Post your ideas anything and everything of TES6

Post your ideas anything and everything of TES6

>Weapon condition should come back but add to the gameplay and take from the lore
>Swords now blunt over time from repeated usage in increments and different levels of disrepair you have to maintain eg -15%/-30%/-45% less damage
>Certain weapon types and giant class enemies now have small but increasing chances if it was giant class enemy for example to shatter your weapon but you can use the remaining hilt and sword length as a dagger so youre not cucked
>Blacksmithing takes inspiration from different upgrades fallout 4 style such as serrated edges and crossguards increasing chance to break enemies weapons or decrease stamina drain each block with better guards
>instead of weapons just being static dmgs increases in more expensive/rare types you put more thought into what weapon you want to run based on situation, eg heavy armored enemies quest you might take an orcish weapon that provides better armor dmging capabilities, ability to tear of certain armor pieces
>helmet, pauldrons, gauntlets, greaves and boots system please todd god
>Shield level mechanic coinciding with melee ability eg 25 skill level unlocks feints that get the enemy to block high and you slash their legs
>battlefield changing magic situations such as high powered like nature magic creating vines disarming enemies instead of just ragdolls or paralysis forcing enemies to ragdoll so you can smack their ass while they are down so they have to switch to secondaries or hand to hand instead

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  1. 2 years ago

    Oblivion 2.0
    >wacky caracther creation
    >wacky NPCs
    >wacky questlines
    >wacky dialog

    • 2 years ago

      I want Kirkbride to specifically write the Sheogorath quest to be some acid bad trip type shit retrieving a talking apple for a homeless man that the apple acts as his eyes but the apple was Sheo all along but like the skeleton key from V he actually makes comments about his surroundings and your combat

      • 2 years ago

        oblivion sheogorath was redditized

        • 2 years ago

          Morrowind was Reddit: The Game

          • 2 years ago

            You mean elden ring?

          • 2 years ago

            haha no, that was oblivion moron. especially that awful DLC redditors fricking LOVE for some reason

            • 2 years ago

              Reddit was barely a thing back then, so they didn't "Redditize" Sheogorath.

              • 2 years ago

                it was released during the era of awful lolrandom internet humor. also shut the frick up you dumb Black person, I'm replying to a guy that said morrowind was reddit, so reply to that homosexual you dumb Black person.

              • 2 years ago

                I am that guy. I was demonstrating how dumb your choice of buzzword was.

              • 2 years ago

                okay, does it make your homosexual ass feel better if I say "sheogorath was made silly to appeal to spork of doom internet morons"?

              • 2 years ago

                a little bit

    • 2 years ago

      >Le wacky oblivion!1! xD
      Oblivion has "wacky" moments, but it seems like r*ddit and YouTube memes have fixated on this to the exclusion of everything else. Oblivion has plenty of non-wacky stuff.

      • 2 years ago

        >stupid story
        >stupid faces
        >stupid dialogue
        >stupid quests
        >stupid dungeons
        >stupid voices
        >stupid lore
        Want me to keep going?
        >Oblivion has plenty of non-wacky stuff
        Such as?

        • 2 years ago

          >Oblivion has plenty of non-wacky stuff
          Such as?
          couple of gruesome strangely realistic zombie/corpse models and that's it.

        • 2 years ago

          >Oblivion has plenty of non-wacky stuff
          Such as?
          couple of gruesome strangely realistic zombie/corpse models and that's it.

          You are both big fools, of course not everything in oblivion is bad.
          The, emm... music is nice.

  2. 2 years ago

    My ideal TES 6 would make conversation with NPCs unvoiced again, purely text based, so they can create more diverse factions. There should be 3 warrior factions which warriors of different dispositions can join: rank and file soldiers, mercenaries, holy crusaders, and knightly orders, etc. For thief characters there should be ruthless thugs/mob (think the Tong), contracted professionals, and Robin Hood/Bal Molagmer types. For mages there should be elite scholarly mages, priests/healers/exorcists, daedra cults...

    • 2 years ago

      Great ideas, would love to see a massive upgrade in terms interaction between factions aswell think along the lines of your expanded factions but hiring a priest/exorcist aswell as a holy crusader to take down a pop up daedra cult trying to summon an elite daedra banter would be refreshing aswell as the crusader puffs their chest at approaching daedra and tells the priest to stay back and struggles to kill one and the priest wipes the floor with 5

  3. 2 years ago

    Faction quest lines should have filler like the stat checks in Daggerfall and Morrowind, or the amounts of stuff you had to steal for the Thieves Guild in Oblivion. That way you don't become archmage without being able to use magic or crap like that again.

  4. 2 years ago

    >More than 10 voice actors
    >Animations that aren't dogshit
    >AI that isn't dogshit and buggy
    >Hire someone to read quest dialogues to make sure it makes some sense
    >Make melee combat fun
    >Make magic fun

    Or don't do these things and make another comedy game once again instead.

  5. 2 years ago

    >Actually being worked on instead of some dumb shit no one asked for.
    I know, my standards are too high.

  6. 2 years ago

    [Speech 100] Lol no, it's going to be Skyrim 2: We Wuz Piratez n Shieeet. Damage, HP, magicka - that's all. Oh and, installing coomer mods bricks your PC. Preorder now gaygit.

  7. 2 years ago

    >Weapon Condition.
    I'd be fine with it somewhat making a comeback, but working with the sharpening/improvement system in Skyrim. IE: You sharpen it to increase damage/armor, but it degrades back to normal with each hit.
    Big thing I want out of TES 6 though is to use the Weapon crafting system in F4 for the foundation of spell creation/customization, with the player able to adjust damage, AoE, whether the spell lingers or if it's constantly cast or single-cast or whatnot.

  8. 2 years ago

    Remove all magic schools just add good and bad, good for healing and bad to deal damage

  9. 2 years ago

    I think /vrpg/ has shit tastes and this thread proves it. Who the frick enjoys repairing your weapon? What happened to /vrpg/ hating menus?

  10. 2 years ago

    I want weapons made with different material to have unique gameplay elements like Silver is used against draugrs and vampires. Ebony for example is deals more damage if player attacked by electro mage

    • 2 years ago

      That's already in Morrowind although it isn't fully fleshed out.

      • 2 years ago

        It's more fleshed out in Daggerfall but it's impossible to care about cause the game throws hundreds of random enemies at you over the course of the game. It's fake complexity

  11. 2 years ago

    Fantastic. These are all trash ideas

  12. 2 years ago

    Lock-on for melee with a directional attack/block interface. They might even be able to reuse bits of the VATS system.

  13. 2 years ago

    Just make skyrim again for all I care but please bring back morrowind's stats, magic and leveling systems, that's literally all they have to do.
    Ah, and fire that idiot who works at bethesda, you know the one i'm talking about.

  14. 2 years ago

    Bring back levitation you fricking pieces of shit

  15. 2 years ago

    Elder Scrolls 6 will have procedurally generated landscape and AI generated art, story and quests.
    Every normie will praise it for having unlimited gameplay and it will be extremely mediocre and repetitive.

  16. 2 years ago

    Give the game actual good action combat, this series has been half-assed way too long
    Let me learn different fighting styles that have different moves and usages, have those styles have additional unlockable moves through quests, training, and leveling up, with sword singing tacking on to that system

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