Prove you're not a New Vegas cultist. Post your critiques of the game.

Prove you're not a New Vegas cultist. Post your critiques of the game.

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  1. 9 months ago

    >Trans Vegas has better Steam reviews than Fallout 3,4, Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim.

    I fricking hate Todd Howard for giving Fallout to shitty ass Obsidian, he's sullied Bethesda's reputation for a quick buck.

    • 9 months ago

      Trans people have better taste in games than chuds like you 🙂

    • 9 months ago

      Go post your shitty copypasta in /fog/ with the rest of the drones.

  2. 9 months ago

    Legion is blatantly unfinished. Still pretty buggy. Desert is inherently a less interesting locale than somewhere more urban. Final boss speech check doesn't require anything like talking The Master down. Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road are pretty dull and not very good imo.

    • 9 months ago

      And this
      Especially Honest Hearts is shit-tier.

  3. 9 months ago

    Hard-core mode is poorly done and pretty much just adds some extra radiation bars that go up constantly that are pretty much a non-issue. Being funneled into the same-ish route to New Vegas every time makes the start of new runs somewhat tedious. Lonesome road forcing every Courier to have the same backstory harms the player's ability to roleplay. Yes I know this a bait thread no I DO NOT care.

  4. 9 months ago

    1. The Legion is written pretty badly
    2. Gunplay sucks (Bethesda's fault)
    3. Game is very orange
    4. The sometimes pseudo-deep choices like the dilemma between the Powder Gangers and towns people

  5. 9 months ago

    Mr. House is objectively the only correct choice.

    • 9 months ago

      Some of the writing was too subtle. For example, many morons like didn't pick up any issues with the House ending.

      • 9 months ago

        >issues with the House ending.
        Such as?

    • 9 months ago

      The correct choice is slavery

  6. 9 months ago

    The Strip sucks.

  7. 9 months ago

    for a moment i thought i was on /lgbt/

  8. 9 months ago

    >cut content
    >shitty balancing (Cazadores are fricking broken)
    >main storyline isn't really long enough
    Still a 10/10 personally

  9. 9 months ago

    it fricking sucks

  10. 9 months ago

    Too much cut content.
    Hardcore mode is literally pointless.
    Legion can't even be considered a faction with how unfinished it is.
    Weapon modding is severely underutilized and underdeveloped.
    Explosives do frick all against high DT enemies.
    Hacking and lockpicking minigames are as boring as ever.

  11. 9 months ago

    New vegas makes incels go trans

    • 9 months ago

      you realize If you're an incel, suddenly transitioning isn't going to do anything right? unless maybe if you're ACTUALLY trans and end up ACTUALLY passing, in which case you'd get a mega self confidence boost and maybe would be less of a mess. But even considering all that, the dating pool of trans people is still miniscule asfrick, nobody but other trans people wanna date trans people, and you gotta be lucky and already have a parter you met before hand or early transition if you want a non trans person. Otherwise it's either just as bad, or worse than when you were an incel for dating options.

      Not trans, just stuff I've heard trans people complain about. Honestly, the best way to find somebody as a trans person seems to just be to make an only fans and peruse for degenerate trans Twitter spaces.

      So yeah, the incel to trans pipeline shit is a dumb as frick theory and has always triggered me for some reason. The idea that you can just turn into a woman and just instantly get what you want triggers me.

      • 9 months ago

        The incel to trans pipeline theory is not contingent upon the troony passing or getting laid post transition.

        • 9 months ago

          >The incel to trans pipeline theory is not contingent upon the troony passing or getting laid post transition.

          the frick does this even mean moron? the whole point of being an Incel is wanting to get laid, If they went from incel to trans then there's no reason or relation to them being an incel prior and therefore had no relevance or bearing on them becoming trans

          man, I don't even know if Ganker has coherent enough ideas of trans people to even stop them lmao

      • 9 months ago

        >The incel to trans pipeline theory is not contingent upon the troony passing or getting laid post transition.

        the frick does this even mean moron? the whole point of being an Incel is wanting to get laid, If they went from incel to trans then there's no reason or relation to them being an incel prior and therefore had no relevance or bearing on them becoming trans

        man, I don't even know if Ganker has coherent enough ideas of trans people to even stop them lmao

        >you realize If you're an incel, suddenly transitioning isn't going to do anything right?
        it works off the same principle that other "silver bullet" solutions do, desperation
        it doesn't have to actually help you, in fact, most of them actually make it worse but most people tend to go full sunk-cost at that point
        it is literally the same tactics most cults use for getting new members and keeping them

        • 9 months ago

          >it works off the same principle that other "silver bullet" solutions do, desperation

          this isn't a real concept that can be applied to trans shit you moron. show me the evidence for this, holy shit you're moronic.

          >it doesn't have to actually help you, in fact, most of them actually make it worse but most people tend to go full sunk-cost at that point

          what the frick are you talking about? this doesn't even make sense logically. people do things for a reason. whether you think trans people are delusional or not, it doesn't fricking matter because they take estrogen and wear dresses because they hate their body being male. some are genuinely moronic trenders just looking for community, but they're beyond mentally ill and exceptions. when talking about a group, exceptions are irrelevant, and not every incel is going to be mentally ill that way, I'd even argue plenty aren't. they're just socially moronic due to lack of experience or whatever.

          the same applies to cutting, people who cut themselves are moronic, but they're not just doing it for fun, cutting actually releases endorphins or whatever. trans shit is wholly different if you're an incel, you have ZERO fricking reason at all to transition. it'll ONLY make you even weirder than you already are, and there are permanent irreversible changes. Not to mention, just why??? why would an incel ever think of wanting to be trans? unless the incel to trans pipeline is moronicly mistaken and it's more so that TRANS people were incels before they transitioned...BECAUSE they hated themselves and couldn't express themselves comfortably.

          I don't know how you pulled out all this moronic "silver bullet" bullshit without actually susbtantiating anything you actually said then I come here and actually identify every discerning characteristic of a incel and trans person that would make them unrelated (unless the incel was already trans and just didn't know it)

          • 9 months ago

            trans women have more sexual options than incel men just for the fact that those options are higher than 0. Moreover, they get to work towards becoming the woman they fantasize over. It's like making an avatar waifu irl.

            • 9 months ago

              >trans women have more sexual options than incel men just for the fact that those options are higher than 0.

              No they don't moron lmfao. But you've already showed you have no semblance of objectivity or the facts surrounding this shit so your moronic narrative will continue to spread to equally moronic morons, as all moronic thought does.

              >Moreover, they get to work towards becoming the woman they fantasize over. It's like making an avatar waifu irl.

              wtf are you talking about. most cis people are weird anime freak weebs, and actually engage with reality. men don't want to become woman. not to mention how not simple it is. but whatever. when I bring up a fact you just deflect and shift to something else, even though I already addressed in the very first reply why "trans ≠ more options" but ugh idc, go be as moronic as whatever incels you claim exist that are moronic enough to think being trans will save them. I hope they all kill themselves, as do you

              • 9 months ago

                >no they don't
                It's not whether they do it don't, it's whether the perception is that they do. And this is incels we're talking about, most of which are predicated on this idea that women have it easier due to their sexual currency.
                >most don't
                You're right, most do not. But there's people obsessed with ideas that have little bearing on the object reality. It's not unreasonable that this would be another. But i do think it's important to put in context that both populations, incels and trans are very very small populations. So any popular outcomes seem more weighted than they likely are.

              • 9 months ago

                >And this is incels we're talking about, most of which are predicated on this idea that women have it easier due to their sexual currency.

                Yes, I know this. and I ALMOST bought into this idea because I just wanted to say something like "incels are SO stupid and deranged that they think becoming a woman would actually be easier" BUT consider all the arguments I laid out prior and how incels are not that far off from MGTOW, and you'll realize that they are very protective of their masculinity and other men, and huddle around eachother jerking themselves off about how fricked they are. It's honestly not too far off from trans people, except trans people have more fundamental problems both mentally and physically

                I just don't believe it. And I have SO many reasons to believe that it's not realistic for enough incels to even need to be called a pipeline

              • 9 months ago

                >protective of their masculinity.
                You don't believe that could be overcompensating? Especially if sexual orientation and gender identity aren't mutually dependant. Most of those masculine ideals are predicated on being attractive to women. Things not mutually exclusive to being a man or woman.
                >trans people have more fundamental problems
                I tend to agree, but I mostly think turning some of the issues incels have, all the way up to 11, has a strong overlap with trans mental states.

              • 9 months ago

                >they are very protective of their masculinity and other men
                a surprising amount of people on an extreme completely flip to the other extreme once they start slipping towards the middle
                might be something with them not knowing how to balance themselves so they can only stay on the extremes

              • 9 months ago

                >a surprising amount of people on an extreme completely flip to the other extreme once they start slipping towards the middle

                I'd wager then that either those people were always trans, or gender non confirming. That's the only thing that makes sense. It doesn't make sense that an incel just suddenly wants to be a woman, unless they're mentally ill, or something else. The point is that it doesn't have to do with their inceldom, and therefore there isn't an incel to trans pipeline

              • 9 months ago

                >unless they're mentally ill
                they are mentally ill
                they're all mentally ill
                I actually found the term used for that type of personality, it's called an "addictive personality"

              • 9 months ago

                I find the idea that someone was "always" trans ridiculous. The idea that you feel uncomfortable in the body your mother gave you is 100% nurture and thus happened during your development. That, or it is legitimate mentall illness.
                I'm not trans so I don't have their perspective, but that's what I believe.

                Why would an incel want to become trans? Because of autogynephilia, which is the result of porn addiction. It's also possible they are jealous of women for their perceived ease of access to relationships and sex, but that isn't nearly as powerful a motivator as the male sex drive, so autogynephilia is a much more likely answer.

              • 9 months ago

                It’s mental illness. I can say this as a fact because I had a shit upbringing and when I was in high school in the early 2010’s, I wanted to be trans. I thought that being a woman would make me more acceptable in society and make me worthy of love.

                Thankfully I left that shit behind, but it comes back every now and then and I legit have to use coping mechanisms to remind myself that the me I am is great as is. Every single trans person I have spoken to, without fail, has had a severely fricked up childhood, and I believe that is part of what brings about the mental illness that is wanting to be trans.

                >moral of the story: if you have kids, be present for them and don’t treat them like shit by being too forceful or by being too absent

              • 9 months ago

                some hefty confirmation bias and repression here. there are a dozen mental illnesses associated with poor upbringing the idea that trans shit can be reduced to poor upbringing is patently the most moronic thing I've ever heard, and the biggest cope I've ever seen to externalize and rationalize "trans" as something not real lmao. I don't know if you're actually trans, I'd need more context, you probably are. But honestly, I don't want to believe you are for the sake of argument. You're a unique level of mentally ill Is all I know. The point at the end of the day is that there are some people who are better at introspection, and actually suffer mentally for not being a woman (socially, or physically, or both) and don't just "sometimes get thoughts of being trans" and their quality of life is increased by going on hrt, and decreased by not transitioning *sigh* I really don't want to say anymore just because of how stupid the whole idea of what you've said is but...yeah. You can't generalize your experience as fact...i thought we learned this in highschool man *sigh* do I really have to explain basic logic?

              • 9 months ago

                I’m really not, dude.

                I like feminine things. If I were a bit more slim, I would dress in more pastel colors. I appreciate more gentle music and think more emotionally than most men - or even women - do. And yeah, a part of me every so often fantasizes about going all the way with it and just acting the part. But I don’t because that would be the actually moronic thing to do.

                I’m a fricking guy through and through. That’s about it. Even if my mind doesn’t like that from time to time, it doesn’t beat out reality. If a kid cries because he can’t have cookies for dinner all the time, is he being robbed of a good future cause he can’t have what he thinks is good? Or is he actually being spared from being a fatass with Type 2 Diabetes in his teens because his parents don’t just give him what he wants cause he wants it? It’s the same concept here.

                I’m not even going to pretend to respect your pseudo intellectual drivel. Go back to twitter, homosexual.

              • 9 months ago

                I don't believe you. Name one vehicle used in WWII without looking it up.

              • 9 months ago

                >If a kid cries because he can’t have cookies for dinner all the time, is he being robbed of a good future cause he can’t have what he thinks is good? Or is he actually being spared from being a fatass with Type 2 Diabetes in his teens

                cookies don't give you type 2 diabetes dude lmao, I can't believe people still believe shit like this. there's nothing wrong with giving your child cookies unless they're allergic. Not that it matters since we have parents and health professionals for that reason since they know better. Also, don't know why you're using a kid as an example lmao, informed consent exists as a concept. Anyway...

                >I like feminine things. If I were a bit more slim, I would dress in more pastel colors. I appreciate more gentle music and think more emotionally than most men - or even women - do. And yeah, a part of me every so often fantasizes about going all the way with it and just acting the part. But I don’t because that would be the actually moronic thing to do.

                looooooool...are there any actual trans people in here? holy shit, the amount ofntimes I've seen the last line on this place is GENUINELY crazy. It makes me feel so icky because they think they're so self aware anyway, this shit looks like repressor shit, but I don't want to believe your trans anyway since that MIGHT give the impression that you have anything valid to say over this topic...if you were being honest lmao. All I'll say Is. Be thankful, oh SO thankful that you don't have gender dysphoria...and if you kinda definitely deserve to get fricked for that later in life loser lmao.

                I have a hard time respecting people who think they're smarter and more self aware than they've demonstrated reason to be. Also, I don't conveniently dismiss contentions I dislike as "pseudo intellectual" because unlike an actual pseudo intellectual, I actually care about the topics I discuss beyond flexing. And always refer to logic and objectivity to disprove what Is wrong.

