Project Moon

his turn now
having seen the story and fightan mechanics can you say that you have fAith now?

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    We havent seen the Gacha element yet, cept the currency
    So still cautious

    • 2 years ago

      How bad could it be?
      Ruina had a very generous pity system which, actually, isn't comp gacha illegal in Japan because of some GBF frick-up?
      The question is what is gonna be dumped into the gacha pool, and how dupes will work.
      Something like Ruina key pages, where identity has 5 passives, and you unlock them based on dupes?

      • 2 years ago

        Thats the thing
        We literally don't know
        It MIGHT be good
        It also MIGHT be bad

      • 2 years ago


        IIRC, the GBF fiasco was about rates not being known to the player. One of the Divine Generals had an absurdly low rate up. Now gacha games are required to show how little of a chance players have to draw a certain character.

        • 2 years ago

          No that's another thing. I remembered how it worked wrong, shit was really tough 10 years ago before pity existed.
          I'm talking about the system where you needed to get 5 different coupons from the gacha, and could exchange those 5 for the actual chase item.

      • 2 years ago

        it was some mobage browser gacha that got combu banned, i think it was im@s cinderella girls

      • 2 years ago

        >Something like Ruina key pages, where identity has 5 passives, and you unlock them based on dupes?
        Things like that aren't banned, in fact powering up someone with dupes is in pretty much every single modern gacha.

      • 2 years ago


        IIRC, the GBF fiasco was about rates not being known to the player. One of the Divine Generals had an absurdly low rate up. Now gacha games are required to show how little of a chance players have to draw a certain character.

        I don't think a government regulated it, but at some point Apple demanded that all games with gacha have their rates be shown per rarity and character or be pulled out. I remember it being a thing when Yokai watch wobble wobble was still in English and true rates were unknown until an update suddenly had them in

  2. 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    /lit/chads elaborate
    Why is Cathy important, and why is his EGO a bodysack

    • 2 years ago

      Cathy is short for Catherine, the girl he loves in the novel, whom he grows to think betrayed him due to people manipulating her, but she never really did, he just misunderstood how she came across.
      Bodysack is because he is perfectly willing to kill for his revenge, in fact, kills a frickton during the novel.

      • 2 years ago

        who else dies in the story particularly when the gypsy skipped town?

        • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >kills a frickton during the novel.
        He doesn't directly kill a single character does he? He causes some already unhealthy characters to have their health worsen because of him stirring shit and causing a ton of stress but the most violent thing he does is a bit of slapping and a lot of threatening.

        • 2 years ago

          I'd still consider that since he is leading a lot of them to their deaths, even if he didn't deliver the final blow.

  4. 2 years ago

    I like the EGO. Beating people down with a gigantic club.

    Also, Leviathan 13 is out in Korean:

    • 2 years ago

      >The cost of replacing a dominant arm you use a lot more often ends up being more costly than replacing the non dominant one, thanks to the muscle development making it harder to remake the connection
      >Garnet decides he'll put his left arm on the line instead of his right one if he has to engage in battle


  5. 2 years ago

    Apparently whoever voices Heathcliff also did Nemo and Maxin in LoR.

  6. 2 years ago

    • 2 years ago

      Her voice feels familiar. Is that Angelica?

  7. 2 years ago

    >Are you the manager?
    >I look forward to working with you, if that's the case
    >I hope you'll use me where I'm needed

  8. 2 years ago


  9. 2 years ago

    How do I kill THE hag
    I do nicely with Gebura right up until she teleports to a random floor (which is empty of course as I dont have 35 combat ready key pages). When Gebura comes back she is already at 5 emotion and a mass attack on slash stance annihilates me. I use full rabbit decks as there is not many options to sustain light/pages while having good dices.

    • 2 years ago

      Just let her kill that floor. You should already be at high emotion level. Her mass attack is nowhere near as scary as Geb's.

    • 2 years ago

      Irc her teleport is not full random if you alt+f4. But that aside you don't really care. Just send her back to Geb's. If you have problem with beating clashes at emition 5. Focus on one sided attack. Remember her venomous fang, violet blade or duel will not be recycled if tou gun her first. Also discipline is power null attack.

    • 2 years ago

      >(which is empty of course as I dont have 35 combat ready key pages
      This is seasons why I wish something like PT jumping to random floor was more common.
      Yes Blue gang original page lock was best idea too

      • 2 years ago

        You really hate fun. I wish more keypages were actually usable.

        • 2 years ago

          Basically every key page that doesn't have an actively detrimental effect is usable if they're from urban nightmare onward. There are some outliers that stay relevant/strong for far longer than other pages but having 2 speed+not being weak means you can just slap a good deck with decent cards and do fine. I did the original version of the crew with lock and it was really neat because you had to see how much you could do with almost vanilla key pages on the later floors. It helps that the last two floors are a gimmick and a really easy fight.

          • 2 years ago

            In modern gaming lingo, "usable" means "effortlessly trivializes the game without any brain required".

          • 2 years ago

            All of them are garbage. Garbage. Don't even make me started on how many SotC pages become a meme once you reach a one (1) tier above.
            >B-but skill issues
            Absolutely irrelevant once you eat 5 mindwhips to the face without single option to redirect it.

            In modern gaming lingo, "usable" means "effortlessly trivializes the game without any brain required".

            That just incomplete arbiter.

            • 2 years ago

              >he got filtered by mindwhips

              • 2 years ago

                >describe simple flaw in logic
                Wew lad. It's almost none of us want have a legit discussion here. But surely that fricking mumu's keypage manage to beat all 32 rolls and solo entire reception.

  10. 2 years ago

    /vst/... home...

    • 2 years ago

      Ruina Fridays...

      • 2 years ago

        There's always time for fun

  11. 2 years ago

    Everyone is drawing Ishamel as a squid now

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        The official limbus Twitter posted more chibi art and one said CALL of ISHMAEL

        • 2 years ago

          why is everyone drawing ishmael with tentacles what did i miss

  12. 2 years ago

    So why are some of the sinners jail cells white and some are black? Does their source material have anything to do with it?

    • 2 years ago

      The crazier ones seem to have black cells, and Sinclairs is half black probably because he's a budding psycho

    • 2 years ago

      Maybe the darker it is, the more morally bankrupt they can get? Although Faust's is a whiteboard, so we don't know what her jail cell walls look like, unless the walls of her cell are being used as a whiteboard.

      • 2 years ago

        It looks like she's just writing directly on the walls, you can see the brick pattern.

        Yi Sang definitely seems the most sane of everyone so far, but I think he's just mentally conked out all the time. He's still got medicine bottles in his full poster art (reference to his origin novel where the main character is unwittingly fed sleeping pills and becomes unaware of everything happening around him) so he's definitely on some shit.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      The more darker the cell - the more unga they are

      • 2 years ago

        >Rodion cell is pitch black

        • 2 years ago

          would be kino

        • 2 years ago

          Gotta save money for gambling man

        • 2 years ago

          Well yeah, she would do anything for her crack and gambling addiction

          • 2 years ago

            I doubt her glassed eyes related to addiction. She might as well be stacked on bodymods or it's just design choice similar to Faust. Almost all fem sinners excluding Don have "sleep deprivation" look.

    • 2 years ago

      must be a reflection on their mind palaces
      thats why the limbus can fit so many people in it
      maybe it runs on it too

    • 2 years ago

      Maybe it relates to their background?
      Yi Sang worked for a wing and it wouldn't surprise me if Faust and Sinclair had similar backgrounds that were 'safe'.
      Compared to that to Don and Merasault who are both fixers IIRC and it sounds like Heathcliffs had to work himself into a comfortable position.
      If that is the case then Ishmael should probably have a dark background and Hong Lu a bright one.

    • 2 years ago

      It seems to be their outlook on the world.
      I didn't finish Demian yet but when he was a kid Sinclair would literally divide the world into two parts the good part like his family and house for example and the bad part which was everything outside his house. That'd explain his background being split. Everyone elses background is pretty much self explanatory.

    • 2 years ago

      EGO/Distortion perhaps?

      • 2 years ago

        Wouldn't someone closer to the light = distortion in that case?

  13. 2 years ago

    Lost at sea.

  14. 2 years ago

    Who's left?
    A whale, rich chinese gay, the wienerroach and russian milkers?

    • 2 years ago

      Also i forgot about no one.

    • 2 years ago

      And Trojan horse. But yeah. Technically Ishmael promo is not out yet.

      • 2 years ago

        >reading comprehension
        I swear my prudence is ok. Please, I don't want scarecrow duty.

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Outis my beloved...

  15. 2 years ago


    Not sure if this a good or bad thing. Poor Donposters tho. Sharing the same fate with a wienerroach posters.

    • 2 years ago

      Small fix on dialogue I fricked up.

      I mean, Don is still getting a good number of art, I just mean it's gonna even out with Ishmael or overtake.

      • 2 years ago

        Oh my bad. I guess funeral was a bit premature. Damn shame... I mean damn, shame that artist keep flip flopping between characters. Ha-ha. Everyone will get a spotlight tho and more art with announcements tho. That is how things go.

        • 2 years ago

          You're talking as if the artists don't just like drawing the new reveal, it's normal. Mersault got a good number too. I just don't save every single one I come across, since I'm a bit picky.

      • 2 years ago

        Most of it's honestly just because of the bonus official art that was posted today. Ishmael's decently popular with or without it, but a lot of the immediate art is a direct result of that.

  16. 2 years ago

    So whose tombstone is the one supposed to represent in the shadow of Heathcliff's cell? Mr. Earnshaw?

  17. 2 years ago
  18. 2 years ago

    I hope Hong Lu annoys everyone

  19. 2 years ago

    why is everyone drawing ishmael with tentacles what did i miss

    • 2 years ago



      IIRC, the GBF fiasco was about rates not being known to the player. One of the Divine Generals had an absurdly low rate up. Now gacha games are required to show how little of a chance players have to draw a certain character.

      It's official art.

  20. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Ishmael you are needed in my bed

    • 2 years ago

      Ishamel please be my girlfriend you can trust me
      God I wanna bully her and destroy her trust

  21. 2 years ago

    People are freaking quick with these. Did they just have these on backburner to post or something?

    • 2 years ago

      when it's just a quick doodle asian artists in general can whip up something in less than an hour while still making it look good
      it's not just japanese artists either, koreans and chinese do it too

  22. 2 years ago

    >76 replies
    >Not a single mention of the "clock face" line in heathcliffs reveal

    • 2 years ago

      We talked about that when his preview came out.

      • 2 years ago

        I can't believe Dante is fricking dead.

      • 2 years ago

        Oh I guess I missed the thread then thanks anon

  23. 2 years ago

    I've been busy since the last thread reached reached image limit.

    • 2 years ago

      Also Malkuth had a realization battle. No unique skins. But plenty of new mechanics.

      where is this mod again?

      • 2 years ago

        Incomplete so you can only get the code on his discord, there is an accessible google drive if you want to try it.

        • 2 years ago

          >pretty much will of the prescripts but better and without needing singleton
          so the mod maker basically gave up on balancing?

          • 2 years ago

            You don't have Will of the Prescripts, Singleton is SoTC, this is it's replacement, and you already have very good draw in this mod, it's light that is hard to come by. You get a Leap replacement but no light restorer for Charge. Borrowed time has a good light card but it give you BT which increases card cost if you don't have passive to partially negate it. any other decent light regen is either on a 1 die 2 cost or a rather weak 1/0 cost or its on a 3 cost but doesn't give possitive light and it burns you.
            And then there's stuff like Fuel Injection which only gives light when hitting a target with 4 burn

            • 2 years ago

              >and you already have very good draw in this mod, it's light that is hard to come by
              so i assume the mod maker knows jack shit about how the game is balanced beyond raw numbers and failed to account for light refresh on emotion level up
              honestly with those bloated dice numbers and fricked resistances you can probably disregard light regeneration altogether and blow up half the enemy team in the first 2 scenes

              • 2 years ago

                >Light refresh on Emotion Up
                That's precisely why. Your best light restorer until way into urban myth is a 1 cost 1-5 1-5 on hit restore 1 2-5 with the first two blunt last defense that draws a page for another character on use, its a gold as well.
                Its a very different game, different game balance in mind.
                If you know what you are doing you can obliterate most encounters till SoTC, just like in base game, even though It should be harder because you have less power gain from abno pages as there are different abnos in this mod.

              • 2 years ago

                >it's harder trust me
                >shows what by all means should be a 5 cost card by the power it has

              • 2 years ago

                It's the Floor of Technological Sciences, their strongest ego was no better in base game.
                It's also the last remaining Unga floor, everyone else must make pretty big sacrifices/plays to deal big damage or gain power. Even Yesod primarily deals stagger damage now rather then gaining power, except in clashes with Schadenfreude.
                For example, Literature has a 5 team Exodia for its biggest damage potential.
                Also no Red Mist, but you still get BS and Binah.

              • 2 years ago

                >fragments of light doesn't explicitly mean on clash win, but on hit
                >this means you can completely disregard light regeneration and low cost cards because you will be getting 4 light per scene instead of 1 as long as you do mostly one sided attacks
                >tier 1
                you're confusing me, you are shilling the game as if it's supposed to be harder than base game but it looks easier and easier the more you shill it

              • 2 years ago

                On the other hand if this dude gets focused and you roll bad on speed you will be left with 0 light at all

              • 2 years ago

                which wouldn't even matter because
                >using it on pages with good dice ranges
                >even if the 2 above fail, you still have bullshit dice ranges and stacked dice power to answer clashes with
                >if anything survives for longer than 3 scenes to cause this situation to happen in the first place you flat out suck at the game
                then again, this much redundancy on safety measures is exactly what i would expect from the guy that made BoD but dumbed down and easier to use

                I thought I was harder, then I realized when he was showcasing the mod, the creator focused on showing all the characters. So he didn't have the greatest combos.
                It should be harder on paper because of less powerstacking, that's what I thought, but It really isn't. The whole thing is more of a 'this sounds like an idea, lets try it'.
                But I've yet to make it to try SoTC and I said the same thing about base game.

                You are right, you don't have as much powerstacking but that doesn't make it harder.
                Also I don't care, I'm having fun regardless.

                >you don't have as much powerstacking
                >hows a page with free 1 strength+endurance+haste with almost no strings attached
                >casually shows a page that gives everyone else 1 extra light per scene
                so what happened to not having much light regen?

              • 2 years ago

                Thanks, you reminded me I need to get a round as the Marching Band now that I have them. Their Ego makes you regen 1 extra light each scene and its Synchronization has a bunch of party light restorers.
                Also this is Urban Nightmare/SToC its a lot of the same card and or on some weird dice but light and draw are long gone if you make the right builds.
                Miracle Office spends one charge to restore 1 light at the start of the scene. As a passive.
                You got Ahab's spearfishing, after playing 3 pierce die draw one page restore 1 light.
                I love it.
                Also Thermia Squadron with Decan's unique passive so that everytime you are on fire and have 6+ burn on self you have +2 strength each scene. Because they take half damage from burn they also make the best light restoring builds from burn.

              • 2 years ago

                So self burn is actual playstyle in this mod? What about self bleed?

              • 2 years ago

                Leprosy got you covered, also has two very good draw one card 3 costs, also that 1 cost evade die? If you have 4 bleed on self you seal a speed die on hit, its an 3-6 roll though.
                There's a general reception called the Raised Hands later, they give resilience build support, resistance to bleeding and a very good 2 cost 1 die light restorer.

              • 2 years ago

                I thought I was harder, then I realized when he was showcasing the mod, the creator focused on showing all the characters. So he didn't have the greatest combos.
                It should be harder on paper because of less powerstacking, that's what I thought, but It really isn't. The whole thing is more of a 'this sounds like an idea, lets try it'.
                But I've yet to make it to try SoTC and I said the same thing about base game.

