PSVR2 is a flop

Vita tier scam LOL. Between this and the PS5 having no games, seems like Sony is resting on their laurels and putting 0 effort in anymore

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  1. 10 months ago

    Must be suffering being a snoy

    • 10 months ago

      My PS5 is also a dust collector. It genuinely sucks to be a snoy rn, thank god I have a nice PC or I would have nothing to play. Worst console gen I can remember

      • 10 months ago

        It's bizarre, they were sold out for so long but I honestly don't get what people even play on this thing. The only console with any games is still the fricking Switch, and only because it's been out for twenty years already.

        • 10 months ago

          >I honestly don't get what people even play on this thing
          Sports games. Even shootergays moved on to PC.
          "Gamers" aren't the target demographic for PlayStation.

          • 10 months ago

            Honestly it looks like it. That and remakes.

        • 10 months ago

          >but I honestly don't get what people even play on this thing.
          Because you saying that the Switch is the only console with games shows you have no idea what the console market is like and what normal people play. Normal people are playing CoD but in particular Warzone, Skyrim, Elden Ring, Handegg, Handegg but with your feet, GTAV, RDR2, Assassin's Creed, Apex Legends, Fork Knife, Rocket League, Final Fantasy XIV, Genshin Impact, Warframe, Destiny 2, the Resident Evil games, and whatever else that's popular I can't think of off the top of my head. That's on top of playing PS4 games via BC because the majority of them are bargain bin now, the PS5 plays them, the PS5 is essentially a PS4 Pro Pro in that case, and it means they can sell their PS4 as an objective upgrade.

          PC is not what normal people use for gaming unless you're in Eastern Yurop or China so it's not even an option for multiplats in most people's minds, Xbox is Xbox, and Switch can't play most multiplats well or doesn't even have the ones people want.

          The way you perceive consoles is from an enthusiast's lens, you need to perceive it like an average Joe. Yeah, Xbox has GamePass but it's also missing Spider-Man 2 and Wolverine which is a hard sell for people wanting to get a new system, and if you're gonna argue either of those aren't a reason to buy a console that's your enthusiast speaking again.

          • 10 months ago

            What's with asiatics (Slavs, Chinese) and PC gaming?

            • 10 months ago

              Not getting shit without effort primes you to become a PC user.
              Also freedom to pirate.

            • 10 months ago

              Computers can be used for cheap at net cafes instead of having to buy a PC or a console.
              Games are expensive and Valve is really the only one to adjust prices to local income values. Some of these countries live on a couple hundred US dollars a month, some of them live on less than that, so when a company is asking you to buy a game for half a month's salary it's a hard sell on top of a console you already had to buy.
              China in particular has a raging hard on for F2P games, especially browser games where you can P2W.
              Piracy is extremely easy.

              There is a reason why DOTA, LoL, Genshin, and Counter Strike are all extremely popular.

              • 10 months ago

                Why are Slavs still so poor after leeching on EU monies for 30 years? Is it their genetics? Low IQ?

              • 10 months ago

                There must be some sort of cultural thing, here in Mexico, gaming cafes are aplenty as well, but they prefer consoles. Maybe chinese and slavs have a programming culture, because here, they barely know how to use a computer.

          • 10 months ago

            So there's no real point in buying a PS5 if you actually like video games?

            • 10 months ago

              Okay idiot what is then a "video game" that needs a high end gaming PC? Only recent AAA games need that hardware and according to you those are "not games".

              • 10 months ago

                Recent AAA games are all either shit or remakes of games I already own. It used to be that you could buy a console and immediately get access to a few modern exclusives that were actually good and worth playing regardless of whether you were a 'hardcore gamer' or a casual, but today buying a modern console (Switch is effectively last-gen so doesn't really count) only gets you access to remakes and sports games.

                Like, the PS3 got a lot of shit when it came out because it had no games that justified purchasing the console, but at the end of its lifecycle it had a really solid library. The PS5 had no games when it came out in 2020 and it has no games today, despite being almost halfway through its lifecycle of 6-7 years already. It's probably not an issue with the PS5 specifically but more with the industry in general.

                If you actually like video games you would own a PC, a PS5, and a Switch. Add in a Steam Deck too for on-the-go emulation and your entire PC library.