              • 9 months ago

                Your respect is as worthwhile as the shit brewing up in my intestines.

              • 9 months ago

                But you're ignoring the point that anon is making here. It does make sense in the context of his argument. I've seen this with political extremists too, I've seen a Nazi go from a hardline Communist as soon as their ideology is slightly discredited. If an Incel's ideology is discredited, they will hop onto the opposite extreme and go trans. To me it makes logical sense. The mind of an extremist doesn't go closer to the middle, it just switches the side to the other extreme.

          • 9 months ago

            I'm at work and don't have time to respond to you fully but holy frick you are frothing at the mouth
            Look up transmaxxing, it is a real thing

            • 9 months ago

              >but holy frick you are frothing at the mouth

              doesn't matter. not like it makes me wrong.

              >Look up transmaxxing, it is a real thing

              yeah, totally, just like hydroxychloroquine was totally a real thing because people talked about it.

              all people "transmaxxing" are either severely mentally ill morons, equivalent to people that unironically watched and followed moronic tik tok trends like devious licks and eating tipods...or were already trans and its just both selection and confirmation bias. it can literally be nothing else based on the facts regarding these two categories I've already mentioned prior (that neither of you have actually proven wrong or engaged with in any matter)

              I don't care anymore, conversation is annoying me with the realization of how moronic you can be and still talk as if you know anything. it's boring.

              • 9 months ago

                Are you like, a real bio female? I recall having arguments with obstinate women who are convinced their worldview is correct like this before.

              • 9 months ago

                Not an argument. I'm not even going to address how pathetic it is to reach for an irrelevant adhom instead of even saying anything and just take my duh and leave you to continue being moronic. No point in bothering with people this genuinely obstinate, ignorant and close minded.

          • 9 months ago

            >ignores that support (medical at least, plus social cause muh progressive morons) and attention based validation is baked in, combined with sexual themes due to the focus on genitalia and sexual identity, also the neurological effects of taking hormones
            Combine that with the collapsing structures of male identity or at least the constant attack or inherent marginalising of being considered an active agent, especially in a perfection obsessed society..
            The pipeline of incel to trans is not that far fetched. Especially as the choice to become trans is usually made at the two most vulnerable points, before maturity. Or at the height of identity disillusionment, which before the trans "fad" was the most common time for a "mid life crisis"
            Is it all of them? No. But is it impossible or unlikely, no. No matter how much it tortures your taint.

            • 9 months ago

              >Combine that with the collapsing structures of male identity or at least the constant attack or inherent marginalising of being considered an active agent, especially in a perfection obsessed society..

              female identity has "collapsed" just as much, and men aren't marginalized frick off, holy shit you're moronic, and if they were, they'd be marginalized by other men, but thats besides the point. also society is far from perfectionist based what the frick are you talking about? do you exist solely on social media? you know what. don't even answer that. you can get off with the shittiest most irrelevant jobs and grades and do fine or work some moronic trade job, your premises aren't even valid.

              >Especially as the choice to become trans is usually made at the two most vulnerable points, before maturity.

              What the frick are you talking about? This doesn't even mean anything. Choices are constantly made before maturity pertaining a number of drugs, medicines and treatments. This means nothing without context. There are some people who made decisions to be with people since highschool and have stayed with them since. You can be vulnerable at any stage of life. "Maturity" doesn't fricking mean anything in this context, and you're going to cry about me saying that without providing any coherent counter.

              >Or at the height of identity disillusionment, which before the trans "fad" was the most common time for a "mid life crisis"

              This is all literal made up nonsense. You're moronic. I actually back up what I say without using buzzwords and begging the question. Also there are a number of alternative options for a "midlife" crisis, to suggest something which only 1% of the population are, is a realistic pipeline is moronic.

              >Is it all of them? No. But is it impossible or unlikely, no. No matter how much it tortures your taint.

              That doesn't mean anything, anything is possible with context removed, that doesn't mean it relevant or not selection bias.

              • 9 months ago

                >that whole first paragraph
                You really are a woman. Wow. What drew you to a FNV thread exactly? On Ganker of all places?

              • 9 months ago

                not a woman or trans moron. can you only look at the world in such a narrow way that this is the only conclusion you can come to? holy shit you are beyond moronic.

              • 9 months ago

                definitely a virgin sexless loser, you can tell because you have no perspective on what it is to be a man and you only have the feminine perspective which I suspect is from being raised as a feminist simp.

              • 9 months ago

                They have no perspective on being a man because it's a woman. Notice all the personal attacks and the "ugh you just don't GET it why do I bother" talk. It's very feminine and I've spoken with women who argue this exact way.

              • 9 months ago

                I classify simps as troony females, I put them in the same camp as women because they do eeeexxxxaaaaactly like you said, everything is an ad hom and nothing is logically stated or based on proof of reality. These trannies are mentally ill like women and yet they'll never be a real woman.

              • 9 months ago

                I'm a male, I talk like this...because I just do okay? No but seriously, that's just how I talk, if this place let me use emojis, I'd be spamming them after almost every paragraph instead. I wasn't raised by a feminist, my parents are too very traditional people who migrated to Canada, and beat me as a child because tradition or whatever. I'm like this because I'm a human being with self awareness and self determination that is loyal to logic and reason, and took a LOT of self reflection to accept SOME feminist ideas as true, without being a feminist. I'm simply too nuanced for you numbnut morons and you can only view the world in a narrow view to rationalize people that disagree with you because you're ignorant, conceited, and shallow.

              • 9 months ago

                bruh you're a male but not a man, it doesn't even matter though because you're a weak feminist b***h.

              • 9 months ago

                >female identity has collapsed just the same
                I agree, but there's an inherent idea that women are a protected class or must be defended. People fall back on that even if it does fly in the face of claimed ideas of equality.
                >marginalised men
                Just because you do not recognise it, does not mean that they are not, and you desire to simply put this at the feet of other men is absolutely ignorant of the agency of women.
                How about medical care. Women have a greater life expectancy than men, yet there are far more programs for women's health. Why is that?
                >what do you mean
                They're the most likely times someone chooses to transition.
                >choices are constantly made
                You're right. None of this happens in a vacuum, but the common themes can't be ignored just because you dislike a particular facet.
                >made up nonsense.
                Everything is made up. But it's not a buzzword fest, it's made on patterns of behaviour. You can understand them by simply looking into it. Your refusal to understand does not mean it isn't understandable.
                >1 percent of the population.
                And how many of the population are incels? Probably more than trans yes? The most psychologically primed to make such a decision based on weak evidence, and you're just going to ignore that there is a correlation? How about the fact you're standing in one of the most obvious overlaps of trans and incel culture?
                >selection bias
                The only thing I've been saying from the start is that is plausible and signs point to reasons it is likely. I didn't say it's a certainty. Dealing with psychology outliers, there aren't really any.

              • 9 months ago

                >I agree, but there's an inherent idea that women are a protected class or must be defended. People fall back on that even if it does fly in the face of claimed ideas of equality.

                sure, but they're protected for a reason. because people find them to be more vulnerable and targets for particular dangers. I don't really get the point?

                >Just because you do not recognise it, does not mean that they are not, and you desire to simply put this at the feet of other men is absolutely ignorant of the agency of women.

                you are not saying anything but your moronic arbitrary opinion and narrative. this is a void statement, yes, just because I don't recognize it does not mean it's not there, and just because I don't recognize something, doesn't mean it's there either. a schizo recognizes the cia is following him. the fact I don't recognize it, does not mean they are. Logic 101.

                >How about medical care. Women have a greater life expectancy than men, yet there are far more programs for women's health. Why is that?

                Lol. I'm pretty sure there's objective data of a medical bias against women. Man, you guys really base all your understanding of the world on intuition. Search up the health survival paradox. Women have more medical problems and complications on average, they're also given pain killers less than men, they get less further diagnostic investigations than men, they're pain is more often dismissed as emotional or psychological. I don't even want to get into it, because I hate feminism, but you guys are so stupid and in your heads that you almost make feminism sound like it has a point.

                >They're the most likely times someone chooses to transition.

                who? and based on what?

                >just because you dislike a particular facet.

                see paragraph response 2 for why this is an invalid response.

              • 9 months ago

                >Everything is made up. But it's not a buzzword fest, it's made on patterns of behaviour. You can understand them by simply looking into it. Your refusal to understand does not mean it isn't understandable.

                reference paragraph 2 of prior response for why this is an invalid response.

                >The most psychologically primed to make such a decision based on weak evidence

                Based on what? I've already given many objective facts about the incel community that would suggest otherwise, and none of those have been engaged with, instead you've been making a point of how ridiculous it is for me to believe what I believe rather than showing it.

                >How about the fact you're standing in one of the most obvious overlaps of trans and incel culture?

                This place is more complicated because so many morons here are so inundated in weeb culture and weeb shit has so much cross over with weird fricky shit with gender. The reality is that a lot of posters here are probably either trans, or severely autistic. Especially the posters that do stuff like "sisters" and "I'm trans btw" under every post. I can't imagine being so obsessed that you impersonate trans people, rather than slyly using it as a way to express some repressed desire for femininity, but eh, what do I know.

                >The only thing I've been saying from the start is that is plausible and signs point to reasons it is likely. I didn't say it's a certainty. Dealing with psychology outliers, there aren't really any.

                Okay but then how does anything you've said mean anything? Yes there are outliers to everything, and that's the only point you've been able to make, not that there's a strong or relevant correlation that would be substantial enough to warrant dubbing it a pipeline. If it's just "plausible" or "likely" (words btw that originate in their association with maths, which deals with numbers *ahem* something that has yet to be seen) then it doesn't mean anything other than "some incels are trans people"

              • 9 months ago

                >objective facts that would indicate otherwise
                And there are facts that run counter to those that have been put forth. The only consistent element is that you dislike the idea of there being overlap.
                So a core element that trans and incels both have.
                >does it mean anything?
                Its an argument on a Himalayan Alpaca herding forum. What do you think?

              • 9 months ago

                >And there are facts that run counter to those that have been put forth. The only consistent element is that you dislike the idea of there being overlap.

                Okay, but if I say the sun is yellow and point to it and you say "no its white" and point to the moon. it's not really a counter, since you didn't actually disprove it was yellow, you just suggested something else. You didn't engage with the concept of "sun" you referred to something else tangentially related or that could be mistaken.

              • 9 months ago

                >is wrong because I say it is
                >i pointed at the sun and you pointed at the moon
                What a fricking straw man though.
                Did you try paying attention to where you are?
                >that doesn't count cause reasons
                You are here in bad faith. At least I attempted to account for variables existing outside my arguments. You just don't want to believe that incels becomes trans.
                No one claimed they all were, just that there was obviously overlap.
                Anyway. Seeing as you're here in bad faith and incapable of actually debating the merits, you should think seriously about touching some form of greenery, your "maid does protest" is showing.

              • 9 months ago

                >What a fricking straw man though.

                lol. it's not a strawman to make an analogy moron. engage with and dismiss it or frick off. you could dismiss ANY and every argument you don't like that that accurately describes you as strawman because it's too pointed. either dissect it, or leave me alone, I'm already tired of talking to you. It's doubly ironic when you just reduce my argument to "because reason" lol...peace, because I don't expect you to step up, if you do though. I'll be here I guess.

              • 9 months ago

                >the strawman is to divert from the point at hand
                Whether it takes the form of analogy or not, the point was to argue some minutiae instead of the point while making it seem like you were addressing the argument.
                Fact is the psychological overlap between trans and incel is readily apparent. Your refusal to tolerate that reality doesn't alter its existence.
                Is obvious your motivation to disagree is purely personal taste.
                You're going to need something a bit more concrete which you don't have. So. Good luck with that.

              • 9 months ago

                >Okay, but if I say the sun is yellow and point to it and you say "no its white" and point to the moon.
                NTA, but that's a poor argument because scientifically speaking. The sun's color is indeed white.

              • 9 months ago

                >a surprising amount of people on an extreme completely flip to the other extreme once they start slipping towards the middle

                I'd wager then that either those people were always trans, or gender non confirming. That's the only thing that makes sense. It doesn't make sense that an incel just suddenly wants to be a woman, unless they're mentally ill, or something else. The point is that it doesn't have to do with their inceldom, and therefore there isn't an incel to trans pipeline

                >I was actually trying to cut through to the heart of the matter of why you are even engaging with this, I wasn't trying to be mean.

                hm, sorry, I'm just so used to being trolled or engaged with dishonestly that I kinda respond angrily at people seemingly not understanding me and needing explanation because I'm already preempting that they won't take it seriously.


                >What kind of trans people do you know? Why don't you think anyone would feel pushed to transgenderism to have more sexual options? Did you run handguns or energy weapons?

                Just trans people in general, throughout multiple online spaces, I'm really obsessed with femboys and unfortunately there is some crossover, so I'll sometimes just talk to trans people that think I'm trans, or trans people that just exist in general online spaces, or just trans people that are friends with femboys etc (I don't talk to those ones, mostly just see tweets and stuff) oh, and of course /lgbt/ when I feel like hating people.

                I dont think any (reasonable) individual would feel pushes to transgenderims because they DONT have more sexual options. Ciswomen don't like them, so if they're lesbian they're fricked. Cismen can like them, but it becomes a whole problem of sorting out their sexuality. Chasers LOVE them, but chasers are the equivalent to those dudes that women complain about sending them random dick pics, if you've ever been on grindr you can experience for yourself what it feels like somewhat. But the point is that they tend to be very shallow horndog men who just like trans people as a fetish and couldn't hold down a real conversation not involving sex, let alone a relationship.