                You are right, you don't have as much powerstacking but that doesn't make it harder.
                Also I don't care, I'm having fun regardless.

              • 2 years ago

                Also just you wait till you see the one-sided/low speed builds and you'll love that page even more.

              • 2 years ago

                >8-11 block
                >11-17 slash 6 bleed
                >8-13 slash retain bleed
                >...3 cost
                frick off with your balanced this and balanced that

          • 2 years ago

            Will of the Prescript
            First obtained Urban Nightmare 2
            Cost 3
            On Use: If Singleton, draw 3 pages
            3~8 Evade
            4~8 Pierce
            4~7 Pierce

            Moonsault Kick
            First obtained Urban Nightmare 2
            Cost 2
            On Use: If there are 4 or less pages in hand, Draw 2 Pages.
            2~8 Evade
            2~5 Blunt
            2~5 Blunt

            Doesn't look that much better to me. It's Will of the Prescript but worse and you get it at the same time as you would get WotP in vanilla. Those rolls are bad enough you wouldn't take this to late Star of the City

            >fragments of light doesn't explicitly mean on clash win, but on hit
            >this means you can completely disregard light regeneration and low cost cards because you will be getting 4 light per scene instead of 1 as long as you do mostly one sided attacks
            >tier 1
            you're confusing me, you are shilling the game as if it's supposed to be harder than base game but it looks easier and easier the more you shill it

            which wouldn't even matter because
            >using it on pages with good dice ranges
            >even if the 2 above fail, you still have bullshit dice ranges and stacked dice power to answer clashes with
            >if anything survives for longer than 3 scenes to cause this situation to happen in the first place you flat out suck at the game
            then again, this much redundancy on safety measures is exactly what i would expect from the guy that made BoD but dumbed down and easier to use
            >you don't have as much powerstacking
            >hows a page with free 1 strength+endurance+haste with almost no strings attached
            >casually shows a page that gives everyone else 1 extra light per scene
            so what happened to not having much light regen?

            Consider that you can only have Fragments trigger 3 times in one scene, including the negative effect. Consider that to use it to its fullest extent, you trade emotion coins for light generation by avoiding clashes. Consider you get this earlier in the mod, as this abno is the second one on Gebura's floor.

  24. 2 years ago

    Also Malkuth had a realization battle. No unique skins. But plenty of new mechanics.

    • 2 years ago

      Who the frick is this !not BongBong?

      • 2 years ago

        Corrupted Bmonk.

      • 2 years ago

        BaseMods. It's the default model for BaseMods.
        I'm not a modder so I can't tell you why they couldn't rip Angela's head from the final realization and add it to all of these, could be that it's hard coded to her sprite and you'd need a custom skin for it.

      • 2 years ago

        Corrupted Bmonk.

        BaseMods. It's the default model for BaseMods.
        I'm not a modder so I can't tell you why they couldn't rip Angela's head from the final realization and add it to all of these, could be that it's hard coded to her sprite and you'd need a custom skin for it.

        That's a placeholder due to the BongAddon. According to the guy responsible for BongAddon
        >the Star eyes don't look as good in this game, so they are celeste (don't question the logic I know it makes no sense) until mod releases

  25. 2 years ago

    Name more cucked trio

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          >She molested Argalia before Eileen could
          Gear sisters...

          • 2 years ago

            I wish I could molest Argalia forma Conductor

  26. 2 years ago

    >Mod shizo is back

  27. 2 years ago

    my god nobody is drawing heathcliff
    squidmael stole his thunder lmao

    • 2 years ago

      She turned herself into a squid
      Funniest shit I have seen

  28. 2 years ago

    meant broken blow, which is neither a 1 cost nor has an evade die. Tells you how much I use these guys.
    Speaking of DoT, you want Burn, Discard, anti Defense die builds and ranged pages?
    Right next to Scav Office as my favorites we have Top Hat Office.

    • 2 years ago

      can you shut the frick up

      • 2 years ago

        You exchanged a shill for a mod in one post for someone playing it in detail. You reap what you sow.
        Now distort

        • 2 years ago

          How do we know that its not just the shill pretending to play through it

          • 2 years ago

            Cause the shill got me to do it.
            Also here's Singleton, It's two Light restorers only restore equal to cost, a 1 and a 2, it has a page that draws 1 and its big 3 cost gains power if 3 other allies are alive.
            Also they are robots this time not religious zealots

        • 2 years ago

          i have no idea what you're talking about

        • 2 years ago

          Can you at least get a trip so I can filter you out? It's becoming really annoying
          Also so we can know you're not just talking to yourself to shill this mod

    • 2 years ago

      keep talking

  29. 2 years ago

    The main reason for there being so many new Haste cards and passives. If left up to random chance also makes Round viable in SoTC. Since It gives the random ally that draws 1 two haste.

  30. 2 years ago

    Better then White Night. In terms of support I mean.

  31. 2 years ago

    Also I forgot to show this page, Cherry Blossoms also has a abno page that affects all allies, on death the survivors recover hp and light. Goes well with Old Lady's Solitude, which gives a bunch of bonuses based on total dead Allies.

    • 2 years ago

      Cane Rally up for a price of one nugget?

      • 2 years ago

        1 Str 1 End 1 Prot and 1 Stagger Prot per nugget, up to two. Only affects one guy. He also deals 2-4 + dmg.

  32. 2 years ago

    Good for powerstacking bosses

  33. 2 years ago

    What do you think is better? Miracles so that anytime I have charge, which is most of the time with the build I have, I restore 1 additional light.
    Or this Fumigator passive which in conjunction with rush hour will give me free haste and thus proc my passive more?

    • 2 years ago

      haste is overrated by morons with bad (often singleton) decks that don't know how to play the game because >omg i got fricked by rolled low speed dice and can't redirect
      there's literally no reason to not take miracles here, other than not wanting to be fricked over by "if you have 10 charge/20 charge" passives, assuming miracles gets calculated before those

      • 2 years ago

        Terminal Velocity also doesn't stack, each dice on a page, at random, gets a +2 to max roll. This is often more bad then good because it increases the roll range and is still depends on rng to roll high. You are correct Miracles is better.

      • 2 years ago

        Also I know exactly what charge Myo build you are referring to. I do like powernulling them in the Colosseum

      • 2 years ago

        >haste is overrated
        In a distance you can hear faint screech of night awl.

        • 2 years ago

          literally nobody would use that 1 cost page if it wasn't for that 7 hour speedrun video

          • 2 years ago

            I used Night Awls, and all their pierce/haste pages alongside Thumb for the beginning of SoTC. Because my Nightmare pages and strategies weren't working

          • 2 years ago

            >he doesn't put character combat pages on corresponding character keypage

        • 2 years ago

          I used Night Awls, and all their pierce/haste pages alongside Thumb for the beginning of SoTC. Because my Nightmare pages and strategies weren't working

          >when you spam Feint

          • 2 years ago

            The existence of Feint in night awl deck always confused me. Great page to get ammo from Thumb's passive tho.

  34. 2 years ago

    >32 IPs
    >133 posts
    I know /vst/ is slow board but there is definitely someone replying to himself here

    • 2 years ago

      There is a guy posting a lot about a mod he downloaded. It's probably that.

    • 2 years ago

      you haven't seen true schizophrenia samegayging until the IP:posts ratio is 1:10
      roughly 1:4 and is nothing, especially past the 100 post mark

    • 2 years ago

      So 33 people makes 4 posts each, and that is hard to believe‽

    • 2 years ago

      So 33 people makes 4 posts each, and that is hard to believe‽

      homosexuals like him probably want people comment and live (but not him, he is allowed to post as much he wants)

    • 2 years ago

      mod shill schizo has been shitting up the thread for the last couple days

  35. 2 years ago

    I became interested in these games because of the Ganker threads and because the two Korean games I've played were fun (Vindictus and TROUBLESHOOTER). I've put a few hours into Lobcorp and I have a question: what do I do about angry bird? He breaks out when he pleases and has an instant kill attack which has already claimed a few unfortunate agents. I've had half a mind to leave the most inexperienced member of the control team in the hallway under it as a sacrifice

    • 2 years ago

      don't hit him
      he's called punishing bird for a reason

      • 2 years ago

        Your best bet is to just ignore him if you can't beat him outright. He'll return to his cell eventually, so long as you don't attack back he shouldn't be able to kill your agents even if they're weak.

        Do not attack him and he will be back, he should not be dangerous with his pecking unless its some red vulnerable new agent (not counting few other situation where he will be triggered if you are unlucky)
        Just keep somebody in his hallway so he will focus on him instead flying all over facility
        You can also kill him without issues because he will only attack person who triggered him and will ignore rest of attackers
        Also attack alone is important for him, not kill, he will will go back to his room if his target survive

        ???? Right before I ended the workday it started opening containment cells. I'm not sure how you're supposed to ignore that

        • 2 years ago

          What abno you talking about? Post picture

          • 2 years ago


            Do not attack him and he will be back, he should not be dangerous with his pecking unless its some red vulnerable new agent (not counting few other situation where he will be triggered if you are unlucky)
            Just keep somebody in his hallway so he will focus on him instead flying all over facility
            You can also kill him without issues because he will only attack person who triggered him and will ignore rest of attackers
            Also attack alone is important for him, not kill, he will will go back to his room if his target survive

            posted. He casually opened the door to the ice b***h's cell and then I immediately hit end workday because I almost shit my pants

            • 2 years ago

              It's just animation
              Abno only will breach when Counter reach zero. There are some enemies what can do that but most of them will not
              They can enter room if there are chasing agent who went inside

        • 2 years ago

          What [...] posted. He casually opened the door to the ice b***h's cell and then I immediately hit end workday because I almost shit my pants

          Just stop committing sin.
          It's THAT easy.

          • 2 years ago

            i shoot first, and never ask questions

            • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          >it started opening containment cells
          he's just taking a peek in to say hi, he's unable to release anything

    • 2 years ago

      Your best bet is to just ignore him if you can't beat him outright. He'll return to his cell eventually, so long as you don't attack back he shouldn't be able to kill your agents even if they're weak.

    • 2 years ago

      Do not attack him and he will be back, he should not be dangerous with his pecking unless its some red vulnerable new agent (not counting few other situation where he will be triggered if you are unlucky)
      Just keep somebody in his hallway so he will focus on him instead flying all over facility
      You can also kill him without issues because he will only attack person who triggered him and will ignore rest of attackers
      Also attack alone is important for him, not kill, he will will go back to his room if his target survive

  36. 2 years ago
  37. 2 years ago

    I cant tell if I like all these squid Ishmael or not

  38. 2 years ago

    ur a squid ur a girl ur a squid ur a girl

  39. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


  40. 2 years ago

    No, it's a gacha

  41. 2 years ago

    Hey I'm still here
    No Red Mist but you get the Gwynevieve's nearly unmodified key page.
    Specialized in fighting against and inflicting paralysis.

  42. 2 years ago
  43. 2 years ago

    no Limbus Company looks fricking awful

  44. 2 years ago

    Harvest office is all about heavy hitters. Edna has sustain from her unique and Michael has a pretty powerful 4 cost and gains Power against bleeding enemies.
    I don't think they are the best bleed you'll encounter in the mod, but their unique pages remain viable even after.

  45. 2 years ago
  46. 2 years ago

    The unga bunga discussion in a certain other thread made me thinking - is there a build which allows you to keep pressing P to win every (or at least most) fight in the game? Perhaps Blockma Balls?

    • 2 years ago

      If you are including a build at full strength, Exodia Tiph as well.

    • 2 years ago

      if your geb build doesn't work by space+p, you are building geb wrong

      • 2 years ago

        >I keep loosing all my clashes

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            I think this was before revenge got nerfed to not just infinitely stack STR based on damage.

    • 2 years ago

      Smoke. Assuming you can combat terrible light gains. As long as you can keep drawing deep drag/vapour and use it same scene you basically won. Obviously Xiao will be major roadblock.

  47. 2 years ago

    what if Faust had long hair

    • 2 years ago

      less appealing
      her short hair looks better and more unique

    • 2 years ago

      I'm going to Angelica

    • 2 years ago

      But Faust is already SEX, so it doesn't really change much

  48. 2 years ago

    Charge does very well in this mod. The Usual Circuit also has a 3 cost that gives to 3 random allies 4 Charge.
    Works well with Miracles.

  49. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Hobbo Samsa.

  50. 2 years ago

    >first hear the voice
    >think "who the frick is this nerd?"
    >realize it's still just runaway heathcliff
    >listen to the video again
    >love it

  51. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      My whale cannot be a drug addict

      • 2 years ago

        All of the sinners are going to be drug addicts
        screencap this

    • 2 years ago

      The enkaphalin struck hard huh

    • 2 years ago


  52. 2 years ago

    Appointing Disciples is a lvl III-IV abnormality page that gives the selected librarian a 2 cost insta use page that returns to hand for as many times as there are allies. The more Disciples you have the bigger is their bonus. When the Prophet dies all Disciples lose their effects.
    This boss uses Iron Lotus as it's music.

  53. 2 years ago

    It's the other Philip equivalent of this mod. They ran away so many times they distorted (and split) twice. One was the Angel of Agony the other was the Raven. That's nearly all loose ends dealt with. There's only the robot girl left to deal with.

  54. 2 years ago

    I got the following info and images from a coder.
    >I have glossed over the emotion page selection code (the thing that decides what abnos you get depending on how many coins you get)
    >Now, apart from the fact that it's overly complicated calculations when it could just be "if you get more than 60% you get this or else this or etc", it's Moon so you get used to quirky implementation, moving on, I finally got my answer to why whatever selection you get seems arbitrary, "oh I got very bad clashes and all my coins are negative, why am I getting green abnos", turns out it counts the coins gained throught the entire battle, not the singular emotion level: if you get only positive coins at E0 and E1 and then get all negative coins at E2, you are still gonna get mostly green pages for the third Emotion page selection.
    >before this I had to digest the code, which looks like a calculus problem
    >this is so overly complicated for no fricking reason

    • 2 years ago

      >(technically) the information of this was already publicized in a doc by some Japanese player and then translated over, tho that was months ago
      >but basically what was contained in it was the explanation on how Emotion Rates work (also known as Zones) and how those correlate to the percentage of coins gained, tho it never specified it was coin gained during the reception

      • 2 years ago

        So they still have spaghetti code basically?

  55. 2 years ago

    >thread got 404'd at 430 posts
    I blame OP but at least got some decent pics

  56. 2 years ago

    i feel like i lost a bit of myself during the final gauntlet and the grind for 100% dissolution
    anyways, onto ruina

    • 2 years ago

      Did you like it?

      • 2 years ago

        it was an experience, i don't know how else to put it; the 46 - 49 gauntlet completely mindbroke me, like for days i'd just be retrying and retrying and retrying until it clicked, the payoff was nice even though, as the true ending shows, it didn't really result what it was supposed to
        uh, game itself was kind of a buggy mess, the thing that pissed me off the most was the memory leak because i had to play without music for the final days on both loops, the game just wouldn't run otherwise
        like, i tried playing with the music on for hokma's suppression, and at midnight the game totally shit itself, i still beat it though
        the abnormalities and story were cool as frick, a lot of interesting stuff, i've already read Distortion Detective and liked it a lot, so i'm hoping Ruina will be as good as i've been expecting, because the thing is; i'm actually only playing LC because of Ruina, i came from Slay The Spire, noticed the Ruina mod, and saw discussion about it on Ganker, so I checked it out and learned that i'd have to play LC first; at the time i didn't think it'd take so fricking long, i don't know how many hours i finished with but i wouldn't be surprised if it was upwards of 150, i grinded literally the entire day today for 100% dissolution
        i trust in the director's plan, this game really was one of a kind

        • 2 years ago

          >Already read distortion detective
          Kind of a weird move, it spoils a few things. If you want, you can also read wonderlab, it focuses on a branch of L.corp in another nest, and new characters, and shows some different abnormalities, or Aberrations (variations of other abnormalities like Red riding hood).

