Racing Lagoon

Still playing Racing Lagoon, still on the first night. I've looked at one of the guides someone linked me and put this together. I've been grinding the first night like made and got almost every part you can get, but it's hard to tell apart some of the cars on the map. Honda Civics are like annoying low level goblins.
There are settings on Duckstation to make the loading faster with no problems now I can't put this game down.

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  1. 7 months ago

    Every part you can get on the first night I mean, I'm still going at it before I tackle the Orange Honda Integra.

  2. 7 months ago

    Give me your settings.

    • 7 months ago

      What settings? On DuckStation? I didn't really change anything but raise the internal resolution and add scanlines since I'm playing on a tv. The boosted loading is under Console settings, cd-rom emulation. Otherwise I'm running it as is.

      • 7 months ago

        Also changed the cd emulation under "game properties" so it's just this game; changing that setting probably does break some other games.

  3. 7 months ago

    Remember to get the 4AGE blacktop engine from the light blue VW Beetle. The light RR chassis from it too, but you can get that later.

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        It only spawns on the first night, iirc it's called AE111 or something. It's slightly worse than the S20R but it's fun and it's one of the highest revving engines in the game, it gets up to 9500 rpm with the late game ECUs. The only engines that get close to it when it comes to revving are the B16 and B18 you get from Civics and Integras, those can reach 10k arrpeeums.

        • 7 months ago

          On the guide it says it only spawns on the first four nights. The wooden steering wheel is the only on the first night exclusive aside from the event pickups.

          • 7 months ago

            before I go any further, is Honda like a villain aligned manufacturer, and Toyota hero aligned?

          • 7 months ago

            The one I had only lists it on night 1, and I can't recall seeing it again after that. But it's been a year since my last replay.

            before I go any further, is Honda like a villain aligned manufacturer, and Toyota hero aligned?

            Not really, Kenzo in your team drives a Civic, and the AE86 is pretty much the only major Toyota in the game. There's a big bunch of story significant Nissans.

            • 7 months ago

              After this game I really hate Civics.

              • 7 months ago

                Honestly I found it disappointing that it only features a single gen of Civics, but it's one of the many signs showing the game needed a smidge of extra resources imo.
                I love the game, but it doesn't strike me as something Square did expecting a return on the investment.

              • 7 months ago

                There's a Lancer Evolution... I like those. Is it any good in the long run? I used to have red one irl and named her Hibana

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                >naming and gendering your car
                That's something teen girls would do.

              • 7 months ago

                This. Really creepy and weird. At most stop at the naming if you've personalized it to that extent, but gendering is gross.

              • 7 months ago

                Hey if it has a female name then it's safe to assume it's female. Stephen King did it with Christine.

              • 7 months ago

                >naming and gendering your car
                That's something teen girls would do.

                all cares are female this is obvious to anyone who is around cars IRL. Not sure why autistic HRT dudes come on here and derail every thread with mindnumbing ignorance

              • 7 months ago

                I own, work on, and know about cars more than you. Gendering is for freaks.

              • 7 months ago

                It's for normal people. Vessels are feminine from ships to planes to cars.
                It's the vernacular used for hundreds of years.

              • 7 months ago

                I get that, and I know. But there's just no reason for it. It seems like some sort of vague desperation to create a connection to a machine when you can already establish a bond without this esoteric roleplay fantasy in their heads. Just respect it for what it is, personality can exist without having to pretend or make believe it's a woman or a female.

                Also, just saying "her" or "she" is fine like if you're on a ship and that's all you say, that's not as bothersome, but in cases like these, where it's actually named *and* calling it a her on top of that? Feels like a body pillow situation these days. Plenty of street machines in the 70s had names without referring to it as anything else, and that was fine and cool. Plenty of male names too. Just because it's the established convention doesn't mean it's not offputting or that there's no alternatives. Especially "I'm from Ganker, and this is my girl Hibana." Man.

              • 7 months ago

                Why are you having a go at me? Hibana is a cool name for a red Japanese car. And I damn sure don't go around telling people I'm from Ganker.

              • 7 months ago

                Why are you having a feminine meltdown at something that most men have done for thousands of years, giving their ships and countries female names.
                Are all zoomers neurotic homosexuals with no testosterone or perspective?

