>POV. >you are about to hear the worst dnd opinion

>you are about to hear the worst dnd opinion

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    "It's a good system!"

    • 4 months ago

      >"It's a good system!"
      >I just have to completely overhaul it in a way that is somewhat playable, manageable and a tiny bit enjoyable
      >"aah, if only someone had done that. drats"

      • 4 months ago

        Gotta love that the good system they say you should play also necessitates hundreds of youtubers constantly making thousands of hours of videos about how to fix the game to make it actually fun and interesting to play... Which they've been doing for decades now.

        • 4 months ago

          That's because none of them actually want to play D&D. They want to play their own thing and think they're contributing something, but are in reality in it for the clicks and money. D&D is mediocre, and any issues these youtubers have are self made. Casters too strong? Monks and Warlocks underperforming? D&D is specifically designed to be 8 to 10 encounters and 4 to 5 short rests per long rest. CR calculator isn't good and enemies are too easy? Refer back to the previous point. NO ONE, and I do mean NO ONE plays D&D as intended. It's like driving a Ferrari on a dirt road and complaining ti doesn't work properly and break all the time. Or using a smoothie machine to grind rocks. When you ise a tool improperly of course it breaks. With that said, 5e was designed in a way that isn't necessary anymore. It was designed for the 2e and 3.x grogs with the full day sessions, which no one does anymore and haven't done before 5e came out. It's an outdated tool. A mediocre, outdated tool.
          It also has really bad fricking formatting with certain rules being spread across multiple sections, no travel rules, and what few there are are completely eliminated by the Outlander and Ranger.
          5e is mediocre. But let's actually admit the bad parts that are bad, not make up shit that isn't real or is there only because of improper use, just to hate on something popular, but ultimately mediocre. It's the local restaurant of RPGs. It's OK, but there's better, and there's worse.

    • 4 months ago

      I run 5e RAW with the core books and it works fine so long as you play it as DUNGEONS and DRAGONS.
      Seriously, 90% of your playtime being dudes exploring a location, dealing with traps, fighting monsters, and the like? It’s a good system. If you try to do story related shit it falls apart fast because D&D was never good at such things.
      While 5e is good, B/X is far superior because it straight up is JUST Dungeons and Dragons and doesn’t even attempt to try and be anything else.

      • 4 months ago

        Ur wrong my opinion > your opinion simple as

      • 4 months ago

        Actually what D&D 5e sucks at most of all is dungeon delving and the traditional hex/dungeoncrawl-into-demesne-management, it doesn't even have any rules at all for building castles, leading troops, or collecting taxes, like you would normally do in classic D&D games. 5e is designed to let the GM run a 'story' in, provided the story is totally canned and doesn't emerge from gameplay at all.

      • 4 months ago

        >play 5e as a dungeon exploring game
        >none of the magic items have values assigned to them so the DM has to figure out how much treasure and items the party finds are worth all on their own
        >rules for exploration are light and often contradictory with no support for even basic shit like how hard it is to break down a door (compare to 3.xe where such rules were clear cut)

        5e is one of the worst systems you could use tot simulate a gritty Diablo 1 style dungeon crawl. 5th is all about homosexual theater of the mind nonsense for otherkin Reddithomosexuals to larp out their mental illnesses and dumbfrick political beliefs. It's a terrible system.

  2. 4 months ago

    What did he do this time? More dragon 'fixes' that already exist?

  3. 4 months ago

    At least his fixes come from someone who seems like he actually plays real campaigns. Unlike those neckbears on the shorts page who edit their heads in from random angles to distract from their posts being the most "i only ever play oneshots with randies on R20" nonideas you've ever heard.

  4. 4 months ago

    No one cares about your Forge gay bullshit. It's dead. Move on.

    • 4 months ago

      Forge is dead.
      Move on homosexual.
      Forge is dead.
      Move on homosexual.
      Forge is dead.
      Move on homosexual.

      da frick is forge homosexual?

  5. 4 months ago

    >watch one video about druids
    >acts like he invented the concept of urban druid
    never again
    pretty sure that was him

    • 4 months ago

      Definitely sounds like him.
      His most recent "invention" was dragons that had followers and could cast spells.

      • 4 months ago

        that's in fricking 3.5 if not earlier

      • 4 months ago

        jesus fricking christ
        glad I never went back, what a bastard

        that's in fricking 3.5 if not earlier

        way earlier

      • 4 months ago

        I find the purpose of his Dragon Videos is to create Dragons that gets power from their horde directly. Like his Magus Dragon hordes arcane spellcasters, the size of the horde increases the dragons strength, and is able to transfer their essence/soul to one of those spellcasters if the Magus Dragon is about to die or be needs to be reborn.
        None of this is unique mind you, other Dragons in the past have done this too I'm sure and Fizbans even points out that you can have the dragon's horde or an item in the horde be directly tied to its soul.

        • 4 months ago

          And it'd be one thing if he referenced examples of dragons that already cast spells or have followers that they consider part of their hoard, but say his unique spin is that his dragons tie those people into their lifecycle.
          Instead his video dismisses all existing dragons as 'fantasy godzilla' who are antisocial and live in the middle of nowhere, so he thinks he's reinvented the wheel by making a dragon that is capable of leading an organization.

          There's a slightly original aspect to the idea, but the reason he took that direction is because in his own words, he hates dragons, ignoring that D&D already has dragons that do 99% of his concept.
          Unless reincarnating a follower into a dragon is that important to his enjoyment of it, then him claiming he's fixed dragons just seems like he didn't bother to read anything but a barebones description of dragons.

        • 4 months ago


          • 4 months ago

            Well no, if he's a mongoloid it's definitely Horde.

        • 4 months ago

          Here's that part from Fizbans that says taking a Dragon's Horde will weaken them. Plus this optional feature that dragons can get from Fizbans
          >Rejuvenation. You might decide that dragons in your campaign, being an essential part of the Material Plane, are nearly impossible to destroy. A dragon's life essence might be preserved in the egg from which it first emerged, in its hoard, or in a cavernous hall at the center of the world, just as a lich's essence is hidden in a phylactery.
          >If it has an essence-preserving object, a destroyed dragon gains a new body in 1d10 days, regaining all its hit points and becoming active again. The new body appears within 5 feet of the object.

          • 4 months ago

            Okay that time "Horde" was accidental, its a "Hoard" in that context... hehe. Though I suppose a dragon that collects people could call their hoard a horde.

      • 4 months ago

        >dragons that had followers and could cast spells.
        Wow, such a great idea. It'd make a dragon bbeg make so much more sense and be even more dangerous. I wonder if he thought of dragons that can travel planes or disguise themselves as people? What if a dragon turned themselves into a lich?

        • 4 months ago

          >disguise themselves as people
          Oh hey, WoW invented that!

  6. 4 months ago

    Playing systems other than D&D has really made D&D YouTubers unwatchable. It's fixed most of my other TTRPG problems too.

    • 4 months ago

      As someone who's only D&D game was a AD&D Game and have been playing other stuff my entire life most of D&D youtube has been very much like being in a nice house watching people playing with mud.

  7. 4 months ago

    Forge is dead.
    Move on homosexual.
    Forge is dead.
    Move on homosexual.
    Forge is dead.
    Move on homosexual.

    • 4 months ago

      Can someone explain what the hell this thread is about?

      • 4 months ago

        Nogame virtue signalling.

      • 4 months ago

        YouTuber drama bullshit. The all seeing hat channel comes up with pretty inoffensive DND content but he said on Twitter that he wasn’t voting for Trump and now /tg/ pretends his ideas are ruining DND

        • 4 months ago

          Schizo post

        • 4 months ago

          >man who exclusively uses clips from a drag queen show in his vids is a total homosexual.
          Imagine. My. Shock.
          Also this isn't 2016 anymore, go leave and shitpost there please.

        • 4 months ago

          It's bad enough some of the Vtubers share my bully's "interest".

        • 4 months ago

          I never knew this and I always hated the guy for being a dipshit.

          • 4 months ago

            It's bad enough some of the Vtubers share my bully's "interest".

            >man who exclusively uses clips from a drag queen show in his vids is a total homosexual.
            Imagine. My. Shock.
            Also this isn't 2016 anymore, go leave and shitpost there please.

            lol you morons will believe anything. I have no fricking clue who this thread is about and just picked up context clues and made shit up

            • 4 months ago

              this is some "I was only pretending to be moronic" levels of moronation.

              • 4 months ago


                >Proclaim I hated the guy before, implying that the new information didn't change my opinion
                >Ha ha, I tricked you Chuds into hating him for his political opinion!
                What exactly is your end game?

                I just wanted to see if anybody would believe the existence of Twitter drama without asking for proofs . I did it because I’m bored

              • 4 months ago

                >I just wanted to see if anybody would believe the existence of Twitter drama without asking for proofs
                just because I take you at your word over something extremely reasonable (leftist on twitter not voting for trump) doesn't mean I will go around repeating it as if it is a fact. it's the equivalent of me telling someone I got a dog and then acting smug that they didn't ask for a pic with a timestamp to prove it.
                you claiming there was some drama over it wasn't something I believed either, for all I knew you could be exagerating or making up a schizo story in your head to why people dislike the dude you enjoy.

            • 4 months ago

              >Proclaim I hated the guy before, implying that the new information didn't change my opinion
              >Ha ha, I tricked you Chuds into hating him for his political opinion!
              What exactly is your end game?

            • 4 months ago

              >get called out for shitposting /misc/ homosexualry
              >hahaha I was lying the whole time! TROLLED!!!!!
              Wow. Go back please.

            • 4 months ago

              And you farmed it for four (4) responses.

            • 4 months ago

              I feel like that's most posts here nowadays

            • 4 months ago

              Damn, well played.