          There's also Leviathan, but you should not check that one until you're done with Library of ruina, because it will spoil the shit out of you.

          • 2 years ago

            >Kind of a weird move
            yeah, at the time i just couldn't contain my curiosity

        • 2 years ago

          >i trust in the director's plan, this game really was one of a kind
          Welcome aboard anon. Glad to have you here with us

    • 2 years ago

      Feather suit Angela is underutilized even though it looks so good

  57. 2 years ago

    anyone got the kankan art of sweepers?

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        again, they look exactly like the ghost people of fallout new vegas.

  58. 2 years ago

    i can't tell if my computer's just a slow piece of shit or if the text speed in ruina is abnormally sluggish

    • 2 years ago

      alright yeah this game is a lot more taxing than lobcorp

      • 2 years ago

        It's really not, or at least it shouldn't be.

        • 2 years ago

          it's over

          • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            This is in the VN segments right? Then pray to just rush through Yesod's abnos before your pc melts

            • 2 years ago

              this was for the first reception, those backstreets guys
              it's fine though i just shrunk the resolution and now it runs ok, screen's a bit cramped but i can manage
              i WILL play this game

              • 2 years ago

                Just saying man.... Yesod's background will grind your specs into dust

              • 2 years ago

                i have a 3070 and equivalent specs, yesod's floor still makes my computer whirr hard, i wish you the best anon


              • 2 years ago

                >about to face the fear

              • 2 years ago

                Does building a PC count as "building the future"?

              • 2 years ago

                with so many tutorials on how to put the parts together, i doubt it

              • 2 years ago

                i have a 3070 and equivalent specs, yesod's floor still makes my computer whirr hard, i wish you the best anon

              • 2 years ago

                Have you tried the optimization mod?

              • 2 years ago

                Oh so it wasn't just me, I have a potato PC and yesod's floor made it suffer every time.

  59. 2 years ago
  60. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      meursault you big baby

    • 2 years ago

      why do i find these two the most endearing so far

      • 2 years ago

        I honestly find this combo great

    • 2 years ago

      if we don't get full internal monologues about how much he dislikes sunlight and light in-general i'll riot

    • 2 years ago

      autist-to-autist (non)communication

    • 2 years ago
  61. 2 years ago

    Man, I really love Bayard fixers. But 3 feeble for 1 str is not the deal I can get behind.

    • 2 years ago

      just don't lose clashes lmaoeao

      • 2 years ago

        That's not the solution for me. Because I swear RNG hates me.

        Unironically the best defense in this game is a good offense in most cases.

        Best defence is ability to draw and restore light all the time.

        • 2 years ago

          RNG is irrelevant once you start using cards with good ranges and start power stacking.
          TLDR: Stop using singleton cards moron, if you want to use crutch of the prescripts just use 1 copy of actually good cards from good archetypes and slap will of the prescripts in there somewhere.

          • 2 years ago

            >Pages with good roll ranges
            We don't do that here. Also running will is excessive once you get unlock and multi slash. You would think cards that Bayard drop will have decent roll range, but what is even good roll ranges. I witness unboosted flesh fillet tying with tailoring Yujin.

            • 2 years ago

              if you aren't running crutch of the prescripts don't bother with singleton at all and actually learn to play the game
              multislash in particular will frick you over more than you expect in the ways you least expect it because >lol 1 cost instead of 0

              • 2 years ago

                >lol 1 cost
                Extract fuel is also 1 cost. You get a bit extra from multi slash and you also can take advantage from 1str Bayard comes with. I don't think my deck building philosophy involves running it on all characters. But I like my endless draw at least on one. Also like I said above. I'm not good at this game.

    • 2 years ago

      Unironically the best defense in this game is a good offense in most cases.

  62. 2 years ago

    Give me one (1) reason why i shouldn't stab and cook Hod.

    • 2 years ago

      she's a wholesome chungus and you wouldn't be able to if you tried

      • 2 years ago

        Don't tease me.

        • 2 years ago

          i want to cum on angela's feathers

          • 2 years ago

            Angela is pure.

            • 2 years ago

              lmao no

              • 2 years ago

                Wrong. Try again.

              • 2 years ago

                I want to beat up that toaster.

              • 2 years ago

                I want to beat up that toaster.

                Angela is for tender love NOT abuse

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                She's literally the rason any of this is happebing in the first place.
                Angela is for dismantling, not for love.

          • 2 years ago

            If you got her pregnant but then convinced her to give the light back to the city, what would happen to baby?

            • 2 years ago

              That's not how it works, Ronald.

              • 2 years ago

                But if she's human and has baby but then becomes machines, where does baby go?

              • 2 years ago

                Once all light is gone, there is no baby.

  63. 2 years ago

    I want all Claws out of this thread. Now.

    • 2 years ago

      Perhaps they are already in your house.

      • 2 years ago

        i am NOT paying my taxes

      • 2 years ago

        I'm gonna frick their hags and they cannot stop me

  64. 2 years ago


  65. 2 years ago

    I just had a realization about the stamina system in Limbus. It's a bad thing.
    Usually my brain can't handle too much of previous games and I need to take a break every now and then. So in theory it'd be good. But I'm afraid the stamina will recover too fast for me to handle and I'll fry my brain due to FOMO.

    • 2 years ago

      in 99% of modern gacha you only have to burn sanity one or two times a day, every 24 or 12 hours respectively

    • 2 years ago

      That is typical for any gacha game
      I've yet to play a modern gacha with no stamina system

      in 99% of modern gacha you only have to burn sanity one or two times a day, every 24 or 12 hours respectively

      Also this anon is correct, if you want you can just open the game two times a day at minimum to consume all the stamina

    • 2 years ago

      >I just had a realization about Limbus being gacha. It's a bad thing.
      no shit

      • 2 years ago

        Sorry anon but my post was a joke about how I expect the game to be too generous for my own good.

        • 2 years ago

          PM selling out to gacha is not a joke, son

          • 2 years ago

            Is it selling out if the Director wanted to do it?

            • 2 years ago

              >wanting to do it for cash
              yes, bullshit "it's my passion" reasons be damned

          • 2 years ago

            Think about all the future games we will get once people start throw money. No more spaghetti code, no memory leaks, all the genres we can get. I doubt PM will ever finish Ligmus tho.

            • 2 years ago

              >No more spaghetti code, no memory leaks
              lmao even
              getting more shit may be true, but not this, throwing more money at the problem is not going to solve the code problem when all PM games are deranged with weird mechanics, and whoever is the best rando you can hire only knows the most basic stuff about photo-realistic first person shooters

              • 2 years ago

                >not going to solve
                Depends. If PM can afford better programmers using said money. Or open his own Shi association IRL to force codemonkeys work harder. I'm not gonna pretend I have any expectations. But you gotta ponder about where things going. Or you know, you can just call game shit and PM hacks on imaginary forum for magical girls.

              • 2 years ago

                >If PM can afford better programmers using said money.
                you literally can't afford "better programmers", they don't exist, there's nobody in this fricking planet that can code the weird ideas they want that they didn't already hire
                this is not a problem money can solve
                the fact to this day there's no real ruina clone or anything trying to copy speed dice clash mechanics or lobco clone proves it

            • 2 years ago

              >Ligmus 2
              >Ligmus: connect 3
              >Ligmus the card game

              • 2 years ago

                >Ligmus f*nko pop

              • 2 years ago

                im gonna kms if pm goes towards the funko route instead of the nendo route for any of their characters

            • 2 years ago

              Do you even realise HOW much money popular gachas get? Anon, developers are not up to making good games when they grow big, they are up to making even more money. Why make a new LoR or LC if some shitass gacha gives 10 times more money for much less work? You may only pray that they bite the dust or nothing of value will ever come from their hands.

              • 2 years ago

                Because the Director WANTS to make those games?

              • 2 years ago

                I mentioned above that PM never going to finish Ligmus. Assumptions. But as long as there ways to prolong autism, ride might as well be eternal.

                >If PM can afford better programmers using said money.
                you literally can't afford "better programmers", they don't exist, there's nobody in this fricking planet that can code the weird ideas they want that they didn't already hire
                this is not a problem money can solve
                the fact to this day there's no real ruina clone or anything trying to copy speed dice clash mechanics or lobco clone proves it

                Well boundary rolls it is.
                That assuming mechanics is the main draw behind the game and it's super popular. I don't think I ever witnessed this game being relevant outside of Ganker.

              • 2 years ago

                Black person the director literally said himself he wanted to use Limbus as a vessel to get money to fund other projects
                hell look at that shit hack nasu the idiot used FGO's money to fund his stupid personal project that no one gave a frick about but still used that money

              • 2 years ago

                >his stupid personal project that no one gave a frick about
                What was it?

              • 2 years ago

                it was the remake of the extra game series
                its still being made but literally no one asked for scifi musou again

              • 2 years ago

                I wouldn't mind playing extra again if it's an actual RPG this time instead of stupid RPS bullshit.

      • 2 years ago

        PM selling out to gacha is not a joke, son

        imagine still doomposting after getting utterly BTFO by almost every single new reveal that talks about the mechanics

        • 2 years ago

          >OMG she made a pun take my credit card number DIRECTOR KUN
          >ughhhhhhh faust so hot ahhhhhhh take all my money
          >haha squid girl
          >basic ass connect 7 gameplay
          ok limbustard

          • 2 years ago

            take your meds

            • 2 years ago

              Why don't you pay some more money and roll for a better retort limpdick

              • 2 years ago

                u mad bro?

              • 2 years ago

                roll again anon

  66. 2 years ago

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      what are the chances we get 4th of july memes with ishmael

    • 2 years ago

      so uh ishmael giantess ?

      • 2 years ago

        Call of Ishmael

  67. 2 years ago

    Don Don DonDon's...

    • 2 years ago

      Don't Don't Don'tDon't's...

      • 2 years ago

        >took me solid 3 minutes to remember who is Beatrice
        >had to google it just to be sure anyway

      • 2 years ago

        Is she really Beatrice/Lapis?

        • 2 years ago

          Who knows?

        • 2 years ago

          That poster if fanmade, made before Leviathan started, and we knew she is probably Lapis. So people assumed she was Beatrice to fit in with Dante and Vergil.

  68. 2 years ago

    Oh, the /aco/ thread is dead and I don't see any Ganker threads.
    Oh well, I'll post it here and on /vmg/ then.

    I ended up throwing a bunch of money for a Library of Ruina story commission involving Sayo actually giving a shit about someone, which eventually leads to sexy times with her. So I'm following the idea I told Ganker and posting the end result.
    >M/F, breast worship, sappy love
    If you just want suggestive and sexy times, Chapters 4, 6, 7, 8 are for you to jump and read. If you care for such a thing, hope you enjoy!

    There's one chapter left, but it's just acts as a QnA. I'll post that too when the time comes.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      You know aside from big tiddy yakuza gf this got me thinking: could you in theory sneak a Backstreet person into a Nest under special rules like said...Im a good guy from WCorp Nest and I want tender kids for dinner: Could I bring them in as "products"? What about the guy dancing in the TT2 box from the Ring art gallery? He kinda doesnt count as a "person" but more of an object.

      • 2 years ago

        Technically I assumed you can pay the entry fee, since some LC employees have generic text bubble about moving entire family in the nest. And they probably didn't imply something like the family of sweepers. I guess it comes from being able to keep up with taxes/rent.

        • 2 years ago

          No, not like people. Im asking if you could "cheat" like saying you just got this kid as your main dinner but you're gonna keep him like an iberico ham so you wouldnt pay takes.
          My guess is the Beholders wouldtake a sneak peak and if they catch you lying your ass is grass.

          • 2 years ago

            When I said taxes/rent I didn't mean for full citizenship or place to stay. More like a new property. My answer was more "As long as you have money and not doing anything that trigger The Head autism"
            >I swear arbiter, this androgynous orphan is main dish on my party event

            • 2 years ago

              Seems too risky for no point, just file them as either products or property in the taxes instead of cheating, it's The City so you can probably do it.

              • 2 years ago

                >no point
                It depends. Technically you probably can be "safe" even in Backstreets if you can afford jobbers like Zwei or being under Index. Thumbs also don't violently shank people and don't allow minor syndicates to do that. It's not Nest tier "safe" tho.

      • 2 years ago

        This slightly gets addressed in the bonus chapter that's coming up soon. It's mostly headcanon, but you're spot on to what I was thinking. I like to think that there's some loopholes involved in getting people into the Nest without a permit.
        They're not people, they're 'ingredients.' Don't worry, I'll be sure to use them all up so that nothing is thrown out.
        There's a reason why that Fixer called the person leftovers.
        Something tells me that Limbus Company will probably address the whole smuggling people into the Nest idea in the future too.

        No, not like people. Im asking if you could "cheat" like saying you just got this kid as your main dinner but you're gonna keep him like an iberico ham so you wouldnt pay takes.
        My guess is the Beholders wouldtake a sneak peak and if they catch you lying your ass is grass.

        When I said taxes/rent I didn't mean for full citizenship or place to stay. More like a new property. My answer was more "As long as you have money and not doing anything that trigger The Head autism"
        >I swear arbiter, this androgynous orphan is main dish on my party event

        I think they'll get suspicious when your taxes on food and goods go up all of a sudden for a single person, if you're living alone.

  69. 2 years ago

    do i keep Mars' page on Yesod or would Lulu's be better

    • 2 years ago

      Mars is first gold page with two speed dices. Lulu is a attribution fodder. Technically her combat cards would work on Yesod due to most of them Blunt. Sadly no blunt mastery or her improved flaming bat. That b***h.

  70. 2 years ago

    LoR had the most ass frick final-level in all the games i've ever played
    >9 bosses
    >1 boss
    >4/5 bosses
    >3 bosses
    >one "boss"

    were they trying to replicate the feeling of finally finishing the cycles of misery from lobotomy corp?

    • 2 years ago

      Are you still playing it anon, or did you finally finish LoR?

      • 2 years ago

        I finished

    • 2 years ago

      I liked it, if anything I was kinda sad I was nearing the end. None of the bosses made me feel it was disappointing.

    • 2 years ago

      Kether bloodbath and Gone Angels phase were the most miserable fights in entire game. I loathe the experience.

      • 2 years ago

        for me, it was kether heart, the fact that I had to keep reading "hankerin" over and over wasn't helping

        • 2 years ago

          Pre nerfed or post one? I sadly play post one. It's not super hard to understand, but almost impossible to manage properly.

        • 2 years ago

          Why was it "Hankering" instead of "Desire" or "Yearning" anyway?

          • 2 years ago

            Look up the definition of "Hankering" and tell me what you found.

            • 2 years ago

              I see you hankering for a beating you prancing dick now answer the question before your family gets 3am'd

  71. 2 years ago

    ok angela maybe it happened but it sure wasn't 10000 years

  72. 2 years ago

    Is that Yi Sang on the right or Meursault?

    • 2 years ago

      Looks like a big guy, so probably Meursault

    • 2 years ago

      >implying Yi Sang is that big
      if he were he wouldn't have gotten cucked
      It's Meursault

  73. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      The artstyle makes Zena look like Ochako. I know exactly what does it, its the eyes and hand gesture...

      • 2 years ago

        And hair

        >captcha: WgayG

  74. 2 years ago
  75. 2 years ago
  76. 2 years ago

    In Ruina, did you guys model your librarians after your nuggets from lobcorp?

    • 2 years ago


  77. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      what type of adventures will they get themselves into?

      • 2 years ago

        why is there so much fanart of these two today?

