prease undastan make game difficult

prease undastan make game difficult

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    Maybe it's because they keep hiring women?

    • 9 months ago


  2. 9 months ago

    fire the whole HR department, the minorities, the transexuals and every single women.

  3. 9 months ago

    Breast milk expeditions takes a long time to cultivate

  4. 9 months ago

    >8k asset creation, Ultrawide, RTX, etc.
    has never made a game better
    >Dedicated servers, online security
    those aren't new requirements
    >Building for more platforms
    there aren't more currently used platforms for games than there used to be
    >Better support of the game's ecosystem
    ie skinner's box player retention maximization that actively makes a game worse
    >Faster cadence of updates
    patching bugs is not a new thing
    >New laws / regulations
    That is also not a recent development and what the frick is your piece of shit game doing to my computer that you should have to worry about violating my privacy?

    so, big-budget games are worse now and take longer to make even though they have more people working on them, because more effort is increasingly put into things that either don't make them any better or actually make them worse. sounds about right

    • 9 months ago

      Also, none of these are *legal* requirements.
      Your game doesn't *legally* require 8k. It doesn't legally require dedicated servers. Shit like that. Nothing they've mentioned is a legal requirement.
      I love watching people lie to excuse the fact that devs are lazier than fricking ever, and most big studios will just toss money at a problem until it's "solved," or it starts making them money in turn. Normies will eat these excuses the frick up, though, just like "Covid," became a catch-all term for "everything is going to be months/years late, now"

      • 9 months ago

        the fricking funny part is dedicated servers just don't exist anymore and only existed in a time period when video games were made by small groups of people
        and took less time to make than you could say waiting for some autist to replace the button icons to the proper controller

        modern video games are just gay and shitty products
        every single dev I once knew and loved their games has gone down the toilet and chased greed down to the very bottom of the barrel until they were left with no choice but to be pushed off a cliff or went bankrupt trying to make the best games they could

    • 9 months ago

      it used to be unusual for games to release cross-platform. now it's expected.

      the things that make games worse are nonetheless expected in today's market.

      games get far more content updates nowadays than they used to. you used to buy one or maybe two expansion packs for 15 bucks each and then it was on to the next. and even then, most games did not have expansions.

      any online game needs to comply with stricter regulations now just by virtue of connecting your pc to a remote machine.

      it's a fair enough list, although the play is obviously to make a low- mid-budget game and let the AAA space atrophy for the most part.

      obviously it won't. as much as we dislike it, mammoth project AAA shovelware is profitable for the most part.

      • 9 months ago

        >now it's expected
        and that's a good thing but also are you really pretending it's hard to port a game released on x86 is hard to port to pc? also there's no reasoning as to why you should limit your market to only consoles
        that's just moronic
        I thought you wanted to make money
        >my multiplayer shit
        frick that nonsense

        • 9 months ago

          a port is enough effort that most get outsourced, isn't it?

          • 9 months ago

            which fricking expansion was an entire game in its own right dude? stop coping. d2lod was lauded as one of the best expansion packs of all time and it had 1 new act and 2 classes or something. it was awesome, but it wasn't a full game.

            and that's an expansion pack. i don't know any game from back in the day that actually got a free content update or anything like it. several niche titles i've bought this year alone have already had their first.

            it's obvious to me that the guy is not talking about bug fixes because of course the game should work.


            about ports

            • 9 months ago

              I cannot think of any except for some old pc games
              unless this homosexual is going off about the witcher which yeah frick him
              that game series is garbage

          • 9 months ago

            which fricking expansion was an entire game in its own right dude? stop coping. d2lod was lauded as one of the best expansion packs of all time and it had 1 new act and 2 classes or something. it was awesome, but it wasn't a full game.

            and that's an expansion pack. i don't know any game from back in the day that actually got a free content update or anything like it. several niche titles i've bought this year alone have already had their first.

            it's obvious to me that the guy is not talking about bug fixes because of course the game should work.


            about ports

            >a port is enough effort that most get outsourced, isn't it?
            That's like pointing out that execs hire someone to clean the studio instead of making devs do it

            • 9 months ago

              yeah in a conversation where someone for some reason thinks the floors clean themselves

