> post vidya footage. > have to spend the rest of your life in an insane asylum until you die

> post vidya footage
> have to spend the rest of your life in an insane asylum until you die

Why is Rockstar Games like this?

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  1. 5 months ago

    >Arion Kurtaj, 18, who is autistic, was on bail for hacking the software firm Nvidia and BT/EE and also in police protection at a Travelodge hotel when he continued his hacking and breached Rockstar Games, the company behind GTA, a court heard.
    >Despite having his laptop confiscated, Kurtaj, carried out his cyber attack using an Amazon Firestick, his hotel television and a mobile phone. He broke into the company’s internal Slack messaging system to declare: “If Rockstar does not contact me on Telegram within 24 hours I will start releasing the source code.”

    He's autistic and a hacking savant the kind you see in movies. He refuses to stop hacking even when they take everything from him. He's our guy. He WILL carry out a hack from within prison using only the communal television.

    • 5 months ago

      You left out the part where he was having autistic violet episodes in prison, which led to him being considered a threat to himself and others.

      • 5 months ago

        Sure thing israelite.

      • 5 months ago

        >put moron in prison for downloading a car
        >he violent
        no fricking way 😮

    • 5 months ago

      some moron will give him a PSP and he'll turn off the power to the prison to make his escape

    • 5 months ago

      You left out the part where he was having autistic violet episodes in prison, which led to him being considered a threat to himself and others.

      they will put him into a psych ward, lobotomize and drug him 24/7. it's a joke that MSM makes it sound as if it will be a "hospital"

      • 5 months ago

        He is literally why psych wards exist

        • 5 months ago

          Okay but why is he in a hospital? Why not prison? Is this slang for something?

          a psych ward is a prison, not a hospital. all of MSM reported that he will go to a hospital. in a psych ward the inmates will get sedated 24/7, lawyers will actually advice their clients of rather going into the prison than the psych ward. it's worse than prison because in some countries they can hold you indefinitely without the chance for parole. the maturity will be taken from the inmates.

          • 5 months ago

            thats actually a really interesting thought. if you had the choice, would you pick prison or psych ward? i honestly cant decide which one is better
            both sound nightmarish

            • 5 months ago

              prison. it's not fiction that there have been experiments on inmates in those facilities and films about it. you don't want to live on the whim of some doctor evil, driveling from your mouth without being able to speak.

              • 5 months ago

                yeah that's fair. i guess the only way youd pick psych ward is if you knew for sure it was some one in a thousand facility that actually cared for its patients and had shit like green spaces and open areas

    • 5 months ago

      It's an almost guarantee that the CIA or some other glowing alphabet organization will hire him in exchange for tendies or whatever he wants.

      • 5 months ago

        They'd be too scared of not being able to control him and him turning on them.

    • 5 months ago

      >his cyber attack using an Amazon Firestick, his hotel television and a mobile phone
      that's a teriffic story that makes him look like macgyver but he probably still had some backdoor in the web that he accessed only and there was negligence from the supervising police officers.

    • 5 months ago

      >hacked like 9 companies
      >demanded millions of dollars as ransom
      >got caught but kept doing it
      >literally told the authorities that he will never stop
      >when they locked him up he behaved violently
      >dozens of reports of injury or property damage
      he's LITERALLY fricking insane and should be in the looney bin

      is he good if he gets caught?

      • 5 months ago

        He has such turbo autism that he never even cared about getting caught, so he never took any steps to hide anything.

    • 5 months ago

      100% he's actually being recruited by some intelligence agency

      • 5 months ago

        Did he actually do any hacking, or was it just catfishing and the like?

        • 5 months ago


          >On 23 February 2022, technology company Nvidia became aware of a breach into its systems. Lapsus$ claimed to have a terabyte of data from Nvidia, and threatened to release the "complete silicon, graphics, and computer chipset files for all recent NVIDIA GPUs, including the RTX 3090Ti and upcoming revisions" if Nvidia didn't open-source its device drivers. On 3 March, the credentials for Nvidia's over 71,000 employees emerged online.

          >On 4 March 2022, Lapsus$ posted a 190 GB torrent to internal data belonging to phone manufacturer Samsung, including the source code of its Samsung Galaxy line of phones. Samsung confirmed the breach three days later.

          >On 8 March 2022, Argentinian e-commerce company Mercado Libre confirmed that user data for 300,000 customers had been accessed by Lapsus$; the group also claimed to have access to 24,000 repositories belonging to Mercado Libre.

          >On 10 March 2022, gaming company Ubisoft confirmed that it had experienced a "cyber security incident", although user data had not been accessed.

