Post your... Uh... Lewd TTRPG stories... For research purposes anons

Post your... Uh... Lewd TTRPG stories... For research purposes anons

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 7 months ago

    Preferably in green text

  2. 7 months ago

    My scenario is that the devil queen of succubi incarnated as my player's mother is grooming her into becoming her successor. She's being pushed from a coddled life into finding herself needing to put herself in lewd situations and adventuring to accomplish her goals.
    So far I've had a werewolf almost rape her, a plant monster spray her with aphrodisiac that caused her to jerk off in the middle of the dungeon, gotten her to start working at a tavern where she'll get sucked more into night life work, and yuri with her best friend.

    • 7 months ago

      Ah yes the classic shy and modest to loose and shameless you should also have her take drastic changes to her body via magic giving her a more voluptuous figure to honor that of the succubus queen

    • 7 months ago

      I've seen that

  3. 7 months ago

    During a year-long game where it wasn't at all the focus, another player and I successfully played out a classical romance between a "escaping the gilded cage" type noble girl and a reformed-after-amnesia mob tough
    They didn't even kiss until the last session, you cumbrains are so mindrotted to actually find the physical aspect more interesting to play out

    • 7 months ago

      The physical aspect isn't really the biggest deal in my game. The most fun I've had is confronting my PC's own thoughts and feelings through the experiences. What the character feels about what's happening is just as important, if not more, for a lewd game

      • 7 months ago

        That's more understandable I suppose

    • 7 months ago

      Pretty vanilla but it's something more wholesome then anything but at least it's bonding between characters getting them closer then they already are (I'm assuming they're somewhat close sense you mentioned it's been a year long game)

    • 7 months ago

      What!? You kissed? How lewd. Max i got was romantic dance after breaking a curse.

    • 7 months ago

      >Me and a buddy's PCs are an older man and woman
      >They end up the team's leaders and parental figures
      >Only light flirting throughout the game
      >In the denouement the team go their separate ways
      >Our characters leave together
      >Next game in same setting
      >Me and my buddy roll siblings that are obviously but never explicitly stated to be their kids

      • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          They were fighter bros and got into constant, good-natured "arguments" about which one of them was going to marry the childhood friend half-elf PC.

  4. 7 months ago

    never post this again dude. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

  5. 7 months ago

    The self-hating orc villain in the game I ran was REALLY into eugenics. He essentially wanted to breed out all impurities he saw in his own people.

    • 7 months ago

      Self hating orc? Eugenics? So.. he wants orcs to look more or less like orcs? I might've read that wrong

  6. 7 months ago



    • 7 months ago

      Can't see the image anymore jannies deleted it

      • 7 months ago

        anon forgot to put the no-ban-block over the dick in the corner.

        • 7 months ago

          Ah shid well I can't censor it now sense it's gone I'll see if I can post it again this time censored

      • 7 months ago

        • 7 months ago


          Is that Grapeyguts in the bottom right? I can't seem to find this picture anywhere.

      • 7 months ago


  7. 7 months ago

    Mine are pretty lame, lewdest thing that happened in my game is when a player raped a goblin to death.
    The lewdest thing I did was probably my character passionately kissing her son on the mouth

    • 7 months ago

      Both are very much interesting give us details anon!!!

      • 7 months ago

        It's not a very good story and I'm shit at telling them. Also, the group I play with are complete edge lords.
        >Arrive back at semi-abandoned goblin castle after tpking there previously
        >Goblin priest and some acolytes remain to guard a shrine
        >fighting ensues
        >These frickers simply can't land a hit on him or grab him as he has an ability to charm them after they attempt to hit him
        >Like five turns of this shit before they manage to hit him
        >Loxodon cleric in the party is giga pissed and grabs him when he's bleeding to death on the ground and shoves his 16+ inch dick up his ass
        >dick now covered in goblin guts
        >They loot the place and leave

        2nd story isn't very interesting either
        >Character is basically a schizo-hobo elf witch who lost everything except her son who's around 12
        >Leave him in the care of an npc we befriended as there's no way I'm bringing him into the werewolf murder forest
        >Arrive back in town after a week
        >branch off from the party immediately to go see him
        >Give him a deep embrace
        >Intense intrusive thoughts kick in
        >Say I give him a deep french kiss
        >Most say something along the lines of "what the frick man?"
        >Let's me do it still for some reason
        >They STILL mock me for this occasionally

        • 7 months ago

          >Character is basically a schizo-hobo elf witch who lost everything except her son who's around 12
          Ah, the slop poster.

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah, I'm quite identifiable it seems.

            • 7 months ago

              In fairness, pedophile elf mom is a pretty identifiable character.

              • 7 months ago

                That's true I suppose.. I've also written some egregious smut while aroused, about that campaign.

        • 7 months ago

          Why do people do gross stuff like that? Don't you feel ashamed of yourself?

          • 7 months ago

            I did at one point. Not anymore

            • 7 months ago

              He says, while generating another batch of elf mom x her son images on Bing

              • 7 months ago

                I don't do too much of that anymore, I just have ALOT of images

            • 7 months ago

              You should be.

        • 7 months ago

          have a nice day slopper

          • 7 months ago

            Gonna cry, gonna soil your pants?

            • 7 months ago

              Took you that long to generate a chatGPT response, huh?

        • 7 months ago

          >first story
          Live by Charm, die by Charm.

        • 7 months ago

          you got the artist name for the this image? Pinnacle of beauty in my opinion.

          • 7 months ago


            • 7 months ago

              frickin hell, I was hoping it wasn't gonna be twitter. At this point I should just make a profile huh? Do I really need to give them an actual phone number? I won't bother if thats still the case.

              • 7 months ago

                Think that artist has some other sites, but yeah twitter is really gay and forces you to have a phone number.

              • 7 months ago

                artist is also on pixiv and has their own website (though of course in moon runes)

                funnily you can find some galleries on e-hentai.

    • 7 months ago

      I didn't realize raping a goblin to death was considered to be lame nowadays.

  8. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      >exposed nipple
      Enjoy ur vacay

  9. 7 months ago

    main group: my dark heresy character accidentally swoocing his way into fricking a bunch of sisters of battle
    the guys we don't really play with anymore: one guy got another guy to quit the game by raping and impregnating his PC in shadowrun

  10. 7 months ago

    >drow artificer
    >greedy, headstrong, evil to a fault
    >was not revealed to be a woman until deep into campaign
    >human cleric
    >chaotic neutral, matching vibe
    >never addresses drow as a woman, until he tries to flirt or needs something
    >gets jailed
    >feel urge to free him despite the moron doing this to himself

    do i pull the trigger bros, this feels like it could turn into something funny

    • 7 months ago

      Do it, no balls.

      • 7 months ago

        frick it, if an anon on an aboriginal rock-sharpening pideon coop says do it i might as well
        it would be a "highborn/lowborn" scenario, with a "dom/dom" clash, i've no idea on how to execute it, any ideas would be welcome

        • 7 months ago

          Make him regret flirting with you. Try and become the supreme dominant one in the relationship. Guilt trip and force him into doing humiliating actions. Could even try and make him change his race into a drow via magic bullshitery

          • 7 months ago

            he'll owe me one after we bust him out, i'll manipulate him through the debt and butter him with some magic items
            the TF is out of the question but im sure i can curse him into a lesser form of submission, i dont want to commit fully to the dominatrix vibe, but it'd be nice to have a deeper character bond

  11. 7 months ago

    Are you going to jerk off to our stories or something?

  12. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Ok, now what?