      • 9 months ago

        >it used to be unusual for games to release cross-platform. now it's expected.
        porting is as easy as ever thanks to off-the-shelf engines so get fricked.
        >games get updates
        games used to have patches. remember filefront, morono?
        >expansion packs
        those usually were entire games in their own right. it's on a whole different level compared to paying $10 a pop for a shitty season pass that contains 2 or 3 characters or 1 or 2 missions.
        >any online game needs to comply with stricter regulations now
        thanks to having microtransactions, marketplaces, and all kinds of money-sucking schemes
        >it's a fair enough list
        it's not, you pathetic ledditor

    • 9 months ago


  5. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      somehow X, X-2 and XI don't count as 3d cg games?

      • 9 months ago

        uhhhh reasons? despite the graphics were real time

        odd how they can make up endless excuses as to why games take decades to make but could come up with final fantasy x in almost no time
        is it the fact that it takes 8 years to make textures for cloud's ugly realistic face?

      • 9 months ago

        I think he's basically referring to how much work goes into the cutscenes. For how fricking shit of a game it is, FFXIII is really good looking. Probably one of the prettiest games on the market at the time. And that's basically the problem. Square is the case study of diminishing returns on the effort put into visuals.

    • 9 months ago

      >it's like a whole film production now!

      Yeah that's the problem. Instead of making a game devs are making movies.
      Shit to cut: mocap, voice "actors" (hire some guy with sovl off the street have the audio engineers spend some time with them and youll get 10x better result), marketing, spending $$ on influencers to play your game, HR, UX gays, play "testers", empathy 'consultants', minority inclusivity officers.
      Include some cosmetic mtx if you want to be a c**t about it otherwise sell a full game

      There you've saved millions and can focus on making a game that functions. Have some devs that are making what they actually want to play and theyll pump something decent out in no time.

      • 9 months ago

        Don't forget ~~*ethics departments*~~

    • 9 months ago

      Nintendo releases what like 8 games a year, Square Enix could definitely do 1 major FF title per year if they would just control scope and think about where they are going with visuals, just take the approach seen in FFX where you control the camera to cut down on scene complexity, you don't need to be able to walk down every street in a city.

  6. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Bro the post catastrophe scenario wasnt' even ready when you RELEASED FFVI

  7. 9 months ago

    the "legal requirements" only matter if you're busy data farming your fricking users instead of making a video game

  8. 9 months ago


  9. 9 months ago

    This one pisses me off because he hides behind changing laws as if he doesn't fully support all those laws, saying you don't make the rules is meaningless if you aren't actually against them

  10. 9 months ago

    >prease undastan make game difficult
    it literally is though

    • 9 months ago

      it wasn't 20 years ago and games were better then

  11. 9 months ago

    But your technology has evolved to keep with the game demands. You have threadrippers and multicore threading. You have no excuse Black person

  12. 9 months ago

    >making games is hard because I need to make meetings with my lawyers in order to find loopholes that allow me to steal your data

  13. 9 months ago

    No, they haven't. Devs did brought everything on themselves by including tons of pointless shit nobody asked for
    >telemetry and data collection
    >centralized online servers (instead of letting people self-host their games)
    >game updates and patches
    >social media integration and internet-connected social features
    >cash shops/microtransactions, DLC, lootboxes, subscriptions, battle passes, etc.
    >10 different audio tracks when all you need is English+Nip
    >gigantic 8000K textures with absurdly high-res assets scanned via 3D scanners
    >tons of moronic eyecandy no one needs (e.g. hairworks, memetracing)
    And multiplatform releases are easier than ever thanks to off-the-shelf engines being widely portable.

    • 9 months ago

      >>10 different audio tracks when all you need is English+Nip
      Weebs should all die.

      • 9 months ago

        your right jap games don't need to be dubbed in the first place

  14. 9 months ago

    I just want games that don't insist on taking up 50+ gigs of space, so they can look good.

    • 9 months ago

      That’s a stupid request, games have always taken up relatively significant space. You may as well say you want games that run at 480p, or that can run on a single core.

