Race Thread

It is time again. Post your races, rate them.


A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    I got a lot of races, but for favorite humanoids in my setting, I'd say it goes to a specific subrace of humans known as Native Moroans or Wastelanders. They live in a region of the continent which is highly tainted with negative energy which makes them essentially half-undead, and many are cursed with "anti-souls" which nearly guarantees they come back as undead or worse, as owbs (undead daemons, think Pathfinder's Nightshades).

    In a broad scope, I would say either humans or elves as they have the most diversity in my setting culture-wise.

  2. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Neopets/10, would play.

  3. 2 years ago

    >hill dwarves

    • 2 years ago

      A setting with no women, huh?


      • 2 years ago

        >He doesn't know about female dragonborn

  4. 2 years ago

    The gnomes are Welsh

    • 2 years ago

      Why are the gnomes Welsh, anon? Depending on your answer, I may not forgive you.

      • 2 years ago

        The gnomes are Welsh because they’re gnomes

  5. 2 years ago

    For my games, I rule that if it's an officially published race, it has a place somewhere in my setting if I can make it fit my lore. With that said, I do also have some homebrew species I've been playing around, such as bizarre humanoids whose descendants spent too long in a parallel dimension where the rules operate differently, and a variety of insect folk who don't achieve sapience until they reach full adulthood.

    • 2 years ago

      >if it's an officially published race
      tf does that mean?

    • 2 years ago

      Tell me more about the former with humans who run on different rules. Sounds cool. Are they from the Realm of Dreams or something?

      • 2 years ago

        Not exactly. They're from something more like the Far Realm, but that dimension runs perpendicular to normal space so it has varying degrees of inhabitabilty. The race boasts a number of abilities, such as resistance to diseases and attempts to tamper with their minds.

  6. 2 years ago

    >Laboused an Ankou

    • 2 years ago

      Are eight different frogfolk races necessary?

      • 2 years ago

        Not even slightly but I do it anyway.

      • 2 years ago

        Basque and Basajaunak aren't frogs. The former were in europe before europeans and the latter were half remembered neanderthals and their hybrid children.

  7. 2 years ago

    >Drakes (Small Dragons)
    >Pech (Gnome/Halflings)
    >Rootwalker (Treants)
    >Saurians (Lizardfolk)
    >Unborn (Golems)

    • 2 years ago

      >Drakes (Small Dragons)
      And by "small" we mean "body length of 15 ft (4.6 m)".

    • 2 years ago

      And then there's the crazy variety of options you get when you start adding splinter race feats.

  8. 2 years ago


  9. 2 years ago

    Roughly four major subraces with a cavalcade of ethnicities, just as in real life. In the relevant game area, mainly the not!Europeans are the major influence, but not!Asians also figure.
    Four major castes/races (High, Blood, Night, Wood). Since the last war, they've been reduced to a shadow of their former glory, and now reside mainly in their central homeland, with a few isolationist colonies or enclaves across the world.
    While all dwarves call mountains their home, they are a highly adaptive race that slowly take on characteristics of their environment, and within a single generation will start to exhibit local variance, resulting in frost dwarves, wild dwarves, shield dwarves, gold dwarves, and even sea dwarves. Each dwarven hold constitutes its own state, so they're an eclectic bunch.
    Tribal and nomadic minotaur-like hunter-gatherers divided into oft-warring tribes across the plains and forests of the New World. Does not have any subraces as such, but some are born as whitecoats or blackmanes, which holds spiritual significance in their shamanic "society".
    Another race of the New World, these mantis-like warriors cluster around the deserts, forming individual hives that although they rarely war with eachother, quickly develop distinct phenotypes that treat eachother with distrust. All are equal under each hive queen, however, and individuals from the same hive can be incredibly hard to tell apart without psionics or pheromone sensitivity.
    >Slimefolx, an ooze-based servant race employed by the arcane aristocracy.
    >Ghoran, plantpeople that have domesticated semi-intelligent fussy crystal spiders.
    >Warforged, an android warrior race left to their own devices following the end of the great war and its cataclysmic end.
    >Ysoki "Ratfolk", a race of small and rat-like itinerant merchants that only recently came to the New World seeking new opportunities and maybe even land.

    Ran out of space there on the end so truncated.

    • 2 years ago

      This is the gayest and most generic setting imaginable. At this point you should honestly go with "generic fantasy setting" and make it up session by session.