                The PC will have the best multiplats and a massive library going back to the beginning of computers. You will also have access to every single game Xbox is going to have and you can emulate the ones it does have that are exclusive like Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, or RDR1 (The better version).
                The PS5 would have BC with PS4 games and PS5 games including Japanese exclusive games which the PS4 itself still has like City Shrouded in Shadow, Kamen Rider Battride War Genesis (Unless you want to play the inferior Vita/PS3 versions), and Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise off the top of my head.
                The Switch would give you Nintendo exclusives, A and AA games we're not seeing on PS4/PS5 which, while uncommon, do still happen, and your choice of a handheld for these things.

                The backwards compatibility is nice, but if that's the only selling point I could also just buy a PS4 for less money. But I suppose that if there's a price drop for the PS5 it's worth a purchase since the handful of PS5 games worth playing then also become available.

              • 10 months ago

                The selling point is also the PS5 games from Sony if you want those (Many people want the Marvel games from Insomniac for example) without having to wait 2-4 years. Then there's Japanese-exclusive console games but I can't think of anything for PS5 as of now since almost everyone is still hesitant to get onto it outside of Squeenix with Forspoken and FFXVI.

            • 10 months ago

              If you actually like video games you would own a PC, a PS5, and a Switch. Add in a Steam Deck too for on-the-go emulation and your entire PC library.

              The PC will have the best multiplats and a massive library going back to the beginning of computers. You will also have access to every single game Xbox is going to have and you can emulate the ones it does have that are exclusive like Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, or RDR1 (The better version).
              The PS5 would have BC with PS4 games and PS5 games including Japanese exclusive games which the PS4 itself still has like City Shrouded in Shadow, Kamen Rider Battride War Genesis (Unless you want to play the inferior Vita/PS3 versions), and Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise off the top of my head.
              The Switch would give you Nintendo exclusives, A and AA games we're not seeing on PS4/PS5 which, while uncommon, do still happen, and your choice of a handheld for these things.

              • 10 months ago

                >The PC will have the best multiplats
                that would be 3499.99 plus tip. plus 45 minutes of your time to troubleshot every bug. but let me guess you "know computers" which means you love doing mundane grunt work.

              • 10 months ago

                Bruh. That's virtually no money at all for a hobby.

              • 10 months ago

                Unless you are playing at native 4K for some insane reason you don't need to spend more than like $1500 for a good 8+ years. If this bothers you then just play the multiplats on your PS5 instead as it'll mostly be comparable to the Xbox side except it won't lack the PS's side of the library that going with Xbox does.

              • 10 months ago

                >$1500 for a good 8+ years
                the cope is in this thread is insane.

              • 10 months ago

                you are playing at native 4K for some insane reason
                It's been over 15 fricking years since 1080p became the standard, it's still crazy to me that people are still playing on tiny monitors. 10 years ago you should've been on 1440p. Right now you should be on 4k. In another decade you should be on 8k. After 8k there are severe diminishing returns so I'd expect most people to never go beyond that point for monitors.

              • 10 months ago

                im literally playing RE4R on my PS4 right now. how mad are you?

              • 10 months ago

                The cost both in terms of money and hardware simply isn't worth it to go for higher resolutions. It's especially annoying to deal with higher resolutions because even something like 1440p can sometimes have black bars since it's an uncommon resolution while 4K introduces issues with older games almost constantly and in newer games the parts you need to run the games reliably at 4K 60 or even 4K 30 are fairly expensive overall. Yeah, you can DLSS but many people don't want to do that because it looks pretty bad in motion, especially in screenshots. Don't even get me started on multi-monitor setups of different resolutions.

              • 10 months ago

                >even something like 1440p can sometimes have black bars
                I've never had an issue playing at 1440p over the past 10 years since it's still a 16:9 resolution.

              • 10 months ago

                >you should be on 4k
                gpu's for 4k 60 are insanely priced tho. 1440p high refresh seems to be the peak before diminishing returns in terms of value

                Stop playing AAA slop. You can run morrowind at 4k on a toaster.

              • 10 months ago

                >Stop playing AAA slop.