      • 7 months ago

        Now Hitler wins.

  13. 7 months ago

    You don't want me too. My only lewd sessions are from solo games or ai chatbot sessions and my fetishes are very niche if you have ever seen avp2 you'll know. Think of the hospital scene

    • 7 months ago

      check out erieman2 anon

      • 7 months ago

        Danke anon

        not as niche as you think my man

        I am genuinely surprised. Good to know though

    • 7 months ago

      not as niche as you think my man

    • 7 months ago

      check out erieman2 anon

      not as niche as you think my man

      Danke anon

      I am genuinely surprised. Good to know though

      Wait, are you talking just Xenomorph breeding or LETHAL Xenomorph breeding?

      • 7 months ago

        The pred-alien pumped its eggs down that woman's throat, so if you keep that aesthetic then unless you want to deal with giving birth by defecating out the baby (your fetish game, you do you), it's probably gonna still need to rip itself out of the mother's stomach.

        • 7 months ago

          >The pred-alien pumped its eggs down that woman's throat
          Well it doesn't HAVE to be her Throat...

  14. 7 months ago

    Decided to dig into the archive for this one.

    I also want to add on some fun that happened before the game went on hiatus

    So in one of the adventures, things went south. The party was forced to flee, with the paladin staying behind while the rest of the party fled. At the table, the scene closed with her being abandoned - presumably left to die.

    After the game, I pulled the other player aside and asked if she wanted her character to be killed or captured. Not only did she agree to capture, she even said "it would be cool if the empress corrupted her."

    So either I REALLY got this other girl invested in my setting, or hey, we both have a corruption fetish.

    • 7 months ago

      Just elaborate on your ERP shittery setting and everything else, don't leave us hanging there or I'll curse you with unnatural blueballing for life, you fricking tease.

  15. 7 months ago


  16. 7 months ago

    >Playing half giant fighter
    >Fist fricking a goblin and a kobold
    >Pick them up by grabbing their guts
    >Use them as screaming puppets for a Punch and Judy show
    >I cum harder when I am laughing

  17. 7 months ago

    I generally run sex-positive games because it makes for good drama and can be worth a good giggle. Sexier events:
    >Players regularly dealing with a life goddess who made a point of wearing clothing that would cause dick aneurisms. She was hell-bent in revenge and rage-fricked the handsome PC on the regular.
    >For some god-awful reason a player wanted to romance Nyarlathotep. Decided to yes-and. I used some of the various horrifying forms from literature as an opportunity to make everyone uncomfortable and keep tone. It became trading sanity for godly favor. She was secretly REALLY into this.
    >Gay character regularly got into intense social conflict with his smokin' hot biker gal arranged-marriage wife because she expected him for finally consummate.
    >Ran a mini-campaign in Cyberpunk wherein the PCs were all playing strippers. I hacked in crippling sex addiction as a mechanic. Ended in the "coomer zombie apocalypse" arc.
    >WoD. Mage char dated a werewolf who would go crinos when frickin'. "Fade to black" was replaced with "roll to soak bashing".
    >WoD. Vampire PC had an evil ex who convinced him to take the Vaulderie, had a sex knife, and liked to frick atop or inside of things to desecrate them.

    Pick your poison.

    • 7 months ago


  18. 7 months ago

    I had a male drow PC get raped by the priestess of lolth PC. Its one thing being raped because they want strong offspring. Its another thing to be forced to eat her out under threat of sacrifice.

    I did get my revenge at the end of the campaign. The priestess PC pissed off another priestess so she enlisted me and the wizard PC to turn against the priestess PC. Everything went breasts up when the priestess PC shattered an orb containing a demon. The demon proceeded to annihilate our forces. In the meantime I bisected the loyalist rogue PC. The wizard PC managed to blast the demon with two Polar Rays before getting ripped apart by it. I barely managed to slay the demon myself which caused it to erupt in a bright light. Next thing I knew we are in a spider themed arena and I was fully healed. Lolth entered the arena on the back of a gargantuan bebilith and was so amused by the clusterfrick that she decided to pit me and the priestess PC in a 1 v 1 trial. Winner ascends to demonhood and the loser suffers for eternity.

    I beat the priestess within an inch of her life before lolth declared me the winner. Before lolth ascended me to demonhood I told her I had a better idea and whispered to the DM. Instead of making me a full demon lolth took the essence of the bebilith and siphoned it into me and the priestess. We both were transformed into arachnid drow half demons with 4 spider limbs emerging from our backs. The priestess PC was bound to the wall of the arena in enchanted black spider silk and basically served as a glorified incubator my drow would impregnate and throat frick. The children sired were arachnid draegloths with the males serving as elite shock troops and the females as handmaidens to lolth herself.

  19. 7 months ago

    Spacezin, no!

  20. 7 months ago

    I can never get into a game where it's not just a bunch of prudish early 20 somethings that still thinks that rolling a bunch of dies and manually writing numbers going up as if it's a videogame to be the *only* thing tabletop is about, how do you people even get into these games?

    • 7 months ago

      >a bunch of dies
      singular die, plural dice, "dies" only works as a verb in third person

      • 7 months ago

        Shut up geek, go back into the locker.

    • 7 months ago

      Just be a world of darkness player and have this occur naturally

  21. 7 months ago

    Our party's half-Elven Cleric ended up fricking Zeus, it was a rather funny arc.
    >Primary villain gathering a fleet of steampunk airships
    >We contact the Gods to let them know what's up
    >After a long quest to light the Promethean flame, Zeus takes a personal interest and shows up to promise support
    >Briefly hits on the party's priestess
    >Entire party treated to a Hero's Feast while he suspiciously makes time with her
    >In the final battle, villain's air fleet is destroyed by a terrible and suspiciously targeted storm while we fight him on his flying fortress.
    In the end, one of the other PCs (who ended up King of Crete) half-heartedly asked the Cleric to marry him. She refused, and later vanished in a bolt of lightning to be spirited away to Olympus, pissing off Hera at the next feast.
    I think the artist for this one is Genzoman, incidentally.

    • 7 months ago

      Honestly that's more of a downer than anything else
      A potential industrial revolution was nipped in the bud because the PCs tattletaled to the butthole gods.

    • 7 months ago

      The KingPC should have marched up Olympus and romanced Hera away from Zeus once and for all.

      • 7 months ago

        You can't really beat the original Chad, Zeus.

  22. 7 months ago

    Played DND online with my friend and a few of her other female friends, they fought direwolfs and ended up getting double penetrated by all of them and knotted

    • 7 months ago

      how the frick do i unlock the female dnd DLC
      i swear to god all the unhinged shit always comes from the female players and i want a piece of that cake

      • 7 months ago

        By not being like this.

        • 7 months ago

          like what anon? surely you can share some of your wisdom

          • 7 months ago

            >Female DND DLC
            Yeah sure you're weird but that's just fricking weird.

            • 7 months ago

              NTA But Bro you talked about women getting raped by wolves and probably got turned on by it. shut the frick up about someone being weird you dumbass

              • 7 months ago

                I'm not the anon who posted that story.

              • 7 months ago

                Alright I retract my statement then as I thought you were that anon

              • 7 months ago

                Pretty sure that anon wouldn't call any of you weird.

              • 7 months ago

                Hypocrisy fuels human nature, friend.

              • 7 months ago

                I'm just a bushiroad fgt.

            • 7 months ago

              It was a joke fitting the shithole we're posting in.
              The sensible step would be telling folks you run TTRPGs, but saying "Yeah, I DM" is a highway into "omg so me and my 6 friends..." which is not a good experience.
              I guess having a default one-shot would be a good place to start.