      • 9 months ago

        >You may as well say you want games that run at 480p
        most of the best ones I've ever played did run at 480, soooo

        • 9 months ago

          i dont hate 4k but dam is that shit taxing

      • 9 months ago

        I'd rather regress graphics, if it meant I could play more fun games without having to uninstall other fun games all the time.
        The industry trying to see who can take the most space on my SSD or HDD certainly isn't making me enthusiastic about modern triple A games, when I can just emulate some old stuff that's fun but looks jank

        • 9 months ago

          You can just buy a larger drive, they are relatively cheap - I don’t uninstall any games, ever, though I also don’t buy every new game that comes out.

      • 9 months ago

        there's nothing wrong with games being played at 720p
        so I don't see the harm
        you don't 8 million pixels to enjoy a video game and you don't need a giant open world
        some of the best adventure games were well hidden pathways where you only had 2-4 options to walk down and you had to backtrack

      • 9 months ago

        480 was the standard when games were at their peak so that sounds great actually.

      • 9 months ago

        >You may as well say you want games that run at 480p, or that can run on a single core.
        Sounds fine to me graphicsgays deserve the rope.

  15. 9 months ago

    And let's not movie games and walking sims where all you do is walk from point A to B while characters gesticulate like puppets as the player is reduced to rolling his eyes.

  16. 9 months ago

    the *legal* requirements?

    • 9 months ago

      >*legal* requirements
      >spyw- er, I mean data collection policies
      >EULA, privacy policy, and ToS
      >complying with shit like anti-money laundering regulations
      >potential legal liability over user submissions
      >warranty, refunds, and other applicable legislation
      >clearing the rights to shit
      >asking the lawyers about permissible je- I mean monetization schemes (e.g. lootboxes, battle passes)
      >getting shit through censor boards

  17. 9 months ago

    RTX (so, raytracing) makes development significantly easier. The stuff following doesn’t affect most games.

  18. 9 months ago

    They are also mandated to hire 90% women/minorities/troons. Every time some code gets completed a troon offs themselves, a woman accuses the only white man in the company of sexual assault and the minori

  19. 9 months ago

    berry berry drifriccrurt

  20. 9 months ago

    Half this shit is scope creep and the other half is soothing the ass of wankers who will never calm their shit.
    But hey, frick writing for yourself or your audience, write for a bunch of bureaucrats. That'll fricking work out.
    Thing is i love you devs, you're there doing shit i wish i could, but frick you kowtow to some stupid shit or get too full of yourself that you lose sight of what you set out to do.
    Wish it was more like acting for you sorts. You do the shit for the big company to get cash for the passion project. Make sure people know the difference. And bam, you will fricking kick ass purely based on your talent and effort instead of being forced to release more and more dross.

  21. 9 months ago

    Maybe...try making games with any type of style instead on spending 5 years making sure you can see each characters skin pores?
    Maybe youknow, try to make anything remotely interesting instead of just making muh realism.

  22. 9 months ago

    The real problem with AAA games is that they don't move the medium of games forward, all they do is use bleeding edge tech to create the same games we've had for over a decade.

  23. 9 months ago

    Most of the time you just upscale them
    >Dedicated servers
    Almost everything is P2P, what servers?
    >More platforms
    Oh my, the engine handing everything for you is not enough? And besides the Switch, everything works under the same architecture so they don't have to figure out hardware specific implementations
    Ok, that's a decent point but not that new
    >Faster updates
    Updates are a god send, now you gays don't need to launch games on a stable state. Also, not new, even during the SNES days games got patches
    >New regulations
    Not recent, even CERO autism is a decade old and the data collection started during the 360 days

    Finally, a lot of this shit only applies to AAA and Freemium shit so what gives?

  24. 9 months ago

    wait are devs and gaming companies forced to make shittier games because they have to make 8k+ assets?
    Like 90% of that list feel optional

  25. 9 months ago

    All of that is self imposed

  26. 9 months ago

    The other day I played an Indie game and it didn't ask me to accept a 50 pages contract, that was pretty cool.

  27. 9 months ago

    >8k asset
    Who fricking asked for this? is this why games are so bloated nowadays?