                I liked energy weapons, cuz colorful lasers are cool and make me feel like I'm actually playing a videogame, a lot of the early ones kinda suck tho. And I dropper the game anyway because I got bored of walking around a desert, and quests started to feel like "go to point B from point A and clear some monsters"

                >they scapegoat from problems by saying that they have outside problems, whether that be women or chad or some other self serving excuse they've got cooked up

                sure but think about it. if they're object of desire is the woman, and their enemy is the chad, why would they ever think to be the woman that desires the Chad? They WANT to be the Chad, that's why there's so many memes about him, and they hate both the Stacies and The Chad, but they would never think to be like the "shallow" women, that sounds out of this world for an incel. Unless the incel shit is some cover up and their overcompensating because they're already trans.

                >I mean just look at all their shootings and shit. hell, just look at the Holocaust or the Four Pests campaign if you want some more drastic solutions to scapegoated problems.

                Europe in general, and Germany in general were already pretty anti-semetic and moronic, so that's a bit more believable to me. About your point though. You can't get somebody to do something antithetical to their image or character unless the image and character was a facade in the first place. There are gangsters that would kill homies if they ever got close to their dick, or even beat the frick out of their girlfriend If they found out she cheating, you'd never see him saying "we should be In an open relationship so that you can frick dudes on the side and never cheat again" or something. You get the point I think

                It’s mental illness. I can say this as a fact because I had a shit upbringing and when I was in high school in the early 2010’s, I wanted to be trans. I thought that being a woman would make me more acceptable in society and make me worthy of love.

                Thankfully I left that shit behind, but it comes back every now and then and I legit have to use coping mechanisms to remind myself that the me I am is great as is. Every single trans person I have spoken to, without fail, has had a severely fricked up childhood, and I believe that is part of what brings about the mental illness that is wanting to be trans.

                >moral of the story: if you have kids, be present for them and don’t treat them like shit by being too forceful or by being too absent

                I'm convinced this is one guy samegayging

          • 9 months ago

            >this isn't a real concept
            people fricking kill themselves because they believe pseudoscience bullshit can cure cancer, you are overestimating the skepticism of the average person
            a surprising amount of people just take what they're told at face value and DON'T ask questions, they just blindly follow it

            • 9 months ago

              >people fricking kill themselves because they believe pseudoscience bullshit can cure cancer

              yeah? and how many people is that realistically? I already admitted many times that there can be moronic exceptions or outliers as there can be with anything, but when you talk about a PIPELINE you are talking generally about a REAL phenomenon that has predictable basis.

              I can't even tell if you guys are actually serious about this, I already gave SO many arguments and reasons for why realistically this is a stupid concept and NOBODY has actually challenged them, you just keep missing the point and shifting the goalposts to something irrelevant. I can't deal with this dishonesty. It's like you want to believe it more than it's true.

              This isn't a thing. And even when it looks like it is, the people are either so mentally ill that they'd do any crazy shit, meaning it's not a pipeline that has anything to do with being an incel necessarily, or they're already trans and we're an incel BECAUSE they hated themselves and their body for being male. THIS is something I've actually heard from some trans people before. It genuinely kinda passes me off that they could go from loser, to dating girls, boys, other trans girls, and making money off only fans, which is why the narrative pisses me off so much, it's just such a cheap idea in concept. But whatever.

              • 9 months ago

                I mean your points are just "I know trans people and they're not like this" and "that doesn't make sense to me logically so it must not be real" while hurling insults and calling everyone in the thread a moron.
                What's bothering you so much anyway? You're awfully invested in this subject. Do you know someone who you believe transitioned for the wrong reasons? Or does it just upset you that people on Ganker hold beliefs you think are harmful? If that's the case then why come here? You're clearly not native.

              • 9 months ago

                >"I know trans people and they're not like this" and "that doesn't make sense to me logically so it must not be real" while hurling insults and calling everyone in the thread a moron.

                You realize "quoting my "argument"" isn't actually quoting me? and just because you put quotations around made up words doesn't make it my argument. Also just because you dismiss it, doesn't make it addressed you fricking moron lmao. You don't even REALIZE how moronic you are, you are just void of self awareness lmao. Don't worry, I won't bother any longer, my arguments will continue to stand, and you can continue to complain about me using mean words and calling you a moron...when you don't accurately quote or address any of my a moron.

                >If that's the case then why come here? You're clearly not native.

                because this place needs push back and correction, and has been allowed to foster too much of an echo chamber, and I don't like echo chambers. final.yoi deserve no more.

              • 9 months ago

                >this place needs push back and correction
                if you push back on something that's reached this point you usually just end up strengthening it more than anything

              • 9 months ago

                I was actually trying to cut through to the heart of the matter of why you are even engaging with this, I wasn't trying to be mean.
                You answered my question though, at least on a surface level, that you think people here are in need of some kind of correction. It would be interesting to hear your thoughts on things without the vitriol, because I agree this place is an echo chamber and diversity of thought can be useful.

                What kind of trans people do you know? Why don't you think anyone would feel pushed to transgenderism to have more sexual options? Did you run handguns or energy weapons?

              • 9 months ago

                >I was actually trying to cut through to the heart of the matter of why you are even engaging with this, I wasn't trying to be mean.

                hm, sorry, I'm just so used to being trolled or engaged with dishonestly that I kinda respond angrily at people seemingly not understanding me and needing explanation because I'm already preempting that they won't take it seriously.


                >What kind of trans people do you know? Why don't you think anyone would feel pushed to transgenderism to have more sexual options? Did you run handguns or energy weapons?

                Just trans people in general, throughout multiple online spaces, I'm really obsessed with femboys and unfortunately there is some crossover, so I'll sometimes just talk to trans people that think I'm trans, or trans people that just exist in general online spaces, or just trans people that are friends with femboys etc (I don't talk to those ones, mostly just see tweets and stuff) oh, and of course /lgbt/ when I feel like hating people.

                I dont think any (reasonable) individual would feel pushes to transgenderims because they DONT have more sexual options. Ciswomen don't like them, so if they're lesbian they're fricked. Cismen can like them, but it becomes a whole problem of sorting out their sexuality. Chasers LOVE them, but chasers are the equivalent to those dudes that women complain about sending them random dick pics, if you've ever been on grindr you can experience for yourself what it feels like somewhat. But the point is that they tend to be very shallow horndog men who just like trans people as a fetish and couldn't hold down a real conversation not involving sex, let alone a relationship.

                I liked energy weapons, cuz colorful lasers are cool and make me feel like I'm actually playing a videogame, a lot of the early ones kinda suck tho. And I dropper the game anyway because I got bored of walking around a desert, and quests started to feel like "go to point B from point A and clear some monsters"

              • 9 months ago

                What is it about femboys that fascinates you? I live with one and I've seen him dress up for cons and whatnot. He is sort of on the edge in terms of his gender identity but I have admittedly talked him out of going full trans; I told him that men shouldn't have to become women to feel like they can be pretty and that sort of thing.

                I agree, trangenders do not have more sexual options than cis men and in fact they are extremely limited. It's basically just other trans and chasers. But I think what happens is they want to feel like they're a part of a community and someone tells them they would be liked if they crossdressed and started going by a female name(the classic groomer). I don't think they're looking at things realistically when this happens and have rose tinted glasses on about the whole thing.
                I also think that while it shouldn't make sense for them to be interested in sexual advances from other men, even after transitioning, the fetishism of it might override that if they get horny enough. The male sex drive makes men do wild things. Look at all the people on this board claiming they'd frick monsters.

                Thanks for responding. Energy weapons are rad once you have the perk that makes enemies explode on death.

              • 9 months ago

                >What is it about femboys that fascinates you?

                Not entirely sure really, I don't really like the idea that I'm actually simple, but I wanted to be a femboy. But if I thought about it...I don't know, it's weird. Understanding where your desires come from Is always weird. But I just consider femboys peak beauty, the idea of a male being able to look feminine, and put on a feminine demeanor just gets me, not even sexually but it just like genuinely warms my heart. Sometimes I'll just look at femboys to get in a better mood, haha it's weird, I'm weird. I had an arc when I was younger when I was just OBSESSED with gender bender anime. Infact it's largely how I got into anime, just watching episodes of Ranma, and rewatching Kampfer like more than 5 times. This was back when the concept of femboy didn't really exist prominently, so maybe that where my weird feelings about men breaking gender norms came from.

                The I like the feminine equivalent contrast a bit too, but its just much more impressive and admirable when a boy becomes like a girl. You'd think I'd like trans shit as much to, and I sorta do, but there's a subtle difference between somebody who looks just like a girl and acts like a girl, and clearly tries very hard to be one, and a boy that's just like a girl. Don't know what it is exactly, I just like the latter more.

                >I live with one and I've seen him dress up for cons and whatnot.

                God fricking dammit, I hate you mfers, you're all so lucky, I've never met a femboy in real life, I've seen trans people but not even femboys, and I hear so many people just casually mention knowing them. Frick.

                >He is sort of on the edge in terms of his gender identity but I have admittedly talked him out of going full trans

                if he has no gender dysphoria and is mostly good quality of life then yeah, I'd recommend against it too, it's a huge commitment, and I know trans people who hate being trans, like fundamentally, otherwise if he's repressing...that'll be tough.

              • 9 months ago

                >But I think what happens is they want to feel like they're a part of a community and someone tells them they would be liked if they crossdressed and started going by a female name(the classic groomer). I don't think they're looking at things realistically when this happens and have rose tinted glasses on about the whole thing.

                I agree people probably aren't thinking rationally about this. But everybody has SOME baseline. Plus, don't incels already have a community of fellow incels that understand their plight? The trans community is arguably just as, if not more toxic in some ways, so if the incel is trying to escape from the toxicity of other incels...I think that's dumb

                >The male sex drive makes men do wild things. Look at all the people on this board claiming they'd frick monsters.

                yeah...but trust me, there are a LOT of men that would simply never frick another man. Some people just can't do it. Sexuality is stronger than made up monster girls. I've tried some stuff, and just can't stand male body hair, and beards. It's obviously possible I haven't met the right guy but yeah...

                >Thanks for responding. Energy weapons are rad once you have the perk that makes enemies explode on death.

                Yeah no prob, I like the occasional nice and chill dude who tolerates my vitriol and gets to realize I'm not as crazy as I seem haha. About energy weapons, yeah, I don't think I ever got to the exploding perk, either that, or I probably dumped too many points into whichever perk nets you more experience or whatever, I always do that in games thinking it'll be worth it, but it probably never is

              • 9 months ago

                nta but as

                deindividualization can lead to people collectively doing weird shit
                there's also the classic "authority figure with a fetish uses leverage to get you to do HRT"

                (Me) said, groupthink can really dig into people's brains and make them stupid, someone mentions some greener grass and things start to get very volatile, very quickly

              • 9 months ago

                ehhh...this is kinda vague, and Intuition is definitely carrying. Yes group think can be strong but groupthink won't turn people gay that aren't already gay for example, you're definitely using the concept very liberally. I'd say more, but I'm a bit tired and trying to eat

              • 9 months ago

                >groupthink won't turn people gay that aren't already gay for example
                I too agree that traps were never gay and that Ganker will never be happy again

              • 9 months ago

                you're giving self loathing, socially detached losers a solution to what they think is their problem
                I mean "incel" in and of itself is them scapegoating all their problems onto them not having sex, of course they'd latch onto becoming the sex that gets more sex to cure their terminal celibacy since they're already doing the first step already

              • 9 months ago

                >you're giving self loathing, socially detached losers a solution to what they think is their problem

                nobody is giving anything to anyone, nobody gives a frick about incels, and trans people certainly don't, there are a bunch of trans people that hardcore get into feminism to overcompensate for their lack of inherent claim to womanhood *sigh* why the frick am I even explaining shit like this? when it's so obvious that I know and understand way more about all these groups beyond a surface level, omfg man

                >I mean "incel" in and of itself is them scapegoating all their problems onto them not having sex

                I don't know wtf you're talking about, you can't scapegoat from saying you have problems, that makes no sense, and there are tons of incels were their problems In general are related to their inability to connect with a human being of the opposite sex enough to have sex. I don't know why you're moronic enough to think your moronic preconception is valid? this Is a meaningless statement without context.

                >of course they'd latch onto becoming the sex that gets more sex to cure their terminal celibacy since they're already doing the first step already

                what the frick are you talking about moron? there isn't even a necessary connection between what you said prior and this. nothing about having trouble getting sex, suggests that you'd want to become a woman to have "sex" also most incels are fricking straight are you moronic? trans people mostly get other trans people or chaser men, cis women aren't attracted to trans people. Not to mention that "the opposite sex getting sex" isn't the same thing as "trans women getting sex"

                GOD HOLY FRICK I'm realizing more and more how stupid it is that im even doing this. It's SO fricking clear that you morons have not thought through a SINGLE thought of yours that I'm so easily able to deconstruct everything said. And when I do, you just skip over it and continue to refer to your biases. There's no point lmao

              • 9 months ago

                >trans people certainly don't
                I have the feeling that we're talking about two different kinds of trans people, I'm talking about those maladjusted internet redditor types while you're probably talking about real people with real lives who go outside
                >you can't scapegoat from saying you have problems
                they scapegoat from problems by saying that they have outside problems, whether that be women or chad or some other self serving excuse they've got cooked up
                >there isn't even a necessary connection between what you said prior and this
                it's easy to get someone who blames all their problems on something else to do something drastic as a solution, I mean just look at all their shootings and shit. hell, just look at the Holocaust or the Four Pests campaign if you want some more drastic solutions to scapegoated problems.