      • 7 months ago

        He played online with "females", anon.

    • 7 months ago

      Where they white?

      • 7 months ago

        >Where they white?
        Obviously. Not one of them is under a D cup, either. White girls are all the same.

        • 7 months ago

          Damn, dude. I'm with that other anon. Where do you find groups like that?

      • 7 months ago

        Two white, two black, one mixed.

    • 7 months ago

      Sorry, How does the game even get to this?
      Are you playing a sex ttrpg or something?

      • 7 months ago

        NTA, but I've been doing online trpgs since the early days of private thread forum RP and its been a universal truth, games where the players are moderately attractive white girls where they don't have to be in the same room always turn sexual and usually rapey.

        • 7 months ago

          And do these girls enjoy it or do they get creeped out? Because Ive played with white girls before and hell nothing ever got even close to sexual

          • 7 months ago

            Brother, I'm a a literal homosexual who finds veganas gross and scary and this still always happens. If the women are comfortable being sexual around you, they'll force the game to go there.

            • 7 months ago

              They are kinda gross but they aren't really scare it's not like they can really harm you.
              I mean they can, technically, but in a very indirect way.

            • 7 months ago

              You misunderstand, I dont want It to get sexual, but o seems bizarre to me that girls would want to play a game in which they are knotted by wolves

      • 7 months ago

        >Plays online probably via text only
        >All of his players claim to be girls when in reality they're dudes
        >The premise of the game was probably ERP adjacent in the first place so these things are expected to happen
        Bestiality is not something happening at normal tables while you look into each other's eyes.

        • 7 months ago

          Now that is much more reasonable

    • 7 months ago

      Can you give more context? I only clicked on this thread out of morbid curiousity but you didn't even give the interesting details.

  23. 7 months ago

    Sex is gross and yucky so I don't have it in my games
    Also everyone I've ever played with has been male and males are way less horny than females.

  24. 7 months ago

    erp and writegay general are both gay

    • 7 months ago

      Honestly by the name of that I was expecting J.R.R Tolkien to get buttraped when he was serving in world war 1. Disappointed it's just badly written elf murder

  25. 7 months ago

    >Doing a lewd game
    >Female elf sword mage has a feat that makes her height, bust, or butt increase slightly every time she levels up
    >Was very close to leveling up by the time she got to the starting down
    >starting town is attacked by rape orcs
    >Manages to kill one as she's helping the villagers escape
    >Gains just enough XP to level in the middle of the encounter
    >As she's standing triumphantly calling out the rest of the orcs her breasts grow just enough to pop out of her shirt.

  26. 7 months ago


    I do know, but what the frick.
    I cant even imagine someone getting horny through a ttrpg

  27. 7 months ago


    Most girls, especially white girls, are gross-ass monsterfrickers.

    • 7 months ago

      Monster male/human female is violent rape and humiliation
      Monster female/human male is tender and sweet lovemaking

      • 7 months ago

        >Monster male/human female is violent rape and humiliation
        The interesting thing here, is both male and female writers tend to start with it here. Female writers, if they're interested in the monster, may evolve it from there, particularly in the female character still being unwilling but learning to serve her new master in nonsexual ways as well, then slowly learning that he is not only a great font of power but also knows many things to teach her. Alternatively he gets fricking savaged by the true alpha monster who desires her and she can't resist such unrestrained masculinity, even as she feels like she's going to break in half from how brutal his fricking is, and will definitely be bruised and possibly bleeding from it.
        >Monster female/human male is tender and sweet lovemaking
        This tends to only happen with the male writers.
        Female writers usually have, at the least, an obsessive nature to the female monster, bordering on psychosis. While some male writers do use this as well they tend to play it up as the "oh woe is me this woman is obsessed with fricking me" when the female writer instead says "oh no, woe is him, he looked at another woman so I need to hobble him and occasionally slap the fresh wound when riding him to remind him of his mistake."
        In more extreme cases it's a full on reversal of the gender roles, so the female monster is a brutal savage who bleeds him. In a small but significant number of cases the female monster is cuckold bait because she's looking for the strongest partner and the human male gets challenged on this as soon as he makes an emotional connection with her.

      • 7 months ago

        Because it's actually overwhelmingly men who like lovey dovey shit

      • 7 months ago

        Because it's actually overwhelmingly men who like lovey dovey shit

        I don't have sauces so you just got to trust me bros, but I recall a research into BDSM communities revealing that women are overwhelmingly submissive only while men have more varying and complex desires. It also means that being a sexually submissive straight man is the nightmare mode of finding sexual fulfilment in real life.

        • 7 months ago

          Honestly I don't think the majority of men care about sub/dom stuff at all and get their sexual fufilment simply from the mechanical motion of sticking their dick in a vegana.

          • 7 months ago

            If that was the case, femanon, you'd see a lot more men sticking to fleshlights and sex dolls instead of sinking money, time, and effort into unlikely courtship attempts.

            • 7 months ago

              I'm a man you dipshit

            • 7 months ago

              That's just because of the shame around it.
              When looking at pornography was more actively shamed it was something you kept absolutely hidden if you had it, and many men didn't keep it at all.
              These days people talk about it on public profiles tied to their actual name.

              If owning a masturbatory aid wasn't seen as being a failure of a man, we'd see a lot more of those, but as is the only people who publicly display/talk about them are people who have gone too far into the deep end with their deviancy to be a part of normal conversation.

              • 7 months ago

                Lmao, even my grand-grandpa had pornographic comic books that would get banned even on /d/, and I know because he gave them to granpa, who then gave them to pa, who then gave them to me.
                Hiding your power level in public has never stopped people from getting freaky behind closed doors.

                >Male and female character start fricking against a club window
                >Everyone else (all players) go to check it out
                >Everyone's astonished, hot, and bothered
                >Not me
                >Not my Swag Skeleton
                >Swag Skeleton suddenly starts yelling
                >He's commentating like he's an anchor on ESPN
                >He gets in close and holds interviews with the sexxing couples
                >He goes to a litteral fae queen and asks her opinion as an expert at being a prostitute
                >He stops for a commercial break
                >The male having sex DMs me
                >He's laughing too hard to finish the scene
                >GO HARDER
                >Get a Japanese man to thumb his bummo
                >Declare illegal interference by a Jap
                >Compare it to Pearl Harbor
                >I finally run out of creative energy
                >Scene dies out
                >Week later
                >XP tabulated for that RP scene
                >I earned 5x what everyone else got for using comedy to ruin a sex scene
                >My only regret is noone died


        • 7 months ago

          >Being a submissive male is nightmare mode.

          Brother, I'm a a literal homosexual who finds veganas gross and scary and this still always happens. If the women are comfortable being sexual around you, they'll force the game to go there.

          here. What do you think turned me into a homosexual?

          Well.... That and growing up playing the D&D3.5 version of Vampire.

          • 7 months ago

            >What do you think turned me into a homosexual?
            Globalist lasers or something? A two-in-one?

      • 7 months ago

        Because women romanticize power and humiliation on a different level.
        It's not humiliation when it's a woman.
        As such it's inherently romantic for them and causes their respect.

        In case of men, they always need sex and romance second. Without sex, where's romance? But lots of modern men are proverbial cucks, so they need things soft and being nice is not only fitting, it's also gratitude for allowing them to be soft in the first place, as monstergirls have inherently different psychology.

