>ranni ending is the most common ending by a lot. >no you see, people aren't just looking up the wiki

>ranni ending is the most common ending by a lot
>no you see, people aren't just looking up the wiki

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  1. 4 months ago

    *farts in your thread*

    • 4 months ago

      fart post best poot

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      *sniffs* ew anon what did you eat? Oh I don't feel so good.... *barfs* oh no it's not stopping *diarrheas all over the carpet* phew, I feel much better now.

  2. 4 months ago

    ranni's quest isn't that hard to follow, even by from's shitty and convoluted design

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah, this is everyone's 3rd/4th/5th rodeo and also FROM's most forgiving set of questlines to date.

    • 4 months ago

      Yes, for a Fromsoft veteran. All these new players totally found it by accident

    • 4 months ago

      I disagree, how are people supposed to figure out you could talk to the doll without help? Not even mentioning talking three times in a row, why would anyone rest at that site of grace? You had one right in the arena for the gargoyles so why would a player rest again?
      Back when the game came out Ranni was all people talked about, so players actively looked for her even though she's a mid tier From waifu.

      • 4 months ago

        >I didn't do these things so why would anybody else? I just can't make sense of it
        >The only waifubait character they've made to date that actually has a long and involved questline is mid
        Black folkpeak gay has moronic opinions, imagine my shock

        • 4 months ago

          >sees the very common word mid in any context and instantly shits his pants
          Words have further meaning beyond moronic internet lingo zoomie.
          Give me a logical reason why someone going completely blind would rest at two sites right next to each other, and better yet, talk to the doll three times with the first two being unresponsive.

  3. 4 months ago

    >Frenzied flame at bottom
    How? that's the easiest one to do

    • 4 months ago

      Nobody wants to be israeli

    • 4 months ago

      Are you pretending to be moronic?

    • 4 months ago

      I never found the three fingers

    • 4 months ago

      I found the sewer but I missed the mogh area and even when I later found the mogh area I missed the area behind it. Ranni's area is pretty easy to get to and if you did it before Caelid then you'll almost certainly meet blaidd before radahn and that's like 60% of the quest done.

    • 4 months ago

      I made it down there only for nothing to happen because I missed a single Hyetta encounter so I had no clue what to do. Did Ranni's quest blind. Though even if I did both I would've picked Ranni over FF anyway.

      • 4 months ago

        I made it down there a few days after the game launched and there were notes telling me to get naked, suddenly raped by fingers and locked into chaos ending

    • 4 months ago

      I think people get lost in the sewers and just don't reach the end. I was circling the walkways above the bottom floor where the sniper lobsters are for ages because I couldn't see a proper way dow. I did eventually just jump down and was able to tank the fall damage

    • 4 months ago

      >have to find a random girl that teleport around the world with zero clue or signs to her location
      Ranni ending is the only one that the game does everything it can to hold your hand to make sure you get it.

      • 4 months ago

        does she even need to be there to allow the fingers to get you? I guess you wouldn't know to be naked

        • 4 months ago

          Finding the three fingers on your own in the first place isn't a given since they're hidden away behind an optional area that doesn't seem particularly interesting to explore at first glance. And yeah there's no really a reliable way to know that you have to remove all your armor if you don't do the quest leading there, and it's not exactly a natural assumption to make.

          It's the easiest special ending to get if you actually know what you're doing, but if you're stumbling around blind you're way more likely to run into some part of Ranni's quest than the Three Fingers.

        • 4 months ago

          you can do it without her there but you have to beat the Mohg illusion, hit the wall behind him (which might not be very intuitive for people that don't have souls experience), do fromsoft platforming down to the floor, then take off all your armor for what equates to the "frick shit up" ending, and if someone is going out of their way to use guides to get there they're probably going for the Ranni quest instead or just doing FF for completion

    • 4 months ago

      >take all of your clothes off

    • 4 months ago

      I never found the Sewers until after burning the tree.

    • 4 months ago

      I disagree.

    • 4 months ago

      That shit took me ages of scouring the map because I didn't want to accidentally miss some step after the last grape

    • 4 months ago

      I'm not disappointing my girl

    • 4 months ago

      the easiest one to get is Elden Lord. it includes the default ending (Age of Fracture) and 3 other endings.

      that's why it's so funny that Ranni's ending is #1 - her ending is more popular than 4 other endings combined.

    • 4 months ago

      I missed the Sewers entirely on my first playthrough

    • 4 months ago

      Half the ways to get grapes/fingers/help Hyetta bug out if you go too far into the game before doing them
      I did the Academy before doing Hyetta's stuff and it was permanently locked out for me because of it, the encounters I needed refused to spawn because the area boss had been defeated
      Typical Fromsoft jank

    • 4 months ago

      I feel like people who like to explore get frenzied flame on accident on their first playthrough because if you travel down a massive hole behind an illusionary wall behind a secret boss in a secret area then met with a big puzzle door with tons of messages telling you the answer, you're going to go through the door even though the npc says its bad. What else are you going to do, just leave after all that bullshit and never know whats behind the door?
      That being said I knew I fricked up and shamelessly looked up how to reverse it because if you say you figured that out by "just read the item descriptions bro" you're a lying homosexual. No one's figuring that one out without the wiki. But doing the frenzied flame then reversing it gives you the happiest ending because melina lives and you still get to do the ranni ending, which hopefully actually matters in the dlc

      • 4 months ago

        >if you travel down a massive hole behind an illusionary wall behind a secret boss in a secret area then met with a big puzzle door with tons of messages telling you the answer, you're going to go through the door even though the npc says its bad
        kek that was me. did the whole quest blind, had no idea what i was doing, ended up with the FF. haven't beaten the game yet but i kind of like the idea of the FF ending, and i hope the DLC allows me to take cyclops up on her promise to kill me if i rose as a lord of chaos.