              • 9 months ago

                >they scapegoat from problems by saying that they have outside problems, whether that be women or chad or some other self serving excuse they've got cooked up

                sure but think about it. if they're object of desire is the woman, and their enemy is the chad, why would they ever think to be the woman that desires the Chad? They WANT to be the Chad, that's why there's so many memes about him, and they hate both the Stacies and The Chad, but they would never think to be like the "shallow" women, that sounds out of this world for an incel. Unless the incel shit is some cover up and their overcompensating because they're already trans.

                >I mean just look at all their shootings and shit. hell, just look at the Holocaust or the Four Pests campaign if you want some more drastic solutions to scapegoated problems.

                Europe in general, and Germany in general were already pretty anti-semetic and moronic, so that's a bit more believable to me. About your point though. You can't get somebody to do something antithetical to their image or character unless the image and character was a facade in the first place. There are gangsters that would kill homies if they ever got close to their dick, or even beat the frick out of their girlfriend If they found out she cheating, you'd never see him saying "we should be In an open relationship so that you can frick dudes on the side and never cheat again" or something. You get the point I think

              • 9 months ago

                deindividualization can lead to people collectively doing weird shit
                there's also the classic "authority figure with a fetish uses leverage to get you to do HRT"

              • 9 months ago

                >how many people is that realistically?
                trans people make up like 0.5% of the population, it's definitely more than enough

              • 9 months ago

                >trans people make up like 0.5% of the population, it's definitely more than enough

                are you moronic or moronic? I can't tell? like I legit can't even tell if you realize what you just said or not? and how it communicates and means nothing, since if trans people are 0.5% of people, it would suggest and even SMALLER percentage of incels could even possibly become trans if from the general population, trans people already make up such a small amount of people. the only way it could be otherwise is if you could show a correlation, which you skipped and none of you have managed to do yet, beyond vague intuitions that can't be substantiated (because they can't even be falsified)

              • 9 months ago

                it's not incels becoming trannies I'm talking about, it's the people that blindly believe in whatever bullshit is advertised to them
                read the responses, moron

              • 9 months ago

                youre right but your energy is wasted on these morons dont even bother

              • 9 months ago

                thanks for the support man, I know I am, but sometimes I almost let them get to me. 'ppreciate it

  12. 9 months ago

    The shooting could definitely be improved, fallout 4 has noticeably better shooting and even that is still pretty trash
    Enemy AI is also rather poor

  13. 9 months ago

    I hate most of the companion quests, or at least the way you have to start them. Cass and Rex are the only companions without esoteric conditions to unlock their quests. A lot of them are missable too. Oh, you didn’t have Arcade around when visiting Helious one or going to Caesar’s fort? Guess you are locked out of closure with the Enclave!
    You should just be able to do their quest after 40 minutes with them as a companion or something.

  14. 9 months ago

    why are unarmed techniques locked behind questlines and not the actual unarmed skill itself
    why do I need to be taught to counterattack or do a running punch or throw sand in someone's eyes or sweep the leg? I don't need to do that for VATS special attacks so why do I need to do that here?

    • 9 months ago

      >has never trained in hand-to-hand combat
      no problem bro

      • 9 months ago

        Whoa, tactical tripping and dirt throwing

        • 9 months ago

          But its cool tho?

        • 9 months ago

          So you’re telling me you know how to knock someone over by by sweeping their leg with no prior training?

  15. 9 months ago

    eh i liked NV
    its aged terribly though
    crazy to think that Skyrim came out only 1 year later and looks so much better, mostly to getting continuous updates and love from the modding community.

    • 9 months ago

      Skyrim was the next generation of Bethesda games. It's improper to hold them to the same tier.

      • 9 months ago

        they're the same except one got updates and mods and the other was abandoned immediately after release

  16. 9 months ago

    Honestly I picked up the game for the first time in a long while and it's aged like milk, a bit like oblivion, which was fallout with swords. I like the little touches here and there, but there's nothing to it.

    Still a thousand times better than fricking 3 though.

  17. 9 months ago

    It has some of the worst DLC in the franchise
    Fallout 3's Mothership Zeta literally broke on me 3 times and i would still consider it more enjoyable than having to read Avellone sucking his own dick

    • 9 months ago

      >It has some of the worst DLC in the franchise
      I played NV when it came out and about half a dozen times since then. I have never once attempted the DLC. They all look shit.

    • 9 months ago

      Cmon, honest hearts and lonesome roads might be bad, but they are not Zeta bad. Also, dead money is ludokino and one of the only times where speech-checking someone actually has consequences

  18. 9 months ago

    Legion unfinished.
    No "evil" companions.
    Gun Runners Arsenal is poorly implemented.
    Freeside is pretty sparse.
    Why was there a New Zealander in the quarry?
    Not enough prostitution.

    • 9 months ago

      >Why was there a New Zealander in the quarry?
      Yeah that bugged me to. Just in the middle of the Nevada Desert there's some AUSSIE c**t. Cute VA tho.

    • 9 months ago

      >No "evil" companions.
      Man, I love new vegas, but man do I wish they had this. It's what made Cicero in Skyrim such a fun companion.

      • 9 months ago

        Cicero has no agency as a companion so it doesn't really matter. As cool as he is there's no quests or interactions for him after he joins you.

        • 9 months ago

          he makes me laugh tho.

          • 9 months ago

            Yeah he's great and basically the only unique voice in the game. I remember vividly when he showed up and faked me out about taking revenge before joining up. Got me good.

  19. 9 months ago

    I remember you spammed this thread everyday a few months ago until someone pointed out that you use it to fish for shit to say about NV.

    • 9 months ago

      Ive seen this thread twice in like 5 months, its not that spammed

      • 9 months ago

        Can you not read?
        >inb4 some shitty comeback
        Cool so you can’t

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah i can read, you said everyday, i said twice in 5 months
          Fricking stupid moron, who cares if it's OP trying to get new bait, you sound like a b***h.

          • 9 months ago

            >everyday a few months ago
            Okay so you can’t read, thank you for clarifying

  20. 9 months ago

    1. The Legion are what happens when you bend the knee to the Enclave whiners about joining a "bad guy" faction and then they get shocked when they realized their faction isn't the good guys at all. They're just Roman larpers that have totally straight male/male sex and are major buttholes to everyone and each other. The only competent person is just a pseued that saw some gladiator movies and decided to make his own Rome with Blackjack and hookers except no fun allowed. You can be a female courier, still side with the Legion and save Caesar's life but still get shit from everyone else, in fact it's bad writing to just BE a female Legion player, you shouldn't be able to join them if that were the case with how sexist they are. All the "muh Legion DLC" would never have saved a crappy faction whose only purpose is to be the contrarian choice, aka Ganker's choice.

    2. The "exploring". Look give Bethesda all the crap, it's too fricking easy, but they KNOW how to build a world I WANT TO EXPLORE. If I got off the road in Fallout 4 or Skyrim, I'm bound to find some interesting shit, and sometimes shit I never knew about until lately. New Vegas has popular places you to go just to mark the fast travel so you don't have to walk again later, and some worthless locations whose ONLY WORTH is one of four things.
    A. A Legendary Creature
    B. A Unique Weapon
    C. A random quest of no immediate value
    D. All of the Above

    Frankly the only place to be is Vegas. Every playthrough for 10 years and only ONCE did I bother to go find Vault 19. ONCE.

    3. Survival is a fricking Joke. Oooh I can eat to heal instead of just spamming Stimpaks, how UNIQUE! I wonder what the perks ar-Oh wait they're all mostly useless garbage or based SOLELY on the Hardcore mode I do not play because that's just not my thing. I get it sure on paper, but in practice, why let me still use it in normal mode? It's right next to Melee, Unarmed, and Energy Weapons as a waste of skill points.

    • 9 months ago

      Are you so incapable of arguing genuinely that you need to lie (especially this poorly) or did you actually not play the game and just lift all your info from these threads and the wiki?

      • 9 months ago

        Nta but i did play the game and i agree/understand with everything he said, whats your issue about it

        • 9 months ago

          You are an awful liar, seriously how desperate do you need to be to actually double down on something this blatantly false.

          • 9 months ago

            What am i lying about? His copypasta sounds exactly like my playthrough

            • 9 months ago

              Really so you saw a Legion that was cool with dudes fricking dudes and that wanted to preserve Vegas as it was and not rebuild it into something different? Also how do you know it’s a copypasta? Have you seen it posted somewhere before?

              • 9 months ago

                What? I saw that the Legion was moronic from the start, that's what i meant
                And i know it's a copypasta because the other anon in this thread just said its a copypasta

              • 9 months ago

                You do realize that he said a bunch of other dumb shit about the Legion right? Why would you just agree to all of it? Also the legion aren’t moronic. Harping on the whole “muh Roman larpers” shit is laughable when you look at all of the other shit that inhabits the series. Also how do you know that other anon is right? Why would you just immediately go along with what he said?

              • 9 months ago

                Because the Legion is especially dumb compared to everything else in my opinion and everything he said makes enough sense for me to understand or accept
                >Also how do you know that other anon is right? Why would you just immediately go along with what he said?
                Because anything that's longer than 5 lines is probably a year old copypasta if not older

              • 9 months ago

                >Because the Legion is especially dumb compared to everything else
                So a teenage mutant dictator running a radio station on a radioactive mountain, and a bunch of people in power armor that larp as medieval knight and horde tech, and a prewar billionaire that is kept alive by an advanced tech and seek to rebuild his favorite town are less dumb than an empire made up of conquered tribals?
                >Because anything that's longer than 5 lines is probably a year old copypasta if not older
                And you know this how exactly? I mean people have been known to be especially autistic and write this kind of shit out.

              • 9 months ago

                >So a teenage mutant dictator running a radio station on a radioactive mountain, and a bunch of people in power armor that larp as medieval knight and horde tech, and a prewar billionaire that is kept alive by an advanced tech and seek to rebuild his favorite town are less dumb than an empire made up of conquered tribals?
                Genuinely yes, The Legion, Caesar and everything related to them feel substantially dumber than the rest of the setting
                >And you know this how exactly? I mean people have been known to be especially autistic and write this kind of shit out.
                im just kind of used to seeing a big post being instantly followed by someone pointing out its a copypasta from like a year ago, but true, there are autistic people out here, i shouldn't assume so quickly

              • 9 months ago

                >Genuinely yes
                No but you’re not going to back away from this point so I’m going to ask you to explain how and why they are.

                He's going to say that the super mutants are.

                Of course he is they all do

              • 9 months ago

                Because they're fricking stupid, why the frick would people even follow Caesar and his shit at all? The Brotherhood started from military remnants and that can be evolved into post apocalyptic knights, but Caesar is just one guy, how did he get people with brains to follow his ideas? It's like The Republic of Dave but meant to be taken seriously

              • 9 months ago

                Because he's smart. Did you never talk to him about his rise to power? He taught a tribe how to use guns and make medicine which was like magic to them and he became their defacto leader, conquering a bunch of tribes soon after and starting his snowball.

              • 9 months ago

                >4 int
                If he’s so smart, why did he let me cave his skull in and do nothing to stop it, hmmmm?

              • 9 months ago

                they follow Caesar because he is "smart" and "educated", dude was a Follower of the Apocalypse so he had a few tricks to get them to consider him a valid leader

              • 9 months ago

                Okay so you didn’t play the game gotcha. Weird that you’re so adamant to argue this point.

              • 9 months ago

                But i did play the game?
                Idk why you think i didn't

              • 9 months ago

                Because you not only have no idea how the Legion began but you also seem to know nothing about Caesar as a person or leader. When both are shown/explained clearly.

              • 9 months ago

                Then i guess i just didn't see that then, i played NCR/House from the start because the Legion looked clearly evil from the start

              • 9 months ago

                If you played the game you’d know that you can go and speak to Caesar in any route. Not to mention this shit is also explained by Graham in Honest Hearts, but nice try.

              • 9 months ago

                >Not to mention this shit is also explained by Graham in Honest Hearts
                Huh, must hafe missed that too, i pretty sure i remember most of his convos, but not him explaining Caesar's rise to power, just Graham's own fall

              • 9 months ago

                >yeah bro I just ignored the conversation where he tells you who Caesar is and how he builds the Legion
                You already outed yourself lying further only makes your desperation more obvious.

              • 9 months ago

                Says the guy continuing the conversation despite the fact ive already proven several times in this thread that i am severely moronic and don't remember New Vegas very well since i played it like 2 years ago

              • 9 months ago

                And yet you're very opinionated on these topics despite apparently having dementia.

              • 9 months ago

                >yeah bro I was baiting the whole time, but also here’s a cope defending my supposed bait
                I last played it three years ago. And just a bit of advice real baitgays never admit they’re baiting.

              • 9 months ago

                I wasn't baiting
                I am just dumb and selectively forget stuff all the time

              • 9 months ago

                >selectively forget
                Just stop, Jesus Christ

              • 9 months ago

                I can remember stuff from 5-10 years ago but ive already forgotten stuff from 2-3 years ago, and will probably only remember them tomorrow while in the shower
                It happens my dude

              • 9 months ago

                Then why argue it in the first place? Even complete morons know not to just jump into the unknown. Why are you going this far just to make people think you played the game? Is it really worse than people just calling you a moron?

              • 9 months ago

                Because i DID play the game? I spend like 100 hours on NV, i just don't remember all of it
                Ive already told you several times, i am not baiting, i am just forgetful or miss otherwise obvious stuff

              • 9 months ago

                You’ve played 100 hours yet you never once spoke to Caesar or remember the conversation from Graham? That’s like over a dozen playthroughs man. How the frick do you forget and ignore something that you would have seen multiple times? Do you have brain damage?

              • 9 months ago

                you need to stop being a basement dwelling neet your brain is literally rotting. fricking get a job and go outside for at least 1 hour a day.