              I run 5e RAW with the core books and it works fine so long as you play it as DUNGEONS and DRAGONS.
              Seriously, 90% of your playtime being dudes exploring a location, dealing with traps, fighting monsters, and the like? It’s a good system. If you try to do story related shit it falls apart fast because D&D was never good at such things.
              While 5e is good, B/X is far superior because it straight up is JUST Dungeons and Dragons and doesn’t even attempt to try and be anything else.

              I wouldn't say 5e is "good".
              There's a few things that I really liked about 5e when it first rolled out, particularly compared to 3.x, the version I opted to continue playing instead of 4th.
              But then, gradually, I started to miss the things missing in 5e that were totally there in 3.x.
              Having Shot on the Run and Spring Attack as standard issue right from level 1 for any character was great, instead of it being at the end of a feat chain to 12th level for non-Fighters. But then attacking with a shield just wasn't considered, and a twitter errata had to make the attempt an 'improvised attack'.
              Feats being way more powerful and packed with more things was great to see. But then you have to fricking beg the DM to let you use them, and even then, you have to drop the attribute for it, and it's only every 4th level. Ass.
              Fricking Skill Points, man, I miss my Skill Points! I know it caused numbers to go outta control and whatever, but being able to grow your character your own way through Skill Points was great, and they took that away in 5e, too.
              Overall 5e is strictly "ffffFine". It could have kept the cool parts of 3.x, but they needed to fix what wasn't broken by breaking it and calling it a day.

              And what is it with WottocKs, giving us a stiff ass game with barely any character growth options and claiming to be an epic about your very own heroic character when everyone's characters end up being the same?

              • 4 months ago

                It sounds like you like the character-building minigame, and honestly I'm with you, but I can understand how a lot of people don't.
                Feats are just badly balanced, I would enjoy and appreciate the feat/ability tradeoff if it were more of an even trade-off.
                FIrstly, it's good that feats are more powerful than in 3e, a lot of 3e feats were literally just conditoinal +1. As in, "+1 all the time is too powerful, you only get it sometimes". So you end up with a pile of tiny conditional modifiers on your mid-level character and it sucks, it's too much bookkeeping for too little payoff.
                The other great thing is collapsable complexity. People who want a simple character can just crank their ability scores, people who want a complex character can take a lot of feats, this is excellent. You should embrace collapsible complexity whenever possible because it lets players make characters who are as complicated as they want them to be.

        • 4 months ago

          His "inoffensive" ideas are literally just things taken from older editions presented as if he invented them himself.

        • 4 months ago

          OF course, because instead of gaming they contaminate everything with their culture war bullshit.
          Misc need to pull it's head from it's collective ass, make some characters, and roll some fricking dice.

  8. 4 months ago

    >searching around youtube to find some channel about ttrpg
    >they are all about 5e with the most moron of takes
    >refine search. After various attempts i get some result about other games suggestions
    >All the videos start apologetic to 5e, it's a great system, the best, and if you like it is fine, please don't unsubscribe me for daring to mention something else existing
    >Suggestions are always !d&d, notd&d, offbrand-d&d, freed&d, d&dlite, old-d&d and blades in dark.

    • 4 months ago

      well, at least no one is shilling White Wolf. there's that.
      ThoughI'd love to see more stuff like Mutant: Year Zero, Fantasy Flight Games Starwars and warhammer 40k, Starfinder and Genesys system.

      • 4 months ago

        >well, at least no one is shilling White Wolf. there's that.
        There are a shit ton of channels desperately trying to get people to play wod. It just that no one cares besides the people already into wod. Also all of them deep throat 5th edition for some reason.

        • 4 months ago

          I'm a 21yo zoomer who tried getting into VtM (never played anything WoD until last year) and v5 seems like such a downgrade to v20 it's absurd.

          • 4 months ago

            They're both bad. WoD games are all bad.

          • 4 months ago

            Dont get this at all. V5 has less convoluted mechanics and hunger dice are fun. Most of the complaints are from loregays.

            • 4 months ago

              Lore is the entire appeal of WoD, nobody plays those games for their mechanics.

          • 4 months ago

            correct, just play v20

            Dont get this at all. V5 has less convoluted mechanics and hunger dice are fun. Most of the complaints are from loregays.

            i am a loregay, but also v5 feels more shallow to me, maybe thats what some people want

      • 4 months ago

        Worst system I played, genuinely. I would rather play an entire campaign of moronic final fantasy homebrew we tested than play a single session of that boring garbage again.

        • 4 months ago

          Ironically the beginner box uses alternate mechanics that werent too bad and seemed better than the actual core rules.

    • 4 months ago

      If you need recommendations:

      >Mr. Welch
      "I will review any system you give me." He's played everything from Cyberpunk to Aeon Trinity, lived through the heydays of Deadlands, Cyberpunk 2020, and D&D 3.5. Is trying to bring back Mystara.

      Keeps up with current affairs with RPGs, very anti-WOTC, anti-LGBT, but shills his OSR games often and sounds annoying at times.

      >Seth Skorkowsky
      /tg/'s personal favourite RPG guy. About as long as Welch, not as grognardy. Covers RPG themes well.

      >Dungeon Craft
      Like RPGPundit but less mid, but still has a whole thing about his mascot.

      • 4 months ago

        >Keeps up with current affairs with RPGs, very anti-WOTC, anti-LGBT, but shills his OSR games often and sounds annoying at times.
        Sounds awful.
        >Like RPGPundit but less mid, but still has a whole thing about his mascot.
        So he's like those weird alt-right furries?
        >/tg/'s personal favourite RPG guy.
        /tg/ is not one person.

        • 4 months ago

          >/tg/ is not one person.
          But it is partially a hivemind, and there is enough of a consensus to make a statement like "Seth is well liked enough to be considered a favorite". It just means you're either out of touch, or base your opinion in contrast to how the group at large does.

          • 4 months ago

            >But it is partially a hivemind
            Frick off, collectivist filth.
            >there is enough of a consensus to make a statement like "Seth is well liked enough to be considered a favorite"
            [citation needed]
            >It just means you're either out of touch
            Or /tg/ is out of touch, which is far more likely because it's all homosexual contrarians who insist old=good.
            >base your opinion in contrast to how the group at large does.
            Or I can think for myself, and know good quality from bad quality and don't rely on the opinions of israelitetubers and nogames homosexuals on a korean basketweaving forum to form my own opinions.

            • 4 months ago

              >I can think for myself
              Then do it, instead of looking at what people like and going "Nope!" like a fricking child.

      • 4 months ago

        >not recommending Notepad Anon channel

      • 4 months ago

        > Not recommending Notepad who is /b/rother unlike these youtubers.

        • 4 months ago

          Perhaps that anon plays Nechronica and recalls the fricking moronation that was his attempt to mess with the system. Even without context on anything else the guy's done, having seen that one instance of his work, I have reason to doubt the rest of it. Just because someone might be homegrown doesn't mean they have anything useful to steal.

          • 4 months ago

            i never played nechronica, but was his hack of it that bad?

            • 4 months ago

              Yes. Genuinely. It had potentially usable ideas, in fairness to it, but it was overall very clearly made by someone that neither knew the system, nor cared to learn about it. Which isn't surprising, its genesis was that he was going to be paid to 'sanitize' it, and the money for that fell through. Why he kept going, I'm not sure. It's been a while, so I couldn't cite everything, but there were three things that are burned into my memory.

              The first was a five AP Defend 1. To explain, that means it costs five 'Action Points,' and negates a single point of damage for one attack. To give you an idea of how the system values this, the most basic b***h defend part you can acquire, providing the exact same effect costs no AP at all. The 'heavy hitting, slow firing' ranged options price themselves at four AP, dealing something like five damage, or 4 + Explosive (Deals 4, damage is duplicated after being lowered by defends.). I cannot stress how bad the math on five AP for Defend 1 is. It is actively counterproductive.

              The second is that he claimed he was adding the option to beat enemy zombies to death with a rusty pipe, which the game evidently lacked. Pic related is not an especially good weapon, but it is most certainly there. I don't recall what his version was, but his not knowing a very standard reinforcement part was quite eye-catching when his introduction in the document claimed the game was near to his heart.

              The third was a system he proposed where hit locations were linked, and losing one would sever lower hit locations. He claimed this made for more interesting choices when being damaged. It doesn't. It really, really doesn't. The entire point of Nechronica is that as undead, you can have entire limbs ripped off and continue to fight just fine as long as those limbs aren't the ones you use to kill things. It just places unreasonable importance on hit locations further up the chain and invalidates any interesting lower-body character customization.

              • 4 months ago

                Maybe when he's actually working on a project he's got a reason to care about, his quality's higher. Won't say it's impossible or anything. But from the narrow slice I've seen, that'd need to amount to a substantial improvement. Because almost everything he proposed fell apart with the barest understanding of the system and how it functions.

              • 4 months ago

                >trying to 'sanitize' nechronica
                The gore and e-girls are excellent for gatekeeping purposes, real Nechrohomies understand this.

        • 4 months ago

          >Didn't notepad get banned from some ttrpg design discords for being a sperg?

      • 4 months ago

        >Seth Skorkowsky
        Honestly every time I watch Seth he reminds of what if Spoony hadn't gone down his darkest timeline.

        • 4 months ago

          Needed to take more of these

        • 4 months ago

          Needed to take more of these

          Is he still alive?

          • 4 months ago

            Yes and he streams some video games occassionally.

            • 4 months ago

              Does he still get viciously angry at the audience if he doesn't like what they say in the stream comments? I remember being really disappointed with his behavior in one of his streams. The guy has probably the most forgiving fan base of any of the Channel Awesome figures and he always acts like a bitter prick towards them.