        • 2 years ago

          I have no clue

        • 2 years ago

          Uber stoic and emotionally dead giant, with hyperactive shizo shortie I guess. Plus they are both the ones that give the impression they'll be majorly entertaining based off their attitudes.

          • 2 years ago

            post the other half

            • 2 years ago

              Not him but here

              • 2 years ago

                thank you
                who is the artist?

              • 2 years ago

                never mind found it

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                Uber stoic and emotionally dead giant, with hyperactive shizo shortie I guess. Plus they are both the ones that give the impression they'll be majorly entertaining based off their attitudes.

                How many times will the sinners murder each other?

              • 2 years ago

                I bet team killing would be part of some abno fight.

  78. 2 years ago


    I know its been a long time, but one thing remains for certain.

    I love hags

    • 2 years ago

      A very agreeable fellow right here

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      i just want to be manhandled and used as a sex toy by a woman that is both older and stronger than me is that too much to ask?

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, Hod. This is a bit too much for the first date thing.

    • 2 years ago

      I love Moses!

  79. 2 years ago
  80. 2 years ago

    Rabbit prostitute

  81. 2 years ago

    I've already cleared this reception but I wanted to show the unique parts of it.
    Baring Tide is all about bleed and hitting the same target over and over (with their passive Bullying which gives them power against targets that were already hit that scene) and the fact their leader is a slow moving tank.
    These three however are more about hitting fast and hard. Reva especially has a passive that raises her maximum value by 1-2 depending on how healthy she is. So she makes a good target for attributing Willy's Dreadnaught to take less damage.
    Also Arran has River Monster instead, which insta kills targets at 10% hp.

  82. 2 years ago

    Reva has Sea Monster which insta staggers at 15% remaining SR.

  83. 2 years ago

    Vlad, Reva and Michelle (the gold page that uses Red Mist's skin) make very good Spear Fishing attribution targets (upon using a pierce die 3 times in an Act restore 1 light and draw a page, reset the stack). Especially with Singleton because of a page that recycles it's pierce die if it's part of a Singleton deck.

  84. 2 years ago

    Second Unity fight, previous one was in Urban Nightmare. But Palisade Office got most of it's Unity effects from it's passive.
    While Enforcers have several Unity pages, such as specific dice type empowerment, haste and thanks to their passive, light restoration.

  85. 2 years ago

    Meldova's Second Gold Page, neither are unique. A Hive Mind Unity build might work best on Hod's Floor. At least for now.

  86. 2 years ago

    Hey, I just got to 20 points on Urban Plague.
    Do I need to clear all receptions before I unlock Nightmare? The boss fights kicked my ass and I haven't tried the furgays yet.

    • 2 years ago

      You need to beat all of them, the point is just there to force you to do some suppressions to reach a certain quota before moving forward I believe.

  87. 2 years ago

    Marionet & Only Human caused a lot of bugs when they were added.

  88. 2 years ago

    A general reception against, what I think, is a survival of the fittest style syndicate. They use charge and self damage to grow both stronger and take more damage. Their leader duels a single opponent for more power.
    Bleed and self damage don't mix.
    Not the first rough pit-fight style reception

  89. 2 years ago

    btw, this was the other Unity reception and it's leader. Rocking Line also isn't an exclusive. If you got the means to regen enough light and draw (or exhaust) enough pages, it's pretty good dice clearer.

  90. 2 years ago

    The Fabled Infinite Sustain Self-Burn Build...
    Their 0 cost inflicts nearly double the self burn on Scene 1 too.
    Leanne give's random allies 1 prot for every 3 burn consumed. Her exclusive is a big slash die little block die with an on hit effect, that consumes all burn and inflicts that much burn, stagger and physical damage. But as an on hit it can be blocked, it's a 9-19 though.

  91. 2 years ago
  92. 2 years ago

    so will Garnet die or will he turn into Dante

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      unless something else happens that changes shit, then i think he gets dante'd
      maybe the clock head fricks up his memories too. i'm assuming that he brings sinners back by rewinding them to the last time he saw them or whatever.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm personally betting on Dante especially after chapter 13. It feels weird to be giving him so much focus, and Vergil bothering to give him life lessons only to have him kick the bucket here.

      I REALLY want to fricking know where the hell Lapis is though.

  93. 2 years ago

    fricking troonylators still haven't translated leviathan chapter 13 what the frick it is just translating text now

    • 2 years ago

      Probably taking his time to make sure there's no mistakes, and since they're part of the official TL team now, I guess they're helping with the game and promo stuff.

    • 2 years ago

      >He's complaining about having real translators even if it takes longer instead of edited MTL "please donate to my patreon" groups.
      Learn korean if it bothers you that much.

  94. 2 years ago

    give me your Myo draw ideas. I am willing to hear non-Myo ideas.

    • 2 years ago

      I have two ideas:
      Myo amzon mating press/breeding with a male Clerk that somehow managed to survive the Rabbit's grazing.

      The other idea is Sayo getting her mammaries fondled while she shows off her katana threateningly.
      Pick the one you like the most.

      • 2 years ago

        Myo, but the clerk does not survive, due to contract all rabbits must exterminate all living creatures inside their departments, yeah the pack can frick one, but he must die before they leave

      • 2 years ago

        I should have mentioned that I would not be doing explicit stuff Uwu, softcore stuff is alright tho.
        catbox just in case

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Hey, this came out pretty damn great man! The shading is very nice and the contrast between the groping hands and Sayo just shows how pale-looking some of the City folk are. The breast grab is also super meaty and soft looking. So worth losing my hands for. Sorry for the late response, and thanks for the delivery!

    • 2 years ago

      Myo struggling to beat Myo in an intense game of armerestling, with Myo and Myo cheering/insulting them from the sidelines!

    • 2 years ago

      Can you draw Mo doing her best to sound like a true backstreat thug, while she keeps stutter?

    • 2 years ago

      Doomguy petting Myo

  95. 2 years ago

    can anyone here speak to the quality of the Ruina Optimization mod

    • 2 years ago

      i just want to know if it's actually useful and functions properly or if it's a bit botched like Lobotomy Corporation's own optimization mod

    • 2 years ago

      What mod, the Optimization Skin Loading Mod?

      • 2 years ago

        no, the one that makes floors run better

        • 2 years ago

          I can't even find it then, link?

          • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              I can't be fricked to install nexus mods, the one mod in the workshop that improves Yesod's floor works, I've been using it with the rougelike mod

              • 2 years ago

                huh, i'll just use that, then. awesome

  96. 2 years ago

    >Alruine E.G.O page spin can proc tentacle and thrill on all targets
    Neat. But also can manipulaton of odds and tenfold tenacity augment "recycled untill minimum roll"? Because I'm pretty sure dice power boost does nothing from my trash disposal test with wedge passives.

  97. 2 years ago

    Hey lads, does anyone have .pdf download links for Leviathan at hand? I'd like to read them on the go, and internet reception might be a bit shitty.

  98. 2 years ago

    Can you get more than one golden copy of the key page?

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      No. You can get more than one copy of gold combat page, funny thing is. Most characters also limited to single copy of said page in deck. Unless it's Liu. This guys love to share. Not sure why.

  99. 2 years ago

    >getting filtered by Queen of Hatred
    >make a gun deck
    >get her down to 20 hp
    >she gets back up and pwns my nuggets

    • 2 years ago

      make one of your nuggets be bleed bleed bleed

    • 2 years ago

      Just wait until puppets to beat her down. Some people use bleed. Never worked for me. This fight is absurdly hard for tier you get it. Combined it with 0 lightgen and single emotion level.

      • 2 years ago

        How to kill Queen of Hatred? Ignore her until game forces you to kill her. There is no way you are going to kill this b***h when game unlocks the fight. I did it when I got crying children page iirc, it is manageable by the time you get there.

        Okay frick you guys I'll keep trying until I get lucky and win.

        • 2 years ago

          That was easy

          • 2 years ago

            Her difficulty is greatly exaggerated, all you have to do is not lose the clash that gives her +2 strength.and use a good singular strike card.
            Or you know, just ungatard her.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah, after few tries I noticed her attacks are mostly ranged, so I had the hybrid page on Tiph and gave her two Heavy Peaks to clash that one.
              Also needed a bit of luck so she'd win at least one clash at the end of round 2 and not go apeshit.

    • 2 years ago

      How to kill Queen of Hatred? Ignore her until game forces you to kill her. There is no way you are going to kill this b***h when game unlocks the fight. I did it when I got crying children page iirc, it is manageable by the time you get there.

      • 2 years ago

        Bleed and Bremen cards help alot in this fight. You want to debuff her to hell and back.

      • 2 years ago

        >CoH bullied anon to face the gay children instead
        I mean you can simply delay all fights untill you hit Shi and steamroll everything after. But my man. Just abuse Fléche if you want to postpone the fight.

        • 2 years ago

          Crying children are not all that hard if you are not a moron like me who goes into 5 man fight with 4 dudes.
          >Agony of realization he has 7 fricking phases on your first try when you thought you were so close to victory

          • 2 years ago

            Tell me about it. When I first fought him I had only one dude and he was cucked by single unspeaking child.

            Okay frick you guys I'll keep trying until I get lucky and win.

            My best advice would be replace Sayo's Ink Over with "Now Die" from Jikan and give her all Gin/Yang passives.

            • 2 years ago

              >Just started clearing out urban nightmare
              >Go to the new stage
              >4 dudes but its just like on the last one so it who cares
              >Its a boss fight
              >"Shouldn't be too hard, right?"
              >Phase one goes on smoothly
              >"Well NOW the fight begins. HP like of some anomaly, 3 dice. Easy."
              >He is broken into 5 pieces now
              >Notice that transformation passive is still there
              >"Another round? I can keep going"
              >Now he has 4 dice and he spams beams which leak damage on clashes as stats are just too high for my decks
              >Passive is still there
              >My guys are getting low
              >"I-it is the last one, right?"
              >Now there are 3 children
              >They have the passive
              >New phase
              >My team is almost dead
              >5 dice
              >3 are those op ranged ones
              >Mass-Individual page
              >"Separates upon reaching 0 HP. All Librarians restore 1 Light and 10 Stagger Resist afterwards."

      • 2 years ago

        Do people really struggle this much against her?
        All I used to beat it was 3x sayo slash deck with extra bleed attributes and brotherhood for paralyze chance
        I get that a lot of the pain is coming to the realization that light gen and page draw actually fricking matter moving forward, but the purpose of the filter here is to teach you exactly that.

        • 2 years ago

          She's the first fight where the game stops fricking around and demands a real deck build, most people until that point have been managing with random bullshit because everything dies with ease.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah. I think it's first abno that doesn't have any hidden gimmicks and don't frick around. Combined with inability to stagger, unless you running something specific pages to do that. Throw powerup if you slap a b***h too hard on top. Still not bad as fricking Alruine or Red.

          • 2 years ago

            >Throw powerup if you slap a b***h too hard on top.
            It's far easier to just slap her around twice than be scared of her gimmick.

            • 2 years ago

              Pure masochism. I rather beat up a magical girl then try to choke a snake. Wait. This doesn't sound right..

            • 2 years ago

              Maybe if you wait until fighting her is a requirement to go further its a steamroll anyway
              But if you do fights when they unlock it is much easier to let her win one page per turn to keep it in check

  100. 2 years ago

    Anyone got the image of birds waiting for big bro to get to the gate?

  101. 2 years ago

    Just hit Urban Legend. How important are General Invitations? Any book combinations I should be specifically doing?

    • 2 years ago

      They have some decent keypages later on and combat pages too. There is no super specific obscure book combos outside of axe gang, everything else can be achieved by sending out books you get from plot progression. You obviously don't need to do any of them. But it's gonna make your life harder.

    • 2 years ago

      They provide unique key and combat pages starting with Urban Nightmare I think. Some of them are very useful.

      • 2 years ago

        Plague even.

  102. 2 years ago

    I might've slept through it, but what's the lore behind Abno Suppressions?
    You turn them into books, but where did they come from? Do we just use books to lure them in? How do they sign the paper to enter?

    • 2 years ago

      Are you playing on Roland mode? Library is located where Lobotomy Corporation was in the previous game. Abnos lived there, they were not invited

      • 2 years ago

        They were greatly weakened after LC ended and got trapped in some books along with agents. That's why defeating them usually grants additional librarians.

        I somehow forgot LCorp was there. Right, so they were already books.

    • 2 years ago

      They were greatly weakened after LC ended and got trapped in some books along with agents. That's why defeating them usually grants additional librarians.

  103. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      And just because it was annoying me a bit

    • 2 years ago

      And just because it was annoying me a bit


  104. 2 years ago

    I've just read "people need to stop fricking whitewashing characters like Philip" and I think that's quite enough for today.
    I've also just received my side by side translation of The Divine Comedy, it's very nice.

    • 2 years ago

      The PM fanbase on Twitter is so fricking bizarre.

      My employee started freaking out after dealing with snow queen, which was fine because I was going to send the white damage agents to knock her head back on straight. The problem was that she ripped her own head off and mind broke everyone beating her down. Why did that happen and how could I avoid this?

      Your agents react to losing SP in different ways depending on their highest stat, IIRC. I don't remember which one causes them to rip their heads off.

    • 2 years ago

      >browsing places where you would find westoids that would post that in the first place
      sounds like a (you) problem

      • 2 years ago

        Less than ten out of the three hundred and nineteen accounts that I follow on the birdosphere are English-speaking, and only about half those ten are Project Moon related. Past that, two or three are verifiably decent individuals. For this to occur is entirely the fault of those positing and further disseminating such tripe.
        I would be lying if I didn't keep at least one around to see the occasional spit take, but I maintain the right to gripe.

        • 2 years ago

          >using twitter at all
          >even if you are using it for artwork, >reading anything EOPs in twitter have to say at all

          • 2 years ago

            I will continue to rationalize my sin.
            English-language postings naturally become more apparent to me as I skim, and also it's not technically EOP if they're ESL as is often the case

            • 2 years ago

              from my experience EOPs are the ones most likely to get political, due to not having nothing else going on in their lives
              ESLs tend to get tired of it rather quickly
              and remember only because they have shit english doesn't mean they are ESL, i have seen much worse english from EOPs than i do from the worst ESLs

    • 2 years ago

      but philip is fricking gray

      • 2 years ago

        In both appearance, and demeanor.

      • 2 years ago

        Yellow. Like piss.

      • 2 years ago

        He's closer to a dull yellow.

        • 2 years ago

          I bet him and Binah could get along. He brews tea and pleases older people and she is a hag. Also color scheme.

          • 2 years ago

            Only if his candle looks forward to being used

            • 2 years ago

              I think it's less about his candles and more about her pillar inside his wound of sorrow.

    • 2 years ago

      Let me guess, it's the post about unpopular opinions? I looked up posts about Philip getting whitewashed and found it connected to a thread about this stuff. Some of these opinions aren't too bad all things considered (Ruina isn't too hard, players can't read, etc) but I had an aneurysm trying to understand what this meant at first.
      If anyone else wants to see:

      • 2 years ago

        Well, now's as good a time as any to Lament.
        I didn't like to the thread for this very reason

      • 2 years ago

        Nice try WhiteNight, I'm Endured to White damage

      • 2 years ago

        >doom guy can easily solo the head
        wtf bros is he right?

        • 2 years ago

          Remember Angela offhandedly mentioning in LC that one of the other energy corps in the city was rumored to get their energy from Hell?