              • 9 months ago

                Im on uni i spend most of my day outside

                You’ve played 100 hours yet you never once spoke to Caesar or remember the conversation from Graham? That’s like over a dozen playthroughs man. How the frick do you forget and ignore something that you would have seen multiple times? Do you have brain damage?

                I stay up late and sleep very little, so im just kinda fricked in general i guess

              • 9 months ago

                >I stay up late and sleep very little
                Same, but I also remember this shit

              • 9 months ago

                nta but I played NV nearly 10 years ago, and met caeser only once, and even I remember his retelling of how he built the legion. You probably just have brain damage or something.

              • 9 months ago

                why the frick do you care to validate yourself to somebody that hasn't even proved anything lmao? this is why so much conversation on this board is so shit, because nobody sets any standard for anything so morons can just come In and say "you didn't experience X thing because I said so and you have a different opinion of a think! you should care about this response...because you just should okay? it's meaningful because my feelings told me so"

                There are SO many morons on here that are fundamentally antithetical to any actual discussion and you just validate the fact that they can continue to shit up discussions like this when you respond to them as if they've made a point even when they are literally DELIBERATELY NOT making a point.

                Man, whatever, it's just as stupid for me to lecture like this. You're not gunna change, and even if one dude were to change the whole board would still be moronic... *sigh* I so desperately need to find a way to get off this site

              • 9 months ago

                He showed a tribe of raiders how to use guns and get b***hes. Like, sure the armor looks dumb but the origin makes sense.

                What never made sense is how he's able to compete with the ncr who uses vertibirds and some vehicles. Like, if they had some tamed deathclaws or some shit I'd get it, but the game just makes the ncr and bos to a lesser extent look ridiculously incompetent for losing.

              • 9 months ago

                >ncr and bos to a lesser extent look ridiculously incompetent for losing.
                That's the exact point the game (and Caesar) make.
                The NCR and the BOS are absolutely incompetent.

              • 9 months ago

                >why the frick would people follow Ceasar?
                Why do people Fuentes or Trump, Biden or the Clintons?
                May surprise you that people follow dipshits.
                But you do raise a good point. You’d think the wastes would have at least more nuanced factions like you’d get in stalker between Freedom and Duty

              • 9 months ago

                You were an ungabunga subhuman in a loin cloth with a mac 10 you used as a bludgeon and a guy capable of using and maintaining guns as well as small and large scale tactics comes in and wipes the floor with your assbackwards tribe, but not being crippled and moronic you join the demigods who could've just killed you.
                You were a dirt farmer getting raped and pillaged by drug addicted degenerates then a warlord in football gear rolled in, disemboweled half of your oppressors to strangle the other half with intestines of the former group so you agree to their terms and conditions of providing a reasonable surplus of dirt farm output to sustain their army which doesn't rape you specifically.

              • 9 months ago

                If they used real armor like legate instead football gear they'd actually be pretty threatening. The only one that look good is the centurion one and that's because they decorated it with their victims.

                Like I get what they were going for but even the khans have pull off the ancient empire larping over modern clothing than the legion does.

              • 9 months ago

                I like the football pads but they should only have been for the noob legionaries. After that they should have gotten more armored until the centurion.

              • 9 months ago

                Oh so it’s their uniform that you have an issue with. Gee I wonder if post apocalyptic tribals/raiders wearing sports gear is in some way an homage to a famous and well know series that has been an inspiration since the very beginning of Fallout?

              • 9 months ago

                >So a teenage mutant dictator running a radio station on a radioactive mountain, and a bunch of people in power armor that larp as medieval knight and horde tech, and a prewar billionaire that is kept alive by an advanced tech and seek to rebuild his favorite town are less dumb than an empire made up of conquered tribals?

                NTA but yes. Beacuse the Legion WANTS you to take them seriously while having foot soldiers that sound actually fricking evil. The leader tried to sound like he's a 4D chess master but his common grunts don't even know how to turn off a landmine with a glowing red button. The Courier can turn them off from level 1 with no requirement in explosives skill needed.

                They're only a threat because they have faction plot armor. The writers NEED to write the NCR to be Red tape'd idiots more interested in gunning down the Native American Larpers than just using their vertibirds to bomb the Legion camp to kingdom come. They have them, they know how to fly them, and it's not like the Legion has AA beyond just pea shooters and literal sticks to throw. Just grab three and BOOM, problem solved.

                Frick it why get the Boomers to blow up the Dam? Just bomb Fortification Hill, or ANYWHERE, done! Only hard defense is Mr. House. That's a plot hole.

              • 9 months ago

                >manage to infiltrate and plant spies deep within their enemies main base
                >can operate with near impunity across the Mojave
                >have taken multiple key points
                It’s always obvious when someone hasn’t actually played the game and just gets everything from shit they see people talk about or the wikis.

              • 9 months ago

                Literally one guy and not even that high in the hierarchy iirc

              • 9 months ago

                That one guy manages to feed key information crippling NCR operations throughout the Mojave as well as destroying the fricking monorail used to transport troops and supplies to and from the Strip.

              • 9 months ago

                The spy works directly with Hsu who is one of the highest ranking NCR leaders in the Mojave and it allows him to be privy to a lot of critical information.

              • 9 months ago

                Oh, i tought he was just a normal commander

              • 9 months ago

                Again. Plot armor. Sure the spies are good, but what good are spies if your soldiers are fricking morons that rely on just charging into gunfire and the competence of a few higher rank soldiers?

                Again the people who defend this faction do so for THE OBVIOUS FRICKING REASON I won't state because I know exactly what'll happen if I do.

                The Legion is a shitty faction. They would be better off if they just fully embraced being a evil contrarian faction. I should press the "I win Speech" button, Lanius should just fight me ala Horrigan.

              • 9 months ago

                Ohhh you’re a baitgay trying to direct this in an obvious direction, good to know. That explains why you’re acting so obtuse.

              • 9 months ago

                I'd agree with you if the NCR's competence wasn't a major plotpoint that every single faction talks about. The majority of the issues the NCR faces are internal and the Legion has none of these issues holding them back despite objectively having an inferior military. If the NCR was portrayed and talked about as some super duper strong faction that has their shit together but is losing anyway then legion would have plot armor.

              • 9 months ago

                They have a mars cult to indoctrinate and raise babies to replace the hordes who die.

      • 9 months ago

        they didn't play the game, it's so obvious to see. any moron who says that new vegas had less content or was less interesting or empty can be proven wrong by one YouTube video, there's more content in five minutes of gameplay in new Vegas than there is in half an hour of gaygout 3 or 4.

        it truly is sad how far low NPC's have sunk to host to fanboy shit games because they cater to low iq morons.

    • 9 months ago

      You said a lot of dumb shit just now but what really stands out to me is saying skill points are wasted on Melee. It's extremely powerful, perhaps OP. Unarmed isn't as good but is still solid.

      • 9 months ago

        >Survival is a fricking Joke
        you're really underestimating how fricking broken Them's Good Eatin' and Rad Child are

        Why would I waste my time on that what I have a GUN. It's boring yes but practical. I run, I shoot, they die. Do I want melee? I'll grab Veronica and give her some repaired power armor. BOOM, problem solved. Survival? I've been hoarding Stims for hours and barely use 'em save for tanky fights. Why waste time on a meme build that'll get boring after a while when I HAVE A SHOTGUN AND SHOTGUN SURGEON?

        • 9 months ago

          Well nobody said anything about Melee being really riveting gameplay wise but its still really strong and a very different way to play than flavors of Gun. Shotgun surgeon is also good but Melee can floor any number of opponents with and has high dps to boot. Survival is superflous though that other guy is crazy.

        • 9 months ago

          >It's boring yes but practical.
          >Why waste time on a meme build that'll get boring after a while
          do you even listen to what you're saying?
          the point is that if you have Them's Good Eatin' or Rad Child you don't even need stimpacks in the first place since you regenerate so fast and with Them's Good Eatin', the thin red pastes and blood sausages are worth quite a bit and drop from enemies when you kill them

        • 9 months ago

          >a meme build that'll get boring after a while
          You've clearly never done a melee playthrough with a fully upgraded katana and Turbo/Implant GRX, where you can attack so quickly you break the animations and can fully dismember an enemy before they even hit the ground. Melee is loads of fun.

    • 9 months ago

      But it all pales in comparison to

      4. They blamed Bethesda for their shortcomings

      I don't give a shit how "bad" or "evil" Bethesda is. Do you know how easy it is to punch up? We all fricking do it, politics, buisness, etc, it's easy to aim for the big guy in charge. So instead of just saying "Hey maybe we shouldn't let the guy who drunkenly sexts people and tries to write in a new apocalypse for our post-post one write one of our major factions" and instead just say "hey it's our fault, that's why the review score wasn't as perfect. That and also tech limitations because of Xbox reasons". Just anything that wasn't the easy to do "rile up the boomers who'll defend us because we brought them Fallout 2 again in a slightly shiny package". Because the boomers ALWAYS hate that the normies touched what they coveted as kids.

      I love New Vegas, but I hate the people who worship it like Jesus come again. It's an ok rerendition of Fallout 2 style RPG storytelling, and yeah we'll prolly never see it again, but who cares we got it. Stop worshiping it, and for fricks sake leave the people who enjoy it today alone. What's with this "trans" association anyone? Some trans streamers play it and now it's "tainted"? Fricks sake I'm glad I don't wake up letting people live rent free, dancing in my head. What a sad fricking existence.

      • 9 months ago

        If by worship you mean discuss the game instead of making shitty bait/shill threads then no it’s not going to stop. And I know for a fact that you’re full of shit because you’re blaming the game for actions that occur outside of it. Seriously why do you gays get so fricking rabid when people insult Bethesda? Do you somehow think people online criticizing them is going to somehow cause them to burst into tears and hang themselves? Why do you insist on going to all this trouble are you that unwell? Also NV fans don’t say it’s tainted the only ones that do that are bethesdrones like you that have nothing to say about the games they like so much so they need to resort to dishonest ad hominem.

        • 9 months ago

          It's an annoyance because the end of every major point about how amazing NV is "it could have been better but evil Todd ruined EVERYTHING beacuse of one review score! They didn't get their bonus and that's why NV is not as good as it could have been".

          And frankly shitting on companies is too fricking easy. Yet no one DOES anything about it. We all just sit here whining but not DOING. Be the change, or shut up and eat your porridge.

          • 9 months ago

            go on then

            • 9 months ago

              I'll admit my hypocrisy in not doing anything. But I'm at least not whining about it endlessly. I have


              • 9 months ago

                Fair enough.

          • 9 months ago

            This is how I know you’re full of shit. In every single recent NV thread I’ve been in no one absolutely fricking no one mentions the score or anything about Bethesda in general. However toddgays love bringing it up as well as shit about NMA and RPG Codex to keep this rivalry going. NV fans haven’t been spamming daily vs. threads and and shitty memes they just talk about NV. So let go of your victim complex and grow the frick up
            >since you’re not doing anything just sit down, shut up, and eat the garbage
            Spoken like a true drone.

          • 9 months ago

            frick off Todd and you like shills. Stop trying to rewrite history with your lies.

      • 9 months ago

        I agreed with everything you said in your first post but Zenimax absolutely was largely to blame for many of the game's problems. Enforced acquisition via bankruptcy caused by torpedoed publishing contracts was standard practice for major publishers at the time, especially Zenimax. See the whole Prey 2 debacle. Or Lorne Lanning who's talked more than most about when EA tried to do it to Oddworld Inhabitants.

      • 9 months ago

        posts like these are like shills who are bought by the gaming industry to keep young gamers ignorant about good games so they can sell you shit gambling simulators. Every time you talk about good games and gold that Devs accountable for shit games, a shill like this loses his shit at the thought that his israeli israelite paymaster will lose it on pennies that he is using to pay this shill and it invokes the fear of losing those pennies in the shill.

        imagine being that stupid to denigrate great games and change the narrative that we're just worshipping a game for no reason. These are the israelite tactics used in industries to keep people ignorant and consuming shit.

    • 9 months ago

      >Survival is a fricking Joke
      you're really underestimating how fricking broken Them's Good Eatin' and Rad Child are

    • 9 months ago

      this is how I know you're busy a gaygout3 fanboy. New Vegas has more content and things to explore than Skyrim, f3 or f4. Everywhere you go in new Vegas, there are hidden things to discover and explore. There's a reason that new Vegas is overwhelmingly positive in reviews on Steam whereas F3 and f4 are merely average. Literally everything you said about the game is a lie and anyone who has played the same can see it's a lie.

    • 9 months ago

      >the only competent legion member is Caesar
      Fricking wrong. Vulpes Inculta is constantly managing raids deep into NCR territory and has plotted an Omerta coup directly on the Strip, Legate Lanius comes up with a strategy to attack the Dam that not even House thought would be possible, everywhere that the Legion and the NCR are facing each other the Legion is shown to be competent and resourceful while the NCR is on the backfoot. In fact, it is kind of implied that Caesar isn't even necessarily as competent as his own underlings because he is too caught up in his Hegelian dialectics pipedream to see how dangerous an occupation of the Mojave would be.
      >you shouldn't be able to join them if that were the case with how sexist they are
      Ulysses makes a point that the Legion is quick to adapt as it assimilates new groups and that the process of assimilation leaves an imprint on the Legion too. When Caesar is talking about all of his thesis-antithesis-synthesis bullshit, this is what he is describing. The game doesn't just comment on the weirdness of a female Legion courier, a female Legion courier itself is meant to show an underexplored element of the faction.

  21. 9 months ago

    The Mojave is less interesting to explore compared to DC, for obvious reasons.
    The large amounts of cut content
    They for some fricking reason, didn't have an Area 51 equivalent.
    Hardcore doesn't add much challenge other than tedium
    The Legion is the least fun faction due to how unfinished it is and how it actively makes the game more difficult without much benefit.
    While it's nice how the DLC is connected to the main story and has it's own narrative, it's conclusion is very underwhelming.
    I still like the game, but anyone who says it's perfect is deluded.