              • 4 months ago

                I don't know, streams aren't my thing. Nobody's made a video comparing him to DSP so Spoony is probably calmed down a little.

              • 4 months ago

                To be fair DSP is a caveman who can't win at video games and all his "fans" are just people who think he's a noskills moron. Spoony had an actual fan base and he treated them like shit

      • 4 months ago

        >Seth Skorkowsky
        I've been getting a little tired of his videos lately, but he gives out genuinely good advice and he also recommends different systems that are more than just dnd with the numbers filed off.
        It's because of him I ran several Call of Cthulhu games and had a great time with all of them.

        • 4 months ago

          His multipart videos are kind of a slog unless you’re super specifically into the system

          • 4 months ago

            True, but if you are interested then his videos will help you learn the basics enough to run the game.

        • 4 months ago

          I just watch the Running the Game and Gaming Philosophy videos. He definitely knows his shit.

      • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        >recommending pundit
        >NOT Recommending pic related

        • 4 months ago

          I'm not particularly familiar with him but doesn't the bard talk about ttrpg art exclusively?

          • 4 months ago

            He talks about various topics, a mix of things but his TTRPG content is some of the best on youtube.

      • 4 months ago

        >Seth Skorkowsky
        The man is so good I actually bought several sets of his dice

      • 4 months ago

        He only b***hes and cries over moronic shit WoTC does because its the only thing that gives him views.

      • 4 months ago

        >/tg/ gets mad at the one guy on this list who is anti-WOTC and anti-LGBT

        • 4 months ago

          Buy an ad

        • 4 months ago

          Your content's quality isn't determined by the team you're on you fricking moron.

      • 4 months ago

        >No one bringing up Welch
        This means he is perfect and has no problems.

        • 4 months ago

          If Mr. Welch had problems people would've b***hed about it years ago, since even when this place was actually good 40% of what it did was b***h.

        • 4 months ago

          Not necessarily. People may not be bringing up Welch for not knowing who to tf he is or not considering him relevant to the discussion at hand.

    • 4 months ago

      Stop using Youtubers to form your opinions. Read the material yourself, run or play a game of it, and form your own fricking opinions you brainless sheep. Swear to god this dogshit site is just the same 10 morons parroting the same 10 moronic, braindead takes.

      I say this as someone who has done an entire overview on a TTRPG that is none of what you listed and has been acknowledge and accepted as a semi-official resource by the devs of the system, and who streamed and uploaded an entire game of the system.

      • 4 months ago

        >run or play a game of it
        This is significantly more effort for finding people who are familiar with the exact material you want (or are willing to get familiar), and it's likely to end up badly on top.

  9. 4 months ago

    >"Bro drow are problematic, it insults the real obsidian black people who live underground and worship a spider god"

    • 4 months ago

      Stay mad, sis.

    • 4 months ago

      >Orcs are extremely problematic, it's obvious that these hulking brutes with a genetic predisposition to violence are meant to represent PoCs!

      • 4 months ago

        yeah, even WotC admitted so much

      • 4 months ago

        yeah, even WotC admitted so much

  10. 4 months ago

    Playing twice a month is going to be easily done.

  11. 4 months ago

    >"Orcs should be taller than humans."
    This has inspired me to gatekeep by filtering red flags.

  12. 4 months ago

    Can't be any worse than /tg/'s takes on D&D. This board has the most dogshit takes I've ever seen on traditional games in general.

    • 4 months ago

      and yet here you are.

      • 4 months ago

        This board is poison for anyone who wants to actually play Traditional Games, but I'm an alcoholic at this point.

      • 4 months ago

        To insult you and download pirated goods, yes.

        • 4 months ago


          • 4 months ago

            Replying to yourself is really bad form.


            >you are about to hear the worst dnd opinion

            Buy an ad or frick off.

            • 4 months ago

              >Replying to yourself is really bad form.
              How does it feel to be so demoralized and jaded that you consider a stranger offering a compliment in a korean porcelain painting forum an impossibility?

              • 4 months ago

                Lurk more and find out.

              • 4 months ago

                >doubling down
                And that's even worse

  13. 4 months ago

    i remember seeing one set of his videos about making lich versions for other classes which is not only so "timmy's first homebrew" as basicly every 3rd party settings book features some extra version of a lich, it's also already a thing

    i have the feeling this guy would have really fitted in in the old dragon magazin team

  14. 4 months ago

    worse than xp to level 3?

    • 4 months ago

      I genuinely don't know why /tg/ pretends to hate XP to Level 3 since basically all of his opinions are ones I see here.

      • 4 months ago

        I dislike his want to babify 5e further by saying things like stun mechanics should be removed for players, you shouldn't kill your players unless they want it/its for some climatic moment, and his whole debacle with the OGL was like 40 minutes of sucking WoTC wiener qnd saying you're stupid if you think they dont have your best interest in mind. At least until the thing was revealed and popular opinion shifted.

        Although I dont mind some of his other content, the only ones I cant really stand are "INSANE NEW BUILD THAT WILL MAKE YOUR DM KILL HIMSELF" youtube shorts, or blaine and simple.

        • 4 months ago

          yeah mister magic hat in the op comes across as someone who is either very dishonest and is cashing on stupid 5e kiddies or a 5e kiddie who never read anything older than 5e

          xp to level 3 legit comes across like he is too stupid for 5e which is saying something

          • 4 months ago

            >xp to level 3 legit comes across like he is too stupid for 5e which is saying something
            That's because he literally is and it does.

            • 4 months ago

              Wow, your ignorance truly shines through. But don't worry, you're not alone in your stupidity.

        • 4 months ago

          I remember he said gamers were being toxic for wanting ship combat rules in spelljammer

        • 4 months ago

          >I dislike his want to babify 5e further by saying things like stun mechanics should be removed for players, you shouldn't kill your players unless they want it/its for some climatic moment
          But those are good things. If you want punishing and deadly systems, go play those instead. They seem to be the majority of what's out there.

          • 4 months ago

            nta, i just play osr, but some people are stuck in the "my friends only wanna play 5e" trench so i sympathize

            >run or play a game of it
            This is significantly more effort for finding people who are familiar with the exact material you want (or are willing to get familiar), and it's likely to end up badly on top.

            reading the books yourself and maybe watchimg examples of play should be more than enough, stop being lazy moron

            This guy creeps me out with how much he references drag queens.

            he is a homosexual

            • 4 months ago

              >reading the books yourself and maybe watchimg examples of play should be more than enough, stop being lazy moron
              That's exactly what I do. I was just against running or playing as some simple alternative that magically works out as well as watching videos does.

              • 4 months ago

                if you really wanted to, and if you don't have anyone to play with you, you could run a mock example of play for yourself. make some characters, make a dungeon (or whatever) and run the characters through it, etc.

                this is normally what i do when learning a new system i'm excited about.

              • 4 months ago

                It doesn't scratch the same itch. I want to at least hear other people's impressions. That's why youtube is handy.

          • 4 months ago

            >Play the game based on what the rules dictate
            >Players are about to die
            >Somehow, not following through isn't "intentional"
            Then don't have hit points.

            • 4 months ago

              >Somehow, not following through isn't "intentional"
              It isn't... intentional? I don't know how you could do it accidentally

              I'm saying rules about death are tonally incompatible with what the rest of the system is trying to do. So player characters should die only at more appropriate moments.
              >Then don't have hit points.
              Why? It's an important mechanic that can work well. There are more interesting outcomes for being defeated or brought unconscious than death.

    • 4 months ago

      xp to level 3 is based (if you know, you know) and funny
      He just makes skits and doesn't pretend to be a knownit all who constantly tries to fix the system.

      • 4 months ago

        Elaborate on the you know part

  15. 4 months ago

    "I'm porting the heritage system from Pathfinder 2e into dnd 4e so we can do high level play in my original setting where we'll be liberating orcs, drow, and kinder from human and elf, dwarf, and elf oppression."

  16. 4 months ago

    -4 STR

  17. 4 months ago

    Who is that and why should I care about them?

  18. 4 months ago

    some of his takes may be a hard yikes from me, but his takes on lich variants from different classes are pretty interesting. Specifically the Sorcerer.

  19. 4 months ago

    Dumbass leftoid hat homosexual

  20. 4 months ago

    He just made a Dragon Warlock while on the subject of dragons. I like the concept of using spell slots to transform the warlock but for a first draft its a bit too strong in some points and weak in others. Some stuff needs to be changed like Fear, Fly, and Hallucinatory Terrain are already Warlock spells and Draconic Form could be a little clearer. Still the idea is neat if you don't want to just reflavor an existing patron into a Dragon.

    • 4 months ago

      Did he seriously make a Dragon Warlock subclass that's incapable of casting Dragon's Breath?

      • 4 months ago

        What the frick do you think Eldritch Breath is?

        • 4 months ago

          Trash? 1d10+Cha Mod+Spell level matches Dragon's Breath if you've got +5 Cha, but if you've got 20 Cha then you've also probably got 4th level spell slots, which would automatically upgrade Dragonbreath to 5d6.
          4th level Dragon's breath is 17.5 average, Eldritch Breath off of a 4th level slot is 14.5.
          And that's on top of the fact that Dragon's Breath is a 15 foot cone, rather than Eldritch which is 10. And the fact that Eldritch is tied to Draconic Form, and thus if you use it with a 2nd level slot, it only lasts 3 rounds.

          Besides, the spell list gives things like Fly, Fear, and Alter Self, despite the fact that flight, frightening, and magical claws are granted by Draconic Form.