              • 10 months ago

                >you should be on 4k
                gpu's for 4k 60 are insanely priced tho. 1440p high refresh seems to be the peak before diminishing returns in terms of value

              • 10 months ago

                Stop being poor

          • 10 months ago

            Don't forget all those ps4 games that are also free ps5 upgrades, meaning you can buy the cheap ps4 copy, put it in your ps5 and play a ps5 version.

      • 10 months ago

        my ps4 is also a dust collector waiting for jailbreak for 9.60

      • 10 months ago

        Xbox 720 is the same only it has Game Pass and shit like that to make up for a lack of good games.
        PS5 has frick all.

        • 10 months ago

          At this point you probably know what you're getting from xbox compared to playstation. Xbox has so many fricking studios from Bethesda to the call of duty ones that you can kinda predict what's to come and they do regular updates. With playstation you don't know what the frick is happening with them they don't attend any conventions anymore like E3, gamescom or even do playstation experience anymore. I think that's the most frustrating thing about modern playstation.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah I think it really sucks having both a gaming PC and a non-Nintendo console this gen. Everything is getting put on PC, and unlike previous generations the ports are way fricking better than the console versions. I actually bought an Xbox Series X last year and my most played games on it are all stuff that doesn't have a PC release for them top of the list is crash team racing niteo fueled, Microwiener needs to port that shit already. Even Game Pass titles I wind up playing them on the PC instead, and again the ones I play on Xbox are not on PC at all like The Darkness 1 and Rare Replay.

        • 10 months ago

          You people need a wife to stop you from making completely unnecessary $500 purchases.

      • 10 months ago

        Why did you get a PS5 if you have a "nice PC"? Are you moronic?

      • 10 months ago

        all the PS4 games run on the PS5

      • 10 months ago

        >My PS5 is also a dust collector
        >thank god I have a nice PC
        people who buy consoles don't have high end gaming PC

        • 10 months ago

          You underestimate the low impulse control of morons.

    • 10 months ago

      My PS5 is also a dust collector. It genuinely sucks to be a snoy rn, thank god I have a nice PC or I would have nothing to play. Worst console gen I can remember

      McCaffrey is an Xbox cuck, ESL.

      • 10 months ago

        >t. salty moron who spent $600 on overpriced garbage
        McCaffrey is a good representative of the avg normie, who would be feeling the exact same way if they bought this piece of shit.

      • 10 months ago

        >PSVR2 is a failure
        >"Buh Xbawks"
        Enjoy your VR headset with nogaems

      • 10 months ago

        Incredible deflection

  2. 10 months ago

    I cannot believe there was a point of time a few years ago where people thought vr would be the next big thing

    • 10 months ago

      console VR is destined to be doomed, there are just too few games, the games that are there are too pricey, and theres not enough freedom.

      PCVR already has hundreds of games and mods to play, console VR will always be behind. The only people who bought this shit were genuine morons

      • 10 months ago

        What VR needed was curated, polished, feature complete, full gaming experiences made by veteran studios.

        This is exactly what consoles used to be about

        • 10 months ago
          Fuk Devs, Pay Modders

          Goyslop, no thanks

          • 10 months ago

            Yes, having 50 unfinished indie VR shooters that each have one hour of gameplay is sooooo much better.

      • 10 months ago
        Fuk Devs, Pay Modders

        This. vr industry moves to fast fir sony to keep up. By the time they released their headset it was already obsolete. And devs can't even get footing because a 10 year dev cycles ain't gonna cut it. All the action is in mods and psvr 2 is literally the only vr headset on the market that can't play vr mods

        • 10 months ago

          It's why xbox doesnt have a dedicated x helmet. Here is the prototype tho...

      • 10 months ago

        *console and PC VR are destined to be doomed
        VRs future is in novelty establishments, places you go to and they strap you into VR while you do some other thing or play some game that requires more room than you have in your home

        I went to one of those indoor skydiving places recently and they had a VR thing where you could be looking at a VR thing of real skydiving or wingsuiting while in the wind tunnel, that sort of thing.

        • 10 months ago
          Fuk Devs, Pay Modders

          Currently I'd stay away from Katvr slidemills. Physically theyre built solid but their electronic components crap out with a handful of use despite not even being one of the moving parts.

  3. 10 months ago

    VR IS a flop. Remember when 3D TVs and movies was the next big thing? Yeah, neither does anybody else.