    • 4 months ago

      you need to do the tranni questline for the optional bosses

    • 4 months ago

      It's the high test ending, most gaymers are low test homosexuals

  4. 4 months ago

    I got Ranni ending on my first playthrough without the wiki. I wouldn't say it was exactly easy but because of the way quests now skip ahead instead of getting stuck at a step I found Balidd at redman castle first, then he told me to go to the impact zone, I searched around there, found the chest in the middle of it, got the item decided to talk to ranni again incase she gave me a hint about where blaidd went, instead she told me that was the item she wanted, then she left through the sealed tower.

    Only part I nearly missed was the doll, I found the doll alright, but I didn't realize you had to rest at the bonfire to talk to it, I only complete her quest shortly before the end when I just happened to rest at the bonfire at the begining of Renna's rise and see the "talk to doll" option did that a few times and suddenly the quest progressed and it was very linear until its conclusion.

    • 4 months ago

      That's fair but it's still clearly the most obscure ending and it's obvious that most people are wiki'ing through the game even if you didn't.

      • 4 months ago

        Nah Frenzied flame is harder, Hyetta is a b***h to find as are the "grapes" and the area where the three fingers are.

        • 4 months ago

          You don't need to do Hyetta's quest for frenzied flame, you just need to go stand in front of that door naked, that's all.
          >But how did you know?

        • 4 months ago

          >obscure ending
          How so? I can't think of anything particularly obscure about it. It's not obvious, but if you explore the map you'll bump into all her quest eventually.

          Elden Lord should be the most popular ending it's basically the default ending.

          • 4 months ago

            Anybody who plays enough to actually get an ending is going to be in it for the long haul, which means doing all the Ranni stuff as well

            • 4 months ago

              Pretty much this.
              The people who get to an ending in ER are the people who are invested in the game.
              People who are much less into exploring all the content are more likely to have dropped the game at that stage.

              By contrast, if ER's main path was forced on the player, or if the game was notably shorter then you'd expect a bigger portion of the people who dropped it to finish it and they'd likely get the default ending more frequently.

        • 4 months ago

          >the platforming to reach the bottom of the capital
          I hardly remember the last time I got this annoyed by a single player game

      • 4 months ago

        >obscure ending
        How so? I can't think of anything particularly obscure about it. It's not obvious, but if you explore the map you'll bump into all her quest eventually.

        • 4 months ago

          >How so
          I don't know about the endings but I guarantee your speaking from the perspective of someone who already knows about it and has done it. No shame in admitting you looked it up and had too, in may not seem obscure in hindsight or after doing it, but come on

        • 4 months ago

          And if your the exception I apologize i picked your post at random but every reply is saying the same thing, but only after the fact of knowing everything to do

        • 4 months ago

          There's a lot of ambiguity about it though and it's extremely easy, if not guaranteed, for you to miss like half the steps in the chain making it even more obtuse. For example there's a ton of moments like the Blaidd scene midway that is just randomly placed on hill near the start of the game, one you probably already cleared out ages ago and have no reason to ever return to at all. I want to say also that Ranni's doll talk only works at that specific bonfire you passed moments before getting it which means you'll never get the trigger if you just don't die in that easy area, but honestly I might be misremembering that specific part.
          It is entirely possible to luck your way through it by skipping "optional" steps and only hit the mandatory events or follow the very few directions you do actually get told to still get the ending, but it would likely be an ending achieved more through random chance than actually following a chain of events and I have no idea why anyone would care about Ranni enough to finish her ending without seeing most of her questline because the mandatory scenes make her seem like a horrible murderous butthole with the context.

          Or at least, that's what it is like as it's originally intended design done before they realised how bad quests were and added markers for NPC locations later.

      • 4 months ago

        Far from it, besides the standard ending, it has the most signposting pointing toward it with several quests leading you to Ranni and a large portion of map space dedicated to her.
        Her quest line is more likely to be started than any of the quests for the other endings I think.
        Not to mention it's one of the most fleshed out, so most people will opt for that ending if they find out about it over others.

      • 4 months ago

        >it's obvious that most people are wiki'ing through the game even if you didn't.
        you have to remember ER brought in a lot of noobs so more wiki'ing than usual and fextralife was shilling themselves extra hard at the time

        • 4 months ago

          We've regressed so badly from basic game manuals.

      • 4 months ago

        I got Ranni's quest blind my first time too. If you explore the map and backtrack enough times for runes you'll eventually encounter all the requirements necessary to advance her quest. The most annoying part was figuring out that you needed to talk to her doll multiple times by that river, but previous souls games have taught me to spam NPC dialogue till they get stuck on a loop so I was able to figure that out too.

        >Frenzied flame at bottom
        How? that's the easiest one to do

        I got to Mohg but didn't realize that the altar behind him was an illusion till I read the wiki after finishing my first run.

      • 4 months ago

        I only look something up on,a wiki when im stuck, so if the Ranni ending was obscure I would miss it first run, I'm going to do what I think my character would do based on expierences he had in the world, while kind of projecting myself on to him. This is the correct way to play
        Using a wiki when your not stuck and planning everything out is the playstyle of someone who is literally afraid of the game, and whatever ending I get ill eventually get the others, I don't need to have the best ending the first time, unless I absolutely fell in love with my character and went full autism with his save file

      • 4 months ago

        its by far the easiest non-default ending to do in any souls game, remember when you had to find 3 cords in bloodborne or do a whole ass sacrficial bride shit in ds3??

    • 4 months ago

      The only thing I looked up was where to go after Radhan (where the frick did that meteor hit), because I've forgotten the dialog. Even the doll I found on my own.

  5. 4 months ago

    Ranni ending has by far the best rewards and the best expanse of areas of all endings. Not doing Ranni's questline is like doing Shura ending in Sekiro and locking yourself out of half the game. Of course it will be the most common ending.

    • 4 months ago

      Not doing rannis quest literally locks you out of all 4 "legendary xxxx" achievements, it's moronic and people would be moronic NOT to do it. The, since you've already done it, you might as well pick that ending

    • 4 months ago

      This. You'll not only miss Moonlight Altar, Lake of Rot, a huge portion of Ansile River (which contains high level Ghost Gloveworts) and Astel, but you'll also fail to get bell bearings, the best summon ash in the entire game, and the best greatsword for mages.