    • 4 months ago

      >Dragon Kind
      This should include the Gem Dragons and Shadow Dragon.
      >Expanded Spell List
      Fear, Fly, and Hallucinatory Terrain are already Warlock Spells and don't get affected by the damage change thing. Flaming Sphere could be Dragon's Breath and Cloudkill could be Summon Draconic Spirit.
      >Draconic Form
      This should clarify that it only works with Warlock spell slots, just like Eldritch Smite, Draconic Claws is terrible and has no real reason to be chosen over cantrips, Draconic Invocation is unclear as idk if you get to choose an Invocation each time you transform or if you're locked into one chosen invocation when you get the feature, Frightful Presence is too strong for level 1 and steps on Archfey Warlock's toes too hard.
      >Eldritch Breath
      Dragon's Breath does this but better also since your Expanded List does change the damage type you already have a highly flavorful option through that. Now Dragon's Breath isn't on the document there so I get why its here.
      >Draconic Presence
      Draconic Language at level 6 is weird, that's a level 1 thing not 6. Other than that fine.
      >Draconic Protector
      Perfect! No notes!
      >Draconic Essence
      This is broken with Draconic Hide (Which stacks with regular armor), Draconic Heart (In that it oddly doesn't reset), and Frightful Presence (Mass Permanent 60 ft Frighten Aura that last possibly forever). The perma mass frighten is really cool though.

      Also want to mention that Ascended Dragon Monks get shafted here: Wings Unfurled is a 6th level feature that this subclass gets at level 1, Aspect of the Wyrm (Frightful Presence) an 11th level feature is worse than this Frightful Presence at that they get at level 1, Ascendant Aspect (Blindsight) a level 17 feature is worse than this Blindsight at level 1...Its just so much stronger its silly. You also might think the round duration is a problem, but most battles don't last more than 5 Rounds so by 7th level this is pretty much lasting the whole time.

      • 4 months ago

        Oh! I just thought of an an idea, you can get rid of Draconic Claws and replace it with the Primal Savagery cantrip. It would have more or less the same flavor and you can just have the damage match the Dragon Kind damage or change it to slashing.

        Also while I don't always see eye to eye with the eldritch hat- I do pretty much always enjoy these little example characters and concepts he creates at the end, so I will give credit where its due, this little story for Bog is nice.

        • 4 months ago

          >thinks deal with the devil is high narrative concept

          • 4 months ago

            I always found the "dude warlocks have so much roleplaying potential because patrons!" take in general to be extremely shallow. like why do you need a class to tell you when you're allowed to pull shit like this for your character? maybe it's helpful for new DMs and Players because they're kinda forced to at least think about it, but they can also ignore it altogether. If anything, I think this only serves to diminish the idea that other classes can pull similar stuff like have pretty much any other class draw power from some type of "contract" or higher being. now every wizard has to be harry potter or merlin's apprentice or else they risk stepping on other casters' feet too much.

            • 4 months ago

              imagine if they made a class requirement that as a monk, your mother need to have been killed by your rival in the monastery and you gain revenge chi.

              • 4 months ago

                yeah, pretty much this.

                >I think this only serves to diminish the idea that other classes can pull similar stuff
                I don't think that's contradictory with warlocks having good roleplay potential. In fact, it's the reason. Other classes don't get to have that backstory so warlocks are more special for it.

                The thing is; what a magic users can do is inherently arbitrary. So if there's gonna be a distinction between classes it HAS to involve lore.
                If you want complete freedom to build your character, you need a point buy system.

                it is contradictory though, because they actually don't. there's no reason you shouldn't be able to apply the pretty much exact same backstory to a wizard, for instance, except warlocks have no other choice. also now some DMs might have a reason to why your wizard actually CAN'T get magic from a patron, because "they would have to be a warlock instead". it's all bullshit, really.

                >The thing is; what a magic users can do is inherently arbitrary. So if there's gonna be a distinction between classes it HAS to involve lore.
                the problem isn't that involves lore, you're not seeing me complain about druids or clerics, the main reason being that you're not being told you HAVE to follow a very specific backstory for them to be what they are. either your themes and mechanics are strong enough to stand on their own without stealing too much from other classes, or they aren't.

              • 4 months ago

                There's no reason a wizard can't get their magic from worshipping a god or having a dragon ancestor either. Except that it's in the book.
                I don't think the arbitrary nature of it is in any way particular to warlocks. The difference is that the warlock gets assigned with a plothook.

              • 4 months ago

                >The difference is that the warlock gets assigned with a plothook
                that's exactly the problem. you could make an argument against clerics and sorcerers if you wanted, but at least they're not forcing a very specific backstory on you. clerics in particular are in no way as vague as warlocks are, their themes and mechanics are strong enough to stand on their own even if your wizard DID got their magic from a god. as for sorcerers, the innate vs learned magic dichotomy is a good enough excuse if you wanted to include a mechanically different magic user class. even if both had gotten their powers from fiend pacts, the distinction of how it was given is easy to be made. maybe if sorcerers WEREN'T a thing than maybe warlocks would be able to stand on their own as casters imbued with magic, but even then they'd still be more limited than sorcerers in terms of backstory.
                tl;dr: warlocks have nothing unique to offer and have to basically adopt a backstory to justify their own existence, while also hijacking it from others.
                nobody is saying the choices aren't all some level of arbitrary, but there's ZERO justification for warlocks even being a thing.

              • 4 months ago

                The original claim was that warlocks are the more interesting choice, not that the game was more interesting for having warlocks in it.

              • 4 months ago

                and my original post was about how that's bullshit. warlocks are "the more interesting choice" in a similar way using a premade character is also "more interesting" if you don't wanna bother thinking of a backstory for your character. neither is an unique opportunity exclusive to that class, you're just pretending that it is.

              • 4 months ago

                The book providing content and prompts is only a good thing and I won't hear anything else.
                Random encounter tables are good. Premade maps are good. And plot hooks in your class feature are also good.
                Write a book if you're so happy with your own unprompted imagination. You don't need a game.

              • 4 months ago

                and my original post was about how that's bullshit. warlocks are "the more interesting choice" in a similar way using a premade character is also "more interesting" if you don't wanna bother thinking of a backstory for your character. neither is an unique opportunity exclusive to that class, you're just pretending that it is.

                We pretend a lot of things in this game. A wizard with a pact is a narrative houserule. Per the rules, warlocks depend on patrons for their power, and wizards don't.

                The warlock was supposed to be more of a comicbook wizard with weaker magic powers that could be used at-will. It's supposed to be a magical guy without the bookkeeping. I understand what happened to it in 4e, everyone in 4e has at-will powers and the warlock makes sense as a striker, but I never really got my head around what the warlock is supposed to be doing in 5e.

              • 4 months ago

                I understand how it works, I just don't think it is compelling.

                >Per the rules, warlocks depend on patrons for their power, and wizards don't
                it's basically a meaningless rule when it comes down to it, considering there are no actual rules on how to run the actual patron itself. honestly if "dealing with the patron" was actually a class mechanic of sorts then it might be better justified.

                The book providing content and prompts is only a good thing and I won't hear anything else.
                Random encounter tables are good. Premade maps are good. And plot hooks in your class feature are also good.
                Write a book if you're so happy with your own unprompted imagination. You don't need a game.

                actual brainlet take. by your own logic, you should think playing with premade characters is peak roleplaying.

              • 4 months ago

                >actual brainlet take.
                No, he's completely right, and I think it's going over your head.
                >considering there are no actual rules on how to run the actual patron itself.
                This is the crux of the issue, we're playing a roleplaying game, something can have no rules and still matter. It may make you feel better to think of it as a rule interpreted by the DM.

                The DM can also say that wizards have patrons, or that warlocks get their powers from homeopathic medicine, but in this sense the "warlocks have patrons" rule is the same as any other rule. Any rule can be changed by the DM, but some rules make sense in a white room with no players and no DMs, the "warlocks have patrons" rule is a rule that only makes sense in the context of the conversation between player and gamemaster. "Prompt" is a good term for it.

              • 4 months ago

                >No, he's completely right, and I think it's going over your head.
                feel free to explain instead of just going "y-you don't get it!", then

                >This is the crux of the issue, we're playing a roleplaying game, something can have no rules and still matter.
                did you even read the context in which I said that? if I thought it didn't matter then I wouldn't be making a point about it, which never hinged on whether you consider it a "rule" or not. it's shit regardless.

                >Any rule can be changed by the DM
                we're talking what's in the book, I couldn't give less of a shit if Joe of the gamestore decided to make wizards cast out of their butthole.

                >the "warlocks have patrons" rule is a rule that only makes sense in the context of the conversation between player and gamemaster. "Prompt" is a good term for it.
                and I don't care what you call it. it's like you're the one who's missing the point entirely. having personality or backstory suggestions is a "prompt", saying "all warlocks have patrons" is the shitty made up excuse for the class to even exist. remove it and you're a wizard or sorcerer in all but mechanics, and defending it as "well it's just a prompt so it's a good thing!" is extremely dishonest and shortsighted.

              • 4 months ago

                >feel free to explain
                The whole idea behind a roleplaying game is setting rules and limitations to your game of make belief to make it more rewarding.
                You're using ideas by other people to excite and inspire you.
                Adventure modules that include characters, locations, and worldbuilding tidbits are consistenly enjoyed better than ones without them.

                Warlocks in DnD get a writing prompt to stimulate the player's imagination. Make them think on how to incorporate it into a story. They could have come up with a backstory without a prompt, but a little challenge gets the creativity going more than a blank canvas.
                The concept of creative limitation is widely recognized in every creative pursuit.

              • 4 months ago

                >The whole idea behind a roleplaying game is setting rules and limitations to your game of make belief to make it more rewarding.
                doesn't mean every rule and limitation is automatically a good thing

                >You're using ideas by other people to excite and inspire you.
                and neither does every idea

                >Adventure modules that include characters, locations, and worldbuilding tidbits are consistenly enjoyed better than ones without them.
                but it's not an absolute. additions aren't automatically good, and if your next point is that "well just ignore the bad ones" then you're missing the point of my complaint.