        Generally this

        I don't have sauces so you just got to trust me bros, but I recall a research into BDSM communities revealing that women are overwhelmingly submissive only while men have more varying and complex desires. It also means that being a sexually submissive straight man is the nightmare mode of finding sexual fulfilment in real life.

        absolutely correct.

  28. 7 months ago

    >party meets the wife of a bandit lord
    >she tries to goad them into killing her husband
    >instead they make peace with him and offer to uncurse his daughter
    >wife leave with party as chaperone for the daughter
    >party goes on adventures
    >uncurses bandit's daughter
    >wife falls for the party's fighter
    >time comes to return daughter to bandit lord
    >wife refuses to return
    >bandit lord is understandably put out by this
    >he's lost face with his men
    >and his wife
    >enter the party's bard
    >she renegotiates peace with the bandit lord
    >with her body
    >he saves face with his men
    >wife gets away scot free
    >bard later sleeps with bandit lord's son, too
    bards, no sense of right or wrong

    • 7 months ago

      Chadette bard. Saved the whole situation and got to frick twice.

  29. 7 months ago

    >Amazonian Giantess PC was frustrated and unable to find anybody who could keep up with her until she met the elf version of Spongebob (He was not allowed to die because his Archfey Patron found him too amusing, so death by snu-snu was a non-issue)
    >Tactical Wedding in the middle of a siege after the paladin had his virginity stolen by the wizard in a fit of curse-induced hysteria
    >A bandit ended up in a relationship with the ranger after we soundly defeated him, broke many of his bones, and ostracized him from his tribal community
    >Party's lecherous scout retainer wound up being a discarded failed clone of the most prolific artificer in the world, his horndog tendencies were because his brain grew too fast and didn't work right, and it was literally going to kill him until we found out about it
    I could go on.

    • 7 months ago

      >go on

    • 7 months ago

      >Tactical Wedding in the middle of a siege
      That actually sounds cute and fun to play out.

    • 7 months ago

      Surprised you didn't mention the one where the DM couldn't do a fade to black because the giant beetle man PC was raping a doppleganger in the middle of combat.

      • 7 months ago

        She swung first!

  30. 7 months ago

    >Male and female character start fricking against a club window
    >Everyone else (all players) go to check it out
    >Everyone's astonished, hot, and bothered
    >Not me
    >Not my Swag Skeleton
    >Swag Skeleton suddenly starts yelling
    >He's commentating like he's an anchor on ESPN
    >He gets in close and holds interviews with the sexxing couples
    >He goes to a litteral fae queen and asks her opinion as an expert at being a prostitute
    >He stops for a commercial break
    >The male having sex DMs me
    >He's laughing too hard to finish the scene
    >Get a Japanese man to thumb his bummo
    >Declare illegal interference by a Jap
    >Compare it to Pearl Harbor
    >I finally run out of creative energy
    >Scene dies out
    >Week later
    >XP tabulated for that RP scene
    >I earned 5x what everyone else got for using comedy to ruin a sex scene
    >My only regret is noone died

  31. 7 months ago


    Nope. The Swag Skeleton doesn't care about shit like that, but then again he doesn't care much about anything.

  32. 7 months ago

    Anyone have ideas for monsters that use sex as both a weapon and reproductive tool? Preferably something that is more terrifying/body horror than outright lewd. I'm creating a desert campaign along the lines of Planescape and Dark Sun and need some ancient alien or monster race that can reproduce with other species to perpetuate itself but either kills or brainwashes/zombifies the victim in the process.

    • 7 months ago

      >I'm creating a desert campaign
      No you're not and we both know it, "Literary Lord"

      • 7 months ago

        I see you want more details.

        >Players start in not!Middle East during not!Crusades
        >sent into the desert to find source of zombie/undead outbreak that is ravaging both sides.
        >Players uncover map pieces that bring them to not!Nameless City
        >Eventually discover that this lost city is actually interdimensional and they are now trapped inside after crossing through its unmarked desert boundary
        >Players find out undead outbreak originates here from a dry lich and his mummy minions
        >Players find they aren't alone in hunting the lich as the city used to be the capital of an elven superpower in the deserts, but now their only living descendants are a bunch of not!Bedouin nomadic elves who seek to stop him.
        >Elves don't tell players that they aren't just after the lich but also the secrets hidden in the city
        >City holds a library and numerous hidden labs where ancient elves delved too deep Lovecraft-style
        >Abyss stared back and now there's a sentient black-ooze type being living in the city with aforementioned sex alien monsters as its minions, seeking to breed more
        >Players eventually find out that lich was awoken from the dead by the elves as a cover so they could keep the warring human factions away while they stole the secrets from the lost city, but didn't plan on the ooze monster and sex beasts.
        >Players have to choose between helping the elves stop the lich and risk unleashing an even worse horror, helping the lich and dooming the human nations but saving the world from the cosmic beasts, or helping the humans and stopping both the lich and the alien terrors, which may prove next to impossible.

    • 7 months ago

      Scorpion that oviposits via stinger, possibly combined with paralytic venom to get the full NuCOM Chryssalid experience.

    • 7 months ago

      Amorphous monster that just entire subsumes people.

      You don't see what it does to them. Nobody knows how it works. All they know is that it tries to eat an even number of men and women, and reproduces faster the more it consumes.

    • 7 months ago

      An organism that attaches to a person and alters their behavior. They might induce their host into heat, but it doesn't have anything to do with the sex so much as it desires the hormones produced by such a state.

  33. 7 months ago

    I'm working on some lewd MASKS stuff right now, calling it TIGHTS so as not to get my solo game notes mixed up with my actual MASKS notes.
    Lewd general went down so I figure here's as good a place as any: what are some terms that have a lewd connotation behind their literal meaning, which I could use as cheeky hero names? I've got Amazon (good for snu-snu character) and maybe Siren (more of a seductress) but most of my other placeholders don't have that subtle brow-raising implication of "haha sex" that I want. Would "Rubber" on its own be good for an elastic hero? They're supposed to be modern hero names so I'm not sure how clever I can actually get before it gets in the way of the character design process.

    • 7 months ago

      Thinking about it, I could give them serious names with potentially embarassing or dirty nicknames, rather than names that are inherently dirty. A speedster who's hero name is like, Quickstep, but gets called Quickie.

      Or I could go all in and have deliberately sexual/joke names-- like just straight up calling the aforementioned speedster Quickie, or making reference to specific but I want the feel of MASKS with just a dash of lewdness. A team made of up "Ghost Blowjob," "The Fister," "Rockhard" "Quickie" and "Plap-Plap the Martian" fighting-- I don't know, the Tentacle Mobster? I can't even take that seriously long enough to play it, much less write about it.

      Although, Plap-Plap is pretty good, I might keep that one...

  34. 7 months ago

    GM having a permanent coombrain condition before it was a word.
    Suffice to say he played a heretic b***h in RT that became a Daemon Princess later and unofficial patron of later BC parties. Fortunately I wasn't around to read about it.

    I was a newb, so GM took his pleasure throwing uncomfortable things at me, such as Eldar, slave boys, little girls, pleasure servitors and scalie dragons and watching me grumble while I try to hold my spaghetti.
    Before me there was an Apostate of Slaanesh with a small harem of npc Chaos Marines. Actually only one of the batch, the rest just hanged around as mercs in general.
    Eventually his player got annoying and attending less and so apostate died during space combat along with majority of the marines.
    His playmate ironically survived by jumping into the portal after us and ended up just hanging around mine absolutely hideous (burning metal skull) marine because nobody else bothered to give him any attention whatsoever. Also he sad.
    Thankfully? that campaign died out before things went any further, and so sailed away with some dignity left, but that influenced my future tastes a lot.