      Even if you don't chose it at the end of the game, not going through Ranni's quest is just losing so much of the experience.

  6. 4 months ago

    >the questline involves multiple fan-favorite NPCs that people are eager to assist
    >the questline has multiple NPCs in various locations directly or indirectly pointing you towards it
    >unlike most other questlines, it can be started at multiple points without breaking anything
    >you can sequence break and skip entire parts of the questline and still complete it
    >the questline ties into multiple areas that might otherwise be missed or ignored
    >hurrr how is it possible that a quarter of all people do this questline? They must be cheating!
    Ganker once again proves to be the dumbest board on this site

    On my first playthrough I missed the entire first half of Ranni's quest and never met Blaidd until much later on, and I still got her ending. The quest is extremely easy to stumble upon and once yoiu start it, you get more encouragement to stick with it than most other quests.

  7. 4 months ago

    I got all three unique endings in one playthrough by cheating and creating a save backup. Plus, I beat the game with Blasphemous Blade and Mimic Tear summon. But to the average person, my achievements makes me look like a pro gamer lmao.

    • 4 months ago

      >I beat the game with Blasphemous Blade and Mimic Tear summon
      >I beat the game

  8. 4 months ago

    Buy an ad fromshill

    • 4 months ago

      Tendie's still mad about Elden Ring.

    • 4 months ago

      >post literally criticizing the game and its players
      >"lmao, shill"

      • 4 months ago

        Negative marketing. It works here, since you can make 10 000 threads on the topic without them getting banned immediately.

    • 4 months ago

      >game with 20-25 million copies sold needs to be shilled on Ganker
      You sound vaccinated

      • 4 months ago

        yes moron more shilling = more sales
        doesnt matter if you sell 30 million copies or 3 billions

    • 4 months ago

      >stop talking about videogames on Ganker

  9. 4 months ago

    the inclusion of the messaging system all the fricking way back in demon's souls should make it obvious that the game is designed around the community sharing information with each other

  10. 4 months ago

    >Every ending is you sitting in a throne, boring as shit
    >Ranni ending gets you a cute witch girl and there's a full on animated cutscene of something actually happening
    >The only other ending that gets its own animation is the chaos xD route
    Yeah no shit people went for the Ranni ending.

    >looking up the wiki
    Playing Elden Ring without using a wiki is just asking for a bad time. If you miss one specific cave, you're shit out of luck as far as upgrade materials go because those upgrades can only be found in that one cave. You're wasting your time if you're not looking at a wiki.

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah idk why the wiki debate is so fierce with this game. I mean it's clearly designed around fan collaboration and with people figuring out stuff together and using and making wikis in mind. This meta built up over the course of the souls series and From are well aware of it to design their games with it in mind now, like the vast majority of games today. Doesn't make the game any less good it's still fantastic, but for some reason a contingent of people refuse to admit that the game was made knowing players would use a wiki as if not being designed from the ground up around a blind playthrough is a badge of dishonour or something.

      • 4 months ago

        >I mean it's clearly designed around fan collaboration and with people figuring out stuff together and using and making wikis in mind.
        The fan collaboration you're talking about lasts for all of 3 days before crazy people have figured basically everything out, and unless you only stick to close friends that you can roughly sync with, it's impossible not to have things entirely spoiled for you, or you get to the point that you're basically just following a walkthrough. It's idiotic to claim a game is primarily designed around being played at a tiny window on release and then never again. Playing this game blind is fantastic by the way, no other similar game has exploration this good, tense and rewarding, when you don't have a clue what's around the corner. The only thing you have to do to enjoy it is throw away the notion of seeing everything and doing everything right.

      • 4 months ago

        >designed around fan collaboration and with people figuring out stuff together and using and making wikis in mind
        Do soulsBlack folk really? Building your game around wiki is good????

      • 4 months ago

        There's a world of difference between a collaboration of in-game messages and random people being summoned and a collaboration of a wiki, anon.

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah idk why the wiki debate is so fierce with this game. I mean it's clearly designed around fan collaboration and with people figuring out stuff together and using and making wikis in mind. This meta built up over the course of the souls series and From are well aware of it to design their games with it in mind now, like the vast majority of games today. Doesn't make the game any less good it's still fantastic, but for some reason a contingent of people refuse to admit that the game was made knowing players would use a wiki as if not being designed from the ground up around a blind playthrough is a badge of dishonour or something.

      I just realized that I was leaning on outside sources too much in games. Like I was just creating tasks for myself to fulfill instead of just going out exploring for stuff so I'm trying to limit wiki and guides.

      • 4 months ago

        Based. I came to the same realization a few years ago: I wasn't having any fun looking up guides and worrying about missing something. They instantly became more fun playing through blind. Now I only consult a guide if I'm trying to 100% something

    • 4 months ago

      I found this out personally with the Alexander Ironfist side quest. He is in some of the most moronic, difficult to find areas ever. On mount Gelnir, he writes a message saying he has to go further below directly by a bridge the bridge beneath the manor.

      You know how you actually get there? You go back to the site of grace you access just after the climb to the lift of the altus plateu, go down through a canyon, through a long cave, out the other end and through another canyon, down past a castle up to a wyvern boss and THEN in the middle of a massive lava lake at the VERY VERY BACK you can find him.

      I love Fromsoft games but i don't know how I'd ever have found him if not for the wiki considering the game just straight up lies to you lol. Shit pissed me off so fricking bad. No amount of intellect or wit would've ever guided me to that location.

  11. 4 months ago

    I got it without a wiki, it's not really that hard. After Hogwarts most people will naturally keep going north and stumble upon Ranni, after that it's just a matter of doing what she tells you which is as much direction as you're being given at this point so most people will just follow.