    • 9 months ago

      you people are literally liars. There is more content in the Mojave than there is in f3 or f4 or even Skyrim. This is how I know you clowns got filtered. I laugh at the fact that there are still shills that can't take how great new vegas is, that Todd has to come here and gaslight people to believe that obsidian didn't deserve their bonus which he refused to give them.

    • 9 months ago

      lmao the entire DC was empty. fricking empty as frick, barely any enemies or loot. you homosexuals played baby's first FPS RPG and lost your shit because you'd never experienced anything like it before but it's sad you keep it from letting you enjoy the even better game new vegas.

  22. 9 months ago

    This guy posts the thread and then spams it with his copypastas he spends his days writing. The worst part about it, he's managed to persuade no one with his shitposting
    Truly a pathetic individual

  23. 9 months ago

    If there's one thing about bg3 I'm thankful for, it was distracting the troons away from fnv

  24. 9 months ago

    it's linear as frick, House is moronic, it's gay that everyone just makes you an enemy and you get forced into the Yes Man ending just because you thought that NCR, Ceaser and House were all gay moronic homosexuals.

  25. 9 months ago

    But I will anyways.
    I don't like how little the legion gets in the game. I understand there were constraints but the amount of unecessary NCR locations is comical. They easily could have dedicated at least a little time to making sure their other main faction was developed instead of giving us a few more cowboys.

  26. 9 months ago

    No cute hebes 🙁

  27. 9 months ago

    boring setting and environments, too much brown, and the actual 'new vegas' was really unimpressive. it was like 6 buildings that could fit on a football pitch and 15 npc's standing around. tech limitations of the time and all that, i know, but it still landed like a wet turd.

    • 9 months ago

      Nah not tech limitations; because they had to run the game on the Xbox 360 and the console fried with Open Freeside/strip. So loading screens it was.

  28. 9 months ago

    boymoders but black because the emasculation of cute blackboys is more jarring, and therefore leaves a stronger impression

    somebody here has got to know what I mean

    • 9 months ago

      man i wish every single fricking stupid butthole like you would just die

      • 9 months ago

        haha lol, yous faults for feeding into the association of New Vegas with trans shit

  29. 9 months ago

    My save bugged and became unplayable

  30. 9 months ago

    The game is extremely ugly

  31. 9 months ago

    I can't critique it because I don't have it.
    I don't like post-apoc settings much, especially when it's made by Beth Tesda.

    • 9 months ago

      Good news!

    • 9 months ago

      Its barely post apoc and its not even directly made by Bethesda. Sounds like you should give it a whirl.

      • 9 months ago

        >barely post apoc
        the game is chock full of dreary ruins
        almost everything is run-down and shitty
        even the nature isn't beautiful, unlike Skyrim where some scenery is beautiful if you squint

  32. 9 months ago

    gotta quick save every 5 minutes to avoid progress loss from random crashes

  33. 9 months ago

    I've never played it.

  34. 9 months ago

    Frick! Has been a while since i played so...
    I don't understand why the casinos have infinite enemies respawn even after you genocide the entire places
    I really don't like the dlc missions other than Sierra Madre, they all feel like a shore, buy again, most of Bethesda's dlc is boring
    Powdergangs and Legion are cleary irredeemable and provide no benefit whatsoever, the brotherhood of steel is just there to remind people that it is a Fallout game

    • 9 months ago

      >I really don't like the dlc missions other than Sierra Madre
      this is the one that i hated the most and it actually halted my playthrough for nearly a year. but it was all worth it to load up father elijah's severed head with gold and drag it out for infinite wealth.

  35. 9 months ago

    I can't nut in the b***hes and have them get pregnant or have a real harem.

  36. 9 months ago

    This game is literally unplayable without mods.

    Like most Bethesda garbage (I know the game is made by Obsidian, but it runs on Bethesda's engine), Mods are the only reason why people still play it today.

    • 9 months ago

      Besides performance mods to help with the crashing, it's perfectly enjoyable vanilla.

    • 9 months ago

      >This game is literally unplayable without mods.
      Literally as in figuratively, of course.

  37. 9 months ago

    >no sprinting
    >the shooting could be better
    >loading screens for loading screens

  38. 9 months ago

    made by obsidian

  39. 9 months ago

    writing is bad

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Nta but Ulysses

        • 9 months ago

          You are Ulysses?

        • 9 months ago

          You mean one character some how makes all the writing bad? Frick off baitgay.

  40. 9 months ago

    Unsatisfying gunplay
    Medium armor is useless
    Charisma is useless
    Perception is borderline useless when playing with ED-E
    Game looks like complete shit w/o mods
    Melee was nerfed into the ground to make Unarmed appealing with all its weapon gimmicks, VATS exclusive moves and tho techniques you can learn
    Explosives no longer insta explode upon touching your targets, that feature was the fricking GOAT in FO3
    I could go on but Anons already pointed out NV's most ovbious flaws

    • 9 months ago

      >Explosives no longer insta explode upon touching your targets, that feature was the fricking GOAT in FO3
      Excellent pick. Explosives got a hard nerf from their relative usefulness in f3. Until you get nuka chemist at least.

    • 9 months ago

      they didn't even make unarmed appealing, it's way too strong but because they linked unarmed techniques to quests it's still dogshit
      if they just linked unarmed techniques to the actual skill itself and left melee alone it would have been fine

  41. 9 months ago

    Here's a minor nitpick I don't see brought up as often. They really should have made Lanius impervious to knockdown like Ulysses is.

  42. 9 months ago

    not enough femboy legionnaires

    • 9 months ago

      this is what happens when you don't gate keep your game.

      • 9 months ago

        it's not my game. i don't care what other people do with it.

    • 9 months ago

      Absolutely disgusting homosexual degeneracy of the highest magnitude.

  43. 9 months ago

    Too many trannies and homosexuals in this game.
    Many parts feel unfinished.
    The final skill checks against lanius are kind of silly.

    • 9 months ago

      There is not a single troony in NV.

      • 9 months ago

        He's going to say that the super mutants are.

  44. 9 months ago

    I wish it was longer and we could go into more legion territory

  45. 9 months ago

    what makes this game a troony game? i never once thought about troons when playing it until Ganker sperged about them.

    • 9 months ago

      If you repeat something enough it becomes true and Ganker literally can not stop mentioning trannies at every possible opportunity.

    • 9 months ago

      it's literally autism, just like the sheer amount of them on /lgbt/

    • 9 months ago

      Trannies made a meme a few years back trying to co-opt NV which eventually sputtered out. And then 3gays picked it up and use it as their sole argument because they genuinely have nothing else. In fact they will go to greater lengths to defend this meme argument than actually defend 3/ argue NV.

    • 9 months ago

      It isn't. It's just people letting others live rent free, because the people who talk like this are 2016 Election Tourists.

  46. 9 months ago

    its not an isometric turn based crpg like fallout 1 and 2. FNV is definitely the best of the 3d fps/rpg ones but i would prefer if it was an actual rpg with no bullshit cheesy 3d fps gameplay shit.

  47. 9 months ago

    It's literally just an empty desert that has only one road in it. Wow

    • 9 months ago

      just like real vegas you moronic animetroon homosexual

      • 9 months ago

        my point still stands tho lmao. did I say otherwise?

        • 9 months ago

          i just dont understand how what you said is a criticism. like, they were completely faithful to real vegas like how they modeled goodsprings almost exactly to a tee to the real tiny ass shitty goodsprings? what a critique bro.

      • 9 months ago

        Primm and Goodsprings are real places?

        • 9 months ago

          Yes, based on locations from the popular video gaem Fallout: New Vegas.

        • 9 months ago

          las vegas isn't real, idiot. do you really think that much light could be contained in one city?

        • 9 months ago

          all the fallout games take place in real locales

        • 9 months ago

          Yup. And there's a Yearly Fallout event in Goodsprings. Look it up.

        • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          if it's on a road sign it's probably real, like Nipton and Jean

        • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          Yep and this game practically serves as the tourism marketing arm for them. A little game about the nuclear apocalypse practically immortalized two bumfrick towns in the middle of nowhere.

        • 9 months ago

          I was at the damn last year, felt a lot smaller than I expected, there were a bunch of Black folk smoking pot in the parking lot.

        • 9 months ago

          Good Springs has a yearly celebration that has a few hundred people going to it, with cosplay competitions and all that shit.

  48. 9 months ago

    >Breaking Bad started in 2008
    >New Vegas released in 2010
    >both set in largely desert region of the American southwest
    >both include the making, distribution, and use of drugs
    >both include gangs and/or cartels circulating drugs as a fairly major part of the plot
    >ZERO (0) references to Breaking Bad in the game
    You'd think it would just line up, but it doesn't.

    • 9 months ago

      New Vegas was being developed just as the first season of Breaking Bad came out, and the show just wasn't as popular then. So that's not surprising.

      • 9 months ago

        Fair enough. As my second complaint, I'm disappointed that there isn't a special option for Caesar's brain surgery if you have 1 intelligence and high luck. There's one legionary who comments on Caesar's surgery afterward, saying you "must have needed a lot of healing powder" to fix him. My suggestion is that if you have this lucky moron build, you can just cram Caesar's head full of healing powder to fix his brain tumor. The result miraculously heals him, but he's a little funny in the head afterward and you get a special ending slide which describes the Monty Python skit of a regime he ends up building in California.

  49. 9 months ago

    the map is too large for the content it has, I hate to give fallout 4 credit but it got the map to be a perfect size for what it offers, though it makes the map look bigger than it seems
    if it was given another year of development and added all the cut shit then I would say it would be an alright size

  50. 9 months ago

    the graphics suck dick

  51. 9 months ago

    fallout 3 was jank but had top tier atmosphere
    new vegas had slightly improved gameplay
    fallout 4 was a looter shooter with an engine really starting to show its age
    76 was a fricking mistake

  52. 9 months ago

    Well, I've played hundreds of hours of NV and the unfinished/undeveloped factions and questlines is the most glaring issue. As a result even though many questlines and factions intersect with one another, the open world can feel kind of barren.

  53. 9 months ago
    have a nice day.

  54. 9 months ago

    My dream game would be a remake of New Vegas where they get to fully realize it and finish all the content that had to be cut. Maybe it would muck it up, but I'd still like to see it.

  55. 9 months ago

    Caravan didn’t tell you about the arrow keys and is both stupid and brilliant

    • 9 months ago

      I couldn't even play Caravan, game got stuck on the starting screen and the next time i tried it i didn't understand anything anyway

  56. 9 months ago

    the hacking minigames always fricking sucked
    legion is unfinished
    explosives suck
    making weapons is borderline useless because random mooks can end up with items on their person

  57. 9 months ago

    It looks like shit out of the arse and has no not-shit factions

  58. 9 months ago

    for a game being based around a setting that is all about money, the currency system was really haphazard
    things like the bounty reward turn in systems for collecting ncr ears or whatever the frick were rewarding you with ridiculously high cost grade items (was it stealth boys?) that you were able to sell for caps and from early on in the game basically ignore the currency system
    it made things like the casinos, and the concept of getting banned from the casino from earning too much, completely pointless

  59. 9 months ago

    >Terrifying Presence has a line for Vulpes at Nipton

  60. 9 months ago

    My complaints with NV? It's stuck on bethesda's shitty version of gamebryo so it feels like shit to actually play. Less shit than FO3, but still shit.

  61. 9 months ago

    >get 10 luck
    >zero influencing my roulette spins

  62. 9 months ago

    >over 10 years after its release, people are still talking about new vegas
    FO4 and 76 were that bad, huh?

    • 9 months ago

      People still talk about FO4 too, there was a thread yesterday
      It's just way easier to bait people with New Vegas, so threads get more replies

      • 9 months ago

        It’s because people actually care about NV enough to want to defend it. They don’t like it because other people don’t.

        • 9 months ago

          Personally i like all 3D Fallouts, i justs safed this bait because i think it's funny

      • 9 months ago

        I know how the occasional FO4 thread goes, homo. They mod post and laugh at bethesda's shitty writing. In nv threads, people still argue about which faction was the better choice.

        • 9 months ago

          Speaking of mods how stable is ceaser's new regime? I need a legion armor replacer.

          • 9 months ago

            Dragbody's stuff works fine with vanilla bodies. Honestly all of his stuff looks and works better if you get the vanilla body option, rather than trying to piece together drastic overhauls. There's not even an excuse to use his elaborate overhaul shit with the mods coming out now anyway.


  63. 9 months ago

    It looks like fricking garbage. Everything is brown.

  64. 9 months ago

    Idk it was fun but I didn't beat it. Loved hammering people to death while hyped up on drugs.

  65. 9 months ago

    The DLC is absolute dogshit

  66. 9 months ago

    Was woke and pozzed before those were Ben things.
    Literally the most gays in any video game at the time.

    • 9 months ago

      Both DA:O and Mass Effect came out before NV

    • 9 months ago

      No fricking idea how “even” was auto corrected into Ben.

  67. 9 months ago

    The wasteland is boring. There's nothing interesting to see due to it being set in a fictional location.

  68. 9 months ago

    How can we cure inceldom?

    • 9 months ago

      Reverse gay conversion therapy

  69. 9 months ago

    One thing that I always hated is how buggy NV is even with all community patches. Not even once in my multiple playthroughs I managed to get Raul to be Vaquero again.
    Also "troonvegas" is a psyop forced by contrarians. kys

    • 9 months ago

      >Also "troonvegas" is a psyop forced by contrarians. kys
      New Vegas being a troony game is a troony self identification meme.