    Next campaign was an actual shitshow with
    >commissar-cosplaying brother-pimping big hat wearing e-girl-heretic PC
    >big tiddie horned amazon planet with PCs stealing away indigens
    >same, but khorne-futa b***h-queen naked wrestling for muh honour(it was a draw)
    >ceiling catboys falling on me
    >neon-pink hair slaanesh npcs trying to sex me
    Overall, it quickly degred more to be just rampant ERP DMs and campaign sputtered and stalled until it died. And our GM was already burning out at that point.

  35. 7 months ago

    >Swag Skeleton
    >In the club
    >Stripper on pole
    >Female demon bartender flirts with stripper
    >Passerby tells stripper she's hot
    >Swag Skeleton grows bored of this
    >Pay the DJ to play Banjo-Kazooie OST
    >Start doing the Beavis kick-the-air dance in front of the stripper
    >Stripper cannot dance to this
    >Crowd too busy laughing at Swag Skeleton dance
    >Bartender even enjoya the show
    >Stripper leaves

    >An hour later
    >Stripper enters cafe to Rizzoli up another dklyke
    >Swag Skeleton enters and begins the dance
    >Stripper logs off
    >no regerts

  36. 7 months ago

    One of my character fricked the sister of a telepathic mob boss who could feel everything his sister felt.
    The next day, my character was put in a shotgun wedding situation, and the mob boss was mad that his poker face during his saturday night game was ruined by an orgasm

  37. 7 months ago

    My IRL group's games have been pretty non-lewd. The most outrageous thing that's ever happened was in a pulp adventure game where the party was adventuring in Sahara and had a flee a desert town when a roguish British aristocrat got tangled into local drama and was forced to marry (and to provide for) a harem of local girls.
    Online I've done some collaborative worldbuilding with few Internet friends who are fellow tickling fetish degenerates, and it's pretty fun.

  38. 7 months ago

    >Be me, technician, working aboard classified xenolife research station
    >They call it 'The Bug Jar'
    >Station contains dozens of bizarre lifeforms from around the galaxy
    >Some originate from...elsewhere
    >Interspatial mussels, orbitvores, corona spawn, and some other nasties I'm not allowed to see
    >Ridiculously dangerous workplace but the pay and benefits absolutely kill
    >Armed guards patrol the hallways around the clock
    >Feel relatively "safe"
    >Anyway don't work alongside scientists, just install/repair environmentals for enclosures
    >Beasties are flushed out of their jars so I can do my job
    >Never even see half the organisms I help to keep alive
    >But I hear the things on occasion
    >Weird shit that breaks me out in goose-skin
    >Every now and then something gets loose and have to stay in quarters until systems green
    >Never happens on my level, but you hear scuttle between the guards
    >"So-and-so got his brain sucked out" and the like
    >Quite comfortable working on the low threat level of the bug collection, even though most can still take your head off
    >Work long hours without incident
    >Shifts are long and lonely though
    >The scientists here seem completely unable to hold normal conversations
    >Not sure if its just this place that makes them like that or if xenolife recruits directly from psych wards
    >Guards are just brickwalls, under strict orders not to fraternize with any staff
    >Only other 'woman' to talk to is an android named Tel who sits with me at lunch (and gives me her food ration, an oversight of logistics who counted her as 'personnel' and not asset)
    >She's a 'wrangler' for Loverboy, our resident Spurian
    >Spurians are rare, horny little slug-things known for trying to mate with anything that moves
    >At least that's what I scraped together from bits and pieces of information
    >Not actually ever one, just heard it beyond the bulkhead when I un-gunk the enclosure humidifiers
    >Sounds like...multiple song birds chirping at the same time

    • 7 months ago

      >Anyway, it's the..."reproductive product" of this thing that's so special
      >The way a cone shells venom is unique as a person's fingerprint
      >I guess it tries to brute-force trans-species fertilization with it's rubix cube DNA, not sure, not a biologist
      >Or even want to think about what circumstances shaped a lifeform to frick across the vast distance of biology with other aliens
      >In any case, its worth a lot to bio-research and someone has to collect it
      >Technically she's a 'research assistant' collecting DNA, but Tel is open about being a repurposed sex android with a new title
      >Strange, but possesses a startling amount of soul and wit for a robot
      >She's tirelessly engaging, answering my endless questions without pause
      >We'll talk for hours
      >Tel has wild stories to tell in her 20 years of working on the resort world of New Ater
      >We don't always talk about men, but when we do her insights are both remarkable and disarmingly funny, especially when she draws parallels between guys and the things in the bug jars (both it turns out are creatures of habit)
      >Can't help but ask about Loverboy and she's more than happy to indulge my morbid curiosity
      >She can't tell me everything due to security, but what she can share is....interesting
      >"You collect its you?"
      >"Yes. I have a sealing pouch inside me which I keep heated to 32 degree Celsius. That's how I collect."
      >"So, can Loverboy tell the difference between you and a [I just narrowly avoided saying 'real woman'] human being? Is it just on autopilot?"
      >That was the experience I had with a boyfriend who turned about to be gay
      >Probably me projecting onto this robot
      >"According to my knowledge, Loverboy has never been with a human, so he wouldn't know the difference. I do suspect, however, he knows that I am uniquely unlike the humans who observe and study him."
      >"So he's smart."
      >"He is. Every code red alerts on this level has been him. He keeps finding ways to get out."

      • 7 months ago

        >Try to shake off the chills of knowing that Loverboy is an escape artist
        >Finding it hard to articulate certain questions
        >Could an android relate the feeling of 'connection?'
        >Did an android, even a sex android, really understand and feel the concept of intimacy?
        >Did Tel catch feels? She never once referred to Loverboy as an it
        >She talked like any girl would in a relationship, albeit through an objective scientific lens
        >No, more like it was an arrangement
        >It wasn't like she had a choice in the matter and I felt a pang of sadness in my stomach
        >", collect often?"
        >"At least twice a week. Sometimes more, depending on the season, if I may describe it as such. Loverboy's biorhythm abides by the astronomical time of his home world. We've never seen it, but we can postulate a home planet with rapid rotation. Within 24 hours, he may alternate between hyperactive and dormant several times."
        >The thought of twice a week sounded like a lot to me, personally
        >"I mean....what it like? Do you feel safe? Does it take a long time?"
        "It's very quick. Once it get's a few of it's feelers into me, it ejaculates. I don't have to knead or stroke it's sexual organs the way I would a man. I just just allow him to mount to touch and caress me before I unzip out of my environmental suit and that's usually enough to get him excited. That's foreplay for him, so to speak, so when he's able to penetrate me it's all very quick and easy."
        > It has more than one dick, I thought to myself...
        >"He ever, y'know, not in the mood?"
        >She smiles some strange knowing smile that catches me off guard
        >"No, not really. He can be lethargic when coming out of hibernation. I pour warm water on him and coax his tendrils with some palpations. That works. He knows what he's there for."
        >Swear that in that brief moment she looked strangely self-assured

