post the best villain in vidya

post the best villain in vidya

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  1. 12 months ago

    Morrowind was film noire in video games.
    There were no good guys.
    Nobody got a happy ending.

    Everybody got what they deserved. The part that irked me is you can't get the hat trick and kill all three of the tribunal.

    • 12 months ago

      Why would you want to kill Sotha? He just wants to be autistically build his clockwork cities

      • 12 months ago

        Did he do anything to stop the other two from betraying their oaths? He is just as guilty as the other two for what happened to the dunmer people.

        • 12 months ago

          To add.
          He is probably the worst of the three because when things started going south he basically checked out.

          He at least took full blame over what he did yo Nerevar (as you can see from his skin color) as opposed to Vivec and the prostitute

          • 12 months ago

            What did he wave his hand then say " My bad" before he checked out?
            Worst of the lot.
            Alma used it to serve her desires to the very end. The only one that stayed true to themselves.
            Vivek pretended to care. If the fanfic version of him is true he had the power to fix things just didn't for reasons. If it isn't he was just a victim of his own hubris doing what he could with what he had.

            Sotha just washing his hands and walking away makes him the worst of the lot.

            • 12 months ago

              Read up lorelet. Sotha Sil is easily the only good one

              • 12 months ago

                Oh no. He used uesp for lore.
                Rookie mistake.

                What did Sotha do to stop Dagoth? You know the problem he helped create.

              • 12 months ago

                >uesp bad
                Ah ok, good to see I was up against a Fandom moron, guess there's no reason to continue then.
                also none of the Tribunal did anything to try and stop Dagoth. And Vivec's "plan" doesn't count because he was literally never planning to use it

              • 12 months ago

                > None of the tribunal did anything.
                Correct. They were all culpable. Sotha is the only one that walked away because he honestly gave no fricks.
                Chimned Vivek could have solved which shows he wasn't chimned up. Without the brains of the operation , Sotha, there was nothing he could do but at least we t through the motions.
                Alma used the situation to serve her own ends right up to the bitter end. She was a self centered b***h when it started and a self centered b***h when it ended. She at least stayed true to who she was.

                Like my first post it was a film noire.

              • 12 months ago

                sotha sil is not a good one but at least he is the one who feels remorse
                he has shrine of nerevar in clockwork city
                >Captain and King. Friend, Student, and Hortator. May we ever seek his wisdom. And his forgiveness.

              • 12 months ago

                So he felt bad about it just not bad enough to do anything about it?
                So not being a complete scumbag makes him the good guy of the three? That can actually be true if you grade on a curve. Same way Mussolini was the best of Hitler, Tojo , and himself.
                Mussolini at least got the trains to run on time.

              • 12 months ago

                >makes him the good guy of the three?
                it doesn't
                >Same way Mussolini was the best of Hitler, Tojo, and himself.
                yes it's exactly that way

              • 12 months ago

                So now you understand why it was disappointing to not be able to exact righteous justice on him.

                You could only punish two thirds of the villains in Morrowind.

              • 12 months ago

                >exact righteous justice on him.
                he was one of the things keeping oblivion gates sealed
                murdering him in the name of justice would make things only worse
                let him earn his redemption by doing good things

              • 12 months ago

                Alma killed him long before the oblivion gates opened.

              • 12 months ago

                and his death is one of two main reasons opening permanent gates between oblivion and nirn was possible

              • 12 months ago

                That has to be from ESO or the fanfics.

              • 12 months ago

                book that mentions it was in morrowind

                5 Rain's Hand, 2920
                The Isle of Artaeum, Summurset

                Sotha Sil's voice cried out, echoing from the cave, "Move the rock!"

                Immediately, the initiates obeyed, rolling aside the great boulder that blocked the entrance to the Dreaming Cavern. Sotha Sil emerged, his face smeared with ash, weary. He felt he had been away for months, years, but only a few days had transpired. Lilatha took his arm to help him walk, but he refused her help with a kind smile and a shake of his head.

                "Were you ... successful?" she asked.

                "The Daedra princes I spoke with have agreed to our terms," he said flatly. "Disasters such as befell Gilverdale should be averted. Only through certain intermediaries such as witches or sorcerers will they answer the call of man and mer."

                "And what did you promise them in return?" asked the Nord boy Welleg.

                "The deals we make with Daedra," said Sotha Sil, continuing on to Iachesis' palace to meet with the Master of the Psijic Order. "Should not be discussed with the innocent."

              • 12 months ago

                Even uesp labels it as a historical fiction. Surprising actually.

                The unreliable narrator is a b***h.

              • 12 months ago

                well that compact is also mentioned in other sources and that sil did something to make daedra stop directly appearing unless summoned on nirn

              • 12 months ago

                Even if ESO and 2920 are correct his death would not impact the agreement.
                Whether facing justice by my hand or killed by Alma there is nothing to indicate his being alive is a factor in the agreement at all.
                Did I miss that part?

                While it is an interesting part of lore it has nothing to do with him being killed in Morrowind.

              • 12 months ago

                To add it also has nothing to do with him trying to solve the problem he helped create in Morrowind.
                In fact it shows he was disinterested long before the tribunals power was waning.

              • 12 months ago

                >there is nothing to indicate his being alive is a factor in the agreement at all.
                we don't know how exactly he was able to force daedras to obey
                one of the theories was that he could do something to daedra using clockwork city and threatened them with it
                in that case his death rendered it null
                also tribunal was able to "kill" mehrunes dagon once

              • 12 months ago

                > They killed Dagoth
                Is that also from the historical fiction?