          >On 17 March 2022, Lapsus$ had gained access to an employee account within the telecommunications company T-Mobile. A prominent member of Lapsus$ going by the pseudonym "White" unsuccessfully attempted to gain access to the T-Mobile accounts of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the United States Department of Defense. Lapsus$ was, however, able to obtain the source code repositories belonging to T-Mobile.

          >On 20 March 2022, Lapsus$ posted a screenshot of the technology company Microsoft's Azure DevOps server to their Telegram channel. The following day, the group released a 37 GB zip file containing, among other things, "90% of the source code for the Bing search engine".

          >On 30 March 2022, Luxembourg-based IT company Globant confirmed its network had been breached by Lapsus$.

          >On 15 September 2022, mobility-as-a-service company Uber announced that it had been breached by Lapsus$.

          >Some of the most notable assets affected by the attack included a system that keeps track of Brazil’s national immunization program and one that issues digital vaccination certificates.
          >The Lapsus$ Group left a message on the main page of the website, claiming responsibility for the attack. They also said they managed to extract and delete approximately 50 TBs worth of data from the compromised websites.
          >The group’s message also included an email address and Telegram contact information, where the attackers asked to be contacted to discuss the terms of returning the data.

          >He will remain at a secure hospital for life unless doctors deem him no longer a danger, Southwark crown court heard on Thursday
          While he was on a 90 day bail for hacking Nvidia/BT, he was in a hotel under police supervision where he then used an Amazon Firestick to do the Rockstar hack. Then he was found guilty on 12 different charges of blackmail/fraud/extortion. He was reportedly violent while in custody with DOZENS of reports of injury and property damage since his arrest. He has expressed a desire to never give up and continue his shenanigans as soon as he gets out.

          But even despite all of that, they are saying that he will be set free if he shows that he will stop his intentions of returning right back to doing all of this over and over again.

          • 5 months ago

            That just says what they did (and by they I mean Lapsus$, so not all the work was done by the autist), not how they did it.

    • 5 months ago

      Should have released the source code.

      • 5 months ago

        He never had the source code.

  2. 5 months ago

    >hacked like 9 companies
    >demanded millions of dollars as ransom
    >got caught but kept doing it
    >literally told the authorities that he will never stop
    >when they locked him up he behaved violently
    >dozens of reports of injury or property damage
    he's LITERALLY fricking insane and should be in the looney bin

    • 5 months ago

      so what? this is like defending robin hood getting locked up, keep licking boot.

      • 5 months ago

        kek you're probably a fricking moronic commie larper
        >noooo this will definitely not affect any normal people, only muh evil corporations
        >so what if he keeps physically attacking random people, he's autistic and our based hackerman so it's ok

        • 5 months ago

          who did he physically attack prior to being locked up for committing a morally just deed?

          • 5 months ago

            >extorting millions of dollars
            >morally just deed
            >muh robin hood
            moron alert
            they should just deport him back to his balkan shithole so he doesn't burden any more taxpayers

            • 5 months ago

              >extorting millions of dollars
              >from fricking rockstar
              yeah like I said, morally just.

              • 5 months ago

                kek you're probably a fricking moronic commie larper
                >noooo this will definitely not affect any normal people, only muh evil corporations
                >so what if he keeps physically attacking random people, he's autistic and our based hackerman so it's ok

                you have to be 18+ to post here btw

              • 5 months ago

                maybe if you suck enough corporate wiener you'll get hired by the nepotistic incest circle of child molesting millionaires, keep trying

              • 5 months ago

                >every "argument" is "nooooo muh evil corporations"
                i knew you were an underage commie larper

              • 5 months ago

                post nose or gtfo

              • 5 months ago

                This is legit why you will never succeed in life. Some pure loser cope.

          • 5 months ago

            >committing a morally just deed?
            you need to protect creative industries or else they won't make stuff anymore, even if its a billion dollar company. First it's leaking footage, then it goes to stealing source code. You're probably just some loser who does nothing all day so you can't relate to putting work into something.

      • 5 months ago

        >give me millions of dollars so I can live lavishly
        yeah he's totally robin hood you moronic Black person

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        from the river to the sea
        alpha game footage shall be free

    • 5 months ago

      >t. r* pr team

    • 5 months ago

      Maybe your company is shit if autistic teen can hack it.

