Prince of Qin

If you love Baldur's Gate, then you owe it to yourself to play this game. It's a Chinese (non-Taiwanese) developed RPG from 2001, taking place in a mythological history version of China where you play as a fugitive prince trying to uncover the mystery behind your father's death. It's a better successor to BG1 than either BG2 or BG3 in the sense that it's highly non-linear, zones are seamlessly connected, there is lots of wilderness to explore, various npcs that can be recruited throughout the world, and the quests feel very low stakes. There are also some Diablo like elements to the gameplay much like Divine Divinity, but PoQ is far more BG than Diablo whereas the same can't be said about Divine Divinity (although DD has plenty of Ultima 7 influence as well). The game is pretty well written too despite some awful voiceacting and bad translation. If you like the game, then there's a prequel/sequel called 'Seal of Evil' which is worth playing as well. Both games can be found on steam and GOG.

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  1. 8 months ago

    The atmosphere and soundtrack are excellent too

  2. 8 months ago

    Will try it out, looks good.

  3. 8 months ago

    Looks cool, thanks for putting it on my radar

  4. 8 months ago

    Herro friend,

    I am a writing thisa because I pray your a game and it was very good for the fun timea after a working for maya peopre!

  5. 8 months ago

    >If you love Baldur's Gate, then you owe it to yourself to play this game
    don't insult Prince of Qin like that

  6. 8 months ago

    I played this game and unfortunately it kinda sucks. Once the novelty of the setting wears off the gameplay isn't that great.

    • 8 months ago

      The gameplay is fun in the same way that Gothic is fun. The world is incredibly dense (much moreso than BG1) and full of danger and secrets, and it doesn't hold your hand at all. Go off the beaten path and you will most likely get your shit kicked in, but if you are clever and kite/run away from high level enemies then you will be rewarded for it. The combat itself might be janky and unbalanced, but you can count the number of good RPGs on one hand where there isn't the case. Now on the contrary, if you were to count the number of RPGs with exploration comparable to Prince of Qin, you would be very hard pressed.

  7. 8 months ago

    I will also state how refreshing it is to have found a low stakes, low fantasy RPG where your companions are essentially regular people and you go around solving believable problems for NPCs that don't leave you feeling like a superhero. Overindulgent power fantasies have been the genre's biggest plague for a long time.

  8. 8 months ago

    >Prince of Qin
    Its sequel, Seal of Evil, was also released GOG just last week.

  9. 8 months ago

    looks alright.
    reminds me a bit more of Throne of Darkness but I can see the BG1 resemblance too.

    • 8 months ago

      Throne of Darkness is linear and doesn't have any NPCs or sidequests as far as I know which is why I never bothered playing it. Also the setting is feudal Japan.
      I can say with relative confidence that I don't think there's any game closer to BG1 design-wise than Prince of Qin, and that includes BG2 as well. I think BG2 is a great game mind you, but it was a pretty big departure from what the first game great whereas PoQ feels like a true love letter.

      • 8 months ago

        ToD literally has sidequests and NPCs.
        You just gotta know where to find them. They're often hidden.

        • 8 months ago

          Huh, I guess I'll give it another look then

  10. 8 months ago

    >It's a Chinese (non-Taiwanese)
    You mean Lesser Taiwan?

  11. 8 months ago

    >It's a Chinese (non-Taiwanese)
    Stopped reading right there

  12. 8 months ago

    Does it have gaysex

  13. 8 months ago

    Ty OP will check these out

  14. 8 months ago

    Sweet mother of Sun Tzu an actual game recommendation with a detailed synopsis of what I can expect which acts as evidence supporting the poster's opinion instead of yelling and screaming about how moronic and transexual those with opposing opinions are, thank you OP.

  15. 8 months ago

    As a teen I had this game free from a magazine and didn't even give it a try. A shame because BG was my favourite game, replayed it non-stop and was in despair for not having more content or a game that would feel similar (2 didn't count).

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