    • 10 months ago

      My parents have a 3D projector and honestly watching Dredd and Fury Road in 3D when I visit them is kino. I think it's less of a gimmick than VR which is a low bar

      • 10 months ago

        That actually sounds sick as frick. I wanna hang out at your parents house.

      • 10 months ago
        Fuk Devs, Pay Modders

        The problem with 3d was getting 3d content to the user. Was (and practically still is) only available with blu ray. The newest thing tho I want to give a try is now theyre livestreaming ufc fights in 180 3d. But it's expensive af

    • 10 months ago

      3D displays and 3D gaming are still a thing with an ever growing library of playable games using nvidia 3D vision or Geo-11.


  4. 10 months ago

    The vita was awesome, though,.

    • 10 months ago

      Similar story to this, though. Decent hardware, no software support so dead quickly

    • 10 months ago

      PSVR2 is also awesome. On Paper.
      But it has basically no dedicated worthwhile games.

  5. 10 months ago

    I only play 1-2 games per year so I'm going to get one after the price drop and it's perfect for me
    I'll have plenty to play the library is more than enough for my purposes

  6. 10 months ago

    Looks like a toilet from the thumbnail

  7. 10 months ago

    >Playstation hardware
    >No games

  8. 10 months ago

    The only thing better than one device with no games, is two devices with no games.

  9. 10 months ago

    Blame graphicsgays, games take forever to make because of the 4k mongrels

  10. 10 months ago

    Bought mine at Costco. It made some great additions to VR but just like haptics no one is supporting it fully. Just PSVR junk being ported over and Horizon Zero Climb was garbage.
    Returned it for a full refund. Never again sonny

  11. 10 months ago

    didnt EVE online have some sort of spaceship combat game for it? dont think Ive ever seen a screenshot or video, which I guess makes sense since its a console exclusive VR game

  12. 10 months ago

    I have no idea why people fall for these trash gimmick peripherals like psvr and kinect. They are all trash and just get abandoned.

    • 10 months ago

      Virtual Reality is the next step in games, there's no other direction for it to go. Touch screen phones were a clunky moronic disaster at first, people were singing praises to physical buttons until it was renewed and refined and now it's the standard. Phones with buttons have since tried to come out and people prove they have adapted and prefer touch screens overall. I actually prefer there being SOME physical buttons at least, but I'm glad they pushed through those first few years of failed messes and gimmicks to be here. VR and AR will have the same route. Like it or not, eventually it will become less and less of a clunky mess and someone will come out with an iteration that finally gets the ball rolling.

      I know Ganker is full of misanthropes but I am surprised at the attitude towards it. I understand criticizing the flaws in current models, but such a negative attitude towards any progress or innovation on that front is ridiculous. You actually want it to fail, to never reach its full potential. You would prefer to crush that dream for everyone, just so you can shitpost "I told you so" to a bunch of other misanthropic losers who will never know or care anyway. What a life.
      >inb4 hurr durr you clearly care so much bla bla I'm soooo clever

      • 10 months ago

        This shit is only good for fps games, casual RTS shit, and horror games. I mean really the thing excels most at social stuff. Not metaverse but VRchat shit. And maybe a relaxing puzzle game experience. It’s very limited with anything that requires a ton of movement

        • 10 months ago

          >casual RTS shit
          Its absolutely perfect platform for BattleZone of the new generation.
          But it would totally not be casual.

        • 10 months ago

          Yea sure, for now. Just like touch screen was considered useless except for a select few things (usually needing a stylus/pen anyway), and once again, here we are now where people can make entire careers on just a fricking smart phone from all the things you can do with one. It's insane how we're living in a time that is basically like magic, and progress just keeps accelerating overnight, with yesterdays impossible being today's possible, and still we have some morons on here saying the car will never take over the wagon. I don't even like it, but cashless society is a real thing, paying with biometrics is a real, viable thing and all of these started out as dubious, skeptical messes at first.
          I guess enjoy being able to say I told you so on Ganker for another maybe 10 years at best lol.

          • 10 months ago

            >Just like touch screen was considered useless except for a select few things (usually needing a stylus/pen anyway), and once again, here we are now where people can make entire careers on just a fricking smart phone from all the things you can do with one.
            Touch screens used to be pretty useful. They're now completely useless, nobody has produced anything of any value on a modern touch screen, they are consumption tools at best.