  12. 4 months ago

    Ranni ending was so good, I literally preferred being her champion to becoming elden lord myself. Somehow serving her and helping her to bring in the age of starts just felt more believable than becoming elden lord myself, I really didn't feel like elden lord material.

    • 4 months ago

      >well then shall we
      This literally just appeals to some kind of male fantasy it just fits so naturally.

    • 4 months ago

      Suspension of disbelief issue imo
      From keeps making bosses bigger and more aggressive but the player is still just John Souls, the 5'10 mook whose greatest ability is respawning

      • 4 months ago

        >From keeps making bosses bigger and more aggressive but the player is still just John Souls, the 5'10 mook whose greatest ability is respawning
        and that's what makes it kino

        • 4 months ago

          It's not kino, it's capeshit
          >Who would win? This godly being with so many grand epithets you could carve them across the cliffs of Anor Londo and still not have enough room, or the comparative equivalent of a very angry yorkshire terrier?
          It's chink xianxia powerlevel wankery except the protagonist doesn't get to cheat his way to the head of the queue, he gets there by being a nuisance to everybody else

          • 4 months ago

            >noooo wtf it has to be realistiiiiiiic
            Leave the thread, these games just aren't for you.

          • 4 months ago

            Its the Berserk/Anime influences.

            • 4 months ago

              You've never read Berserk

          • 4 months ago

            Yeah, homosexual, I would win. And if I somehow can't then I'll win elsewhere and come back to win here later. You stupid motherfricker, you can't stop me. I will be walking through your boss room. You will accost me. You will die. Then I will take your soul and make it into a new sword. If you had any sense you would never had dared approach me.

      • 4 months ago

        It's not kino, it's capeshit
        >Who would win? This godly being with so many grand epithets you could carve them across the cliffs of Anor Londo and still not have enough room, or the comparative equivalent of a very angry yorkshire terrier?
        It's chink xianxia powerlevel wankery except the protagonist doesn't get to cheat his way to the head of the queue, he gets there by being a nuisance to everybody else

        I kinda want to see Fromsoft make a game where your character actually does get bigger from all the power they're absorbing. Not like Godfrey levels, but maybe as tall as Blaidd.

        • 4 months ago

          Iirc the reason From started making enemies bigger than the player was because some players had difficulty seeing enemies around the same size as the player model and so that players would have an easier time telegraphing attacks. In lore regular human enemies should be around your size. Obviously in Sekiro for instance, you're not fighting 7 foot tall japanese foot soldiers.

        • 4 months ago

          there's a mod for that in elden ring. i don't have it atm but you get bigger on each level up. by the time you hit the elden beast, it looks like a house cat

    • 4 months ago

      >I literally preferred being her champion to becoming elden lord myself
      Anon, being the champion and companion of the ruling goddess is literally what Elden Lord means. It's not either-or, you get both. For example, Godfrey was Elden Lord when he was Marika's champion and companion, but when Marika sent him away he stopped being Elden Lord. In every Ending where you become Elden Lord you're someone's champion In Ranni's case it's just more direct and more intimate than in the other cases.

      • 4 months ago

        homie wut? in the plain Elden Lord ending it's literally just you, Marika is dead

        • 4 months ago

          We don't even know what the frick happens in the elden lord endings. We don't know if Marika is still alive or not, and we don't know if you put the rune of death back in the elden ring or not.

    • 4 months ago

      The fantasy dynamic of being a knight loving, supporting and defending his beautiful Lady is a very common one for a reason. Not everyone lusts for the crown.

      • 4 months ago

        Ranni with boobs is blasphemy

        • 4 months ago

          >he does not know Ranni is the 7 foot redhead Welsh gf

  13. 4 months ago

    The most wiki intensive ending is frenzied flame.
    Ranni is an optional, but heavily hinted and frickhuge sidequest. Makes a lot of sense many would do it.

    • 4 months ago

      I didn't have to look up a walkthrough but I do remember seeing people's posts here that helped, maybe it's been changed since it first came out but I swear there was some stuff that is easily missable. Worth noting every other Souls game has the default ending at the top even when the other endings could be considered better and more involved

      Unless that has also been changed it was easy, all you needed was at most two messages, one about the wall and one to take your clothes off

  14. 4 months ago

    The only thing I had to look up was where to find Blaidd after he said he'd meet me in Siofra and he wasn't anywhere near the elevator.
    And it wasn't easy to find a search result even for that at launch.

  15. 4 months ago

    Yes, lots of people looked it up because they specifically like Ranni and wanted to ensure they got her ending. But the people acting like it's impossible to figure out on your own are moronic. There's only one step that's even a bit tricky.

  16. 4 months ago

    i beat the game without doing a single quest or remembering anyone's name who are these people and why should i care.

  17. 4 months ago

    I wish there had been a Rya ending too. I just want to protect my cute snake gf.

    • 4 months ago

      I just found her
      I want to fix her back

      • 4 months ago

        She's a good girl who deserves headpats.

        Her mom's kind of a b***h though.

        • 4 months ago

          I accidentally did a little hop and she thought I was trying to kill her

          • 4 months ago

            Yeah jumping on someone does a tiny bit of damage and counts as an attack, which sucks shit if you do it to an NPC accidentally.

        • 4 months ago

          I find Tanith to be one of the nicer people and the nicest "faction leader", how is she a b***h?

    • 4 months ago

      best girl

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah, Volcano Manor was the place I felt the most at home oddly enough, shame we couldn't help Rykard devour the very gods together as family.

  18. 4 months ago

    You want an actual, REAL answer?

    It's because it's the only part of the game that is remotely close to being somewhat finished and coherent.

    Elden Ring is a blatant Early Access title with ton of missing or half-assed content. As if landslide of cut content discovered in game files for 2 years now after release wasn't enough (including entire voiced HOURS of questlines for various NPCs), you have shit like - completely different content before downloading a Day One Patch or different content when playing the Network Test.

    There is also the issue of broken questlines (remember when Fromtard shills tried to claim Nepheli's quest was intended to end abruptly because "sometimes thing don't have an answer" and then From hotfixed it with yet another shitty obscure "go find this random ass item in a completely unrelated place to progress" solution? all the shills kept silent).