          • 2 years ago

            The real question is if you could run Doom on Angela's software

            • 2 years ago

              You can run Doom on Malkuth so probably

            • 2 years ago

              I think you meant hardware
              and the answer is Yes

              source: I'm A

            • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            Garion also destroyed a H Corp before heading to the lab. Doomguy is fricking dead

      • 2 years ago

        Wish these types of people would stop latching onto my boy Chesed

    • 2 years ago

      >The Divine Comedy
      i read it and didn't laugh

      • 2 years ago

        You're probably not Divine enough to understand the subtle comedic nuances of the book

        • 2 years ago

          Biggest comedy is reading someone self insert fanfiction before fanfiction was even a thing.

          • 2 years ago

            I hate to be the guy that says it to you, but old classics also fall under the category of "self insert fanfiction", the only difference to modern times is they have old timey purple prose.

            • 2 years ago

              Most of it might as well be. Some don't. I'm not huge fan of classical lit anyway because it's all boring old shit. But Dante in inferno is literally half of the book fellating Virgil and Dante dicks and other half is "vivid" imagery of hell.

  105. 2 years ago

    My employee started freaking out after dealing with snow queen, which was fine because I was going to send the white damage agents to knock her head back on straight. The problem was that she ripped her own head off and mind broke everyone beating her down. Why did that happen and how could I avoid this?

    • 2 years ago

      >Why did that happen
      Her highest stat was Prudence.
      >and how could I avoid this?
      Beat her down faster, it happens on a timer.

  106. 2 years ago

    quick road dood

    • 2 years ago

      real nice

  107. 2 years ago

    Are there any decent reception mods for Ruina?

    • 2 years ago

      Distorted Xiao
      RRR Raven Team
      Reverse Library
      Malkuth EGO (a series in progress?)
      The LimBusiness ones that disbanded

    • 2 years ago

      I'm in a need to see DOOM being run on library of ruina

    • 2 years ago

      That one some frick is posting screencaps of as he plays it

      • 2 years ago

        Hey, I'll drink to that!

        • 2 years ago

          >Mod creator still threw Xiao and Lowell together

          • 2 years ago

            Even as placeholders, they're in the same reception

    • 2 years ago

      Hod sex

  108. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      I love prostitute, too.

    • 2 years ago

      I love prostitute, too.

      She is loose and her pussy's sore
      She is always wanting more!
      bawd! b***h! Useless! prostitute!
      Just talk to her and you'll always score!

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Gotta be useful somehow

    • 2 years ago

      all my nuggas love fricking hod

    • 2 years ago

      I like how she shows off her cleavage in Sayu's page!
      She probably enjoys the gazes of men!

    • 2 years ago

      I love prostitute, too.

      She is loose and her pussy's sore
      She is always wanting more!
      bawd! b***h! Useless! prostitute!
      Just talk to her and you'll always score!

      all my nuggas love fricking hod

      I like how she shows off her cleavage in Sayu's page!
      She probably enjoys the gazes of men!

      i played these games for malkuth and hod
      i love them

      • 2 years ago

        I liked Gebura all the way until she demanded I frick up not one but TWO Aleph class abnos in a single day.

        • 2 years ago

          You mean 3 Alephs
          And 3 Alephs shouldn't be really anything truly to suppress for anybody who actually finished game

          • 2 years ago

            I'm just going to be honest and tell you I hadn't cleared the game when I first got that missage served to me going in blind.
            I was despairing on how even doing that would be possible considering earlier run-ins with the nutters ended with a retry until you learned how to carefully frick it up in a controlled manner.

            • 2 years ago

              Gebura last 2 missions is actually blessing, it prepares you to take final challenges

              • 2 years ago

                Not wrong, but hard to appreciate in the moment on your first run.

              • 2 years ago

                Well at this point you may still have that mistaken belief that you should avoid danger in LobCorp instead facing it and conquering it

              • 2 years ago

                I've long since learned to cheese abnos and ordeals. I was strictly talking of my first run with low-level agents, weak equipment and an actual fear of consequences.
                Now everything is more or less routine, but it's been a few year since I last tried it, can't say I enjoy entertaining the idea of going back but I'll always have the memories.

            • 2 years ago

              Apocalypse bird counts as 3 Alephs

  109. 2 years ago

    Brothers, I require your strongest Lesti art.

    • 2 years ago

      My dimensional janitor can't be this cute

      • 2 years ago

        She clearly can, because she is

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Thank you for your contributions, I appreciate it
        Where do you guys actually go to get art of her? I keep looking but I can't find it anywhere. I've tried Pixiv and Twitter, but nothing's really come up.

        • 2 years ago

          Random threads/
          that frickin place
          Twitter and pixiv are basically where its at and finding it is usually a gamble

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago


  110. 2 years ago

    One thing felt unclear to me by the end of ruina.
    Was the light spread fully as Ayin intended this time, or did it fail again when Roland prevented Angela from finishing?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, it was incomplete again, but since Roland only pulled Angela out at the very end, it's much closer to completion than on the first try (when the spread was halted before it was even halfway there).

      • 2 years ago

        For me, I thought it was pretty much done, but since she was pulled out at the last second, the guests will come back at random, unknown intervals. I don't know how many sottocapos the thumb has, but imagine if they're super late in the revival process

        • 2 years ago

          More like Liu who clogg entire Star of the city line.

  111. 2 years ago

    the general reception has a boss fight. His resistances get weaker the more burn he has, but his deck gets more aggressive. Great...

  112. 2 years ago

    this fight has a chance to not end.

    • 2 years ago

      Pigs fear the rhino.

      • 2 years ago

        Well the Rhino is dead now I gain 2 strength each scene if I'm at 6+ burn on self or higher.

        • 2 years ago

          The sheer amount of passives. I know design philosophy behind gold pages is to make them worth the trouble. And mod balanced with different values in mind. But creator should cool the frick down. Even Philip overheat + no damage from burn would be good on it's own.

          • 2 years ago

            you can go tell him that yourself, you know?

            • 2 years ago

              And to what end? Hurr durr I don't like +5-6 passives on a single page? It's just a thoughts. I didn't play the mod to give actuall criticism.

          • 2 years ago

            Joseph at least is weaker then his boss version. His unique page does more damage to him and the rest of his passives are all geared to either heal him from said page or to inflict even more burn then normal once per scene.
            Gwynevieve? She is unchanged from the enemy version. Maybe with less health but all her 5 passives, of which 4 are gold are still there. Now that's a ridiculous page. Don't remember if it's the worst one though.

            • 2 years ago

              post Gwynevieve's passives in passive attribution menu

          • 2 years ago

            Big lists have been a staple in late-game jrpgs since ever.
            Which is normally not a problem and it's only a problem in ruina due to the passive slot limit screwing you over when trying to build them.
            IIRC even on vanilla some pages like Kim suffer from that problem.

            • 2 years ago

              Technically Kim was exceptional page. Also generic blade liniage members paid heavy tax for this. To the point where you got a slight upgrade to Kurokumo goons Not the rule. But I see your point.

  113. 2 years ago

    Is there a link for lobotomy corp's sprites?

  114. 2 years ago

    Looks like I won't get to enjoy my burn build for this encounter...

  115. 2 years ago

    troony games

  116. 2 years ago

    Ganker two blocks down, tourist

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Yes, moron.
        I @ at (You).
        Now get lost because you won't get more attention from now.

  117. 2 years ago

    Smooth Sailing out here, no problems on my end...
    Thank you Parasite Tree, I would have lost otherwise...(If Hypocrisy's Mass Attack hits all targets at least once, it deals an additional 16 damage and 12 stagger damage, that can't be blocked.)

  118. 2 years ago


    >Hod ruining Roland and cucking Angelica forever
    I can't believe this

  119. 2 years ago

    Parasite Tree, Old Lady and Grave of Cherry Blossoms surely can save me three times in a row...right?

  120. 2 years ago

    I think it's better then vanilla Literature Floor.
    Because I wouldn't have won with it.

  121. 2 years ago

    Finally, the last piece of the Smoke Puzzle: damage reduction.

    • 2 years ago

      HaZe Clan

  122. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      We need more people in madoka uniforms.

    • 2 years ago

      Why does he have breasts

      • 2 years ago

        We ask the same every time we equip Sayo's page on Hokma.
        It comes with the equipment.

      • 2 years ago

        Could have always stuffed it to look like boobs.

      • 2 years ago

        He doesn't, he's smuggling Enkephalin under the cups

  123. 2 years ago

    Limbus account just posted two new images featuring Hong Lu.

    • 2 years ago

      I refuse to believe he hasn't been railed

      • 2 years ago

        He's the bus's bicycle

      • 2 years ago

        This spoiled brat needs correction

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Im excited for Hong Lu
      cant wait for his aloof antics

    • 2 years ago

      why the frick did they post hong lu along with this? why do i get the feeling it was an accident

      • 2 years ago

        It's just making sure to bring up that there's a sale going on. What's the harm?

        • 2 years ago

          no im not implying that it's harmful or anything but i am kinda confused because they used a limbus character
          kinda based that hong lu gets shown with cg

      • 2 years ago

        Probably hoping if they put the popular pretty boy next to it they'll catch some sales

    • 2 years ago

      Hong Lu's probably the character I'm most interested to learn about just because all we really know about him is he was rich and is an unintentional dick. What kind of problems is he facing? What's his EGO going to focus on? What does he bring to the team? You can make a good guess on the others like Outis and Gregor, but I really can't make out what Hong Lu's deal is.

      • 2 years ago

        >What kind of problems is he facing?
        his family became poor and he has to slave for money as a fixer

        • 2 years ago

          The prisoners aren't generally fixers as a rule from what I can tell.

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I wonder if we are gonna see this artist's work in Limbus or if they are just doing promotional doodles for the twitter. they have a cute style, like art you would see on any fanartist's blog

      • 2 years ago

        im pretty sure their art is the cgs we were seeing in the previous gameplay video where we saw the thumbnails for the chapters

      • 2 years ago

        They are the one doing the story CGs from the looks of it

        • 2 years ago

          I can't believe Ishmael and gypsy are fricking dead.

          • 2 years ago

            Counter-clock we rose
            Counter-clock we reload

            • 2 years ago

              Rise and serve me.

              • 2 years ago

                >there are twelve of them
                >one is a known traitor
                >the clock
                ah hell. I don't wanna be Satan today, even if it's my Inferno.

              • 2 years ago

                Jokes aside, you are heading to the deepest layer of hell for a reason, why not make fusing with Satan an actual story-goal?

              • 2 years ago

                "The Golden Bough" is looking more and more concerning.

                tell me more about wacky clock man
                why does he keep reviving a bunch of schizos

                He's turning back the wheels of time
                to a moment when love was still possible

              • 2 years ago

                >Outis is the last sinner PM will reveal
                Oh no.. One thing I find interesting is how Limbus mimics a lot of LC aspects. Which made me wonder. Who is the one behind whole deal. Since that is like 3 people not counting Sephirot. A, C and Angela.

              • 2 years ago

                It's probably Iori but most of the active individuals are already on the LimBus. Faust for example made the engine, and Outis knows about it(?). Dante is the magic that makes everything run on time.

              • 2 years ago

                I just find it weird. Everything from slogan to works is there, but with the "sin" twist. Iori could probably know a lot. But all brancahes? Also didn't Faust reveal implied someone help her with engine creation? Also Vergil hate her and we don't even know what whacky clockman suppose to be. I don't think all of this is "wink wink" references, but rather deliberate choice.

          • 2 years ago

            >living through loops.
            >we rewind
            >replayed thoughts
            >reviving eachother in this hell

            Mili literally talks about ressurecting those who fall in the line of duty.

            Counter-clock we rose
            Counter-clock we reload

            Loops and ressurections will be a core theme of the game I suppose.

  124. 2 years ago

    Why did A reset his memories after each loop anyway if he'll (forcefully) add them back later?
    Won't it be much more simpler if he knew from Day 1 what he supposed to do instead of fricking around for 35 days?

    • 2 years ago

      Overbearing guilt. The more he stays not sure if this bullshit will bear any fruit, and the more time he spends with Angela, the more his mind breaks. He erases his memories to slowly plant them back, so he can acclimatize himself with the situation and slowly coem to terms with it is my guess.
      Angela was supposed to be a pillar of support, but at the same time, he feels tremendous guilt over what he based her off, and what she has to do go get this to happen at all, so remembering while nearing the end lets him avoid it too I guess.
      Basically, let someone else new take in the initial trauma, then slowly remember who you were, and try to work off the time left with that newfound knowledge and perspective from the initial version too, to probably ease up on the guilt as much as possible.

      • 2 years ago

        I see, then why don't the Sephirah get their memory reset too after a while? Won't it be better for example if Tiph A didn't know how many reset Tiph B had undergo or if Chesed keeps his initial motivation?

        • 2 years ago

          Because they were supposed to reach self realization and overcome their traumas or issues. They did get reset too in case they minds didn't overcome the issue, you can even see that in Library of ruina.

          • 2 years ago

            >they were supposed to reach self realization and overcome their traumas or issues
            This, along with everything related to Keter(s) is one of the things from LC's story I still don't understand tbh. Are the energy gathered from supressing the Sephirah are needed to power the light? I don't understand why are they necessary otherwise. If it's necessary for them to suffer and overcame their trauma, why don't A just use some scums like Binah instead of his friends? Won't that make him feel less guilty?
            I can barely grasp LC's story and lore, even after re-reading things several times. I do admit the parts I managed to get are really interesting though, such as how the Facility are mirrored based on X's mind and how Carmen isn't actually a pure saint, A is just a zealot to her (A included Carmen calling him inhuman in his "romantic memories").
            I don't really want to play Ruina until I "get" some basis of the story atleast, since I've heard it's a much more story heavy compared to LC

            • 2 years ago

              Wait, you didn't even play Ruina? I thought that from the way you were talking you already knew. Avoid looking into spoilers for it.

              >I don't understand why are they necessary otherwise
              According to the ending, the light was supposed to show what everyone went through, and how they overcame their flaws, so everyone outside would have an easier time reaching their own self realization, by watching from the example of those who struggled in the facility.
              >If it's necessary for them to suffer and overcame their trauma, why don't A just use some scums like Binah instead of his friends? Won't that make him feel less guilty?
              Because he knew them, and wanted to save them so they could go out without any regrets I guess. Binah was used because as much as he hated her, he still used her for furthering his own goals, and he himself wouldn't attain salvation by resenting her until the end, so he tried to save her as well.
              >A is just a zealot to her
              It's implied they were actually romantically involved, and she loved him too.

              The rest below I wrote before I read the bottom part where you said you didn't even fricking play Ruina, I'll keep it under spoilers, but don't bother reading it honestly. You should play it for yourself.
              The issue is that, she thought she could go out with the mentality of sacrificing herself for the greater good, but she regretted it, and due to her warped state of mind, she now tris to push everyone to just take the easy way out, and live for themselves instead of clinging to a stubborn desire to make things right, or stick to your ideals despite how much it hurts. Carmen isn't exactly a bad person, she's just mindbroken, and misguided.
              Also what do you mean calling him inhuman? I don't remember that.

            • 2 years ago

              >If it's necessary for them to suffer and overcome their trauma, why don't A just use some scums like Binah instead of his friends?
              Because their traumas are directly related to his sins.
              He needed them so he could overcome his own trauma and further the seed.
              Binah isn't just some scum she's also someone directly tied to the actions A took that he felt disgusted by.

            • 2 years ago

              The facility is physically extracted from A's mind as one might extract EGO gear from an Abnormality.
              C unironically did nothing wrong

    • 2 years ago

      You would absolutely go insane if you had to go through that many repeats if you were constantly aware of it

  125. 2 years ago


  126. 2 years ago

    Someone translate

  127. 2 years ago

    Is that..
    Is that a..
    It can't be..

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        i want ishmael to molest me with many tentacles

    • 2 years ago

      copypasta bros
      vocaroo bros

      • 2 years ago

        I'll probably do it (or something similar) if I get some time where I won't elicit a call from my neighbors, but it doesn't feel fully developed either.
        If Ishma's base EGO actually involves tentacles then that might do it

        • 2 years ago

          one day more anon
          you promise?