                >They could have come up with a backstory without a prompt, but a little challenge gets the creativity going more than a blank canvas.
                my argument isn't that this can't be the case, but you have to draw the line somewhere. I'm sure you wouldn't argue that making everyone play a human fighter is an absolutely good thing just because of how it could "stimulate creativity" with its limitations.

                >defending it as "well it's just a prompt so it's a good thing!" is extremely dishonest and shortsighted.
                But can you read?

                Nobody is saying defending the warlock as game design choice.
                It's not that restricting patrons to warlocks makes the game more interesting. The statement was always that, given the fact that patrons are restricted to warlocks, the warlock is more interesting to take than the wizard.

                This whole conversation is like if I had said
                >The druid is so powerful, it's the best nature class
                and you came back with
                >It's not the best at all, it's lame because it makes the ranger less viable
                Well duh. Those aren't contradictions at all.

                >It's not that restricting patrons to warlocks makes the game more interesting
                then why are you arguing against me? my entire point is that it doesn't.

                >The statement was always that, given the fact that patrons are restricted to warlocks, the warlock is more interesting to take than the wizard
                patrons aren't restricted to warlocks though, warlocks are restricted to patrons. in this case, I just argued that warlocks are fricking lame, because they rely on having a patron and nothing else to justify their existence as a class, even if they're not the ones that could theoretically have it. and if they were, then the problem becomes how the class not only needs a patron as justification to exist but also needs to take the narrative possibility away from other classes to do it.

              • 4 months ago

                >me, because they rely on having a patron and nothing else to justify their existence as a class
                the same why a cleric relies on gods to justify their class, sorcerers on magical bloodlines/being infused with magic and wizards with being able to learn magic through study

                >also needs to take the narrative possibility away from other classes to do it.
                how ?

              • 4 months ago

                >b-but the other classes
                none would suffer as bad as the warlock, I already made this point.

                >a cleric relies on gods to justify their class
                except it doesn't, it relies on CLERGY the most. they could literally remove the god requirement if they would still have a strong theming, like they did with paladins. hell, isn't this an official optional rule in some 5e rulebook? if so, this alone would entirely destroy your point.

                >sorcerers on magical bloodlines/being infused with magic
                >wizards with being able to learn magic through study
                you're right, those classes do rely on those differences to be truly distinct.
                however, you have to realize wizards were always magic scholars, and sorcerers are not, so at the very least they're not stepping on anybody's toes to stumble their way into justifying a new set of magic user abilities, which themselves have a fairly reasonable motive for being made (wizards but easy).
                I'm not saying you have to accept this excuse, maybe you draw the line even below mine, which is fair, but that's not the way you open up the gates for warlocks being ok, that's how you argue against warlocks AND sorcerers.

                and the big difference? is that warlocks aren't entering the game with no other classes. we already have wizards AND sorcerers, we already have learned AND innate magic, lots of things to learn AND not as many. so if you wanna include yet another wizard, you better have a real good justification and a really strong theming to make up for it. instead they got pacts, something you could just apply to your wizard or sorcerer backstory no problem. don't pretend my standards are too high when your best argument is trying to pull other classes down with it.

                read the post again, I'm talking specifically in the case a DM might decide not to allow pacts outside of taking warlock levels, which is a real thing that happens, at least in my experience. not blaming the book for it though, I made that clear enough.

              • 4 months ago

                >none would suffer as bad as the warlock
                you fail to show any real difference

                >except it doesn't, it relies on CLERGY the most
                no, it relies in gods empowering specific followers

                > they could literally remove the god requirement
                no because the god is the source of it's powers

                > would still have a strong theming,
                no different than the warlock

                > like they did with paladins

                >hell, isn't this an official optional rule in some 5e rulebook? if so, this alone would entirely destroy your point.
                the same could be easily done with warlocks as the rule one says that you can call the divine power source by other name

                >that's how you argue against warlocks AND sorcerers.
                no because that not even an argument you moron

                > we already have wizards AND sorcerers
                and ?

                >so if you wanna include yet another wizard, you better have a real good justification
                different mechanics in game and different source of power
                if anything warlock are more akin to clerics than wizards

                > trying to pull other classes down with it.
                only applying your logic to other classes schizo-chan

                > I'm talking specifically in the case a DM might decide not to allow pacts outside of taking warlock levels
                that's was not specify and not a problem of the class, at most a problem of your DM

                > I made that clear enough
                no, you didn't

              • 4 months ago

                when it comes down to it I just think the warlock lacks substance. even if this isn't posing a limitation on other classes (i.e. not allowed to make contracts without taking a warlock level), they're still exclusively relying on that backstory to even be a thing, like no other class does. they have nothing else besides that fact. even a cleric isn't just defined by having a divine powersource, they have limited freedoms which actually enhance the class' identity. a warlock is equivalent to making a "hammer guy" class alongside the fighter, except some DMs also think picking up a hammer means you have to pick a level on that class.

                I never liked warlocks, but I'll play devil's advocate, because I think they're onto something with the "one top-tier spell per rest" combined with low-key magic superpowers. I think there could be a point where warlock makes sense as a rogue-like scoundrel figure who also has cream-skimming magic-for-dummies and who thus makes the real spellcasters look more devoted by comparison.

                Magical pacts should just be part of the gameworld, as a kind of optional reward, and they should have low/mid-powered benefits, combined with annoying RP drawbacks.

              • 4 months ago

                >I think they're onto something with the "one top-tier spell per rest" combined with low-key magic superpowers
                >I think there could be a point where warlock makes sense as a rogue-like scoundrel figure who also has cream-skimming magic-for-dummies and who thus makes the real spellcasters look more devoted by comparison.
                that's a very reasonable point, I appreciate that. and I can agree with that, I think it needs a rework but it could really work as something like a regular guy who picked up an evil magic book and goes to town.

                >Magical pacts should just be part of the gameworld, as a kind of optional reward, and they should have low/mid-powered benefits, combined with annoying RP drawbacks.
                pretty much this, you hit the nail on the head. maybe if warlocks were drawing their powers from a specific source instead of "dude just do whatever as long as its a pact" it could work better, because then nobody would feel compelled to assume that's just how "pacts" work in the setting. like imagine if they were in a symbiotic relationship with the shadowfell or whatever, more of a "venom" type character than just an edgy shadow sorcerer, which I think it's a thing already.

              • 4 months ago

                >because then nobody would feel compelled to assume that's just how "pacts" work in the setting
                People already don't assume because 99% of D&D players don't realize 5e Warlocks don't lose their spells/levels by breaking the Pact and the Pact is more a Boss/Subordinate or Master/Student relationship, with the Warlock keeping whatever powers they already have under the assumption they've worked off the price of those already.

                And heck, if you wanna b***h about that then just go with the 4e Warlock fluff — much less stringent Pact dynamics since there's no assumption you've made a Pact with a single being — could've easily made a different pact for every spell, traded favors as an equal, are in service of a Sorcerer-King, or just straight stole your magic from the corpse of Titan.

              • 4 months ago

                >defending it as "well it's just a prompt so it's a good thing!" is extremely dishonest and shortsighted.
                But can you read?

                The original claim was that warlocks are the more interesting choice, not that the game was more interesting for having warlocks in it.

                >I think this only serves to diminish the idea that other classes can pull similar stuff
                I don't think that's contradictory with warlocks having good roleplay potential. In fact, it's the reason. Other classes don't get to have that backstory so warlocks are more special for it.

                The thing is; what a magic users can do is inherently arbitrary. So if there's gonna be a distinction between classes it HAS to involve lore.
                If you want complete freedom to build your character, you need a point buy system.

                Nobody is saying defending the warlock as game design choice.
                It's not that restricting patrons to warlocks makes the game more interesting. The statement was always that, given the fact that patrons are restricted to warlocks, the warlock is more interesting to take than the wizard.

                This whole conversation is like if I had said
                >The druid is so powerful, it's the best nature class
                and you came back with
                >It's not the best at all, it's lame because it makes the ranger less viable
                Well duh. Those aren't contradictions at all.

              • 4 months ago

                Extremely weird take. Don't know why you're super fixated on the warlock patron like that. It's a source of power like any else. Any class can dabble in a different source - the cleric can acquire a patron, and in the same way a warlock can start revering a deity. Wizards can unlock a sorcerous bloodline and sorcerers can learn magic traditionally. Mechanically, it's called multiclassing. Yet you can still keep it narrative-only.

                Saying warlocks adapt a backstory that uniquely pilfers the option from others is tunnel vision. Wizards have a backstory of learning to use magic. Clerics started their worship for a reason etc.

              • 4 months ago

                when it comes down to it I just think the warlock lacks substance. even if this isn't posing a limitation on other classes (i.e. not allowed to make contracts without taking a warlock level), they're still exclusively relying on that backstory to even be a thing, like no other class does. they have nothing else besides that fact. even a cleric isn't just defined by having a divine powersource, they have limited freedoms which actually enhance the class' identity. a warlock is equivalent to making a "hammer guy" class alongside the fighter, except some DMs also think picking up a hammer means you have to pick a level on that class.

            • 4 months ago

              >I think this only serves to diminish the idea that other classes can pull similar stuff
              I don't think that's contradictory with warlocks having good roleplay potential. In fact, it's the reason. Other classes don't get to have that backstory so warlocks are more special for it.

              The thing is; what a magic users can do is inherently arbitrary. So if there's gonna be a distinction between classes it HAS to involve lore.
              If you want complete freedom to build your character, you need a point buy system.