    Now, the reason Ranni's quest is most popular is simply because it's the ONLY COHERENT PART OF LORE/STORY. It's the ONLY QUEST where characters speak PLAINLY - WHAT they want you to do, WHERE do you need to go and WHY. When everything else about the game is a blatant shitty mess of rewrites and cutting corners, it sticks out like a sore thumb. It's more easy to follow than the main fricking questline for fricks sake, because Melina FRICKS OFF for 99% of the game and refuses to speak plainly about anything.

    From became a flanderized parody of themselves because or subhumans like Vaati so now everything needs to be LE OBSCURE with LE AMBIGOUS storytelling (translation: we just make up shit as we go and then rewrite everything 2 weeks before release). Go play Demon Souls, Dark Souls. Yes, those games do have sometimes mysterious LORE, but as far as the MAIN STORY was concerned, when it was important, characters spoke clearly about their intention, what is happening, and what do you need to do. Melina literally never tells you why she needs your help.

    • 4 months ago

      It really is suspicious how Elden Ring is the ONLY From game since DeS to not have a CGI intro, but rather a shitty concept art slideshow (something only DeS - a project deemed a failure with a shoestring budget - had before). Almost like they rewrote and changed so much that they couldn't use the intro anymore because it made no sense.

      • 4 months ago

        >It really is suspicious how Elden Ring is the ONLY From game since DeS to not have a CGI intro
        I am to this day surprised they didn't just use the story trailer, it's an almost perfect fit for the job

    • 4 months ago

      Stop acting as if elden ring is the only game in existence with cut content.

      • 4 months ago

        they're not, it's a reaction to people screaming from the rooftops how from software is a based and kinopilled kamige studio and miyazaki has diamond hands, and all the grunts in the studio create flawless systems and narratives and every enemy is intelligent and reactive
        Autists like that are just sick of the unwarranted praise. They're decent games, that's enough. If people didn't shit and cum at every opportunity and go attack other groups for playing something else that shares a similar mechanic or two instead of replaying something based and kinopilled diamond hands Miyazaki personally crafted, they'd be b***hing about something else instead.

    • 4 months ago

      Stop acting as if elden ring is the only game in existence with cut content.


      they're not, it's a reaction to people screaming from the rooftops how from software is a based and kinopilled kamige studio and miyazaki has diamond hands, and all the grunts in the studio create flawless systems and narratives and every enemy is intelligent and reactive
      Autists like that are just sick of the unwarranted praise. They're decent games, that's enough. If people didn't shit and cum at every opportunity and go attack other groups for playing something else that shares a similar mechanic or two instead of replaying something based and kinopilled diamond hands Miyazaki personally crafted, they'd be b***hing about something else instead.


      If not for lomorons who claim every strand of grass was carefully placed by Miyazaki sensei and has deep lore meaning, people wouldn't be this upset.

  19. 4 months ago

    Besides looking up how to get the dog down from the wall, I didn't google anything and still got the ending. It wasn't that hard to get imo.

  20. 4 months ago

    I got it on my blind playthrough
    I'm pretty sure they were more lenient in this game than they were in previous games regarding the order of events and dead ends
    the most obscure thing was probably talking to the doll in that particular cave
    luckily, I was constantly trying to talk to my real waifu, malina, so I was always looking for a prompt when I rested

    • 4 months ago

      you misspelled the name of your "real waifu"

  21. 4 months ago

    Ranni ending is the default ending for people who are searching for the most content possible I'm sure, as long as you explore and follow the prompts you'll just keep following the breadcrumbs

    • 4 months ago

      This. And sure, many people probably look up from wiki at least some hints about how to continue it, but even the obvious parts of the sidequest are already so much more detailed than any other questline in the game, so that when you get a whiff that it exists, it makes sense that you want to continue on it until you complete it.

      I mean, I never even liked Ranni as character, but I still went with it because it felt like I actually had to work towards it, while most other endings are trivial to do if you know what you’re doing. It’s not even a contest.

      • 4 months ago

        How many people really figured out to talk to the Ranni doll multiple times at that specific bonfire on their own? I was following the guide at that point and happened to see it, but it seemed like it would be a pretty easy thing to miss.

        • 4 months ago

          you get the prompt at the bonfire and if you're chasing stuff you already have the habit to recheck stuff, I went through this naturally on my first playthrough idk, at some point you get good intuition for this kind of stuff in games like this

          If you're using guides you go through stuff like that and you think to yourself that no one would figure it out by themselves, but if you just play naturally by yourself these things are pretty easy to find just because of how they are laid out

          • 4 months ago

            I was thinking if you picked up the doll and just happened to continue on. Maybe you had already done stuff there and there wasn't much reason to stay/return, so you'd never even see the prompt.

            • 4 months ago

              you get the prompt at the bonfire and if you're chasing stuff you already have the habit to recheck stuff, I went through this naturally on my first playthrough idk, at some point you get good intuition for this kind of stuff in games like this

              If you're using guides you go through stuff like that and you think to yourself that no one would figure it out by themselves, but if you just play naturally by yourself these things are pretty easy to find just because of how they are laid out

              Seriously, I didn't rest at every grace I found so I would never have found that prompt naturally.

              • 4 months ago

                That is unusual behavior as once you have cleared an area their generally no reason to go back there and resting refills you resources.
                In the grand scheme of things your just a weird outlier anon.

              • 4 months ago

                I really don't get the argument. You never have anything pop up on the grace menu and suddenly a
                >talk to Ranni
                option appears and you're not going to hit that three times to talk to Ranni when you're already that far into her questline?
                If this was some mindless FPS your argument might hold weight, but in an open world game like this, why the frick would someone play this long and not be interested in an option like that appearing?

                I'll add that I'm pretty sure the game was long patched so that you can talk to Ranni at any grace once you get the doll.