  128. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      PM Vergil should be able to Judgment Cut given Mook Workshop exists. What I want to know is how the motivated Vergil would act if he ended up in the City

    • 2 years ago

      tell me more about wacky clock man

      • 2 years ago

        We just don't know

      • 2 years ago

        He's literally (You)

        • 2 years ago

          Someone edit this to have the clock head but keep the rose on the lips and hat unedited

      • 2 years ago

        He's LITERALLY me

      • 2 years ago

        You book her in LoR.

    • 2 years ago

      this artstyle is super familiar, who is the artist?

      • 2 years ago

        • 2 years ago

          dante skrunkler

  129. 2 years ago

    All the female librarians have massive breasts and they choose to compress them with clothes like Angela did for a chunk of the game

  130. 2 years ago

    >most popular item this week

    • 2 years ago

      Hod sex

      >Hentai mod for Ruina
      >Isn't even for a hot character
      Should've been someone like Tanya

      • 2 years ago

        Dumb furry

      • 2 years ago

        This but geb

        • 2 years ago

          Geb’s too fat now

      • 2 years ago

        Now the real question is if the legend who made the mod is gonna do more or if Hod was a one off

      • 2 years ago

        hod is hot
        it's in the name

    • 2 years ago

      She's the most OP too

  131. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Deep down, I know Yesod wants to ask to be their lead singer

      • 2 years ago

        it's a shame he's too autistic

  132. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >Don Don

    • 2 years ago

      Good of Meursault to keep her out of that dreadful fricking sunlight. It's murderous out, I'm telling you.

  133. 2 years ago

    tell me more about wacky clock man
    why does he keep reviving a bunch of schizos

    • 2 years ago

      Because it's the only way to save his Beatrice

  134. 2 years ago

    i got fricked up by the sweeper fight
    how do i make a good oscar thrust deck?

    • 2 years ago

      Just build four decks with high impact pages, then pile on one by one.
      For me I used Yesod with Slash, Blunt and Pierce keypages, and then one Walter built to semi-tank.

      • 2 years ago

        literally just page draw, light regen and his unga card anon, it's as simple as it gets
        if you killed some sweepers then put their on-hit regen on him, that's it

        2-3 copy of wedge draw page.
        2 high speed stabbing and one wait up (or just run three high speed stabbing)
        The rest is high damage 3-4 cost pierce cards.

        i followed this advice with my other characters and owned, thanks
        my sayo hod fricked the most shit up though

        • 2 years ago

          Wait untill you get Kim cocoon + axe obliteration combo.

        • 2 years ago

          oscar bleed or burn is not a terrible idea, all the wedge cards hit a lot of times iirc

          • 2 years ago

            Can you even get on hit effects at this point? Lulu, Gin/Yang don't remember which one and iron brotherhood is the only pages you have with on hit effects that don't need specific damage type.

            • 2 years ago

              pretty sure by wedge you have access to both kurokumo and general receptions like the absolute meme that is rusted chain and that one general workshop with piece+burn
              unless that's a tier above but i don't remember, he's at sweepers already anyway so that shouldn't be an issue

              • 2 years ago

                Workshop is not pierce + burn. It's pierce + pierce dice power. Workshop pages go well with Oscar too. Rusted chains mostly about being useless unless you run them with Kurokumo pages.

    • 2 years ago

      literally just page draw, light regen and his unga card anon, it's as simple as it gets
      if you killed some sweepers then put their on-hit regen on him, that's it

    • 2 years ago

      2-3 copy of wedge draw page.
      2 high speed stabbing and one wait up (or just run three high speed stabbing)
      The rest is high damage 3-4 cost pierce cards.

  135. 2 years ago

    can i realistically kill this b***h yet

    • 2 years ago

      Do Seven association first and Fléche her stagger bar. Or you know. Just pick Sayo and stack bleed.

    • 2 years ago

      She's pretty easy once you figure out what you're actually supposed to do there.
      Biggest issue is that you're stuck at Emotion 1, so you run into Light problems.
      Bleed is good because she does many attacks. Her big attacks are Ranged so you can counter them with one strong melee card.

  136. 2 years ago

    there will be so much gay art once this guy shows up in the story

    • 2 years ago

      That's not Hong Lu.

  137. 2 years ago

    >leviathan will probably have a ending a week before release that directly ties into Limbus's beggining
    >cool moment will be completely ruined for english speakers because the translators are slow as balls

    • 2 years ago

      I think Director wants the story to wrap up even before then, which is why he's gone to the text format like DD.

      • 2 years ago

        I think the issue was more with the artist than anything else. Sounds like they put too much pressure on the artist to where they were being overworked, hence the delays - they decided it wasn't worth it and switched to a text only format.

        We're also behind because of the delays. Whenever Leviathan was supposed to finish up, we'll probably go past that by a month or so since we're still just getting biweekly updates without making up that time. We probably won't be delayed anymore at least.

        • 2 years ago

          I thought it only got delayed like twice, once for illness and another unspecified but ended up coinciding with another content release.
          I recall being decently impressed that he had gone at it for ~6 months

  138. 2 years ago

    I still hope we get 1/3rd of Philip running around post-ruina

    • 2 years ago

      Wouldn't it be more like 2/3? The part that escaped was small.

      • 2 years ago

        Right, 2/3 were booked and later released by Angela, and 1/3 was killed with the Ensemble.

        • 2 years ago

          The one that initially escaped was the unspeaking one right? Does that mean out of the 2/3 unbooked, one's going to only have eyes while the other only has ears since Ensemble Philip had his eyes and ears covered but still had a mouth? I'm interested to see what Salvador and Yuna think about this too.

      • 2 years ago

        I think if one child is out that basically means entire Philip too. When unspeaking child got away it didn't took him long enough to form waxboy back and assault the Nest.

        • 2 years ago

          No, because Ensemble CC is clearly (emotionally) lobotomized, missing huge chunks of his everything.

          • 2 years ago

            We don't know what ensemble did to him after Liu. But I was referring to the body itself. As for memory I think he has some faint recollection of the events. He went towards dawn office and clearly remembered both Salvador and Yuna getting booked. Also judging from how we get unstable e.g.o as the page this is probably less ensemble CC and more clowned CC.

  139. 2 years ago

    >"God this floor will be a massacre"
    >First try
    >Maximin dies to big Black person during 2 oneshots phase
    >"Frick let me at least see what is next"
    >Pick Watchfull eyes
    >Scramble to the last phase
    >Binah stoped regenerating light at all
    >2-3 turns from victory
    >Min roll everything
    >Hag dies
    >Despite her death Binah still does not regenerate anything
    >Lose because of that
    Thanks for playing

    • 2 years ago

      You need all nuggets alive for gay bird. Also small beak is relatively harmless compare to eyes and arms.

  140. 2 years ago

    i'm trapped in the 8 o'clock circus and i want to go home

  141. 2 years ago

    I probably need some sustain page.

    • 2 years ago

      If none of those guys
      are visual only and really do have those pages equipped you need to do some more receptions.
      For a realization none should be bellow Urban Plague. And this is Malkuth, she's the easiest by far...

    • 2 years ago

      All of them are visual only. Malkuth has Salvador, the rest has a mix of Speed + Stigma Workshop and some other stuff. I might be stupid but I'm not moronic.
      Second try, I gave them at least one defensive/healing passive, and two copies of cards that heal.

      • 2 years ago

        meant for

        If none of those guys
        are visual only and really do have those pages equipped you need to do some more receptions.
        For a realization none should be bellow Urban Plague. And this is Malkuth, she's the easiest by far...

        >I might be stupid but I'm not moronic.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, a bit of healing goes a long way in these.

  142. 2 years ago

    Nothing beats good old Sayo and Weighty Puppet/Emma Spam in my books. Sayo especially, doubly so on Hod's Floor. Beat Hod's realization with slash cards and bleed despite the fact I was at an objective disadvantage for doing so, I still did it. Kurukomo is the best thing you get in Urban Plague, remember that.

    • 2 years ago

      >at disadvantage
      Anon...Swan is hardest fight in entire realization and all brothers weak to slash.

      • 2 years ago

        So I wasn't the only one who thought that huh...
        Other then maybe Philosophy no Realization compares to Literature, specifically because of Black Swan. I got through Binah's Gauntlet in one go. Took me over 5 tries for Black Swan...

        • 2 years ago

          I meant in Hod realization, but I also kill Apoc bird on my like third try because I kept screwing up big bird phase. Not the apoc big bird phase, but regular big bird phase. But again. It's actually took me 10 tries to figure out how you suppose to beat Nihil. Which is also how many attempts entire Tip realization took. I'm actually moronic. Not Gebura or Yesod moronic in a cool way, but actually a mental midget moronic.

  143. 2 years ago

    In Urban Plague, how am I supposed to build Yesod? I feel like i'm falling behind, I can't even beat that first Dawn Office reception 100% of the time, but I also haven't really changed my deck in a while

    • 2 years ago

      the one with salvador? the difficulty definitely picks up around there
      i used olga discard + walter defense decks around there

      • 2 years ago

        huh, alright
        i didn't really bother fricking with discard but i guess now is the time, should i swap to her keypage or would it work with just attributing walter defense to Mars'?

        • 2 years ago

          you definitely want to use her keypage
          then put on wait up x 3, daring decision x 3 and gamble x 3 or something like that

  144. 2 years ago


  145. 2 years ago

    is there a resource somewhere that has decks? the steam guide i found seems outdated

    • 2 years ago

      Decks as in?
      There's a pretty nice archetype guide out there, and another that analyzes cards one-by-one.

      • 2 years ago

        just decks in general, similar to what i posted but more up to date and accurate i guess
        do you have a link?

        • 2 years ago

          archetypes -
          cards (be wary of spoilers) -

          • 2 years ago

            ah sick thank you

  146. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago
  147. 2 years ago

    Tomorrow... Limbus Friday...

    • 2 years ago


  148. 2 years ago
  149. 2 years ago

    She said it. She said the thing.

  150. 2 years ago

    >Abe got shot by a korean
    Well, there goes our TGS appearance.

    • 2 years ago

      Do you have a single fact to back that up?
      Please dont

    • 2 years ago

      Do you homosexuals have to bring /misc/ homosexualry literally everywhere?.

    • 2 years ago

      Do you homosexuals have to bring /misc/ homosexualry literally everywhere?.

      Who the frick is Abe?

      • 2 years ago

        marry and reproduce nipon minister

    • 2 years ago

      It was a former navy SDF member. I don't know why you're like this, but it's sad in both respects.

      So who's the bastard? The whale whom she blames for everyone's deaths, or Ahab who dragged all of them to relentlessly chase the white whale?

      I think Ahab, much like the other characters have counterparts. Granted, Ahab ALSO being "the white whale" works as well. Or at least, Ishma's white whale.

  151. 2 years ago

    So who's the bastard? The whale whom she blames for everyone's deaths, or Ahab who dragged all of them to relentlessly chase the white whale?

    • 2 years ago

      White whale could be a person, but he would be Ahab's nemesi, not Ishmael's.
      If anything Ishmael would blame Ahab for getting everyone killed on a suicide trip just to feed his ego.

    • 2 years ago

      Probably Ahab. Since she hopes she is not the only one who survived the trip.

  152. 2 years ago

    At least now we know Ish's neurosis.

  153. 2 years ago
  154. 2 years ago

    >Hong Lu is next
    Who gonna be the last? Whooo?

    • 2 years ago

      Such a lust for Outis

      • 2 years ago

        Have I chosen you twelfth? You must be the devil.

        • 2 years ago

          >inb4 the 12th is wacky clock man

          • 2 years ago

            I wonder if they gonna promote the rest of the cast. Probably way later after all sinners.

  155. 2 years ago

    Was this Angela’s VA?

    • 2 years ago

      Angelica, actually. I'd post the dialogue with Argalia where he scoffs at the comparison but I don't have it on me.

      Jang Ye-na (장예나)

      My Hero Academia - Midoriya Izuku (Young), Hatsume Mei
      Welcome to Demon School Iruma Kun! - Valac Clara (2nd Season)
      Otsumatsu-san - Yowai Tomoko
      Happiness Precure! - Omori Yuko/Cure Honey
      Hibike! Euphonium - Kawashima Sapphire
      Destiny Child - Charlotte/Neptune/Do-ge-hwa
      Maplestory - Windbreaker (Female)


      Run Kingdom - Squid Ink Cookie
      Elsword - Laby/Nisha
      Konosuba! - Chomsuke/Komekko
      Library of Ruina - Angelica

      Her delivery is distinct enough to differentiate, if you ask me.

      • 2 years ago



        ink cookie

  156. 2 years ago

    >ahab distorted into a white whale
    I would not be able to handle that.

    • 2 years ago

      Gretta was albino shark. So it's within realm of possibilities. Ishmael e.g.o is a harpoon too.

      • 2 years ago

        >Ishmael e.g.o is a harpoon too.
        Can't get over her cannibal Fixer friend/lover huh?
        So she wants to kill Ahab in this timeline?

        • 2 years ago

          My train of thought was more focused on how she basically following Ahab steps. Obsession over the white whale that she has to put down and all that. Or she might be into pegging. Who knows?

          • 2 years ago

            Also I didn't put much thought behind it. But almost every sinner so far has a weapon for an E.G.O meanwhile almost everyone in LoR manifested some sort of armor.

            • 2 years ago

              Reverse Scale (Uses the same Guandao?) and Red Mist (uses Mimicry) are both relatively stable armor EGO, and unstable CC had a weapon while only being partially armored.
              That's kind of odd. Also Finale Argalia looks almost identically armored to EGO Gebura.
              Does Gregor's whatever count as armor?

              • 2 years ago

                Xiao used a sword before transformation, so it's a part of her EGO too.

              • 2 years ago

                No, both she and Lowell have guandao looking weapons in combat sprites and cards.
                Her dialogue has her leaning on a sword hilt, and I think the intermediate part with Mirris looks a bit like a sword or machete, but it seems to be straightened out again after that.

              • 2 years ago

                Checked the artbook, she has both sword and Guandao

              • 2 years ago

                >Reverse scale
                Isn't her E.G.O name is Iron Lotus? Also I just assumed Geb's and Argalia is part of high ranking fixer equipment. Kinda how red fixers in LC used same mono eyed style mask.

                No, both she and Lowell have guandao looking weapons in combat sprites and cards.
                Her dialogue has her leaning on a sword hilt, and I think the intermediate part with Mirris looks a bit like a sword or machete, but it seems to be straightened out again after that.

                It's Liu katana I think? Her sprite makes it look more like sabre/rapier. But I'm pretty sure it's same that generic Liu fixers use.

            • 2 years ago

              Philip manifested armor but also enhanced his sword.
              Xiao had her Jian turn into a Greatsword when she was half-distorted then it became a Glaive when she went full EGO.

              I think the takeaway is that the Sinners are getting partial EGO or slight manifestation like Moses while Philip/Xiao were in the unique position of being bathed in the light of the Library while in a high/distressed emotional state. So the Ruina cases could be an accelerated form.

  157. 2 years ago

    Am I the only one that can't load the rougelike mod? I just get an error after the most recent update.

    • 2 years ago

      I played it on June 30 but seeing as the last update was July 5 it's very possible, will try running it later
      Not sure what the issue could be since I never even had to do any comma replacement or anything

      • 2 years ago

        I just get an error log

  158. 2 years ago

    Left : The stranger, Don Quixote1-2, Hell Screen, Demian, Wuthering Heights, Moby Dick, Faust1

    Right : Dream of the red chamber1-4

    • 2 years ago

      I am not reading that shit homie

      • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        Left : The stranger, Don Quixote1-2, Hell Screen, Demian, Wuthering Heights, Moby Dick, Faust1

        Right : Dream of the red chamber1-4

        What are the best physical copies of the books for the sinners? I need it in physical, I can't read on a computer.