              • 4 months ago

                NTA, though I'd say it's less that Warlocks get that, and more that it's simply baked in automatically.
                Nothing technically stops a player from having their Fighter be sworn to the service of a king or a powerful dragon or any other entity with a lot of magical or political sway. It's just that such a backstory would need to be an active choice on the player's part.
                By comparison, Warlock simply pushes it right in the player's face that they can shake hands with a powerful magical creature, so it's more obvious for players to lean on.

                You could absolutely just make having a patron into a background option alongside Noble or anything else. It's just that the benefits would need to be greatly diminished or come with a tradeoff, or have it otherwise be on the player to say that their Wizard learned their magic more easily with the help of a demon, or that their Fighter was weak and sickly before a Fey took pity on them and made them as strong as an ox.

              • 4 months ago

                NTA, though I'd say it's less that Warlocks get that, and more that it's simply baked in automatically.
                Nothing technically stops a player from having their Fighter be sworn to the service of a king or a powerful dragon or any other entity with a lot of magical or political sway. It's just that such a backstory would need to be an active choice on the player's part.
                By comparison, Warlock simply pushes it right in the player's face that they can shake hands with a powerful magical creature, so it's more obvious for players to lean on.

                You could absolutely just make having a patron into a background option alongside Noble or anything else. It's just that the benefits would need to be greatly diminished or come with a tradeoff, or have it otherwise be on the player to say that their Wizard learned their magic more easily with the help of a demon, or that their Fighter was weak and sickly before a Fey took pity on them and made them as strong as an ox.

                Create two sets of classes, one for combat abilities and one for lore. Let players mix-and-match.
                The second class could have utility and social class features.

              • 4 months ago

                That's close to what 4e did with Themes.

    • 4 months ago

      >Dragon Kind
      This should include the Gem Dragons and Shadow Dragon.
      >Expanded Spell List
      Fear, Fly, and Hallucinatory Terrain are already Warlock Spells and don't get affected by the damage change thing. Flaming Sphere could be Dragon's Breath and Cloudkill could be Summon Draconic Spirit.
      >Draconic Form
      This should clarify that it only works with Warlock spell slots, just like Eldritch Smite, Draconic Claws is terrible and has no real reason to be chosen over cantrips, Draconic Invocation is unclear as idk if you get to choose an Invocation each time you transform or if you're locked into one chosen invocation when you get the feature, Frightful Presence is too strong for level 1 and steps on Archfey Warlock's toes too hard.
      >Eldritch Breath
      Dragon's Breath does this but better also since your Expanded List does change the damage type you already have a highly flavorful option through that. Now Dragon's Breath isn't on the document there so I get why its here.
      >Draconic Presence
      Draconic Language at level 6 is weird, that's a level 1 thing not 6. Other than that fine.
      >Draconic Protector
      Perfect! No notes!
      >Draconic Essence
      This is broken with Draconic Hide (Which stacks with regular armor), Draconic Heart (In that it oddly doesn't reset), and Frightful Presence (Mass Permanent 60 ft Frighten Aura that last possibly forever). The perma mass frighten is really cool though.

      Also want to mention that Ascended Dragon Monks get shafted here: Wings Unfurled is a 6th level feature that this subclass gets at level 1, Aspect of the Wyrm (Frightful Presence) an 11th level feature is worse than this Frightful Presence at that they get at level 1, Ascendant Aspect (Blindsight) a level 17 feature is worse than this Blindsight at level 1...Its just so much stronger its silly. You also might think the round duration is a problem, but most battles don't last more than 5 Rounds so by 7th level this is pretty much lasting the whole time.

      Also just to mention it while I had it pulled up, the Duration on Draconic Form is a bit unclear. I can't think of many things in 5e that have a "2/3/4/5/6 Round" duration. The closest thing I can think up would be the Smoke Grenade item from the DMG:
      >One round after a smoke grenade lands, it emits a cloud of smoke that creates a heavily obscured area in a 20-foot radius. A moderate wind (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the smoke in 4 rounds...
      I'm not 100% sure if these effects end at the start of your turn on the 4th round of activation or end of your turn on the 4th round of activation. Spells that have a 1 round duration like Shield and Blade Ward clarify that they last until the start or end of your next turn. I feel that should be clarified here.
      >"Your Draconic form last for a number of rounds equal to 1 + the level of the spell slot used to call forth your draconic form. At the start/end of that turn, your form ends."

  21. 4 months ago

    >mimics are unfair and only exist to waste time or punish the players
    okay I guess, that's an opinion one could have
    >let's fix them by making up a meme weasel spirit that only exists to waste time

  22. 4 months ago

    I only get my opinions on table top games from the trans ladies I play Halo themed Arma 3 with.

  23. 4 months ago

    It's funny how many problems he has with D&D just by seeing the thumbnails alone yet he still continues to play it.

    • 4 months ago

      His engagement with something that's popular will bring in people who like that popular thing, and every view, comment, like, and subscription will help his channel, whether he's genuine or not.
      It's really not funny or unusual or strange for someone to sell their soul for "content".
      The best thing to do is not give those things to content creators you dislike, and not advertise their name, moniker, or even their signs/symbols/likeness, so people don't even take a curious look by your influence.
      What's funny is these things are fairly obvious, but OP still went against them in spite of supposedly disliking his content.

  24. 4 months ago

    Found him yesterday. Character concepts are about 50/50 hot and miss, no interest in the homebrew, first half of video is a recap solo don't watch

  25. 4 months ago

    For a board that claims to hate D&D you sure consume a lot of YouTube about D&D...

  26. 4 months ago

    I like Dungeon Dad...

    • 4 months ago

      He's pretty cool, he reminds me of when I had pdfs of old editions and was going through the monmans looking at all the whacky shit.

    • 4 months ago

      >Dungeon Dad
      Honestly a kino tuber, since he tries to breathe SOVL into Fifth with his monster recreations. And unlike the hatgay, actually credits which book of DnD he got the monster from.

    • 4 months ago

      Genuinely good guy, he has good ideas for plothooks and I like the monsters he talks about since I haven't heard of half of them since WotC doesn't wanna port them

    • 4 months ago

      He's doing the lawds work. His monsters are interesting and he tries to revive old material/import new stuff instead of threading the same old ground.

  27. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Haha, no. I've never bought a book for any system I've run or play and I refuse to start now.

      • 4 months ago

        What do you call then the abyssal trench that is 4e then?

        >Dragon Kind
        This should include the Gem Dragons and Shadow Dragon.
        >Expanded Spell List
        Fear, Fly, and Hallucinatory Terrain are already Warlock Spells and don't get affected by the damage change thing. Flaming Sphere could be Dragon's Breath and Cloudkill could be Summon Draconic Spirit.
        >Draconic Form
        This should clarify that it only works with Warlock spell slots, just like Eldritch Smite, Draconic Claws is terrible and has no real reason to be chosen over cantrips, Draconic Invocation is unclear as idk if you get to choose an Invocation each time you transform or if you're locked into one chosen invocation when you get the feature, Frightful Presence is too strong for level 1 and steps on Archfey Warlock's toes too hard.
        >Eldritch Breath
        Dragon's Breath does this but better also since your Expanded List does change the damage type you already have a highly flavorful option through that. Now Dragon's Breath isn't on the document there so I get why its here.
        >Draconic Presence
        Draconic Language at level 6 is weird, that's a level 1 thing not 6. Other than that fine.
        >Draconic Protector
        Perfect! No notes!
        >Draconic Essence
        This is broken with Draconic Hide (Which stacks with regular armor), Draconic Heart (In that it oddly doesn't reset), and Frightful Presence (Mass Permanent 60 ft Frighten Aura that last possibly forever). The perma mass frighten is really cool though.

        Also want to mention that Ascended Dragon Monks get shafted here: Wings Unfurled is a 6th level feature that this subclass gets at level 1, Aspect of the Wyrm (Frightful Presence) an 11th level feature is worse than this Frightful Presence at that they get at level 1, Ascendant Aspect (Blindsight) a level 17 feature is worse than this Blindsight at level 1...Its just so much stronger its silly. You also might think the round duration is a problem, but most battles don't last more than 5 Rounds so by 7th level this is pretty much lasting the whole time.

        The fake summon homosexualry spells which dont actually summon but familiar-spirit form are shit that should be pruned harder than the completely fake shit the mass low cr calling spells turned into in D&Done.
        And fake named elemental monk too. And thats without even going into how monks have right to (and WOTC shouldnt pander to gaygets that demand they get) dragon related abilities beyond combat style till max level as it was with IDM, which served barbarians better either way. Same for rangers, druids, artificers, psions and wizards.

        Also just to mention it while I had it pulled up, the Duration on Draconic Form is a bit unclear. I can't think of many things in 5e that have a "2/3/4/5/6 Round" duration. The closest thing I can think up would be the Smoke Grenade item from the DMG:
        >One round after a smoke grenade lands, it emits a cloud of smoke that creates a heavily obscured area in a 20-foot radius. A moderate wind (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the smoke in 4 rounds...
        I'm not 100% sure if these effects end at the start of your turn on the 4th round of activation or end of your turn on the 4th round of activation. Spells that have a 1 round duration like Shield and Blade Ward clarify that they last until the start or end of your next turn. I feel that should be clarified here.
        >"Your Draconic form last for a number of rounds equal to 1 + the level of the spell slot used to call forth your draconic form. At the start/end of that turn, your form ends."

        There is a decent amount of effects in 5e with sub minute round effects, but its traps, hazards and rarely used items. And pretty sure it is in the PHB as well if not just the DMG that it round durations last till the same initiative is reached (if it doesnt have its own initiative like most non-triggered adventure traps and some explosives).

  28. 4 months ago

    I have not done the dungeons and dragons in many years

  29. 4 months ago

    I liked his Sorcerer-Lich video, dunno if it was original or not, although I think I've heard about it, I just don't know where. Most others though are just things that existed before, made to looked like he made some crazy new discovery.

