Ragnarok Online is one of the coolest games ever made.

Ragnarok Online is one of the coolest games ever made.

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  1. 2 years ago

    RO sucked. Was only popular until other MMORPGs came along, then it died fast since no one liked that shit.
    >majority of map isn't even worth exploring
    >even on 10x-100x servers, grinding still takes forever and a day
    >if you don't grind in a "safe" spot, 1/100 chance of some super OP monster appearing and 1-shotting you since you aren't maximum level with best gear already
    >only point in getting to max level is to do PvP, which sucks ass and only has a handful of viable class builds
    >literally no one does any quests or does anything besides grind, since there is no point
    The only reason anyone remembers this trash fondly is because it was the first MMORPG for most people who didn't get started on EQ or WoW, and one of the first MMORPGs to have widespread private servers people could play for free. Even R.O.S.E. was better, and it had a lot of the same problems.

    • 2 years ago

      >Was only popular until other MMORPGs came along, then it died fast
      Yes, because there were no other MMORPGs before WoW. Absolute moron.

    • 2 years ago

      Well, its a game about grinding, what did you expect? It was glorious in the old times, I really enjoyed WoE

      • 2 years ago

        I was expecting the RPG aspect to have more depth than fricking Wizardry 1. No reason for an RPG from 2002 to have as lifeless gameplay as an RPG from 1981 that had to fit on a floppy disk. Fricking Tibia had more to do.

        • 2 years ago

          RO had more content than tibia did back in 2002 dude. Both games basically depended on the same thing: grinding and socialization

          • 2 years ago

            people who didnt play back in 02-06 just dont get the game. theyre expecting to be guided through a series of story quests with lots of dialogue and shit, and the idea of simply being plopped into a big open world with effectively no direction is completely unthinkable to them. they wander around aimlessly and think the world is empty and quit, meanwhile missing out on the experience created through player interaction. in what other game can i walk around a virtual city filled with hundreds of real people with their own shops and buy goods from them, or have huge guild battles with hundreds of people vying for control of a castle that displays the winner's user-made guild logo and gives them literal treasure chests of rare items as spoils? where else can i meet a young thief girl or an oddball swordsman in the woods and form a friendship that lasts years? these things are uninteresting to many people today because they require exploration and sunk time and creativity and curiosity, and most of all being willing to play something for dozens or hundreds of hours before it reveals all of its secrets to you. they don't want an experience, they want an instant dopamine rush.

            • 2 years ago

              And mostly, it requires you to be 13. The drive to socialize with anime avatars is much stronger when you’re of certain age. I think the ability to enjoy it later in life depends on having experienced it when your imagination was stronger (also having more available time to learn the game, and patience).

              But I agree, I don’t know if today’s 13yo are exposed to games like this anymore.

    • 2 years ago

      dude, RO still hus hundreds of thousands of players 20 years later. you are moronic and should die.

    • 2 years ago

      I hated how maxed level guys camped outside of town to kill new players on the spot.

    • 2 years ago

      What other MMO can you summon a bunch of monsters in town to kill everyone?

  2. 2 years ago

    Wasn't this some IMVU shit like Gaia Online or whatever it was called?

  3. 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    I loved the aesthetic but the game part was and is absolutely terrible.
    I hate to say such a thing when I like the aesthetic.

  5. 2 years ago

    I remember grinding being hideously long and having absolutely nothing to do. There seemed to be no game, no story, no progression. I don't know if it was a private server problem

    • 2 years ago

      if you didn't enjoy the game just being by yourself in the middle of an empty field then you didn't "get" it and you never will

      • 2 years ago

        is that sarcasm? Because even DQ1 has brilliant progression

        • 2 years ago

          you are literally an npc with no soul. i mean that sincerely. RO is not about "progression" or unfolding some homosexual weeb storyline, it's about exploring aesthetically pleasing maps while listening to nice music, and grinding monsters with friends in search of highly elusive items, and meeting new people and having your own shop in a real economy and participating in PvP and guild wars and 1000 other cool things. it's about the feeling, the vibe, the community. you are incapable of appreciating anything abstract like this because, as a fleshy robot, you are programmed to think in objective movements towards a defined end. you missed out.

          • 2 years ago

            This. Some people get together with friends and hang out while playing a game to pass the time, in RO you hang out while grinding. It's low-intensity distraction while the people are the focus.

          • 2 years ago

            So you confirm that there was indeed frick all to do in this "mmo" and it wasn't a private server problem?
            And no, I prefer single player games. Or well, if I'm gonna play something multiplayer, I'd rather it being something more than glorified IMVU with whole lotta grinding. Even back then you had more options than that. This makes animal crossing seems very exciting

  6. 2 years ago

    This thread made me realize there are people who get mmos and those who don't. grinding IS what you do. THAT is game. Planning a build and seeing if it can efficiently smack mons for rare drops. If you don't enjoy it get out

    • 2 years ago

      i dont know what happened. /vr/ used to love RO, i dont ever recall a single person shitting on it. now you have zoomers in here talking about only having experiences with private servers and b***hing about literally playing the fricking game. i swear dude, there's something in the water. GMOs and microplastics have rotted these fricking kids into zombies.

  7. 2 years ago

    The only people who hate RO are cancer that thinks mmos are defined by end game or some dumb shit

    • 2 years ago

      they're NPCs who, today, are playing weebshit friend simulator RPG like persona

    • 2 years ago

      RO is defined by end game and this can easily be proven by the fact that every server without WoE dies out very fast.