        • 7 months ago

          >"You say...he knows what he's there for?"
          >"Definitely. He knows what is happening. In fact, he's quite docile when I enter his enclosure. He wants it to happen, wants to get off like any male does. With him, it's easier however. There's not much foreplay involved. No shyness. No hang-ups. The chance of violence with Loverboy is much lower than that with a human male, so long as I maintain a calm disposition...which should be easy for me, no?"
          >She smiled and laughed but I didn't reciprocate
          >Wanted to ask her if she got squeamish or grossed out, but not sure that would be relevant question for an android, though possibility of violence she mentioned had disturbed me
          >"So Loverboy can be dangerous? I mean, clearly since we have guards marching up and down at all hours."
          >"There's always an element of risk dealing with an alien organism like Loverboy, but there are systems in place to subdue and contain him. I've only been hurt a handful of times and that was early when he was younger and more aggressive, prone to knocking me over."
          >She points to a 'scar' on her arm and one on her forehead where her synthetic flesh has been mended, the hairline damage now nearly imperceptible
          >"So they don't ever let humans collect then."
          >"Absolutely not. It's too much of risk for both parties. Spurians are sensitive to emotions. Too excited and it'll release all over the floor of the enclosure. The scientists don't want any of the product going to waste. Just a few milliliters can generate millions. Also, the scientists don't want to risk damage to the organism...."
          >Could tell she was sparing the nasty detail till the end
          >"And the human cost...if a woman got raped and impregnated, y'know if that sperm rearranged itself in a way where it could actually fertilize her egg..."
          >"That simply cannot be allowed to happen"
          >Her voice was cool and her eyes cooler

          • 7 months ago

            That's all I got for now. I just felt like writegayging some smut or at least a precusor to smut. Not a true 'authentic' experience but OP doesn't care about that.

            • 7 months ago

              tag? that was very nice

            • 7 months ago

              For the image? I just searched zero suit samus metroid.

            • 7 months ago

              thnx anon

            • 7 months ago


            • 7 months ago

              >doesn't even pretend it's an actual game

              • 7 months ago

                Lewds typically don't happen unless their the actual premise of the game though.

            • 7 months ago

              Would like to continue this but writers block.

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                Hey it's hard to find proper xenobiologist images safe enough for a blue board

                They were fighter bros and got into constant, good-natured "arguments" about which one of them was going to marry the childhood friend half-elf PC.

                Strangely wholesome I suppose

              • 7 months ago

                >Strangely wholesome I suppose
                She never could decide between them, and died at the end of the campaign, leaving them both heartbroken and bitter.

  39. 7 months ago

    >be me
    >getting into new group
    >decide to play my bog standard set when I'm not sure what to go with, a short sorcerer with anxiety issues who loves to dress in an stage magician outfit
    >over the first part of the campaign, the party ends up going from treating him as "the small one" to "protect at all cost"
    >even the barb
    >especially the barb
    >half the fights are the barbarian keeping any female opponents away from me specifically, with me starting to click why all these sirens and werewolves and whatnot go for me instead of the bigger threat of the healer.
    >slowly dawning on me I am in an game where my choice is metaphorical domination from the party or physical domination from the enemy
    >pretty sure they're all into it
    >trying to fight the urge to also be into it
    >admittedly, scared of the demon fortress upcoming because I know exactly what the DM will put in there

  40. 7 months ago

    Lewdest thing I did is commissioning porn of npcs of the campaign
    will never show it to the player though, they don't have to do, even if it's more vanilla

  41. 7 months ago

    Honestly, most of my lewd game stories are just normal stories. Cause the games are just mostly normal games, except everyone's hot and sometimes people frick in side scenes between sessions.

    Case in point:
    >Rogue Trader game
    >Party have discovered a new star system, one that previously belonged to the Imperium before a chaos rebellion broke out and a sudden massive warpstorm cut off all access to the system for millennia.
    >The cultures in each system are thus shaped from this ancient war and warpstorm, with the Imperium being only half-remembered in old myths like mighty star warriors that live on the moon and bring young worthy warriors to join their ranks (the moon used to be an Astartes fortress-monastery).
    >Game is focused on exploring this system, learning about the cultures that have formed in the long isolation, rooting out remnant heretical elements, and discovering the source of the warpstorm that might not have been entirely an accident.
    >Also focuses on finding ways to profit from this new system, as well as managing funding, resources, and relations from other major Imperial factions that have an interest in the system for varying reasons (Ecclesiarchy because there's a shrine world in the system with the remains of an ancient saint, Raven Guard because that old chapter on the moon was one of their sucessor chapters and some of their geneseed survived the chapters fall, Imperial Guard because a nearby commander sees this as a good chance to settle down and become a military governor of a new planet, mechanicus because one of the planets is an ancient forge world where Knights were produced, etc.)

    >Oh, and also the Rogue Trader happens to be getting railed by her arch-militant and sometimes the crew get a little too friendly with the locals.

  42. 7 months ago

    Since the normal lewd thread is gone, I'll ask here and bump the thread.
    I've been thinking of running a solo lewd game all about some random scumbag who gets a mind control camera neuralyzer thing. Point-and-shoot and whoever sees the pretty light will be ultra-suggestible to the 'flasher' until the next time they sleep, and they won't question anything they did.
    I thought it'd be fun to give it a chance of 'misfiring' the more it's used, triggered via diceclock, with different effects my PC would have to manage after.
    The few ideas I've had so far:
    >Target gains immunity to mind-frickery (can be used to make a rival, I figured.)
    >Target gets rendered 'suggestible' permanently.
    >Target keeps personality, but gets full amnesia.
    >Target is 'Factory Reset', keeps all memories, but you can tell them what their personality is.
    >Target falls into a deep sleep for 1d4 hours (probably the most common 'misfire').
    I'll take as many ideas as I can get, I'm not rushing to play this, but it's an idea I wanna get to.

    • 7 months ago

      >solo lewd game
      This is just masturbation with dice rolls, how pathetic

  43. 7 months ago

    Were there any good ideas from this thread? I want to steal for a zettai reido game but I dont want to look through 8 greentexts of "I got pinned down by a succubus and I cooomed"

    • 7 months ago

      What do mean exactly for good ideas? You mean like settings or monsters to encounter or things like that? And I have a succubus(male) greentext if you want to read it.

      • 7 months ago

        >You mean like settings or monsters to encounter or things like that?
        Yes. Like the LoverBoy story anon didn't finish and that one succubus mother story /tg/ came up with that I dont think got posted.
        >And I have a succubus(male) greentext if you want to read it.
        Yea why not

        • 7 months ago

          >Be succubus(male)
          >Starting point: LiGhot Wastes
          >Captured during my main quest line by loathsome lizardmen bandits
          >Will never know why my charm or captivate abilities didn't work on them
          >After 'sampling' me, they agree I would fetch a decent price at market
          >Dragged off to badlands marketplace of Nozt, the cursed village of monsters
          >Settlement is built into the skeletal remains of some nameless dead leviathan
          >Fittingly erected center of the pelvic girdle
          >Sold into slavery to some tentacled pimp without a face
          >Its an old illithid half breed with a mean streak and taste for primo souls and rare desert toads
          >Cleaned, collared, and pressed into servitude at Ksubax brothel
          >Clients are mostly beastmen bandits, but sometimes demons and other things show up
          >New meat so popular on the block
          >Quickly become an expert on exotic anatomy
          >You could say the knowledge was drilled into me
          >Become friends with other hoes: Nixi and Mixi the naga sisters, Adote the catfolk, Kanith the Deep Elf, and Den Mother Atri the exotic Drider-Marilith halfbreed
          >Also Nila the docile merfolk who is housed in the 'bathhouse' enclosure
          >No idea what a merfolk is doing in the badlands or how he even got here
          >When trapped like this everyone fricks everyone to pass the time and for some sense of control
          >They say devils cant fall in love, but I think I have fallen for Nila
          >Spend long evenings in the healing waters talking with my beloved after lovemaking
          >Learn a little about his history
          >Slavers carried him for miles in a water urn before selling him to faceless
          >Poor thing is now claustrophobic as a result of the ordeal
          >Feel bad because the 'bathhouse' is scarcely a bigger home
          >He misses the Marabarg Reservoir and describes it in intricate detail
          >Anyway, no empty promises of escape so we just keep each other company in our mutual captivity