        • 2 years ago

          This link lists the best translations + ISBN. Norton Critical Editions are great

          If you want hardcovers, you're out of luck

          • 2 years ago

            >If you want hardcovers, you're out of luck
            I prefer them but I'd be paying out the ass for that.

    • 2 years ago

      Jesus what the frick is Hong Lu's story even?

      • 2 years ago

        Noble court bullshit

  159. 2 years ago

    >Wants to chase after most likely Captain Ahab for dragging them into a suicide mission
    >Captain Ahab probably distorted into some white whale equivalent after the turmoil of seeing everything around him crumble, and his revenge fail, taking the place of the current whale
    >Ishmael will probably try to drag the others into killing him
    >If you let her obsession control her, she'll distort, and begin another cycle of revenge

    • 2 years ago

      >free distortion
      As long as I can build enough rapport and trust with her, then all I can see is just upsides my man

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Her distortion obviously gonna be squid. Praise, Lord Dagon.

        • 2 years ago

          The moment I see a mythos reference in ligmus i'd lose it

  160. 2 years ago

    >unlocked mass pages
    >encounters are a joke once I get to level 3 emotion
    holy shit, Fourth Match Flame just staggers everything turn one
    obviously I bet this won't be OP for long, but I'm gonna enjoy my godhood status until end of act

    • 2 years ago

      oh by the way, if I have Display of Affection, do these mass attacks count as Clashes or One-Sided?

      • 2 years ago

        Technically mass attacks don't count as clashes? Kim for example not gonna get Claim their bones from loosing clash against MA. But mass attacks can apply on hit effects (unless it's specified that they cannot).

  161. 2 years ago

    Will you teach him the ways of being a plebian?

    • 2 years ago

      I will make him my b***h

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        Nevermore am I right?

      • 2 years ago

        is that hansel?

        • 2 years ago

          I think it's Bill.

          • 2 years ago

            bros dont do this to your lizards no matter how cute they are

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            not a homosexual but why is this lizard so incredibly cute
            what's the catch

            • 2 years ago

              He loves you, and wants you to love him, and become a girl through the blessing of his god for your sake. That's it.

              • 2 years ago

                >for your sake
                Jokes on him. I'm gay.

              • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >fricking slap the basket from his grasp, and stomp all over it

            • 2 years ago

              >comfort him
              >it was a prank bro

          • 2 years ago


            I love Bill so much its unreal...

    • 2 years ago

      Rich boy erotic

    • 2 years ago

      Taking him to McDonalds and listening to him laugh while dissing the shit out of McNuggets.

      • 2 years ago

        >Take him to Hamhampangpang
        >He asks why the place is selling such shitty food, with cardboard cutouts of weeb shit all over the place

        No I dislike the rich


    • 2 years ago

      No I dislike the rich

      • 2 years ago

        Would you eat him?
        It's perfectly legal in our District.

        • 2 years ago

          I've heard human meat tastes like pork but a bit dirtier. I got morals though so probably not

      • 2 years ago

        Shouldn't you be dead, Jae-Heon?

    • 2 years ago

      From rich man to common woman

    • 2 years ago

      I'm gonna tell him fricking is a pastime and I'll frick him

  162. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      She deserves that much perhaps more

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      angela does not deserve hurts or pain

      • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          that is not nice or good
          this autistic machine deserves protection

    • 2 years ago

      Needs to be decapitated

  163. 2 years ago

    so how long was the library in effect was it just a couple days or months i doubt it wouldve lasted a year

    • 2 years ago

      Hard to say, some events happened one day after the next. While others took at least a couple to affect the Library. In general take the situation itself into consideration for how long something should take.
      1-2 months at most is my guess, since we don't know how long and what particular event causes the Library to rank up canonically and how long it takes between ranks.

      • 2 years ago

        I remember Angela saying something like "after the battle doors of the Library close for the remainder of day" in the beginning, so we can assume 2-3 months.

      • 2 years ago

        I remember Angela saying something like "after the battle doors of the Library close for the remainder of day" in the beginning, so we can assume 2-3 months.

        I feel like there's also some fights happening off-screen.
        Considering a lot of information about Library makes it out (like Angela being an android), but we only see a few get away and they don't seem talkative about all the details.

  164. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >Ishamel, I need you to report to my room
      >...yes it has to do with missions

    • 2 years ago

      cute sailor suit

      • 2 years ago

        Sex on boat now

      • 2 years ago

        sailor prison jacket version for all sinners

  165. 2 years ago

    i love the evolution of their potato artstyle from the clerks in LC to the more detailed characters in LoR then we got really detailed and stylized characters in limbus

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I like the animations having extra frames. Something as small as Rodion's hair falling makes combat look smoother.

  166. 2 years ago

    I think I've come to realize that the Sinner cells are made almost entirely to heighten and aggravate the Sinner's insanity
    >Yi Sang's cell is basically a solitary confinement cell keeping him more detached from reality
    >Faust's cell is a chalkboard/laboratory for her to consistently feed her ego over how smart she is
    >Sinclair's is ???? fricking reality vs ideals I didnt read Demian
    >Meursault's cell is a constant reminder that people get really emotional and upset over things he doesnt understand and gets punished for it
    >Don's cell exists for her to perpetually give in to her delusions
    >Ryoshu's cell is probably more of a reference to Hell Screen, but also would also be exactly the kind of room an obsessive pretentious artist would want
    >Heathcliff's cell exists to constantly remind him about the lowest point in his life to remind him about his revenge
    >Ishmael's cell is a literal recreation of the most traumatic scene of her life to aggravate her survivor's guilt
    Based off that, what rooms do you think the other sinners will get?
    My bet is Hong Lu's cell will be that of opulence so that way he remains detached from the lives of the plebs, and Im not reading Dreams of the Hell Chamber because frick that's a lot of reading

    • 2 years ago

      >dreams of the red chamber

      • 2 years ago

        Yes, I care that little of a work made by a Ch*naman that I cant even bother to get the title right

    • 2 years ago

      > I think I've come to realize that the Sinner cells are made almost entirely to heighten and aggravate the Sinner's insanity
      Anon, their cells are not physical in nature.
      Their cells are a reflection of their psyché.

  167. 2 years ago

    after fighting the shi association, i think i've reached the point where i have realized you aren't always meant to finish the fight with just 1 floor of librarians..
    now i get why the game gives you so many key pages

    • 2 years ago

      No, you definitely are supposed to if you can build a good deck. Shi isn't even that insane of a fight.

      • 2 years ago

        their gear was a massive step up from the previous fights, and they kept spamming that card that has +2 power rolls while having speed rolls i couldn't defend against
        >No, you definitely are supposed to if you can build a good deck
        i mean the game literally just lets you continue the fight with the enemies same health values, and gives you multiple of the same key pages, with a multiple usable floors

      • 2 years ago

        If you feed extreme fatigue, you gonna have some problems. But for me it's Puppets, warpjannies and smiling faces. Frick this guys. Cane office also major struggle despite being considered weakest fight in Star of the City.

  168. 2 years ago

    Wait wait wait do I actualy have to make 45 battle ready key pages for Blue homie Boss Rush?

    • 2 years ago

      Not unless you want the challenge. You can take the keypages off after each layer.

      • 2 years ago

        So, I need 16 + 3 from boss fights key pages before and I can go to the end?

        • 2 years ago

          Most pages you get from ensemble suck wiener.

          • 2 years ago

            I refuse to believe el director saw Pluto's (player) keypage and thought "this is good"

            • 2 years ago

              >Make a israeli magician
              >Give him frick all to do with magic
              At least make him hybrid page El Director... Or discard passives.

              at the bare minimum they all have over 100 HP, decent stagger, speed III and the fabric passive
              sad but that's more than enough to put them above 95% of the keypages in the game

              Tbh "better stats" is worst kind of upgrades. I take gimmick shit like rusted chains and Dante's "attack target with 5 fragile to make weak resist into fatal, despite 75-80% enemies in this game don't have weak resistance"

              • 2 years ago

                >Tbh "better stats" is worst kind of upgrades. I take gimmick shit like rusted chains and Dante's "attack target with 5 fragile to make weak resist into fatal, despite 75-80% enemies in this game don't have weak resistance"
                Really it should have just turned their weakest resistance (or a random one) into one tier weaker.

                Actually, how would you have reacted if Keypages and affected the base rolls and they'd focused more on the cards having their own gimmicks?

                So Zwei cards would be weak in the early keypage but the rolls would be SoTC tier with a SoTC keypage. Thus you grab them for their block and endurance stacking gimmick.

              • 2 years ago

                >Rolls would be SotC tier with SotC keypage
                Like Black Silence? I would like to see SotC equivalent of early game combat pages, but game kinda does this already. Technically stuff like Zwei Retaliation has 1-10 dodge which can be boosted by church, Yun and wings flapping of punishing bird abno card. As result you get some absurd numbers on second thrust die. Assuming you rolls high enough. Or if you like Zwei defense playstyle you can run Cane office and R-corp pages. So tbh. I have no clue. Really. I think more cards synergies would be great. But it's such hassle to balance. This is for example I like smoke. You have smiling faces as your main apply smoke, church for straight up damage and some utility and workshop being essentialy reason to go for 9+ smoke on yourself. Each upgrade bring new pages and synergies.

          • 2 years ago

            I refuse to believe el director saw Pluto's (player) keypage and thought "this is good"

            at the bare minimum they all have over 100 HP, decent stagger, speed III and the fabric passive
            sad but that's more than enough to put them above 95% of the keypages in the game

    • 2 years ago

      Nah, the fight was nerfed

    • 2 years ago

      No, each sector limits the key pages and pages you can use, but once that sector is dealt with, you can re-use it.

    • 2 years ago

      20 at most, they reset after each layer.

  169. 2 years ago

    what the FRICK is this page

    • 2 years ago

      Page of an overpowered hag that could potentialy be a colour, but she's a little bit tired.

    • 2 years ago

      autism incarnate
      crippled autism at that

    • 2 years ago

      El Director's favorite gambling addict
      We'll settle this with a 4

      • 2 years ago

        Check this 4.


    • 2 years ago

      Check this 4.

      • 2 years ago

        El Director's favorite gambling addict
        We'll settle this with a 4

        oh i saw this during the fight and shit myself but the 4 never hit me luckily
        >+45 power

        • 2 years ago

          it always bothered me it's +45 power and not +44

      • 2 years ago

        >Forgive Dorothy, I have to go all out, just this once

    • 2 years ago

      Taste of power of things what you get later

  170. 2 years ago

    does this guarantee the 4?

    • 2 years ago

      Has to be natural roll value, but things like twelve fixers and iori's rerolls on min roll work

      • 2 years ago

        dice power doesn't affect the BoD proc sadly, it has to be the raw roll
        increased minimum dice range DOES affect your chances, too bad BoD is literally the reason we don't have that many of those
        which is hilarious because a 100% guaranteed 4-4 BoD wouldn't be the most broken thing in the game, not even close, not even by the time you get it

        No, because you need both max roll and 4+

        ah that's funny then since i rolled the 4 3 times in a row in that case

        • 2 years ago

          blessed luck
          this guy will get a ssr character in ligmus

    • 2 years ago

      dice power doesn't affect the BoD proc sadly, it has to be the raw roll
      increased minimum dice range DOES affect your chances, too bad BoD is literally the reason we don't have that many of those
      which is hilarious because a 100% guaranteed 4-4 BoD wouldn't be the most broken thing in the game, not even close, not even by the time you get it

    • 2 years ago

      No, because you need both max roll and 4+

  171. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Watch out for that edge, tiph

  172. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      my pages are too strong for you, librarian. you better go to a fight that has weaker pages

  173. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      What is it with Angl*s god damn

  174. 2 years ago

    >"use me where i'm needed"
    >"ah, only for things related to work though"
    they knew

    • 2 years ago

      >Faust made no such distinction

    • 2 years ago

      Max trust dialogue will be the same but without the "only work" part

  175. 2 years ago

    I will FORCE every sinner to be a virgin like me

    • 2 years ago

      no....abe wouldnt have wanted that why pile on the mountains of sins by sinning like that of all things

      • 2 years ago

        But they're korean anon, Abe was a jap nationalist

        • 2 years ago

          doesnt matter have sex

          • 2 years ago

            will do

            • 2 years ago

              with ishmael just to be sure ISHMAEL

              • 2 years ago

                >Ishamel, I need you to frick that nest resident to secure safe passage
                >It's important to obtain the golden bough don't misinterpret my orders

        • 2 years ago

          His message stays true. Japs have a Europe tier birth rate, while koreans are so far gone they have 0,92. If someone has to frick it is them.

          • 2 years ago

            Wait, their replacement rate is less than one child per married pairing, which is itself a scattershot statistic? What the frick.

            • 2 years ago

              >get married
              >3 years go by
              >divorce next month
              >no children
              korean experience

            • 2 years ago

              I think it's per woman. Koreans had literal hardline feminists in government for a long time. In their modern culture they value success in carrier much more than anything else, their women have a lot of boons from the government (even worse than western divorce rape) and their men are bottom of the barrel in terms of looks. Combine all of it and you get a nation which will HALF in a generation.
              They even elected a guy who run a campaign with "crushing femenism" being one of core points. Imagine how bad it is if even those korean rice eaters had risen up to this bullshit.

  176. 2 years ago

    i tried my first final episode and got wrecked
    does the malkuth one have another phase after bees?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, there's one more phase

  177. 2 years ago

    I hope we see AU versions of LoR characters in Limbus Company. I want to see White Cacophony Argalia.

    • 2 years ago

      well we were already seeing booked characters pop up again in leviathan and iirc limbus is a few years ahead in the timeline from that

      • 2 years ago

        We don't know the exact date to be fair. Leviathan happens a bit after the light is shined again in LoR I believe, and then there's a 6 month timeskip. Limbus could fall into a few months from Leviathan too.

        • 2 years ago

          >and then there's a 6 month timeskip.
          Is it though? I felt like its at least 5 years or so, assuming Garnet was still in orphanage at the start of it and then 20 years old after time skip.

          • 2 years ago

            They mentioned it, in chapter 3, see top right. There's a scene later where Vergil is looking at an old picture, and says something about how Garnet is still as he was 10 years ago, but that's just him talking about younger Garnet, and how is currently acting.

            So basically, LoR ends, moments later or maybe a few days later people get unbooked, Purple shows up to take Tomerry, 6 month timeskip to Garnet joining Vergil's office.

            • 2 years ago

              I guess i forgor about it, 6 months it is then...
              They should finish writing it RIGHT NOW so i can see the big twist at the very end and see Vergil say "Is this some kind of Limbus Company?" and morb hard.

            • 2 years ago

              I like the anachronistic technology aesthetic they have going on. It's not fun that everyone else thinks future must mean appleverse.

  178. 2 years ago

    i just got shit on so hard by the puppets fight
    was this meant to happen

    • 2 years ago

      Nope. It's a bit of an endurance match, and their cards are evil with how good they are. Use slash decks.

      • 2 years ago

        alright it was pretty free that time, i took your advice and went full slash
        their cards were pretty bullshit still

        • 2 years ago

          Weighty puppets can carry you through this part + their cards. Get the cards from the fight past Philip and mix their passives and you'll become a monster.
          There's also an extremely strong key page to find in random invitations in that part I believe. If you run a group called blade Lineage, try to get the keypage from their leader + Sayo's +1 to slash passive.