              • 12 months ago

                mournhold was destroyed by that fight and it's known that almalexia and sotha win (there would be no survivors otherwise)
                and you can walk through the ruins in morrowind
                and there is that statue of alma fighting mehrunes dagon on plaza and that fight was mentioned in game many times

              • 12 months ago

                And Kim Jong Un shoots an 18 every time he golfs.

              • 12 months ago

                anon destruction of old mournhold and banishing mehrunes dagon was a confirmed historical fact
                also mehrunes dagon was so salty that he stole part of the city after his loss
                it would be the same that saying that tiber's conquest never happened
                details vary but we know they fought and alma and sil won

              • 12 months ago

                What is the corraborating evidence? Single sourced info is dangerous thing to rely on. Especially when one of the subjects is an admitted liar.

      • 12 months ago

        To add.
        He is probably the worst of the three because when things started going south he basically checked out.

  2. 12 months ago

    Morrowind was a garbage nu-elder scrolls but the villain had funny lines

    • 12 months ago

      t. either daggerfall nostalgia addict or moron

  3. 12 months ago

    >elder scrolls thread
    >It's completely awful and full of morons
    Every time

  4. 12 months ago

    >bad guy is evil because he's... le INSANE

  5. 12 months ago
  6. 12 months ago

    >During the carnage, Almalexia and Sotha Sil arrived to stop the Prince. The battlefield was lit by a barrage of flame which fell indiscriminately. Almalexia plunged Hopesfire into Dagon's flesh and carved him from within. Meanwhile, Sotha Sil, enacting vengeance for Ald Sotha, used "god-bronze whips" to lash the Prince into submission. Wounded, Sil allegedly whispered Dagon's Nymic, and the Prince "exploded throughout all time".[76][77] Defeated, Dagon sought to have a final laugh, and flung a piece of Mournhold into his realm with the inhabitants intact.[78] After his banishment, Sotha Sil sealed the planar doors between Nirn and the Deadlands, blocking off all access for Dagon as further punishment for breaking the Coldharbour Compact.[79]

    • 12 months ago

      So the compact was a non binding agreement not a ward protecting Nirn?
      So Sotha's contribution was little more than a gentlemans agreement

      • 12 months ago

        it worked and he was able to enforce it when he was alive
        also mer and humans couldn't travel to apocrypha for some reason after that pact so it binds two ways and it was at least something like a ward
        everytime somebody invaded they had to be called/summoned by someone on nirn

        • 12 months ago


          >During the carnage, Almalexia and Sotha Sil arrived to stop the Prince. The battlefield was lit by a barrage of flame which fell indiscriminately. Almalexia plunged Hopesfire into Dagon's flesh and carved him from within. Meanwhile, Sotha Sil, enacting vengeance for Ald Sotha, used "god-bronze whips" to lash the Prince into submission. Wounded, Sil allegedly whispered Dagon's Nymic, and the Prince "exploded throughout all time".[76][77] Defeated, Dagon sought to have a final laugh, and flung a piece of Mournhold into his realm with the inhabitants intact.[78] After his banishment, Sotha Sil sealed the planar doors between Nirn and the Deadlands, blocking off all access for Dagon as further punishment for breaking the Coldharbour Compact.[79]

          Shows he was unable to enforce it does it not?

          • 12 months ago

            he enforced it by banishing him
            and we are saying about mehrunes being there personally so it's akatosh tier level of power
            also he "sealed gates between deadlands and nirn"
            another thing
            dagon was summoned, he couldn't come there personally or couldn't estabilish permanent gates

            What is the corraborating evidence? Single sourced info is dangerous thing to rely on. Especially when one of the subjects is an admitted liar.

            in morrowind people tell you that there are ruins left after that fight underneath mournhold when you are looking for dark brotherhood and when you get quests to do there

            • 12 months ago

              Nobody is disputing the attack on Mournhold by Dagon. What is unclear is the details of Sotha's role.
              Which goes back to the initial point of it was disappointing to not be able to mete out justice to the guilty. It would have been nice to have the complete set of soul trapped false tribunal members.

              • 12 months ago

                it would be nice but sotha was overall positive influence on nirn
                it would be better rest of tribunal were dead and he would get to live from pragmatic point of view

              • 12 months ago

                Justice delayed is justice denied. You have yet to post a single thing Sotha did to fix the situation he participated in creating.
                His apathy about the whole thing paints him as the worst of the lot.

                In the cosmic balance Sotha has been a net nehative on Nirn

  7. 12 months ago
  8. 12 months ago


    "Daedra empowered to unleash destruction upon the mortal realm and make it easier for Mehrunes Dagon to conquer Nirn. Did you know he's tried before? Dagon broke an agreement and the doors between the Deadlands and Nirn were sealed. He can't use them."
    What agreement did Mehrunes Dagon break?
    "Sotha Sil, one of the so-called Living Gods of the Dark Elves, supposedly made a pact with various Daedric Princes to protect Nirn. I don't know the details, but Dagon broke the pact.
    Sotha Sil slammed the doors and closed off Dagon's connections."
    So Sister Celdina wants to conquer Fargrave so Dagon can use its portals?
    "Everything about Sotha Sil's pact is rumor and speculation, so that is what I hope to determine. And I want to examine the cataclyst.
    The attack on Fargrave could begin at any moment. Shall we enter the next area and see what Celdina is up to?"

  9. 12 months ago

    >dagoth ur

    • 12 months ago

      He was a villain. Certainly a tragic villain but a villain nonetheless.

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