          • 7 months ago

            >One day new a client slithers into the brothel
            >Lurching slug-thing of coagulated flotsam trailing a carpet of translucent ooze behind it
            >Looks (and smells) some species of lesser bog elemental
            >The other hoes scatter and I'm left to deal with this...thing
            >"Alright, what do you like? Can you even speak?"
            >It cant speak but it is telepathic
            >Channels to me it just wants to crawl all over and 'taste' me or whatever its concept of taste is
            >Ugh why can't this thing just frick me regular
            >Churns all cold, wet, and nasty, smothering me like a living mudslide
            >My flesh crawls as I endure what feels like being mounted by a reanimated giant's tongue
            >After an eternity of this it mercifully it comes to what must be 'climax' because it shudders violently and deflates in flood of pooling excess
            >Afterwards as I scrub off the gunk, catb***h saunters over to have a laugh at my expense
            >Tells me that that bog thing is an old client that accidentally absorbed my predecessor in a fit of passion
            >And now it looks like the temporary ban is finally up and/or penalty fee paid
            >Cant even respond, just sort of sink down into the water until I'm laying on the bottom of the shallow pool staring upward
            >Nila swims to my side but I'm inconsolable
            >To put it simply, I can 'take a lot.' In fact, I'm practically built for it
            >But this I can't handle
            >A few days later the bog thing returns and immediately singles me out
            >Ah shit here we go again
            >Endure another session of that dripping hell
            >Another and another visit...each time is longer and worse than the last
            >It says it can taste the fear on me and that it likes it
            >Wake up every night with nightmares of being smothered, entombed, and digested
            >Its time to escape or die trying

            • 7 months ago

              >Nothing focuses the mind onto problem solving like the threat of dissolving
              >Cat b***h is down for a breakout, not because he thinks I have a devils chance, but simply for the thrill of inciting trouble
              >And perhaps also to see what punishments await me should my plan fail
              >Faceless has a windowless punishment chamber
              >It likes to sit and watch and eat toads while the shadows have their way with you
              >Felid always was a bit jealous of me which seems odd considering our lowly status
              >Unsure if I can really trust him but I have no other confederates and I cant involve Nila in this (yet)
              >The catfolk stretches lazily on one of the rafters of the vaulted ceiling of the inmost den
              >The other hoes are dining, sleeping, or boredom fricking
              >Faceless, Den Mother, and an assistant goblin are occupied reviewing ledgers for a pestering tax collector
              >"Even if you could get that collar off, you still couldn't charm your ugly suitor anyway. Those creatures are immune to that sort of manipulation."
              >"But if I could get it off, I can life drain-"
              >"Drain an elemental? You'd burn out before you'd realized you made a mistake. And besides, only faceless can remove that collar and you know it. "
              >"Fleabag, I NEED to kill it or control it somehow...and then grow a pair of wings and fly away? I don't know!"
              >Cat b***h smiles that damned knowing smile of his
              >The light from the three moons catch on those sharp neat teeth like little knives
              >"Poor thing. You've spent so much time as a frick toy, all the cum must have gummed up the wheels in your head."
              >Furious, but he drops from his perch so deftly and silently it startles me
              >Remember too late Adote is just a well-behaved killer, never having been truly domesticated
              >He leans forward (I'm considerably shorter) and flicks my forehead with his clawed digit
              >"You haven't even asked the most obvious question..."
              >He leans forward and whispers in my ear
              >"How does a bog elemental keep from drying out in the badlands?"

              • 7 months ago

                >Ask catb***h to spy on bog thing next visit
                >Have to bribe him with the gold ankle bracelet I saved pittance for
                >We learn a few things
                >Bog thing pays exclusively in primo soul stones
                >Literally excretes them onto the counter from an 'orifice'
                >Damned thing is carrying a small fortune
                >The stones are rounded, flat, and smooth, perhaps by water erosion or digestive acid
                >Dewdrop gem accidentally plops out and bog thing quickly slurps it back up
                >"So that's how it stays wet in this arid region..."
                >That night we plan
                >"We're going to kill it. Here's how..."
                >Catb***h arranges the set pieces in the room ahead of time
                >Pitcher of water is replaced with salt rock
                >The large earthenware incense burner conceals a fire poker heated red hot prior
                >The tool is laid in a way as to hide it from view
                >As disgusting as it sounds my goal is to reciprocate to my lover's hunger as fastidiously as possible
                >An overindulged mind will dull quickly and help me conceal my true intentions from its psychic feelers
                >I will reach into my lover and pluck out his gemstone heart-
                >Then fill that rotten hole with the fire poker to boil the thing from the inside out
                >Dust the shuddering husk with salt to finish it off
                >"What about a psychic scream?" Adote asks. "Faceless will hear it."
                >This is all very amusing to him
                >"Then I'll kill him at the height of his passion. Just another climax to ignore."
                >"And the collar?" He taps at his own with a claw
                >"Faceless isn't the only illithid in Ligoth. I'll find a forger-"
                >"Brilliant plan! Exchanging servitude to one fiend for servitude to another. Precious."
                >Contemptuously he caresses the side of my face with a bemused chuckle and I slap it away
                >With lightening fast reflexes he pins me to the wall, bared teeth to my throat
                >The only thing guarding my neck is my collar
                >He chuckles and slowly lifts his head up to eye me face to face
                >"I'm excited for this plan, imp b***h. Let's do it."
                >We kiss and hate frick the rest of the night

              • 7 months ago

                >The trap is set and pieces are in play
                >Cannot use magic, but charming is more than mere love spells and hypnosis
                >True seduction is observation and strategy
                >A dance and a duel and a game of chase all in one
                >Candy my naked body with desert bee honey and a splash of prickle stalk nectar
                >Greet it like a willing meal to be served
                >Sink into a submissive posture in fearful fawn and feign a pleading expression
                >My message: I am afraid, but I am your morsel and I will not resist your indulgence
                >Does it question the change of attitude?
                >Of course not and why should it
                >Bog thing wastes no time covering me like a death shroud
                >Do not recoil like I normally would, instead giving myself to it
                >Whispered encouragement with a well practiced quiver of fear seals it
                >My head goes under the squelching mass
                >Worked too well and bog thing is far too heavy to squirm out from under
                >Collapse under the weight, the mound of cold jelly-like flesh bears down on me
                >Thrash a little to play it convincing, churning the mucus into foam
                >I have invented pageantry for the drowning
                >Its like swimming against a mudslide and I'm losing
                >Blind and carefully probing the enveloping pseudo-pod with my fingers
                >Its a teaming mat of nubby cilia pulsating, clinging, tasting...
                >My digits find a sucking divet and dip inside in nervous exploration
                >Bog thing squelches and I play it off as a lover's teasing tickle
                >Wriggle to the side until my head can surface from beneath the mound of slime
                >Gasp a fresh breath and try to orient where pitcher of salt is
                >Its not the way I planned it, but this needs to stop NOW
                >Cant see with this crud in my eyes but I can roughly make out the vessels outline
                >Skin starts to burn
                >Oh no its happening
                >No no no no no please no
                >Cough out the thing's slime and try to cry out for help - can't -
                >Manage to free a hand from my gelatinous casket
                >Grasp for purchase but it's no use...