  179. 2 years ago

    >playing modded ruina
    >try out my OP pages in urban plague and urban nightmare just for fun
    >realise some of their pages have new VFXs
    >now see that Discipline is now a 3 cost for some reason
    Im scared

    • 2 years ago

      What mod

      • 2 years ago

        I don't know where the new VFXs come from but from process of elimination i found out that the new Discipline came from the Thumb East mod(or atleast the group of mods that were made by him)

  180. 2 years ago

    What does "resolve twice as many books" mean here? Twice the loot?

    • 2 years ago

      You get twice as many books you'd normally get from completing the reception

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah. You need to apply the debuff first, and then kill the enemy. Killing them when they're close to being defeated doesn't count.

  181. 2 years ago

    Does game have a limit on even blue key pages? I am auto farming sweepers for those sweet sustain passives and it seems that pages key pages don't drop anymore.

    • 2 years ago

      You can click the book in the burn tab to see how many key pages you can get at max.

    • 2 years ago

      One gold, three purples, four blues, five greens.

  182. 2 years ago

    What is this game? Is it even strategy? Where do I find gameplay

    • 2 years ago

      LC is SCP manager simulator
      LoR is deckbuilding card brawler
      Limbus is... I can't describe it. My best guess would be a three in a row autobatller?
      >Is it even strategy
      Don't ask silly questions.

      • 2 years ago

        >explaining what games they are by calling them by abbreviation

        • 2 years ago

          Anon. It's like two games and upcoming one. You can figure things out.

    • 2 years ago

      this thread is for discussion of various games by developer Project Moon
      the first game is called Lobotomy Corporation and is definitely a strategy game, you manage a facility of monsters (think SCPs if you're familiar) that you research and harvest energy from.
      the second game is called Library of Ruina and is less strategy but it's better for everyone if we contain our autism to one thread rather than also having a thread on /vrpg/. in it you manage a magic library full of valuable books. people come into the library to get books, but they have to pass a "trial" or die and get turned into books. the "trial" comes in the form of you having your librarians fight and kill them in card-based RPG combat.
      the third game is called Limbus Company and it isn't out yet but there are character promos coming out each friday which is a lot of what we are discussing

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks, I don't normally wish to be spoonfed but I wanted to avoid any spoilers by digging too hard into the thread.

        • 2 years ago

          if you're at all interested in the games i strongly advise you start with LobCorp and avoid things like the wiki as much as possible. Ruina is a direct sequel to the True Ending of LC, and a big part of what makes LC fun is going in completely blind to both the abnormalities and the plot.

          if you're ever confused about anything and the Manual can't answer your question, you can ask in one of these threads and people will generally try to help without spoiling you (as long as you give us some idea of your progress so we know what not to mention)

    • 2 years ago

      >Where do I find gameplay
      People who ask about gameplay in these threads do not bother to actually look at gameplay pictures and posts

  183. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      moon rune translation?

      • 2 years ago

        PM will be on the Tokyo games show this time and will have its own booth or whatever
        Letting people try some shit out and get extra IRL goodies iirc

  184. 2 years ago

    warp train is unironically peak fiction
    i've been thinking about the concept for days

    • 2 years ago

      Dude its Stephen King's The Jaunt. He also got it from somewhere else, most likely

      • 2 years ago

        that's interesting, i had no idea
        it does seem extremely heavily influenced, close to just straight up copied even

        • 2 years ago

          Same, I had no idea.
          Having read the wikipedia synopsis I'm a bit iffed that PM didn't invent the story, but at the same time I'm really happy that they but such amazing visuals on it.
          The Stephen King books sounds almost clinical in it's description, summarizing the events after the fact.
          But PM had us albeit quickly, experience the story from the victims point of view, which is great.

  185. 2 years ago

    Jesus Frick how long does the Crying Children fight last for?

    • 2 years ago

      don't forget, you're here forever

    • 2 years ago

      7 phases. Korean love time-consuming torture as you could tell from LC.

      • 2 years ago

        i will never understand the pointless shoehorned racism/stereotypes a lot of "critics" use these days

        • 2 years ago

          Twitter is two blocks down.

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >game bad because korean like grind and korean bad
            it uses the stereotype of "korean like grind gaem" instead of the more realistic one of "PM loves to torture your butthole with no lube"
            stereotype that is not even consistent because it's supposed to be farming for EXP by getting low rates, thus extending the grind, not by long fights in particular

            • 2 years ago

              Thank you for explaining it

            • 2 years ago

              I agree it's a reach sometimes, like in this case.
              But I've not seen a korean MMO without the cancer blacksmith +quality mechanic shoehorned on.
              Developers grew up on certain games in their region and it reflects in their games. Eurojank is another example.

        • 2 years ago

          The fact that you consider westerner's frustration at Korean standards for game-padding as racism speaks volumes about how little your opinion is worth.
          have a nice day at your earliest convenience, please and thank you.

      • 2 years ago

        I figured the long lasting shit was more to emphasize how fricking stubborn he is in both wanting to get what he lost back, but at the same time, shielding himself from the pain.
        By the time he is an ensemble member, he is a single phase since he stopped giving a shit.

        • 2 years ago

          I think it's more about killing each children manually. Since statue is basically Philip forming a shell to protect himself from evil. Attack names also implied he doesn't give a shit at this point. Hence "illusion" part.

        • 2 years ago

          ensemble philip still has some of the best cards tbh

          • 2 years ago

            >You get rekindled strike

            • 2 years ago

              >your nugget does his special pose
              best card reward just for that

              • 2 years ago

                But I don't like one flaming wing. Worth it tho.

              • 2 years ago

                yeah, best final distortion form too, eileen is a close second for me

              • 2 years ago

                For me it's Conductor and 8 o'clock Circus.

              • 2 years ago

                i'd have liked the conductor more without that fricking toy scythe, and 8 o'clock circus lost even more gains...

              • 2 years ago

                I don't like it because it changes his overhead swing. Which is my favorite basic attack in the game.

              • 2 years ago

                i was gonna look it up in the artbook since that has his spritesheet, but realized i lost it

              • 2 years ago

                frick it i remade it from a broken sprite sheet, you mean this one right?

              • 2 years ago

                Is there anything else even remotely comparable?
                The nice 'thwak' I hear as I smack someone's chin to shards with a large warm stick-sword is a unique feeling.
                Here have Grandma paintings I saved from an earlier thread...

              • 2 years ago

                yeah tis real satisfying, also those paintings are nice

              • 2 years ago

                >Grandma paintings

              • 2 years ago

                Some Anon's Grandmama flexes on your lack of artistic skill by wet-on-wet painting fanart for her grandson.

    • 2 years ago

      Candles look forward to being used.

  186. 2 years ago

    Wait Leviathan is a novel now? What happened to the artist?

    • 2 years ago

      Contracted ligma

    • 2 years ago

      They ceased production with them according to the text provided explaining it, it was because Director was having little time to direct how they should portray certain stuff to be drawn, and felt it was being cumbersome for the artist, and would result in a lesser product thanks tot not being able to supervise it, so he decided to make it a novel from now on, with some illustrations mixed in.

  187. 2 years ago

    yujin and stack all abno page then pray
    it worked
    i had two guys spec'd to single use ranged pages too thinking they would come back during the next phases so they became deadweight halfway through

    • 2 years ago

      wait how have more people completed the malkuth realization than lovetown
      lovetown is an entire chapter behind this..

      • 2 years ago

        more early access peps cared about re-playing the realization, over Lovetown. I use lovetown when i need a dmg sponge to stress test a build and can't be fricked to go through Wedge office.

      • 2 years ago

        more early access peps cared about re-playing the realization, over Lovetown. I use lovetown when i need a dmg sponge to stress test a build and can't be fricked to go through Wedge office.

        >more early access peps cared about re-playing the realization, over Lovetown
        i got all achievements and can confirm you don't need to replay realizations to get their achievements, just boot up a save file where they're cleared, whereas you need to actually do boss receptions after they implemented achievements to get those ones

        Do I have to break "into the sack" card in Greta reseption by using splash attacks or there is another way?

        you can use a mass, or if you get bagged you can kill the bag to release the librarian
        no, nothing explains that you can do that (or at least it didn't when I last played it), it just works

    • 2 years ago

      Gun is bad for this sort of fights untill you get advanced range pages.

    • 2 years ago

      Guns only become viable at Star of the City when you get cards that are actually good.

      • 2 years ago

        i watched a speedrun video for some deck/strategy ideas and copied one of their builds, but i think the main strategy becomes more efficient early on when they have their entire party specced to guns and extra damage on turn 1

      • 2 years ago

        In early game full stop is alright to have for backup floor in case you screwed up somehow.

  188. 2 years ago

    Also I'm back to playing the mod now. I'll try to get to the Baring Tide Leader today.

  189. 2 years ago

    Do I have to break "into the sack" card in Greta reseption by using splash attacks or there is another way?

    • 2 years ago

      Use mass attacks

    • 2 years ago

      Use mass attacks

      wait you can break it with mass attacks? somehow that never crossed my mind and just unga'd the fight before she bagged everyone

  190. 2 years ago

    I'm sure Nicole's got this....
    The Director doesn't have Speed 3, but does have 4 starting light. Also he's called that because J Corp Locked his name away.
    Sagam inflicts paralysis every time he consumes smoke using a page.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        He no longer asking, he needs a hag.

  191. 2 years ago

    I didn't make it, but I got my hands on their grunt's passive to see if it still stacks with Puffy Brume. It does.

    • 2 years ago

      >buffing smoke
      for what fricking purpose

      • 2 years ago

        Because it's funny.

      • 2 years ago


  192. 2 years ago

    the one thing that's annoying about ruina is it doesn't feel intuitive enough when it comes to incorporating new combat and key pages into your decks as you progress though the game
    you unlock a bunch of new stuff but it feels like you're fighting with the UIs to set it all up (again), rather than being able to easily make improvements to your existing loadouts
    i know i have all this new powerful shit but it's just a massive pain to get it all setup again so i end up using the same decks i was using before

    • 2 years ago

      >get a new keypage
      >attach all combat pages for new keypage, throw the rest on your favorite floor
      >change passives
      Works for me.

      • 2 years ago

        i think it works fine when you know what you actually want to do, but when you get a bunch of new stuff it's a massive pain to sort through while also deciding what to use
        there's like 1000 keypages with duplicates, then going through the passives for those is the same deal, new combat pages mixed with old ones etc

        • 2 years ago

          do you have adhd or dyslexia by any chance?

          • 2 years ago

            no i have an issue half assing things though so it borders on either spend too much effort on this thing or just don't do it

            • 2 years ago

              pro tip, 90% of the passives and pages on the game are worthless if you don't know what you're doing
              if you don't know what you're doing (and you clearly don't) just stack light regen, 0-1 cost page draw, and big unga cards with big dice ranges at a 1:1:1 ratio, then stack dice power
              that's literally it, the game isn't that hard

              • 2 years ago

                >just stack light regen, 0-1 cost page draw, and big unga cards with big dice ranges at a 1:1:1 ratio, then stack dice power
                that's what i'm already doing because it's a pain to make anything more coherent in the system unless you already know exactly how to
                the game isn't actually hard but UIs could be better, that's it really

              • 2 years ago

                reminder the save and load deck function exists

              • 2 years ago

                yeah i use them, maybe i'm just bad at the deck building phase, i dunno
                this is one i put together and it's been doing really well but for some others things there's so much to go through for synergy that i give up on the menus

              • 2 years ago

                What an absolute meme deck.

              • 2 years ago

                why is it meme, it seems fine for where i'm up to
                actually ignore the bleed passive though, it's meant to just have more slash passives i forgot to save

              • 2 years ago

                Wanna hear some really interesting thing about Yujin? She can use boosted faint memories from the get go.

              • 2 years ago

                Wanna hear some really interesting thing about Yujin? She has a penis

              • 2 years ago

                Get back in the book Tenma.

              • 2 years ago

                Does Valentin get pegged by both, or is he just for Tenma's use?

              • 2 years ago

                Valentin gets pegged by both AND Thelma.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                >no Faint Memories on Yujin
                >Ink Over instead of Tailoring with only 2 draw cards

              • 2 years ago

                i'll have a look and redo it with those thanks

              • 2 years ago

                also reminder to not use any accessories that give you HP, a single point of HP can get you over the rounding threshold and put you at 26% HP when the battle starts, fricking you over
                the ones that give you a few points of stagger should be fine however

              • 2 years ago

                Eh it's not that bad. Terrible passives usually combo with good passives and bad keypages.. i honestly have no clue. You can challenge yourself?

              • 2 years ago

                >if you don't know what you're doing

              • 2 years ago

                >don't know what you're doing
                I'm pretty sure this is how I play the game. Some synergies are really obvious. That was my point.

        • 2 years ago

          You don't really need to do any of that. Usually best passives is hard to miss or they already come with good keypages. So you don't really need fricking Dino double kick for your Xiao keypage.

  193. 2 years ago

    not the only European-cultured Association we'll face.

  194. 2 years ago

    About time I saw one of these...
    They also have a Fleece 7-14 pierce die with a counter die of 3-7 pierce too. It inflicts 3 fragile.

  195. 2 years ago

    I forgot you could get a Meat Gear's Head as a battle symbol.

  196. 2 years ago

    Oh boy, This fight huh...
    Also for the other two, Giorno has speed 3 and 4 light Nia is a purple key page.
    Neither has an exclusive.

    • 2 years ago

      where's the instal for this mod?

      • 2 years ago

        It's not ready yet so It's on his discord server.
        Or, to be more specific you get the google doc link from there. And use Basemods to launch it.

        • 2 years ago

          and where is the d*scord?

          • 2 years ago

   (starlight itself)
            This 4 links should be all you need

            • 2 years ago

              404 for this one

              • 2 years ago

                it works now.
                I even used Incognito.
                Unless your PC IP is banned for some reason...

              • 2 years ago

                don't forget to use the read me file to find out the order you need to do the fights in.
                I recommend to do all fights in a row before you use the console command mod to skip them (you can be more lenient for pre-Plague)
                also here's no Grind, so that you can just have fun.

  197. 2 years ago

    what the frick are you supposed to do against eternal rest in the yesod realization?

    • 2 years ago

      no thoughts
      head empty
      just unga harder

      • 2 years ago

        do i need ranged for that? i just got to the last part and i could clash the bullets there with melee, but not the butterfly

    • 2 years ago

      You mean coffinboy? Just win clashes. Any strong page will do.

    • 2 years ago

      seal her speed dice before she uses it
      if she uses it it's practically a team wipe and this is AFTER it was nerfed

  198. 2 years ago

    One of The Green Cycle's pages is a single-use range page that on use gives an ally 2 haste and a Chakram Shield

  199. 2 years ago

    Any tips how to build a Netzach team?
    So far I have a single pierce deck and a tanky deck to grab some hits.

    • 2 years ago

      That's about it for Netzach if you want to build around his Abnos.
      A lot of his pages are either early game only, get fricked by Shimmering, require specific enemy mechanics or are only unlocked at emotion level 3. As in Spring Genesis is his best page and it can still get fricked by targetable enemies. He does have a funny one-use page where he skips your turn.

  200. 2 years ago

    So Green Cycle has three builds it can run at the start of the Act. A speed build that negates bind on self and. Has a Mass Attack.
    A Discard Support mode that makes low cost pages do more damage, eventually extends to 3 costs, gives an additional Speed die. Has a special page that discards 3 pages from hand to activate various effects.
    Finally a recovery mode, loses one dice power if played before emotion level 3, gives 4 stagger resist and health points at the start of every scene. Gives an attack that inflicts all allies with Regen.
    Also he has more pages then his book reward UI tells you.

  201. 2 years ago

    Oh shit, the new madness animation is coming out in an hour!

    • 2 years ago

      Would Hank be able to defeat a Claw+Arbiter tagteam?

      • 2 years ago

        He couldn't kill a clown or the Auditor by himself.

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