Quitting a gacha

There’s a specific gacha I’ve lost almost all interest in but I can’t bring myself to quit because of the time and money I’ve spent on it before, what should I do

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    Is it street fighter duel? Same i’d sell my account if if anyone wanted it

    • 7 months ago

      Take it from me: I played Azur lane for year, stopped playing when I realised I'm just following a routine, while reading the something that makes frickall sense. And since I never payed for anything, I dropped it. Then I played blue archive, realised I actually enjoyed the cutscenes, but it was the same chore as Azur lane. So I unistalled it and started watching cutscenes off youtube.
      You just need to realise that these aren't games; just money siphoning machines that suck off money from incredibly lonely and horny people. You have a good phone, right? Just emulate games you never played in your youth and have fun. or pirate games like Armored core 6 and have fun with that too.

      • 7 months ago

        >You have a good phone, right? Just emulate games you never played in your youth and have fun
        Bro, I've been playing gachas a lot less lately, and it made me remember how fun real games are. Can you believe that I couldn't get into the mood to play console games, and would rather watch youtube all day? I think that was caused by continuing to play gachas, low effort 'games', that can take up so much if your time if you play multiple. I'm still not playing games as much as I would usually do during fall break when I was younger, but at least I'm having a good time. The good memories are not worth it.
        >azur lane
        I honestly got nothing out of playing it, both breasts weren't even doing it for me, all I cared about was collecting new boats, California was my favorite anyway
        I was monthlypass gayging, but didn't even enjoy the game like I could have. All I did was daily and weekly farm to get every s rank (lost weapon 80/20 LOL)
        Literally only play to roll. Earlier I finished senkaimon and thought: why the frick am I doing this? I'll probably uninstall again, but for a longer time. I really get nothing out of playing it since I already have most of the units I want and the gameplay is lacking.
        Same situation as bbs
        I quit this one a while ago, I just grew out of it, and for this one, I feel no urge to come back. Weird how the one I played for the longest has this effect
        >db legends
        Gameplay is actually somewhat fun conpared to the others, but pvp gets real annoying depending on the meta. I was never too serious with this one and only played it for about a month of the year
        It's all right, I don't take it seriously. I mostly just kill mobs when I feel like it, occasionally I join people in coop and mess around. I play maybe once a month.
        >star rail
        Pretty boring not gonna lie. I enjoyed it for a few hours, but the gameplay REALLY drags it down, it's way too simple.
        >guardian tales
        Doesn't really feel like a gacha.

        • 7 months ago

          >>azur lane
          >I honestly got nothing out of playing it, both breasts weren't even doing it for me, all I cared about was collecting new boats, california was my favorite anyway
          I'll be real, t&a and the votoms collab were the only reasons I picked it up. Got bored of collecting, got bored of autoing everything, had an aneurysm trying to read the lore and story IT'S A SHITTIER VERSION OF BLAZBLUE AND GUILTY GEAR HOW THE FRICK DO YOU EVEN ACCOMPLISH THAT JESUS CHRIST CHINKS , and there wasn't enough millitary 'tism to keep me going. Then I stopped playing when I realised the coolest thing about AL was an april fools joke that happened this year. Not the ships, nor the t&a, the fricking april fools joke.

    • 7 months ago

      Sorry for replying to you, my bad.

  2. 8 months ago

    Duh, that's how gacha grabs you by the ass. It manipulates you emotionally first by lust, enticing you with hot anime characters. Then it shows how easy it is to play and how quickly you progress through initial parts and has you hooked as you want to see more of it. Eventually it annoys you with grind - you either pay up or bear with it, and the more you commit the harder it is to let go, bit by bit it turns into a big investment. These mixed feelings disorient and mess with your head.
    But once you quit, you quickly forget what the game was even about, that's how hollow they are.

    • 8 months ago

      >But once you quit, you quickly forget what the game was even about, that's how hollow they are.
      I still remember SinoAlice two years (I think) after I deleted it because the gacha rolls were actual garbage

    • 8 months ago

      I main game'd princess connect from open beta until it closed. I have largely forgotten all about it at this point, but every once in a while I remember and fricking HATESEETHE about crunchyroll for a moment.

  3. 8 months ago

    pathetic addict

  4. 8 months ago

    What gacha is it?

    • 8 months ago

      Fire Emblem Heroes. Played since year 1 (around 6 months after launch) and got the FEH Pass when it was introduced

      • 8 months ago

        You should have seen the writing on the wall even since then, I played it day one and stopped playing regularly at the end of year 2 and stopped entirely around 3 or 4. It's honestly a simple solution, one day you'll just have enough whether it be boredom or rage or whatever and just uninstall it rinses and repeats a couple of times until you just finally move on. That's how it went for me personally with other gatchas though I never forked over too much cash, so I still have a sliver of self-respect.

        • 7 months ago

          >I never forked over too much cash, so I still have a sliver of self-respect.
          Maybe self-respect. Nobody else respects you.

        • 7 months ago

          Can confirm, but for me it was Paladins and not gacha. The straw that broke my back was their shit frankenstein launcher breaking while I was supposed to collect my weekly neetbux (free crystals) and preventing me from doing so.

  5. 8 months ago

    Uninstall and forget about it. Filter threads about it because community banter and circlejerking might make you pick the game up again.