        • 4 months ago

          I really don't get the argument. You never have anything pop up on the grace menu and suddenly a
          >talk to Ranni
          option appears and you're not going to hit that three times to talk to Ranni when you're already that far into her questline?
          If this was some mindless FPS your argument might hold weight, but in an open world game like this, why the frick would someone play this long and not be interested in an option like that appearing?

        • 4 months ago

          I didn't notice that option till the last bonfire so I just spammed the talk button till something happened.

    • 4 months ago

      Elden Ring is absolutely intended to played with the wiki and a guide on your other monitor btw, that's why so many shitty cave dungeons had uninspired boss version of one or two monsters: you're not supposed to do all of them. Open World is the easiest way to let players chase down all the items they need for their build early into the game, so that then you can play through the main content how you want to. You still feel yourself getting stronger because of leveling up your stats and weapons too. You can follow a guide, or make your own route chasing down items you looked up and want, because when the game came out everyone came together to share information about the game. Elden Ring will be remembered for being a Lockdown Event people came together and all figured out, where you ran around doing everything you could and used whatever you could as your build. Now that we're past that, play it with the tools the devs knew people were going to make.

      Absolutely true. They gave the default ending a cute girl, which is great marketing tbh, because then the most players will see and like her. Devs were right to put her there, cash in on gamers wanting to frick cartoon women. Dark Souls series has always been known for doing multiple playthrough using different weapons, or magic/pyro/miracles builds, so on your following playthroughs you're intended to go see those other endings while using semi-planned builds. I know people who planned out what builds they were going to use for each ending because they wanted to roleplay it!

  22. 4 months ago

    I went on a total media blackout as soon as the release date was announced and never looked at forums, YouTube, or wikis until I'd finished my first playthrough; also didn't discuss anything with friends until I was done with my first playthrough.
    I got the Ranni ending on my first playthrough.

  23. 4 months ago

    I wish I had gotten it, but I managed to block myself out of her entire questline on my first playthrough, only meeting her the one time at the site of grace with the first merchant.

  24. 4 months ago

    FF Chads Rise Up

    • 4 months ago

      Kale or some other merchant should be included in this.

  25. 4 months ago

    No shit. It's one of the few Fromsoft questlines that actually make a lick of sense progression wise. And it takes you to a lot of different locales, encounters, and has fun rewards too.

    The only other ending questline that matches it is the "Save Melina/Frenzy" quest which is even wilder of an adventure. A shame then that Miyazaki is a hack that completely gutted whatever character Melina might have had. If she was just as involved if would have easily matched Ranni's.

  26. 4 months ago

    YE if from games weren t so moronic

  27. 4 months ago

    there's literally only one step of it that's even a little bit obscured, all the rest of it literally has an NPC tell you to go to a specific place and do a thing

  28. 4 months ago

    I have to admit, I had to look up a wiki on how to get to Haligtree.

  29. 4 months ago

    >27% of all people that start Elden Ring get the ranni ending
    No fricking way

  30. 4 months ago

    >people complete everything before the ending and choose the ending associated with the longest quest

  31. 4 months ago

    Ranni's quest is probably one of the easiest to follow quests From has ever made.

  32. 4 months ago
  33. 4 months ago
  34. 4 months ago

    >same voice actor

    • 4 months ago

      can't believe Gareth moonlights as a witch-doll

  35. 4 months ago

    Messages are basically built in wiki. I've completed almost every quest on 1st playthrough just because every quest objective had a bunch of homosexuals spamming soap around it.

    • 4 months ago

      >Liar ahead

    • 4 months ago

      try finger, but hole

    • 4 months ago

      Half way through the game I put offline mode on. Most of them are reddit posts or spam designed to waste your time.

    • 4 months ago

      >Glorious Chest!

    • 4 months ago

      messages are basically half the fun

    • 4 months ago

      no horse ahead

      • 4 months ago

        chinks slap their knees and laugh whenever they see this

  36. 4 months ago

    so for what part do you actually need a guide to get the Ranni ending?

    if you have at least 80IQ you can follow the questlines really easy. i guess OP is just baiting for (yous)

    • 4 months ago

      I don;t agree with OP but if its anything its going to be the Second Ansel visit, puerly because it requires you to either recheck a tower you were blocked from entering hours ago or taking a coffin from Deeproot which you would only think of if your already a Souls Veteran or are scraping the coffins for loot.

      • 4 months ago

        >puerly because it requires you to either recheck a tower you were blocked from entering hours ago

        I feel like even then, most players stumped on what to do next would think to speak to Iji, who then directs you to Renna's Rise.

    • 4 months ago

      I wish I was joking, but I needed a guide on how to even start the quest.

      I messed up by activating the Radahn Festival, and seeing the NPCs waiting there in the courtyard, I figured the idea was you'd collect a bunch of allies throughout the game, and then launch an assault (which was kind of right, though not to the extent I thought.) So I saved that fight until the very end, wanting to have as many allies as possible, which meant Blaidd was stuck there waiting the entire time, which meant Ranni never appeared in her tower.

      If I had checked the tower after beating Radahn, obviously I would have found her, but by that point I had been to the empty tower so many times I had simply stopped checking, and was so close to the end I just finished the game.

    • 4 months ago

      I simply couldn't find the place where the meteor fell. I knew what general region it was in, but I just couldn't find it. I also didn't find Blaidd on my first visit to the Underground. and I would never notice the option to talk to the doll at Site of Grace.

      I also needed to look on the wiki for how to get to the Malenia and Mogh area.

      • 4 months ago

        You didn't notice the giant crater that suddenly appeared on the landscape?

        • 4 months ago

          nope. and I searched back and forth.
          Maybe I was searching the wrong place, dunno

          • 4 months ago

            That only makes sense if you never ever returned to limgrave after radahn

          • 4 months ago

            I found it by warping to the Limgrave Birds-eye telescope, it's very obvious from there without even using the telescope itself

    • 4 months ago

      I would have failed it if my friend hadn't told me to talk to the doll at a grace. Otherwise it's reasonable to follow.