            The average understanding of the systems in place has become lower and lower with each successive generation. Zoomers don't even understand the concept of folders, because their phone organises everything for them. Nobody ever thought that the idea of cashless was impossible, they just thought it was fricking stupid. It's still fricking stupid, but give the proles an ounce of convenience and they'll happily give up all their tracking information so advertising robots can build better profiles of them.

            VR is the future. What is currently marketed as "VR" is so far off full dive, or AR contact lenses, that it is pointless to call it VR.

            • 10 months ago
              Fuk Devs, Pay Modders

              Even just the ability to take a shit in any surrounding (via vrchat, 360 videos or just the virtual desktop city loft envoronment) is worth it for me. but that's without a wire using a quest. Pooping in paradise is another thing the psvr 2 can't do

              • 10 months ago

                I have a nice bathroom, so I don't need to try and wipe blind because I live in a shithole. Spending a lot of time on the toilet is bad for you too, you know?

                I have yet to find anything in VR that makes me think "eh, that was worth the price of entry". I've got a full sim racing setup, I just play on my monitor because VR just adds more steps and more hassle, if I had the room I'd get triples.

              • 10 months ago
                Fuk Devs, Pay Modders

                Even with a nice bathroom it's the same damn room every time. I get to shit somewhere new every day, while watching movies n shit in overlays

              • 10 months ago
                Fuk Devs, Pay Modders

                Next time the wife wants to remodel the bathroom just set up a 500$ toilet quest 2/3. In a couple months it won't even be a blind wipe once the quest 3 comes out.

      • 10 months ago

        Welcome to Ganker, your attitude is only going to get worse by staying here.

  13. 10 months ago

    >be me
    >want to watch porn in vr
    >not paying that price tag for just vr porn
    >not enough vr games to justify the price
    >no pc support
    i look forward to the day vr gaming becomes not only affordable but goes outside the niche stage

    • 10 months ago

      VR porn is a legitimate waste of time. The games are shit, the video stuff is even worse. I've seen maybe 2 VR films I enjoyed on any level, and they weren't really worth a rewatch.

      Maybe if it was more popular, more of the JAV content would get ripped. But most of the rippers seem to have stopped bothering, and of the 1% of stuff that gets ripped, most of it is bitrate starved either by the moronic chinks trying to reencode it, or the studio themselves. So it all looks like shit.

  14. 10 months ago

    I know he's a microsoft salesman primarily, but it still looks bad for sony to have him dump on psvr. I bet anything their stupid streaming tablet will be a dud too.

    • 10 months ago

      what do western devs have against symmetry and beauty?

  15. 10 months ago

    Still baffles me how they didn't bother to ask Valve to put Half-Life Alyx in. Now all they got is some Horizon tech demo.

  16. 10 months ago

    same reason the apple vr will fail.
    walled gardens in an already starved space is suicide. economics is a meme degree.

    • 10 months ago
      Fuk Devs, Pay Modders

      Apple has a chance only because they'll likely pioneer the fors 3d endless scroll with their built in stereoscopic pseudo volumetric video and picture capture. Whoever gives us a 3d version of Instagram thots first wins "vr" for the next couple years

  17. 10 months ago

    the vita was great. i ended up using it much more than my 3ds

  18. 10 months ago

    I have a sizeable ps4vr collection and i wouldve bought a 600 ps5 and 600 psvr2 if the games were backwards compatible. Why not float the new hardware with the establish, albiet thin library? fricking stupid they didnt build it with that in mind

    • 10 months ago

      I was hoping they would just port them after release, but they just dropped it and forgot about it, they pulled a Valve on us.

    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        doom 3 on vr is fricking great

    • 10 months ago

      >the games aren't backwards compatible
      Holy shit. They're moronic. This is the only reason I would've bought a headset.

  19. 10 months ago

    >charge $1100 for console + VR
    >release no games
    >devs don't give a shit about it
    >can't use it for porn

    This thing will be defunct in a years time

  20. 10 months ago

    and then there is Xbox, a literal paperweight of a machine. Why would anyone choose xbox over any other console in the current year?