      • 5 months ago

        He pulled this off while in custody using some apple tv thing. Gonna bet he just sent a bunch of phishing emails to rockstar staff until some tech illiterate old boomer took the bait

    • 5 months ago

      >Arion Kurtaj, 18, who is autistic, was on bail for hacking the software firm Nvidia and BT/EE and also in police protection at a Travelodge hotel when he continued his hacking and breached Rockstar Games, the company behind GTA, a court heard.
      >Despite having his laptop confiscated, Kurtaj, carried out his cyber attack using an Amazon Firestick, his hotel television and a mobile phone. He broke into the company’s internal Slack messaging system to declare: “If Rockstar does not contact me on Telegram within 24 hours I will start releasing the source code.”

      He's autistic and a hacking savant the kind you see in movies. He refuses to stop hacking even when they take everything from him. He's our guy. He WILL carry out a hack from within prison using only the communal television.

      why dont they just murder him like in mercury rising
      first he hacks any vidya related company he can but eventually he will get nuke codes

    • 5 months ago

      Pretty much, hes all intelligence but 0 morality. Its like letting some kid get a hand on nukes he could cause catastrophic damage and not care at all.

      You also forgot all of his personal hacking against girls, as well as stalking them and stealing their info.

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        Property rights are the foundation of civilization, seethe

        • 5 months ago

          >property rights are the foundation of civilization
          >Property rights
          Shallom rabbi

    • 5 months ago

      I love how on top of being a top class threat he is absolutely deranged

    • 5 months ago

      He also stalked and assaulted two women in the middle of this. They probably added some extra charges

    • 5 months ago

      what if he was EMPRESS all along?

  3. 5 months ago

    Fake story to stealth market the game. Apple used to do this in the 90s by paying magazines to talk about their products when no one cared.

  4. 5 months ago

    how easy is it to get laid in such facility?

    • 5 months ago

      Mentally ill women are loose, but it's hard to gauge how much they'd allow everyone to co-mingle.

  5. 5 months ago

    Break him out if youre going to be such a butthurt homosexual about it.

  6. 5 months ago

    The cia will probably him him the shot that reverses autism and put him to work in some black site. In our new digitized future he could be the most dangerous person alive, without focus.

  7. 5 months ago

    He cannot stop attacking systems

  8. 5 months ago

    The kid is like a coomer in hacking.

  9. 5 months ago

    How does Rockstar always get them but any other developer doesn't? I mean if what happened to Insomniac happened to Rockstar, they'd probably put the hacker on LiveLeak.

  10. 5 months ago

    Yeah, no government is going to disappear him and have him hack other countries or companies they don't like.

  11. 5 months ago

    >On 23 February 2022, technology company Nvidia became aware of a breach into its systems. Lapsus$ claimed to have a terabyte of data from Nvidia, and threatened to release the "complete silicon, graphics, and computer chipset files for all recent NVIDIA GPUs, including the RTX 3090Ti and upcoming revisions" if Nvidia didn't open-source its device drivers. On 3 March, the credentials for Nvidia's over 71,000 employees emerged online.

    >On 4 March 2022, Lapsus$ posted a 190 GB torrent to internal data belonging to phone manufacturer Samsung, including the source code of its Samsung Galaxy line of phones. Samsung confirmed the breach three days later.

    >On 8 March 2022, Argentinian e-commerce company Mercado Libre confirmed that user data for 300,000 customers had been accessed by Lapsus$; the group also claimed to have access to 24,000 repositories belonging to Mercado Libre.

    >On 10 March 2022, gaming company Ubisoft confirmed that it had experienced a "cyber security incident", although user data had not been accessed.

    >On 17 March 2022, Lapsus$ had gained access to an employee account within the telecommunications company T-Mobile. A prominent member of Lapsus$ going by the pseudonym "White" unsuccessfully attempted to gain access to the T-Mobile accounts of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the United States Department of Defense. Lapsus$ was, however, able to obtain the source code repositories belonging to T-Mobile.

    >On 20 March 2022, Lapsus$ posted a screenshot of the technology company Microsoft's Azure DevOps server to their Telegram channel. The following day, the group released a 37 GB zip file containing, among other things, "90% of the source code for the Bing search engine".

    >On 30 March 2022, Luxembourg-based IT company Globant confirmed its network had been breached by Lapsus$.

    >On 15 September 2022, mobility-as-a-service company Uber announced that it had been breached by Lapsus$.

    • 5 months ago

      >Some of the most notable assets affected by the attack included a system that keeps track of Brazil’s national immunization program and one that issues digital vaccination certificates.
      >The Lapsus$ Group left a message on the main page of the website, claiming responsibility for the attack. They also said they managed to extract and delete approximately 50 TBs worth of data from the compromised websites.
      >The group’s message also included an email address and Telegram contact information, where the attackers asked to be contacted to discuss the terms of returning the data.