  10. 2 years ago

    >High Elf
    >Wood Elf
    >Dark Elf
    >Sea Elf
    >Desert Elf
    >Snow Elf
    >Star Elf
    >Winged Elf

  11. 2 years ago

    Smallest races of the main ones, the Lurens races is divided betwen the whites and blacks Lurens, white Lurens are unable to use magic but they possess a great strength and their bodies are more tough, for the black Lurens, they possess great magic capacity, the more the tentacles, the stronger mage they can become but lack in physical strenght. Lurens are very fond of what they consider the natural order of the world, everything as a place and should not stray away from it.
    Human ancestors, they live longer and are stronger than regular humans. Daens are the main race, they are divided in many kingdoms and have a long history of wars and conquest.
    Nobody want to have business with them, the Ileïs are closely related to the moon, touched by the power of the moon, and like everything that is blessed by the moon, they are murderer, thief and liar, they live in a far away land that is a shithole and the only form of order you could find there, is a power hungry matriarchal moon cult.
    Artificial race made with the blood of dragons and bodies of demi-gods, they used to hunts the dragons but after the dragons were no more, their creators gave them freedom and cast them away. Some of the Demvars started to worship the dragons they hunted, others try to find somewhere to settle and others turned on the others races to quench their need for blood.
    First of the two giant race, most of the Oberons live in an empire, only a small group that parted away long ago are not part and close to the Oberon's empire. Their are many different Oberons ethnicity and most of them are governed by great houses, each are subordinate to the empire and hold great powers as long they help the empire hold itself. Female can use magic where males cannot.
    Second of the two giant race, the Faendaeïtir are few but they are extremely strong, body made of iron and the strength to move mountains, but they are destined to disappear, unable to reproduce.

    • 2 years ago

      I like these anon

  12. 2 years ago

    >Dragon men (includes Kobols)
    >Human (but not to the same extent as the other races)

  13. 2 years ago

    The Gorae. They're hybrids between Derro and Mind Flayers from my campaign setting's Dwarven homeworld of Not!Mars.

  14. 2 years ago

    All the different races, ethnicities, and cultures of RL. Humans are noted as being extremely un-talented in both magic and sciences by birth, but with the extremely unusual, practically unnatural capacity to comprehend and understand both the polar opposite concepts, and even work them together into magitech, as the other races consider one utter Anathema to the other.
    All the magical or semi-magical creatures. The creatures of magic and meanings, no two need be truly alike in looks or nature. Known subspecies of Elf include Ancients ( each representing constant and unchanging concepts that are not race dependent or sapience dependent, Elders (Ancients, but the concept is race or sapience dependent), Fairies (smaller and less constant Elves, with short term meanings or relevance, ergo short term lives) and Orcs (what happens when you take a theoretically Immortal creature like and Elf, and burn up its wick in a flash. A WMD that lives for maybe three days at best while performing its destined activity, if not a matter of hours or minutes, but it's effectively undeniable during that time).
    They dwell in the FaeWyld, a magical realm that joins to ours for those gifted to walk it. It is a place where time, distance, or direction is truly meaningless, and the only constants that matter is intent, and persistence in traveling.
    The opposite of Elves. No magic, no meaning or grasp of the concept of either, if concepts at all. Extremely intelligent creatures, they are literally incapable of being wrong about a hard science by 'biology', but don't know what the knowledge means or can mean, again by biology. They live under the mountains and bedrock, near magma, hence the name Dwarves, but they more resemble Admech, and will reproduce through unknown mating means, or through literally forging a robot with all their practical parameters for being a dwarf.

  15. 2 years ago

    They believe in God and are grateful for his grace.
    They also believe in God and are also grateful for his grace.
    They of course believe in God but they pray the wrong way, so the kobolds want to kill them, but the goblins have giants on their side so they can't.
    Naturally they believe in God, but they pray wrong and don't have giants on their side so the kobolds kill them easily enough.
    Believe in God as all bears do, they pray wrong but they're better at killing than kobolds.
    They believe in God?
    >Tentacle people
    They believe in... A quasi-angelic kraken aspect of God? Well they're too far for the kobolds to get to them.
    >Golems (Jihad bots)
    Alchemists literally put the fear of God in them so they can put the fear of God into heathens.

    God is good, all games need more God.

    • 2 years ago

      >Believe in God as all bears do
      Bears are godless killing machines.

      • 2 years ago

        >He doesn't know about bear Clerics
        Guess you rolled low on your Bear Lore, huh bro?

        • 2 years ago

          >implying creatures that slew and ate their greatest human advocate are capable of gaining Cleric levels
          Timothy Treadwell.

          • 2 years ago

            You're joking if you say "Grizzly Man" was anything but a dumbass hippie messing with animals he barely (ha) understood.

          • 2 years ago

            That's about par the course for a war cleric at least.

      • 2 years ago

        They're still killing machines, it's just God wants them to kill.

  16. 2 years ago

    Opportunistic apex scavengers with a high libido
    Like humans, but blue!
    Diminutive cousins of common humans from the darkest heart of Africa
    Cheap homunculi that control 100% of agricultural production
    Imposing four armed insectoids who are at home in swamplands and have a deep, vibrant culinary culture
    Intelligent and enterprising mercantile crustaceans
    Pious men with the heads of dogs

  17. 2 years ago

    >G to the R to the I-M LOCK
    and also the three races who enslave them (Aboleths gtfo not a real race)

  18. 2 years ago

    High Elf
    Dark Elf
    Wood Elf
    Sun Elf
    Night Elf
    Blood Elf
    Sea Elf
    Snow Elf

    • 2 years ago

      >no deep elves

      • 2 years ago

        What are deep elves even supposed to be?