  21. 10 months ago

    >PS5 has no games
    >People know this and still buy the $599USD VR headset (that can only be used exclusively on the PS5)
    I get it, it's a Sony so it's a luxury line of goods that make you feel rich for buying them, but at least back then they offered shit you would actually get some use out of. Who is actually buying these PS5s? I can't believe this thing has sold nearly 70 million units already.

  22. 10 months ago

    * - * - * THREAD THEME * - * - *

  23. 10 months ago

    why dont they open it for pc use?

  24. 10 months ago

    No Half Life Alyx. No porn. Over 500 euros in price.
    What was snoy smoking, releasing this thing ?

    • 10 months ago

      >No Half Life Alyx.
      that would be a good move. give PC RE7 VR and take Alyx.

  25. 10 months ago

    Quest 3 with an Oculus account is the way to go.

  26. 10 months ago

    The problem is the current inflexible game industry

    If this advanced VR was available in 2005, we would be swimming in experimental VR kino, but today devs are taught to just follow points and can't grasp what is fun on screen is not fun in VR.
    They became too attached to steal the control of the camera when they want to show something.
    They are too used to bloating the UI instead of using proper sound design to transmit information.

  27. 10 months ago

    it was dead the minute they announced they're not supporting pc/steam.

  28. 10 months ago

    My parents bought me the PSVR first gen a few years ago and a ps4 at Christmas. I didn't want to offend them so I accepted it. But I feel really bad for them every time I clap eyes on it because they spent good money on something that hasn't gotten that much use. It's clunky and uncomfortable and there are so few games for it.

    • 10 months ago

      You could hook it up to a pc and play modded beat saber every once in awhile.

      • 10 months ago

        Don't have a PC, can't afford one, still wouldn't change the fact that it has all the other problems. That is one extra game, so I have gone from 10 good games to 11. Still clunky and uncomfortable.

      • 10 months ago

        How well is ps4 vr used on pc shit?

  29. 10 months ago
  30. 10 months ago

    I'm having fun racing in gt7 vr. I'm autistic as frick

  31. 10 months ago

    what a pathetic individual, this isn’t even a Snoy/Xjeet/Tendie situation, this is a grown ass man frivolously spending his money, disgusting individual…he could have donated this money to his local foodbank, childrens hospital, youth center or even better relief support for the current war in the Slavic region…this isn’t a man, this is a child

  32. 10 months ago

    Have any games even come out for it since release?

  33. 10 months ago

    Honestly they should give up.
    Nintendo is so far above them it's not even funny.
    If I was Jim Ryan I would beg Nintendo players to frick my women in front of me while I cut my dick off.

  34. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      >Afro american male disappointed his parents bought him a console instead of stealing it

      • 10 months ago

        Nah he’s mad he got an Xbox instead of a PS5 where he would play uhhh…CoD, NBA 2K, and Fortnite

    • 10 months ago

      low key i feel sad for him.

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          oooooooooooh bullshit and you know it. the series s is the scam of the generation. i hate the "oh it's great value" marketing buzzwords. who is upset that RDR1 is full price? guess what supporting an all digital console is exactly that. eternally expensive games. also it's literally what holds back this entire gen. it just makes game development more expensive and slow for the Series X negating its power advantage over the PS5. and guess what it was marginally more powerful than the One X. add to that no disc and the hidden cost of HAVING to buy a huge ass harddrive.

          • 10 months ago

            I picked up RDR2 from allkeyshop for $8 for my S

          • 10 months ago

            >also it's literally what holds back this entire gen.

            • 10 months ago

              I stand corrected. it only holds back THE XBOX. BG3 is delayed on the xbox because of it.
              redfall was shit on the xbox because of it.
              literally very few games run better on the xbox because of it.

              I picked up RDR2 from allkeyshop for $8 for my S

              >I picked up RDR2 from allkeyshop for $8 for my S
              where do those keys come from? sure i love relying on MS and Sony doing random acts of charity.

              • 10 months ago

                >it only holds back THE XBOX. BG3 is delayed on the xbox because of it.
                That's just bullshit from Larian, they wanted to avoid releasing the same time as Starfield since they knew they would get BTFO. Series S and X have exactly the same CPU. S has lower unified RAM and weaker GPU, so you can always just turn the resolution and textures down to shit and call it a day, which is in fact what many devs do. Anything else is lies or cope.
                >where do those keys come from?
                Keys in places like Argentina are cheap as frick. That's where they are sourced from if that's what you're asking.