    • 4 months ago

      talking to the doll 3 times is the literal only part that might throw someone off aside from just getting lost, which isn't specific to the quest

  37. 4 months ago

    Imagine if they actually did more with Melina.

    More players would get dragged into the Platypusfax and the Malenia fight.

    • 4 months ago

      Just the whole first scene with her was enough to sell people on her alone. She was ER's version of the Maiden in Black from DS and Plain Doll from Bloodborne.

  38. 4 months ago

    Its the most pozzed ending too, which says a lot.

    The Matriarchy (Silver Order/Moon Order) triumphs over the Patriarchy (Golden Order)?

    Order out of chaos (Silver Order/Kabbalistic Ein Sof) and the birth of a "New World"

    • 4 months ago



    • 4 months ago

      >Patriarchy (Golden Order)
      >Ruled by a God Empress with two male consorts

      • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      didn't marika mess things up by removing the death piece of the elden ring ages before ranni orchestrates the knight of black knives? that sounds like something that would more usher that age than godwyn dying, she even put this divine object in the hands of a beast (whom she subjects to moral torment with this duty) id argue marikas act of hubris has greater significance than we can know at this time. and thats why goldmasks or dung eaters endings are the best.

    • 4 months ago

      >the patriarchy is worshipping an alien parasite and giving your soul to it while following a woman as your leader

  39. 4 months ago

    it honestly isn't that hard to figure out and I figured I might as well go for something that isn't the "default" ending

  40. 4 months ago

    If someone is actually willing to play an open world game to the point that they get an ending, why would it be surprising that the fan favorite that you're more or less guaranteed to bump into would be the most common ending?
    Getting her ending takes about as much effort as reaching the end of the game period which is just running around enough. It's not convoluted if you're actually trying to follow it which, if you're bothering to play to the end, you likely would be.

  41. 4 months ago

    you're all forgetting the obvious reason it's the most achieved ending
    they got the mimic tear while in nokron and didn't beat the game

  42. 4 months ago

    I just killed things till I became Elden Lord lol, based game

  43. 4 months ago

    that one is not any less obscure then the faith one or the dungeater one or really any of them.

  44. 4 months ago

    I have not played a single Souls game without a wiki

    No, I do not respect your autistic "you should know to return this area to find the NPC but only after talking to him in x area" shit. You don't put that in game? No worries I got a quest log just an alt tab away

  45. 4 months ago

    >nothing suspicious here op, it's just the most fleshed out quest so its natural for it to be the ending 1/4 players get
    Why did you guys go back to the bonfire after you got the doll?

    • 4 months ago

      because even after 100 hours of elden ring it was still habit to try and fast travel from grace instead of just opening the map

    • 4 months ago

      I made a habit of sitting at every grace after realizing Melina sometimes shows up at them.

    • 4 months ago


      I really don't get the argument. You never have anything pop up on the grace menu and suddenly a
      >talk to Ranni
      option appears and you're not going to hit that three times to talk to Ranni when you're already that far into her questline?
      If this was some mindless FPS your argument might hold weight, but in an open world game like this, why the frick would someone play this long and not be interested in an option like that appearing?

      I'll add that I'm pretty sure the game was long patched so that you can talk to Ranni at any grace once you get the doll.

    • 4 months ago

      I backtrack through every dungeon to hunt for any loot or secrets I may have missed.

      Also like this anon said

      I made a habit of sitting at every grace after realizing Melina sometimes shows up at them.

    • 4 months ago

      >Why did you guys go back to the bonfire after you got the doll?
      I read the wiki

  46. 4 months ago

    I am still fricking seething that we were never given any explanation as to why Ranni and Melina paralleled each tlother.

  47. 4 months ago

    Ranni's quest is damn near the only one in the game with any logical progression whatsoever

  48. 4 months ago

    Almost every bumbling moron stumbled their way into the Ranni ending on their first playthrough, the game pushes it so hard and simps for Ranni at every turn.

  49. 4 months ago

    Gonna be honest here. If you need to look up anything for Ranni questline, you're moronic. I got it on my playthrough, only thing I missed was her summon sign after the last boss. So I got the normal ending. Unlucky.

    • 4 months ago

      me except I clicked on her sign assuming it was a player message and got locked into her ending without a confirmation prompt

  50. 4 months ago

    I did Ranni questline going blind. No regrets.

  51. 4 months ago

    It's the most common because she's the first prompt you get at the very end if you've played the game normally.
    I was going for a different ending but since she was the only prompt I saw, I picked it thinking it would let me choose.

    Ha ha, no.

  52. 4 months ago

    i picked ranni because despite doing everything for some other quests that was the only one that showed up.

    • 4 months ago

      The others you have to approach Marika's corpse, you'll then get the option to become Elden Lord, or use one of the mending runes to change how the Golden Order works.

      If you've become the Lord of Frenzy the ending auto-activates just from approaching Marika.

      • 4 months ago

        >>The others you have to approach Marika's corpse

  53. 4 months ago

    >make an ending that gives you a lot more game to play
    >people want to pick that one

  54. 4 months ago

    i myself didnt look up wiki at all till i got to haligtree because my dps was too low for mohg and malenia. That's when I found out about status effects like bleed.
    Till then i was doing straight sword dex and medium shield.
    git gud

  55. 4 months ago

    Where do I get Somber Smithing Stone 7 and 9 anons? I swear they changed their positions on me, or I can't remember at all.

    • 4 months ago

      the earliest you can get 7 is after the godskin noble in volcano manor, there's one on a ledge you can get to by circling around through the back way after beating him

      you can find a somber stone 9 down beneath the caelid divine tower, you don't need to go inside just do some ledge and horse parkour and it's in a circle of chairs on a cliffside a bit lower down

      • 4 months ago

        Which way of entry was the Godskin again? I thought I recalled correctly that there was one somewhere after the Abductor teleport, but apparently that just leads to Mt Gelmir and the castle below it.