  28. 9 months ago


  29. 9 months ago

    >Increased visual fidelity
    >8k+ asset creation, Ultrawide, RTX, etc
    NIntendo does none of these things and still makes good games with minimal flaws
    >But is baby games...
    Just because they are not games to your taste does not mean that the games are not good, and in fact they have less problems than the competition because they put the graphics as a secondary issue
    And all this from someone who plays on PC, I'm not a fanboy of anyone and I don't even need a Switch to notice that

  30. 9 months ago

    Xenoblade 3 in 4k, there's a few areas you could improve the graphics, but I'd be fine if games looked around this and took only around 3.5 years to make by a studio of less than 300 staff simultaneously working on 3+ other projects.

  31. 9 months ago

    It's definitely not because you hire worthless, talentless dumb homosexuals who think about homosexualry all day

  32. 9 months ago

    How the first 5 points makes any game better?

    • 9 months ago

      they draw in more customers such that on average revenue increases more than what it costs to add these features.

      • 9 months ago

        Ok, so it gives the devs more money. But how does that make a game better?

        • 9 months ago

          you think the function of a game is to entertain.

          the people who fund the games which are played by most players (the ones that matter and define the medium) think the function of a game is to draw in players and monetize their engagement.

          different goals, different ideas of what makes a good game.

  33. 9 months ago

    >bunch of useless irrelevant shit to singleplayer games
    >Durr it needs to be like this ... BECAUSE IT JUST DOES!!

  34. 9 months ago

    >8k+ asset creation, ultrawide, rtx, etc.
    unnecessary, only caters to a group of subhumans who don't mind waiting half an hour while the game compiles shaders so it looks the same as a 2010 game but with filters
    >improved online experience
    >rest of the stuff i can't be bothered to write

  35. 9 months ago

    I don't care anymore. I'll always be able to find the games I want, I have millions of old games to play. I still buy new games but if they have any online components then I don't play them. Everything happening in gaming right now is perfect and I don't have the energy to complain about things I would never play.

  36. 9 months ago

    Literally all of these things just make games worse.

    The best game I played this year was made by a team of 2 people in their garage. It had over 60 hours of content, the fanciest art tool used was MS Paint, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

  37. 9 months ago

    my favorite game i played in the last few years was text-based and didn't even have graphics

  38. 9 months ago

    >noooo we NEED our game to have 16k rock textures!

  39. 9 months ago

    I can't believe they're legally required to have 8k textures.

  40. 9 months ago

    >8k+ assets
    fricking nonsense, and the base 1k/2k res we get looks worse than proper 512x512 textures that existed in games ten years ago.
    Art tools progress faster than player hardware and always have. It is EASIER and FASTER to make HIGHER QUALITY game assets than ever before, most of the tools are nothing but 1-click-next-layer after the 3d model is built. Texture generation is equally fricking easier - base assets often come from an improvement of previously made last gen stuff. 90+% of assets are just mildly improved last gen stuff.
    >increased online experience
    irrelevant for 90+% of games released. utterly irrelevant bullshit.
    >building for more platforms
    Consoles have effectively been PC hardware for tej years now. Total, utter bullshit.
    >crossplay / cross progression
    Games have had savefile playthrough into a new game since the 90s.
    >faster cadence of updates
    Bull. Shit. Fixing the myriad of bugs forcefully and willingly pushed through to release is not an excuse.
    >new laws
    Bahaha. Oh. Wow. Fricking lol.
    >new tools
    >new processes
    >more people
    90% of game work capable college grads are art asset/3d modeling/digital design graduates. The field is so fricking wide open teenage ametuers make high quality mods in their free time.

    Who is this guy? Frick this guy.
    What a god damn butthole.

    The reality is capable core programmers get paid insanely more to backend/webdev for the big companies, banks, and overvalued startups.
    Game industry pays like shit by comparison, overworks, and has moronic deadline ideas and nobody with rral understanding or talent wants to work gamedev.

    Frick off with this nonsense.
    Modern games get dev'd like shit, suckass, need years of patches, get horrible ports, etc because the industry just does not attract seriously good programmers and shits all over the programmers who try.

    I need another drink these people live in a different, nonsensical universe.

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