Post stupid/schizo theories you formed while while playing a video game that turned out to be completely wrong.

Post stupid/schizo theories you formed while while playing a video game that turned out to be completely wrong.
>Playing Danganronpa 2
>Notice that the characters all seem copies of the first game, and the game's first 30 seconds seem computer-y
>Make list of characters who are copies of the first game (Makoto/Hajime, Byakuya/Nagito, Kyoko/Chiaki, Aoi/Akane)
>Decide this means the plot twist is that everyone is an AI except Hajime, and all of this is an MGS2-style attempt to create another Makoto by putting you into the same scenario as him
>Plot twist is completely unrelated, and the characters are all the same just because of lazy writing

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  1. 9 months ago

    >>Make list of characters who are copies of the first game (Makoto/Hajime, Byakuya/Nagito, Kyoko/Chiaki, Aoi/Akane)
    What moron troony logic did you use to conclude that Nagito is a copy of Byakuya? The fact they're both antagonists? Come on, anon, think of better bait than that.

    • 9 months ago

      Nagito, Kokichi, and Byakuya all have a similar line about requiring you to beg them for help, even the games acknowledge they're similar.

      • 9 months ago

        Nagito and Kokichi sure (and the latter emulates the former poorly), but other than being "rivals", Byakuya is nothing alike compared to those schizos.

        He arguably did nothing all game.

        • 9 months ago

          They all fill the role of "guy who creates additional complications by not working with everyone else and threatening to kill people."

          • 9 months ago

            >by not working with everyone else and threatening to kill people."
            You mean like everyone else in 1? His entire point of his scheme in 1-2 is to show you that none of you are friends and will turn on each other at some point.
            Nagito and Kokichi were far more shit stirrers in that regard.

  2. 9 months ago

    >Post stupid/schizo theories you formed while while playing a video game that turned out to be completely wrong
    Also playing Danganronpa.
    I thought the premise was kind of interesting so I formed this stupid theory that the game would be half-decent. Boy, was I wrong

  3. 9 months ago

    holy schizo

  4. 9 months ago

    Not related about game, but still with
    >Mastermind of Danganronpa3 anime is human Chiaki who survived because Izuru secretly save her
    >and now she is despair because mirai kikan want to kill her friends in Jabberwock Island, so she begin the killing game to stop them

  5. 9 months ago

    >Make list of characters who are copies of the first game
    >Aoi and Akane? Kyoko and chiaki?
    How are these anything alike? Even the latter is a complete inversion. Chiaki is your sidekick in 2 while you are Kyoko's sidekick in 1.

    • 9 months ago

      Aoi and Akane are basically the exact same person, what are you talking about. They're both tan athletic idiots who eat a lot and are too nice to ever hurt anyone.

      • 9 months ago

        She's not a braniac by any means (just like most of the cast of 1) but she clearly has far more cunning than you're giving her credit for such as in 1-4. She's as smart as everyone else whose not the primary trio. Same can't be said for akane, who is literally useless.
        >too nice to ever hurt anyone.
        Akane's Despair Disease literally makes her a docile crybaby. Furthermore, the trials are shown to be getting to Aoi while besides Nekomaru Akane could give 2 shits about anything.

      • 9 months ago

        To go further with my previous post, Sonia is more Aoi's counterpart.

      • 9 months ago

        Akane at least gets to get railed by Nekumaru. Aoi only gets scraps from Makoto once hes done railing Kyoko

  6. 9 months ago

    >by putting you into the same scenario as him
    Since when did Makoto have to deal with someone taking someone's murder plan for themselves, or someone moronic enough to believe that since they work for someone, they are literally a weapon so their boss can go free.

  7. 9 months ago

    I actually thought that each one of Junko's split personalities was based on each student in DR2 (except Hajime). Kinda ironic because they tried so hard to be like Junko in reality, and if Junko got her way she would have taken over their bodies

  8. 9 months ago

    >All the students were still alive the photos Monokuma left around were just taken.
    >Nagito was really Makoto. I believed this until chapter 6
    >Imposter Byakuya was Byakuya from the first game's older brother
    >That there was an actual mastermind among the students. I was thinking Soda
    >There would be a branching path if you could learn the code to Hopes Peak in a previous playthrough and enter it early on.
    >The school is haunted. Kinda supported since you see ghosts sometimes when you enter rooms quickly
    DR3 is kinda hard to form and keep theories during a first time playthrough because the game constantly baits you and quickly reveals its lying to your face. I did not suspect Tsumugi however.

    • 9 months ago

      >you see ghosts sometimes when you enter rooms quickly

      • 9 months ago

        Try entering the 3 empty seance rooms and see what I mean

        • 9 months ago

          I remember seeing that. They just briefly appear when the room loads and its never explained.

        • 9 months ago

          That whole floor freaks me out. Not sure how the students hung around there in their free time.

    • 9 months ago

      >There would be a branching path if you could learn the code to Hopes Peak in a previous playthrough and enter it early on.
      I wish this was true. I want the next Danganronpa to go back to the concept of DISTRUST with branching paths. It'd take a lot more development time but I'd love to see it.

      • 9 months ago

        Your Turn to Die, Raging Loop, and technically 999 already do that.

    • 9 months ago

      >DR3 is kinda hard to form and keep theories
      It's because V3's story is designed to not make any sense at all. It's something Kokichi picked up on pretty early.

      • 9 months ago

        It makes sense, its just lying constantly. It depends how often you went along with everything.

        • 9 months ago

          >It makes sense, its just lying constantly.
          That kind of proves my point. The game, heck the characters themselves constantly contradict themselves.
          Even the very first chapter brings up the point that what would be the point in Monokuma kidnapping everyone just to kill them all on a whim.

  9. 9 months ago

    Actually Nagito is more similar to Makoto than Hajime

    The point of him is to be Bizzarro Makoto that puts hope above everything else

    • 9 months ago

      In addition, Makoto doesn't even notice his ultimate luck and at least at first, it tends to screw him over, while Nagito has blind faith in it and it's basically a super power.

      Makoto is a manlet while Nagito is the second tallest male of the cast.

      Nagito wants to be the Ultimate Hope more than anything while it was a completely different character who even claimed Makoto was the Ultimate Hope, and more in a matter of fact kinda way.

  10. 9 months ago

    Mine in SDR2 was Soda acting dumbfounded due to the compass needle turning inside the elevator. The solution is that the whole elevator spins around, but I was cooking too hard for the game. In reality, the needle shouldn't turn because of the elevator acting as shielding for the magnetic fields (only after leaving), meaning it was some kind of simulation oversight an engineer would notice, but he was just dumb and the game never picked it on that.

  11. 9 months ago

    Disco Elysium. My highest skill was Inland Empire and I got apocalypse cop. I honestly thought for a while that there was going to be some huge supernatural twist that revealed everyone was ghosts or the city was dead or Harry was in purgatory. Turns out there was a supernatural angle at the end of the game but absolutely not that.

  12. 9 months ago

    How the frick did I actually believe Kokichi was the real mastermind for like 90% of the game?

  13. 9 months ago

    not mine but the schizoposting shortly before DMC5's release was fun

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