              • 10 months ago

                >they wanted to avoid releasing the same time as Starfield since they knew they would get BTFO.
                new cope just dropped. I repeat NEW COPE JUST DROPPED.

              • 10 months ago

                I actually supported my position with facts, how about you do that moron

              • 10 months ago

                >just turn down the settings bro.
                thanks dev-kun i bet your dad works are nintendo too
                >regional pricing bro
                because MS and Sony don't totally control that.

                >S-Starfield will be totally sh-shit you guys!

                >>S-Starfield will be totally sh-shit you guys!
                didn't say that at all.

              • 10 months ago

                Just take the L moron

              • 10 months ago

                >Just take the L moron
                brother your "facts" are pretending to know how game development works. the facts is the series s is negating every advantage the series x has over the PS5. developing for more hardware is slower and more expensive, that's the facts.

              • 10 months ago

                I am literally a software developer, although I'm sure your middle school dropout NEET self will consider that impossible and will spout some greentext back at me.

              • 10 months ago

                >I am literally a software developer
                this is your cope:
                >so you can always just turn the resolution and textures down to shit and call it a day, which is in fact what many devs do. Anything else is lies or cope
                optimizing the game for two hardware configurations is slower and more expensive. pretending otherwise is my dad works at nintendo tier cope.

              • 10 months ago

                It's the same CPU and the same family GPU just with lower memory and less GPU cores. Pretending it's some huge insurmountable task to develop for S and X at the same time is disingenuous. Like I said, nothing is stopping developers from not giving a shit about "optimising" for S and instead just turning graphics down to shit level and calling it a day. It's in fact what many games have already done, so what's stopping Larian? Unless they're lying of course.

              • 10 months ago

                >Pretending it's some huge insurmountable task
                stop coping, you agreed it's dev taxing now you bargain how much.
                >nothing is stopping developers from not giving a shit about
                MS's parity clause.

              • 10 months ago

                Are you pretending to be moronic? "Not giving a shit" means the game upscales from 480p and has 256x256 textures, Jedi Survivor basically did just that, it doesn't violate the parity clause. Now frick off and have a nice day you disingenuous frick.

              • 10 months ago

                >Jedi Survivor
                you mean the game that notoriously run like shit?

              • 10 months ago

                >completely missing the point on purpose
                I accept your concession.

              • 10 months ago

                >there's a clean answer
                >the PS5 is outperforming the xbox series x

              • 10 months ago

                How is that even relevant to the conversation? Series S is "holding back this generation" because PS5 runs the game at 58 FPS vs 52 FPS on X? The reason for that is btw that PS5 has fewer cores with higher clocks and most games can't scale across a gazillion cores so the clock speed matters more. Microsoft fricked up with the lower clocks on X but that has nothing to do with the Series S or this discussion. I'm done replying to you, clearly you're not arguing in good faith.

              • 10 months ago

                MS likely got more CU's for better RT performance as they were intrigued by demo's like Minecraft RTX, which was kinda a mistake since RT just performs badly on RDNA2 in general unless it's lightweight reflections or hybrid shadows.

              • 10 months ago

                >S-Starfield will be totally sh-shit you guys!

    • 10 months ago

      >this kid would've probably rioted for that PS5

    • 10 months ago

      >Sony Black folk are physically repulsed against the white mans console
      Xbox chads, we won.

    • 10 months ago

      He was mad because he had asked Black Santa for an Xbox Series X.

  35. 10 months ago

    >VR on a closed platform
    Apple's VR might be the next great thing, but if you won't let the users use it as they see fit, it's dead
    That's why VR should only be on PC

  36. 10 months ago

    Looks like a toilet

  37. 10 months ago

    PS5 is a flop. There's no reason for any enthusiast to get a console because there's no exclusives, any exclusives it does get come out on PC eventually (in Nintendo's case, before the console gets it). The only kind of people with the care to buy into VR are on PC.

    PSVR is holding back the growth of the PC VR industry by having the only exclusives on PSVR. So no, my ass is not paying $1000 for two unupgradable machines for the privilege of playing VR games.