  30. 4 months ago

    I cannot find anyone out there who matches Spoony's autist charisma when it comes to RPG stories.

  31. 4 months ago

    All opinions about D&D are the worst.

  32. 4 months ago

    Off-topic e-celeb thread? Ads have to be bought.

    • 4 months ago

      op said "dnd", that makes it on topic

  33. 4 months ago

    He stole the Abomination class from 13th Age and acted like it was a brand new invention.

  34. 4 months ago

    This guy creeps me out with how much he references drag queens.

  35. 4 months ago

    Please limit e-celeb advertising threads to


    or similar.

    • 4 months ago

      I agree, I don't know who that person is and I don't care, next time just steal one of his hot-takes and post it here without giving him credit.

  36. 4 months ago

    >play with with group that usually plays 5E
    >gm them Battle Century G because I like mecha
    >they end up really liking the system, say DnD is needless clunky by comparison
    >my brother now wants to run DnD in Battle Century G
    >As in he wants to convert a system designed specifically for mecha into a non-mecha medieval fantasy
    I have mixed feelings on this.

    • 4 months ago

      Tell him to stop being a gay and do fantasy mecha

      • 4 months ago

        Unfortunately it's hard to get people to watch Escaflowne, much less copy it.

  37. 4 months ago

    Sorry, I don't know who this irrelevant e-celeb is. Don't tell me, I'm not interested - maybe just go back to twitter or youtube or wherever you're from instead.

    • 4 months ago

      And yet you still posted here and bumped it.

      • 4 months ago

        >he thinks you need to bump to post
        newbie. Also, yes, this is a garbage thread that should have been deleted.

  38. 4 months ago

    >be me.
    >friends only ever want to play mtg/5e.
    >one friend always needs to add custom rules (lol what if our commanders could be any color!) or clunky homebrew into the games.
    >get tired of it and pick up frostgrave.
    >buy enough victrix minis and some wizards for all of us. paint them. >Make some basic terrain.
    >convince friends to play. Everyone has fun.
    >friend that needs to cram in his homebrew wants to turn our frostgrave games into a game of melee centric type game.
    >tell him there are other game systems out there like that we could try.
    >lol nah. This system is good for that.
    >he convinces everyone else his idea is cool.
    >we are now going to be playing a game of frostgrave without wizards and with a DM and traps/stealth and in a more classic rpg style campaign set in forgotten realms.

    I'm not one to autisticly hate on other systems but what is it about 5E that makes people crave homebrewing shit? Like why can't we just find a different system that does that already instead of trying to cram shit into a system that won't be able to do it very well?

    • 4 months ago

      If you're not a seasoned TTRPG person, learning even babby's first D&D is considered a monumental task and not one they really want to try again, especially since compared to D&D 5e you get diminishing returns in player base and online content even if the content isn't what you're looking for. For these people, pounding the square peg into the round hole is just easier even if it they're still denying themselves exactly what they want, since close enough is still closer.

    • 4 months ago

      I’ve played at least a dozen different tabletop games, wildly different games, and I’m still a huge proponent of homebrewing. This isn’t a 5E thing—the reality is that you’ll never find the perfect game for your group, for the simple reason that it doesn’t exist. There are always compromises that will have been made for the benefit of people not in your group.

      The true end state of any longterm playgroup is the slow development of a game system uniquely their own, spawned from campaigns run across multiple editions of multiple games, and no longer directly compatible with any of them. You alone will know what best suits your group, and there’s no reason to ignore that in favor of abiding by some corporation’s idea of what will be easiest to sell you.

      • 4 months ago

        Sorry anon but trying to ram mechanics/rules/gameplay into a system not designed to handle such things is stupid. It's better to find a different system closer to what you want and than add little tweaks to taste rather than trying to turn a system into something it isn't.
        Take my friend for instance, he wants to mangle frostgrave into a melee centric and DM ran campaign. It's mind boggling dumb the amount of work being poured into it when we could just look around for a different system that fits closer to that.
        I've literally only seen 5E players try to completely and utterly retool their system into an abomination of ideas. When a normal person wants to play a mech game they look around and pick up battle tech, Lancer or any other mech system. A 5E player tries to graft mech combat into 5E.

        • 4 months ago

          >I've literally only seen 5E players try to completely and utterly retool their system into an abomination of ideas.
          You've never heard of GURPS?

          • 4 months ago

            Not him but there's a slight but vital difference there: gurps (or any other universal systems) is built from inception with modularity in mind, also you get all the tools you need to accommodate different playstyles from the get go (with defined mutually exclusive rules you can enable/disable). Also you won't get a wildly different game result but always the one the game was designed on, in gurps case simulationism.

            5e can be a universal system but the work to get there is 10fold unless there's someone that did that before you for the specific purpose you're working on, without any guideline of sort (for example can you use the very same gamist framework on different games? Of course you can, but how? Do you have any guideline of sort?).

            Picrel is an example of a gurps game using simulationism to accomodate something wildly cinematic (a mahō shojō game). You can easily do that in gurps because you have genre specific guidelines (which in the specific example are chambara movie rules and supernatural power rules) that you can use to break down the theme in his essentials, in 5e you don't have any of that (or some vague pointer at best) hence not an universal system.

          • 4 months ago

            You mean the game system that's designed to be as modular as possible?

            >Sorry anon but trying to ram mechanics/rules/gameplay into a system not designed to handle such things is stupid.
            That's always been a trendy opinion around here and it's still wrong. It comes from RPG book enjoyers, from nogames as well as from manygames, who don't really understand the investment of time and effort that is needed for a normal game group to set their normal game asside and learn a new one. You also underestimate the value of having a system that 'clicks' for a group, and you understate the value of homebrew. I've known a lot of people who have used D&D for weird non-D&D shit and none of them regretted it, they had way more fun with that than they would have had shopping for a new system.

            Trying to homebrew a system into something it can't do very well instead of picking up a new system that already does what you want is pants on head moronic. It doesn't matter if your current system "clicks" with your group.
            >ummm that's a trendy opinion and it's wrong.
            Sorry anon but your opinion is wrong.

            • 4 months ago

              >Trying to homebrew a system into something it can't do very well
              This is another widespread misconception, you're pretending like most games have a carefully-considered and carefully-engineered system intended to best reflect the genre that it depicts. This isn't true, most games just sort of fall into place by accident. Abstract hitpoints are a shit-tier decisions for a medieval fantasy game about exploration and danger, but nobody cares, it doesn't matter as much as you think it does. Storyteller is even worse, the only Storyteller game that should actually be using the Storyteller system is Mage, because Mage is supposed to be wacky. But again, people don't care, it doesn't matter as much as you think it does.
              >It doesn't matter if your current system "clicks" with your group.
              Nothing matters more. You are a buffoon.

              • 4 months ago

                It's not a misconception.

              • 4 months ago

                It is. If your group hates hitpoints, and thinks they ruin the illusion of conflict and danger, then you shouldn't use hitpoints, ever, in any system. If your group likes hitpoints, then you should use a system with hitpoints, regardless of what genre you're in. You know I'm right.

                On the flip side, when a system uses hitpoints, that rarely if EVER has ANYTHING to do with the genre in question. Systems use hitpoints because they were designed by people who like hitpoints.

              • 4 months ago

                >This is another widespread misconception, you're pretending like most games have a carefully-considered and carefully-engineered system intended to best reflect the genre that it depicts.
                And your pretending I'm talking about minor tweaking of rules to fit one groups tastes or creating custom campaigns. I'm specifically talking about taking something like frostgrave. A game skirmish miniature wargame that runs off a single d20 with no GM, that revolves around wizards throwing spells at eachother and trying to collect treasure. Taking this system and trying to twist and contort it to make it martial combat centric, DM run, and campaign heavy centric TTrpg.
                >nothing matters more. You are a buffoon.
                Name-calling is a sign of insecurity anon.

              • 4 months ago

                >And your pretending I'm talking about minor tweaking of rules to fit one groups tastes or creating custom campaigns.
                No, anon, I'm talking about homebrewing games to do things that they were blatantly not intended to do, and why that's better than just learning a new game.

                I’ve played at least a dozen different tabletop games, wildly different games, and I’m still a huge proponent of homebrewing. This isn’t a 5E thing—the reality is that you’ll never find the perfect game for your group, for the simple reason that it doesn’t exist. There are always compromises that will have been made for the benefit of people not in your group.

                The true end state of any longterm playgroup is the slow development of a game system uniquely their own, spawned from campaigns run across multiple editions of multiple games, and no longer directly compatible with any of them. You alone will know what best suits your group, and there’s no reason to ignore that in favor of abiding by some corporation’s idea of what will be easiest to sell you.

                is completely right. I wouldn't use frostgrave for a dungeon crawl, but if I had a buddy who was totally committed to making that work then I would get excited, he's probably on to something.

              • 4 months ago

                I completely disagree.

                Also, and I don't expect you to swallow this, but adding a DM to a DM-less game is an extremely minor tweak. It's way easier than, say, switching between an injury system and a hitpoint system. You aren't going to accept that because you're assigning too much value to the designer's intent. It's like taking someone else's biscuit recipe and using it to make dumplings, except that the food/cooking analogy has always been misleading, because a good game is way, way, way more subjective than good food.

                >It's a minor tweak.
                Not really, considering there's zero rules for it in frostgrave since it's a player Vs player game.
                >your assigning too much value to the designers intent.
                Lol what? I'm simply saying it would be easier and better to go back to playing 5E or another ttrpg than trying to contort a skirmish wargame into a ttrpg.
                >food analogy.