        • 4 months ago

          you can get Rya to take you to the manor by doing her questline or you can get under Gelmir via the teleport, after that you have to roll into the illusory wall in the manor then go all the way through to the church site of grace and go around through the level the long way

          >the earliest you can get 7 is after the godskin noble
          Can't you get one or more in Mohgwyn palace?

          7 specifically I don't think so, maybe 8 and 9 around the place but 7 is specifically harder to get I assume because they wanted to gate how strong you can get a somber weapon early

      • 4 months ago

        >the earliest you can get 7 is after the godskin noble
        Can't you get one or more in Mohgwyn palace?

      • 4 months ago

        Cant you get 7 by killing not-astel-hanging on the ceiling in western underground area? Think its 'earlier'

  56. 4 months ago

    Ranni quest actually tells you where to go unlike the other shit quests. Not to mention some quests were literally incomplete on launch like Nephili.

  57. 4 months ago

    I got bored of Elden Ring after Liurnaand found out I had like 60+ hours of more “content to do.” As I played more and more I got tired of seeing copy pasted stop and le prepare to die mob gankfests that FromSoft has become obsessed with and dug harder into the wikis, Ranni’s ending not only seemed to be the most coherent but the quickest and most straightforward one while also running you through most of the secret areas, I even killed Mohg pretty easily. I didn’t even bother doing any of the haligtree or finishing the snowy area because that shit is literally not fun to play. I’ve been having a much nicer time playing Armored Core 6 as it seems like somebody reeled in the ganktard in this game and if I die it’s literally my fault.

  58. 4 months ago

    the only ending i got :^)
    also no wiki used

  59. 4 months ago

    >the easiest to get ending is the most common one
    >"bUt HoW cAn tHaT bE?"

  60. 4 months ago

    The most popular ending was dropping the game before finishing it because it sucked

    • 4 months ago


  61. 4 months ago

    Nah, Ranni is the easiest to get if you are just like me running around the entire map again and again to look for new stuff to explore.
    The Frenzy Ending is way harder to get cause its easy to miss the sewers. I actually had to use a guide to get that ending after a friend told me about it. The game tries its best to railroad you into the Ranni ending.

    • 4 months ago

      A dude ltells you to go back to Leyndell if you don't want Melina to die, anyone who missed sewers chose to miss them.

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah but that would require moving a step back while Ranni puts a giant hole into the middle of the map for you to jump in.
        Most players who listen to the guy go "yeah maybe later for now i will keep climbing those mountains up" - and then they get teleported and are already railroaded into the endgame.

  62. 4 months ago

    I gathered all seedbed curses
    I did everything I needed to get frenzied flame

    But eventually you have to choose one ending
    so it makes sense to just go with the one that took the most effort, the stars.

  63. 4 months ago

    does speaking to rannis doll only work on 1-2 bonfires? Thats the only part of the quest i feel like i would never be able to figure out on my own, i only found out about it because i saw a post complaining about it before i did the quest, but i did everything else myself, apart from going through the portal at the tower which was never required and was only to skip a boss.

  64. 4 months ago

    Elden Lord is the "I just skipped exploring most of the game and rushed straight to the ending" ending. Ranni is the "As long as you do a minimum amount of exploring, you WILL get this one" ending. Lord of Frenzied Flame requires finding a much more out of the way quest, and also you have Melina constantly telling you to not do it, and it's clearly the "evil" ending, which most people are going to avoid.

  65. 4 months ago


  66. 4 months ago

    I did the prerequisites for all endings except the goldmask one cause I'd already fricked it up before I ever looked at a guide. I realized that I was probably only going to want to play it once (big game with too much repeated content) so I just followed a wiki for the endings to make sure I could experience most of the unique stuff on the one playthrough.

    I did luck my way into the best ending for sekiro first try without a guide though and that was way more obtuse than anything in elden ring.

  67. 4 months ago

    I am playing this for the first time, what do I need to know in order to complete the ranni ending without guides? Still havent even fought margit yet btw

    • 4 months ago

      I don't provide aid to anyone moronic enough to pay for Ganker. ngmi

  68. 4 months ago

    most people finish the game once and after that . look up the wiki to find out missing achievements if they care

    • 4 months ago

      This. My first playthrough is sacred, but after that it's wiki time.

  69. 4 months ago

    How is this an unbelievable statistic? Every step of the Ranni questline tells you exactly where to go and what to do. Souls fans are such an enigma. What do you people even get out of these games? It's like someone forcing themselves to listen to classical music.

  70. 4 months ago

    Ranni's ending is both easy to follow and involves a lot of characters and side quests, making it naturally attract a lot of attention. Additionally, Ranni was the narrator in the story trailer, making her seem to be an extremely important and interesting character. Thus, Ranni's ending is extremely popular.

  71. 4 months ago

    I chose ranni by accident, I thought I was reading a message after beating the boss, not choosing an ending.

  72. 4 months ago

    Ranni ending is by far the easiest to get. Someone tells you exactly where to go every step of the way.

    It used to be a bit tricky to guess exactly where the NPCs had gone, but now they show up on the map.

  73. 4 months ago

    I looked it up because I like rope pussy

  74. 4 months ago

    My first playthrough I got to Farum Azula without even having all of Liurnia's map. Only time I had seen Blaidd was at the Radahn festival. I went down the meteor tunnel to fight the second moose only. Didn't go to the snowfields yet. Never met patches or yura or Kenneth because I just rushed Margit at level 20. I went to weeping peninsula for the first time after waking up in farum azula as well. When you gays are saying you did all these things without the wiki I'm wondering why. There's no hook to do anything. After doing about 5 catacombs and getting spirit ashes I figured there was nothing to explore and everything but the main quest was all bullshit. I had WAY more fun on my second playthrough with the wiki open trying to collect everything.

  75. 4 months ago

    >no you see, people aren't just looking up the wiki
    Did you just make up an argument no one made so that you can make a thread about how mad you are about it to argue your fictitious point? Are you okay op? Maybe consider playing some vidya or something

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