      New Vegas is popular with nerds in general.
      Trannies are all isolated as a rule and thus probably nerds.
      This way every nerd-popular game is popular with trannies.
      Trannies people have no self awareness beyond their own 'gender' so they only see that other trannies are play it and claim the game as theirs.
      There are many cases of this happening.

  70. 9 months ago

    There's no real reason to do a legion playthrough more than one because there's so little content and it actively cuts you out of content for other shit in ways most of the other factions don't.

  71. 9 months ago

    The largely linear progression for the first chunk of the game does not gel with core game design centered around a more open world is my primary complaint.

    More generally it's just not that interesting. Nothing about it stands out. The world is too high concept to be fun to explore, the gameplay is still fallout 3 bland. More importantly the game feels highly centered around its factions but they feel designed around being interesting to 18-25 year olds who just had to vote for the first time and think purely in terms of sweeping grand statements and/or blind idealism when it comes to politics and ideology (see: every moron dismissing the NCR because of vague "corruption" and "bureaucracy" despite them being the only faction even attempting to enforce a lawful peace).

  72. 9 months ago

    >they're still arguing about trannies

  73. 9 months ago

    Even to this day with all the bugfixes, Boone's loyalty quest bugs out for me half the time and I need to enable it in console commands

    • 9 months ago

      After doing it Boone literally stopped walking for me
      He just stayed there, sniping shit while kneeling on the floor

  74. 9 months ago

    Shitty gunplay, shitty melee, bad AI, many marked locations realistically probably shouldn't be marked like random collapsed tin shacks, terrible balancing throughout (funny since the director of the game is the le balance man), too much NCR content (NPCs, locations, quests), strip was heavily neutered due to gamebryo and console limitations, lots of cut content.

  75. 9 months ago

    Why is anyone even drawing a connection between New Vegas and trannies? This is peak schizo autism kek

    • 9 months ago

      Dedicated astroturfing campaign by a handful of autists on Discord, hence why these two morons have been back and forth for hours now and aren't even pretending to be on-topic.

  76. 9 months ago

    You now remember The Frontier

    • 9 months ago

      >this was supposed to be wacky wasteland response
      >that was supposed to be wacky wasteland response
      Damage control was fun.
      I haven't played it myself, but vehicles look impressive. I think there's a standalone vehicle mod, but I don't feel like another NV playthrough, not with Starfield on the horizon.

    • 9 months ago

      No one forgot the Frontier what they (purposely) forget however is that it was universally disavowed and denounced by NV fans as a whole and triggered a fricking meme war.

  77. 9 months ago

    Real-time combat. Poorly balanced SPECIAL stats. Real-time combat.

  78. 9 months ago

    Progression and balance is bogged. A level 15 character is basically a walking apocalypse everywhere outside of Deadwind Cavern, hell a well-built, well-armed level 2 character can deal with Quarry Junction. Charisma is objectively useless. Human enemies are a non-issue, which is a problem in a game about an uncivilized wasteland yielding to human civilization. There are alot of mechanics that were completely underdeveloped: thrown weapons, 90% of the crafting items, hardcore mode, weapon modding, etc. The NCR has way too much attention paid to it and it takes away room from other factions that needed it. The Legion is an obvious example, but it was also planned to give the raider gangs throughout the Mojave some much needed flavor that I honestly would have really liked to see. The quality of the quest design is highly overrated, most of New Vegas's quests are actually fairly simple, it is just that New Vegas gives players the option to circumvent things with the kill everyone policy. Speech checks are dumb, they should exist, but the player should still be expected to do some legwork to resolve a quest using speech. Caravan is unbalanced as frick. Overall I also wish that the game had more sort of minigames like the Casinos and Caravan.

    That's about it aside from obvious ones like bugs and graffix. Any complaints about the map itself or the infamous "forced Act 1" come from people that probably only did one playthrough. The map has plenty of interesting shortcuts you can take to get around if you just step off the road and the game hands you the means to deal with the Cazadores North of Goodsprings if you just build a character that isn't dogshit and understand that Cazadores are just a gimmick enemy.

    • 9 months ago

      you notice none of these gaygout 3 and 4 fans can say anything critical of that games yet they shit out diatribes like this. I suspect they are shills it to defend shit games and get kids to continue begging their mum and dad for the next shit game at 100 dollars plus dlc and micronigsactions and gambling boxes.

  79. 9 months ago

    Unmodded NV combat is pure pure garbage

  80. 9 months ago

    The legion is comic-tier villain.
    NCR got too many morale points for the ledditor choice
    Why the hell do I get bad karma for killing house?

    • 9 months ago

      >Why the hell do I get bad karma for killing house?
      because euthanasia is bad even when the guy is going to die slowly and painfully anyway

    • 9 months ago

      >Why the hell do I get bad karma for killing house?
      The same reason you get good karma for killing random feral ghouls. Karma is meaningless in NV.

    • 9 months ago

      >The legion is comic-tier villain
      They’re tribal raiders doing what tribal raiders do. There are antagonists that are way more fricked up than them in the Fallout series.

  81. 9 months ago

    these threads are psyops by the fallout 3 indians.

    • 9 months ago

      It's all one dude, and I'm pretty sure he's actually a gyspy.

      • 9 months ago

        *italian gypsies

        Actually a Romanian gypsy living in Italy

        • 9 months ago

          Same thing

    • 9 months ago

      *italian gypsies

    • 9 months ago

      It's all one dude, and I'm pretty sure he's actually a gyspy.

      *italian gypsies

      Actually a Romanian gypsy living in Italy

      It’s started as that but then his style of posting was picked up by bethesdrones that mostly come from /fog/ and attention prostitutes. So now they spam the same threads and memes. Honestly it’s mostly backfired on them since most people consider them to be actual schizo ESLs.

  82. 9 months ago

    Lukewarm take, but the endgame result of you being the person in charge essentially being that everything falls apart is Uber fricking gay, especially since you have more than likely talked to every single damn faction and person of interest there is to talk to.

    The Courier is a mythical person by the end of the game, having done something that only legends in history were capable of, but no matter how well you fix everything up and no matter how much you know or have done, for some ungodly reason Obsidian made it so that you frick up hard being a leader.

    • 9 months ago

      I don't think it is implied that everything falls apart in the Yes Man ending outside of Low Karma. Certain minor factions do get more room to ape out, but it's not like the Strip gets overrun by hordes of kh*ns while the BoS rip up roulette wheels and slot machines for confiscation.

    • 9 months ago

      The Courier embodies the 'Man With No Name' archetype, and there really should have been a completely neutral ending where he just fricks off into the sunset and leaves the Mojave to its devices.

      • 9 months ago

        >kill Benny
        >deliver chip and get payment
        >head back to Mojave outpost and start the journey back to California.

  83. 9 months ago

    The main quest sucks after you meet Mr. House

    • 9 months ago

      It's basically just a checklist of faction quests and then you shoot the president or something and take over the Dam. I really wish there had been an option to forge some sort of deal between the NCR and Mr. House or scheme with the Legion to reinforce the Omerta coup, just so that the main quest had more to it than just making a faction happy so you can ask them politely to do things.

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah it feels unfinished
        Seems it was intended to be some sort of cold war between the factions until the final showdown but they ran out of time and had to cut a lot of stuff

      • 9 months ago

        Apparently there was a cut ending where you could make Mr House join the NCR, but it was cut for being too OP.

  84. 9 months ago

    The environment is very bland and samey, which to me discourages any exploration away from the main roads. The Legion is underdeveloped and gives you little reason to want to side with them. The final boss isn’t as menacing as Frank Horrigan, and is too easy to talk down compared to the Master. Danny Trejo is wasted on the least interesting and developed companion in the game.

    • 9 months ago

      >Danny Trejo is wasted on the least interesting and developed companion in the game.
      Shut your mouth Black person

    • 9 months ago

      Raul is the best companion tho.

    • 9 months ago

      Raul tells you his whole backstory in his companion mission and it's pretty compelling. Lily is probably the least developed companion.

  85. 9 months ago

    God I wish Ganker had jannies at this time of day

    • 9 months ago

      What? You don't like walls of text that have absolutely nothing to do with video games?

      • 9 months ago

        This happens in literally every NV thread and it's the same guy(s) doing it every time.

        • 9 months ago

          Is it gay scholars night or something? Nobody is going to read all that shit.

  86. 9 months ago

    In game economy sucks.
    Barely any legion content.
    Energy weapons underpowered and lacking variety.
    Lack of thought in the karma system.
    Speech is overpowered.
    Charisma underpowered outside of pure companion builds.
    Special/skills hard capped at 10 and 100 makes a lot of equipment useless, and encourages boring “everyman” builds that never go above 7 or 8 in any special.
    VATS is neglected: even with a good build around it, the range of accuracy is too short. It’s still kinda useful for stealth, since all guns are considered silent when shot in vats, and also the increased crit chance is nice.
    Caravan blows.

    Still love the game, mod away the things I dislike.

  87. 9 months ago

    Why can't Caesar make peace with Brotherhood of Steel? He wants people that don't rely on old, scavenged tech, BoS wants to keep the old tech away from the people so they don't blow themselves up. It seems like their ideologies are perfectly matched for each other and both could benefit from cooperation, where Legion manpower can be used to gather laser guns from across the Wastes and handed to BoS, while the Brotherhood could disarm old facilities that are a danger to the Legion, like the Securitron Vault.

    • 9 months ago

      >He wants people that don't rely on old, scavenged tech
      Well that already rules out the BoS then, doesn't it

      • 9 months ago

        It's just a bunker somewhere he can treat as a place to dispose the forbidden stuff and a bunch of mercenaries he can have do the dirty work, like the Courier does in NV.

  88. 9 months ago

    >new vegas cultist
    Doesn't exist on Ganker, worshipping New Vegas is practically a Reddit thing now

  89. 9 months ago

    The game falls apart when you get to The Strip, I quit every time.

  90. 9 months ago

    >The Legion is poorly written
    >The NCR being written as "le bad because oppression" is pure moronation
    >The way DLCs were integrated was also pretty moronic and I wish it went out of it's way to actually update the game with interactions between the DLC companions and vanilla NPCs
    >All that cut content
    >One of the worst modding communities I've ever seen.
    >Unlike FO3 which over-fellated the BoS to MCU superhero tier bullshit, NV demonizes the BoS far too much and makes them less interesting than their FO1 counterparts.
    >Old World Blues has pure reddit writing and is unironically worse than Lonesome Road
    >Attracts the biggest autists (both antis and pros) on Ganker and makes discussion utterly unbearable about this game on this board.

  91. 9 months ago

    can you get private messages on Ganker? I remember seeing these two trannies talking about new Vegas ask for eachothers discords silence, and next thing you know, one of them comes back to the thread and says the other has a nice body??? wtf?

    • 9 months ago

      Throwaway email addresses

      • 9 months ago

        ? but then how did they get in touch with eachother? when I said radio silence, I mean nobody said anything at ALL after one of them asked for discord it was like this:

        person 1: discord?

        person 2: ...

        person 2: ...

        person 2: wow person 1 has a rocking body

        how the frick could they even exchange throwaway email addresses without talking in the thread at all

        • 9 months ago

          Then in that case it was probably faked for attention and these two morons are already in contact with each other. They've been doing this for more than a year now in every single NV thread so it would make sense. That, or it's one schizo replying to himself.

  92. 9 months ago

    You can't prank call c-span in the game

  93. 9 months ago


  94. 9 months ago

    Can't marry and settle down with Sunny Smiles

  95. 9 months ago

    1. it's still (!!!) buggy. Played it a month ago and game crashed when i entered a door to transition from one area to another.
    2. Stealth is boring and OP, there's no skill involved you just level it high
    >"but that's in all Fallout games!"
    and I hate it in all of them, including this one
    3. too many different ammo types
    4. weapon degradation is not fun, have to carry a bunch of guns of the same type to repair and therefore my inventory is constantly full

    • 9 months ago

      >too many different ammo types
      >weapon degradation is not fun, have to carry a bunch of guns of the same type to repair and therefore my inventory is constantly full
      Weapon repair kits are a thing and weapons don't even degrade that quickly anyway

    • 9 months ago

      weapon repair is trivial. The economy in NV is completely busted.
      Also I know it's not an excuse, but playing NV without mods rectify both that and the poor performance is doing it wrong

  96. 9 months ago

    >Prove you're not a New Vegas cultist
    I still didn't played it because i hated Fallout 3 being Oblivion with guns

  97. 9 months ago

    You can't marry and settle down with Fisto

  98. 9 months ago

    FO3 had the superior map and stuff like Legion should have been fleshed out more. I really should try TTW.

    • 9 months ago

      >FO3 had the superior map
      full of fricking nothing

  99. 9 months ago

    I dislike the fact that New Vegas is held up to such a regard solely due to the civilization present, but I cannot place it above Fallout 3 in terms of greatness. Fallout to me needs to have a sense of dreadfulness and desolation. When you explore New Vegas, you don't have to walk for more than 5 minutes before you are already happening upon a new location; on top of not being able to explore the entire span of the geography as the map deceptively depicts. Fallout 3 practically lets you explore corner to corner with interesting and unique townships that actually grasp the feeling of a post apocalyptic environment. The stories between the two games are undoubtedly in favor for New Vegas, but that's really all the game has to hold a candle to. The mod scene for the game also has more engagement than that of Fallout 3, but a rather unspoken philosophy around this phenomenon indicates that the more a game has to be modded in order for it to be enjoyable, the lack of overall substance and versatility becomes more and more revealed.

