pokmon anime jumped the shark

pokémon anime really fricking went down hill when charizard got dqed like wtf is this shit series ruined ash should have won indigo

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  1. 8 months ago

    >ash should have won indigo
    Lol no, he got half of his badges as gifts, he shouldn't have even take part in the league

  2. 8 months ago

    it went since day one when ash was the protagonist and not red

  3. 8 months ago

    That whole match was bullshit. Charizard was worthless (as usual), the ref was an idiot, and no one seemed to concerned about why Ash was so late or why he was in the Rocket balloon and afterwords everyone blamed him as of being kidnapped is his fault.
    The biggest irony is that Ash didn’t deserve to get that far in the first place. He was a shit trainer who was carried by luck and would have died within a week of Brock didn’t carry his sorry ass.

    Really they should have dropped ash and CHARITARD after the orange islands and uses the new protagonists.

  4. 8 months ago


    His own flaws should have lead to him losing, if they had skipped the whole bit with Team Rocket then just had him go down to just Charizard left and then he lost because he never trained him?

    That would have been perfect

  5. 8 months ago

    Why did Ash even have Charizard on him? Where were Kingler, or Muk?

    • 8 months ago

      Why would Ash use those nobodies when he can use CHARIZARD. Kingler and Muk were complete shitters who just sat around and did nothing. CHARIZARD hard carried Ash. CHARIZARD is what people want to see. CHARIZARD created and saved Pokemania. CHARIZARD was ash’s best Pokémon CHARIZARD was Ash’s first Pokémon. CHARIZARD has contributed to the zeitgeist

      • 8 months ago

        Is CDS real? Why are grown men still throwing sissy fits about trASH losing decades later? Why go off on obnoxious b***hfits when the final say is with the writers?

        Case in point.

    • 8 months ago

      Throughout his Kanto journey Ash caught a unique, unorthodox, popular with the fans, and in-universe powerful Kanto team of: Kingler, Muk, Primeape, Tauros, and Haunter (shut up it was his as much as Pikachu). He then refused to ever use this team in favor of using an unevolved route 1 bird and three unevolved starters (then one and only one of them evolved after it which refused to fight) WITH AN EMPTY SIXTH SLOT. Frick Ash from a Watsonian perspective for catching a whole team and throwing them away for trash, and Frick Nintendo from a Doylist perspective for forcing Ash to use a team made to sell merchandise rather than a cool one.

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          Watsonian vs. Doyleist is a great term to describe the different reasons something happens in a story. If you have a better term I'm all ears.

      • 8 months ago

        I think this was supposed to show Ash's lack of professionalism and experience and at the same time, highlight his heart

  6. 8 months ago

    Ash: TPC
    charizard: pokemania dying

  7. 8 months ago

    The Jump the Shark moment was Blaziken's reveal in the anime

    • 8 months ago

      Ash losing because he was a poor trainer in over his head and had most of his badges gifted to him is what made the anime good actually


    • 8 months ago

      I'd say it's when this disappeared.
      We never forgot.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah but you have to give it some cooldown time after it was given to kurt, lots of us thought it was coming back by the end of johto and didn't give up til then.

  8. 8 months ago

    >watching this shit as a 9 year old
    >never watch the show again after the frustration of watching this absolute rug of an episode
    Frick the anime.

    • 8 months ago

      He lost to literally his clone but worse was so fricking BULLSHIT
      Yeah Ash basically all that shit you went through? irrelevant, you are garbage and lose to a blank slate
      I never watched the anime consistently after that, the gen2 anime seemed boring too

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah, it was probably my first occurrence of just dropping a show entirely in my life. Even as a child I knew it was some shoehorn bullshit.

  9. 8 months ago

    Ash should have had a spattering of League wins and losses. There's nothing wrong with the protag winning it all every now and then. Hell, look at Yugi in Yugioh, he's the best duelist and is constantly the best duelist. That anime had mad fans and tense moments despite Yugi always being the best.

    • 8 months ago

      Yugi performed worse than Joey against Marik and then lost his duel against him, hence how Joey got REBD back. It's meant to be Yugi > Kaiba > Joey > Yugi.

  10. 8 months ago

    I rewatched this series a few years ago and what struck me about it is how Brock and Misty actively enable Ash's terrible league run. I think it was during one of the gift badges where Ash actually calls out that he isn't doing all of this the right way, and then the two basically brush off his complaint even though he's correct. I don't think that Ash would have done that well in the League even if he did it the right way, but I now hold Misty and Brock responsible for how bad he did as they were older and should have known better.
    That being said, frick the fat red dragonlet. Ash should have left his ass to die in the rain.

    • 8 months ago

      tbh the problem is it acts like there's so many strong trainers and then you have ash fighting bellsprouts, sandshrews, and charmanders as major opponents. You really have to wonder how so many people are getting their gym badges.

    • 8 months ago

      It was Misty who kept telling Ash he never trained properly

  11. 8 months ago

    It was a bullshit method to DQ him but I could at least see the reason being that he shouldn't have relied on a Pokemon he can't even control in a tournament that effectively evaluates you as a trainer. The Sinnoh League however... THAT was where it became obvious he simply was not allowed to win. I would have made more sense to fight Paul in the finals and have a special match where he loses to Cynthia. The the Kalos League reaffirmed that fact to the point the backlash was so insane, they went out of their way to evolve half his team during the Alola League, handed him two legendary-tier evolved pokemon, cheesed a 1v1 with Rowlet, and gave him a special Lycanroc, and a super nuke Z-move just to please people again.

  12. 8 months ago

    For the oldgays here that were around for the original run of the season 1 dub: how much do you think this event contributed to Pokemon's decline in popularity throughout the years? Not just the anime, but the series as a whole.

    • 8 months ago

      It didn’t hurt the series as a whole mainly bexsue of all encompassing Pokémon was, but it destroyed perception of the anime, the orange island nothing burger and johto filler hell didn’t help but the anime was already a corpse at that point

    • 8 months ago

      Kinda depends on where you were, where i lived things died down a bit before hand with the "filler" before the League (not helped by the Anime being aired slowly as molasses, having "restarted" from Episode 1 a couple of times if i remember shit right) so that moment specifically didn't actually do that much from what i recall. Orange Islands was when things really slowed down and Johto was dead show walking since im pretty sure GS released before Orange Islands started, and you can probably imagine how that made Johto filler even worse.

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