      >He will remain at a secure hospital for life unless doctors deem him no longer a danger, Southwark crown court heard on Thursday
      While he was on a 90 day bail for hacking Nvidia/BT, he was in a hotel under police supervision where he then used an Amazon Firestick to do the Rockstar hack. Then he was found guilty on 12 different charges of blackmail/fraud/extortion. He was reportedly violent while in custody with DOZENS of reports of injury and property damage since his arrest. He has expressed a desire to never give up and continue his shenanigans as soon as he gets out.

      But even despite all of that, they are saying that he will be set free if he shows that he will stop his intentions of returning right back to doing all of this over and over again.

  12. 5 months ago

    Then an intelligence agency will release him on the condition that he help them with in their cyber warfare unit. The unit was started by a rouge agent who plays by his own rules. He brings together a brilliant but socially awkward group of outcasts and weirdos including a quirky hot girl who has to prove that she is as good as the boys.

    • 5 months ago

      > Take-Two interactive develops an IRL construct of Soulkiller and fries quirky hacker girl's brain
      > Guided by the digital ghosts of Dan and Sam Houser, it's now up to anon to storm R* tower and rescue her before Sweet Baby Inc. uploads her engram into deepest parts of the dark web...

  13. 5 months ago

    Send him one of these, teach 'em to frick with him.

  14. 5 months ago

    Yea rockstar games is the American legal system now

  15. 5 months ago

    Just put the kid on a payroll and deploy him in Iran.

  16. 5 months ago

    lol this shit gets more outlandish with every rewrite

  17. 5 months ago

    I ask every thread. Why is he in a hospital?

    • 5 months ago

      It's a british hospital. So it's much less humane.

    • 5 months ago

      He is certified insane. He cannot control himself because he has a mental illness.

    • 5 months ago

      He’s extremely autistic, shows no remorse, and physically attacks people/property.

    • 5 months ago

      He's a menace to society. Dozens of guilty charges of blackmail, extortion, fraud. Dozens of reports of bodily injury and property damage during his arrests and bails. Hacked Rockstar while on a 90 day bail supervision from hacking Nvidia and Uber. Zero remorse for anything and has said that he will continue as soon as he gets out again.

      • 5 months ago

        He’s extremely autistic, shows no remorse, and physically attacks people/property.

        Okay but why is he in a hospital? Why not prison? Is this slang for something?

        • 5 months ago

          Because they don’t actually want to punish people, so as soon as he stops being crazy he’ll be released.

        • 5 months ago

          He's too autistic for prison. He'd probably get taken advantage of or get into fights and get killed or some shit. It's not an actual hospital, but more like a closed facility for people unfit for society.

          • 5 months ago

            Wasn’t Chris Chan in a regular prison for most of his stint? I remember he had a brief stay in a mental hospital. Probably kept his cell mates awake talking about the dimensional merge.

      • 5 months ago

        >Some of the most notable assets affected by the attack included a system that keeps track of Brazil’s national immunization program and one that issues digital vaccination certificates.
        >The Lapsus$ Group left a message on the main page of the website, claiming responsibility for the attack. They also said they managed to extract and delete approximately 50 TBs worth of data from the compromised websites.
        >The group’s message also included an email address and Telegram contact information, where the attackers asked to be contacted to discuss the terms of returning the data.

        >He will remain at a secure hospital for life unless doctors deem him no longer a danger, Southwark crown court heard on Thursday
        While he was on a 90 day bail for hacking Nvidia/BT, he was in a hotel under police supervision where he then used an Amazon Firestick to do the Rockstar hack. Then he was found guilty on 12 different charges of blackmail/fraud/extortion. He was reportedly violent while in custody with DOZENS of reports of injury and property damage since his arrest. He has expressed a desire to never give up and continue his shenanigans as soon as he gets out.

        But even despite all of that, they are saying that he will be set free if he shows that he will stop his intentions of returning right back to doing all of this over and over again.

        He pulled this off while in custody using some apple tv thing. Gonna bet he just sent a bunch of phishing emails to rockstar staff until some tech illiterate old boomer took the bait

        So in other words he deserves a medal of honor?

  18. 5 months ago

    >Trust me, this is what happened we were told about it by "rich person" they would never lie.
    >The police also told us that he was doing evil evil things, there's no evidence of it, but we all know he isn't being used as an example by the big wigs of the company! Police can't be bribed after all, that's illegal!