    • 9 months ago

      >interesting and unique townships that actually grasp the feeling of a post apocalyptic environment

      • 9 months ago

        >people pretend to act out the roles of superheros and supervillians after being inspired by reading prewar comics since there's frick all to do

        Wow, so out of place. Hey, remember in New Vegas when a bunch of sentient ghouls are able to achieve spaceflight on a hastily built spaceship only with the help of a human that they mentally manipulated into thinking that he's a ghoul like they are? Or how about a fetch quest where you track down a protectron that can be programmed into a frick toy?

        • 9 months ago

          >interesting and unique townships that actually grasp the feeling of a post apocalyptic environment

      • 9 months ago

        >Fallout 3
        >Character made to look like Kenshiro
        >Unarmed 100
        >Paralyzing Palm
        >Fisto and Deathclaw gauntlets
        >AntAgonizer's costume
        It's gaming time

    • 9 months ago

      >interesting and unique townships that actually grasp the feeling of a post apocalyptic environment
      Everyone in Fallout 3 acts like the war happened within their lifetimes. The entire setting is so fricking dumb it hurts if you think about it for longer than ten seconds.

      • 9 months ago

        >Everyone in Fallout 3 acts like the war happened within their lifetimes. The entire setting is so fricking dumb it hurts if you think about it for longer than ten seconds.

        Some speculate that FO3 is meant to be a prequel to everything.

  100. 9 months ago

    all the gays in it. legion having no content

  101. 9 months ago

    Legion had too little content to the point that I rarely if not ever want to do their playthroughs just because it locks me out of so many other questlines since NCR takes a solid chunk of the game's quests.

  102. 9 months ago

    >building megaton near a bomb and not things actually off use to survival in an apocalypse
    FO3 did some moronic shit.

  103. 9 months ago

    playing new vegas now. I try to follow the intended path of the developer when playing games like this. I'll intentionally follow breadcrumbs or if npcs in town A are heavily referencing town B, it's clear the next thing i'm supposed to do is check out town B.
    the pacing feels pretty good at the beginning as you leave goodsprings and take a horseshoe like path around black mountain, then up to the strip. but once you get to that northern area, which is freeside, the ncr headquarters, and then the strip it's like 5 solid hours of talking and delivery quests with not a single breadcrumb leading you anywhere else but deeper into this hole of endless lore and dialog quests. exploration, combat, and story need to be paced out evenly and new vegas has a bit too much chatter. though on the other hand the combat isn't all that thrilling in these games and the exploration is pretty disappointing.

  104. 9 months ago

    >200 years since the war
    >nobody knows what farming is
    >nobody knows what water purification is
    >writing a book that tells you scavenging from 200-year-old supermarkets is considered good advice, as it's something apparently nobody else aside from Moira Brown had ever thought of in TWO FRICKING HUNDRED YEARS

  105. 9 months ago

    >Prove you're not a New Vegas cultist. Post your critiques of the game.

    85% of the game is fighting lightly armored raidersof some shape (Legion, Powder Gangers, Fiends, Vipers, etc). The game lacks heavy armored units to really put up a real fight.

    3/4 of the DLC is off in la-la land telling some unrelated story about some super Black anarchist poet who is on some path of revenge or some shit, with some super powerful research facility behind it all. This is literally the plot of ANOTHER GAME and has frick all to do with anything

    Cass. Just Cass.

  106. 9 months ago

    Honestly the best game I've ever played but I haven't played that many.

  107. 9 months ago

    Obsidian did their best, but should have pushed back to finish the game

    • 9 months ago

      You could give Obsidian an infinite budget and timeframe, they'd still never finish making a game.

  108. 9 months ago

    It's the best 3D fallout, however:
    >Same broke ass engine from 3 only even LESS stable
    >Every character looks absolutely moronic
    >Most factions have impossibly stupid leaders
    >house only knows how to bribe people and spam securitrons but cant do a fricking thing himself other than kill people and hope the paid help doesn't turn on him
    >Oliver is the dictionary definition of "failing your way to the top"
    >Caeser is a midwit that taught a bunch of tribals how to fight and now thinks he's some sort of emperor, ranting and raving about "OH I READ BOOKS, I KNOW SO MUCH BECAUSE I'VE READ BOOKS, LISTEN TO ME RAMBLE ON ABOUT PHILOSOPHY TO JUSTIFY ALL THE STUPID SHIT I'VE DONE IN SERVICE OF MY OWN EGO INSTEAD OF JUST ADMITTING I LOVE POWER LIKE A REAL MAN", going as far as to threaten the courier with death when they refuse to do something, the same courier that has likely slaughtered half the mojave already just for the fun of it
    >gambling is boring
    >they removed the ability to break into a shop keepers stockpile that we had in 3
    >everyone is voice acted by the same 3-5 people
    >moronic lines like gannon shouting "HERE we go!" every time you get into a fight
    >there's still an engine hard cap of 256 for mod files
    And I've probably missed a good bit too

    • 9 months ago

      's still an engine hard cap of 256 for mod files

      That's LONG gone bro. Check recent youtube and common to find people with 500 mods.

      • 9 months ago

        I'm pretty sure that has to do with file combination, where you can unpack and repack everything.
        I remember it being an extremely jank process that could easily be fricked up, but the last time I tried was like, back in 2010 IIRC so it's probably gotten a lot easier since then.

    • 9 months ago

      Modding is actually decent and fairly easy thanks to a couple frameworks that have come out in the last few years. Couple that with the various B42 mods, NMC, and animation packs, F:NV is fairly stable, looks fairly decent, and has massive QoL. Also, the mod cap has been essentially removed via another framework.

      • 9 months ago

        Damn, I might actually have to reinstall it again then.
        I was gonna wait for OpenMW to get NV support but if it's that decent of a situation I'll have to give it another go instead of waiting the several years that's probably gonna take still.

        • 9 months ago

          With roughly 100 mods? I’ve had no crashes with a save file over 50 hours, it’s very stable nowadays

  109. 9 months ago

    >remember beating new vegas a decade ago
    >decide to give it another try
    >saves get corrupted after playing for 5 hours
    Genuine 6/10 game.

    • 9 months ago

      >only having one save
      Literally asking for it

  110. 9 months ago

    Is there an anime mod for New Vegas? Anime artstyle always makes everything better.

  111. 9 months ago

    It has an absolutely terrible opening. You get shot in the head and buried, yet SOMEHOW you just survive. Why do you survive? Well, you... you just do, OKAY!
    What a fricking piece of shit! Right from the very beginning the game was trying to get me to hate it and go this is stupid.

    • 9 months ago

      >Why do you survive? Well, you... you just do, OKAY!

    • 9 months ago

      >It has an absolutely terrible opening. You get shot in the head and buried, yet SOMEHOW you just survive. Why do you survive? Well, you... you just do, OKAY!

      lol noguns don't know shit about 9mm

      • 9 months ago

        And I'm sure it's super fricking common too, right you absolute moron? Cause as we all know, 9mm has never killed anyone ever, you lying sack of shit. The opening is the fricking worst and it's only made worse by morons like you who try to defend it instead of demanding something better.

        • 9 months ago

          1. It's entirely possible in real life.
          2. You can shoot people level 1 with the 9mm in the head and they shrug it off.
          3. It's meant to be a lucky unanticipated event that changes the course of the world.
          4. You get medical care, some amnesia, and spend over a week in the hospital for it.

          >why the frick would people follow Ceasar?
          Why do people Fuentes or Trump, Biden or the Clintons?
          May surprise you that people follow dipshits.
          But you do raise a good point. You’d think the wastes would have at least more nuanced factions like you’d get in stalker between Freedom and Duty

          Because they're fricking stupid, why the frick would people even follow Caesar and his shit at all? The Brotherhood started from military remnants and that can be evolved into post apocalyptic knights, but Caesar is just one guy, how did he get people with brains to follow his ideas? It's like The Republic of Dave but meant to be taken seriously

          Context is that Caesar just conquored your tribe. He's shown overwhelming strength and it's like God just came down for a day. You join or die. He also takes recruits from volunteers who just see how awesome he is. It's like any shity tribal militia out there, check out Lord's Resistance Army.

          • 9 months ago

            Yeah and most people end up dead when they're shot in the head. Again, you're defending dogshit writing instead of demanding better. You are the reason why developers phone it in so often now. You are a cancer on videogames as a whole. So how about this, why don't you have a nice day with a 9mm, since it's such a non-issue you should have no problem with that, right? Looking forward to your pics anon.

            • 9 months ago

              i wonder how it feels to have your brain

  112. 9 months ago

    they have all these ammo types but no reason to use them
    companions are mostly useless and really just serve as an extra inventory
    the game makes no attempt at diplomacy if you want to spare the brotherhood but choose the house questline, not even an option to tell the brotherhood "frick off and stay out and I'll tell house you're dead"
    in the first conversation you have with arcade, he says theres no way anyone will ever find a way to make stimpaks with wasteland plants. you can make stimpaks with 70 science, a syringe, a broc flower, and a xander root. you cant tell him this.
    a short gambling spree allows you to get the fist of the mantis king, the seccond most powerful unarmed weapon, at level 1. nothing even comes close until you get the fist of rawr, which is halfway through lonesome road, i.e. the endgame for 95% of players
    I have a lot more, but I think this is a good amount for now
    there is no reason to ever not make a character with 9 intelligence

    • 9 months ago

      >in the first conversation you have with arcade, he says theres no way anyone will ever find a way to make stimpaks with wasteland plants. you can make stimpaks with 70 science, a syringe, a broc flower, and a xander root. you cant tell him this.

      lol autistic moron. He's not saying it's not possible, but someone with 70 medicine is a trained medical expert for all intents and purposes. Those people are rare. So yes, they need people like the followers who are science/medical experts to do things like make stimpacks.

      >a short gambling spree allows you to get the fist of the mantis king, the seccond most powerful unarmed weapon, at level 1. nothing even comes close until you get the fist of rawr, which is halfway through lonesome road, i.e. the endgame for 95% of players

      The DLC is basically Pay to Win and unbalanced.

      • 9 months ago

        >The DLC is basically Pay to Win and unbalanced.
        that doesnt make it any less of a criticism
        unbalanced garbage is still unbalanced garbage, regardless of its source

    • 9 months ago

      >the game makes no attempt at diplomacy if you want to spare the brotherhood but choose the house questline
      I mean you can't really pull one over on House. He would definitely know if they survive and it's not like the BoS are just going to leave either.

      • 9 months ago

        Sure, but I'd like to at least be able to try to ttivk house.

        • 9 months ago

          That side quest where you plant a bug in the Lucky 38 for some Follower is basically that. It also shows why you can't trick him since he immediately finds out about it.

  113. 9 months ago


    troony THREAD, I REPEAT, troony THREAD! ABORT!


  114. 9 months ago

    I prefer 3 exclusively because I could play it no problem, unlike shit vegas which crashed every few steps.

  115. 9 months ago

    The map is extremely linear, every playthrough is gonna follow the Goodsprings->Primm->Novac->New Vegas order

    • 9 months ago

      >not going Goodsprings->New Vegas
      skill issue

    • 9 months ago

      >spec into survival, guns, melee
      >built to destroy and fast shot
      >few levels dumped into repair, guns, survival
      >gun all the way to freeside to get 44 ammo schematic from Jules
      >run all the way back to bitter springs
      >kill the leaders for Love and Hate and the Trail Carbine
      >spend the rest of the levels to get 75 in repair
      >Cowboy perk
      >bop around the map as I want doing sidequests
      >cowboy repeater for most everything, trail carbine for anyone giving me trouble
      >do the Powder Ganger questline first
      >get me my duster and hat
      >then go back to goodsprings
      >build up legion dogtags to become a friend of the legion
      >also give dogtags to become a friend of the NCR
      >now start playing the game for reals

    • 9 months ago

      >he didn’t go from Goodsprings to Red Rock and also get Chase’s Knife at level 1 whilst avoiding cazadors with the free stealth boy
      >he didn’t go from Goodsprings through Sloan, using the stealth boy to grab the free fat man, mini nukes, and carbine all whilst killing the mother deathclaw for the unique Boulder City dialogue and egg omelettes being added to world loot at level 1.
      >he didn’t let the Goodsprings locals kill the powder gangers so you only get Shunned instead of Villified, allowing free travel through ganger activity
      Did you even play the game, moron-kun?

  116. 9 months ago

    Any pics of her getting fricked?

    • 9 months ago

      artist is @bingus_enjoyer but she doesn't draw porn

  117. 9 months ago

    >Biggest critiques
    Legion content sucks. What little there is feels like it piggybacks off of NCR stuff too much.

    Casinos, and most "cities", feel dead. That is a consequence of the engine that was kind of old when even NV came out.

    None of the DLCs were particularly great. I went back to replay them and I definitely had rose-tinted glasses. Oddly enough, I found Honest Hearts to be better than I remembered and that is usually the DLC everyone whines about.

    Shitty gameplay where aiming down sights doesn't actually make you any more accurate.

    >Biggest compliments
    Early-game is still amazing imo. It does everything an RPG should do as far as introducing you to the world and mechanics, and it even caps it all off with the small-town showdown in Goodsprings. I loved New Vegas' opening, and still do. It is insanely comfy. All the way to Primm is pretty much as good as you could ask for in an RPG.

    Everyone except Legion are well written enough. Only asterisk I would put is the BoS siding with the NCR. Given all that happened, I just don't see that going down that way.

    Cool uniques. The fact that the gunplay sucked but I was still hellbent on searching for guns says a lot. Biggest mistake Fallout 4 made was doing away with the uniques system for the soulless Legendary system.

    • 9 months ago

      >Shitty gameplay where aiming down sights doesn't actually make you any more accurate.

      mostly misaligned sights. Mods fix this.

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