    • 10 months ago

      this means nothing. normal people are not eternal neets who have the luxury to wait forever to play games.

      • 10 months ago

        Enthusiasts are not the common normie. Someone with $1000 to swing around in the hobby of video games is going to see more value in PC VR versus PS VR. Sony is fricking with VR devs, and the VR industry as a whole, by baiting them into developing for a dead platform. People need to realize that where VR is at right now is actually really fricking tight and dividing the few number of games people can play between several different marketplaces doesn't sell the product.

        In the VR environment, exclusives hurt because VR isn't publicly seen as proven tech. It needs to have as much reach as possible, and exclusives get in the way of that because there's only so few enthusiasts rich enough to Idort not just on consoles but VR kits. If Sony was this gorilla-gripped on their actual exclusives, I might actually have a PS5.

        • 10 months ago
          Fuk Devs, Pay Modders

          Becusse moronic vidya ai is even more noticeable in vr than flat, only pvp games really do well. Which means the only way to release a pvp game that's not doa is crossplay. Crossplay games are allergic to sony. They dont allow user created content and devs gotta pay extra to allow crossplay with sony which is why even aaa usually even opts out of that.

      • 10 months ago

        normal people's lives don't revolve around the latest videogame releases.
        they just buy whatever is new and popular whenever they feel like playing some videogames.

        • 10 months ago

          >people don't play the latest
          >people play what's new
          lol ok

  38. 10 months ago
  39. 10 months ago

    reason's it flopped
    it's too pricey
    no games worth picking up PSVR2
    You cant play the old VR games on PSVR2
    Very little support from Sony

    • 10 months ago

      >You cant play the old VR games on PSVR2
      Lmao really? What the frick were they thinking?

      • 10 months ago

        They weren't. They thought devs would just update every single game for free to run on PSVR2. They didn't even think to make some sort of hack to deal with the old way of tracking which is the main issue with it if I remember right.

        • 10 months ago

          you guys are moronic. it didn't flop because VR was never going to be the new big thing companies expected it to be. it's fulfilling it's potential, it's an expensive somewhat interesting niche product that gets boring after 10 minutes.

          >They weren't.
          literally PSvita all over again. lol

        • 10 months ago
          Fuk Devs, Pay Modders

          Psvr 1 box was faulty and had built in drift that they blamed on static build up

  40. 10 months ago

    >Buying VR on a locked down eco system
    You deserve it.

  41. 10 months ago

    >Vitabros are vindicated
    Whoa you're telling me that Playstation consists of slimy pieces of shit? No way

  42. 10 months ago

    After the hype and smugness from sony ponies on resetera about PSVR2 saving VR and PCVR being dead, this is some good schadenfreude.

    Hope Valve never port Alyx.

  43. 10 months ago

    Most people who own PS5's just use it for COD and Fifa, they don't even know VR exists and probably thinks it's for nerds.

  44. 10 months ago

    How can there be no games for it when the main console already has no games?
    Is Sony breaking the laws of physics again?

  45. 10 months ago

    Who the frick got scammed into a Playstation VR?

    At least a PC VR headset could look forward to some homebrew games. At least you could make stuff for it. At least it could hope for some indie titles. At least any sort of PC program could be designed which made the VR headset functional, at least as long as it wasn't locked to Win7 or something similar. There has even been using the VR headset for head tracking for face tracking.

    But a PS5VR? It is literally useless outside the video games that Sony was willing to put on the platform. And if they just never get anything good out, or if they release a newer system, they it's as good as a bricked Wii U gamepad.
    You're fricking moronic if you bought the PS5VR without there being any games available on it.

  46. 10 months ago

    Just looked up who that is ouch for Sony jeez

  47. 10 months ago

    That new weird streaming screen they’re making will flop even harder
    They’re genuinely out of touch

    • 10 months ago

      Holy shit what were they thinking

    • 10 months ago

      Project Q could have been legitimately cool if it was essentially a portable PS4 that let you have access to all of your PSN library plus the streaming stuff they're trying to push. Package it up in a clean design with an OLED screen like a big Vita and it could have been something pretty decent.
      But no, they decided to ship out a cheap android tablet with a dualsense strapped to it. And it's not even an OLED screen. Probably for $250 + tip + PS Plus

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