              • 4 months ago

                >Not really, considering there's zero rules for it in frostgrave since it's a player Vs player game.
                You're just not very clever are you? Adding a GM to a GM-less game is extremely easy. If it makes you feel better, you can copy one of those "This is how you play pretend" intros from literally-any TTRPG, then copy/paste your new core mechanics into the next page. Boom, you're done.
                >I'm simply saying it would be easier and better to go back to playing 5E
                In this case you are obviously wrong, the guy wants to base his game on frostgrave, that means that he should base his game on frostgrave.
                >trying to contort a skirmish wargame into a ttrpg.
                Where do you think TTRPGs came from?

              • 4 months ago

                >You're just not very clever are you?
                No need to get defensive anon. I simply disagree with you.
                >In this case you are obviously wrong.
                How so? There are systems that do what he wants to do simpler, smoother and objectively better than what he is trying to do. Just because he is homebrewing dosen't automatically mean what he is doing is good.
                >Where do you think TTRPGs came from?
                Yes and? ttrpgs started out as skirmish wargames with new rules added to them because no system previously existed for that type if gameplay. The difference being today there are lots of games to fill every niche.

              • 4 months ago

                >How so? There are systems that do what he wants
                You are blatantly ignoring what he wants, that's your problem.
                >objectively better than
                You're just not very clever.
                >The difference being today there are lots of games to fill every niche.
                There really aren't. See

                I’ve played at least a dozen different tabletop games, wildly different games, and I’m still a huge proponent of homebrewing. This isn’t a 5E thing—the reality is that you’ll never find the perfect game for your group, for the simple reason that it doesn’t exist. There are always compromises that will have been made for the benefit of people not in your group.

                The true end state of any longterm playgroup is the slow development of a game system uniquely their own, spawned from campaigns run across multiple editions of multiple games, and no longer directly compatible with any of them. You alone will know what best suits your group, and there’s no reason to ignore that in favor of abiding by some corporation’s idea of what will be easiest to sell you.

                Also, like I said earlier, most systems aren't properly customized to fit the genre that they're in, it's simply the designer's favorite mechanics combines with the designer's favorite genre, because personal taste is what actually matters here.

                I've GMd a game of pokemon cards. I've also written a stand-alone boss-fight scenario meant to be played with pokemon cards but without a GM. Guess which one was harder?

              • 4 months ago

                >umm your wrong x3
                Okay. I disagree x3.

              • 4 months ago

                I know you're doing your best, just keep thinking about it. You're still in the "clinging to conventional wisdom" phase, it hasn't really sunk in yet.

              • 4 months ago

                >umm your not smart.
                Insults like this are a sign of insecurity anon. We had a discussion, we disagree and neither of us convinced the other. Leave it at that.

              • 4 months ago

                I wouldn't, I'd call him a fricking idiot and tell him to stop trying to waste my time.

              • 4 months ago

                Also, and I don't expect you to swallow this, but adding a DM to a DM-less game is an extremely minor tweak. It's way easier than, say, switching between an injury system and a hitpoint system. You aren't going to accept that because you're assigning too much value to the designer's intent. It's like taking someone else's biscuit recipe and using it to make dumplings, except that the food/cooking analogy has always been misleading, because a good game is way, way, way more subjective than good food.

        • 4 months ago

          >Sorry anon but trying to ram mechanics/rules/gameplay into a system not designed to handle such things is stupid.
          That's always been a trendy opinion around here and it's still wrong. It comes from RPG book enjoyers, from nogames as well as from manygames, who don't really understand the investment of time and effort that is needed for a normal game group to set their normal game asside and learn a new one. You also underestimate the value of having a system that 'clicks' for a group, and you understate the value of homebrew. I've known a lot of people who have used D&D for weird non-D&D shit and none of them regretted it, they had way more fun with that than they would have had shopping for a new system.

          • 4 months ago

            Not him but you're a massive mongoloid, unless your group is composed by literal special ed kids there's no fricking problem whatsoever in introducing new games as long as you're the one running it (within limits obviously, you can just slap necrotica on the table and expect the average person to humor you)

        • 4 months ago

          >normal people
          Normal people might know what Mechwarrior and Gundam are, they aren't playing the commie mech game

          • 4 months ago

            Do the Lancer devs really have so little self awareness?

            • 4 months ago

              What makes you think that they lack self-awareness?

          • 4 months ago

            I remember one of my friends actually homebrewed in a monetary system because he hated the fact Lancer was so stupidly communist his mercenary contractor game basically made no sense lol.

            • 4 months ago

              Funnily enough, even Barbarians of Lemuria has a more sensible monetary system, despite explicitly not having one and pointing out that if you're doing the genre right, you should be a huge spendthrift constantly in search of your next big score.

    • 4 months ago

      They watch critical role and dimension 20 and go "WOOOOW THIS IS SO COOL HAHA ROLL FOR EMPHASIS AND RULE OF COOL ARE SUCH GOOD IDEAS"

  39. 4 months ago

    Off-topic crap about some youtube schizo? Really?

    • 4 months ago

      It's pretty on-topic actually. I still hate youtubers, we should have never allowed people to upload videos of themselves talking, that was a mistake.

  40. 4 months ago
  41. 4 months ago

    Ok? Who cares about some random e-celeb? Frick off.

  42. 4 months ago

    Buy a banner or frick off

  43. 4 months ago

    >saw one of his videos
    damn you guys were right this guy is just (incorrectly) reading off small sections of a wiki

    • 4 months ago

      Great reason to bump an off topic slop thread, moron.

  44. 4 months ago

    Advertising isn't allowed.

    • 4 months ago

      OP said "dnd" that makes it an on topic discussion.

      • 4 months ago

        I guess we're stuck with this obvious viral marketing for the next few hours at least.

  45. 4 months ago

    My homebrew
    Is actually very balanced.

  46. 4 months ago

    Tried to watch a video of this guy.

    He constantly went on a tangent on how much he hate dragons in a very cringe and annoying way.
    Dislike dragons is already a hot take but outright INTENSE hate over a fictional creature has to be lne of the weirdest hil to die on.
    Cringed very hard and I plan to avoid ever watching him again.

    • 4 months ago

      Dragons are cringe and their fanbase tends to be degenerate furries and zoophiles like Vaush.

      • 4 months ago

        I have no ideia who that lerdon is or whst their connection to dragons is.

        Eitherway I don't want to hear about it on an unrelated video.

    • 4 months ago

      >outright INTENSE hate over a fictional creature has to be lne of the weirdest hil to die on
      I agree with you on other points, but you're on a board where there are dozens of anons that hold far more intense grudges for far more stupid things.

      • 4 months ago

        Like what?

        • 4 months ago

          And I think a forum is the appropriate space for that, a video about an unrelated topic is not.
          I wouldn't even be mad about he going insane on a video about hating dragons but the fact the video had nothing to do with it really vexed me.

    • 4 months ago

      lol u must be new here, just gtfo and stop wasting our time with ur lame post. ur ideas are trash and no one cares about them. go back to ur basement and stay there.

  47. 4 months ago

    Buy an ad

  48. 4 months ago


  49. 4 months ago

    Frick off

  50. 4 months ago

    >when XPtoLevel3, PuffinForest and abserd exist

  51. 4 months ago

    Buy an ad, we don't care.

  52. 4 months ago

    I liked his homebrew Bard Lich called an Intoner.


    Never seen any of his other videos.

  53. 4 months ago

    buy an ad

    • 4 months ago

      This isn't reddit, buy an ad or have a nice day. Preferably the latter.

      Very mysterious how this advertising thread gets bumped with some inane reply whenever it reaches page 9 or 10. Hmmmmmm...

      >youtuber gets criticized
      >defence force plays the false flag in an attempt to delegitimise the thread

      • 4 months ago

        >viral marketer uses reverse psychology to advertise his shitty channel
        >keeps bumping off-topic thread about his shitty channel

        • 4 months ago

          >I'm such a maladapted moron that when someone tells me something is bad I will be more interested, therefore advertising must work this way! If McDonalds released the McTurd and said it gives you AIDS, I'd be first in line

          • 4 months ago

            It ain't fricking working. You can stop bumping your spam thread now, homosexual.

            • 4 months ago

              >nyooooooooo dis is my board! my safe space! I decide what threads are allowed!
              You unironically need to take a break from this site lmao

              • 4 months ago

                So you admit you're advertising, lol.

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                You can stop trying, I'm not buying it.

  54. 4 months ago

    This isn't reddit, buy an ad or have a nice day. Preferably the latter.

  55. 4 months ago

    >"Dwarves have Scottish accents because... Because!"
    This actually happened?

  56. 4 months ago

    Very mysterious how this advertising thread gets bumped with some inane reply whenever it reaches page 9 or 10. Hmmmmmm...

    • 4 months ago

      Bumpboy gets a tummy ache if he doesn't keep his special interests bumped, you see.

    • 4 months ago

      Gato sexo

  57. 4 months ago

    The only channel where actually trust the Homebrew

  58. 4 months ago

    Just watched one of his videos, you're absolutely right

  59. 4 months ago

    Why is this e-celeb thread here? This isn't the e-celeb board.

  60. 4 months ago

    traditional games???

    • 4 months ago

      Oh I can help you there. You see, people who talk about traditional games are connected to traditional games because traditional games are the subject of their discussion just as they are on this board.

      • 4 months ago

        e-celebs are not traditional games, I'd suggest Ganker, they like them.

        • 4 months ago

          Righto, so companies that make traditional games are also banned for discussion here because the companies themselves are not traditional games? Those threads should be...on Ganker?

          • 4 months ago

            Maybe we don't need 2 300 post threads every time Hasbro posts a disastrous financial loss.

      • 4 months ago

        Best tabletop game to play while drinking Mountain Dew?

  61. 4 months ago

    >You are a fricking moron shitting up /tg/

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