        • 2 years ago

          Underground elves but not drow, probably albinos or something

          • 2 years ago

            So worthless.

  19. 2 years ago

    >setting is based around a very large number of races living in the same world
    >system has a robust and detailed race creation guide
    Feels good

    • 2 years ago

      Which setting and system are those, anon?

      • 2 years ago

        Better off not knowing, nobody plays it

  20. 2 years ago

    >Tieflings (pre-4e tieflings)
    Made so that the races are pretty alike in apperance and height overall (except for gnomes). So every character is in fact a human, with small differences.
    Orcs and goblins fall under tiefling. Tieflings freatures are based on which god have "blessed" them.
    Gnomes are just hobbits.

    • 2 years ago

      Then why not call them hobbits?

      • 2 years ago

        My players prefer gnome to hobbit and fits more with the north-germanic fairytale feeling of the setting.

        • 2 years ago

          Gnomes and hobbits are equally norse-germanic. Which is to say, not at all.

  21. 2 years ago

    Yes I'm a Redwall autist, yes I'm based

    • 2 years ago

      >Yes I'm a Redwall autist, yes I'm based
      It's better than Setting Full of Tolkien With Minor Changes That Mean Squat #10,000.

  22. 2 years ago

    >Spiderlings (7feet tall lanky frickers with spider heads)

  23. 2 years ago

    >Raven harpies
    >Giant dragon girls
    >Small rodent girl earth elementals
    >Hungarian centaurs
    >Atlantis shark people
    >Ancient Egyptian cat people elves (pre-Tolkien elves)

  24. 2 years ago

    >not!elves that have hand feet, tails, and only live for 50 years—not aging from 10 onwards (they mature quicker than irl humans) until their final year where they do so rapidly before dying

    >not!dwarves with metallic or stone skin and metal/stone horns/antlers

    >beastfolk that appear as a mix of not!elves and animals. They fall into some uncanny valley of human-animal hybridism and are not just furries/kemonomimi. Also, any real-world animal these beastfolk resemble do not exist in my setting, so for example I made wolf-people so I removed wolves from the world, replacing the animal's niche with packhunting terrestrial bats whose wings became vestigial. I did this for a lot of entire animal species, leading to some interesting wildlife I think is neat, like squids replacing all fish in the sea or winged frogs and snakes replacing birds and their croaks or hisses in place of birdsong.

    >Tiny cat-race (yes, any feline animal also doesn't exist because of this race) that grow a new tail when something extraordinary or incredibly fortunate happens in their life, up to 9. Each tail extends their lifespan a 100 years and greats them more and more supernatural luck.

    >Dragonborn, but they are literally the offspring of dragons and can "ascend" to become true dragons later in their lives by amassing a "hoard" of something (wealth of knowledge, literal wealth, physical prowess and feats, etc.)

  25. 2 years ago

    >lesser giants
    >morrigans (irish witch-humans descended from Fomorians, basically irish Gerudo)
    >Fomorians (Magical Giants/Cyclopses)
    >dragons (NPC only)

  26. 2 years ago

    >giant mermaids

  27. 2 years ago

    For player races I'm pretty much open to anything as long as it seems reasonable. Usually I request at least a few players use a race that will be featured prominently in the setting so that they're not all strangers. As for what I feature, I've moved away from any Tolkien races since I feel there's nothing more I can do with them that hasn't been told before. Usually I'll do:
    >A few beast races, particularly ones with physical traits that would lead to unique societies, like avians or kobolds
    >Some sort of construct or robotic race
    >Some sort of spiritual or magical race
    I aim for 4 to 6 prominent races in a setting with others being travelers or outsiders.

  28. 2 years ago

    >Goblinoids (Orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears)
    >Half Beasts
    >Demi Djin
    >Fae Colonists (Elves, merfolk, gnomes, fairies)

  29. 2 years ago

    > Meren
    The default. Look like Semitic elves, but fill the role of humans, kinda like the Hylians in the Zelda series.
    > Habi
    Assyrian inspired hobgoblin-like people
    > Sfen
    Sphynxes. Just straight up Sphynxes. Please don't ask about the dumb name I have no excuse.
    > The Tunnelmen
    Multi-stage life, starts as a clay-like amoeboid before becoming vaguely humanoid at maturity, then slowly ossifies as they reach old age.
    > Other shit from foreign lands
    Always useful to have a back door for exotic shit.

    • 2 years ago

      > The Tunnelmen
      >Multi-stage life, starts as a clay-like amoeboid before becoming vaguely humanoid at maturity, then slowly ossifies as they reach old age.
      Love me some multi-stage life.

  30. 2 years ago

    Americans, Germans, Scandinavians, Indians, Irishmen, Black folks, Chinamen. Maybe a Frenchman or two as an oddball.

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