              • 7 months ago

                >red LanEvo
                Nice taste. Yeah, it's good, I've used the full Lancer set anytime I wanted a 4wd car. Might be just a bit lacking in top end for the wangan, as iirc they're geared short and sadly you can't change gearing in game (excluding influencing it via chassis weight). You'll still mop up anything that isn't one of the "special" cars easily. There's also a bunch of Evos you meet later in the game that use the engine from the Dakar Pajero, those have no issues anywhere.
                You're aware of how the customization works in game?

              • 7 months ago

                does type of chassis even matter? I just look at the weight and aerodynamics.

              • 7 months ago

                Hardly. I've played it twice, I can only quantify it as "some chassis are twitchier/have different CoM than others", with the drivetrain somewhat influencing it (FF, 4WD, FR, MR and RR in order of twitchiness). One hidden "mechanic" is that the weight of the chassis seems to influence the gearing on the car's transmission, which you can't otherwise change: the heavier the chassis, the longer the gears get. The heaviest chassis can make the gearing usable on the 7 liters turbodiesel engines you can get off the busses.

                So wait, the cars are actually all real, not made up ones? It seems crazy that they didn't throw in some fantasy super car or two.

                Some of the bodykits get pretty outlandish, but the closest you get to a fantasy car is a Nissan prototype you drive for a special event.

              • 7 months ago

                They couldn't resist throwing in a Testarossa. I love that different chassis actually changes the car's look.

              • 7 months ago

                This, the Lotus Europa and the Corvette are such great additions to the game.
                >I love that different chassis actually changes the car's look.
                You've seen Aero-C?

              • 7 months ago

                I just posted that Ferrari with the proper chassis because the other ones do look a little weird.
                Is there another game that lets you make those kinda ridiculous modifications on cars?

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                Not as cursed as the FR civic

              • 7 months ago

                FF and FR look different?

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah, FF usually makes the trunk longer, FR the hood. For example, the AE86 on a FF chassis looks like the "coupe" model instead of the hatchback, while the FR Civic looks like a Viper/Civic chimera.

              • 7 months ago

                Well I'm not that well verse on cars. I take it FF is the average transport vehicle? MR is high speed super cars, and 4WD for rough roads? I don't understand anything about FR and RR though, just that really tiny cars are RR and FR is somehow ideal for drifting.

              • 7 months ago

                Also I don't know if any of that actually factors into the actual gameplay in RL.

              • 7 months ago

                FF = Front engine, Front wheel drive while FR = Front engine, Rear wheel drive, I'm sure you can figure the rest out. Most cars on the road are FF, most non-mid-engined sports car and coupes are FR, and Beetles, some economy yuro shitboxes and Porsches are RR.
                It heavily affects how the car behaves, but RL doesn't model it as good as it should. Gran Turismo is a better babby tier hands-on explanation of all the implied handling quirks, if you're curious about it.

              • 7 months ago

                Okay, I get it now. That explains the Porsche's shape. I never liked the way it looked. RL has a 911 Carrera too. Sick of seeing them.
                I don't remember Gran Turismo actually explaining anything, just throwing you in test courses and having you figure it out.

              • 7 months ago

                >I don't remember Gran Turismo actually explaining anything, just throwing you in test courses and having you figure it out.
                2 came with a booklet stuffed full of information like that, but usually the license tests would inform you of it in the description. At the very least, it has you run the same test track with cars with different drivetrains to get you familiar with the handling differences during some of the license tests.

              • 7 months ago

                They couldn't resist throwing in a Testarossa. I love that different chassis actually changes the car's look.

                So wait, the cars are actually all real, not made up ones? It seems crazy that they didn't throw in some fantasy super car or two.

              • 7 months ago

                Evos were discontinued a few years back. These 90s, early 2000s racing games make me nostalgic for all the cars not in the market any more... and it's getting worse with all the anti car campaigns and shitty electric vehicles getting shilled.

      • 7 months ago

        Gotta catch em all. Some stuff you get a few or just one chance to get on a night.

    • 7 months ago

      I have it; the engine, the chassis, the body, the paint, everything else. I was grinding for parts all night and ended up making my levels. Maybe overkill for the first night but I got addicted.

      • 7 months ago

        It's definitely overkill, you can potentially finish the game with the s20r you got without even sticking a turbo to it. Barring the wangan you rarely have to go above 300ps (but you'll easily go past 700 the moment you start attaching 5 turbos and a twincharger to it)

  4. 7 months ago

    I've had this downloaded all year been meaning to finally play it soon

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