    • 5 months ago

      >there's no evidence of it
      Except that there is, you fricking moronic numbskull. Not only has he hacked a dozen other gigantic companies, including the government of Brazil, but he literally did the Rockstar "hack" during a 90 day bail while under supervision by the police. moron.

  19. 5 months ago

    Wow life sentence for not deleting files, not stealing one of a kind documents and assets that cannot be recovered ever, not holding employee information for ransom and stating you'd kill their families if the didn't cooperate.
    Nope, life in prison for taking copies of files. Rockstar lost nothing, zero things were edited or changed. Zero things were lost, everything continues as normal.

    Life in prison because corporation said so.

    • 5 months ago


      >On 23 February 2022, technology company Nvidia became aware of a breach into its systems. Lapsus$ claimed to have a terabyte of data from Nvidia, and threatened to release the "complete silicon, graphics, and computer chipset files for all recent NVIDIA GPUs, including the RTX 3090Ti and upcoming revisions" if Nvidia didn't open-source its device drivers. On 3 March, the credentials for Nvidia's over 71,000 employees emerged online.

      >On 4 March 2022, Lapsus$ posted a 190 GB torrent to internal data belonging to phone manufacturer Samsung, including the source code of its Samsung Galaxy line of phones. Samsung confirmed the breach three days later.

      >On 8 March 2022, Argentinian e-commerce company Mercado Libre confirmed that user data for 300,000 customers had been accessed by Lapsus$; the group also claimed to have access to 24,000 repositories belonging to Mercado Libre.

      >On 10 March 2022, gaming company Ubisoft confirmed that it had experienced a "cyber security incident", although user data had not been accessed.

      >On 17 March 2022, Lapsus$ had gained access to an employee account within the telecommunications company T-Mobile. A prominent member of Lapsus$ going by the pseudonym "White" unsuccessfully attempted to gain access to the T-Mobile accounts of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the United States Department of Defense. Lapsus$ was, however, able to obtain the source code repositories belonging to T-Mobile.

      >On 20 March 2022, Lapsus$ posted a screenshot of the technology company Microsoft's Azure DevOps server to their Telegram channel. The following day, the group released a 37 GB zip file containing, among other things, "90% of the source code for the Bing search engine".

      >On 30 March 2022, Luxembourg-based IT company Globant confirmed its network had been breached by Lapsus$.

      >On 15 September 2022, mobility-as-a-service company Uber announced that it had been breached by Lapsus$.

      >Some of the most notable assets affected by the attack included a system that keeps track of Brazil’s national immunization program and one that issues digital vaccination certificates.
      >The Lapsus$ Group left a message on the main page of the website, claiming responsibility for the attack. They also said they managed to extract and delete approximately 50 TBs worth of data from the compromised websites.
      >The group’s message also included an email address and Telegram contact information, where the attackers asked to be contacted to discuss the terms of returning the data.

      >He will remain at a secure hospital for life unless doctors deem him no longer a danger, Southwark crown court heard on Thursday
      While he was on a 90 day bail for hacking Nvidia/BT, he was in a hotel under police supervision where he then used an Amazon Firestick to do the Rockstar hack. Then he was found guilty on 12 different charges of blackmail/fraud/extortion. He was reportedly violent while in custody with DOZENS of reports of injury and property damage since his arrest. He has expressed a desire to never give up and continue his shenanigans as soon as he gets out.

      But even despite all of that, they are saying that he will be set free if he shows that he will stop his intentions of returning right back to doing all of this over and over again.

      • 5 months ago

        Sorry, I don't just believe bullshit that the government/police/scientists report because I'm not a fricking moron sheep.
        Put your face diaper back on, cuck.

        • 5 months ago

          >because I'm not a fricking moron sheep
          Anyone who ever claims this is always the biggest sheep possible.

        • 5 months ago

          yup, basically this. my own family told me I can't come to christmas dinner because last year I BTFO them in a vaccine debate. they're completely brainwashed by lamestream media

  20. 5 months ago

    >fricked around
    >found out

    tale as old as time

  21. 5 months ago

    You think Rockstar Games decides the fate of these people?

    • 5 months ago

      they are pressing charges

      • 5 months ago

        You think Rockstar Games pressing charges means that they decide the fate and sentences of these people?

        • 5 months ago

          No, but it helps

        • 5 months ago

          They're the ones reporting how much this free advertising did in damages.

      • 5 months ago

        I’m sure they’re as mad as they were when Fox News was running stories about GTA 3 turning 8 year olds into violent gangsters.

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