              • 7 months ago

                >Steely clawed fingers grasp at reaching hand
                >Hear a laborious grunt and suddenly I'm pulled out of my slimy tomb
                >Roll out wheezing and crying and burning
                >Mercifully doused with a bucket of cold water
                >Whatever is mixed in the water tastes bitter but relieves the burning
                >I'm trying to gather myself stumbling hazed and dripping around the den
                >Someone is stabbing the bubbling mound of sludge with the hissing fire poker
                >Wipe the goo from my eyes and see it's Adote
                >Can hardly believe it but it's happening
                >Mound of goo deflates like foam from a boiling cauldron
                >Adote is emptying the base of rock salts onto the fuming mess
                >Never knew he was there...never even heard him...
                >"Did you get it? Where is it? Help me you dumb bawd!"
                >Shit I don't have the dewdrop
                >The thing tries to creep away but Adote pins it in place with the sizzling instrument
                >Adote's black claws rips at its gooey innards
                >My hands join him in scooping out the heaps of gelatinous flesh
                >We trowel out soul stones, a few bivalve shells, and finally the dewdrop
                >As soon as I pull out the gleaming gem the remains shrivel into a dried husk
                >We both stand there for a moment gathering our breath
                >"Next phase of your plan, empty-headed trollop?"
                >Dumbstruck and naked, looking around at the trashed den and then down at the desiccated rind of a slug-thing
                >Adote flicks his claw against my forehead
                >That really hurts but brings me into focus
                >"Never mind. Don't strain your tiny brain. Put these on and fetch your fish. Quickly, Faceless is busy eating the tax collector."
                >He shoves a pair of robes at me
                >Shake my head, just speechless for a moment until he growls in my face
                >"As in right now, you dumb b***h."

              • 7 months ago

                >Carry a confused and concerned Nila in my arms back to the den
                >With his large tail he's rather heavy but fear is an excellent strength enhancer
                >Hear an argument involving Faceless and Den Mother Atri echo down the hallway
                >Good, it'll buy me time
                >Mixi and Nixi both catch sight of my extremely suspicious actions
                >Both have smoked enough Hashish for it not to matter
                >As soon as we enter the den Nila begins to panic at the disarray
                >Bog thing is placed in the middle of a sigil
                >The collar makes Adote incapable of using magic but somehow he's smuggled this in from the outside in a tapestry
                >"You're going to use Resurrection on an Elemental? Are you insane?"
                >Adote smiles, "Lesser Elemental. And no, just his flotsam. We're merely confiscating his remains."
                >Nila is tugging at me and pleading
                >"Don't do this! Please please please please-"
                >Adote rolls his eyes in annoyance and looks to me with a sneer
                >"The bride is in hysterics. Do something, won't you imp?"
                >Hate what I have to do and hope that Nila will forgive me
                >Gently I set the whimpering merfolk to the ground and hold him by the sides of his head, his 'hair' like fibers of impossibly woven silk
                >My small horns bump his forehead as I dip nose-to-nose to gaze deep into his large iridescent amber eyes
                >Even with my collar, I'm able to charm him. A hold-out allotted to me by Faceless to maintain return clientele so long I never abuse the ability
                >Feel like absolute shit for robbing my love of his senses, but it has to be like this
                >Worse because...I didn't even hit him that hard
                >It was as though wanted to give his will to me
                >It means...I don't want to think about that right now
                >Besides, Devils can't fall in love and everyone knows that

              • 7 months ago

                >After a hurried exchange of ideas, Adote and I hatch a new plan
                >We...cover Nila in the flotsam like a cocoon and animate it
                >The dewdrop keeps my merfolk wet and hydrates the mound at the same time
                >The undead slug lurches forward with a whispered command from Adote, dragging forward Nila in it's belly
                >Imagining charmed Nila curled inside sleepily like a tadpole
                >Told him if he loves me, he'll stay silent and count to a trillion slowly in his head until I say otherwise
                >"It's a perfect replication, eh Imp?"
                >"Except it has no mind..."
                >"Atri is working the front and she's no esper."
                >We sneak off to change in our better concubine garments before executing our plan
                >Former Bog thing slithers to the front with Adote and I on either side of entourage
                >Adote places all the soul stones we found inside Bog thing on the counter
                >All of them
                >Living captive in a Brothel long enough you can roughly work out how much you're worth
                >Know for a fact that Adote and I are worth far more than the stones offered
                >Atri is a gorgeous, terrible red-eyed thing of cold demeanor, absently brushing her long raven hair with one pair of arms while her other four slender extremities draw up release forms, ledgers, quills, and shunt about polished counting beads from one chamber of the calculation tray to the other
                >"We're going to miss you two," she says to us, voice like a caverns draft
                >Something is very wrong
                >"Give Faceless our best, Den Mother."
                >My teeth grind together
                >We NEVER call him that out in the open
                >Den Mother glides around the counter as smoothly as ice sliding on ice, graceful spider-legged killer
                >I want to scream but I can't, just standing there like an obedient pet by 'Master's' side
                >"I don't think will be possible, dear. Consuming a tax collector is a serious offense."
                >Adote smiles and replies, "The toad in his pocket probably didn't help."

              • 7 months ago

                >The key turns with a clank and Adote tilts his head back with a sigh as it falls away, eyes gathering tears
                >I've never seen him so happy
                >Meanwhile my head is spinning
                >She never once even acknowledges our sham of a Bog thing, instead just skittering around it to me
                >Blood red gem evaluate me coolly
                >The grin that appears on her face is so uncharacteristic I shrink back
                >Having my collar freed is like a weight lifted from my chest
                >She takes my hand and places the key in it
                >"For your lover," she whispers.
                >She knows....she knows everything...
                >Adote wasn't improvising anything
                >Can't help but gawk with my mouth open and then whip my gaze to Adote who is smiling wickedly
                >And then Den Mother and Adote kiss and I nearly hit the ground
                >Schemes and more many of them woven into each other?
                >We're afforded a fleeting goodbye to Nixi and Mixi and even ever-brooding Kanith wishes up a farewell
                >Even my eyes gather tears, but we devils can only shed so many in our lifetime and so this is all I can give for now
                >And we step out

                The colossal bones that mark the cradle of Nozt disappear from view as we trek through the night across the purple dunes of the valley of Bheler until we find an oasis to quench our thirst and fig bearing trees to sate our hunger. A puff of flame breath ignites the remaining strip of dried bog thing into a campfire. Adote lays by the fire and languidly watches charmed Nila and I in the oasis. I have so many questions but hold them inside. For now, this night is all that matters.

                We all make love under the three moons and smoke Mixi's farewell gift of herb afterwards which they say makes you see humans. With drugged eyes we watch visions of those beings dance in the flames of the campfire and they are beautiful and hideous.

                In the morning, we will follow the stream through Thouru and then to Kath, all the way to the Marabarg reservoir.


  44. 7 months ago


    Hey thanks. I'd like to write more of this character in the future. I just don't know where to put them.

  45. 7 months ago

    None of this actually happened, so I didn't bother to read any of it. There's nothing more reddit than a fake greentext

  46. 7 months ago

    anyone remember the name of that rpg where all the classes were hyper pregnant with spirits remember some one saying the minion master class in that handled its summons in a non clunky way

    • 7 months ago

      Maiesta: The Gravid RPG

      • 7 months ago

        >Maiesta: The Gravid RPG
        thanks my dude all my search engines were failing me

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