      • 2 years ago

        I have been playing since 2010 in way too many servers to count and the only time I played WoE it was an absolutely mindless suicidal shitfest with barely any goal to it because teleporters were virtually impassable without Marc or Evil Druid cards thanks to storm gust spam.
        Meat of the game is grindan and socializing wih people. Little interactions and all the mishaps that can happen at any given time.
        In no other game I have seen a priest from another party literally heal and buff an entire enemy team, defend them with safety walls and survive the whole ordeal in a pvp enviroment just because someone on his team called him a homosexual in the spur of the moment. Nobody even complained or got banned for it either, it was all fun and games.

        • 2 years ago

          >teleporters were virtually impassable without Marc or Evil Druid

          WoE:FE is defined by portal camping and this boring moments. Meta got solved and it turned into throwing bodies at portal and hope for a LP -> stacking. Loading screens are the biggest enemy there.

          Thus when WoE:SE pre-renewal happened and one single map, stacking brought way more challenging approach to fights. It turned into "one-button players", but stacks made everyone walks together as a whole unit. It has many builds to play with, both teams will probably be on same basis as composition, but minimal differences on builds and equips, and skill and dexterity, can turn waves very fast.

          Also, stun resist and frozen immunity are expected anyway. If not because of Meteor Storm and Storm Gust, it will be because of Scream and Frost Joke. They are there to "gear check" and punish, in a competitive sense, people playing Ghostring or other things. It's how the scene developed.

          • 2 years ago

            tbh on most servers people don't precast anymore in FE because guilds usually simply aren't big enough to make it OP. Unless you have like 3 fields of Loki's it's not actually that hard to break (and usually cripples your offensive power). And if that's the case you might as well have fun and play without abusing portals.

            I remember a woe on ggRO where the guild went turbo autism on defending and a fricking Rogue still got past it, ecalled and they lost castle. They took like half an hour to swap all their precast characters for shit that was useful for actually taking a castle, and still didn't manage to take it back.

  8. 2 years ago

    >This board
    >Can't have a JRPG thread without people who don't like JRPGs ruining the thread
    >Ragnarok Online thread, a boring grindy MMO with literally nothing to do, 0 progression, nothing
    >"Nooo you can't talk shit about the comfy kino grinding!"

    • 2 years ago

      yes. now frick off weeb scum

  9. 2 years ago

    I still play to this day, and I'm playing as I right this post, and I always find new things to try and do. Vanilla game has many things I dislike, refinement system, card being a definite decision and rare drop, and so on. The main point for me is the exploration and the idea of detachment from the story. You explore as much as you want.

    Being thrown in the world and having to figure things and how to deal with mobs on your own is good. There's a feeling of achievement when you reach a geared char that can deal with hard mobs.

    For me the game is about end game, not much about leveling and grinding for things. Party play on challenging content, where it requires planning and coordination. WoE was good on that, but it requires support from the server. I don't mind playing in low pop ones, but game excels in high populated that sadly won't exist anymore.

    • 2 years ago

      where do you play anon? im american but i used to play on the 4game euro server around 2019-2020, before that was my own server in 2016.

      • 2 years ago

        I host a server for our play group. We create our own challenges there, change things we disliked and add things we find interesting.

  10. 2 years ago

    WoE is shit and MMO pvp in general has always been shit

    If you aren't playing RO for the parties and social interaction or at least the autism refining grind, you're fricking up

    • 2 years ago

      That's a moronic reason to play RO when games like EQ has better combat, a more fleshed out and interesting world to explore, and pretty much forces you to socialize with people and form relationships online. Why do you find it so hard to admit that you're playing it solely for the kawaii >_< graphics. That was the only reason why that garbage game was popular.

      • 2 years ago

        Why would I play EQ when FFXI is just better EQ

    • 2 years ago

      WoE is alright but it requires so much support and deviations of foundations of game that its better up call it another game or genre at that point. It was a good concept to make market move, but it was largely supported by bots or high population.

      In current standards of game servers, supporting a full roster of 18 players with 600 population tops is bad. It requires or no battle happening at all, or being conservative on using consumables.

      The environment changed much since the castles loaded with thousands of people where being targeted or even moving was slow paced. The way battles are fought in the current scene requires a server aimed on this goal.

    • 2 years ago

      t. Snoriginlet who has never done anything but slap focas

      • 2 years ago

        I did WoE on that dumb ragnaGanker server and it was fricking B O R I N G

        I don't see why anyone would play that when real competitive genres exist. Shit, if you really wanna MMO PvP at least go play WoW or something where the developer at least pretends they're trying to balance it.

        • 2 years ago

          WoW doesn't have pvp anything at all like RO pvp
          BGs are like BGs
          there is nothing like RWC
          there is nothing like competitive MVPing
          there is nothing like WoE
          there is nothing like WoE2
          there is nothing like guild dungeons

          and yeah WoE on a dead server where you don't actually have intense fights for the castle and the server is dead in a month don't compare at all to real WoE
          like where you actually have to keep multiple castles for weeks to get eco and hope you get the drops to make a god item

  11. 2 years ago

    I never properly got into RO, never got past job level 12 or something
    but the soundtrack, man the music stayed rent free in my head all these years.

    • 2 years ago

      Try the /vg/ server

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