as you don't mind the possibility of being accidentally electrocuted by brushing up against a nest of Joltik in tall grass, there are no real downsides.

    • 9 months ago

      >Pokémon being transplanted into our world
      >If Pokémon were real, how would you live in their world
      Presumably, in a world which has pre-existing Pokemon, not THAT.
      >Because the world of Pokémon is impossibly idyllic
      Either it's because of the lens, or it's literally just how the world is. If it is the latter, then it's only impossibly idyllic by our circumstances.
      The lens seems more likely though, given that PLA shows there's a lot of legitimate danger that comes with Pokemon, so much so that before they managed to tame it, most were outright terrified of it. Lillie's fear was fully justified with the lens of Hisui.

      • 9 months ago

        I mean they still have a police force. pokemon are said to cause all sorts of problems. Hell of those "gangs" are more large scale terrorist organizations not to mention the rando street gang here and there. Honestly the pokemon world is the sane as this one but Every cryptid is real and drug cartels only selling drugs to build a nuke to destroy a country

  9. 9 months ago

    I feel like Id do the journey thing after high school but before college just to see how far Id get with my friends. itd be a kinda of cross country thing in a van to basically have one last hurrah before we settle down and actually have careers. I like the job I have now so Id do that but as far as being a battle hobo at 10 nah sounds like ALOT of work Im not moronic enough to enjoy without friends.
    How it'd go without friends
    >be relaxing outside
    >watching shows with bromon
    >NEWSFLASH:Muk out break in Celadon City
    >"Vermilion City it is"

  10. 9 months ago

    I hope pokephilia is accepted there because I certainly know who I'd be living with.

  11. 9 months ago

    I take my Lapras and my eevee and frick off into the sunset, travelling into the unexplored wilds and never paying taxes or requresting permits again.

  12. 9 months ago

    I assume there will be hustle jobs for Pokémon and Trainers to do since an entire culture where gambling is the only way to make money doesn't sound very functioning. I would probably be doing that

  13. 9 months ago

    >Would you actually have a job
    Well, do i have to? The game is terribly vague on that

  14. 9 months ago

    >If Pokémon were real, how would you live in their world?
    I like this premise. Obviously there's a big difference between Pokemon existing in *our world* vs us existing in *the Pokemon world*, but I'll assume the latter.
    >Would you actually have a job, working with your Pokémon and enjoying a quiet life, or set out into the world as a trainer?
    I can see myself really enjoying being a trainer, but I don't know how long I'd be adventuring for. Living life on the road can certainly be expensive.
    >Do you think you’d make it to the Elite 4, or would being a monotype solicitor on a random route somewhere actually interest you?
    I think being part of a region's Elite 4 would be awesome, but honestly it depends on how well it'd pay.
    Larry is practically working three jobs and the guy's exhausted. He doesn't seem like he'd be making enough to be comfortable.
    It's kinda like being a kid and thinking working at GameStop would be the coolest thing. Then as an adult you realize its just retail. And retail sucks.
    I'd prefer to be a non-monotype trainer so I could use my boy Sceptile. But if I had to lock-down to one type, it'd be either Dark or Steel.

  15. 9 months ago

    I would be a e-girl trainer on an early route who plays with her shedinja and staryu all day until a new trainer with a route one bird and starter comes along, beats me, and then I go home and have miltank stew with my family.

  16. 9 months ago

    I love these sorts of threads, thanks OP!

    Honestly, I would do what I do IRL just with the accompaniment of Pokemon. IRL I work in a public library as a library clerk and I couldn't imagine myself doing something else. Seeing as they haven't made a Canada region I'd guess I'd work in Nacrene City in Lenora's library/gym.

    It would be tempting to travel the pokeworld but I'm not much of a battler or fame seeker. Heck, I don't even play online. I just want a comfy job I enjoy, a place to live, and my pokemon friends.

  17. 9 months ago

    I think I'd live in a remote place and a have a little farm. It's too much work IRL, but with Pokémon you could easily live by yourself provide sustenance to feed yourself and your mons.
    I would definitely also occasionally travel to places. Travelling seems to cheap and easy with Pokémon around, it's crazy.

  18. 9 months ago


    All your Cynthia hate is really just projection because of a Stacy who got your creepy autistic ass expelled huh? Keep seething you loser, it's not gonna un-expel you LMAO

    • 9 months ago

      projects all that hate onto the biggest gigastacy in pokemon lmao

  19. 9 months ago

    I don't know what the rules would be for trainers with disabilities, but I'd most likely be some sort of trainer, maybe try the league if I can, otherwise I'd just relax and raise my mon, sometimes battling.

    • 9 months ago

      Train Psychic-types. They could manipulate your body like a puppet. No one would ever know.

      • 9 months ago

        I don't think they could manipulate my pancreas...

        • 9 months ago

          Alakazam has an IQ of five thousand. If anyone could figure it out, it's him.

  20. 9 months ago

    I want Rotom inside my computer so he can do my job for me while I pretend to look busy

  21. 9 months ago

    Shit i dunno. I would probably be the same friendless aspie. Though i would have Turtwig which is nice

    • 9 months ago

      Pokémon don't judge, anon. They will be your friend even if no human will.

  22. 9 months ago

    I'd probably just have a normal job with a couple Pokemon as pets/companions. I wouldn't want to wander around as a trainer.

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