    Alternatively don't play for 6 months, reinstall and realize your "future proof" limited card is worthless now and your account has no value and lose interest.

  6. 8 months ago

    Sell your account

  7. 8 months ago

    Grab a hammer and smash your pc and phone/tablet, there you are free

  8. 8 months ago

    here's a tip that i used before:
    prepare a game that you sorely miss
    i went with all the gta titles, and some Nintendo Switch games
    uninstalled the gachashit
    then start playing the games i miss from start
    that way, i no longer felt the need to play gachashit and focused my attention on the games i always loved

    • 7 months ago

      and then realize the games i liked before are objectively shit by todays standards and i wasted even more money because of rose tinted glasses

      • 7 months ago

        sucks to be you then
        i reinstalled all the gta titles and they all hold up pretty well
        gta 4 and 5 mog the frick out of "AAA" games released recently
        even botw mogs most games
        soon i will also download some pokemon roms too

      • 7 months ago

        This... is a surprisingly frequent gacha cope.
        By assuming that all games suck, it becomes okay to keep playing gacha, because with that attitude nothing can possibly replace them.

        • 7 months ago

          Another favourite cope from these addicts is equating all non-gacha games to sports garbage that suck you dry despite having a box price.

          • 7 months ago

            >sports garbage that suck you dry
            but those ea kusoges suck you dry THROUGH gacha, you open card packs for pro players and you need to get ssrs to win in the paytowin custom team mode

      • 7 months ago

        Jesus Christ have a nice day, you dopamine addict.

  9. 8 months ago

    I know how its like. I played Mythic Heroes for 2 years as a dolphin (spent around $220 USD total). I ended up being rank #1 on my server then just quit cold turkey. No looking back. They keep adding more and more random shit to spend money on. You have the draw the line eventually for your own good.

  10. 8 months ago

    I'm in the same boat, want to uninstall fgo but have a lot of my favourite characters. I don't even play during the events I just log in do the free summon and then log out

    • 8 months ago

      Uninstall and keep the transfer code dummy

  11. 8 months ago

    Quitting takes practice.

    Install lesser games and practice uninstalling them to build up a tolerance level. Once you're good at uninstalling games, go ahead and uninstall the game you were having trouble with before.

    Speaking from experience, FEH keeps giving and giving until the characters and items you get become worthless and you run out of space.

    Your first legendary is great, but your hundredth legendary? Who gives a shit.

  12. 8 months ago

    I dunno why everyone says uninstall, just leave it there, you'll log in for a second, groan and not want to play and leave, eventually you'll just never touch it, but being there still gives a small level of comfort

  13. 8 months ago

    I played Genshin for a long while, hell I was even playing during the second and third closed betas before the game launched. At one point it just got tiring and I deleted my account, nothing to come back to so no reason to keep it installed on my computer.
    Helps that the game shifted from balancing the male and female gaze to just shipping nothing but gayboys.

  14. 8 months ago

    Sell the account

    • 8 months ago

      where do people even buy accounts

      • 8 months ago

        forums, unofficial discord servers that won't get mad

      • 7 months ago

        Epicnpc, you would be surprised at how overblown the market is if you are patient enough and especially have good limited. Was able to sell mine with like 2x of what i thought it was based on what "in the know" market are. U want to emphasize the limited, but also put in stuff like "easily able to get x tier" even if you know its piss easy to get that tier of youre not a moron. People eat that shit up.

  15. 8 months ago

    Quitting a whaling isn't as easy as you think you would be, there's a ton of expensive items, skins and progress that you've been invested in the game. The only way to curb your addiction is just simply sell your account and never coming back. Life goes on, digital microtransactions are the worst thing ever existed in a video game. Preach.

  16. 8 months ago

    If it's just one just stop playing it. Move on. Easier to shake than you think. You'll miss your dailies. An event. Eventually you'll be motivated to not come back due to the dread of playing catch up unless you really actually liked it. If you're playing multiple gacha, that's your real problem. You have an addiction. Only commit to one live service game. Multiple live service games will ruin your life, mentally and financially.

  17. 8 months ago

    Missing a few days usually does it for me

  18. 8 months ago

    I honestly dont know how people get addicted to stuff
    I played genshin for a year or two just to get a few specific characters and got bored after it, didnt come back
    sounds like youre just a paypiggy and DESTINED to whale whatever companys game youre playing

    • 7 months ago

      I honestly don't understand why people don't just mod the game to give themselves all the characters for free? it's baffling that people pay money for a boolean in a server database that just tells your game client to load the image you already have on your computer in the game's files

  19. 7 months ago

    Sell the account

  20. 7 months ago

    gacha games are all like that
    especially the ones like genshit that put a leash on the players for the free 60 gems
    the players can obviously remove the leash anytime they want, but most wont since they become obedient to it like a submissive b***h
    if you want to pick up a gacha, make sure it is at least not grindy or like a second job
    otherwise just uninstall and move on to regular games
    there are also gacha simulators that have unlimited pulls, something that could be used if you really feel like "gambling" but dont want to play the game or put your valuable time into gachashit

  21. 7 months ago

    This is me but with Genshin. I've grown to absolutely hate the game but I still like the combat/elemental interactions, making a party and such. I still play it on maintenance mode ie. daily chores and burning resin. I just can't be fricked to sit through a million unskippable dialogue boxes that don't say anything meaningful anymore.

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